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Bøger om Muslimer

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  • af Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen
    72,95 - 269,95 kr.

    Muhammad er Islams profet, han er central i en verdensreligion og i den debat, der præger vores samtid. Han er også verdenskultur: Muhammad (o. 570-632) har formet historien, men den har også formet ham. Ligesom Jesus har profeten en lang fortolkningshistorie, og de historiske udviklinger har gjort ham til den, han er i dag. Professor i islamiske studier Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen indleder sin bog med en fremstilling af, hvad der vides om den historiske Muhammad, centreret omkring de centrale begivenheder i hans liv og karriere, og derpå tages læseren med gennem en fortælling om Muhammad fra tiden efter hans død til i dag. I en række kronologiske og tematiske kapitler skriver Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen en nuanceret, levende og vidtfavnende historie frem om profeten og den måde, enhver tid har set sine idealer og ideer legemliggjort i Muhammad.

  • af Hazrat Inayat Khan
    264,95 kr.

  • af Edward W. Said
    192,95 kr.

  • af Anisa Karolia
    215,95 kr.

    Title: The Ramadan Cookbook, Author: Anisa Karolia, Publication Year: 2023-03-09, Publisher: Random House UK Ltd, Language: eng

  • - den arabiske slavehandel i Afrika
    af Tidiane N'Diaye
    237,95 kr.

    Fra det 7. århundrede, da araberne vandt fodfæste i Nordafrika, og tretten hundrede år frem foregik der en omfattende deportation af sorte afrikanere til slaveri dels i det arabisk-muslimske Mellemøsten, dels i de islamiserede nordafrikanske områder. Araberne udviklede et nærmest umætteligt behov for slaver, og forfatteren til ”Det tilslørede folkemord” vurderer, at mindst 17 millioner afrikanere blev deporteret til slaveri. Bag dette tal skjuler der sig formentlig tre gange så mange dødsofre, der var forårsaget af slavehandleres overfald på landsbyer, af hungersnød og af sygdomme i de opløste samfund. Slavetransporterne foregik under umenneskelige forhold, som medførte, at en meget stor del af slaverne døde undervejs.Tidiane N’Diaye betegner dette langvarige menneskerov, der fratog det afrikanske kontinent store dele af dets mest arbejdsduelige befolkning, ødelagde veludviklede samfund og påførte det så store skader, at det er mærkbart i dag - som et folkemord. Denne opfattelse underbygges af en omfattende praksis af kastrering af mandlige slaver og drab på spædbørn: Der eksisterer i dag kun meget få efterkommere efter de mange millioner deporterede.”Det tilslørede folkemord” beretter om de afrikanske samfund før arabernes ankomst, om udviklingen i den arabiske slavehandel, om de deporterede afrikaneres skæbne som slaver og om de europæiske kolonimagters meget tøvende indsats mod den arabiske slavehandel i slutningen af forløbet.

  • af The Sincere Seeker Collection
    117,95 kr.

    As parents, we must raise our children in the Islamic Faith. This requires us to introduce our children to our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH, the role model that Allah sent down for us to emulate and follow so that we will succeed in this world and the next. He has the best manners and character, and we should learn from him and love him. But simply loving our Prophet is not enough. We must actually live the lifestyle that our beloved Prophet teaches us.¿ My First Book on Hadith for Kids ¿ introduces Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his teachings in an easy, fun, and educational way so our kids develop and are instilled with love for our Prophet and learn to live the way he teaches us to live. This book shares various Hadiths of our Prophet, ranging from a Hadith on good manners and remembering Allah to a Hadith on the etiquette of eating, sleeping, and hygiene. Every concept this book teaches contains colorful images to help your child understand and appreciate what they need to learn! Chapters and topics of this book includeWho is Prophet Muhammad?What is the Holy Quran?What is Hadith?What is Sunnah?Sincerity& showing offGood manners and good characterBeing good to your parentsRemembering AllahGreeting others with 'Assalamu Alaikum'Smiling to othersHonoring guestsBeing grateful and saying thank youBeing generous to othersWanting good for othersHelping othersEtiquette of eatingSunnah of sleepingImportance of good personal hygiene¿¿ About The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection ¿¿The most significant and longest-lasting inheritance you can gift your child as a parent is a proper Islamic upbringing and knowledge of Islam. As a parent, you must teach your children about Allah (God), the Holy Quran, the religion and lifestyle of Islam, and about Prophet Muhammad; peace be upon him. Every parent must instill an interest and love for Islam in their children at an early age, so they are raised with an Islamic mindset and lifestyle. Every household should set time aside each day to develop and grow their child's connection with Allah and nourish their souls. Just like our physical bodies need food and water to grow and be nourished, we need the Guidance of Allah and the recitation of the Holy Quran to enrich, nourish and give life to our souls.The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection is designed to introduce and teach your children the essentials they need to know about Allah (God), the Holy Quran, Islam, Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, Hadith for kids, the Five Pillars of Islam, the six articles of faith in Islam, and more in an easy, fun and educational way. The love of Allah is already instilled in our children's hearts, and it is our duty as parents to help develop, nurture and sustain that love and bond at an early age. A fun way to introduce these concepts to your children is by reading to them and encouraging them to read. Nothing beats sitting with your children and bonding with them with beneficial and interesting concepts of Islam and the Holy Quran. Every page in each book of the collection introduces a topic with delightful, colorful illustrations to help your children understand and appreciate each component of Islam.

  • af Michael Sells
    222,95 kr.

    A new, updated edition of this modern classic in religious publishing, capturing the complexity, power and poetry of the early suras of the Qur¿an

  • af Aliyah Umm Raiyaan
    125,95 kr.

    ***** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER *****'A beautiful unique day-by-day companion throughout the Holy Month' - DR. OMAR SULEIMAN------------------------------------------A must-have intimate journal to guide you through Ramadan and deepen your individual connection to Allah for the year ahead.With inspiring reflections, practical exercises, powerful quotes and drawing from the spiritual wisdom of the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah, it offers an invitation to...- Let your heart ponder through stillness and reflection on insightful words that stir the soul.- Immerse yourself in du'a and use this opportunity to speak to your Lord in supplication.- Journal about spiritual themes and subjects, encouraging you to turn inwards and pen personal revelations for you.A journey within a journey. A space for transformation. This journal is a path with and for The Most Merciful.

  • af The Sincere Seeker Collection
    107,95 kr.

  • - Tales from the Daevabad Trilogy
    af S. A. Chakraborty
    102,95 - 165,95 kr.

    Bestselling author S.A. Chakraborty's acclaimed Daevabad Trilogy is expanded with this compilation of stories from before, during, and after the events of The City of Brass, The Kingdom of Copper, and The Empire of Gold.

  • - er den vestlige verden truet af indvandrerne ?
    af Doug Sanders
    287,95 kr.

  • - islamiske kilder i en europæisk sammenhæng
    af Tariq Ramadan
    197,95 kr.

    At være europæisk muslim er det første og mest ambitiøse forsøg på en samlet fremstilling af, hvordan islam meningsfuldt kan indgå i den europæiske virkelighed. På baggrund af grundige studier i islams kilder søger Tariq Ramadan at besvare nogle af de fundamentale spørgsmål der vedrører europæiske muslimers sociale, politiske, religiøse og kulturelle integration. Det er forfatterens vurdering, at det er muligt på samme tid at leve som praktiserende muslim og være en aktiv samfundsborger.I bogen gennemgår Tariq Ramadan de vigtigste islamiske grundprincipper og de metoder, der traditionelt er udviklet med henblik på at ´oversætte´ og forstå de islamiske grundprincipper. På denne baggrund foreslår Tariq Ramadan, hvorledes europæiske muslimer bedst forholder sig til de særlige udfordringer, de stilles overfor, herunder dialogen, samarbejdet og sameksistensen med de ikke muslimske befolkninger, der udgør majoriteten overalt i de europæiske stater.At være europæisk muslim er udgivet i samarbejde med Islamisk-Kristent Studiecenter.

  • af N. Shaheen
    256,95 kr.

    Ein alleinerziehender Vater, eine Teenager-Tochter mit felsenfester Überzeugung und scharfer Zunge, der beste Freund und der Nachbarsjunge auf einer Odyssee, bei der es um mehr geht als mit Klischees und Vorurteilen fertigzuwerden.Mit Spannung, Humor und liebenswerten Persönlichkeiten erzählt die Autorin in dem Roman "Der Geruch von grünem Kardamom" von Alltag und Herausforderungen praktizierender Muslime in Deutschland. Wir tauchen ein in das Leben des liebevoll engagierten Vaters Ismail und begleiten ihn und seine Tochter Sumayya auf einem Abenteuer, das zum Nachdenken einlädt."Ich kann mir beim besten Willen nicht vorstellen, dass sich ein zwölfjähriges Mädchen freiwillig so etwas überstülpt." Als wäre es nicht schon schwer genug, alleinerziehender Vater einer zwölfjährigen Tochter zu sein, steht bei dem praktizierenden Muslim Ismail plötzlich das Jugendamt vor der Tür. Sumayya war mit ihrer Lehrerin aneinandergeraten, der vor allem das Kopftuch des jungen Mädchens ein Dorn im Auge ist. Dabei will sie doch nur selbst entscheiden, wie sie sich kleidet, welche Feste sie feiert und woran sie glaubt. Nun zweifelt Ismail die Neutralität des Staates an und riskiert alles, indem er eine gewagte Entscheidung trifft, die das Leben seiner Tochter und sein eigenes für immer verändern könnte. Was sie nicht ahnen: Ein unglücklicher Zufall hat Ismail tief in polizeiliche Ermittlungen verstrickt...Jetzt heißt es Alles oder Nichts und während sich die Schlinge um Ismails Hals immer enger zieht, muss er ganz nebenbei noch zwischenmenschliche Konflikte meistern wie das Heranreifen seiner Tochter zur jungen Frau oder die Frage wie er ihr beim Verlust ihrer Mutter am besten beistehen kann. Und warum verhält sich sein Nachbarsjunge und Koranschüler eigentlich neuerdings so rebellisch? Gut, dass er seinen besten Freund - die charismatische Frohnatur Umar - stets an seiner Seite weiß. Gemeinsam stellen sie sich jeder Hürde und machen dabei so manch skurrile Bekanntschaft.

  • af Leila Aboulela
    187,95 - 287,95 kr.

    "A spellbinding new novel from New York Times Notable Author and Caine Prize winner Leila Aboulela about an embattled young woman's coming of age during the Mahdist War in nineteenth-century Sudan. The latest novel by "versatile prose stylist" (New York Times) Leila Aboulela is an enchanting story of the years leading up to the British conquest of Sudan in 1898, and a deeply human look at the tensions between Britain and Sudan, Christianity and Islam, colonizer and colonized. In River Spirit, Aboulela gives us the unforgettable story of a people who-against the odds and for a brief time-gained independence from foreign rule through their willpower, subterfuge, and sacrifice. When Akuany and her brother Bol are orphaned in a village raid in South Sudan, they're taken in by a young merchant Yaseen who promises to care for them, a vow that tethers him to Akuany through their adulthood. As a revolutionary leader rises to power-the self-proclaimed Mahdi, prophesied redeemer of Islam-Sudan begins to slip from the grasp of Ottoman rule, and everyone must choose a side. A scholar of the Qur'an, Yaseen feels beholden to stand against this false Mahdi, even as his choice splinters his family. Meanwhile, Akuany moves through her young adulthood and across the country alone, sold and traded from house to house, with Yaseen as her inconsistent lifeline. Everything each of them is striving for-love, freedom, safety-is all on the line in the fight for Sudan. Through the voices of seven men and women whose fates grow inextricably linked, Aboulela's latest novel illuminates the fraught and bloody history of a people caught in the crosshairs of imperialism. River Spirit is a powerful tale of corruption, coming of age, and unshakeable devotion-to a cause, to one's faith, and to the people who become family"--

  • af Alison Hong Nguyen Lihalakha
    157,95 kr.

    From award-winning author Alison Hong Nguyen Lihalakha comes a charming and unique dual-language English and Arabic picture book that is sure to delight readers with its vibrant illustrations of the many treasures to be discovered across the Arabian Peninsula. From C for camel to R for Ramadan, this fresh alphabet book takes readers on a colorful journey to discover the people, landmarks, animals, and objects that make the Arabian Peninsula a very special place. Vibrant illustrations bring to life the beauty, wonder, and diversity of this vast and vibrant region.Did you know? Al-Hasa Oasis in Saudi Arabia is one of the largest producers of dates in the world, with an estimated annual production of over 100,000 tons (90,700,000 kilograms) of dates. This is about the same as the weight of 667 blue whales!Who are the nomadic people of the desert? What is a wadi? What is a shamal? Are there any castles in the Middle East? Find out inside!ABCs of Arabia is a versatile and engaging educational resource suitable for students in Grades 3 to 6. It's also a wonderful addition to any home library and can be enjoyed by children of all ages when read aloud. This book is dual-language English and Arabic.

  • af Shereen El Feki
    247,95 kr.

  • af Daria Volyanskaya
    132,95 - 207,95 kr.

  • af Ziram Firdous
    132,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • af Nonie Darwish
    257,95 kr.

  • af Soraya Altorki
    257,95 - 427,95 kr.

  • af Muhammad Iqbal
    382,95 kr.

    Reproduction of "The Call of the Marching Bell" (بانگِ درا), Allama Iqbal's seminal 1924 Urdu poetry collection.

  • af Muhammad Iqbal
    317,95 kr.

    Reproduction of "Wing of Gabriel" (بالِ جبریل), Allama Iqbal's seminal 1936 Urdu poetry collection.

  • af Gizem Zencirci
    387,95 - 1.111,95 kr.

    "Zencirci introduces the concept of the Muslim Social, defined as a welfare regime that reimagined and reconfigured Islamic charitable practices to address the complex needs of a modern market society. Although these governmental assemblages of Islamic neoliberalism produced new forms of generosity, distinctive notions of poverty, and novel ways of relating to others in society, Zencirci reveals how this welfare regime privileged managerial efficiency and emotional well-being at the expense of other objectives such as equality, development, or justice"--

  • af Laura Kipnis
    292,95 kr.

    Feminism is broken, argues Laura Kipnis. Anyone who thinks the sexual hysteria overtaking American campuses is a sign of gender progress is deranged. A committed feminist, Kipnis was surprised to find herself the object of a protest march by student activists at her university for writing an essay about sexual paranoia on campus. Next she was brought up on Title IX complaints for creating a ?hostile environment.? Defying confidentiality strictures, she wrote a whistle-blowing essay about the ensuing seventy-two-day investigation, which propelled her to the center of national debates over free speech, ?safe spaces,? and the vast federal overreach of Title IX.In the process, she uncovered an astonishing netherworld of accused professors and students, campus witch hunts, rigged investigations, and Title IX officers run amok. Then a trove of revealing documents fell into her lap, plunging her behind the scenes in an especially controversial case. Drawing on investigative reporting, cultural analysis, and her own experiences, Kipnis demonstrates the chilling effect of this new sexual McCarthyism on intellectual freedom. Without minimizing the seriousness of campus assault, she argues for more honesty about the sexual realities and ambivalences hidden behind the notion of ?rape culture.? Instead, regulation is replacing education, and women's right to be treated as consenting adults is being repealed by well-meaning bureaucrats.Unwanted Advances is a risk-taking, often darkly funny interrogation of feminist paternalism, the covert sexual conservatism of hookup culture, and the institutionalized backlash of holding men alone responsible for mutually drunken sex. It's not just compulsively readable; it will change the national conversation.

  • af Redha Al Haidari
    172,95 kr.

    This unique series of children's stories offers the dearest children the most beautiful and precious gift in existence, namely, the lessons and wisdom that reinforce faith in the One and Only God. Without belief in God, a person lives a life filled with anxiety, tossed by the waves of events, not knowing their way or distinguishing between what benefits them and what harms them. This series has adopted a distinct approach to storytelling through captivating illustrations, artistic direction, and a writing style that appeals to the children. They can enjoy and benefit from the lessons and moral guidance to become closer to God, the Almighty.

  • af Iqbal S. Hasnain
    242,95 kr.

    'What if an ideology, which is meant to impart wisdom and guidance to humanity, itself loses all its control and causes serious woes to the entire world?' In the last few decades, an extremely anti-pluralistic, visibly misogynistic and terribly intolerant strain of Islam has taken control of the Arabian heartland and systematically spread out to other countries, eventually wreaking havoc across the world. Covering the expansion of political Islam in the modern Arab and non-Arab world until the dawn of Crown Prince Bin Salman era in Saudi Arabia, Hasnain's thorough research explores the radicalization of Muslim youth in North America and Europe, as well as the sectarian fault lines and rise of the Shia crescent in the Middle-East. These developments ultimately led to the rise of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), along with the weaponization of Islamic thought through the use of various social media platforms for the recruitment of jihadi volunteers, which has plagued the world in the past decade. An important work, it exposes how extremist outfits, with the support of the religious apparatus, methodically managed to scar the face of a faith that claims to have the second largest number of followers in the world.

  • af Siham Al Andalusi
    187,95 kr.

    Learn to love Allah and be good children. Follow the adventures of Aya, Sarah, and others as they learn lessons and wisdom from the Quran. Accompanied by beautiful illustrations, your children will love each and every story.

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    237,95 kr.

    "Islamic Finance in Arab Banks" is a comprehensive exploration of the dynamic world of Islamic banking and finance, particularly focusing on its practices in the Arab region. This book offers a deep dive into the unique principles, products, and regulatory frameworks that set Islamic banking apart from conventional systems. It starts by presenting an insightful introduction to Islamic finance, tracing its historical evolution in Arab banks.Central to Islamic finance is its adherence to Sharia law. The book elucidates the core principles of Sharia compliance, including the prohibition of Riba (interest), Gharar (uncertainty), and Haram (forbidden) investments, examining their ethical and social impacts. These principles not only define the operational boundaries of Islamic banks but also underscore their commitment to ethical and socially responsible banking.The discussion extends to the diverse financial products and services offered by Islamic banks, with intriguing case studies on Mudarabah, Musharakah, Ijarah, and Sukuk. These studies not only illustrate the practical applications of Islamic finance principles but also highlight the innovative strides in product development.Risk management, a crucial aspect of banking, is addressed with a focus on strategies unique to Islamic finance. The role of Sharia boards and compliance mechanisms in ensuring ethical operations forms a key part of this discussion. Moreover, the book delves into the governance structures and regulatory environments, emphasizing the balance between international standards and local regulations.A significant portion is dedicated to analyzing the impact of Islamic finance on economic development, including its role in infrastructure financing, support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), financial inclusion, and poverty alleviation. This discussion is complemented by an examination of performance metrics, comparing Islamic banking with conventional banking in terms of efficiency and profitability.As technology reshapes the financial landscape, the book explores the intersection of Islamic finance with technological innovations like fintech, digital transformation, and blockchain. The global expansion of Islamic finance, its integration into global markets, and a comparative analysis with Western banking systems provide a broader perspective.Consumer behavior, market dynamics, and marketing strategies for Islamic financial products are scrutinized to understand the evolving market trends. The book also candidly addresses the challenges faced by Islamic banks, including operational, regulatory, and market penetration issues, proposing practical solutions.Sustainability and social responsibility form a crucial part of Islamic banking, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria. The book celebrates success stories from the Islamic banking sector, showcasing innovations and best practices.With chapters dedicated to education, training, and the role of academic institutions in Islamic finance, the book underscores the importance of knowledge dissemination for the growth of this sector. It concludes with forward-looking insights, predicting trends in Islamic finance and its role in emerging markets and global economic stability."Islamic Finance in Arab Banks" is not just an academic treatise but a practical guide that paints a comprehensive picture of Islamic banking operations in the Arab world. It is a must-read for finance professionals, scholars, and anyone interested in understanding the unique features and future prospects of Islamic finance.

  • af Wajeeha Shakeel
    297,95 kr.

    A playful vibrant storybook honoring the people of Palestine, its rich culture, and beauty.

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