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Bøger om Nytestamentligt græsk

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  • - Græsk grammatik for begyndere
    af Chr. Gorm Tortzen
    184,95 kr.

    ΒΑΣΙΣ er en dansksproget grammatik i oldgræsk beregnet for undervisningen i gymnasiet og ved anden tilsvarende begynderundervisning.Bogen indeholder en beskrivelse af det klassiske attiske sprogs grundlæggende morfologi og syntax og har desuden en række hjælpemidler til arbejdet med tekstlæsning og skriftlige opgaver. Den grammatiske gennemgang er opdelt i 20 nummererede afsnit som er inddelt efter decimalklassemetoden og omhandler lyd og skrift (1), morfologi (2–10), syntax (11–17), orddannelse (18) samt morfologisk og syntaktisk analyse (19–20). Herefter følger en lignende, kortere beskrivelse af de andre græske dialekter ud fra deres forskelle fra attisk.Bogens første nummererede afsnit om lyd og skrift indeholder desuden kortfattede beskrivelser af en række af de lydmæssige udviklinger der sproghistorisk førte frem til det klassiske græske sprog. Disse gives for at støtte indlæringen af tilsyneladende uregelmæssigheder i morfologien ved at give forklaringer på hvorfor visse uregelmæssige former ser ud som de gør.Bogen indeholder desuden en række hjælpemidler til den studerende:Forrest i bogen findes en indholdsfortegnelse som er opbygget som et systematisk index og giver brugeren et hurtigt overblik over bogens opbygning. Desuden findes en ny, grundig vejledning i hvordan man som studerende kan forstå og udnytte bogens opbygning i praksis.Bag i bogen kan oversigten over de 60 almindeligste uregelmæssige verbers grundformer og indexet over vanskelige verbalstammer hjælpe den studerende med at finde frem til ugenkendelige verbalformer i en tekst, mens den fuldstændig oversigt over alle bøjningsformer af verbet i paradigme I–V hjælper til at identificere præcis hvilken form af verbet der er tale om. Det alfabetiske index viser hvor en lang række grammatiske begreber behandles i bogen, mens Index Græcitatis indeholder græske ord og endelser med henvisning til hvor de behandles.Allerbagest i bogen findes Chilias, en liste over de 1.000 almindeligste substantiver, adjektiver, verber og adverbier som sammen med funktionsord kan udgøre op til 60–80% af ordforrådet i en gennemsnitlig græsk tekst.Denne fjerde udgave af ΒΑΣΙΣ er den mest gennemreviderede udgave hidtil. Der er tilføjet en ny brugervejledning, systematikken i decimalklasseinddelingen er strammet op, og der er foretaget utallige småjusteringer i indholdet for at klargøre teksten og forbedre eksempler, herunder en grundlæggende omformulering i hvordan objekter analyseres og en tilføjelse ved verberne i Chilias af hvilke kasus deres objekter normalt står i. Der er ligeledes tilføjet tidssvarende mønsterbesvarelser af syntaktiske analyser som er forsynet med tre eksempler på de for tiden gængse måder at opstille besvarelser på i gymnasiets undervisning. For første gang siden første udgave i 1994 er hele bogen desuden opsat påny, i et mindre og mere brugervenligt format end tidligere udgaver.

  • - Indføring i nytestamentlig græsk
    af Svend Fodgaard Jensen
    296,95 kr.

    Themelion er en lærebog til undervisningen i græsk ved de teologiske uddannelser i Danmark. Bogen giver en grundig trinvis indføring i nytestamentlig græsk. Efter et indledende kapitel om det græske alfabet følger 11 kapitler, der alle indeholder et grammatisk afsnit, som behandler den væsentligste morfologi og syntaks. Der er desuden i hvert kapitel en række øvelser efterfulgt af såvel bearbejdede som ubearbejdede tekststykker (inkl. gloseliste) fra Det nye Testamente til illustration af den behandlede grammatik. Sidste kapitel er en total oversigt over græsk morfologi.Svend Fodgaard Jensen er cand.mag. og studielektor ved Det Teologiske Fakultet på Århus Universitet.

  • af Justin J Van Rensburg
    183,95 kr.

    Transcripts and translations of authentic Hebrew manuscripts of Revelation, James and Jude.

  • af Tony Victor
    407,95 kr.

    Zohar and The Enochian Code of Nalvage examines the informationreceived by John Dee and Edward Kelley during their time scrying andcommunicating with angels. During that time, a mysterious tablet wasshown to them by the angels. They were told it contained the means bywhich to unlock all the secrets of creation, from the beginning of timeuntil the end. This book reveals a never before seen gematria cipher,allowing for the tablet and other parts of Dee's system to be furtherunlocked, including The Heptarchia.The Tablet of Nalvage by its very existence, suggests that it is linked tothe time of tribulation and eventual correction as mentioned in TheZohar. In exploring this connection, we will also unveil a new EnochianTree of Life and see how its gematria unveils the secrets of The Tabletof Nalvage, as well as Dee's Book of Enoch, called The Loageth.

  • af Monique Cuany
    1.075,95 kr.

    Monique Cuany seeks to answer two major questions which still divide and puzzle commentators with respect to the speech in Athens in Acts 17:16-34: What is the relationship between the speech's main part and its 'Christian conclusion'? And what is the relationship between the speech's message and Greek philosophy? Through an in-depth analysis of the religious and philosophical context alluded to in Acts 17 and a careful verse by verse examination of the speech, the author proposes a new answer to both of these questions. She suggests that the so-called Christian appendix, which has long seemed totally disconnected from the rest of the speech and lacking historical verisimilitude in light of the audience depicted by the narrative, is actually the climax of the argument of the speech and would have been more easily understood by a Greek audience than has been thought in the past.

  • af Anonym
    183,95 kr.

    Le Livre de la Genèse est le premier livre de la Bible. Ce texte est fondamental pour le judaïsme et le christianisme.Récit des origines, il commence par la création du monde, ¿uvre de Dieu, suivie d'une narration relatant la création du premier couple humain. Adam et Ève, forment ce premier couple mais désobéissent et sont exclus du jardin d'Éden. Ils ont une descendance, mais Dieu considérant que les humains sont malfaisants, il regrette de les avoir créés et décide de les détruire par le Déluge. Seuls Noé, considéré parfait, ainsi que sa famille, sont sauvés. Plus tard, Dieu différencie les langues et disperse l'humanité sur la surface de la Terre, lors de l'épisode de la tour de Babel. L'essentiel de la Genèse est ensuite consacré aux cycles d¿Abraham, un nomade arrivé dans le pays de Canaan sur injonction divine, de Jacob, dont la plupart des aventures ont pour cadre le nord du pays, et de ses fils parmi lesquels domine Joseph.La Genèse est anonyme, tout comme les autres livres de la Torah (Pentateuque). Les traditions juive et chrétienne l¿attribuent à Moïse, mais les recherches exégétiques, archéologiques et historiques tendent, au vu des nombreux anachronismes, redondances et variations du texte, à remettre en cause l¿unicité de son auteur. Ainsi, la Genèse représente, pour l'exégèse historico-critique du xxie siècle, la compilation d¿un ensemble de textes écrits entre les viiie et iie siècles av. J.-C. Pour cette raison, entre autres, l'historicité de son contenu est aussi mise en question.La Genèse est largement commentée par les rabbins et par les théologiens chrétiens. Avec l'avènement de l'islam, ses personnages font l'objet de multiples interprétations dans le Coran et ses commentaires.De nos jours, certains fondamentalistes, surtout dans des églises évangéliques, défendent l'idée du créationnisme, une théorie qui s'appuie sur une lecture littérale de la Genèse, qui serait historiquement et scientifiquement valable. Cependant, cette position est rejetée par l'ensemble des scientifiques et par d'autres autorités religieuses.

  • af Benjamin Kantor
    791,95 kr.

    A pioneering, comprehensive study of the pronunciation of Judeo-Palestinian Koine Greek. How was New Testament Greek pronounced? Often students are taught Erasmian pronunciation, which does not even reproduce Erasmus's own pronunciation faithfully, let alone that of the New Testament authors. In his new book, Benjamin Kantor breaks a path toward an authentic pronunciation of Koine Greek at the time of the New Testament.   To determine historical pronunciation, The Pronunciation of New Testament Greek surveys thousands of inscriptions and papyri. Kantor's work integrates traditional methodology and statistical analysis of digital databases to examine spelling variations in the chosen texts. Kantor covers this cutting-edge approach, the primary sources, and their contexts before explaining the pronunciation of each Greek phoneme individually. Written for interested students and specialists alike, this guide includes both explicatory footnotes for novices and technical analysis for veterans. As the first comprehensive phonological and orthographic study of Judeo-Palestinian Koine Greek, The Pronunciation of New Testament Greek will be an essential resource for years to come.

  • af Benjamin Kantor
    125,95 kr.

    "A short guide to the pronunciation of Greek in Judea-Palestine from the Hellenistic period to the Byzantine period with special attention given to the Roman period and the time of the New Testament"--

  • af Jacob A. Rodriguez
    1.263,95 kr.

  • af David A. Shaw
    905,95 kr.

  • af Julie Newberry
    1.382,95 kr.

  • af Frazer MacDiarmid
    1.086,95 kr.

  • af Andrew M. Langford
    1.582,95 kr.

  • af Troy W. Martin
    1.907,95 kr.

  • af Marvin Johanning
    287,95 kr.

  • af Predrag Bukovec
    2.171,95 kr.

  • af Christine M. Thomas, Trevor W. Thompson & Allen Black
    1.739,95 kr.

    Devotion to Artemis dominated the religious culture of ancient Ephesos. But she was not alone. The city of Ephesos and its environs offered a rich panoply of religious options, domestic and public. Structures, statutes, coins, inscriptions, and texts testify to the remarkable diversity of religious ideas and practices in Ephesos. Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Jewish religious traditions found loyal adherents among residents and visitors. Gods, goddesses, heroes, and emperors were worshipped. The contributions in this volume demonstrate that ancient Ephesos was a vibrant and competitive religious environment.

  • af Samuel Byrskog
    1.342,95 kr.

  • af William R. G. Loader
    1.852,95 kr.

  • af Jorg Frey, Jan Rüggemeier, Thomas J. Kraus & mfl.
    1.852,95 kr.

    Alexandria was one of the main hubs of the Hellenistic world and a cultural and religious "kaleidoscope." Merchants and migrants, scientists and scholars, philosophers, and religious innovators from all over the world and from all social backgrounds came to this ancient metropolis and exchanged their goods, views, and dreams. Accordingly, Alexandria became a place where Hellenistic, Egyptian, Jewish, and early Christian identities all emerged, coexisted, influenced, and rivaled each other. In order to meet the diversity of Alexandria's urban life and to do justice to the variety of literary and non-literary documents that bear witness to this, the volume examines the processes of identity formation from a range of different academic perspectives. Thus, the present volume gathers together twenty-six contributions from the realm of archaeology, ancient history, classical philology, religious studies, philosophy, the Old Testament, narratology, Jewish studies, papyrology, and the New Testament.

  • af Sebastian Günther & Florian Wilk
    787,95 kr.

    Der vorliegende Sammelband untersucht die Konzepte, Methoden und Inhalte der Auslegung autoritativer religiöser Texte in Antike und Mittelalter. Diese Texte sind Ausgangs- und Ansatzpunkte in Unterweisungen, die zur Orientierung und Identitätsbildung dienen, dem Einzelnen ebenso wie Gemeinschaften und Gesellschaften. Fachvertreterinnen und Fachvertreter unterschiedlicher Disziplinen - aus Geschichte, Philologie, Orientalistik, Religionswissenschaft und Theologie - spüren der vielfältigen Bedeutung der oft "heilig" genannten Schriften für Bildung und Erziehung nach. Sie beleuchten die Rolle, die diese Texte für Lehre und Lernen in ihren Ursprungskulturen hatten und haben. Darüber hinaus zeigen sie interkulturelle Bezüge auf, die heute für Diskussionen um Bildung und Religion in den multikulturellen Demokratien Europas höchst relevant sind.

  • af Florian Wilk
    772,95 kr.

    Within the framework of Paul's use of Scripture, the contexts of biblical narratives are of great significance, although this has long been underestimated. This conference volume deals with the reception of traditions about Moses in the letters of the apostle to the Gentiles, especially the exodus and Sinai traditions. It focuses on the important and much-discussed passages about the danger of idolatry in 1 Corinthians 10 as well as on the glory of Paul's apostolic ministry in 2 Corinthians 3. The collected essays are methodologically oriented towards the issue of the relationship between education/formation and religion, and they thus perceive Paul's use and interpretation of those biblical traditions as a process of religious education. Tradition-historical backgrounds and the contexts of the situations are also taken into consideration, as well as literary structures and communicative intentions.

  • af Markus Witte, Jens Schroter & Verena M. Lepper
    1.547,95 kr.

    The present volume contains the proceedings of a conference held in October 2018 at Humboldt University Berlin. The articles reflect the different categories of describing Judaism of the Second Temple Period in view of their sustainability in characterising an ancient religious community in different historical situations and discuss relevant (re)constructions of ancient Judaism in the history of scholarship. Since the Persian period, ancient Judaism existed in a world which was in constant flux regarding its political, social, and religious contexts. Consequently, Judaism was subject to permanent processes of change in its self-perception as well as its external perception. In all complexity, however, the Torah, the Temple(s) as a place where heaven meets the earth, and the 'holy' or 'promised' land as the dwelling place of God's people can be regarded as institutions to which all kinds of Judaism in the Babylonian and Egyptian dispora as well in Israel/Palestine were related in some way or another.

  • af Rudolf Bultmann
    842,95 kr.

    Hans Jonas wurde 1903 in Mönchengladbach als Sohn eines Textilfabrikanten geboren. Er studierte in Freiburg bei Edmund Husserl und Martin Heidegger, in Berlin bei Eduard Spranger, Ernst Troeltsch und Eduard Meyer und in Marburg bei Heidegger und Rudolf Bultmann. 1928 wurde er dort mit der Arbeit "Der Begriff der Gnosis" promoviert.1933 wanderte er zunächst nach London aus, ein Jahr später nach Jerusalem. Im gleichen Jahr erschien "Gnosis und spätantiker Geist. Erster Teil: Die mythologische Gnosis" dank des Engagements des protestantischen Theologen Rudolf Bultmann.Das Denken von Hans Jonas ist ohne die besonderen intellektuellen und biographischen Prägungen im Marburg der 1920er Jahre nicht zu verstehen. Neben Martin Heidegger ist hier vor allem Rudolf Bultmann zu nennen. Für das persönliche und intellektuelle Verhältnis zwischen Jonas und Bultmann ist ihr Briefwechsel eine entscheidende Quelle. Er erstreckt sich mit Unterbrechungen über fast ein halbes Jahrhundert, von 1928 bis 1976, und ist ein überaus eindrückliches Dokument einer Gelehrtenfreundschaft und Zeugnis eines bedeutsamen philosophisch-theologischen Dialogs zugleich: über Fragen der Gnosis, über Mythos und "Entmythologisierung" und - nicht zuletzt - auch über Heidegger und die Theologie.Die Edition der Korrespondenz wird in einem Anhang von weiteren Dokumenten flankiert, darunter u.a. die erstmals publizierten Gutachten von Martin Heidegger und Rudolf Bultmann zu Jonas' Dissertation über den Begriff der Gnosis 1928.

  • af Emmanuel Nathan
    982,95 kr.

    Emmanuel Nathan's study is driven by the hermeneutical question of whether the covenantal contrasts in 2 Cor 3, in which Paul's use of 'new covenant' in 2 Cor 3:6 is set in stark polemical antithesis to an 'old covenant' (2 Cor 3:14), lie at the origin of the later Christian self-understanding as members of a new covenant that replaced the old. In other words, can Paul be said to be the founder of formative 'Christianity', even if one nuances the term 'Christianity' as a sect within the Judaisms of Paul's time? Using social memory theory, the author reframes the larger question of Paul's continuity or discontinuity with Judaism and seeks instead to examine the ways in which Paul refracted, redeployed, and reconfigured existing traditions in service of local needs, among them the formation and transformation of character among his community at Corinth.

  • af Dean Furlong
    1.227,95 kr.

    In this study, Dean Furlong explores the reception in Christian tradition of "the John also called Mark" spoken of in the book of Acts and (probably) in the Pauline corpus. He examines the portrayals of John/Mark as both a Markan figure (i.e., as a figure identified with Mark the Evangelist and/or with the Mark who was associated with the founding of the church of Alexandria) and as a Johannine figure (i.e., as a figure identified with the Beloved Disciple and/or with John the Evangelist). The author argues that the three Markan figures were originally differentiated and only came to be identified during the third and fourth centuries; furthermore, after drawing attention to "Johannine" depictions of John/Mark in some sources and to the attribution to him of a Gospel containing a Logos theology, he posits that some early Christian writers identified John/Mark with John the Evangelist.

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