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  • af Ace Collins
    157,95 kr.

  • af Friederike Hapel
    255,95 - 340,95 kr.

  • af Cristina Berna
    1.767,95 - 1.772,95 kr.

  • af R D Koncerak
    177,95 - 407,95 kr.

  • af Deborah L Clouthier
    497,95 kr.

    The Dream is about a woman named Cassandra who has had a troubled past in both family and marriage. She finds some stability at this stage of her life living in Stony Plain Alberta and is quite happy to live alone for the balance of her life. She is fortunate enough to be very financially stable and doesn't need a man to support her. However, she meets a man named James who is Scottish. James saw her many years ago in his home country Scotland and was never able to get her out of his mind. His dear friend Annie MacKay, a renowned medium, tells him what he needs to know in order to find her again. Cassandra meets James in a coffee shop in Stony Plain just as she is telling her friend Roxie about a dream she has been having, when James walks in. Cassandra isn't interested in getting into a romantic relationship with James but he is willing to be patient and go slow so that he earns her trust. But his prowess in business has allowed him to amass an incredible fortune. James will not be deterred from making Cassandra see that he is not like other men she has met in her life. After months of wooing her, she lets him into her heart. In this first book in the series, Cassandra and James find out more about each other and James meets her family. Cassandra's granddaughter Ayleen is immediately taken with James and wants him as her Grandpa and tells her grandmother as much. Ayleen even tells James how he should propose. This heartwarming story of two mature adults finding love again spans out over a year in their lives and all that they go through on a daily basis.

  • af Jenny Ng
    232,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Iven Schmidt
    337,95 kr.

    Erlebe eine einzigartige Geschichte, in der sich die wahre Welt enthülltUnsere Welt ist ein Ort, an dem immer wieder neue Faszinationen auftauchen, doch manche Entdeckungen bergen auch eine große Gefahr mit sich.Nachdem sie von der alten Legende der Kamita erfahren haben, beginnen sie Nachforschungen anzustellen. Begleite vier mutige Schüler auf ihrer packenden Odyssee, in der sie mehr über geheimnisvolle Kräfte erfahren und sich ungewollt in eine gefährliche Reise verwickeln. Doch diese ist voller Gefahren, welche aus dem Schatten emporsteigen und eine neue Realität verwirklichen. Allerdings stellt sich nicht nur ihre Welt auf den Kopf. Ein mannigfaltiges Team muss über sich selbst hinauswachsen und sich dem teuflischen Herrscher Crane, in einem erbitterten Kampf, entgegenstellen...Der spannende Auftakt des großen Shadow-Verse

  • af Bryan Paul Buckley
    242,95 kr.

    The road. Those that travel for business know what I mean by the challenge of the road. The road is hard: from staying in shape, eating, and getting any rest to keeping up with the work, connecting with your family back home, and just finding a few minutes to yourself to think and catch your breath.Then you add the relentless distractions and temptations that only a road warrior knows and experiences. The evil one whispers everything from "Nobody will ever know" to It's the cost of doing business to win or keep the deal so it's okay, right?" The guilt, shame, and regret of the spiritual road warrior are all too often overwhelming and paralyzing.One of my biggest challenges on the road is not only finding time alone with God, but specially reading something that can relate to my life as a business traveler.Until now.So, why David? And what does he have to do with the life of a business traveler? Plenty.

  • af Bill Rodebaugh
    102,95 kr.

    Bill Rodebaugh is a lifelong resident of Philadelphia, PA. A retired insurance executive, a church leader, deacon, Sunday School teacher and a Rescue Mission Director. A graduate of Central High school in Philadelphia Bloomfield College and Seminary. Prior to enlisting in the U.S. Army he did graduate work at Temple University. Bill lives with Edit, his wife of 56 years. They have 2 children (one deceased) and ten grandchildren.

  • af Alexander Woolery
    147,95 kr.

    Become your son's hero by following some simple rules of parentingAre you a parent of a soon-to-be teenager?Are you worried about your son getting overwhelmed by their bodily changes during puberty and the melodrama that follows it?Have you been digging for parental advice on the internet, but nothing concrete has come your way?If you are struggling with any of such situations, then you've come to the right place!Raising a child through their adolescence is a big challenge. And in the case of boys, things may get trickier as they get more aggressive and impatient while undergoing physical and hormonal changes.But just because change is inevitable doesn't mean it has to be a struggle.With the right information and guidance, parenting can become a fun and enriching journey that you wouldn't want to trade the world for.Not only that, but you'll also be helping your son become the confident young man you know he is, all while growing closer and building an unbreakable bond with you.In Unlocking the Mysteries of Boys' Puberty, you'll discover:An easy-to-digest explanation of puberty and the several stages to expect, preparing both you and your son for what's to comeComprehensive guidance on how best to prepare your child for tackling the physical and psychological changes that go hand in hand with puberty7+ personal care and hygiene tips so that your son will always be able to look and feel their bestHow to nurture self-esteem and confidence in your child at the stage in life they need it mostPractical advice for parents to ensure the physical and mental well-being of their child during pubertyCommon nutritional challenges and how to overcome them, including 14+ easy recipes that may even inspire your kid to take up cookingAnd so much more!Worrying about your children is a normal part of being a parent. But worrying alone wouldn't help in any way. If you want to help your child glide through their adolescence, then it's time to upgrade your current parenting skills and make some informed decisions.No matter how much you want your son to stay the sweet, superhero-loving child you adore, at one point or another, they will begin to experiment and develop a greater sense of independence.Puberty is nature's way of shaping humans into taking bigger responsibilities in life -- welcome it with open arms and be the one to help them through the transition.If you want to help your son through the emotional roller coaster that is puberty, then scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button right now.

  • af Chris Atkin
    137,95 kr.

    Pepys, Darwin, Mole - diarists have long helped men to understand the world around them.In this father-to-be's humorous account of the nine months leading up to the birth, journalist Chris Atkin candidly discusses the highs and lows, the pre-birth preparations and the unexpected challenges along the way. This painfully honest diary will help you do better and will answer questions you didn't even know you had, such as:How many holes does a nipple have?What methods have been scientifically proven to help induce spontaneous labour?What even is hypnobirthing?And how close is too close to the due date to go on a stag do?This is a little book about a big subject. From breaking the news to your relatives, to cutting the cord, there's never a dull moment.

  • af Silke Lüttmann
    217,95 kr.

    Labrador Siley und sein Frauchen Silke finden beim Spaziergang im Naturschutzgebiet Roggenmoor einen angebundenen Hund. Als sie ihn mitnehmen wollen erschaudern sie und geraten in einen seltsamen Mordfall.

  • af Stan Belyshev
    127,95 kr.

    Our heavenly Father created us as human beings, spiritual beings, and sexual beings. And it should come as no surprise that we are naturally drawn to people of the opposite gender. And the Bible will always be the most trustworthy Rated R manual on the planet.The letter "R" stands for REAL!Stan takes an unconventional approach to the critical topics of dating, relationships, marriage, and sexual purity, challenging you to......Live A Life of Sexual Purity!...Be Knowledgeable of The Strongholds of Soul Ties!...Know That Dating Is Not About Do's And Don'ts!...Understand The Power of A Marriage Covenant!...Know The Power of Your Personal Choices!...Know Your Time And Your Seasons!...Understand Why It Is Not Good To Be Alone!...Be Aware of The Divorce Pandemic!...Grasp The Significance of Being Single!...Become A Godly Role Model, Coach, and Mentor To The Younger Generation!...Live Your Life In The Kingdom Culture!

  • af Helgard Bauhardt
    318,95 kr.

    Es geht um natürliche Beziehungen, Freundschaft, Kreativität, Träume vom Leben, die Kinder haben. Hilfsbereitschaft, Frieden. Es sind Geschichten, wo ein kleiner Junge und ein kleines Mädchen zusammen spielen und ihren Eltern zeigen, wie das Miteinander auf unkomplizierte Weise gehen kann. Sie spiegeln ihren Eltern ihre ureigensten Träume.

  • af D. K. Smith
    197,95 kr.

  • af Kenneth Jensen
    197,95 kr.

    Kenneth Jensen skriver i romanen Psykosens hale på en gang inde fra psykosen og fra den anden side, uden at forenkle og konkludere. Bogen er et vidnesbyrd og en litterær bearbejdning af psykosen, dens sammenvikling med det sociale liv, og dets aftryk i eksistensen. Bogens hovedperson er en fortvivlet ufaglært dambrugsarbejder fra Himmerland, der efter nogle vilde ungdomsår ender i en psykose. En psykose der de følgende år kun delvist behandles, mest med selvmedicinering.Siden debuten med psykisk sygdom er han nu femten år efter debuteret som forfatter, har fået det treårige arbejdslegat og er blevet erklæret rask. Han arbejder ikke længere på et dambrug i provinsen, men som forfatter i hovedstaden, hvor grænsen mellem arbejde og identitet, storhed og fald kan være svært begribelig. Grænser er ikke hovedpersonens stærke side, hverken i kærlighedslivet eller blandt venner og kollegaer, og da slet ikke i det kollektiv han har forvildet sig ind i på Store Kongensgade. Kenneth Jensen, født 1972, debuterede i 2003 med digtsamlingen In Effigie. Han har siden udgivet en række digtsamlinger og romaner, heriblandt Tragedie plus tid, der blev hans gennembrud og efterfulgtes af det treårige arbejdslegat. Psykosens hale er afslutningen på en trillogi bestående afTragedie plus tid gange ni (2017) og Håbet (2022).

  • af Rocky Hunter
    237,95 kr.

    Want to know the secret to acing fatherhood?The fear of fatherhood isn't a conversation many men like to have over a cold beer.But the truth is that nearly every father-to-be has concerns... So if you're feeling a little anxious right now, rest assured that you're not the only one.Amongst the top fears are how to take care of Mommy-to-be during pregnancy, how to navigate childbirth, and how to care for the baby's well-being in the first few weeks and year after the birth.And if any of those things are worrying you too, you're in the right place.Dads have traditionally been sidelined when it comes to talking about pregnancy and parenthood, but there's good news for you - your baby is coming at the perfect time.The days of Mommy-only pregnancy guides are waning... It's time to think of Dad too.And to make sure you're fully prepared and knock your fears to the curb, you need to know what to expect from the pregnancy as well as the months following your child's birth.This 2 books in 1 guide covers everything you need to know in order to be the best dad you can possibly be - before your little one even arrives.Inside, you'll discover:The changes you'll see in your partner's body during each month of her pregnancyKey developments in your baby's growth at every stage'Emotional planning' - what it is... and why you need itWhat you can expect from those all-important prenatal testsHow you can take care of your partner throughout her pregnancy (know what she needs before she does for serious brownie points!)Answers to the question you were too afraid to ask - everything you need to know about sex during pregnancyEssential advice for navigating your own feelings throughout the pregnancy (get this right, and you'll be a better support system for your partner)Your guide to preparing your home for its newest additionExtra preparations to take when you're expecting not just one baby... but two or three!The essential baby gear you mustn't overlook when you're preparing for your new arrivalHow to take the pain out of labor (well, for you anyway!)What to expect from the birth and the first few days with your childDetailed guidance on how to feed, soothe, and look after your little bundle of joy - make sure your baby gets all the care they needEffective ways to help your partner deal with postpartum depression and understand your own anxieties10 activities and child's play tricks to help you bond with your newborn better - so your child won't always prefer your partnerSuperb self-care strategies that will make you better at fatherhood - say bye-bye to your anxieties and stressThe benefits of rough and tumble play for the baby - why you don't have to be overly gentle with your baby, even if they seem so fragile4 useful charts to make caring for your newborn much easier - from baby feeding to vaccination schedules, and moreAnd much more.It's perfectly natural to feel a bit anxious at this point... The secret is to be prepared.When you know exactly what to expect from each stage of the pregnancy, you'll ace the dad game before your little one even arrives - and that's exactly what you need to do so you're not just the best father you can possibly be... but also your partner's hero.

  • af Ann-Rebecka Madsen
    261,95 kr.

    Einst bewegten Pferde Maschinen, heute bewegen Maschinen die Pferde. Damit änderte sich auch der Zugang zum Pferd. Man bekommt ihn nicht von klein auf in die Wiege gelegt. Heutzutage muss man sich den Kontakt zum Pferd erarbeiten und aktiv auf die Pferdeszene zugehen. Sonst bleibt man ihr fremd.In diesem Buch werde ich den Lesern fundiertes Pferdewissen näherbringen. Für alle, die sich Gedanken machen, für echte Pferdemenschen und die, die es werden wollen.

  • af Liz L Gray
    122,95 kr.

    The perfect gift for an amazing dad!Dive into this enchanting journey into the heart of fatherhood, where love, laughter, and cherished moments unfold like a symphony. "To Dad, Love, Me" is an exquisite fusion of heartwarming illustrations and poignant words that capture the essence of what it truly means to be a dad, igniting a nostalgic spark for a wonderful dad.Explore this treasure trove of memories and gratitude, perfectly wrapped in vibrant illustrations and tender words. This extraordinary book is not just a gift for your dad, but an homage to all fathers who have shaped our lives with their unwavering support and unconditional love. Share this enchanting tribute with your dad and let him know just how much he means to you. Take this opportunity to express your heartfelt gratitude in a way that will make his heart swell with pride and joy. Embrace the magic of "To Dad, Love, Me," and embark on a journey that will leave both you and your father deeply moved and forever connected.Say "Thank you" to your incredible father today!

  • af Rhea Menzie
    287,95 kr.

    Are you a parent struggling to maintain your cool and provide a nurturing, compassionate environment for your children? If so, "Parenting with Calm and Compassion" is the book you've been waiting for. In this heartfelt and insightful guide, you'll discover a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies to transform your parenting journey.Chapter 1: Understanding Trading PsychologyBegin your transformative journey by exploring the psychology behind parenting and how it impacts your family dynamics.Chapter 2: The Effects of Anger on ChildrenUncover the profound consequences of anger on your children and gain awareness of its harmful effects.Chapter 3: The Power of Self-AwarenessLearn the significance of self-awareness as a key component to achieving parental balance and harmony.Chapter 4: Managing Anger in the Heat of the MomentDiscover techniques for managing your anger in the most challenging parenting situations.Chapter 5: Communication Skills for Diffusing AngerExplore effective communication methods to defuse tension and create understanding in your family.Chapter 6: Stress Management for ParentsLearn to cope with stress effectively and maintain emotional stability during parenting challenges.Chapter 7: Parenting Under PressureNavigate the demanding world of parenting and explore strategies to thrive even in high-pressure situations.Chapter 8: Teaching Children About AngerGuide your children through understanding their own emotions and how to manage anger constructively.Chapter 9: Building Positive Parent-Child RelationshipsCultivate strong, positive connections with your children, fostering love and trust.Chapter 10: Seeking Support and Professional HelpRecognize the importance of seeking support and professional guidance when needed, ensuring the best possible outcomes.Chapter 11: Maintaining Progress and Preventing RelapseLearn to sustain your growth as a parent and prevent falling back into old patterns.Chapter 12: Sustaining Growth as a ParentContinuously evolve and thrive as a compassionate and composed parent.Concluding with a powerful and thought-provoking conclusion, "Parenting with Calm and Compassion" will equip you with the tools and insights to transform your parenting experience into one of tranquility and love. This book is a beacon of hope for parents seeking to navigate the challenging world of parenthood with grace and empathy. Don't miss this opportunity to embark on a journey towards a more harmonious family life - order your copy today!

  • af Patrik Musollaj
    108,94 kr.

    We all do it. Whether consciously or unconsciously. The Counter-Strike rules were considered unwritten and were only passed down orally from player to player. Until now.The bible for all Counterstrike players.

  • af Sophia Lederer
    203,95 - 261,95 kr.

  • af Leni Gwinner
    214,95 kr.

    Im Jahr 2049 entdeckt die Mimi ein uraltes Stück Lebkuchenteig. Sofort lädt sie ihre Cousine Roza zum Backen ein. Die beiden schwelgen in hundertfünfzig Jahren Familiengeschichte mit exzentrischer Lebkuchentradition. Da wurden Botschaften gebacken und Warnungen, die verkrampfte Oma mit anzüglichen Lebkuchen geärgert, es wurden immer neue Methoden entwickelt um dekorative, außergewöhnliche, haltbare, schöne Lebkuchen zu backen: der Teig schmeckt scheußlich- riecht aber immer noch (nach über 50 Jahren) wunderbar. Auf der Suche nach weiteren Erinnerungen stoßen Mimi und Roza auf geheimnisvolle Briefe, anhand derer sie ihre erstaunliche Abstammung aufdecken. Außerdem macht Rozas besondere Gabe plötzlich einen Sinn. Ein Roman über Freundschaft, Familie, Traditionen, eine Zukunft in der der Mensch gerade noch so die Kurve bekommen hat und auch Lebkuchen.

  • af Victor J Giusfredi
    157,95 kr.

    No Grail Without Dragons is a man's path to conquering fears and finding true fulfillment. Explore the stories and tools within, to discover how to find love, purpose, and peace.

  • af Gil Stieglitz
    207,95 kr.

    Do you ever feel like you're putting in a lot of effort to make your wife happy, but nothing is working? You're not alone.Becoming a Godly Husband is a unique path that requires dedication and understanding. This marriage resource, born out of countless hours of counseling, study, and mentoring, is your guide to unlocking the secrets of your wife's happiness and fulfillment in your marriage.Have you ever wondered what makes your wife tick, what truly motivates her?Why does she think and feel the way she does?What does she hope for in a husband and her marriage?Discover the key to keeping her secure in your relationship.How can you create a sense of teamwork rather than be competitors?What are ways to nurture her needs while getting yours met?The answers to these questions are the keys to a successful marriage. Marriages come in all shapes and sizes-no two are alike. And every marriage exists in various stages of success or failure. But marriage principles that were true ages ago are still true today. In this best-selling book Becoming a Godly Husband, Gil Stieglitz teaches 7 principles to help husbands understand their wives. Using the acronym H.U.S.B.A.N.D., these biblical marriage principles are set forth in God's Word and provide the answers men seek about their wives. You'll learn the principles and how to make them work for you wherever you are in your marriage.This material is ideal for any man who wants more for his marriage. Whether you are married, preparing for your first marriage, or marrying again, put these principles to work and see how quickly God will bless your marriage.Special features:Practical growth exercises in each chapter;Pairs with the How to Be a Good and Godly Husband online Udemy course;Pairs with God's Radical Plan for Wives book and companion study guide.Ideal for personal study or men's study groups

  • af Richard Sosis
    257,95 kr.

    Most Americans view ping pong as either a basement recreation or the focus of a fraternity-party drinking game. Yet table tennis is an Olympic sport and one of the most popular athletic activities in the world. The Ping Pong Player and the Professor is a quirky memoir about the adventures of a Jewish anthropologist and his son, an elite player, in the colorful subculture of this extraordinary sport. The tale of their exploits in this hidden world is peppered with anthropological wisdom-the professor can't help himself-on a range of topics, including ethnicity, religion, sport, family, and how humans create and discover meaning in life. At its core The Ping Pong Player and the Professor is a heartwarming love story about the relationship between a father and son, two introverts who share a common bond over a nine-foot by five-foot table.

  • af Brent Henderson
    232,95 kr.

  • af Mark Henry
    187,95 kr.

    Packed with useful insights, authentic stories, and engaging study questions, The Man Code distills the essentials of biblical masculinity into 12 key action points, helping you apply the Bible's transformative teaching to every aspect of your life.

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