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  • af Fannie And Lillian Prichard Venos
    297,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af K E Manolas
    282,95 kr.

    Greece is the starting point for Cloudie, who wants to travel around the world. In order for the playful cloud to accomplish his goal, he doesn't hesitate to ask for help from the Ruler of the Winds, Aeolus, to guide him on his way. He promises Aeolus that he will be very careful and that he will diligently follow his wise directions, as long as he helps him make his dream come true. This is an entertaining and educational story written in two languages, Greek and English, which teaches Greece's history and geography, while emphasizing the necessity of obedience and the importance of consequence.

  • af Hermann Selchow
    195,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Víctor Palacios Vargas
    1.027,95 kr.

    The micro region of Orituco, and its main urban center Altagracia, is located between the master row and the high plain, in the central area of ¿¿Venezuela. It is not exactly a high altitude area, but it is not a plain area either, it is a geospatial, productive, road, dialect mix and that is its population. Economy, roads, society, culture and tourist manifestations where the symbiosis of the native peoples, those navigated from Europe, Africa and the recent waves emerge. In short, it is about a unity within diversity, that is the Orituqueña region.

  • af Víctor Palacios Vargas
    1.227,95 kr.

    A microrregião de Orituco, e seu principal centro urbano Altagracia, está localizada entre a linha mestra e o planalto, na zona central da Venezuela. Não é exatamente uma área de grande altitude, mas também não é uma área plana, é uma mistura geoespacial, produtiva, rodoviária, dialetal e essa é a sua população. Economia, estradas, sociedade, cultura e manifestações turísticas onde emerge a simbiose dos povos originários, dos navegados desde a Europa, de África e das ondas recentes. Em suma, trata-se de uma unidade dentro da diversidade, que é a região de Orituqueña.

  • af Víctor Palacios Vargas
    1.222,95 kr.

    La microregione di Orituco, e il suo principale centro urbano Altagracia, si trova tra il filare maestro e l'altopiano, nella zona centrale del Venezuela. Non è esattamente una zona di alta quota, ma non è nemmeno una zona di pianura, è un mix geospaziale, produttivo, stradale, dialettale e questa è la sua popolazione. Economia, strade, società, cultura e manifestazioni turistiche dove emerge la simbiosi dei popoli autoctoni, di quelli navigati dall'Europa, dall'Africa e dalle ondate recenti. In breve, si tratta di unità nella diversità, questa è la regione di Orituqueña.

  • af Angela Ili¿
    697,95 kr.

    In welchem Verhältnis standen Sport, Ideologie und Mobilisierung in Südosteuropa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert zueinander? Bereits in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts dienten auch in dieser Region Sport und Körperbewegung als ein Vehikel ethnischer, nationaler und sozialer Aspirationen, die als solche medial kommuniziert und von der Öffentlichkeit wahrgenommen wurden. In der Zwischenkriegszeit bestanden gleichzeitig Tendenzen einer uniformierenden und letztlich paramilitärischen Auffassung vom Sport sowie vielfältige Formen transnationaler Kooperation. Die totalitären Regime des 20. Jahrhunderts implizierten eine ideologische Vereinnahmung von Sport und Bewegung. Die Texte internationaler Autor/innen beleuchten diese Prozesse im historischen Kontext mit Blick auf verschiedene Epochen, Staatsformen und Ideologen sowie diverse Sportarten. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf Vereinen und Bewegungen, die sich als "deutsch" verstanden bzw. (zumindest zeitweise) deutschsprachig waren.

  • af Hermann Selchow
    245,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • af Ivo Torbica
    137,95 kr.

    Ljubav - neiscrpan izvor inspiracije umetnika. Ljubav - najlepse osecanje od postanka sveta. Ljubav - neizmerno bogatstvo, najveca radost, magicna rec, razlog za zivot, motiv za budjenje u novom danu... Milenijumima opevavana, oslikavana recima i kistom... I, ma, koliko o njoj pevali i pisali, nikad ne mozemo reci sve. Ona je pokretac sveta i svakog dobra u njemu. Zbog ljubavi padamo, zbog nje se i podizemo. Zbog ljubavi stradamo, zbog nje i zivimo. Zbog ljubavi tugujemo, ali se i radujemo. Ljubav je pored zivota najveci dar od Boga.Zaplovimo sa Ivom Torbicom u more ljubavi, napijmo se dijamantskim kapima sa njenog izvora, nahranimo se njenom nepresusnom lepotom. Neka ova knjiga bude podstrek svakom citaocu, da zivi ljubav i uziva u ljubavnom beskraju!(Lucija Tasic o zbirci pesama Gladni coveka)

  • af Ava Lumina
    172,95 kr.

    In a world where the first impression matters, and guest well-being takes center stage, this book, "Lavylites - The Future of Hotel Cosmetics," presents a revolutionary perspective on the significance and application of cosmetic products in the hotel industry. It is an exploration into the heart of hospitality, enriched with innovative ideas and forward-thinking concepts aimed at making every guest's stay an unforgettable experience.Within these pages, we unveil the latest trends and developments in hotel cosmetics, examining how Lavylites, an avant-garde cosmetic brand, is poised to transform the standards of the hospitality industry. From eco-friendly practices to personalized beauty solutions, this book sheds light on how Lavylites contributes to enhancing the hospitality experience while promoting sustainable practices.

  • af Maria Sass
    806,95 kr.

    The book contains contributions on the significance of German culture for Romanian art, language, and literature. Not only will the direct influence of German role models on Romanian culture be discussed, but it will also show how this influence set in motion a whole series of socio-cultural and artistic shifts that allowed Romanian culture to better understand its position in the European world.Das Buch enthält Beiträge zur Bedeutung der deutschen Kultur für die rumänische Kunst, Sprache und Literatur. Erörtert wird nicht nur der direkte Einfluss deutscher Vorbilder auf die rumänische Kultur, sondern es wird auch aufgezeigt, wie dieser Einfluss eine ganze Reihe soziokultureller und künstlerischer Veränderungen in Gang gesetzt hat, die der rumänischen Kultur ermöglichten, ihren Platz in der europäischen Welt besser zu verstehen.

  • af Ismael Begazo Quenaya
    632,95 kr.

    Sogay est une annexe du district de Yarabamba, située à environ 45 minutes de la ville d'Arequipa, elle a une beauté qui cherche à être convertie en une attraction touristique non seulement pour les habitants de la province, mais aussi pour les visiteurs nationaux et étrangers. Il a un potentiel extraordinaire à présenter à ses visiteurs ; entrer à Sogay, c'est profiter d'une expérience unique qui combine le traditionnel et le naturel qui donne une touche spéciale au village, ce village pittoresque héberge environ 35 familles, la majorité dédiée aux travaux agricoles, ces familles sont celles qui cultivent et conservent les traditions, les coutumes et les techniques de leurs ancêtres pour faire fructifier la terre. Devant le village se trouve un paysage naturel formé par des terrasses précolombiennes qui ressemblent à un amphithéâtre. La beauté de ses paysages et de ses espaces verts est idéale pour l'agrotourisme. Ses cascades, où l'on ne peut aller qu'à pied et où l'on peut observer, au milieu de l'ascension, une grande beauté écologique, sont une destination incontournable pour tout aventurier qui veut connaître quelque chose de plus que l'ordinaire.

  • af Ismael Begazo Quenaya
    482,95 kr.

    Sogay is an annex of the district of Yarabamba, located about 45 minutes from the city of Arequipa, it has a beauty that seeks to be converted into a tourist attraction not only for the inhabitants of the province, but for national and foreign visitors. It has an extraordinary potential to present to its visitors; to enter in Sogay, means to enjoy the unique experience that combines the traditional and the natural that gives a special touch to the town, this picturesque town lodges about 35 families, the majority dedicated to agricultural labours, these families are the ones that cultivate and conserve the traditions, customs and techniques of their ancestors to make produce the land. In front of the village there is a natural landscape formed by pre-Columbian terraces that looks like an amphitheatre. Its beautiful countryside and green areas are ideal for agrotourism. Its waterfalls, where you can only go on foot and in the middle of the ascent you can observe a great ecological beauty, an unmissable destination for any adventurer who wants to get to know something more than the ordinary.

  • af Apostolos Nikolaidis
    182,95 kr.

    Mykonos hat viele Beinamen: Insel der VIPS, der Reichen und Schönen, Party-Hauptstadt Europas oder Insel der Winde. Alles trifft zu.Doch Mykonos ist kein einfaches Reiseziel.Das übliche Landen, Hotel und dann Strand funktioniert hier nicht.Dieses Büchlein soll Ihnen helfen, Fehler zu vermeiden, damit Ihr Urlaub unvergesslich wird. Und das ohne Werbung oder Sponsoring, nur auf Basis von persönlichen Erfahrungen.Neuester Stand: November 2023, mit aktuellen Fluginformationen für 2024.

  • af Amanda B. Pennock
    162,95 kr.

    Explore the soul-soothing flavors with 1500 Days of Mouthwatering Collection of Greek Recipes From the distinctive flavor of high-quality olive oil to the delightful sweetness of Greek pastries, this cookbook brings the essence of Greece's culinary heritage to your kitchen. Discover the secrets behind classic dishes and learn how to master the art of herb and spice blending to capture the essence of Greek flavors.Featuring a varied selection of recipes, ranging from comforting soups and stews to refreshing salads and seafood delights, this Greek cookbook offers something for every palate and occasion. Whether you're hosting a festive gathering or simply craving the comfort of homemade Greek fare, this cookbook provides step-by-step instructions and professional tips to help you create authentic dishes with confidence.Beyond the recipes, this book takes you on a culinary journey through Greece's history, traditions, and the cultural significance of its cuisine. Delve into the art of small appetizers, discover the ritual of Greek coffee, and uncover the secrets of olive oil. Each page is a celebration of the connection between food and community, offering a taste of Greece's hospitality and warmth. What sets this book apart:Foundations of Greek Cuisine---Delve into the basics of Greek food with a comprehensive introduction to essential ingredients, cooking techniques, and culinary traditions. From mastering the art of olive oil to understanding the balance of flavors, readers will build a strong foundation in Greek cooking.Abundance of Authentic Recipes---Explore a treasure trove of authentic Greek recipes that span from appetizers to desserts. This cookbook offers a diverse collection that captures the essence of Greek gastronomy.Ease of Use and Clarity---Designed for cooks of all levels, the cookbook presents recipes in a clear and approachable manner. Step-by-step instructions ensure that even novice cooks can recreate the flavors of Greece with confidence.Culinary Exploration---Take your taste buds on an exploration of Greece's diverse culinary landscape. Each recipe acts as a gastronomic journey to a specific locale, presenting the regional specialties and one-of-a-kind flavor profiles that contribute to the enchanting appeal of Greek cuisine. Elevate your culinary skills, embrace the heart of Greek cooking, and savor the joy of sharing meals with loved ones.

  • af Xenophon
    374,95 kr.

    Stranded deep in Persia, after their leader Cyrus was killed, Xenophon played an instrumental role in encouraging his army of 10,000 to march north across deserts and mountain passes, towards the Black Sea and its Greek shoreline cities.

  • af Janisa J. Brunstein
    427,95 - 537,95 kr.

  • af Christoph Begass
    547,95 kr.

    Experts of ancient sport have long treated "money" and "honor" as opposites. Up to the 1970s, the idea of Greek gentlemen's sport prevailed. It is one of the most exciting challenges for sport historians to overcome this opposition and to develop a concept that integrates the economic and symbolic motivations of ancient athletes. From the very beginning, economic aspects played a role in Greek sport, and honor remained important until the end of ancient athletics. But despite these continuities there are obvious developments in favor of economic factors: Cash prizes grew in importance since the Hellenistic period, and symbolical honors awarded to victorious athletes by their hometowns were transformed into financial ones. The studies collected in this volume aim at exploring the relationship of money and honor with regard to athletes, festivals and poleis.

  • af Olivia Bloom
    267,95 kr.

    Get ready for an amazing adventure with "With Love, Greece"! Are you interested in Greece and thinking about moving there or just moved there? Then this book is perfect for you. It's like having a cool friend who knows everything about Greek culture and traditions. You'll learn so much. Let "With Love, Greece" be your awesome guide to discovering all the awesome things about this incredible country.The "With Love, Greece: An Informative Guide to Greek Culture" will delve into Greek society, language, and customs, uncovering the rich tapestry of this ancient land. Immerse yourself in the Greek language, from its roots to everyday usage. Explore the family unit, a fundamental aspect of Greek society. Experience Greek hospitality and dining culture, and savor the flavors of Greek cuisine. Navigate Greece's public transportation system, from bustling cities to picturesque islands. Learn about Greece's sports activities and discover the driving culture. Marvel at Greece's stunning landscapes and diverse climate. Uncover the secrets behind Greek names and the dynamics of family relationships. Embrace Greek celebrations, from birthdays to weddings, and participate in the joy of Greek dance. Celebrate Greece's public holidays, from Ochi Day to Easter. Let "With Love, Greece" transport you to the heart of this captivating country, offering valuable insights into its culture, traditions, and timeless allure."With Love, Greece. An Informative Guide to Greek Culture" is a must-read for anyone seeking to delve into the heart and soul of Greece. Whether you are a traveler, language enthusiast, or culture aficionado, this book will transport you to the beautiful land of Greece, providing valuable insights and a profound appreciation for its rich heritage and timeless traditions.

  • af Jean Phillippe Paul Jourdain
    312,95 - 462,95 kr.

  • af Ahoy Publications
    157,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Christina Wieland
    151,95 kr.

    Step into the captivating world of Cyprus, a tranquil island during the serene mid-1930s, where the lives of two extraordinary sisters and a talented young man unfold against a backdrop of freedom, love, and ambition.In this quietly passionate love story, the sisters embark on their personal battles for freedom and love, defying societal expectations and ancient traditions. Their journey intertwines with that of a young man from the remote mountains of Marathasa, who yearns for recognition and happiness in a world that often overlooks him.As the story unfolds, a family steeped in self-importance and propriety grapples with the upheaval caused by their daughter's rebellion against age-old customs. Amidst the complexities of human relationships, the island itself reveals its captivating beauty - its land, sea, mountains, and its people, forgotten by the outside world.But this idyllic slumber is about to be shattered as Cyprus awakens to the turbulent waters of violent protest and international politics. As the island finds itself at the crossroads of historical events, the characters are swept up in a wave of change, testing their resilience and challenging their deepest desires.

  • af John Nash
    1.162,95 kr.

    This is a study of sea power and maritime strategy in the Classical Greek world. More than just a study of navies and battles, it examines how the sea was used to influence events ashore and how the use of naval power combined with land power had a defining impact on the period. After an examination of the oft-overlooked practical issues of navigation and administration, the book explores the idea of a 'maritime consciousness' in Greece and how this shaped the way the Greeks engaged in war. Naval operations from the Persian Wars down to the rise of Thebes are examined at the operational and strategic level, including a catalogue of the hundreds of different maritime operations from the 5 th and 4 th centuries BCE. Further, while the great sea power Athens is most prominent, it looks at other city-states to examine how they utilised sea power. This new approach uses modern theory to highlight some enduring lessons of sea power. It demonstrates that Classical scholars should embrace sea power as an important concept in the Greek world. Modern scholars of naval and strategic studies should cast their gaze further back in time when looking for lessons in sea power. This book helps to bridge the scholarship between these two disciplines.

  • af Maria Adamopoulou
    1.162,95 kr.

    Was migration to Germany a blessing or a curse? The main argument of this book is that the Greek state conceived labor migration as a traineeship into Europeanization with its shiny varnish of progress. Jumping on a fully packed train to West Germany meant leaving the past behind. However, the tensed Cold War realities left no space for illusions; specters of the Nazi past and the Greek Civil War still haunted them all. Adopting a transnational approach, this monograph retargets attention to the sending state by exploring how the Greek Gastarbeiter's welfare was intrinsically connected with their homeland through its exercise of long-distance nationalism. Apart from its fresh take in postwar migration, the book also addresses methodological challenges in creative ways. The narrative alternates between the macro- and the micro-level, including subnational and transnational actors and integrating a diverse set of primary sources and voices. Avoiding the trap of exceptionalism, it contextualizes the Greek case in the Mediterranean and Southeast European experience.

  • af Eduard Vlad
    1.034,95 kr.

    The book explores the key concerns in the United States of America, as well as around the world today, related to the significance of ecology, eco-consciousness and climate change.The chapters by individual authors reflect the topics both from a theoretical and from an ecocritical perspective. In the former case, they analyze effects of the present ecological crises (i.e. climate change and pandemics), the emergence and development of environmental humanities, posthumanism, ecocriticism, ecofeminism, and ecotheology. In the latter case, they offer readings of American literary texts of the 20th and 21st centuries as significant case studies.

  • af Wilhelm Dittenberger
    427,95 - 562,95 kr.

  • af Christian Schwochert
    145,95 kr.

    In ¿Der kleine Gatsby, Honor Blood, Indianer Joneson und das Rad der Scheiße¿ wird Jagd auf das gleichnamige Artefakt gemacht. Die Geschichte geht von Seite 3 bis Seite 84.Das restliche Buch enthält die Kurzgeschichten ¿Ein Entzug in Essen¿, ¿Ein Abend mit Harals Martenstein¿ sowie zwei schöne Gedichte und die Antwort von Sebastian Fitzek auf Schwocherts Mail, welche Sie in seinem Antwort-auf-Sebastian-Fitzek-Werk finden können.

  • af Brendan Noble
    327,95 kr.

    Death claims the living realm.Scarred by the demon's influence, Waclaw cannot forget the horror he caused in Vastroth. He knows he must be strong to face Koschei and the Frostmarked Horde, but powerful magic protects the deathless sorcerer. With everyone Waclaw loves at risk, can he control his power and find the key to slaying Koschei's soul as his tribe burns?Anointed by the Vastrothie, Otylia has found worshipers and new strength in the force of endings, but it's nothing without her mother. She finally knows where to find Dziewanna. Can she save her before the pacts she's woven with her enemies come due?Charge into the fast-paced fourth entry of The Frostmarked Chronicles as gods, spirits, and demons from Slavic myths clash for control of the Three Realms.

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