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  • Spar 18%
    - Kunstens storhed eller fald?
    af Christian Have
    158,95 - 188,95 kr.

    Kunstig intelligens, også kaldet AI, vil fuldkommen revolutionere verden, som vi kender den. Med AI’s indtog er der ét område, der er vigtigere end noget andet at vende sig imod, hvis vi for alvor vil forstå hvilke konsekvenser, faldgruber og potentialer, som den kunstige intelligens rummer: Kunsten og kulturen. Det er den, der rummer den reneste udgave af den menneskelige skaberkraft – og dermed vores unikke evne til at frembringe kreative løsninger, tanker og værker.Lige siden mennesket begyndte at lave hulemalerier for titusinder af år siden har kunsten og kulturen udgjort en aktiv, eksplicit og kollektiv form for refleksion over livet og dets grundlæggende vilkår, dilemmaer og formål. Den kunstneriske og kreative praksis har gennem disse titusinder af år været entydigt menneskelig. Ingen andre levende væsner har menneskets kreative skaberkraft eller evnen til at frembringe kunst.Men med AI forholder det sig ikke længere sådan. Det kan lyde ganske dystert, men helt sikkert er det, at AI vil trumfe igennem og transformere kunsten og kulturen. Så hvordan skal vi forstå de udfordringer, som AI repræsenterer? Og hvordan kan vi omdanne dem til muligheder, der kan styrke de menneskelige kvaliteter ved kunsten og kulturen? Det er præcis dét, som Christian Have med denne bog ønsker at give de bedst mulige svar på. En bog, der i øvrigt er blevet til i samarbejde med AI.Om forfatterChristian Have er forfatter, debattør, foredragsholder og indehaver af HAVE A/S, som er Skandinaviens største kommunikationsbureau på kulturområdet. Han har udgivet 10 bøger om kultur, kommunikation og nye, kreative partnerskaber på tværs af kultur- og erhvervslivet.E-bogen er lavet i fixed format

  • - The Blossoming or Withering of Art
    af Christian Have
    158,95 - 228,95 kr.

    Artificial intelligence, or simply AI, will completely revolutionize the world as we know it. With the advent of AI, there is one area that is more important than any other to turn to if we truly want to understand the consequences, pitfalls, and potentials that artificial intelligence holds: Arts and culture.This area is the purest embodiment of human creativity – and thus our unique ability to produce creative solutions, thoughts, and artworks.Ever since humans began to create cave paintings tens of thousands of years ago, arts and culture have constituted an active, explicit, and collective form of reflection on life and its fundamental conditions, dilemmas, and purposes. Artistic and creative practices have been uniquely human throughout these tens of thousands of years. No other living beings possess the human creative power or the ability to produce art.However, with AI, this is no longer the case. It may sound quite grim, but it is certain that AI will have a breakthrough and transform the world of arts and culture.So how should we understand the challenges that AI represents? And how can we turn them into opportunities that can strengthen the human qualities of arts and culture?These are the questions that Christian Have aims to provide the best possible answers to with this book. A book that, incidentally, was created in collaboration with AI.About the authorChristian Have is a communications expert, author, TV host, and owner of Scandinavia’s largest communications and PR agency within arts and culture, HAVE Communications & PR.Have is a culture and media advisor, a regular opinion contributor to the newspaper Avisen Danmark, and a sought-after moderator and speaker, both nationally and internationally.Throughout his career, Christian has published ten books on media development and the societal position and significance of arts and culture, and he has defined communicating culture as a unique discipline.In recent years, he has had a strong focus on the digital world and the impact of new technologies on societal and organizational structures – and on individual consciousness.

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