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Bøger om Thailand

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  • af Goeran B Johansson
    262,95 kr.

  • af Göran B Johansson
    337,95 kr.

  • af Cristi Iancu
    442,95 kr.

    Buc¿t¿ria thailandez¿ a devenit foarte popular¿, în principal datorit¿ aromelor unice ¿i c¿ldurii pe care le con¿in majoritatea felurilor de mâncare. Toate felurile de mâncare sunt umplute cu o abunden¿¿ de arome, de obicei o combinäie minunat¿ de dulce, acru ¿i sare.Ingredientele tipice thailandeze includ lucruri precum galangal (asem¿n¿tor cu ghimbirul), lapte de cocos, tamarind, lemongrass, lime, busuioc, turmeric, usturoi, sos de pe¿te etc. Exist¿ multe feluri de mâncare minunate f¿cute în stil thailandez.Creäi aromele interesante ale mânc¿rurilor thailandeze preferate în propria buc¿t¿rie.Aceast¿ carte dezv¿luie secretele prepar¿rii mânc¿rurilor emblematice ¿i prezint¿ un meniu de noi op¿iuni de descoperit.Când preg¿ti¿i re¿etele din aceast¿ carte de bucate thailandeze, re¿ine¿i c¿ oamenii au toleran¿e diferite pentru condimente. De aceea, preg¿tirea meselor thailandeze acas¿ este grozav¿. Pute¿i controla nivelul de picant ¿i aroma fiecare fel de mâncare dup¿ bunul plac. Re¿ine¿i c¿ pute¿i ad¿uga oricând condimente, dar nu le pute¿i lua. Începe üor ¿i testeaz¿ pe m¿sur¿ ce mergi. În majoritatea mânc¿rurilor thailandeze, picanten¿a este compensat¿ prin ad¿ugarea de lapte sau smântân¿ de cocos, care adaug¿ un element exotic buc¿t¿riei thailandeze.Bucuräi-v¿ de aventura în mâncarea thailandez¿. Este o modalitate minunat¿ de a surprinde familia ¿i oaspe¿ii.Ia-¿i copia acum!

  • af Marek Barak
    452,95 kr.

    Thajská kuchyn¿ se stala extrémn¿ populární, a to p¿edev¿ím díky jedine¿ným chutím a teplu obsäeným ve v¿t¿in¿ jídel. Kädé jídlo je napln¿no mnöstvím chutí, obvykle báje¿nou kombinací sladké, kyselé a slané.Mezi typické thajské ingredience pat¿í v¿ci jako galangal (podobný zázvoru), kokosové mléko, tamarind, citronová tráva, limetka, bazalka, kurkuma, ¿esnek, rybí omá¿ka atd. V thajském stylu se vyrábí spousta ú¿asných jídel.Vytvöte si vzru¿ující chut¿ svých oblíbených thajských jídel ve své vlastní kuchyni.Tato kniha odhaluje tajemství výroby ikonických jídel a p¿edstavuje nabídku nových möností, které m¿¿ete objevit.P¿i p¿íprav¿ recept¿ z této thajské kuchäky m¿jte na pam¿ti, ¿e lidé mají r¿znou toleranci ke köení. Proto je p¿íprava thajských jídel doma tak skv¿lá. M¿¿ete ovládat úrove¿ pikantnosti a ochutit kädé jídlo p¿esn¿ podle väí chuti. M¿jte na pam¿ti, ¿e köení m¿¿ete v¿dy p¿idat, ale nem¿¿ete je odebrat. Zän¿te snadno a ochutnejte test za pochodu. U v¿t¿iny thajských pokrm¿ je horkost kompenzována p¿idáním kokosového mléka nebo kokosové smetany, které ob¿ dodávají thajské kuchyni exotický prvek.U¿ijte si své dobrodru¿ství v thajském jídle. Je to skv¿lý zp¿sob, jak p¿ekvapit rodinu a hosty.Popadn¿te svou kopii hned!

  • af Ana Saetang
    424,95 kr.

  • af Elzbieta M. Gozdziak
    654,95 kr.

    This book, based on exploratory ethnographic research, analyses the experiences of African migrants in Thailand. Addressing an important gap in migration research, this book will be of interest to researchers across the fields of migration and mobility studies, African Studies, and Asian Studies.

    1.576,95 kr.

    This book represents the first systematic overview of policy analysis in Thailand.

  • af Stefan Phim
    332,95 kr.

  • af Franco Merenda
    407,95 kr.

  • af Marco Scholtz
    407,95 kr.

  • af Hakan Bulut
    387,95 kr.

    Tay yemekleri, ço¿u yemekte bulunan benzersiz tatlar ve ¿s¿ nedeniyle son derece popüler hale geldi. Her yemek, genellikle tatl¿, ek¿i ve tuzlu harika bir kombinasyon olan çok say¿da lezzetle doldurulur.Tipik Tay malzemeleri, havl¿can (zencefil benzeri), hindistancevizi sütü, demirhindi, limon otu, misket limonu, fesle¿en, zerdeçal, sar¿msak, bal¿k sosu gibi ¿eyleri içerir. Tay tarz¿nda yap¿lm¿¿ birçok harika yemek vard¿r.En sevdi¿iniz Tay yemeklerinin heyecan verici lezzetlerini kendi mutfä¿n¿zda yarat¿n.Bu kitap, ikonik yemekler yapman¿n s¿rlar¿n¿ ortaya koyuyor ve ke¿fedilecek yeni seçeneklerden olu¿an bir menü sunuyor.Bu Tay Yemek Kitab¿ndan tarifler haz¿rlarken, insanlar¿n baharatlara kar¿¿ farkl¿ toleranslar¿ oldu¿unu unutmay¿n. Bu yüzden evde Tay yemekleri haz¿rlamak çok güzel. Her yeme¿in müstehcenlik seviyesini ve lezzetini tam zevkinize göre kontrol edebilirsiniz. Her zaman baharat ekleyebilece¿inizi, ancak ç¿karamayacä¿n¿z¿ unutmay¿n. Gittikçe kolay ve tat testine bälay¿n. Ço¿u Tayland yeme¿i için ¿s¿, her ikisi de Tayland mutfä¿na egzotik bir unsur ekleyen hindistancevizi sütü veya hindistancevizi kremas¿ ilavesiyle dengelenir.Tayland yemeklerinde maceran¿z¿n tad¿n¿ ç¿kar¿n. Aileyi ve misafirleri ¿ä¿rtman¿n harika bir yolu.Kopyan¿z¿ ¿imdi al¿n!

  • af Tom Suwan
    397,95 kr.

  • af Tristan Jones
    178,95 kr.

  • af Heston Brown
    152,95 kr.

    Have you gotten bored of the usual soup and would like to leave your comfort zone and be more daring? Your answer is yes? That's great, but it does not have to be extremely difficult. This cookbook is what you need to make sure that you get a massive reward from this endeavor. It is filled with exquisite and trendy Thai Soup recipes. It does not matter what the occasion is, this cookbook will assist you in making your Thai Soup mastery come true. These recipes come in different varieties to make sure you are not limited to one thing. 30 Thai soup recipes are gathered in this book, with simplified steps and accurate measurement. There is no way it can go wrong if you follow the instructions, and at the end, you will get nothing but amazing aroma and taste. Your family and friends are only a bowl of soup away from having their hearts melt, so get a copy of this book and begin.

  • af Heston Brown
    152,95 kr.

    If you are enthusiastic about Thai food and have had to depend on restaurants before you get a taste of it, you don't need to do that anymore. With this cookbook, "Thai Cookbook Made to Perfection - 27 Delicious Thai Food Recipes: Cook Thai Food like a Thai," you can prepare the best Thai food in the comfort of your home. If you've ever wondered why Thai food is so popular, here is your answer. It has its original, distinctive taste, accompanied by the sweetest aroma, which you cannot find in any other meal. With this cookbook, you stand a chance to enjoy the most delicious Thai meals all by yourself, or with your family. Furthermore, if you are looking to throw a party that will feature meals from Thailand, you will find this book helpful. The instructions in this book are clear and concise, making them easy to follow. And there is an absolute certainty that you will run into no problem during the process of following them. Interesting already, isn't it? It's going to get more interesting the moment you grab this cookbook.

  • af Carla Hall
    357,95 kr.

    Beloved TV chef Carla Hall (from ABC's Emmy Award?winning The Chew and a fan favorite on Bravo's Top Chef) takes us back to her own Nashville roots to offer a fresh, lip-smackin' look at America's favorite comfort cuisine. Everyday soul food, traditionally plant-based, is full of veggie goodness that's just as delicious as cornbread and fried chicken.Featuring 145 original recipes, 120 color photographs, and a whole lotta love, Carla Hall's Soul Food is a wonderful blend of the modern and the traditional?honoring soul food's heritage and personalizing it with Carla's signature style. The result is an irresistible, openhearted collection of recipes and stories that share love, joy, identity, and memory.

  • af Danette St Onge
    187,95 kr.

    Fast, simple, and scrumptious Thai food—no restaurant required. Create the exciting flavors of your favorite Thai meals in your own kitchen—no delivery necessary. The Better-than-Takeout Thai Cookbook reveals the secrets to making iconic dishes and introduces a menu of new options to discover. The Better-than-Takeout Thai Cookbook shows you how to easily prep your pantry so you'll be ready to cook in 30 minutes or less. You'll even learn how to make curry paste from scratch to have on hand for last-minute meals. Alongside the recipes, this Thai cookbook includes serving suggestions, convenient ingredient swaps, and more. Inside The Better-than-Takeout Thai Cookbook, you'll find: Quick Thai cooking—Make flavorful meals in less than 30 minutes by keeping a handful of signature ingredients in your cupboard. A menu of favorites—Find the dishes you crave in chapters organized like a Thai restaurant selection: Noodles, Soups and Salads, Curries, Seafood, and more. 100 recipes—Enjoy classic restaurant dishes like Pad Thai and Yellow Curry with Chicken and Potatoes, or try something new like Thai-Style Omelet or Jungle Curry. Thai food is better homemade with The Better-than-Takeout Thai Cookbook!

  • af Aase Bak
    362,95 kr.

    Thai madlavning er blevet ekstremt populær, mest på grund af den unikke smag og varme, der er indeholdt i de fleste retter. Hver ret er fyldt med en overflod af smag, normalt en vidunderlig kombination sødt, surt og salt.De typiske thailandske ingredienser omfatter ting som galangal (ligner ingefær), kokosmælk, tamarind, citrongræs, lime, basilikum, gurkemeje, hvidløg, fiskesauce osv. Der er en masse skønne retter lavet på thailandsk stil.Skab de spændende smage af dine yndlings thailandske måltider i dit eget køkken.Denne bog afslører hemmelighederne bag at lave ikoniske retter og introducerer en menu med nye muligheder at opdage.Når du forbereder opskrifter fra denne thailandske kogebog, skal du huske på, at folk har forskellig tolerance over for krydderier. Derfor er det så fantastisk at tilberede thailandske måltider derhjemme. Du kommer til at kontrollere niveauet af krydrethed og smag hver ret til din præcise smag. Husk, at du altid kan tilføje krydderier, men du kan ikke fjerne dem. Start let, og smag test efterhånden. For de fleste thailandske retter opvejes varmen af ¿¿tilsætning af kokosmælk eller kokosfløde, som begge tilføjer et eksotisk element til thailandsk madlavning.Nyd dit eventyr i thailandsk spisning. Det er en vidunderlig måde at overraske familie og gæster på.Få fat i dit eksemplar nu!

  • af Albert Saelim
    772,95 kr.

    Thai cooking has become extremely popular, mostly due to the unique flavors and heat contained in most dishes. Every dish is filled with an abundance of flavors, usually a wonderful combination sweet, sour, and salty. The typical Thai ingredients include things like galangal (similar to ginger), coconut milk, tamarind, lemongrass, lime, basil, turmeric, garlic, fish sauce, etc. There are a lot of wonderful dishes made in Thai style.Create the exciting flavors of your favorite Thai meals in your own kitchen.This book reveals the secrets to making iconic dishes and introduces a menu of new options to discover.When preparing recipes from this Thai Cookbook, keep in mind people have different tolerance for spices. That why preparing Thai meals at home is so great. You get to control the level of spiciness and flavor each dish to your exact taste. Keep in mind you can always add spices, but you can't remove them. Start easy and taste test as you go. For most Thai dishes, the heat is offset by the addition of coconut milk or coconut cream, both of which add an exotic element to Thai cooking. Enjoy your adventure in Thai eating. It's a wonderful way to surprise family and guests.Grab your copy now!

  • af June Williamson
    337,95 kr.

    My name is June, and I love to create delicious Thai dishes that my whole family enjoys. My friends have begged me to write down some of my recipes, and so I have taken on the project of documenting all of the recipes that I use on a daily basis. To validate the authenticity of my recipes, I was raised by my Thai mother in America. I was born in Thailand, but my father's military life allowed spotted living in Thailand for a total of 9 years. With pure joy, I vividly recall the sights, sounds, and smells of food vendors all over Bangkok, Pattaya, Udorn, and Chiang Mai. I've watched and helped my mother cook without recipes for years; so writing a recipe book has been challenging ... but oh, so much fun!! I've been enjoying my summer and have been busy cooking for ABC4 in Utah on "The Daily Dish" and will be on again "Good Things Utah."

  • af Martin Weber
    382,95 kr.

    Suchen Sie ein chinesisches Kochbuch mit Rezepten für Ihre hausgemachten Gerichte?In diesem Buch finden Sie viele Rezepte aus traditionellen und modernen chinesischen Gerichten.Jetzt können Sie die Aromen von Chinatown in Ihrer eigenen Küche einfangen. Dieses chinesische Kochbuch macht es schnell und einfach, chinesische Lieblingsgerichte zu Hause mit anfängerfreundlichen Rezepten zuzubereiten, die jeder beherrschen kann. Huhn. Rindfleisch. Schweinefleisch. Wenige Worte, die klar und deutlich an die intensiven, erstaunlichen Aromen einer der besten und am weitesten verbreiteten Zubereitungsarten der Welt erinnern: der chinesischen Küche.Diese Schritt-für-Schritt-Rezepte verwenden einfache, erschwingliche, alltägliche Zutaten, die Sie in den meisten Lebensmittelgeschäften finden können, und erfordern keine langwierigen Vorbereitungen oder komplizierten Kochtechniken.In diesem Kochbuch lernen Sie, wie Sie die berühmtesten chinesischen Rezepte zu Hause kochen, Mahlzeiten und Abendessen für Ihre Freunde, Partys und Kinder mit den besten Zutaten zubereiten und den Geschmack mit sowohl sanften als auch starken Gewürzen aus China hervorheben.Wenn Sie Ihre Freunde und Familie beeindrucken möchten, ist dieses chinesische Kochbuch genau das Richtige für Sie!Scrollen Sie nach oben, klicken Sie auf Jetzt kaufen und holen Sie sich Ihr Exemplar noch heute!

  • af Lucy Vine
    174,95 kr.

    Nogle siger, at enhver rejse begynder med det første skridt … Den her begynder med en kæmpe bommert.Efter en fatal 30-års fødselsdag med for mange kedelige kærestepar, stærke shots og upassende sms’er til chefen, beslutter Alice, at der skal ske noget. Hun skal væk fra sit kedelige liv og opleve mere af verden på bedste Spis bed elsk-manér.Alice rejser afsted med målet om at realisere sig selv og møde en fyr eller to på vejen. Bevæbnet med en veludviklet forestillingsevne forvandler hun selv de dårligste dates til en #blessed-oplevelse på rejsebloggen.Men Alice må indse, at selvom hun rejser halvvejs rundt om kloden, så følger hendes problemer med, og uanset hvor stor afstand hun lægger mellem sig selv og det, hun helst vil glemme, så er nogle ting umulige at løbe fra. Hvis svarene hverken findes hjemme i London, i det glamourøse LA eller på en strand i Thailand, hvor kan de så være gemt?

  • af Peter Bialobrzeski
    248,95 kr.

    (English Version below)Bangkok Diary, 7.-14. März 20168. März, 2016: »The city has changed dramatically. It is turning into another Singapore with skywalks, loads of air-conditioned malls, and Western-style coffee stalls. It's easier now to buy a vanilla latte than a pad thai in the streets of the capital of Siam.«(Peter Bialobrzeski)Über die City DiariesDie Stadt zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts ist das große Thema der City Diaries von Peter Bialobrzeski. In dem bisher 19 Bände umfassenden Projekt untersucht er seit 2013, ob der Entwurf des Bildes einer Stadt, gespeist aus Vorurteilen, Vorgefundenem und medial Vermitteltem in ein spezifisches Bild überführt werden kann. Ob Wuhan oder Wolfsburg - ihn interessieren die von der Globalisierung zunehmend kaschierten kulturellen Unterschiede, die er mittels einer scheinbar objektivierenden Bildsprachesichtbar macht. Dabei schlagen sich auch aktuelle politische und soziale Entwicklungen in Bialobrzeskis Bildern und Tagebucheinträgen nieder. Format und Umfang aller Titel sind identisch. Diese Systematik erlaubt einen vergleichenden Blick auf verschiedenste urbane Situationen. Weitere Bände erscheinen in loser Reihenfolge.About the City DiariesThe city at the beginning of the 21st century is the major theme of Peter Bialobrzeski's City Diaries. In the project, started in 2013 and so far comprising of 19 volumes, he has been investigating whether the pre-conception of a city, a product of prejudices, personal observations and what is conveyed by the media, can be transformed into a specific image. Whether Wuhan or Wolfsburg - Bialobrzeski is interested in the cultural differences increasingly concealed by globalization, which he makes visible by means of a seemingly objectifying aesthetic. Current political and social developments are also reflected in Bialobrzeski's images and diary entries. The format and page count of all titles are identical. This systematic approach allows for a comparative view of a wide array of different urban situations. Further volumes will be published intermittently.

  • af Theerapat Ungsuchaval
    1.710,95 kr.

    NGOs and Civil Society in Thailand critically examines the relationships of civil society to nongovernmental organisations in Thailand, and examines the 'NGOisation' of civil society, how NGOs are funded and governed, and in what way the NGOs has been shaped to work with the funder.

  • af Chuan Ahunai
    287,95 kr.

    Stop ordering out and start making delicious Thai cuisine at home! Thai food has its distinct personality. It's easy to tell it apart from Chinese and other Asian cuisines. Thai cuisine has its distinct blend of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and spicy flavours. This cookbook will assist you in preparing your favourite foods at home. Most are simple to prepare without sacrificing the takeaway flavour. Cooking at home requires more effort than eating out, but it is always healthier and more enjoyable. Bring the subtle tastes of Thai cuisine into your kitchen. This book will teach you how. You will learn how to cook Thai food in the same way that takeaway restaurants do, and you will become an expert at handling Thai ingredients and mixing the flavours that have made Thailand famous across the globe for its excellent cuisine. You'll find the following items inside: History of Thai takeaway foodThai cuisine ingredients, cooking techniques, and cooking equipment are utilized to produce the ultimate Thai mealAppetizers like the Fresh Summer Rolls with Tamarind Sauce are delicious.Quick Coconut Soup, for example, is a hearty soup dish (Tom Kha)Salad dishes that are light and refreshing, such as the Papaya Salad (Som Tum)Chicken Pad Thai is an example of a simple noodle and rice dish.Traditional chicken dishes, such as the Easy Chicken Coconut Green CurryThai Lemongrass Pork Chops are a delicious pork dish.Delightful beef dishes, such as the Massaman Beef CurryDelectable fish and seafood delicacies, such as the Andaman Shrimp CakeSteamed Mixed Vegetables and Tofu are excellent vegetarian meals.Delicious sweets such as the Banana Fritters And Much More!.... What are you waiting for?...Scroll back up and click the BUY NOW button to get your cookbook right now!

  • af Annika Briese
    152,95 kr.

  • af Emeril Lagasse
    207,95 kr.

    It's the essence of great eating with Emeril Lagasse in Louisiana Real & Rustic. Join the award-winning chef, television personality, and restaurateur on a tour down the back roads and bayous of Louisiana for some of the greatest home cooking in America. With his authentic Louisiana recipes, Emeril takes the reader on a tour of the state, from country cabins in Cajun country to the refined town houses of Creole aristocracy, bringing to life the colorful history that has made Louisiana a true culinary crossroads.

    167,95 kr.

  • af Christopher G. Moore
    187,95 kr.

  • af David Thompson
    457,95 kr.

    Thompson's collection of Thai cooking lore, history and recipes is comprehensive and all-inclusive. Includes a description of the country, its various socioeconomic groups (called muang) and its culinary history. A chapter on snacks and street foods offers additional tasty choices. Color photos.

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