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  • af &51648 & &. 48124
    327,95 kr.

    지중해 지역은 맛과 향이 풍부한 해산물로 가득한 지역으로, 다른 어떤 지역보다도 특별한 맛과 향을 자랑합니다. 이 책에서는 지중해 바다에서 얻을 수 있는 다양한 해산물을 활용한 요리 레시피를 소개합니다. 박민지 작가는 지중해 지역의 식문화에 대해 깊은 관심을 가지고 있으며, 그녀가 제안하는 레시피는 모두 쉽게 만들 수 있도록 구성되어 있습니다. 이 책에서는 오직 자연 그대로의 신선한 재료들로 만든 요리를 소개합니다.이 책은 당신이 집에서 손쉽게 만들 수 있는 다양한 지중해 바다 요리를 제공합니다. 매콤한 새우 볶음, 달콤한 오징어 샐러드, 지중해 전통 요리인 파에야, 스파게티, 리조또, 그리고 더 많은 맛있는 요리 레시피들을 만나보세요. 이 책을 통해, 당신도 지중해 바다의 맛과 건강함을 경험할 수 있습니다.지중해 바다의 혼합물은 지중해 지역의 요리와 문화에 대한 탐구에서 출발한 책입니다. 이 책은 음식을 좋아하는 모든 사람들에게 추천합니다. 지중해 바다의 맛을 집에서 만나보세요.

  • af &32654, && 30495 & &30001
    305,95 kr.


  • af Giuseppe Esposito
    413,95 kr.

    Witaj w krainie w¿oskich smaków! "Smaki W¿oskiej Kuchni: Ksi¿¿ka z Przepisami na Tradycyjne Potrawy" zaprasza Ci¿ do odkrycia tajemnic i rozkoszy kulinarnego raju W¿och. Autor, Giuseppe Esposito, podzieli si¿ z Tob¿ autentycznymi przepisami i technikami przygotowywania tradycyjnych w¿oskich dä.Ta ksi¿¿ka przeniesie Ci¿ w serce w¿oskiej kuchni, otwieraj¿c drzwi do niezwyk¿ego ¿wiata smaków i aromatów. Od pysznych makaronów po wykwintne risotta, "Smaki W¿oskiej Kuchni" pozwol¿ Ci odkry¿ magi¿ w¿oskiej kulinarii i doskonäö¿ prostych, ale wyj¿tkowych sk¿adników.Giuseppe Esposito, mistrz kuchni i mi¿önik w¿oskich smaków, podzieli si¿ z Tob¿ swoim döwiadczeniem i wiedz¿ na temat prawdziwej w¿oskiej kuchni. Od tradycyjnych sosów do wykwintnych deserów, jego przepisy odkryj¿ przed Tob¿ smakowe bogactwo W¿och."Smaki W¿oskiej Kuchni: Ksi¿¿ka z Przepisami na Tradycyjne Potrawy" to nie tylko zbiór przepisów, ale równie¿ höd z¿öony w¿oskim tradycjom kulinarnej sztuki. Poznasz histori¿ i kultur¿, która wp¿ywa na wyj¿tkowy charakter w¿oskich potraw.Rozpocznij swoj¿ w¿osk¿ kulinar¿ podró¿ i czerp z niezliczonych smaków, które czekaj¿ na odkrycie!

  • af Prince N. Agbedanu
    138,95 kr.

    Are you tired of dieting? Are you disappointed to discover that the body energy stores, specifically fats pile back after ending a 3-month diet? Are you curious about the principle behind cutting calories without interfering with your body's daily energy needs? Are you looking forward to a life without counting calories in your food?Consider choosing a healthy lifestyle. Learn about the core ingredients at the root of this lifestyle, understand the biochemical basis of these ingredients and you will become more cautious about your choices of food. Understand how the body prioritizes the metabolism of various macromolecules (nutrients) and become conscious of how much to eat. We underestimate the little things sometimes, but they hold the key to our health.

  • af &47560, && 47196 & &45432
    305,95 kr.

    이탈리아는 세계적으로 유명한 요리 문화를 가진 나라입니다. 그리고 이번에 소개할 이탈리안 쿡북은, 이탈리아 맛집에서 직접 배운 레시피를 담고 있어, 이탈리아의 진정한 맛을 느낄 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.본 쿡북은 이탈리아의 대표적인 음식부터 현지인만이 알고 있는 비밀 레시피까지, 다양한 이탈리안 요리를 담고 있습니다. 이탈리안 피자, 파스타, 그리고 스위트 디저트까지, 집에서 간편하게 만들 수 있는 레시피로 구성되어 있습니다. 또한, 이탈리안 요리의 재료와 조리법, 이탈리안 요리 문화까지 소개하고 있어, 이탈리안 요리에 대한 전반적인 이해를 돕습니다.이 쿡북은 이탈리안 요리를 좋아하는 모든 이들에게 추천합니다. 집에서 이탈리아의 진정한 맛을 느끼며, 특별한 식사와 만남을 즐겨보세요!

  • af Luca Rossi
    314,95 kr.

    Италианската кухня е известна с богатия си асортимент от ястия и вкусове, които не могат да бъдат открити никъде другаде в света. Luca Rossi е истински любител на италианската кухня и това го кара да споделя своите най-добри рецепти с читателите в своята книга за италианска кухня.В тази книга ще намерите рецепти за всички италиански любимци, включително паста, пица, ризото и много други. Всяка рецепта е допълнена със снимки, която визуализират края на ястието и могат да ви дадат вдъхновение за приготвяне на нещо ново.Но не само това, Италианска Кухня е идеалната книга за вас, ако искате да зарадвате приятелите и семейството с италиански вкусове в своята кухня. Книгата е пълна със забележителни рецепти, които ще направят вашия дом ароматен и уютен.С Италианска Кухня, Luca Rossi ви показва, че можете да създадете италиански ястия от удобството на своя дом. Така че ако сте готови да посетите Италия, без да напускате дома си, заповядайте в света на италианската кухня с Италианска Кухня на Luca Rossi.

  • af Zilan Meyer
    138,95 kr.

    The Mediterranean diet is known for its health benefits and delicious flavors, and a Mediterranean recipes cookbook is the perfect way to explore this cuisine in your own kitchen. This cookbook typically includes a wide variety of recipes inspired by the Mediterranean region, which encompasses countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey, and Morocco.A Mediterranean recipes cookbook often begins with an introduction to the principles of the Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes fresh, whole foods, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Many recipes in the cookbook are based on ingredients such as olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, fresh herbs, and seafood.Some popular dishes that you might find in a Mediterranean recipes cookbook include classic Italian pasta dishes like spaghetti carbonara or penne alla vodka, Greek favorites such as tzatziki and spanakopita, and Moroccan tagines and couscous dishes. You might also find recipes for seafood paella, Turkish kebabs, and Spanish tortillas.In addition to entrees, a Mediterranean recipes cookbook often includes recipes for appetizers, salads, and desserts. You might find recipes for dips like hummus or baba ghanoush, Greek salads with feta and olives, and sweet treats like baklava or tiramisu.Overall, a Mediterranean recipes cookbook is a great resource for anyone looking to explore the flavors and health benefits of Mediterranean cuisine. With a wide variety of recipes to choose from, you're sure to find something delicious to cook and enjoy!

  • af Victor Garcia
    348,95 kr.

  • af Sofia Cagliostro
    398,95 kr.

    Je¿li szukasz inspiracji kulinarnej, która zadowoli Twoje podniebienie i zadba o zdrowie, to "Kulinaria Morza ¿ródziemnego" Sofia Cagliostro jest idealnym rozwi¿zaniem. Ksi¿¿ka ta zawiera przepisy na autentyczne dania z ró¿nych krajów basenu Morza ¿ródziemnego, takie jak W¿ochy, Grecja, Hiszpania, Turcja i Maroko.Odkryjesz tu proste, ale smaczne dania, które bazuj¿ na ¿wie¿ych i naturalnych sk¿adnikach, takich jak warzywa, owoce, ryby, orzechy i oliwa z oliwek. Dania te s¿ nie tylko pyszne, ale równie¿ zdrowe, poniewä dieta ¿ródziemnomorska jest jedn¿ z najzdrowszych na ¿wiecie.Sofia Cagliostro przekazuje swoj¿ pasj¿ do gotowania i zdradza tajniki przygotowywania autentycznych dä. Dowiesz si¿, jak przygotowä pyszne makarony, aromatyczne zupy, säatki, dania g¿ówne i przek¿ski. Wszystko w prosty i przyst¿pny sposób, dzi¿ki czemu nawet pocz¿tkuj¿cy kucharze b¿d¿ mogli odwäy¿ si¿ na eksperymentowanie w kuchni.Ta ksi¿¿ka to idealny przewodnik dla kädego, kto kocha gotowanie i chce spróbowä czegö nowego. Odkryj bogactwo smaków Morza ¿ródziemnego i ciesz si¿ pysznymi i zdrowymi posi¿kami!

  • af Luisa Vernizzi
    238,95 kr.

    Introducing "The Mediterranean Cookbook" by Luisa Vernizzi, your ultimate guide to exploring the flavors and health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Dive into a world of fresh, wholesome ingredients and savor the vibrant tastes that have been cherished for centuries in this sun-kissed region.A Mediterranean diet isn't just delicious; it's a lifestyle that has been scientifically proven to improve heart health, support weight management, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and certain cancers. Packed with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and healthy fats from olive oil and fish, this diet is both nutritious and delectable.Luisa Vernizzi masterfully combines these traditional ingredients in a collection of mouthwatering recipes that will leave you feeling satisfied and rejuvenated. By incorporating the Mediterranean diet into your daily life, you can experience increased longevity, improved cognitive function, and a higher quality of life.Inside the cookbook, you will find:Watermelon PizzaCreamy Oatmeal with FigsMediterranean OmeletBaked Fish with Tomatoes and MushroomsGoat Cheese and Walnut SaladCrispy FalafelGrilled Vegetable KebabsMarinated Feta and ArtichokesTuscan Kale Salad with AnchoviesCrispy Mediterranean Chicken ThighsGreek Penne and ChickenYogurt-Marinated Chicken KebabsChicken Stew with Artichokes, Capers, and OlivesOne-Pan Tuscan ChickenGreek MeatballsLamb with String BeansGreek Lamb ChopStrawberries Coconut CakeMediterranean Watermelon SaladCranberry and Pistachio BiscottiAnd more...Don't miss out on the chance to transform your health and well-being with "The Mediterranean Cookbook." Discover for yourself why the Mediterranean diet has been praised as one of the most effective and enjoyable ways to promote a healthier lifestyle.Order your copy of "The Mediterranean Cookbook" today and embark on a culinary adventure that will tantalize your taste buds while nourishing your body and soul. Act now and experience the life-changing benefits of the Mediterranean diet for yourself!

  • af &47560, && 47196 & &45432
    312,95 kr.

    이탈리아의 풍부한 요리 문화를 담아낸 이 책은 이탈리아 요리의 정수를 만나보세요. 소피아 로마노의 풍부한 경험과 열정이 담겨있는 이 책은 집에서 손쉽게 이탈리아의 맛과 멋을 만끽할 수 있는 레시피와 요리 노하우를 제공합니다. 이탈리아의 멋진 요리를 집에서 손쉽게 만들어보세요!이 책은 이탈리아 요리의 다양한 지역적 특색과 풍부한 다채로운 맛을 소개합니다. 이탈리아의 대표적인 요리부터 숨겨진 보석같은 지역 요리까지, 다양한 레시피를 통해 이탈리아의 맛과 멋을 즐겨보세요. 신선한 재료와 정교한 조리법을 통해 집에서도 이탈리아의 요리를 완벽하게 재현할 수 있습니다.소피아 로마노의 레시피와 조리 노하우를 통해 이탈리아 요리의 정수를 경험해보세요. 파스타, 피자, 리조또, 토마토 소스 등 다양한 이탈리아 요리를 풍부한 맛과 멋을 더해 집에서 쉽게 만들어보세요. 이탈리아의 맛있는 요리 세계에 빠져보세요!

  • af &12483, &12477 & && 12525
    328,95 kr.


  • af Meg Schwartz
    208,95 kr.

    Get ready to embark on a journey of healthy, flavorful eating with this Mediterranean Diet cookbook!Know the secret to a long, happy life? It's the Mediterranean Diet! MEDITERRANEAN DIET COOKBOOK FOR BEGINNERS is your guide to a healthier, happier lifestyle. Packed with delicious recipes that adhere to the Mediterranean Diet guidelines, this book offers a foolproof way to jumpstart your journey toward optimal health. From starters and snacks to entrees and desserts, MEDITERRANEAN DIET COOKBOOK FOR BEGINNERS has something for everyone looking to make their diet more nutritious in an easy-to-follow way. With clear instructions, you'll be able to prepare healthy meals that won't just satisfy your appetite but will also improve your overall well-being. The MEDITERRANEAN DIET COOKBOOK FOR BEGINNERS is your ideal companion for a lifetime of delicious, nutritious meals. Start eating smarter today with MEDITERRANEAN DIET COOKBOOK FOR BEGINNERS!This book is perfect for those looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle and lose weight through the Mediterranean Diet.It provides an overview of the diet, its guiding principles, 8 easy ways to follow it, health benefits associated with it, and delicious recipes that are simple and quick to prepare.Additionally, there is also a sample Meal Plan included in this cookbook which will make it easier for readers to maintain their diet without having to worry about what they should eat next.The Mediterranean Diet offers freshness, diversity, and flavor - all while being highly recommended by scientists as well as nutritionists and doctors alike!kickstart a healthier lifestyle today with this invaluable cookbook for anyone who wants to enjoy tasty food and reap the benefits of a Mediterranean Diet.Grab a copy of this book now!

  • af Katarina Salo
    398,95 kr.

    Kas oled kunagi unistanud Vahemere päikese all söödavast toidust? Siis on see raamat sulle! Kogusime kokku parimad retseptid Vahemere piirkonnast, mis on nii tervislikud kui ka maitsvad. Vahemere köögi põhiained nagu oliiviõli, tomatid, kala ja mereannid, puuviljad ning köögiviljad aitavad sul hoida figuuri ja elada tervislikku eluviisi.Kuid see raamat ei ole ainult retseptide kogumik. Anname ka soovitusi, kuidas Vahemere-stiilis süüa ning millised on selle eluviisi tervislikud harjumused. Lisaks leiad siit ka ideid, kuidas pakkuda külalistele Vahemere-teemalist õhtusööki.Raamatus on rohkelt erinevaid retsepte, mis sobivad nii igapäevaseks toidulauaks kui ka pidulikumateks sündmusteks. Proovi näiteks mõnusat tomati-mozzarella salatit, küpsetatud mereande, oliiviõliga serveeritud pastaroogasid ning erinevaid Vahemere maitselisi magustoite. Kõik retseptid on kirjutatud lihtsas ja arusaadavas keeles ning neid on kerge valmistada ka kodukokal, kes ei ole kogenud peakokk.Kokkuvõttes on see raamat ideaalne valik kõigile, kes armastavad tervislikku ja maitsvat toitu ning soovivad tutvuda Vahemere köögi rikkaliku kultuuriga.

  • af Sofia Dahl
    413,95 kr.

    "Middelhavsmagi" tar deg med på en kulinarisk reise gjennom de mest smakfulle rettene fra Middelhavet. Forfatteren, Sofia Dahl, har samlet over 100 autentiske oppskrifter fra landene rundt Middelhavet, fra Marokko til Tyrkia, og deler også historier om ingrediensene og tradisjonene som ligger bak maten.Boken er delt inn i ulike kapitler, hver dedikert til et spesifikt land eller en region. Du vil lære om krydder og urter som brukes i Marokkansk tagine, hemmeligheten bak gresk moussaka, og hvordan lage den perfekte italienske pizzaen. Sofia deler også sine beste tips for å lykkes med hver oppskrift, og hvordan man kan tilpasse rettene etter smak og preferanser."Middelhavsmagi" er den perfekte boken for alle som elsker sunn og smakfull mat. Du vil lære om ingredienser som er kjent for å gi helsefordeler, som olivenolje, fersk fisk og grønnsaker. Boken vil også inspirere deg til å utforske nye smaker og ingredienser, og lære om kulinariske tradisjoner fra Middelhavet.Sofia Dahl er en erfaren kokk og matblogger som er kjent for å lage autentiske oppskrifter fra forskjellige deler av verden. Hun er også lidenskapelig opptatt av å lære om matens historie og kultur.

  • af Anna Johansson
    398,95 kr.

    Smaker från Medelhavet är en kokbok som tar dig med på en kulinarisk resa genom soliga länder som Grekland, Italien, Spanien och Marocko. Anna Johansson, författaren bakom boken, har själv bott i Medelhavsregionen och har en passion för det hälsosamma och utsökta köket därifrån.I denna kokbok hittar du över 60 olika recept som är inspirerade av det bästa från Medelhavsköket. Från härliga mezze-rätter till kryddiga grytor och läckra efterrätter, det finns något för alla smaker. Varje recept är lätt att följa och ger dig en autentisk smakupplevelse.Smaker från Medelhavet innehåller också tips om vilka ingredienser du bör ha hemma för att laga rätterna på ett autentiskt sätt, samt hur du kan anpassa rätterna efter din egen smak och kosthållning. Boken ger också en inblick i Medelhavskökets hälsosamma fördelar och visar hur du kan integrera dessa i din dagliga kost.Denna kokbok är en mångsidig och inspirerande resurs för alla som vill utforska det bästa av Medelhavsköket. Så varför inte ta med dina smaklökar på en resa genom soliga länder och upptäcka nya, spännande smaker?

  • af Mia Petrovi¿
    413,95 kr.

    U knjizi "Okusi Mediterana" autorica Mia Petrovi¿ otkriva vam tajne mediteranske kuhinje i nudi jednostavne i ukusne recepte za pripremu jela koja su zdrava i puna okusa. Ova knjiga donosi vam najbolje recepte iz kuhinja sun¿anih obala, gdje se koristi svje¿a i sezonska hrana i kuhaju jela koja su ukusna i hranjiva.Autorica Mia Petrovi¿ je dugogodi¿nja food blogerica i strastvena ljubiteljica mediteranske kuhinje. U ovoj knjizi, ona vam prüa sve potrebne savjete i tehnike za pripremu mediteranskih jela kod küe. Osim toga, otkriva vam tajne upotrebe zäina i aromati¿nih biljaka koje daju poseban okus mediteranskim jelima.Od tradicionalnih jela poput piletine s limunom i maslinama do modernih kreacija poput ri¿ota s morskim plodovima i avokada, "Okusi Mediterana" donosi vam ¿iroku paletu recepata koji su savr¿eni za razli¿ite prigode - od üivanja u obitelji do zabava s prijateljima.

  • af 1052, &1077, &1095, mfl.
    325,95 kr.

    В этой книге вы найдете лучшие рецепты итальянской кухни, которые привезли из Италии настоящие итальянцы. Автор книги Анна Марчелли родилась и выросла в Италии, и ее семья владеет рестораном уже более 50 лет. В книге вы найдете рецепты самых популярных итальянских блюд, таких как пицца, паста, лазанья и многое другое. Кроме того, в книге есть множество секретов итальянской кулинарии, которые помогут вам создать идеальный итальянский обед или ужин.Но книга Анны Марчелли не только о рецептах. Она также рассказывает о культуре итальянской кухни и об истории того, как итальянские блюда стали популярными во всем мире. Красивые иллюстрации и фотографии сделают чтение книги еще более увлекательным.Эта книга будет полезна как начинающим поварам, так и опытным шеф-поварам. Если вы любите итальянскую кухню, то эта книга станет настоящим сокровищем для вас.

  • af 12487, &12501, &12451, mfl.
    329,95 kr.


  • af Maria Kova¿íková
    398,95 kr.

    Kniha o St¿edozemní kuchyni je nezbytností pro kädého, kdo má rád chü a v¿ni möe a rád experimentuje s novými chut¿mi. Tato kuchyn¿ je známá pro své ¿erstvé suroviny a kombinaci chutí a v¿ní.Autor Maria Koväíková p¿iná¿í ¿tená¿¿m unikátní p¿íle¿itost objevit tuto fantastickou kuchyni, která je plná barev, v¿ní a chutí. Kniha se zam¿¿uje na základy této kuchyn¿, p¿edstavuje suroviny, köení a pot¿ebné vybavení.Kniha obsahuje osv¿d¿ené recepty a techniky, které vám pomohou stát se mistrem v kuchyni St¿edozemního möe. Od p¿ípravy salát¿, p¿es ryby ä po dezerty, kniha nabízí mnoho chutných a originálních nápad¿, jak vyüít tuto fantastickou kuchyni.Kniha o St¿edozemní kuchyni je psána srozumiteln¿ a je vhodná jak pro zäáte¿níky, tak i pro pokröilé kuchäe, kte¿í cht¿jí své um¿ní posunout na vy¿¿í úrove¿. Pokud hledáte inspiraci v kuchyni a chcete být soüástí této fantastické kuliná¿ské tradice, tato kniha je pro vás tou pravou volbou.

  • af Emily Soto
    138,95 kr.

    The Mediterranean diet is known for its health benefits and delicious flavors, and a Mediterranean recipes cookbook is the perfect way to explore this cuisine in your own kitchen. This cookbook typically includes a wide variety of recipes inspired by the Mediterranean region, which encompasses countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey, and Morocco.A Mediterranean recipes cookbook often begins with an introduction to the principles of the Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes fresh, whole foods, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Many recipes in the cookbook are based on ingredients such as olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, fresh herbs, and seafood.Some popular dishes that you might find in a Mediterranean recipes cookbook include classic Italian pasta dishes like spaghetti carbonara or penne alla vodka, Greek favorites such as tzatziki and spanakopita, and Moroccan tagines and couscous dishes. You might also find recipes for seafood paella, Turkish kebabs, and Spanish tortillas.In addition to entrees, a Mediterranean recipes cookbook often includes recipes for appetizers, salads, and desserts. You might find recipes for dips like hummus or baba ghanoush, Greek salads with feta and olives, and sweet treats like baklava or tiramisu.Overall, a Mediterranean recipes cookbook is a great resource for anyone looking to explore the flavors and health benefits of Mediterranean cuisine. With a wide variety of recipes to choose from, you're sure to find something delicious to cook and enjoy!

  • af &1086, &1072, &1088, mfl.
    320,95 kr.

    "Средиземноморска кухня" е книга, която представя изключителни рецепти от традиционната кухня на Средиземноморието. Тези рецепти са не само изключително вкусни, но и здравословни, тъй като съдържат много плодове, зеленчуци и здравословни мазнини.В книгата ще намерите рецепти за традиционни ястия от Средиземноморието, като паста, ризото, зеленчукови ястия, рибни и месни ястия, както и за печива и десерти. Всички рецепти са създадени с цел да предложат здравословна алтернатива на обичайната храна.Авторът, Никола Йорданов, е голям любител на кулинарията и има опит в приготвянето на храни от различни кухни. Той е създал тази книга, за да сподели своята страст към Средиземноморската кухня и да покаже на хората какво може да бъде здравословното хранене вкусно и забавно."Средиземноморска кухня" е книга, която ще ви помогне да се научите да готвите здравословно и да се наслаждавате на вкусната храна. Тя е перфектната алтернатива на обичайните книги за кулинария, която ще ви покаже как да хапвате здравословно, без да жертвате вкуса.

  • af &965, &955, &959, mfl.
    324,95 kr.

    Η μεσογειακή κουζίνα είναι διάσημη για τα νόστιμα πιάτα της, τα οποία συνδυάζουν τις γεύσεις και τα αρώματα της περιοχής. Στο βιβλίο αυτό, ο συγγραφέας Αντώνης Μιχαλόπουλος μας ταξιδεύει στα μυστικά της μεσογειακής κουζίνας και μας δείχνει πώς να προετοιμάσουμε τα πιο νόστιμα πιάτα.Η κουζίνα αυτή βασίζεται σε φρέσκα και τοπικά υλικά, όπως το ελαιόλαδο, τα φρούτα, τα λαχανικά και τα ψάρια. Στο βιβλίο αυτό θα βρείτε συνταγές για κλασικά μεσογειακά πιάτα, όπως μουσακά, ψητό αρνί, παέλια, αλλά και νέες και δημιουργικές εκδοχές τους.Οι συνταγές είναι εύκολες στην προετοιμασία και κατάλληλες για όλη την οικογένεια. Ανακαλύψτε τα μυστικά της μεσογειακής κουζίνας και φτιάξτε νόστιμα πιάτα για τους φίλους και την οικογένειά σας.Ο συγγραφέας Αντώνης Μιχαλόπουλος είναι ειδικός στη μεσογειακή διατροφή και έχει συγγράψει πολλά βιβλία μαγειρικής με έμφαση στα υγιεινά και νόστιμα πιάτα.Αυτό το βιβλίο είναι ιδανικό για όσους αναζητούν έμπνευση για νόστιμα, υγιεινά και εύκολα πιάτα. Ανακαλύψτε τα μυστικά της μεσογειακής κουζίνας και δημιουργήστε εκπληκτικές γεύσεις στην κουζίνα σας!

  • af Enrico Cernuschi
    188,95 kr.

    A comprehensive. illustrated account of the wartime Italian battle fleet, from its ships and technology to command structure, logistics, codebreaking and more.In the 1920s, the Italian Navy faced great challenges. Mussolini's ambitious Italy turned away from its alliance with Britain and France, and the Regia Marina faced the prospect of confronting both the French Navy and the Mediterranean Fleet of the Royal Navy. In the years leading up to World War II, the Regia Marina built and deployed a powerful battleship-led fleet - known in Italy as 'La Squadra' - intended to make the Mediterranean an Italian sea once more. In this book, Italian naval historian Enrico Cernuschi offers a fresh assessment of the wartime Italian battle fleet, based on his lifetime of primary-source research from both Italian and Allied sources. It offers a comprehensive portrait of this proud armada, how it was devised and built, and how it operated and fought. It covers a multitude of factors often overlooked, such as Italy's naval codebreakers, the fleet's logistics, and the qualities and limitations of Italian industry that supported it. The book also provides a concise account and analysis of the battle fleet's activities through the war, from major clashes such as the Battle of Calabria to lesser-known expeditions. The author's research into Italian wartime primary sources overturns some myths still commonplace in Anglo-American accounts. Illustrated with superb new artwork, maps and 3D diagrams, and featuring rare photos, this book is a fascinating account of Italy's great fleet of World War II.

  • af Jamie Oliver
    376,95 kr.

    Jamie's most popular cookbook goes Mediterranean in this mouth-watering follow-upPRE-ORDER THE BRAND NEW 5 INGREDIENTS MEDITERRANEAN COOKBOOK FROM JAMIE OLIVERThis edition has been adapted for the US market. 5 Ingredients Mediterranean is everything people loved about the first book, but with the added va-va-voom of basing it on Jamie's lifelong travels around the Mediterranean.With over 125 utterly delicious, easy-to-follow recipes, it's all about making everyday cooking super-exciting, with minimal fuss - all while transporting you to sunnier climes.You'll find recipes to empower you to make incredibly delicious food, but without copious amounts of ingredients, long shopping lists or loads of cleaning up. 65% of the recipes are meat-free or meat-reduced, and all offer big, bold flavor.With chapters including Salads, Soups and Sandwiches, Pasta, Vegetables, Pies and Parcels, Seafood, Fish, Chicken and Duck, Meat, and Desserts, you'll find something for every day of the week, and every occasion.Dishes include:· Tender smoky eggplant· Epic prawns & beans· Rogue ratatouille risotto· Sizzling squid· Island salad· Herby steak & crispy potatoes· Easy fig tart· Jools' chocolate dreamsIt's a real celebration of hero Mediterranean flavors and ingredients - quick and easy recipes for exciting everyday cooking.

  • af &4320, &4304, &4315, mfl.
    339,95 kr.

    დაბალი ნახშირწყლების დიეტა ახლა მოდაშია. არსებობს გარკვეული მტკიცებულება, რომ დაბალი ნახშირწყლების დიეტა შეიძლება დაეხმაროს ადამიანებს წონის დაკლებაში მოკლევადიან პერიოდში. თუმცა, ასევე არსებობს შეშფოთება ჯანმრთელობის გრძელვადიანი ეფექტების შესახებ.ხმელთაშუა ზღვის დიეტა არის ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე ჯანსაღი დიეტა, რომელიც უნდა დაიცვათ და მხოლოდ რამდენიმე კორექტირებით, შეგიძლიათ თქვენი ხმელთაშუა ზღვის დიეტა ნახშირწყლების დაბალ დონეზე გახადოთ.თუ თქვენ აპირებთ ნახშირწყლების შემცირებას, მნიშვნელოვანია, რითი შეცვალოთ ისინი. ბევრი დაბალი ნახშირწყლების დიეტა ვარაუდობს, რომ საკვების მთელი ჯგუფი უნდა მოიხსნას. ეს არ არის კარგი იდეა ჯანმრთელობის თვალსაზრისით, როგორც ქვემოთ განვიხილავთ. როგორც ბევრ რამეში, ზომიერება საუკეთესოა.უმჯობესია შეამციროთ ნახშირწყლების შემცველი საკვების რაოდენობა, ვიდრე მთლიანად გამორიცხოთ ისინი. ეს უფრო მდგრადია გრძელვადიან პერსპექტივაში და უზრუნველყოფს, რომ არ განიცადოთ კვების ხარვეზები. კვლევებმა აჩვენა, რომ დაბალი ნახშირწყლების დიეტა შეიძლება იყოს გულის ჯანსაღი. მაგრამ ეს არის მანამ, სანამ ცილების და ცხიმების შერჩევა ჯანსაღი წყაროებიდან მოდის

  • af && 47532 & &45432
    303,95 kr.

    이탈리아 요리는 세계에서 가장 잘 알려진 요리 중 하나로 간주되며 세계 여러 지역의 음식 전통에 영향을 미쳤습니다. 이 책은 신선한 재료, 가정 허브 및 전통 방법을 사용하는 100가지가 넘는 이탈리아 요리 레시피를 소개합니다.이 책에는 애피타이저와 메인 코스부터 디저트와 빵에 이르기까지 모든 요리법이 포함되어 있습니다. 볼로네제 스파게티, 마르게리타 피자, 라자냐 등 주요 가정 요리의 대부분을 여기서 다룰 예정이지만, 아이슬란드에는 잘 알려지지 않은 새로운 요리법도 있습니다.각 레시피는 단계별 지침으로 설명되어 있어 누구나 쉽게 이탈리아 요리를 만드는 방법을 배울 수 있습니다. 이 책에는 유용한 팁과 요령도 포함되어 있어 독자들은 요리가 원래대로 될 것임을 확신할 수 있습니다.재미로든 일을 위해든 이탈리아 요리를 배우고 싶다면 이 책은 임시방편으로도 훌륭한 해결책이 될 것입니다. 이탈리아 요리는 음악과 같아서 그것을 온전히 즐기기 위해서는 음악가와 식도락가가 필요합니다. 이탈리아 상황에 따라 이탈리아 요리를 배우고 재미있게 즐기십시오.

  • af Rhonda M. Reeves
    273,95 kr.

    Fall In love with home cooking, exercise, and building healthy habits with 1500 days of luscious, healthy, and vibrant mediterranean recipes Are you looking for a cookbook that cuts calories and builds healthy eating habits without sacrificing flavor?Do you want to surprise your family, friends, and even yourself with new tasty recipes? Then The Ultimate Mediterranean Diet Cookbook For Beginners is for you. It is a reliable guide to cooking and eating the Mediterranean way, with a great combination of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and beans, as well as high quality proteins and excellent fats from fish and shellfish, and olive oil.The Mediterranean diet is based on the traditional foods that people consumed in countries like Greece and Italy in the 1960s. According to researchers, these folks were noticeably healthier than Americans and had a lower risk of developing various lifestyle diseases. What sets this cookbook apart: Basics of the mediterranean diet--- Learn more about the Mediterranean diet, its guiding principles, and practical suggestions for incorporating them into each meal.1500 days of delicious& easy recipes--- Find out a great variety of recipes divided into categories, including breakfast recipes, seafood, vegetable mains, and many more...Easy to follow--- Detailed ingredient information ensure recipes are easily accessible, such as prep time, and cooking instructions.Designed for busy people --- In this cookbook, the majority of the recipes may be prepared in under 30 minutes. This is perfect for people who are trying to fit a new way of living into a busy schedule. You can choose from a huge selection of delectable and healthy cuisine. You won't look back on your decision to include the Mediterranean diet into your way of life.

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