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  • Spar 18%
    af Kaj Halberg & Søren Lauridsen
    163,95 kr.

    Bogen dækker Kathmandu-dalen, området omkring Pokhara, Langtang Nationalpark, Helambu, Terai, Annapurna-massivet og naturligvis Sagarmatha Nationalpark. Guiden giver indblik i dagliglivet i Nepal og sætter fokus på politiske og religiøse problemstillinger. En række tematiske baggrundsartikler går bag om kunst og kultur, mad og drikke, historie, natur og geografi. Desuden er bogen rigt illustreret med fotos og kort.

  • Spar 17%
    - Min vej til toppen af Everest
    af Rasmus Kragh
    139,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Den 23. maj 2019 blev Rasmus Kragh den første dansker nogensinde til at bestige Mt. Everest, verdens højeste bjerg, uden brug af kunstig ilt. Det var kikset 200 meter fra toppen i både 2017 og 2018, men denne gang gik han hele vejen.EGOTRIP er hans beretning om at sætte sig store mål, bryde grænser og tro på det umulige - også selv om familien beder én om at lade være. Det er en fortælling om store ambitioner og drømme og om at være moderne eventyrer, der tilbringer livsfarlige dage på bjergsiden for at nå sit mål. EGOTRIP er illustreret med Rasmus Kraghs egne fotos fra hans ekspeditioner på Mt. Everest.

  • - De højeste bjerge og de største eventyr
    af Nils Finderup & Jakob Urth
    104,95 - 206,95 kr.

    I maj 2018 kastede bjergbestigeren Jakob Urth sig ud i et vovestykke af en anden verden, da han med livet som indsats begav sig mod toppen af Mount Everest uden brug af ekstra ilt. I denne enestående og hudløst ærlige beretning guider Jakob Urth læserne 8.848 meter op mod den iskolde tinde, der alene i år har kostet syv mennesker livet – dramaet blev i øvrigt fulgt af TV 2’s kamerahold til en spændende dokumentarserie. I bogen kommer Danmarks dygtigste bjergbestiger desuden ind på andre togter til legendariske bjerge i godt otte kilometers højde, ligesom han humoristisk fortæller om sit eventyrlige liv som guide i nogle af klodens fjerneste afkroge. Glæd dig til en åndeløst spændende fortælling af en eliteidrætsudøver, der ikke er som andre.

  • af Rough Guides
    176,95 kr.

    10th edition. 448 pages.This practical travel guide to Nepal features detailed factual travel tips and points-of-interest structured lists of all iconic must-see sights as well as some off-the-beaten-track treasures. Our itinerary suggestions and expert author picks of things to see and do will make it a perfect companion both, ahead of your trip and on the ground. This Nepal guide book is packed full of details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information and top time-saving tips, including a visual list of things not to miss. Our colour-coded maps make Nepal easier to navigate while you're there. This guide book to Nepal has been fully updated post-COVID-19 and it comes with a free eBook.The Rough Guide to Nepal covers: Kathmandu and Patan, The Kathmandu Valley, The Central Hills, Pokhara and around, Chitwan and the Western Terai, Janakpur and the Eastern Terai, Annapurna and Everest regions.Inside this Nepal travel guide you'll find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLERExperiences selected for every kind of trip to Nepal, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in Manaslu Circuit to family activities in child-friendly places, like Bardia National Park or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like Old Kathmandu.PRACTICAL TRAVEL TIPSEssential pre-departure information including Nepal entry requirements, getting around, health information, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, food and drink, festivals, culture and etiquette, shopping, tips for travellers with disabilities and more.TIME-SAVING ITINERARIESIncludes carefully planned routes covering the best of Nepal, which give a taste of the richness and diversity of the destination, and have been created for different time frames or types of trip.

  • af Michael Knakkergaard Jørgensen
    228,95 kr.

    Den 23. Maj 1995 stod Michael Knakkergaard Jørgensen som den første dansker på toppen af Mount Everest. På vej ned ad bjerget fødtes en ny idé. Han besluttede sig for at bestige det højeste bjerg på hvert af de syv kontinenter. "Vejen er målet" handler om denne drøm. Michael Knakkergaard Jørgensen nåede fire af de syv tinder, inden han omkom på Makalu i foråret 1999."Michael Knakkergaard var i en sær balance med verden. Han vidste alt om farerne, vidste at døden var en del af hans fascination og betagelse, men også at han uden dens nærhed ville have svært ved at føle livet." – Morten Sabroe, PolitikenMichael Knakkergaard Jørgensen (1967-1999) var den første dansker, der Mount Everest. Han omkom i 1999 under bestigningen af verdens femte højeste bjerg, Makalu.

  • af Janaki Khadka, Kurt Lomborg & Namgyal Jangbu Sherpa
    138,95 - 278,95 kr.

    Denne bog er en beretning om de to store jordskælv i Nepal i foråret 2015. Bogens forfatter, Janaki Khadka, bor i Kathmandu og er en af Himalayan Project’s lokale medarbejdere. HP’s aktiviteter i Nepal er koncentreret i Solu området, som ligger øst for hovedstaden op mod Himalaya. Aktiviteterne omfatter to hovedområder: scholarships til skolebørn og studerende samt forskellige byggeprojekter (skoler, sundhedsklinikker, energiforsyning, beskæftigelse o.a.). Bogen hoveddel består dels af Janakis personlige fortælling om sine oplevelser under jordskælvene, og dels børnenes beretninger indsamlet af Janaki ved hendes uddelinger af scholarships. Denne fortælling suppleres med Kurt Lomborg løbende opdateringer på Himalayan Projects hjemmeside med de beretninger som han modtog fra medarbejderne i Nepal. De giver et interessant billede af, hvordan informationerne fra det afsides Himalaya, hvor telefonforbindelserne er svagt udviklede, og yderligere forringede efter jordskælvet, kommer ind først hovedsageligt som rygter, der oftest er overdrevne og dramatiserede, for sidenhen gradvist at tegne et mere sandfærdigt billede af forholdene.

  • af Jamaica Kincaid
    96,95 kr.

    Celebrating Fifty Years of Picador BooksIn this acclaimed travel memoir Jamaica Kincaid chronicles a spectacular and exotic three-week trek through the Himalayan land of Nepal, where she and her companions are gathering seeds for planting at home. The natural world and, in particular, plants and gardening are central to Kincaid's work. Among Flowers intertwines meditations on nature and stunning descriptions of the Himalayan landscape with observations on the ironies, difficulties and dangers of this magnificent journey.For Kincaid and three botanist friends, Nepal is a paradise, a place where a single day's hike can traverse climate zones, from subtropical to alpine, encompassing flora suitable for growing at their homes, from Wales to Vermont. Yet as she makes clear, there is far more to this foreign world than rhododendrons that grow thirty feet high. Danger, too, is a constant companion - and the leeches are the least of their worries. Unpredictable Maoist guerrillas live in these perilous mountains, and when they do appear - as they do more than once - their enigmatic presence lingers long after they have melted back into the landscape. And Kincaid, who writes of the looming, lasting effects of colonialism in her works, necessarily explores the irony of her status as memsahib with Sherpas and bearers.A wonderful blend of introspective insight and beautifully rendered description, Among Flowers is a vivid, engrossing, and characteristically frank memoir from one of the most striking voices in contemporary literature.Part of the Picador Collection, a new series showcasing the best in modern literature.

  • - Små glimt fra min tid som udsendt til landsbyen Namjung i Nepal og min vej dertil
    af Tove Madsen
    53,95 - 118,95 kr.

    Bogen fortæller om Tove Madsens kald til Nepal, dels som lærer for missionærbørn og senere som missionær/lærer i landsbyen Namjung. Der fortælles om missionens historie og lidt om kirken i Nepal. Bogen er dedikeret til 13 søskendebørn, men også med tak til Lærernes Missionsforening og Bibelselskabet.Tove fortæller i andagtsform og har bl.a. eksempler i mødet med unge nepalesere, for hvem det kristne er nyt. Desuden er der eksempler til brug i undervisning. Materialet giver et indtryk af, hvor store forandringer der er sket i Nepal på blot 30 år.På alle områder. Kirken er et af verdens hurtigst voksende kirker på trods af borgerkrig og to store jordskælv.

  • af Michael Holbek & Marie Kronquist
    168,95 kr.

    Stærk livsfortælling og unikke øvelser fra en af de mest anerkendte buddhistiske mentorer i Danmark. Bogen har forord af Christian Stadil.​​​​​​​Se tigeren i øjnene er en bog om at leve og praktisere som buddhist i Vesten. Den viser, hvordan vi kan erkende og leve med mørket og sorgen som en uundgåelig del af livet.Marie Kronquist er buddhistisk lærer og har i 15 år arbejdet med meditation, mental træning, stilhed og mindfulness i ind- og udland. Hun er efterspurgt i erhvervslivet, hvor hun er mentor for landets absolutte topledere hos blandt andet Grundfos, IBM, Nykredit og Unilever. Men hun inspirerer bredt med sin dedikerede praksis, der har appel til alle, som ønsker at udvikle sig personligt og stå stærkere og mere frit i livet og verden.I bogen tager Marie Kronquist udgangspunkt i sig selv og fortæller ærligt om blandt andet sin sorg over sin elskede søsters alt for tidlige død. Og om det indre følelsesmæssige kaos, hun bar på gennem sine år som professionel basketballspiller i udlandet og under sin uddannelse som politibetjent. Da en skade satte en stopper for hendes politikarriere, sprang den indre ballon. Herfra startede hun sin spirituelle rejse mod større erkendelse af sig selv og verdenen. Med ophold i Indien og studier i såvel Østen som på Københavns Universitet og CBS forankrer hun den ældgamle buddhistiske visdom i en hektisk og moderne vestlig virkelighed.Marie Kronquist viser med oplevelser fra sit liv og en række lettilgængelige og inspirerende øvelser, hvordan vi alle kan finde indre ro i en verden med klimaforandringer, økonomiske kriser, krige, terror, migration og miljøbelastninger. Hvordan vi kan leve uden frygt og bidrage til det gode i os alle og vores fælles verden.

  • af David Lagercrantz
    82,95 - 93,95 kr.

    I base camp på Mount Everest befinder der sig en gruppe fra det berømte modehus Villari. Alle er uerfarne bjergbestigere, men verdens højeste bjerg tilhører ikke længere kun elite­klatrerne. Nu kommer også de rige og smukke – dem der køber en plads på toppen, som de køber en Porsche. Ekspeditionens guide Giuseppe Cagliari er anerkendt og dygtig, men spændingerne i gruppen vokser, og han er presset. Da de begiver sig op ad bjerget tidligt om morgenen den 13. maj 2000, laver han en katastrofal fejlvurdering og leder klatrerne for sent mod toppen. På vejen ned slår uvejret til, og ekspeditionen sidder fast i et piskende inferno. Mens mørket tager til på Everest, vækkes et håb om, at stjerne­klatreren Jacob Engler kan redde de nødstedte. Men Jacob er deprimeret, vred og måske syg og vægrer sig ved at hjælpe amatørerne på bjerget. Jo værre katastrofen bliver, desto mere blottes gamle sår, og i den bistre atmosfære oppe i dødens zone stikker galskaben og hallucinationerne hovedet frem.David Lagercrantz har skrevet en aldeles forrygende roman ... mareridtet bliver skildret, så man sidder i sin lune stue og ryster af kulde.SøndagMed HIMLEN OVER EVERST har David Lagercrantz skrevet en medrivende og gennemresearchet psykologisk thriller, der løfter sig fra sine iskolde og ubarmhjertige kulisser til et nuanceret portræt af, hvad der på godt og ondt driver det moderne menneske.Information

  • - Lars Gundersen fortæller
    af Heidi Korsgaard & Mette de Fine Licht
    43,95 kr.

    Hvorfor er det så dragende at rejse? Hvordan tør nogle bare tage af sted? Og hvordan får man råd til at rejse meget? Af sted – 12 berejste fortæller er en ny og anderledes rejsebog fortalt af medlemmer af De Berejstes Klub. Den handler om at gribe eventyret og komme af sted – på trods af job, familie og husleje.I denne e-bog, som er den første i rækken af 12, fortæller Lars Gundersen om sit rejseliv. Han har været i Nepal mere end 50 gange og driver i dag virksomhed i både Danmark og Nepal. E-bogen har titlen 'Venskabet med verdens tag' og er fortællingen om at have mod til at turde og om at gøre rejserne til en fast del af sit liv. Også selv om man har kone og børn.

  • af Britta Boesen Kruse
    458,95 kr.

    Bogen handler om, hvad man kan opleve på nytårsrejser. Den indeholder dagbogsnotater fra rejser med nytår i* 7 europæiske lande, herunder Moldova og Transnistrien* 2-3 nordamerikanske lande, herunder Costa Rica med ophold i bjerglandsbyen Boruca, hvor de indfødte markerer nytåret med deres Fiestos Los Diabolitos* 1 land i Sydamerika, Argentina* 5 lande i Asien, herunder Nepal fra 5 dages deltagelse i Newarernes nytår, Bisket Jatra.* 1 land i Oceanien, Polynesien, i et af de to lande, hvor nytåret skydes ind først.Forfatteren har været ude at recognoscere, så du kan få råd til at træffe de rigtige beslutninger.Bogen har 227 farvesider.

  • - - øko-filosofiske fragmenter
    af Torbjørn Ydegaard
    150,95 - 318,95 kr.

    I efteråret 2023 giver en canadisk-dansk gruppe en mere end 50 år gammel film tilbage til beboerne i Rolwalingdalen i nepalesisk Himalaya. Filmen var optaget under en 'anti-ekspedition' til dalen og dens gudindebjerg, Tseringma, i 1971. Hensigten var at klatre på, men ikke bestige Tseringma, derfor 'anti-ekspedition'. For de tre nordmænd, Arne Næss, Sigmund Kvaløy Setreng og Nils Faarlund, der stod bag filmen, gav erfaringerne fra de høje snebjerge, fra klatring på Tseringmas stejle sider og kamme og ikke mindst fra mødet med Sherpaerne nede i dalen, dem et vældigt skub fremad i arbejdet med at udvikle forskellige sider af øko-filosofien.Trekket op i Rolwaling i efteråret 2023 danner ramme om en række fragmenter, der tegner en skitse til en nutidig øko-filosofi. Ud fra den hypotese at årsagerne til dagens klimakrise bygger nogle grundlæggende antagelser, står en kritik af den traditionelle vestlige filosofis og religions dualisme mellem krop og sjæl centralt. Mødet med buddhismen giver inspiration til at søge efter mulige løsninger i sprækkerne i de selvsamme vestlige traditioner.

  • af Sean Starr
    246,95 kr.

    This book is a compilation of inspiring quotes from spiritual teachers of the East, coupled with images showcasing the incredible sacred art of Nepal. The photographs, captured by Sean Starr and Jennifer Moore Starr during their time in Nepal in 2019 and 2020, coincide with the production of the documentary "Art Is Love: Nepal," they were shooting on location with filmmakers Daniel Driensky and Sarah Reyes of Exploredinary.For over 30 years, Sean Starr's original artwork has been displayed in dozens of exhibitions at galleries and institutions in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, Napa Valley, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Antonio and Ireland.Jennifer Moore Starr is a photographer and studio manager at Starr Studios. In the spring of 2019, I embarked on my inaugural journey to Nepal, having been invited by a photojournalist friend following the last-minute withdrawal of one of his fellow photographers. Eagerly seizing the opportunity, I found myself captivated by Nepal's allure the moment I touched down in Kathmandu. As an artist, I was enthralled by the ancient culture's profound reverence for the arts and how deeply intertwined the artwork was with their spiritual beliefs.After spending several weeks immersing myself in the rich tapestry of Nepal, I returned home with the aspiration to revisit and document the remarkable things I had encountered. A subsequent conversation with friends and filmmakers Daniel Driensky and Sarah Reyesof Exploredinary in Dallas resulted in an agreement to collaboratively return and produce a documentary highlighting the traditional artists of Nepal.Fate played its part, swiftly aligning the pieces, and in early 2020, My wife Jennifer, Daniel and Sarah found ourselves back in Nepal, filming our recently completed feature-length documentary titled "Art Is Love: Nepal." Throughout our travels, we documented the stories of artists and the sacred art of Nepal.Our journey took us through the bustling streets of Kathmandu, the ancient city of Bhaktapur, Pashupatinath Temple, the iconic Boudhanath and Swayambhunath Stupas, the lakeside city of Pokhara, and some of the remote villages of the Himalayas. We sincerely hope you enjoy this collection of photos, captured by Jennifer and me during breaks between filming sessions and interviews with other artists. It seemed only fitting to complement these images with some of our favorite quotes from Eastern teachers, some of whom undoubtedly inspired the very artists responsible for the masterpieces adorning this beautiful country.

  • af Wen Ma
    298,95 kr.

    This is the seventh translated book in the series of Poems of Natural Wisdom created by Shanlin-Tzu. Poesm of Natural Wisdom promote an ideal of creating poetic values in life and enjoying a life with poetic values. They serve as instructions aiming to enlighten truth, appraoch good and pursue beauty. This book series is dedicated to people who treat life with kindness, are passionate about life and seek mind-body balance.

  • af Insight Guides
    258,95 kr.

    This Nepal guidebook is ideal for travellers seeking inspirational guides and planning a more extended trip. It provides interesting facts about Nepal's people, history and culture and detailed coverage of the best places to see. This Nepal travel book has the style of an illustrated magazine to inspire you and give a taste of Nepal. The book is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet FSC's strict environmental and social standards. This Nepal guidebook covers: Kathmandu, Around Kathmandu, Patan, Bhaktapur, Kathmandu Valley, Kathmandu to Pokhara, Pokhara and Pokhara Valley, Trekking in the Annapurnas, Trekking in Langtangosakinkund-Helambu, The Everest Region, East of Everest, the Terai, the Remote West.In this Nepal travel guidebook, you will find:- Unique essays - country history and culture, and modern-day life, people and politics- Nepal highlights - Durbar Square, Kathmandu; Swayambhunath; Boudhanath; Bhaktapur; Pokhara; The Annapurna region; Mount Everest; Chitwan National Park; Bardia National Park; Langtang National Park - Practical travel information - getting there and around, budgeting, eating out, shopping, public holidays, information for LGBTQ+ travellers and more - When to go to Nepal - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots- Main attractions & curated places - narrative descriptions of where to go and what to see, covered geographically- Tips and facts - interesting facts about Nepal and useful insider tips- High-quality maps of Nepal - must-see places cross-referenced to colourful maps for quick orientation- Colour-coded chapters - each place chapter has its own colour assigned to aid easy navigation of this Nepal travel guide- Striking pictures - rich, inspirational colour photography on all pages, capturing attractions, nature, people and historical features - Free download of title's eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to Nepal - Fully updated post-COVID-19This Nepal guidebook is just the tool you need to get under the skin of the destination and accompany you on your trip. It also makes a great gift because of its premium quality. This book will inspire you and answer all your questions while preparing a trip to Nepal or along the way. It will also remain a beautiful souvenir after your trip.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    606,95 kr.

    Au sein de ma conscience, j'ai semé les graines divines de ta bonté. Jour et nuit, je les ai soignées ; mais alors qu'elles poussaient déjà leurs feuilles tendres, le soleil brûlant de mes désirs et le vent de mes pensées agitées du passé et de l'avenir ont brûlé leurs feuilles et dispersé Ton ¿uvre en moi. Mais je n'abandonnerai pas, je sèmerai encore et encore dans le sol secret de ma conscience, jusqu'à ce que Ton amour porte du fruit en moi, que cela me prenne une vie ou une chaîne infinie de vies, je n'abandonnerai pas. Je continuerai à semer Tes bénédictions au c¿ur de ma conscience, jusqu'à ce que je trouve le lieu sacré où la chaleur de mes désirs et la voracité de mes pensées ne peuvent plus marcher ni souiller. Je continuerai à semer Tes graines de bonté dans ma foi, et lorsqu'il n'y aura plus aucun endroit dans le champ fini de ma conscience individuelle qui ne soit pas saturé du fruit de Ton amour, alors, dans le silence, quand tout dort, je continuerai à semer Tes graines de bénédiction dans l'esprit de tous Tes autres enfants. Ainsi, lorsque le champ de conscience débordera du fruit de Ton amour, nous réaliserons que Tu es notre seul véritable Soi éternel et insondable.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    606,95 kr.

    No seio da minha consciência, semeei as sementes divinas da Tua bondade. Dia e noite cuidei delas; mas quando já brotavam as suas tenras folhas, o sol ardente dos meus desejos e o vento dos meus pensamentos inquietos do passado e do futuro queimaram as suas folhas e dispersaram a Tua obra em mim. Mas eu não desistirei, semearei uma e outra vez no solo secreto da minha consciência, até que o Teu amor dê frutos em mim, quer leve uma vida inteira ou uma cadeia infinita de vidas, eu não desistirei. Continuarei a semear as Tuas bênçãos no coração da minha consciência, até encontrar o lugar sagrado onde o calor dos meus desejos e a voracidade dos meus pensamentos já não podem pisar nem contaminar. Continuarei a semear as Tuas sementes de bondade na minha fé, e quando não restar nenhum lugar no campo finito da minha consciência individual que não esteja saturado com o fruto do Teu amor, então, em silêncio, quando todos dormirem, continuarei a semear as Tuas sementes de bênção nas mentes de todos os Teus outros filhos. Assim, quando o campo da consciência estiver a transbordar com o fruto do Teu amor, compreenderemos que Tu és o nosso único Ser real, eterno e insondavelmente feliz.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    606,95 kr.

    Nel seno interiore della mia coscienza ho seminato i semi divini della Tua bontà. Giorno e notte li ho curati; ma quando stavano già spuntando le loro tenere foglioline, il sole cocente dei miei desideri e il vento dei miei pensieri inquieti del passato e del futuro hanno bruciato le loro foglie e disperso la Tua opera in me. Ma non mi arrenderò, seminerò ancora e ancora nel terreno segreto della mia coscienza, finché il Tuo amore non porterà frutto in me, che mi ci voglia una vita o una catena infinita di vite, non desisterò. Continuerò a seminare le Tue benedizioni nel cuore della mia coscienza, finché non troverò il luogo sacro dove il calore dei miei desideri e la voracità dei miei pensieri non potranno più calpestare o contaminare. Continuerò a seminare i Tuoi semi di bontà all'interno della mia fede, e quando non ci sarà più posto nel campo finito della mia coscienza individuale che non sia saturo del frutto del Tuo amore, allora, in silenzio, quando tutti dormono, continuerò a seminare i Tuoi semi di benedizione nelle menti di tutti gli altri Tuoi figli. Così, quando il campo della coscienza sarà traboccante del frutto del Tuo amore, realizzeremo che Tu sei il nostro unico vero Sé eterno e insondabilmente beato.

  • af Roberto Gil'ermo Gomes
    606,95 kr.

    Vo wnutrennem lone moej sowesti q poseql bozhestwennye semena Twoej blagosti. Den' i noch' q uhazhiwal za nimi; no kogda oni uzhe prorastali swoimi nezhnymi listochkami, palqschee solnce moih zhelanij i weter moih bespokojnyh myslej o proshlom i buduschem opalili ih list'q i rasseqli wo mne trud Twoj. No q ne sdamsq, q budu seqt' snowa i snowa w tajnuü pochwu moej sowesti, poka lübow' Twoq ne prineset wo mne plody, i newazhno, zajmet li äto wsü moü zhizn' ili beskonechnuü cep' zhiznej, q ne ostanowlüs'. Ya budu prodolzhat' seqt' Twoi blagosloweniq w serdce moej sowesti, poka ne najdu swqschennoe mesto, gde zhar moih zhelanij i bujstwo moih myslej ne smogut bol'she stupat' i oskwernqt'. Ya budu prodolzhat' seqt' semena dobra Twoego w swoej were, i kogda w ogranichennom pole moego indiwidual'nogo soznaniq ne ostanetsq mesta, ne nasyschennogo plodami lübwi Twoej, togda, w tishine, kogda wse spqt, q prodolzhu seqt' semena blagosloweniq Twoego w umah wseh drugih detej Twoih. Takim obrazom, kogda pole soznaniq budet perepolneno plodami lübwi Twoej, my pojmem, chto Ty - nashe edinstwennoe nastoqschee Vechnoe i nepostizhimo blazhennoe Ya.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    606,95 kr.

    In den inneren Schoß meines Gewissens habe ich die göttliche Saat deiner Güte gesät. Tag und Nacht pflegte ich sie; aber als sie schon ihre zarten Blätter trieben, verbrannte die sengende Sonne meiner Begierden und der Wind meiner ruhelosen Gedanken an die Vergangenheit und an die Zukunft ihre Blätter und zerstreute Dein Werk in mir. Aber ich werde nicht aufgeben, ich werde immer wieder in den geheimen Boden meines Gewissens säen, bis Deine Liebe in mir Früchte trägt, ob es nun ein Leben lang dauert oder eine unendliche Kette von Leben, ich werde nicht aufgeben. Ich werde fortfahren, Deinen Segen in das Herz meines Gewissens zu säen, bis ich den heiligen Ort gefunden habe, den die Hitze meiner Begierden und die Unersättlichkeit meiner Gedanken nicht mehr betreten oder verunreinigen können. Ich werde fortfahren, Deinen Samen der Güte in meinen Glauben zu säen, und wenn es in dem endlichen Feld meines individuellen Bewusstseins keinen Platz mehr gibt, der nicht mit der Frucht Deiner Liebe gesättigt ist, dann werde ich in der Stille, wenn alle schlafen, fortfahren, Deinen Samen des Segens in den Geist aller Deiner anderen Kinder zu säen. So werden wir, wenn das Feld des Bewusstseins mit der Frucht Deiner Liebe überfließt, erkennen, dass Du unser einziges wirkliches, ewiges und unergründlich glückseliges Selbst bist.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    743,95 kr.

    In the inner bosom of my conscience, I sowed the divine seeds of Your goodness. Day and night I tended them; but when they were already sprouting their tender leaves, the scorching sun of my desires and the wind of my restless thoughts of the past and of the future burned their leaves and scattered Your work in me. But, I will not give up, I will sow again and again in the secret soil of my conscience, until Your love bears fruit in me, whether it takes me a lifetime or an infinite chain of lifetimes, I will not give up. I will continue to sow Your blessings in the heart of my conscience, until I find the sacred place where the heat of my desires and the voracity of my thoughts can no longer tread or desecrate. I will continue to sow Your seeds of goodness within my faith and, when there is no room left in the finite field of my individual consciousness that is not saturated with the fruit of Your love, then, in silence, when all sleep, I will continue to sow Your seeds of blessing in the minds of all Your other children. Thus, when the field of consciousness is overflowing with the fruit of Your love, we will realize that You are our only real Eternal and unfathomably blissful Self.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    683,95 kr.

    If the mind is total silence, it is muffled, if the mind is muffled the ego is absent, if the ego is absent there is unity with what one is, if there is unity with what one is, there is deep experience with what is real and essential. To meditate deeply is to continually practice the vow of abstention from evil and union with good; it is a constant process because evil or mental illusion reproduces itself, simultaneously both internally and externally. Evil is the mental self subjected to the triple illusion of hatred, selfishness and falsehood, associated with the ego's insatiable desire for power, money and sex. When this desire is cut off, the ego dissolves and does not interfere with the nature of the soul, thus free from the false self. The inattention of the mental self is taken advantage of by the reproduction of evil to enter internally and force its permanence. If you meditate for light, you make a double effort, on the one hand you turn off all light in your inner room, on the other hand you call upon a stranger to give you a light which is not your own or to enter your personal room to turn on for you the very light which you have previously decided to turn off.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    498,95 kr.

    Yogi Mettàtron adds another 4 Noble Truths, thus totaling 8 Noble Truths on the Path. These allow the interaction of the inner force of the Self with the outer nature, including all other beings, perfecting the art of compassion. By the 5th Noble Truth it states that according to the place and time that each human consciousness occupies upon the world, it is its responsibility and power, to prevent the greatest evil from becoming present upon the planet or to allow the greatest good to become present. It defines that every bullet that is fired and kills is possible, because we all souls on the world unconsciously accept it at the same time. A single soul, totally united with God and with perfect love for all, through faith and sincere prayer, can divert and avert a natural catastrophe and even a war. By the 6th Noble Truth it indicates that when there is balance within, opposites rest. This means that when there is perfect equilibrium within, outwardly there is no contradiction or tension between the opposites, harmony dominates over all nature. Duality is subdued. Peace and goodness abound.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    423,95 kr.

    The Order that exists in the Totality of relative existence is recreated from instant to instant by a frothy form of Cosmic Unified Consciousness through a constant flow of quantum information. It is what allows atomic sub-particles to flicker through quantum tunnelling, creating uncertainty while maintaining universal coherence. This scale of consciousness has existed since the origin of the cosmos and is the closest thing to our preconception of God. Everything is information and energy, it is what separates us from chaos. It is the software of Creation, a Fifth Force that makes the other four possible: gravity, electromagnetism, electroweak force and electro-strong force. So God, in this physical aspect, or this Quantum Unified Field Consciousness, is an essence of physical and not immaterial existence. So it is always possible to make intelligent contact with it. The very life known on Earth developed its potential consciousness from this form of Cosmic Proto-Mind. The human brain possesses the capacity to communicate, interact and expand on the scale of this universal consciousness.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    423,95 kr.

    If we increase the charge of our inner prana, our meditations will be much more intense, and it will be easier for us to enter into the state of emptiness and silence of mind, where it is possible to attract God's blessing and dialogue with Him. Our prayers will contain the same thoughts and words, but they will be recharged with energy and will penetrate space and time and obtain the desired response. Our bodies are nourished by food, water, air and the sun, but it is through the medulla oblongata or "mouth of God" that it receives directly the cosmic energy which is distributed through the subtle channels or nadis throughout the body. Through concentration, breathing, willpower, tension and relaxation it is possible to conduct the prana to the various parts of the body and learn to accumulate it there to recharge those cells.

  • af Mateo Bohorquez
    498,95 kr.

    Does physical education as a social motor purpose correspond to what we understand today as leisure and free time? Over time, educational, industrial and hospital establishments, among other sectors, both public and private, have given Physical Education the meaning of leisure and free time. They have given Physical Education an important place in society, so that nowadays the subject that some years ago was the "filler" in the educational classrooms nowadays brings with it a culture that is lived, sweated and felt as fitness. For this reason, it is now evident in different spaces that the subject in sports clothes is teaching and making known the importance of physical activity in our social body. Now, understanding physical education as a concept of training, discipline and performance is what occupies us and leads us to write these lines.

  • af Rajan Khatiwoda
    448,95 kr.

    The main ambition of this book lies in a detailed analysis of the formation and enforcement of Nepal¿s Muluk¿ Ain of 1854, specifically focusing on the provisions regarding homicide within the Muluk¿ Ains of 1854 and 1870. This study also examines contemporaneous legal records, revealing the complexities of the Ain¿s implementation. The articles on homicide serve as a microcosm illustrating the broader evolution of Nepal¿s legal code, which departed from outdated punishments like genital mutilation and introduced fines and imprisonment instead. Still, the innovations introduced into the Ain of 1854 were not uniformly progressive. The Ain in its various stages of development thus showcases the complex ways in which legal systems inevitably undergo transformation.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    708,95 kr.

    The body is composed of matter, there is no doubt about that. But as to consciousness, what is its essence: energy, spirit? What we can establish is that consciousness can only be conscious of itself through a physical body, whereas the physical body, if it lacks consciousness, is totally inert. The characteristic of consciousness is that it is latent in all that exists, it is universal, impersonal, all-pervading. The Whole is consciousness and we are part of that ocean. We can infer that when the body dies the individual consciousness is submerged in the universal consciousness. That "I" prior to consciousness is unconditioned, timeless, atemporal, aerospatial, not conscious of Being (because there is no other). What One Is, is always permanent, eternal, unique. What we seek we already are, we only need to understand it in order to realise it. It is about transferring our identity from the physical body to the Infinite, from processing as a transient wave to an absolute wave. Dialogues around the world between Yogi Mettàtron and sincere seekers of truth, through the religion and Buddhism chat rooms and Yahoo Messenger during the years 2002 and 2004.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    423,95 kr.

    Mettàtron was born in Puerto Belgrano (Argentina), in a middle class family, with the name of Roberto Guillermo F. Gomes. Since he was a child he listened to the Om and perceived the spiritual eye in the ajna chakra. During his adolescence, at the age of 16, he had a decisive moment for his later spiritual life. He went with some high school friends to see the movie "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" by Franco Zeffirelli and at the very moment when the actor who played the role of St. Francis of Assisi had the vision of God, Yogi's mind went into samadhi. Leaving the theater in a trance-like state, he was drawn to the shore and went to the tip of a breakwater. There his "third eye" spontaneously opened and the night was illuminated. He saw trillions of beings occupying the firmament and all in chorus were saying "Lord of Heaven, save us!". Then he wondered to whom they were speaking thus, and as he thought this his attention was seized by a divine force from on High. Suddenly he knew that he was in front of the Creator, he saw before him a source of intense light, unbearable to see from the front. Surprisingly, he heard a deep and sweet voice that said to him, "Son, you are Spirit".

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