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Fotoudstyr og fototeknikker

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  • af Yevhen Samuchenko
    395,95 kr.

    Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Ukrainisch Format: 23,5 x 30 cm , 192 Seiten Außergewöhnliche Landschaftsfotografie: modern, jung und auf das Wesentliche reduziert Eine Liebeserklärung des preisgekrönten ukrainischen Fotografen Yevhen Samuchenko an seine Heimat Durch den Blick von oben werden die Dimensionen der Ukraine als eines der größten europäischen Länder sichtbar gemacht Ein ästhetisches Meisterwerk der Formen und Farben Der ukrainische Fotograf Yevhen Samuchenko, geboren in Odessa, wurde weltweit für seine beeindruckende Reisefotografie und seine kunstvollen Aerials ausgezeichnet - weil er die zerbrechliche Schönheit unseres Planeten in poetischen Bildern festhält. Auch die seiner Heimat, die jäh in das Zentrum der internationalen Aufmerksamkeit gerückt ist und zerbrechlicher scheint denn je. The Beauty of Ukraine ist eine Liebeserklärung an die Landschaften der Ukraine und zugleich ein ästhetischer Hochgenuss. Yevhen Samuchenko zeigt uns etwa den Lemurianischen See aus der Luft, dessen ungewöhnlich pinke Farbe ihn wie ein Land-Art-Kunstwerk erscheinen lässt. Er nimmt einen Canyon bei Cherson so auf, dass er wie eine Grafik in der sattgrünen Landschaft wirkt. Mohn- und Lavendelfelder faszinieren mit ihrer kompromisslosen Farbigkeit, Winterlandschaften mit ihrer monumentalen Stille und Reduziertheit. Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Ukrainisch

  • af Diana Vreeland
    177,95 kr.

    Brilliant, funny, charming, imperious, Diana Vreeland?the fashion editor of Harper's Bazaar and editor-in-chief of Vogue?was a woman whose passion and genius for style helped define the world of high fashion for fifty years. Among her eclectic circle of friends were some of the most renowned and famous figures of the twentieth century?artists and princes, movie stars and international legends, including Chanel, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Isak Dinesen, Clark Gable, and Swifty Lazar.Moving from English palaces to the nightclubs of 1930s Paris, the wilds of Wyoming to the exclusive venues of New York high society, D.V. takes readers into this iconic woman's dazzling life, evoking the luxury and brio of an era that encompassed Josephine Baker, England's Queen Mary, Buffalo Bill, and Diaghilev.Vibrant with the vivid, irresistible voice that elevated every tête-à-tête and dinner party, D.V. brings this renowned and uninhibited raconteur alive, whether recalling herself as a young girl, her search for the perfect red, her piquant observations about her world, or her abhorrence for nostalgia. Like her legacy, Vreeland's story, told in her own words, is a classic to be celebrated by both loyal admirers and a new generation of culture mavens and style savants.

  • - 100 gruppebilleder
    af Christian Ejlers
    236,95 kr.

    1000 nye bekendtskaber – 100 gruppebilleder er en fascinerende billedbog for voksne. I den finder læseren både opstillede professionelle fotos og spontane amatørfotos. 100 fotografier fra 1860 til 2010, fra Europa til Amerika, fra Japan til Norge. De fotograferede mennesker ser på dig, og de ser på hinanden – og ofte ser de opmærksomt på noget helt tredje. Gruppebillederne viser tidens smag. Personernes beklædning og fremtoning er fyldt med sociale markører: Hvem leder, hvem retter ind?Christian Ejlers har samlet på gruppebilleder siden 1960′erne. Bogens udvalg kommer alle vegne fra, geografisk såvel som tidsmæssigt. Ejlers har forsynet hvert billede med en tekst, som både beskriver dets historiske baggrund, men også fabulerer frit – og inviterer læseren til at gøre det samme.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    305,95 kr.

    "Beyond Hollywood: Discovering the Magic of World Cinema" is a comprehensive exploration of the rich and diverse world of international cinema. From the early pioneers of silent film to the modern masters of digital filmmaking, this book takes readers on a journey across continents and cultures, uncovering the stories, themes, and innovations that have shaped the global film industry.Through detailed chapters on various aspects of world cinema, readers will discover the unique styles and techniques of filmmakers from around the world, from the lush landscapes of Studio Ghibli to the gritty realism of Scandinavian Nordic Noir. The book delves into the history of cinema, highlighting the contributions of women, LGBTQ+ filmmakers, Indigenous filmmakers, and other underrepresented voices who have left an indelible mark on the art form."Beyond Hollywood" also explores the role of film festivals in celebrating diversity and innovation in cinema, as well as the impact of documentaries in capturing reality across cultures. The final chapter looks towards the future of world cinema, examining emerging trends such as digital distribution, virtual reality, and global collaboration.Whether you're a film buff looking to expand your horizons or a student of film studies seeking a comprehensive overview of international cinema, "Beyond Hollywood" offers a captivating glimpse into the magic of world cinema and its enduring influence on storytelling and culture.

  • af Bozar-Centre for Fine Arts
    329,95 kr.

    This book is a posthumous collective portrait of Chantal Akerman as one of the most influential filmmakers of our time, with contributions from people who admired her and worked closely with her.

  • af William Clarke
    382,95 kr.

    Washington and Oregon are often thought of as a wet green area, and indeed, a lot of it is. After all, Washington is known as the Evergreen State. However, a large part of the area lying east of the Cascade Range is desert or near desert, albeit much of that area is irrigated for agricultural purposes. East of the Cascades takes the reader on a photographic journey through that region in a county-by-county manner. The journey starts in the Columbia River Gorge then heads north to the Canadian border then back south, eventually landing in the southeastern corner of Washington. Crossing into Oregon, the travel path works its way west to the Cascades then south and east, ending in Malheur County in southeastern Oregon. Several photographs from each county traversed are included. Brief historical facts and other information of interest for each county are included with each set of county photographs. While not intended to be a travel guide, the book gives the reader a feeling for the sights and terrain to be seen throughout eastern and central Washington and Oregon.

  • af Nur Emine Koç
    161,95 kr.

    Kötülü¿ün özü olan, günahlar¿n ilkini i¿leyen güçlü ve kudretli ¿eytan, insano¿lunu cezbeden ve ayartan bir varl¿k olarak bilinmi¿tir. ¿lk kötülü¿ün ¿eytan'¿n Cennet'ten at¿l¿¿¿ ile gerçekle¿ti¿i bilinmektedir. ¿eytan, tä¿d¿¿¿ insanî özelliklerle ve ¿eytan ad¿na insanl¿¿a tan¿mlanan yedi önemli günahla insan için hem bir rehber hem de bir ayartma fonksiyonu i¿levindedir. Kötü ve iyili¿in, güzel ve çirkinin, asl¿nda tüm z¿tl¿klar¿n dünyada dengesini de sälad¿¿¿ dü¿ünülen ¿eytan acaba gerçekten ilk kötülü¿ün sembolü mü yoksa sadece bir cezaland¿r¿c¿ m¿d¿r?Bu kitap ¿eytan'¿n sinemada ve önemli edebiyat eserlerinin sinemaya yans¿malar¿nda nas¿l bir i¿leve sahip oldu¿unu, dinî eserler ile benzerlik ve farkl¿l¿klar¿n¿, popüler kültürün etkisi ile ilk ¿eytan'dan günümüze nas¿l bir de¿i¿im geçirdi¿ini gözler önüne sermek üzere yaz¿lm¿¿t¿r.Kitaba konu olan filmler:Richard Burton'¿n 1967 yap¿m¿ Dr. Faustus filmi,Cappola'n¿n 1992 yap¿m¿ Bram Stoker Drakula filmi,Hackford'un 1997 yap¿m¿ ¿eytan¿n Avukat¿ filmi,Wachowski Karde¿lerin The Matrix (1999), Matrix Reloaded (2003) ve Matrix Revolutions (2003)'¿,Kapinos'un 2016-2021 y¿llar¿ aras¿nda 6 sezon devam eden Lucifer dizisi.

  • af Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen
    253,95 kr.

    Den danske fotograf og kunstner Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen udvisker i sin første monografi Self Reflection grænsen mellem fotografi og maleri, virkelighed og fantasi i en udforskning af kroppen og det underbevidste selv.Spejle, refleksioner og illusioner er nogle af Ebbesens fotografiske værktøjer, hvormed hun undersøger, hvordan kroppen og sindet kan visualiseres og fortolkes. Ved at benytte reflekterende og forvrængende materialer udvisker hun grænsen mellem fotografi og maleri og skaber en symbolsk grænse mellem virkelighed og fantasi. Ved at placere natur, den nøgne krop, frugter og blomster i en surrealistisk kontekst, skaber Ebbesen en konflikt mellem det velkendte og det bizarre. Forvrængningerne skabes altid i kameraet ved at fotografere gennem forskellige refleksioner og aldrig ved hjælp af Photoshop eller AI, hvilket holder virkeligheden tæt på det surrealistiske.OM KUNSTNERENHenriette Sabroe Ebbesen (f. 1994) er en autodidakt fotograf og filminstruktør fra København. Formelt uddannet læge er Ebbesen interesseret i krydsfeltet mellem kunst og videnskab. Hendes studier af psyken, sanserne og kroppen ses i mange af hendes værker fra sønderrevne ansigter og forvredne nøgne kroppe til selvportrætter og stilleben. Ebbesens værker er blevet udstillet flere steder både i Danmark, Europa og USA, og hun har arbejdet for magasiner som Vanity Fair og Vogue. Bogen udgives med støtte fra Fotografiska Museum Stockholm i forbindelse med en stor soloudstilling af serien fra den 23. februar til den 12. maj 2024.

    353,95 kr.

    Der international bekannte Fotograf Michael Wesely fängt in seinen Fotografien Zeit und Leben ein. In Doubleday erforscht er archäologische Dimensionen von Fotografie, indem er seine eigenen Aufnahmen passgenau über historische Ansichten von Berliner Architekturen aus dem 19. und 20. Jahrhundert legt. Damit gelingt ihm der Zeitsprung von der Vergangenheit in die Gegenwart: Flaneure des 19. Jahrhunderts am Alexanderplatz begegnen Touristen von heute, Ruinen werden sichtbar unter den wiederaufgebauten Kopien der Gebäude und an die Stelle des Schlosses Monbijou ist ein Park getreten. MICHAEL WESELY (*1963) ist gefeierter Meister der Langzeitbelichtung. Sein präziser, dem jeweiligen Gegenstand entsprechender Einsatz dieser fotografischen Technik machte ihn weltbekannt. Seine einzigartige Ästhetik ist in zahlreichen internationalen Ausstellungen und Sammlungen vertreten. Er lebt und arbeitet in Berlin.

  • af Jon Sparks
    257,95 kr.

    As a high-performance compact digital camera the Coolpix P7700 allows users to enjoy full-scale photography similar to that possible with a digital-SLR camera. This latest flagship model in the Coolpix series features a large 1/1.7-in. Backside illumination 12MP CMOS sensor, a bright and fast Nikkor lens that supports 7.1x optical zoom and a fully articulated screen. Jon Sparks offers professional advice, hints and tips, on how to get the best from this lightweight, yet durable, magnesium-alloy framed compact. Although the lens, which offers an equivalent of 28-200mm in 35-mm format terms, is capable of going down to f/2.0 at the widest angle, rising to f/4.0 at the top end may not compare particularly well to some other premium compacts recently released on the market it has a longer zoom capability than most, so it offers greater flexibility in that respect. Offering smooth operation and a simple design with intuitive positioning of operational dials and buttons the Coolpix P7700 gives the user the ability to shoot in RAW format, while full manual control is also available, as well as semi-automatic modes. It also supports macro photography from as close as two centimeters, as well as telephoto shooting. The bright, ultra high-resolution 3in. LCD monitor has a wide viewing angle that can be rotated to allow more convenient viewing when shooting from difficult angles. The 12.2MP backside illumination CMOS sensor enables better image quality at high sensitivities, and high-speed continuous shooting at approximately 8 frames per second. The combination of fast-speed sensor with its full-HD 1080p video the Coolpix P7700 user can also enjoy superior picture quality movies as it is equipped with movie custom setting mode and allows manually specified shutter speed, aperture, and ISO sensitivity to achieve desired results. The built-in stereo microphone captures clear, natural audio--it even includes wind-noise reduction. A variety of ten special effects can also be applied to both still images or movies, including Cross Process, Zoom Exposure, and Defocus During Exposure.

  • af C. Agilan
    397,95 kr.

    People's daily lives are heavily reliant on communication. When humans communicate with one another, they display a variety of emotions. Recognizing emotions is a fascinating and difficult undertaking. Text, speech, facial expressions, gestures, and biological signals can all be used. Affective computing and technology have grown increasingly crucial in understanding human behavior during the last decade. Patient monitoring, driver fatigue detection, robotics, animation, forensics, medical aid, psychology, surveillance, automotive industry, Human-Robot Interaction for children with autism, situation analysis of social interaction, affective computing, feedback during E-Learning, psychology, contests, and entertainment industries have all benefited from emotion recognition research. Many academics have been driven in recent days to construct an innovative and robust generic and application-specific affective computing system in conjunction with Emotion Intelligence.Emotion is a strong, subjective, and changing feeling state that communicates the importance of good or negative stimuli. The physical cause of emotion origin in the human brain must be investigated. Robots are stimulated in the same way since they are supposed to work in an environment and be able to engage with humans on an emotional level. Important variables include social learning, gesture and natural language communication, emotion perception, and synthesis of interacting partners.

  • - A Quantitative Study And Methods Of Standardizing (1913)
    af Gertrude Rand
    207,95 - 255,95 kr.

    ""The Factors That Influence The Sensitivity Of The Retina To Color: A Quantitative Study And Methods Of Standardizing"" is a book authored by Gertrude Rand and published in 1913. The book discusses the factors that affect the sensitivity of the retina to color, and presents a quantitative study on the subject. The author also provides methods for standardizing the measurement of color sensitivity. The book is aimed at professionals in the field of ophthalmology and vision science, as well as anyone interested in the topic of color vision. It is considered a valuable resource for researchers and scientists studying the human visual system. The book is written in English and is available in print and digital formats.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Alice Edwards Pratt
    229,95 - 282,95 kr.

    ""The Use of Color in the Verse of the English Romantic Poets"" is a book written by Alice Edwards Pratt and originally published in 1898. The book explores the use of color in the poetry of the English Romantic poets, including William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and John Keats. Pratt examines how these poets used color to convey emotion, create imagery, and add depth to their poetry. She also explores the historical and cultural contexts in which these poets wrote and how these contexts influenced their use of color. The book provides a detailed analysis of the use of color in the poetry of the English Romantic poets and offers insights into the literary and artistic movements of the time. It is a valuable resource for scholars and students of poetry, literature, and art history.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Craig Burgess
    452,95 kr.

    If ever there were an expert in the history, beauty, and overall best places to visit in Hawaii, Craig E. Burgess would be that person. His first visit to the islands was in 1974, the first of forty-one in total!Providing a glimpse of Hawaiian culture, history, music, art, and daily lifestyles to the reader, A Fleeting Glimpse of Paradise was inspired by Craig's time spent with special residents of Hawaii who shared a special "Spirit of Aloha" during his forty-one visits to the islands. His hope is that during your visit, you spend time with local residents of the islands and "talk story" with them, rather than simply going there for an "Aloha" shirt, flower lei, or some other souvenir.This beautiful collection of anecdotes, inspired poems, and special stories you can't get from travel books encourages readers to find ways to conserve the natural beauty of the islands-and to make the very best of their experience in this magical utopia.

  • af Lazaros C. Triarhou
    797,95 kr.

    The first amateur motion picture camera was massively produced in 1923, shortly after the introduction of 9,5 mm film by the Pathé Frères in France 101 years ago, in December 1922, and of 16 mm film by the Eastman Kodak Company in America a month later. The present collection depicts 101 movie cameras manufactured between the 1920s and the 1980s, most using 8 mm perforated celluloid film. A full-page 'portrait' of each model is accompanied by an exposé of its main technical specifications on the facing page. The guided tour leafs through a range of makes and companies from an era when novelty, aesthetics, industrial design, and competition for the commercial home market propelled the creation of sculptures out of metal and glass for the wide use by individuals and families who aspired to preserve their visual impressions in motion. The book is a useful source for hobbyists and collectors.

  • af Lelia Wanick Salgado
    837,95 kr.

    Sebastião Salgados Fotobuch-Klassiker Arbeiter. Zur Archäologie des Industriezeitalters (Erstausgabe 1993) würdigt die traditionellen handwerklichen Arbeitsweisen, während zu Beginn des neuen Jahrtausends überall in der Welt Maschinen und Computer die Arbeit der Menschen übernehmen. Mit Bildern von beeindruckender Schönheit hat Salgado eine visuelle Elegie komponiert, mit der er jene Männer und Frauen ehrt, die sich ihren unbeugsamen Geist und ihre Würde selbst unter härtesten Arbeitsbedingungen bewahren. Mehr als bei jedem anderen lebenden Fotografen sind bei Sebastião Salgado die Bilder von den Vergessenen, den Elenden und den Ausgegrenzten der Welt eine Hommage an die conditio humana. Salgado definiert seine Arbeit als "kämpferische Fotografie", die dem "besseren Verständnis des Menschseins" gewidmet ist. Über Jahrzehnte hinweg hat er in seinen Fotografien den Armen und Entrechteten etwas von der Menschenwürde zurückgegeben, die sie zu verlieren drohten - von den Hungernden in der Sahelzone bis zu den indigenen Völkern Südamerikas. Mit dem Band Arbeiter legt Salgado ein globales Bildepos vor, das über das bloße Abbilden hinausgeht und zu einer Hymne auf den Widerstandsgeist arbeitender Männer und Frauen wird. 350 Duoton-Fotografien eröffnen eine archäologische Perspektive auf diejenigen Tätigkeiten, die von der Steinzeit über die industrielle Revolution bis in unsere Gegenwart als Inbegriff harter Arbeit gelten. Mit Bildern aus dem Inferno einer indonesischen Schwefelmine, von der Dramatik des traditionellen sizilianischen Thunfischfangs und der schwindelerregenden Ausdauer brasilianischer Goldgräber legt Salgado Schichten visueller Informationen frei, um die unermüdliche menschliche Arbeit als Kern der modernen Zivilisation zu enthüllen. Arbeiter präsentiert sein Thema auf mehreren sich gegenseitig durchdringenden Ebenen: Salgados einleitender Text, entstanden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem brasilianischen Schriftsteller Eric Nepomuceno, erläutert seine leidenschaftliche fotografische Ikonografie. Ausführliche Bildunterschriften, die ebenfalls von Salgado stammen, liefern den historischen und faktischen Hintergrund. Das Buch ist eine von Offenheit und Respekt getragene Hommage an diejenigen Menschen, die mit ihren eigenen Händen, mit der Kraft ihres eigenen Körpers arbeiten.

  • af Lelia Wanick Salgado
    614,95 kr.

    Sebastião Salgados Fotobuch-Klassiker Arbeiter. Zur Archäologie des Industriezeitalters (Erstausgabe 1993) würdigt die traditionellen handwerklichen Arbeitsweisen, während zu Beginn des neuen Jahrtausends überall in der Welt Maschinen und Computer die Arbeit der Menschen übernehmen. Mit Bildern von beeindruckender Schönheit hat Salgado eine visuelle Elegie komponiert, mit der er jene Männer und Frauen ehrt, die sich ihren unbeugsamen Geist und ihre Würde selbst unter härtesten Arbeitsbedingungen bewahren. Mehr als bei jedem anderen lebenden Fotografen sind bei Sebastião Salgado die Bilder von den Vergessenen, den Elenden und den Ausgegrenzten der Welt eine Hommage an die conditio humana. Salgado definiert seine Arbeit als "kämpferische Fotografie", die dem "besseren Verständnis des Menschseins" gewidmet ist. Über Jahrzehnte hinweg hat er in seinen Fotografien den Armen und Entrechteten etwas von der Menschenwürde zurückgegeben, die sie zu verlieren drohten - von den Hungernden in der Sahelzone bis zu den indigenen Völkern Südamerikas. Mit dem Band Arbeiter legt Salgado ein globales Bildepos vor, das über das bloße Abbilden hinausgeht und zu einer Hymne auf den Widerstandsgeist arbeitender Männer und Frauen wird. 350 Duoton-Fotografien eröffnen eine archäologische Perspektive auf diejenigen Tätigkeiten, die von der Steinzeit über die industrielle Revolution bis in unsere Gegenwart als Inbegriff harter Arbeit gelten. Mit Bildern aus dem Inferno einer indonesischen Schwefelmine, von der Dramatik des traditionellen sizilianischen Thunfischfangs und der schwindelerregenden Ausdauer brasilianischer Goldgräber legt Salgado Schichten visueller Informationen frei, um die unermüdliche menschliche Arbeit als Kern der modernen Zivilisation zu enthüllen. Arbeiter präsentiert sein Thema auf mehreren sich gegenseitig durchdringenden Ebenen: Salgados einleitender Text, entstanden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem brasilianischen Schriftsteller Eric Nepomuceno, erläutert seine leidenschaftliche fotografische Ikonografie. Ausführliche Bildunterschriften, die ebenfalls von Salgado stammen, liefern den historischen und faktischen Hintergrund. Das Buch ist eine von Offenheit und Respekt getragene Hommage an diejenigen Menschen, die mit ihren eigenen Händen, mit der Kraft ihres eigenen Körpers arbeiten.

  • af George Steinmetz
    361,95 kr.

    Do you know where your food comes from? To find out, acclaimed photojournalist George Steinmetz spent a decade traveling to over 30 countries and 24 US states documenting global food systems. In striking aerial photographs, he captures the awesome scale of 21st-century agriculture that has sculpted 40 percent of the Earth's landmass. He explores the farming of staples like wheat and rice, the cultivation of vegetables and fruits, fishing and aquaculture, and meat production, in situations ranging from traditional farms in diverse cultures to vast agribusinesses, on every continent except Antarctica.

  • af Gray Malin
    287,95 kr.

    Photographer Gray Malin captures the world's chicest canines in a delightfully playful series of photographs. He captures the adorable, the pampered, the well-dressed, and the glamorous pooches of the world from Beverly Hills to Aspen to New York City to Paris. With dalmatians sunbathing at the Beverly Hills Hotel, Saint Bernards perfectly perched on Aspen chairlifts, and poodles taking a joyride in a vintage Corvette, this iconic book is filled with joy and puppy love.

  • af Gary L. Friedman
    692,95 kr.

    Gary Friedman es el autor más vendido, conocido por sus completísimos libros sobre las cámaras Sony, escritos en un lenguaje accesible para todos. Su nuevo libro sobre la Sony Alpha 6700 aborda todas las funciones de cada menú de la cámara, y lo explica con el estilo accesible y didáctico que ha hecho famoso al Sr. Friedman.Entre las nuevas características que se tratan, podemos encontrar:* Encuadre automático * Uso de la Toma Log y las LUTs* La nueva app "Creators' App"* Transmisión USB * Explicación de todas las funciones de vídeo * Cómo extraer imágenes de nuestra cámara aunque esté apagada Y muchas otras.

  • af Gary L. Friedman
    617,95 kr.

    Gary Friedman is the best selling author, known for his thorough and approachable books on Sony cameras. His new book on the Sony Alpha 6700 tackles every feature in every menu his clear, approachable style.New features covered include:* Auto Framing * Log Shooting and LUTs* The new Creators' App* USB Streaming* All the video features explained* How to pull pictures from your camera even when it's offPlus a host of others.Get this ultimate guide to the A6700 and unlock the mysteries of your camera!!

  • af Frederick William Edridge-Green
    167,95 - 196,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Carl Harry Claudy
    242,95 - 435,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Dirk Dupon
    177,95 kr.

    Are you ready to take your iPhone photography skills to the next level and impress your friends and family with incredible photos? Are you thinking about selling your photos online, or becoming an Instagram influencer, and earning money with your images? Look no further! My book is designed to teach you how to master the art of taking amazing photos using just your iPhone camera. Your iPhone camera is more than just a camera. It's a tool to create digital memories! I will guide you through the various features and settings of the iPhone camera, and teach you how to capture beautiful and professional-looking photos. From composition and lighting to editing and post-processing, using built-in apps and iPhone camera tools, you'll learn everything you need to know to take your iPhone photography to the next level. This book is for everyone who wants to improve their photography skills, whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced photographer. Don't miss this unique opportunity to master the art of iPhone photography:Learn how to shoot stunning portraits!Understand the various features and settings of your iPhone camera and how to use them to capture breathtaking photos!Learn how composition, lighting, editing, and post-processing techniques can take your photography to the next level.Get access to a selection of the best videos that will explain the hidden features of your iPhone camera!Find out where to sell your photos and create a professional portfolio.Detailed and easy-to-understand instructions and explanations..Discover how to create incredible videos with your iPhone camera!And much much more!This is your ultimate guide to mastering the art of capturing stunning and professional-looking photos using just your iPhone camera.My book covers everything you need to know, from understanding the various features of the iPhone camera to learning about composition, lighting, editing, and post-processing techniques.Don't miss this opportunity to become an iPhone artist, and get your copy today!

  • - With Observations Upon The Development Of Color In Other Orders Of Insects (1903)
    af William Lawrence Tower
    187,95 - 188,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Olivia K.
    397,95 kr.

    "Turtle Heaven: A Visual Excursion Through Safe-havens" is a vivid investigation into the spellbinding universe of turtle preservation, flawlessly mixing the masterfulness of photography with the convincing stories of asylum life. This charming book takes perusers on a visual odyssey across the globe, disclosing the different embroidery of turtle safe-havens settled in different corners of our planet. In the starting sections, perusers are acquainted with the reason and meaning of these asylums, accentuating their crucial job in shielding these antiquated sailors. The story then changes into a worldwide odyssey, exhibiting the rich biodiversity and one of a kind difficulties looked by every safe-haven. From tropical waterfront shelters to distant islands, the book portrays the biological systems that these asylums endeavor to safeguard. "Behind the Focal point - Shooting Turtles" gives an in the background take a gander at the masterfulness and difficulties of catching the embodiment of these grand animals. The profound effect of turtle protection photography is investigated, stressing the force of visual narrating in encouraging an association between the crowd and the reason. All through the excursion, "Watchmen of the Shells" presents the devoted people and associations at the very front of turtle protection. Their profiles, examples of overcoming adversity, and cooperative endeavors highlight the aggregate responsibility expected to safeguard these antiquated species. The book digs profound into the existence pattern of turtles in "From Hatchling to Sea Wayfarer," catching uncommon and close minutes from settling to movement. "Appearances of Trust - Protected and Restored Turtles" shares strong accounts of endurance, featuring the job of safe-havens in saving and restoring turtles, and the resulting delivery and following projects. The interconnectedness of turtles with marine biological systems is flawlessly delineated in "The Environment Effect," underlining the basic job safe-havens play in saving biodiversity and supporting worldwide biology. In "Preservation Difficulties and Arrangements," the book tends to current dangers, progressing protection endeavors, and the vital job of public mindfulness and backing.

  • - How They Are Made And Worked (1912)
    af Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot
    327,95 - 386,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Margot Robbie
    457,95 kr.

    For the press tour following the record-breaking release of Greta Gerwig’s award-winning, acclaimed Barbie movie, producer and star Margot Robbie and her stylist Andrew Mukamal immersed themselves in some of Barbie’s most iconic outfits and curated vintage pieces, then approached designers, from Giorgio Armani to Donatella Versace, to create looks inspired by the doll-size originals. Many of these looks were not seen as the official Barbie press tour was cut short—so Margot and Andrew worked with renowned fashion photographer Craig McDean to shoot her in the looks exactly as they were curated: Schiaparelli in Los Angeles, Vivienne Westwood in London, vintage Chanel with matching Steamline luggage at the airport, and beyond.  Accompanying McDean’s sumptuous photography are original Barbie dolls from the period, a treasure trove of rare materials from Mattel’s Barbie fashion archives, and the designers’ sketches and Polaroids from fittings, layered into evocative collages by Fabien Baron, who conceived and produced the shoots and art-directed the book. With text by Margot Robbie and Andrew Mukamal, as well as handwritten contributions from the designers behind the looks (from Olivier Rousteing and Michelle Ochs to Manolo Blahnik and Jeremy Scott), this unique book blends the serious chic of high fashion with the serious fun of Barbie world—the dolls, the history, and the style that have captured imaginations for 65 years.BARBIE™ and associated trademarks and trade dress are owned by, and used under license from, Mattel. ©2024 Mattel.

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