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  • af Reuel Golden & Susan Michals
    167,95 - 394,95 kr.

  • af Anja C. Andersen & Jakob A. Andersen
    310,95 kr.

    Astrofotografering er en helt særlig disciplin, der kræver viden, tålmodighed og ikke mindst en masse af teknisk snilde. 'Himlen set fra Jorden' samler de bedste af astrofotograf Jakob Arthur Andersens fotografier og viser os, hvor utroligt og endeløst fascinerende universet er. Fotografierne er taget af den mørke nattehimmel over os, men de viser os alt det, der ikke kan ses med det blotte øje. 'Himlen set fra Jorden' præsenterer detaljerede fotografier af månen, solen, mælkevejen, stjernetåger og fjerne galakser og lader læseren drømme sig væk til de fjerneste afkroge af universet. Bogen indledes af et essay af astrofysiker og stjerneforsker professor Anja C. Andersen, der også har skrevet bogens tematekster, der gør os klogere på, hvad det er vi ser på fotografierne.

  • af Søren Pagter
    330,95 kr.

    Se isbn 9788793453319

  • af Rocky Nook
    125,95 kr.

    Designed for photographers who haven't memorized every button, dial, setting, and feature on their Canon R6 II, Rocky Nook's handy and ultra-portable quick reference Pocket Guide helps you get the shot when you're out and about.- Confirm that your camera is set up properly with the pre-shoot checklist- Identify every button and dial on your camera- Learn the essential modes and settings you need to know- Dive deeper with additional features of your camera- Execute step-by-step instructions for shooting multiple exposures, in-camera HDR, time-lapse movies, and more- Follow tips and techniques for getting great shots in typical scenarios (portrait, landscape, freezing action, low light, etc.)

  • af John Burns
    593,95 kr.

    Containing 300 of the most iconic images from the first decade of the magazine. Ranging from the deceptively simple to the surreal to the perennially stylish, this collection of originally commissioned photography captures the arc of an artistic adventure, a creative community at work, and one of the most enigmatic aesthetics of the era.

  • af Elisabeth Sladek
    272,95 kr.

    Ob vertäfelte Klosterbibliothek, Büchersaal einer altehrwürdigen Universität, berühmte Privatbibliothek oder die private Hausbibliothek, die die eigene Biografie abbildet - Büchersammlungen und Bibliotheken sind Wohlfühlorte, Oasen der Stille und zugleich überbordend vor Ideen, Möglichkeiten, Historien, alternativen Lebenswelten und unentdeckten Dingen. Sie bieten konzentrierter Arbeit, moderner Geisteswissenschaft und analytischem Denken Raum und sind doch auch Orte der Kontemplation, des Träumens und des Erinnerns.Auf dieser Fotoexpedition besucht Massimo Listri einige der ältesten und schönsten Bibliotheken der Welt, um deren architektonische, historische und fantasievolle Wunder zu enthüllen. Durch große Holztüren, über Wendeltreppen und entlang exquisiter, mit Regalen ausgestatteter Korridore führt er uns durch herausragende private, öffentliche, Bildungs- und Klosterbibliotheken, die bis ins Jahr 766 zurückreichen. Diese Institutionen aus dem Mittelalter, dem Klassizismus, dem Barock, dem Rokoko und dem 19. Jahrhundert beherbergen einige der wertvollsten Aufzeichnungen menschlichen Denkens und Handelns, die in Manuskripten, Bänden, Papyrusrollen und Inkunabeln niedergeschrieben und gedruckt sind. In jeder dieser Bibliotheken fangen Listris aussagekräftige Bilder die einzigartige Atmosphäre der Bibliothek ebenso ein wie die wertvollsten Bestände und Gestaltungsdetails.Zu den vorgestellten Bibliotheken gehören die päpstlichen Sammlungen der Vatikanischen Apostolischen Bibliothek und die Trinity College Library in Dublin, in der das Book of Kells und das Book of Durrow aufbewahrt werden. Die sorgfältigen Beschreibungen, die jede vorgestellte Bibliothek begleiten, informieren nicht nur über die erstaunlichen Bestände der Bibliotheken - aus denen einige Highlights abgebildet sind -, sondern auch über ihre oft bewegte, turbulente oder kontroverse Vergangenheit. So zum Beispiel das Franziskanerkloster in Lima, Peru, mit seiner Fülle an archivierten Inquisitionsdokumenten.Nach unserem XXL-Bestseller erscheint jetzt diese kompaktere Ausgabe: ein Augenschmaus für Bücherfreunde, eine Ode an das Lesen und die Schriftkultur und eine kulturhistorische Wallfahrt an die Stätten, die Archiv und Arche unserer Geschichte sind.

  • af Joel Sternfeld
    482,95 kr.

    Born of a desire to follow the seasons up and down America, and equally to find lyricism in contemporary American life despite all its dark histories, American Prospects has enjoyed a life of acclaim. Its pages are filled with unexpected excitement, despair, tenderness and hope. Its fears are expressed in beauty, its sadnesses in irony. Oddly enough, the society it seems to presage has now come to be; oddly enough, the ideas of this book bespeak our present moment.Often out of print, this new edition of Joel Sternfeld's seminal book returns to the format of the original 1987 edition. All of the now classic images within it-alongside a group of never published photographs-examine a once pristine land stewarded by indigenous peoples who needed no lessons in stewardship, and a land now occupied by a mix of peoples hoping for salvation within the fraught paths of late capitalism. The result suggests a vast nation whose prospects have much to do with global prospects, a "teenager of the world" unaware of its strengths, filled with idealism and frequent failings. These pictures see all but judge not.

  • af Nigo
    396,95 kr.

    "With pieces drawn from the extensive personal collection of Pharrell Williams, this is a stunning and unprecedented exploration of the "bling" in hip-hop culture and fashion. Few recording artists have had a greater hand in incorporating the culture of hip-hop into contemporary luxury than Pharrell Williams. Collaborating with Louis Vuitton nearly two decades ago, Pharrell was the first to have his designs integrated into the haute joaillerie of the great maisons. His innovative team-ups continue through to the present day, most memorably with Tiffany and Chanel, and the watchmaker Richard Mille. The most extravagant of these chains, rings, and pendants--crafted in precious metals and studded with gems--are as much a part of Pharrell's musical performance as they are of his personal style. His designs, which include one-off pieces such as solid-gold cases for mobile phones and handheld game consoles, have been legendary for featuring iconography of Pharrell's own brands, Billionaire Boys Club and Ice Cream. This book was originally published with two different colored covers. Customers will be shipped either of the colors at random. Featured in the book are over 100 pieces, many of which he created in tandem with some of the most recognizable designers in the industry--such as Jacob & Co, Yoon & Verbal, and Lorraine Schwartz. With frequent collaborators such as NIGOª and Tyler the Creator, Pharrell discusses his role in the evolution of hip-hop jewelry, the processes involved in the creation of his one-of-a-kind custom pieces, and the state of connoisseurship in a growing market for the most extravagant of hip-hop collectibles" --

  • af Gisbert L. Brunner
    691,95 kr.

    Format: 24,5 x 31,4 cm , 256 Seiten Ein weiterer Band der erfolgreichen Watch-Book-Reihe von Bestseller-Autor Gisbert L. Brunner Der erste Bildband, der sich der Schweizer Manufaktur Oris widmet, die seit fast 120 Jahren innovative mechanische Uhren produziert Erstaunliche Einblicke in die Schweizer Uhrenindustrie und -geschichte, die von Gegensätzen geprägt ist Dieses hochwertige Coffee-Table Book präsentiert in eindrucksvollen Bildern die mechanischen Zeitmesser der in der Schweiz ansässigen Manufaktur Oris. Liebhaber von Uhren und Armbanduhren können sich auf 200 detaillierten Fotografien über die schönsten und wertigsten Modelle sowie die Geschichte der Schweizer Uhrenindustrie informieren. Ein tolles Geschenk, nicht nur für Sammler!

  • af Christopher Woods
    363,95 kr.

    "An exploration of the botany, geology, anthropology, and more of 50 UNESCO Natural Heritage Sites"--

  • af Taschen
    147,95 kr.

    Sebastião Salgado bereiste sechs Jahre lang das brasilianische Amazonasgebiet und fotografierte die unvergleichliche Schönheit dieser einzigartigen Region: den Regenwald, die Flüsse, die Berge, die Menschen, die dort leben. Ein unersetzlicher Schatz der Menschheit, in dem die ungeheure Kraft der Natur wie nirgendwo sonst auf der Erde zu spüren ist.

  • af Edward Burtynsky
    777,95 kr.

  • af Roland Miller
    334,95 kr.

    The stories behind NASA's 140 Space Shuttle program flights, as told through each mission's most exceptional image, curated by celebrated space photographer Roland Miller.

  • af Yevhen Samuchenko
    395,95 kr.

    Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Ukrainisch Format: 23,5 x 30 cm , 192 Seiten Außergewöhnliche Landschaftsfotografie: modern, jung und auf das Wesentliche reduziert Eine Liebeserklärung des preisgekrönten ukrainischen Fotografen Yevhen Samuchenko an seine Heimat Durch den Blick von oben werden die Dimensionen der Ukraine als eines der größten europäischen Länder sichtbar gemacht Ein ästhetisches Meisterwerk der Formen und Farben Der ukrainische Fotograf Yevhen Samuchenko, geboren in Odessa, wurde weltweit für seine beeindruckende Reisefotografie und seine kunstvollen Aerials ausgezeichnet - weil er die zerbrechliche Schönheit unseres Planeten in poetischen Bildern festhält. Auch die seiner Heimat, die jäh in das Zentrum der internationalen Aufmerksamkeit gerückt ist und zerbrechlicher scheint denn je. The Beauty of Ukraine ist eine Liebeserklärung an die Landschaften der Ukraine und zugleich ein ästhetischer Hochgenuss. Yevhen Samuchenko zeigt uns etwa den Lemurianischen See aus der Luft, dessen ungewöhnlich pinke Farbe ihn wie ein Land-Art-Kunstwerk erscheinen lässt. Er nimmt einen Canyon bei Cherson so auf, dass er wie eine Grafik in der sattgrünen Landschaft wirkt. Mohn- und Lavendelfelder faszinieren mit ihrer kompromisslosen Farbigkeit, Winterlandschaften mit ihrer monumentalen Stille und Reduziertheit. Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Ukrainisch

  • af Diana Vreeland
    187,95 kr.

    Brilliant, funny, charming, imperious, Diana Vreeland?the fashion editor of Harper's Bazaar and editor-in-chief of Vogue?was a woman whose passion and genius for style helped define the world of high fashion for fifty years. Among her eclectic circle of friends were some of the most renowned and famous figures of the twentieth century?artists and princes, movie stars and international legends, including Chanel, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Isak Dinesen, Clark Gable, and Swifty Lazar.Moving from English palaces to the nightclubs of 1930s Paris, the wilds of Wyoming to the exclusive venues of New York high society, D.V. takes readers into this iconic woman's dazzling life, evoking the luxury and brio of an era that encompassed Josephine Baker, England's Queen Mary, Buffalo Bill, and Diaghilev.Vibrant with the vivid, irresistible voice that elevated every tête-à-tête and dinner party, D.V. brings this renowned and uninhibited raconteur alive, whether recalling herself as a young girl, her search for the perfect red, her piquant observations about her world, or her abhorrence for nostalgia. Like her legacy, Vreeland's story, told in her own words, is a classic to be celebrated by both loyal admirers and a new generation of culture mavens and style savants.

  • af Bozar-Centre for Fine Arts
    329,95 kr.

    This book is a posthumous collective portrait of Chantal Akerman as one of the most influential filmmakers of our time, with contributions from people who admired her and worked closely with her.

  • af William Clarke
    382,95 kr.

    Washington and Oregon are often thought of as a wet green area, and indeed, a lot of it is. After all, Washington is known as the Evergreen State. However, a large part of the area lying east of the Cascade Range is desert or near desert, albeit much of that area is irrigated for agricultural purposes. East of the Cascades takes the reader on a photographic journey through that region in a county-by-county manner. The journey starts in the Columbia River Gorge then heads north to the Canadian border then back south, eventually landing in the southeastern corner of Washington. Crossing into Oregon, the travel path works its way west to the Cascades then south and east, ending in Malheur County in southeastern Oregon. Several photographs from each county traversed are included. Brief historical facts and other information of interest for each county are included with each set of county photographs. While not intended to be a travel guide, the book gives the reader a feeling for the sights and terrain to be seen throughout eastern and central Washington and Oregon.

  • af Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen
    253,95 kr.

    Den danske fotograf og kunstner Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen udvisker i sin første monografi Self Reflection grænsen mellem fotografi og maleri, virkelighed og fantasi i en udforskning af kroppen og det underbevidste selv.Spejle, refleksioner og illusioner er nogle af Ebbesens fotografiske værktøjer, hvormed hun undersøger, hvordan kroppen og sindet kan visualiseres og fortolkes. Ved at benytte reflekterende og forvrængende materialer udvisker hun grænsen mellem fotografi og maleri og skaber en symbolsk grænse mellem virkelighed og fantasi. Ved at placere natur, den nøgne krop, frugter og blomster i en surrealistisk kontekst, skaber Ebbesen en konflikt mellem det velkendte og det bizarre. Forvrængningerne skabes altid i kameraet ved at fotografere gennem forskellige refleksioner og aldrig ved hjælp af Photoshop eller AI, hvilket holder virkeligheden tæt på det surrealistiske.OM KUNSTNERENHenriette Sabroe Ebbesen (f. 1994) er en autodidakt fotograf og filminstruktør fra København. Formelt uddannet læge er Ebbesen interesseret i krydsfeltet mellem kunst og videnskab. Hendes studier af psyken, sanserne og kroppen ses i mange af hendes værker fra sønderrevne ansigter og forvredne nøgne kroppe til selvportrætter og stilleben. Ebbesens værker er blevet udstillet flere steder både i Danmark, Europa og USA, og hun har arbejdet for magasiner som Vanity Fair og Vogue. Bogen udgives med støtte fra Fotografiska Museum Stockholm i forbindelse med en stor soloudstilling af serien fra den 23. februar til den 12. maj 2024.

    353,95 kr.

    Der international bekannte Fotograf Michael Wesely fängt in seinen Fotografien Zeit und Leben ein. In Doubleday erforscht er archäologische Dimensionen von Fotografie, indem er seine eigenen Aufnahmen passgenau über historische Ansichten von Berliner Architekturen aus dem 19. und 20. Jahrhundert legt. Damit gelingt ihm der Zeitsprung von der Vergangenheit in die Gegenwart: Flaneure des 19. Jahrhunderts am Alexanderplatz begegnen Touristen von heute, Ruinen werden sichtbar unter den wiederaufgebauten Kopien der Gebäude und an die Stelle des Schlosses Monbijou ist ein Park getreten. MICHAEL WESELY (*1963) ist gefeierter Meister der Langzeitbelichtung. Sein präziser, dem jeweiligen Gegenstand entsprechender Einsatz dieser fotografischen Technik machte ihn weltbekannt. Seine einzigartige Ästhetik ist in zahlreichen internationalen Ausstellungen und Sammlungen vertreten. Er lebt und arbeitet in Berlin.

  • af Craig Burgess
    452,95 kr.

    If ever there were an expert in the history, beauty, and overall best places to visit in Hawaii, Craig E. Burgess would be that person. His first visit to the islands was in 1974, the first of forty-one in total!Providing a glimpse of Hawaiian culture, history, music, art, and daily lifestyles to the reader, A Fleeting Glimpse of Paradise was inspired by Craig's time spent with special residents of Hawaii who shared a special "Spirit of Aloha" during his forty-one visits to the islands. His hope is that during your visit, you spend time with local residents of the islands and "talk story" with them, rather than simply going there for an "Aloha" shirt, flower lei, or some other souvenir.This beautiful collection of anecdotes, inspired poems, and special stories you can't get from travel books encourages readers to find ways to conserve the natural beauty of the islands-and to make the very best of their experience in this magical utopia.

  • af George Steinmetz
    361,95 kr.

    Do you know where your food comes from? To find out, acclaimed photojournalist George Steinmetz spent a decade traveling to over 30 countries and 24 US states documenting global food systems. In striking aerial photographs, he captures the awesome scale of 21st-century agriculture that has sculpted 40 percent of the Earth's landmass. He explores the farming of staples like wheat and rice, the cultivation of vegetables and fruits, fishing and aquaculture, and meat production, in situations ranging from traditional farms in diverse cultures to vast agribusinesses, on every continent except Antarctica.

  • af Gray Malin
    287,95 kr.

    Photographer Gray Malin captures the world's chicest canines in a delightfully playful series of photographs. He captures the adorable, the pampered, the well-dressed, and the glamorous pooches of the world from Beverly Hills to Aspen to New York City to Paris. With dalmatians sunbathing at the Beverly Hills Hotel, Saint Bernards perfectly perched on Aspen chairlifts, and poodles taking a joyride in a vintage Corvette, this iconic book is filled with joy and puppy love.

  • af Olivia K.
    397,95 kr.

    "Turtle Heaven: A Visual Excursion Through Safe-havens" is a vivid investigation into the spellbinding universe of turtle preservation, flawlessly mixing the masterfulness of photography with the convincing stories of asylum life. This charming book takes perusers on a visual odyssey across the globe, disclosing the different embroidery of turtle safe-havens settled in different corners of our planet. In the starting sections, perusers are acquainted with the reason and meaning of these asylums, accentuating their crucial job in shielding these antiquated sailors. The story then changes into a worldwide odyssey, exhibiting the rich biodiversity and one of a kind difficulties looked by every safe-haven. From tropical waterfront shelters to distant islands, the book portrays the biological systems that these asylums endeavor to safeguard. "Behind the Focal point - Shooting Turtles" gives an in the background take a gander at the masterfulness and difficulties of catching the embodiment of these grand animals. The profound effect of turtle protection photography is investigated, stressing the force of visual narrating in encouraging an association between the crowd and the reason. All through the excursion, "Watchmen of the Shells" presents the devoted people and associations at the very front of turtle protection. Their profiles, examples of overcoming adversity, and cooperative endeavors highlight the aggregate responsibility expected to safeguard these antiquated species. The book digs profound into the existence pattern of turtles in "From Hatchling to Sea Wayfarer," catching uncommon and close minutes from settling to movement. "Appearances of Trust - Protected and Restored Turtles" shares strong accounts of endurance, featuring the job of safe-havens in saving and restoring turtles, and the resulting delivery and following projects. The interconnectedness of turtles with marine biological systems is flawlessly delineated in "The Environment Effect," underlining the basic job safe-havens play in saving biodiversity and supporting worldwide biology. In "Preservation Difficulties and Arrangements," the book tends to current dangers, progressing protection endeavors, and the vital job of public mindfulness and backing.

  • af Margot Robbie
    457,95 kr.

    For the press tour following the record-breaking release of Greta Gerwig’s award-winning, acclaimed Barbie movie, producer and star Margot Robbie and her stylist Andrew Mukamal immersed themselves in some of Barbie’s most iconic outfits and curated vintage pieces, then approached designers, from Giorgio Armani to Donatella Versace, to create looks inspired by the doll-size originals. Many of these looks were not seen as the official Barbie press tour was cut short—so Margot and Andrew worked with renowned fashion photographer Craig McDean to shoot her in the looks exactly as they were curated: Schiaparelli in Los Angeles, Vivienne Westwood in London, vintage Chanel with matching Steamline luggage at the airport, and beyond.  Accompanying McDean’s sumptuous photography are original Barbie dolls from the period, a treasure trove of rare materials from Mattel’s Barbie fashion archives, and the designers’ sketches and Polaroids from fittings, layered into evocative collages by Fabien Baron, who conceived and produced the shoots and art-directed the book. With text by Margot Robbie and Andrew Mukamal, as well as handwritten contributions from the designers behind the looks (from Olivier Rousteing and Michelle Ochs to Manolo Blahnik and Jeremy Scott), this unique book blends the serious chic of high fashion with the serious fun of Barbie world—the dolls, the history, and the style that have captured imaginations for 65 years.BARBIE™ and associated trademarks and trade dress are owned by, and used under license from, Mattel. ©2024 Mattel.

  • af Joyasree Mahanti
    516,95 kr.

    Women from the villages of Odisha, India, share their recipes, stories, and most of all their Shradha (love).These women are all beneficiaries of small Nano Financed no-interest loans through the organization Aamara Biswas. They have used these loans to build businesses and free their families from poverty.Shradha contains authentic, delicious, healthy recipes, and is illustrated with dozens of gorgeous color photographs of the woman of Aamara Biswas.All proceeds of Shradha will go to the next generation of women, so they have access to Nano Financed loans to start their own journeys.

  • af Martin Harrison
    277,95 kr.

    Während seiner gesamten Karriere stand Peter Lindbergh dem Haus DIOR auf ganz besondere Weise nahe. Er fotografierte die schillernden Musen des Hauses, darunter Marion Cotillard und Charlize Theron, und realisierte mit seinem unverwechselbaren Stil Kampagnen für die Parfums Lady Dior und J'Adore. Dieses letzte Buch des Fotografen ist das Originaldokument einer außergewöhnlichen Ko-Kreation - und eine Herzensangelegenheit des Künstlers. Siebzig Jahre DIOR-Geschichte und das Brodeln des Times Square in New York: Das war das Konzept hinter Lindberghs in Umfang und Dimension außergewöhnlichem Projekt, für das DIOR in einer ebenso ungewöhnlichen Aktion eine beispiellose Anzahl von kostbaren Couture-Kreationen aus den Tresoren in Paris über den Atlantik schiffte. Das Ergebnis ist elektrisierend. Inmitten des Trubels am Times Square glänzt Alek Wek im makellosen Bar-Kostüm von 1947, jenem berühmten Ensemble, das den frühen Stil des Hauses definierte. Klassische "Lindbergh-Schönheiten" wie Saskia de Brauw, Karen Elson und Amber Valletta bewegen sich durch Menschenmassen und unter Gerüsten hindurch, spiegeln sich in Gebäudefassaden - gekleidet in Haute Couture, die Christian Dior noch von Hand fertigte, bis hin zu neueren Entwürfen von Maria Grazia Chiuri. Ein Spiel der Kontraste, das den Ambitionen dieser Stilübung jederzeit gerecht wird: Peter Lindberghs typisch monochrome, aber auch farbige Fotos heben auf meisterhafte Weise die Silhouetten, Feinheiten und Texturen jedes Kleidungsstücks hervor. Lindbergh selbst ist in dieser Publikation in jeder Hinsicht präsent. Dieser Band enthält 165 bislang unveröffentlichte Bilder, dazu eine Einführung von Martin Harrison, und würdigt Lindberghs langjährige Verbundenheit mit dem Pariser Modehaus DIOR. Dafür stellte er mehr als 100 Fotografien zusammen, von Haute Couture bis zu Herren- und Damenkonfektionen, die ursprünglich in renommierten Zeitschriften wie Vogue oder Harper's Bazaar veröffentlicht wurden. Für die Gestaltung war Lindberghs langjähriger Artdirector und enger Freund Juan Gatti verantwortlich. Eine atemberaubende Hommage an das zeitlose Zusammenwirken von Haute Couture und Fotografie.

  • af Hans Christian Adam
    277,95 kr.

    Die Pflanzenbilder des deutschen Fotopioniers Karl Blossfeldt (1865-1932) sind von einer solchen Schönheit und Originalität, dass sie das Medium der Fotografie transzendieren. Über 30 Jahre lang nahm Blossfeldt Tausende von Fotos auf, in einer rigorosen Formensprache, die die Bildproduktion des 19. Jahrhunderts ins 20. Jahrhundert überführte und der eigentlich zweidimensionalen Kunstform eine geradezu skulpturale Qualität verlieh. Die ebenso raffiniert wie minimalistisch vor einfachen Papphintergründen inszenierten Bilder erhalten ihre Plastizität durch Blossfeldts virtuose Lichtregie. Sie geben alles von sich, nichts jedoch von dem Mann hinter der Kamera preis. Diese Stillleben, die ihre Objekte so endgültig in Form bannen, sind ein Meilenstein der Fotografiegeschichte und üben aufgrund ihrer Ästhetik noch immer eine anhaltende Faszination auf alle Kenner des Mediums aus.

  • af Roberta L Bondar
    303,95 kr.

    The lives and habitats of two majestic bird species are shared through striking space, aerial, and surface photographs to artfully convey the fragile elegance of life on Earth.New perspectives can inspire us to think differently about our place in the universe. The first photos of Earth from space showed the home of all known life as a small “blue marble” in a vast darkness and are thought by many to have inspired the environmental movement. For Dr. Roberta L. Bondar, the first female Canadian astronaut and the world’s first neurologist in space, the rare perspective she enjoyed aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery enhanced her reverence for the world we share with non-human life— especially birds, the only animals also able to fly vast distances across the globe.In Space for Birds: Patterns and Parallels of Beauty and Flight, Bondar, also an accomplished professional nature and landscape photographer, focuses her lens on two international species: the endangered Whooping Crane, which migrates from its boreal nesting grounds in Canada’s Wood Buffalo National Park to the seaside abundance of its winter habitat in Texas; and the near-threatened Lesser Flamingo, which is seen in dazzling pink flocks on and above East African Rift Valley soda lakes. Photos from the International Space Station convey the continental scale of these birds’ travels, and Bondar’s aerial and surface photos, accompanied by insights both scientific and personal, offer intimate glimpses of their daily lives and unique behaviours. While these birds lead different lives on opposite sides of the globe, they share, with each other and with us, an imperative to survive and a reliance on Earth’s fragile ecosystems.This book complements a travelling photographic exhibit, Patterns & Parallels: The Great Imperative to Survive.

  • af Alina Hazel
    297,95 kr.

    Greetings from the Atomic Realm, an amazing voyage inside the complex web of matter's basic building blocks. Discovering the mysteries behind the fundamental elements of existence, we dig into the microscopic landscapes that form the very fabric of our universe in this engrossing investigation. The atom is the smallest unit of matter with infinite significance and the center of the Atomic Realm. This is where protons, neutrons, and electrons perform their complicated dance, creating the soundscape of life. These minuscule particles, subject to the principles of quantum physics, form the complex network of matter that characterizes our material world. The fascinating diversity of the Atomic Realm is revealed as we delve deeper. Each element has a distinct atomic structure, which enables it to produce the kaleidoscope of compounds that make up our world. The periodic table serves as a guide for us as we navigate the multiplicity of elements, from the simplicity of hydrogen to the intricacy of uranium. The Atomic Realm is a dynamic environment that undergoes continuous change and metamorphosis rather than being a static landscape. Observe the atoms' throbbing energy, which propels the chemical reactions that shape our surroundings. Discover the processes that combine atoms to form molecules and create the vast variety of compounds that make up everything from the air we breathe to the oceans that envelop our globe. But the adventure doesn't stop there. We are invited to explore the core of stars through The Atomic Realm, where nuclear fusion transforms elements and releases the energy that powers the universe. Admire the cosmic alchemy that, since the beginning of time, has molded the universe. Science and wonder blend together in the Atomic Realm to show a realm full of boundless possibilities but guided by exact laws. Come along on this journey where the secrets of matter reveal themselves and the atomic world's beauty invites you to reflect on the fundamental nature of reality itself.

  • af Jill Deane
    152,95 kr.

    Here it is at last: The long-awaited much-ANTicipated sequel and companion book to "Histrees - Boabgraphies." This time, Jill has branched out from the boabs to become obsessed with anthills and their inhabitANTS, especially the amazing termite structures built in northern Australia. She has been pretending to be a Myr-mecologist, which is a person who studies ants, not murmuring. Even the most amanteur of antomologists will be offended that I have included termites, otherwise known as white ants, under the heading of ants. That is because these creatures are not actually any kind of ant, but their anciant group of insects is most closely related to cockroaches. (Do I hear a united "Yuuuukk?") But let's face it, it is more difficult to make puns with the word 'termite.'

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