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Bøger om Sharing

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  • af Jesper Bove-Nielsen
    208,95 kr.

    BEMÆRK NY UDGAVE ISBN: 9788778537713 Endnu en bølge af forandring skyller hen over kloden. Endnu en gang har den nettet som bæremedie. Og endnu en gang kommer til til at revolutionere brancher. Vi taler om det som medierne har valgt at kalde for deleøkonomien. For de uindviede handler det om at dele links på nettet. For de indviede handler det om at dele ressourcer, kompetencer, kapital, brands og teknologi for at skabe nye forretningsmæssige muligheder - og trusler. Uanset hvad vi vælger at kalde det ruller udviklingen afsted i et tempo der kan få selv de mest garvede venturekapitalister til at få åndenød. Og så er det at topledelsen i de etablerede virksomheder skal sætte begrebet på observationslisten. For den udvikling der sker kan og vil få konsekvenser for mange brancher. Og der er stor chance for at din er med. I denne bog folder forfatterne begrebet deleøkonomi ud for toplederne og ledelsen i danske virksomheder; Hvad er deleøkonomi? Hvad betyder det? Hvordan skal man forholde sig til det? Og hvilke brancher bliver ramt af det? Bogen er et must for topledelsen i danske virksomheder.

  • af Sarah Pearson & Paul Stacey
    153,95 kr.

    This is a book about sharing. It is about sharing textbooks, music, data, art, more. People, organizations, and businesses all over the world are sharing their work using Creative Commons licenses because they want to encourage the public to reuse their works, to copy them, to modify them. They are Made with Creative Commons. But if they are giving their work away to the public for free, how do they make money? This is the question this book sets out to answer. There are 24 in-depth examples of different ways to sustain what you do when you share your work. And there are lessons, about how to make money but also about what sharing really looks like -- why we do it and what it can bring to the economy and the world. Part analysis, part handbook, part collection of case studies, this book is a guide to sharing your knowledge and creativity with the world, and sustaining your operation while you do. Going from a proprietary all-rights-reserved model to one that lets others copy, reuse, and modify your work is a big change. Made with Creative Commons describes the mindshift, the benefits, and the practices that come with going “open.” CASE STUDIES: ARDUINO, ÁRTICA, BLENDER INSTITUTE, CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY, THE CONVERSATION, CORY DOCTOROW, FIGSHARE, FIGURE.NZ‚ KNOWLEDGE UNLATCHED, LUMEN LEARNING, JONATHAN MANN, NOUN PROJECT, OPEN DATA INSTITUTE, OPENDESK, OPENSTAX, AMANDA PALMER‚ PLOS (PUBLIC LIBRARY OF SCIENCE)‚ RIJKSMUSEUM, SHAREABLE, SIYAVULA, SPARKFUN, TEACHAIDS, TRIBE OF NOISE and WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION.It makes the case that sharing is good for business, especially for companies, organizations, and creators who care about more than just the bottom line. Full of practical advice and inspiring stories, Made with Creative Commons is a book that will show you what it really means to share.

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