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Kunst: økonomiske aspekter

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  • af Beth Gates Warren
    4.672,95 kr.

    A four-volume celebration of one of America's most influential gallerists, with rarely seen letters, ephemera and photographsJulien Levy (1906-81) is best remembered today as the art dealer who brought Surrealism to the United States. His eponymous New York City Gallery (1931-49) was generally regarded as the best place to view cutting-edge work by such artists as Salvador Dalí, Max Ernst, Alberto Giacometti, Arshile Gorky, Frida Kahlo and Man Ray. This four-volume set, presented in a slipcase, gives readers an uncensored insider's view of Levy, the artists he exhibited, and the influence he wielded during the 1930s and '40s. Volume one presents a biography of Levy, including a comprehensive exhibition chronology and an abundance of new information about the evolution of Levy's career during his 18 years as an art dealer. Volumes two, three and four include chapters that discuss each of the approximately 230 solo and group exhibitions mounted by Levy, along with interesting observations about the featured artists. The authors have incorporated important new details about the workings of the gallery, allowing them to clarify or correct statements made in Levy's 1977 Memoir of an Art Gallery and other publications. They have also uncovered some surprising revelations concerning Levy and his interactions with the artists he represented.

  • af Andrea Concas
    394,95 kr.

    The first NFT book that tells of the beginning of Crypto Art with 50 of the best artists in the movement.In the last year, crypto art has overwhelmed the world of digital art and beyond, involving collectors, museums, and auction houses, creating a fully-fledged digital revolution. It is guided by visionary artists who have promoted this unprecedented movement, with new rules, overwhelming dynamics, and innovative ways of using art.Crypto Art—Begins, published by Rizzoli Italia and New York, is based on an idea and project by The NFT Magazine, the first monthly magazine to be read and collected on the blockchain Ethereum.The volume tells of this exciting movement through the history and works of 50 crypto artists—including Hackatao, Refik Anadol, Kevin Abosch, Osinachi, Federico Clapis, Giant Swan, and DADA.Art—who contributed to its creation and form a part of it with their NFTs (non-fungible tokens) representing the present and future of this new world.

  • af Noah Charney
    340,95 kr.

    The book describes what NFTs are, how they are created, how they're marketed, and how to buy, collect, and sell them.

  • af Antonio Rafael Barroso
    152,95 kr.

    Pasiones y desventuras: Aciertos y desaciertos en el amor. Horizonte al que dirige sus pasos este poemario. En las exigencias de las rimas que conforman la décima, el soneto y otras composiciones poéticas el autor encuentra espacio para recrear controversias amorosas. En sus cálidas poesías, el lector se auto descubre, a solas con su alma. Toma partido, a favor o en contra, teniendo como juez la historia de sus propias pasiones y desventuras.

  • af Georgia Miles
    297,95 kr.

    " How to Start a Business" is an all-in-one guide that provides aspiring entrepreneurs with the knowledge and tools they need to start and grow a successful business. Whether you have an idea in mind or just a passion to be your own boss, this book will guide you through every stage of the process.The book covers the following topics:Understanding your business idea and market researchCreating a business plan and setting goalsRaising capital and managing financesBuilding a team and creating a company cultureMarketing and sales strategies for successDealing with challenges and making tough decisionsScaling and expanding your businessAnd Much More!...This book is filled with practical advice and real-life examples from successful entrepreneurs. The step-by-step format makes it easy to follow, and the information is presented in a clear and concise manner. So, scroll up and click the button to get the book!...

  • af Mark Volpe
    507,95 kr.

  • af Ditte Ejlerskov
    147,95 kr.

    THE RANT is an artistic reaction to the development of the blockchain technology based on Ejlerskov’s own practice. It is a vision that connects our physical and digital world and leads the way into a possible future, where our spirit and bodies are as much part of the technological revolution as the upcoming decentralized internet.Central banking and the history of money, reincarnation and astrology, art, tech, neo financing, and crypto, plus the possibilities of our existence being a simulation? I am willing to consider all possible angles on life at this point. There is nothing simple about the transitory era we are living in. It is all intertwined. The same technology that can save us all can enslave us if it is not handled wisely. - Ejlerskov

  • af Terry Sheppard
    408,95 kr.

    Do you have a dream of a life of passion in the creative arts: achieving personal and career success and making a living? Talent alone is never enough. CRE8IVES BE A DREAM ACHIEVER WORKBOOK is a life-map for anyone in the arts. Become who you were born to be . . . "Life Is A Special Occasion, You Are Special." The CRE8IVES BE A DREAM ACHIEVER WORKBOOK doesn't diminish talent but amplifies the performance that can go together with it to build day by day a life dream and career success. The CRE8IVES BE A DREAM ACHIEVER WORKBOOK is designed to help you blend creative vision with business confidence to develop the career you love and create a plan for growth to succeed in enterprise. This workbook is a how-to-offering of timeless principles used by successful men and women throughout history. Terry Sheppard is a California State Credentialed Educator, Published Author, Director / Producer of broadcast, corporate, and educational television programming. Sheppard's zeal for creative media work consumed his life. His diverse career includes seasons as a journalist, executive vice president of an international media production company, music industry entrepreneur, rock radio personality, and motivational speaker. In 1995, at the age of fifty, he was recruited by a New York Exchange public traded corporation, Media Arts Group, Inc. He quickly rose to the position of vice president of media and entertainment. During his 7-year tenure one of his assignments was to document the life of the artist Thomas Kinkade, the "Painter of Light." The production he directed / produced is titled An American Artist Thomas Kinkade. It became a National PBS Television Pledge Break Special.

  • af Bojana Kunst
    230,95 - 247,95 kr.

    For at forstå, hvordan nutidens billed- og scenekunst er flettet sammen med kapitalismen, må vi forstå forholdet mellem kunst og det moderne arbejdsliv. I Kunstner i arbejde undersøger Bojana Kunst kunstproduktionen som kritisk, projektorienteret og forandringsparat – egenskaber, der står i centrum af tidens værdiskabelse og arbejdsmarked. Kunst argumenterer for, at der sker en gennemgribende udbytning af menneskets kreative kræfter i det postindustrielle arbejdsliv, og diskuterer, hvordan kunsten alligevel kan hævde sig selv og sin plads i offentligheden. Bojana Kunst er performanceteoretiker og professor ved Institut for Anvendt Teatervidenskab ved Justus-Liebig-Universität i Giessen, Tyskland. Bibliotek for ny kunstteori er en bogserie med oversættelser af international kunst- og kulturteori udgivet i samarbejde mellem Ny Carlsbergfondet og Informations Forlag. Kunstner i arbejde er den sjette titel i serien. Tidligere er bøger af Eyal Weizman, Sianne Ngai, Jacques Rancière, Juliane Rebentisch og Hito Steyerl udkommet.

  • af Patti Dobrowolski
    262,95 - 542,95 kr.

  • af Susana Vital
    117,95 kr.

    Cada cierto tiempo hay un cambio tecnológico que revoluciona la sociedad, haciendo que el dinero cambie de manos y haya una nueva élite. Estamos viviendo cómo con los criptoactivos: criptomonedas, NFTs y otros tokens están creando una nueva generación de millonarios.Susana Vital es una de las que ha surfeado esta nueva ola. En este libro te cuenta su historia y, lo que seguramente te interese todavía más: cómo puedes hacerlo tú.Con una prosa ligera, como si fuese una amiga con la que te estás tomando una cerveza (o un café) te cuenta todo lo que necesitas saber para ganar dinero con NFTs y convertirte en una auténtica criptoartista.¿Qué vas a encontrar?Definición de los principales conceptos del mundo de las criptomonedas y los NFTs para que puedas entender todo el libro aunque no tengas conocimientos previos. Después de leer esta parte podrás hablar con cualquiera del tema y te tendrá como experto, no muchas personas (todavía) sabes de qué va esto.Paso a paso completo para ganar dinero por Internet con NFTs. Todo, desde cómo hacerlos, hasta cómo venderlos. Ponlo en práctica y cállale la boca a quienes te dijeron que no podías vivir del arte.Breve guía actualizada con las claves de la fiscalidad con criptoactivos. Aprende cómo puedes no pagar impuestos por tus criptomonedas y NFTs, o cómo pagarlos, si es que así lo decides (o si ya no te queda más remedio por no haber leído este libro antes). La libertad consiste, también, en no dejarse robar. Todo rico lo sabe.Este es el libro te cambiará la vida, no pierdas más el tiempo y empieza a leerlo, desliza arriba y haz clic en comprar.

  • af B. Bernsteiner
    172,95 kr.

  • af Eric Holter
    172,95 kr.

  • af Mantri Pragada Markandeyulu
    282,95 kr.

  • af Guido Petruccioli
    682,95 kr.

    John Marshall (1862-1928) was an antiquities expert hired by the Metropolitan Museum of New York. An attentive observer of the antiquities trade, Marshall''s archive, photographs and annotations on more than 1000 objects, shines light on the secretive world of art dealing and how objects arrived at the largest museums of Europe and North America.

  • - møder mellem erhvervsliv og samtidskunst
    af Michael Solgaard
    347,95 kr.

    Med kunsten som indsats er en inspirationsbog til alle med interesse i kunst og innovativ virksomhedsledelse, og den er den første af sin art i Danmark. Bogen præsenterer en række af de mest visionære danske virksomheder, som samarbejder strategisk med samtidskunstnere, og stiller spørgsmål til, hvilken forskel disse møder skaber. Hvilken kunst inviteres ind i virksomhederne, hvilken betydning tillægges den, og hvordan er relationen til kunstnerne?Bogen bygger på interviews med nøglepersoner i Novo Nordisk, DSV, KLAR Advokater, Aquaporin, Mads Nørgaard – Copenhagen, Kirk Kapital, Kvadrat, Polestar, HAY, Mayfair Hotel Tunneln og Salling samt kunstnerne Bjørn Nørgaard, Jeppe Hein, Olafur Eliasson og Rose Eken.Michael Solgaard er journalist og har siden 2007 været ansat på Dagbladet Børsen, hvor han er redaktør for kulturnyheder og filmanmelder. Han er desuden cand.merc. og har en Executive MBA fra CBS.

  • af Don Chuck Carvalho
    467,95 kr.

    tattoo BUSINESS CARDS design ideas I had over the years, OVER 50 pages of cards ive done, check out the preview to not have surprises ;) more info check out Instagram @donchuckcarvalho

  • af Mutter Hautberg
    297,95 kr.

    Vincent van Gogh war ein niederländischer Maler des Post-Impressionismus. Seine kraftvollen Werke, darunter "Sonneblumen" und "Die Sternennacht", prägen die moderne Kunst. Trotz eines tragischen Lebensendes beeinflusst van Gogh Künstler weltweit und bleibt eine Ikone der Kunstgeschichte.Nun gibt es neue Bilder aus dem Jenseits. Die Weltsensation!

  • af Mutter Hautberg
    297,95 kr.

  • af Ann-Marie Richard
    478,95 kr.

    The Valuation of Fine Art and Design provides a detailed analysis of the art and science of valuation, focussing on the process of assigning monetary values to artworks. The book sets out to educate art-world stakeholders in the nuances of pricing in the broadest sense. Construction of appropriate values requires an understanding of the international art market infrastructure in which these values will be applied; for this reason, the book explores the major sales venues in some detail. Additionally, it requires the appraiser to establish the importance of the work in question; to this end, the book presents fine and decorative-arts research sources. Finally, all value conclusions are based upon evidence derived from previous sales of similar items. The book concludes by demonstrating, through case studies, the impact on an artwork's value of factors including authenticity, style, artist's stature, publication and exhibition record, medium, rarity, and inclusion of related works in museum collections.

  • af Henry Little
    210,95 kr.

    Written by an art advisor and former gallerist with an insider's perspective, this book provides a timely overview of the commercial-gallery sector at a moment of rapid change and expansion. More than any participant in the art market, galleries are seen as mysterious actors with an opaque code of conduct. This book offers a fascinating view of the gallery ecosystem, presenting a systematic diagnosis of key challenges and opportunities facing the sector today. Henry Little discusses the integration of bricks and clicks, addressing the tension between a gallery's physical premises and its online presence, further asking how the world's largest galleries have pulled so far ahead both in terms of their physical expansion and their digital offering. In an industry which increasingly rewards consolidation and brand recognition, the book asks how small and mid-tier galleries can hold their own and whether the traditional gallery model may be under threat in an increasingly digital future.

  • af William Morris
    71,95 kr.

    Based on a lecture given at the Manchester Royal Institution in 1883, Art, Wealth and Riches is a thought-provoking essay that considers art as having educative and aesthetic value that should be shared with the many, rather than financial value that should be hoarded by the few.

  • af Christoph Noe
    207,95 kr.

    The author of the book lovingly calls it a naïve attempt to make the art world a little bit happier. After living and working in the art world for the past fifteen years, Christoph Noe brought pen to paper to gather some thoughts on how to navigate in the culture industry. "It first developed foremost as a guide for myself as I continuously challenge the mission that I am on in the art world, asking myself why I am still doing what I am doing. Or sometimes, more dramatically, "If art is used in therapy, why do we almost need therapy when working in the art industry?" With a strong believe in the power of art and cultural creation and over multiple conversations and with the encouragement of my art- world crew, I came to the conclusion that these guidelines can function as a possible motivator, as a collection of thoughts or critical questions not only for myself but also for other people and collaborators working in the scene."Christoph NoeSomewhere in the art world, September 2022

  • af Ambroise Vollard
    322,95 - 482,95 kr.

  • af Lukas Zerbst
    342,95 kr.

    Kaum ein künstlerischer Karriereweg lässt sich heutzutage ohne ein Residenzstipendium beschreiten. Unzählige Aufenthaltsprogramme sind mit ihren individuellen Ausrichtungen über den gesamten Globus verstreut. Sie ermöglichen Künstler:innen von heute, im regionalen wie internationalen Raum neue Eindrücke zu sammeln und die Weiterentwicklung der eigenen Praxis voranzutreiben.Ausgangspunkt des vorliegenden Buches ist die Residency von Lukas Zerbst in der sogenannten Villa Minimo in Hannover. Zerbst betitelte seine Stipendiums-Ausstellung Space Invader und machte diesen Namen wortwörtlich zum Programm. Über die Dauer von knapp zwei Monaten eignete er sich die institutionellen Räume als Domizil und Atelier an und schuf eine ganze Reihe von ortsspezifischen Installationen. Vor den Augen der Besucher:innen formte sich die Ausstellung so stetig weiter und ermöglichte einen ungewohnten und nahen Einblick in alltägliche Vorgänge des Kunstschaffens.Die Publikation stellt Zerbsts Projekt vor und liefert mit Hilfe von Textbeiträgen aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen einen vielstimmigen Beitrag zur kontinuierlichen Diskussion um Arbeitsbedingungen im Kunstbetrieb.

  • af Rebecca Anne Proctor
    272,95 kr.

    This book spotlights the role that contemporary art will play in Saudi Arabia's new push for cultural diplomacy as well as sweeping reform in the country. As the Kingdom mobilises its vast resources behind the economic and social priorities of its Vision 2030 strategy and seeks new terms of engagement with the international community, art is set to take centre stage. This book looks at both the historic and contemporary contexts for this recent state-led focus on art in the Kingdom; at how its planned events and programmes stand apart, in resource, scale and ambition, from seemingly similar initiatives coming from that region; and at both the opportunities and pitfalls, not just for the burgeoning art world of Saudi Arabia, but for practitioners and professionals around the world.

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