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I Ingen vej udenom møder man en mand, der møder livet. Med åben pande. Både det liv, han har levet i gamle dage, f.eks. med barndomsvennen Klaus Rifbjerg, og det, der ligger lige for, når han går ud ad sin gadedør. I Niels Barfoeds tilfælde befinder den sig i det lyslevende Nyhavn. Han ved aldrig, hvad der sker, når han går hjemmefra. Men det er værd at læse om.
På stille observerende måde slentrer flanøren Niels Barfoed omkring i (Nyhavns-)kvarteret og kommenterer personer, episoder, møder og miljøer. Erindringen vækkes af og til, og fortiden træder frem. Det er klogt, underfundigt, uhyre indsigtsfuldt og velskrevet. Man hører en stemme og mærker et temperament, der trods sine 91 år er åbent og nysgerrigt og vendt mod omverdenen.
Romanen TJENEREN OG HANS SØSTER af Dorrit Willumsen er en længselsfuld og humoristisk fortælling om en ældre kvinde, som bare bliver kaldt Søster, og som plejer sin syge og meget dominerende bror, Alf. Da han dør, bliver hun endelig sat fri til at leve sit eget liv i byen, men Alf har efterladt sig en stor hemmelighed.
It’s showtime! Et humoristisk, hjertevarmt og sprogligt sprudlende favntag med døden, som mest af alt må læses som en stor kærlighedserklæring til livet.”Jeg har altid fundet det dybt uretfærdigt, for ikke at sige krænkende, at jeg skal dø. Jeg kan huske hvad sygeplejersken sagde om min mor da hun lå for døden: ”Hun vil ikke give slip.” Det tror da fanden. Giv lige slip på livet, du. Det kan man sgu da ikke. Jeg hager mig fast til det sidste lille klippefremspring, borer neglene ind i den hårde sten. Jeg ser mig over skulderen, der er godt nok langt ned, og jeg har højdeskræk, men jeg bliver hængende indtil mine lemmer tørrer ind og rasler i vinden som visne blade og folk langt, langt nede på jorden løfter hovedet og siger: ”Hvad er det der hænger deroppe?” ”Det er Morten Sabroe, han ville ikke give slip, han hænger deroppe til evig tid som et minde over livets skønhed.”Er der noget Morten Sabroe frygter mere end døden er det at ende sine dage på et plejehjem som hans far og storebror, der begge sad indespærret i årevis, som groteske figurer klippet ud af Djævlens scrapbog. I denne dødsforagtende, hjertevarme og eftertænksomme roman ser han tilbage på sit eget og storebrorens vilde, fabulerende ridt fra de forkælede ungdomsårs eskapader til dengang, deres veje skiltes for bestandig.
Du skuffer mig Jens, siger Marie. Men hun burde være stille. Død og stille. Og ikke kommentere påalt. I tankerne vogter hun alle hans bevægelser. End ikke sin morgenerektion kan han have i fred.Jens er en gammel mand, der lever det stille liv. Lige indtil den dag en skabsdør smutter,og han må lede efter det plaster, Marie tilsyneladende har gemt væk. I sinsøgen finder han hendes dagbog, og nu vælter historier om psykisk sygdom, ungumulig kærlighed og systematisk afpresning frem med de krappe skrå bogstaver. Trods det spirende forår udenfor, bliver Jens blæst omkuld. Hvem var Marie egentlig? Kan man taleom en fremtid, når man nærmer sig de firs? Og er det virkelig nødvendigt atcykle hele vejen gennem Jylland for at slippe fri af Maries stemme? Jens Petersens forlængede forår er, trods Maries barske facon, en smuk fortælling om at blive sat fri. Og om at finde sig selv, omend i sen alder. Cecilie Overbye, f. 1973,er uddannet tandlæge fra Københavns Universitet. Jens Petersens forlængede forår er hendes romandebut.
Da en ung Kerstin Ekman glemmer sit låneeksemplar af Kong Ødipus på en parkbænk, dybt optaget af sin kærestes læber, rammer skylden først, da overbibliotekaren finder hjemlånet – gennemblødt af nattens regn. I 24 kapitler genlæser Kerstin Ekman sit eget liv og egne favoritbøger, mens hun deler ud af de stærke oplevelser, som læsningen har beriget hende med. Hun fortæller om bøger, hun er kommet til at elske, bøger, som blev bedste venner, og bøger, som vakte trøst – og om hvordan læsning og skrivning hænger uløseligt sammen. Min bogverden er læsninger fra en af Nordens største forfattere af blandt andre Philip Roth, Herman Bang, Emily Brontë, Thomas Mann og Henrik Ibsen. En sanselig odysse gennem et langt læseliv, hvor de mest fortrolige venner står i hyldemeter og venter på at gøre ens liv mere muligt, vægtigt og sjovt.
Set in small town Eureka Springs.One decision. Four lives changed forever.Rose Aberdeen is pretty sure she's had her shot at love. Now, all she has left is the bruised heart and messy divorce that proves it. So, swapping the bright lights of her LA psych office for a first-grade classroom in Arkansas, Rose settles into small town -single - life. Until her concern for an unkempt student leads her to the doorstep of a stoic, handsome, single father who upends her heart...Jahi Adams is in the business of saving people. As the resident firefighter and paramedic at the Eureka Springs station, he carries the weight of a town on his shoulders and the burden of grief in his soul. But when Ms. Aberdeen's concern for his child blossoms into mutual warm regard, Jahi can't help but allow hope to take a foothold.As his feelings for Rose tenderly cross a threshold from which he can't return, Jahi realizes he can't hold back forever. But when the big city comes calling, Rose has a choice to make - and building a future seems impossible when they keep tripping over the past.
¡Descubre "La Melodía del Hombre de la Montaña", una satisfactoria historia de amor instantáneo que se desenvuelve entre la belleza impredecible del refugio de montaña de Gable! La piloto Amelia, lanzada a una tormenta, se encuentra en la áspera soledad que se convierte en el telón de fondo de una historia de amor inolvidable.En este relato que te hará suspirar, el viaje de Amelia y Gable comienza con chispas volando, donde el gruñón encuentra la luz del sol y la risa resuena en sus momentos íntimos. Mientras navegan por las emociones desenfrenadas, los miradas compartidas y el calor de una chimenea crepitante, su historia de amor florece contra todo pronóstico.Únete a la diversión mientras esta narrativa apasionada derriba las defensas del hombre de la montaña, revelando que las melodías más encantadoras se descubren en los lugares más inesperados.¿Estás listo para una lectura llena de deseo que se despliega cuando menos te lo esperas? ¡"La Melodía del Montañero" es tu boleto a una saga de amor llena de pasión y calidez que te mantendrá enganchado de principio a fin!Un romance de hombre de montaña, más tarde en el amor, donde el cascarrabias encuentra a la luz del sol.
She's avoided commitment for fifty-six years. There's no way she's going to let some guy she just met put a ring on her finger now! AmyAfter my landlord sells our apartment building, leaving me homeless, my best friend Julie convinces me to rent her condo at the Silver Falls Active Living Community. I wouldn't have even considered moving into a fifty-five and older community, but I'm getting a great deal on the rent. And then there's all the hot older guys living there. I guess there's a reason the residents call this place "Silver Fox Falls". Things are changing with my best friend getting married and my big move. I'm determined to make a fresh start and be open to new friendships. Except with the guy next door, that is. He's a shameless flirt who has a different woman in his place every day of the week. He's noisy and bossy and somehow I keep running into him during all my most embarrassing moments. So why am I so obsessed with him? SamI fell in love with Amy the instant I set eyes on her. Unfortunately, the curvy beauty hates me. Her stubborn independence and ability to trip over her own feet make me want to take care of her, but it's the heat in her eyes that tells me she's feeling the same attraction that I am. Valentine's Day is coming and there's only one woman I want to be my date for the big event. But Amy is determined to keep me at arm's length. I guess it's time to pull out my best charm offensive, because I'm not going to rest until she's mine - forever. Welcome to Silver Fox Falls, where residents soon learn that midlife is the best time to find true love. Expect spunky and independent women, charming and sexy older men, and nosy neighbors who are intent on matchmaking to help get their friends to a sweet happily ever after.
Der Roman ¿Zwischenschritte¿ erzählt die Geschichte einer schicksalhaften Begegnung. Brigitte Weichmann ist auf der Suche. Seit ihr Sohn Michael ein Jahr zuvor bei einem tragischen Unfall ums Leben kam, bereist sie Frankreich, sein Lieblingsland. Ihr Leben am Starnberger See und ihre Ehe hat sie hinter sich gelassen. In Dijon lernt sie den jungen, passionierten Buchhändler Christian kennen, der mit seinen eigenen Dämonen zu kämpfen hat. Es wird stürmisch. Finden sie dennoch zueinander? Kann man ein gemeinsames Leben aufbauen, wenn der Verlust das Einzige ist, das zusammenhält? Und was macht Christian, als seine geschiedene Frau plötzlich wieder auftaucht?
Strukturierte Hochzeitsplanerin verliebt sich hoffnungslos in einen Unbekannten. Jedoch läuft sie ihm früher über den Weg als ihr lieb ist. Ist es der Verlobte ihrer neuen Kundin?
Kay has Dementia.In 2021 sisters Stephanie and Christine Brown embarked on a road trip across Australia with their mother Kay.They didn't want to put their mother in a home so decided to do something different. They wanted to give her adventures, love & happiness while she could still enjoy it all.This is a diary of their journey together and a story of their experience with dementia andthe ways they dealt with the ever-changing world dementia brings. It is also a story of love, family, joy and community.Those with dementia are not lost, nor burdens. They are people with as much opportunity for meaningful moments as anyone.because love matters.
Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle Babyboomer, die sich zu jung für ein Rentnerdasein fühlen und einen Neuanfang wünschen. Ob Sie sich ihren Lebenstraum verwirklichen, oder nur ein Stück Freiraum erschaffen wollen, hier finden Sie die Anleitung zum Gelingen. Besonders pflegende Angehörige fühlen sich oft nicht mehr in der Lage, etwas Neues zu starten. Dabei ist es leicht möglich, wenn Sie Ihre Wünsche und Träume wirklich ernst nehmen. Um sich den eigenen Traum tatsächlich zu verwirklichen, liefert dieses Buch einfach anzuwendende Übungen. Die Autorin möchte darüber hinaus den enormen Einsatz der Babyboomer in der Gesellschaft sichtbar machen. Sie haben sehr viel geleistet und tun es noch immer, und kaum jemand spricht darüber! Die über 5 Millionen pflegenden Angehörigen leisten im Stillen ihre Arbeit und beklagen sind nicht. Niemand sieht ihren Beitrag für diese Gesellschaft. Man stelle sich nur vor, sie würden diese Arbeit von heute auf morgen den Pflegeheimen überlassen. Ab sofort wären alle Kapazitäten der Pflegekassen gesprengt. Was diese Generation alles aufgebaut hat und zusammen hält, wird als selbstverständlich hingenommen. Dabei sind das die wahren Helden in diesem Land! Gleichzeitig zeigt die hier skizzierte Frauenbiografie, dass ein Neustart selbst unter den schwierigsten Umständen machbar ist. Wenn Sie es wollen, findet sich immer eine gute Lösung. Dieses Buch ist ein Weckruf an alle, die sich die Frage stellen, ob es das in diesem Leben schon alles gewesen sein soll. Wer noch mehr vom Leben erwartet, kann sich ein MEHR jederzeit selbst erschaffen. Wie es möglich wird, lesen Sie hier.
Entertaining read to help us age better.An optimistic outlook on getting older.Are we old yet? Have you ever asked yourself that question? There are only two possible answers- Yes (I have considered the possibility), or someday (just not today). We all age, it is part of life. We can deny it, or accept and make the best of it. This book will help with the second strategy.My hope is that my casual writing style will pull you into the text, making you feel as if we are having a conversation.The content is a blend of scientific research, nostalgia, and personal memories which allows for learning and entertainment. There are 35 Conversations (chapters) and include topics such as:- The science of aging:Why (biologically) we get old. We need to know.- Is there a fountain of youth?: Well kinda. Good news, we can influence our longevity.- Who am I now?: Our new identity. The retirement transition.- What does aging well even mean?- Healthy aging, lifespan, and healthspan: How do they fit together? - Why we should live like people in the Blue Zones: Because they happily live to be 100.- Ten Pillars to live a happy, healthy, and long life: No explanation needed.- Are we old?: We need to answer the question. I mean it is the title of the book.By the end of the book you will have learned, laughed, cried, and maybe found a new friend.Enjoy.
An anthology of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry written by 33 San Francisco Bay Area seniors who are writers as a part of the Litquake Elder Project in workshops, classes, or storytelling sessions between Summer 2022 and Fall 2023.
Expert Advice for Downsizing and Moving with EaseDownsizing and moving to a new home can be overwhelming-but it doesn't have to be. The Home Downsizing Concierge can be your guide to navigating this major life transition with ease.Through this book, you'll discover a network of trusted professionals-from caregivers to attorneys-who specialize in senior downsizing and transitions and can customize a stress-free solution for you.Additionally, you'll find tips for decluttering, preparing your home for sale, smart strategies for maximizing your sale price, how to compare options for selling, and more. To guide you, this guide is complete with checklists to keep your move on track from start to finish.If downsizing is in your future, get the insider guidance you need and the personalized support you deserve. This book illuminates the path forward, so you can move onto your next chapter with confidence.
In zehn kleinen Geschichten entführe ich den Leser in lebensnahe Themen, in welchen sich jeder irgendwo wieder finden kann. Sensibel, aber auch mit einer kleinen Prise Humor, entwickelt jede Geschichte einen Lösungsansatz, welchen den Leser tief berühren wird. Somit können blockierende Ansichten ohne Schulmeisterei, zu versöhnlichen Einsichten werden. Ein wundervolles Geschenk an sich selbst und an Menschen, die eine literarische Umarmung brauchen, um sich mutig auf einen neuen Weg zu begeben.
Explore the Wilderness with Wisdom: Embark on a Seasoned Adventurer's JourneyImagine a gentle breeze rustling through the trees, the distant call of a loon over a serene lake, and a star-filled sky above. Now picture yourself, at the prime of your golden years, right in the heart of this tranquil wilderness. Tenting into Twilight: A Senior's Guide to Camping is your comprehensive companion to rediscovering nature's wonders at an age when time is ripe for adventure.Delving into this guide, you'll unearth the irresistible charm of the great outdoors-a renewal of spirit and health that camping uniquely provides to those in their senior years. Learn to select the tent that promises comfort and convenience, and discover the quintessential gear designed to cater to your needs, from simple cooking solutions to restful sleeping systems.Preparation is the key to any successful escapade, and this manual offers a treasure trove of insights. Choose your idyllic campsite, understand the amenities available, navigate the intricacies of weather, and anticipate the thrill of each season. A refresher on camping skills ensures you can set up camp with ease, engage in campfire tales safely, and explore with confidence, equipped with the latest navigational tools.Embrace the freedom of the wild without compromising on safety or health. From handling first aid to smartly managing medications and nutrition, every facet of your well-being is thoroughly addressed. Whether you are setting out alone to find peace in solitude or coordinating a vibrant group camping experience, this guide addresses the dynamics of solo and social escapades alike.Adapting to the camping lifestyle is a breeze with our tips on building a supportive community of fellow campers and integrating technology to enhance your journey, be it through photography or blogging your adventures. With special considerations for accessibility and environmentally conscious practices, Tenting into Twilight ensures you leave no trace but memories.Embark on a journey tailored for the timeless adventurer within you. With your copy of Tenting into Twilight: A Senior's Guide to Camping, the twilight of life doesn't just signify the end of the day; it signals the beginning of unforgettable experiences in the great outdoors.
Ich, Claudia, bin gerade einmal 38 Jahre alt, verheiratet und Mutter zweier Kinder, als ich plötzlich und nur durch Zufall eine fürchterliche Diagnose erhalte.Brustkrebs, weit fortgeschritten, Metastasierung unklar.Da nur ich selbst weiß, was ich gefühlt habe, ist es mir wichtig, meine Erlebnisse aufzuschreiben.So führe ich ehrlich und manchmal auch schonungslos an, was es heißt, betroffen zu sein, gebe tiefe Einblicke in meine Gedankenwelt und meine Ängste, mache Gefühle erlebbar und lasse euch an meiner Zuversicht und meiner Hoffnung teilhaben.
108 ideas that resonated and were categorized under the pursuit of Truth; the ongoing curations of Dhi, as a follow up to the prior Book Of Dhi Yoga."Being open in acceptance one may realize the Truth, if Truth allows it to.""Do all the ideas that come to us, good or bad, eventually lead us to the Truth?""With balance do I center into the Truth?"
Oblivescence is a new collection of poetry by Kelly R. Samuels, in which a daughter processes her relationship with her mother as the latter struggles with dementia due to Alzheimer's.
"A season of change has blessed the Amish of Missouri's Promise Lodge, as mothers-to-be anticipate the arrival of their little miracles and one young man's life is about to take an unexpected turn as he sheds his bad boy reputation and embraces the value of faith and hard work. Long-time residents of Promise Lodge welcome a wave of newcomers that includes a pretty potter who's come to help an expectant couple, and a hard-working dairy expert ready to manage the herds on the expanding Burkholder farm. Then there's Isaac Chupp, the handsome, charming son of a notoriously unyielding Bishop from nearby Coldstream. Isaac has recklessly rebelled against his dat, and his bad boy reputation precedes him. Now he seeks a fresh start, applying for work at Dale Kraybill's bulk store. Proving himself reliable while Dale takes off for his wedding trip is Isaac's bold first step. But more miraculous awakenings may come as he settles into the warm new light of the faithful community. And while Promise Lodge celebrates an abundance of newborns as summer turns to fall, Isaac discovers a kindred soul who has her own share of challenges. In helping her, he just may find his true purpose in loving selflessly, building up, and giving back..."--
Three traumatic events in a matter of weeks jolted Aileen Gronewold from career professional to amateur caregiver. For the next six years and countless episodes of The Lawrence Welk Show, she learned the art of caregiving in times both tender and difficult. As her mother's dementia deepened, she began navigating the Long Goodbye while struggling to balance her marriage, sibling conflicts, and her own loss of identity. Walking Mama Home reveals both the joys and sacrifices of caring for a parent at the end of life. This moving narrative celebrates the strength of family and unconditional love, even as it offers abundant grace for mistakes along the way. Aileen writes with candor and compassion to encourage those navigating their own caregiving journey.
From the 9-to-5 to endless possibilities. Ignite your imagination and let the adventures begin! This second volume of our bestselling series dives into bucket list inspiration to spark your wanderlust, ideas to find your next passion, and guidance for crafting the retirement of your dreams. Unlock the full potential of your Golden Years with a treasure trove of inspiration in this value-packed 300-page guide. Not another skinny book of lists, this comprehensive book is full of new fun-filled insights, in-depth topics, and includes over 550 helpful website resources to get you started on your new interest as quickly as possible. ¿ Inside, you'll discover:Purpose, Passion, and EnergyBucket List Travel DestinationsEnriching HobbiesEngaging Social ActivitiesAdventurous New ExperiencesUseful Technology for SeniorsGames, Music, and LearningHealth and Happiness TipsIn-Depth: Dive into standout topics such as travel hotspots, fantastic hobbies, happiness mindsets, and more.Resources: Find 563 helpful website resources, suggested books, valuable tips, and simple steps to get started on your new interests.Free Bonus: The Senior's Quick Guide to ChatGPT.And much more!But most importantly, this book aims to inspire and motivate readers to embrace this wonderful opportunity for growth and discovery. With the freedom retirement brings, this is the time to live to the fullest and do what you love. This book was designed to help get started. Instead of wondering what to do in retirement, you'll wish you retired earlier. With something for everyone inside these pages, your retirement will be anything but boring. Discover all the exciting possibilities and make the most of this new adventure. ¿ FREE Bonus ¿As a bonus, you'll receive "The Senior's Quick Guide to ChatGPT" (20-page PDF download) showing you step-by-step how to use the revolutionary (and free) Artificial Intelligence (AI) ChatGPT to enrich your retirement. The guide will get you started and put you on the cutting edge of technology with example prompts you can use today and every day. This valuable AI will be your personal "ask anything" companion for tech support, guidance, entertainment, learning, and more. Give yourself the retirement gift you'll enjoy for many wonderful years to come by clicking the BUY button now. Plan your ultimate fun-filled retirement today!
Anders is exiled with his Danish mother from post-war Europe to a small coastal town in Central California. His isolated mother, grieving the loss of her homeland and her German officer lover, retreats into a solitary life, unable to face the daunting task of raising a child she never planned on. Ander lives his youth adjusting to a life with an emotionally absent mother, surviving by sheer willpower born out of ingrained and unabated melancholy. An unknown benefactor provides income for them both. Up Through the Darkness is written in scenes that alternate between Anders' youth and the present when he is sixty years old. Still living in the same small town, he achieves business success and wealth as a property developer. An accidental meeting with an old German rancher neighbor begins the unravelling of his prosperity. Secrets of his family's past come to light. The disinherited granddaughter of the woman from whom he purchases a large property, launches a vendetta against him to ruin him financially. Small town government corruption, California wine, a supporting cast of dominant business women, a love affair with a European actress, and the gorgeous noirish setting of the coast all conspire to bring about Anders' downfall and lead him to an impulsive act of violence. The novel is a story of a man who believes he controls his destiny but discovers he has been manipulated all the while by people from his mother's past. He realizes his entire life had been orchestrated by people he never knew existed. He grows up a boy without a family (his mother ends her life when he is young) only to discover a family that had been secretly hiding in plain sight.Up Through the Darkness is predominantly about mood, character, setting, and the coming of age of an older melancholy man seeking to discover a purpose in his life. While trying to avoid the presence and influence of people, ultimately it's broken souls like himself who direct him toward recovery. Some highlights of the book: Anders builds a Michelin two star restaurant that draws an exclusive clientele from San Francisco. A wrap party for his actress lover is an extravaganza worthy of a film scene. Anders, an avid cyclist departs on a road trip after his downfall, to parallel his journey towards spiritual recovery. A lover of literature, (he never owned a TV) he incorporates quotes from past and present literary works throughout the book, mixed in with his internal dialogue. Up Through the Darkness centers on lyrical language, mood, and the main character's surprising path to self-discovery.
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