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  • - konkurrencer 1969-2015
    af Kim Dirckinck-Holmfeld
    347,95 kr.

    Denne bog behandler danske arkitektkonkurrencer fra ungdomsoprøret og til i dag. Bind 1 omhandler perioden fra o. 1900 og til 1968.Bøgerne giver tilsammen et overblik over konkurrencernes arkitektur- og kulturhistoriske betydning, og sidste del gør status over dagens situation.Mange af vores fineste værker er skabt gennem åbne arkitektkonkurrencer, men de har også præget Danmark på en mere dybtgående måde. Bogen viser, at arkitektkonkurrencer er forløbere for velfærdsstatens fysiske udmøntning med tanker og løsninger, der sætter sig igennem i alle dele af arkitektfagets praksis fra byens plan, landskabs- og havekunst og byggeri til design.

  • af Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss
    205,95 kr.

    Nu kommer de næste to bind i den populære bogserie om ny dansk arkitektur. Gennem 10 bind vil serien give et vitalt signalement af den nyeste danske bygningskunst. Hvert bind udfolder et enkelt bygningsværk og portrætterer tegnestuen bag. De 10 bygninger repræsenterer desuden 10 aktuelle temaer i tidens arkitekturdebat. Gennem et essay og et dybdegående interview med arkitekten, kommer man helt tæt på. Samtaleformatet sikrer en uformel beskrivelse, mens essayet supplerer med baggrundsviden.Det nye Hammershus Besøgscenter er tegnet af Arkitema og Christoffer Harlang. Bygningen, som spændstigt og diskret indskriver sig i landskabet omkring den gamle borgruin, er et sjældent eksempel på et moderne gesamtkunstwerk, hvor arkitekturen sammen med den specialdesignede indretning skaber en vellykket helhedsoplevelse. Bygningens rene linjer og det rå indre af beton og egetræ suppleres på fornem vis af Harlangs inventar, som består af alt fra borde, reoler og dørhåndtag til lamper, lysestager og salt- og pebersæt i cafeen – og endda et læskur ved busholdepladsen.

  • af Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss
    205,95 kr.

    Nu kommer de næste to bind i en bogserie om ny dansk arkitektur. Gennem 10 bind vil serien give et vitalt signalement af den nyeste danske arkitektur. Hvert bind udfolder et enkelt bygningsværk og portrætterer derigennem tegnestuen bag. De 10 bygninger repræsenterer desuden 10 aktuelle temaer i tidens arkitekturdebat. Gennem et essay og et dybdegående interview med arkitekten, kommer man helt tæt på. Samtaleformatet vil sikre en uformel beskrivelse, mens essayet vil supplere med baggrundsviden.Moesgaard Museums skrånende taglandskab med græs og mos gør museet til et markant ikon i det historiske landskab. Om sommeren bliver der spillet teater, kørt cykelløb og holdt vikingemarked på taget. Om vinteren transformeres skråningen til Danmarks mest besøgte kælkebakke. Taget er blevet taget i brug på måder, der langt overstiger vores forventninger. Som en invitation fra fortiden rejser museet sig fra den jyske muld og inviterer gæsterne indenfor, hvor udstillingsrummene er designet som terrasser, der åbenbarer sig som lag i en arkæologisk udgravning.

  • - Landskabsarkitekt Henrik Pøhlsgaards egen have ved Tisvildeleje
    af Vibeke Dalgas
    192,95 kr.

    På et ganske lille areal (856 kvm.) har landskabsarkitekten Henrik Pølsgaard gennem mange år leget med naturen, som han selv har udtrykt det. Han, som på Sven-Ingvar Anderssons tegnestue har haft ansvaret for mange store opgaver, har her skabt en have af stor skønhed og fuld af oplevelser hele året; altid med naturen selv som ledetråden. Det er en form for wild garden, men fuld af underfundige henvisninger til klassisk og moderne havekunst med en mangfoldighed af oplevelser langs smalle stier, ved en (kunstig) skovsø, på idylliske siddepladser, i den italienske have, i den hemmelige have mv. Det er en have til inspiration, skrevet af en forfatter, der selv finder Pøhlsgaards have paradisisk: arkitekten og byplanlæggeren, professor Vibeke Dalgas.

  • - A portrait of houses designed by Lundgaard & Tranberg Architects
    af Karsten R.S. Ifversen
    277,95 kr.

    Vibrations narrates from within and around buildings. Through works by the Danish drawing office Lundgaard & Tranberg Architects, the architecture editor of the newspaper Politiken, Karsten R.S. Ifversen, examines the art of making architecture vibrate on the spot, in human beings and with its time. With a philosophical gaze and in clear language, he answers the question: What makes good architecture?To examine this, Ifversen attempts to grasp what it is about Lundgaard & Tranberg that makes them the most influential Danish drawing office of our time. In the foreword, Karsten R.S. Ifversen writes: “They take their point of departure in a Nordic tradition and the conditions of the place, but their will to renew architecture transcends the merely local and places them in a class with some of the world’s leading drawing offices.”Photos by Jens Lindhe.The rights of this book belongs to Hatje Cantz.

  • af Peter Michael Hornung, Kim Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lars Heslet & mfl.
    308,95 kr.

    Sansernes Hospital er det arkitektonisk og kunstnerisk smukke hospital, hvor mennesket er i centrum, hvor teknologien er implicit, og hvor lægen vender tilbage til sygesengen. Det er hospitalet der i sin udformning understøtter patientens lægende kræfter, frem for det teknologiske hospital, der undertrykker disse og alene forlader sig på lægelige indgreb. Arkitektur, kunst og musik spiller en stor rolle for den syges immunforsvar og evne til at blive rask. Et stort afsnit viser, hvad vi har bevis for, og et andet opstiller en række modeller til rumanalyse, der skal sikre en arkitektur, der vil og kan andet og mere end en ny standardisering baseret på fænomenologisk evidens. Bogens anledning er Rigshospitalets jubilæum, og viser samspillet mellem arkitektur og lægekunst gennem 250 år.

  • - En nytænkning af industrialiseret arkitektur
    af Charlotte Bundgaard
    220,00 kr.

    1960ernes intensive industrialisering af boligbyggeriet, med repetetiv montage af præfabrikerede elementer, førte til æstetisk forarmelse af vore boligmiljøer. Tekniske løsninger vandt over arkitektoniske visioner. Men repetitionsprincippet rummer et arkitektonisk potentiale, som arkitekter – dengang som nu – udfordrer i alt for ringe grad. Og det selv om nutidens avancerede produktionsapparat, baseret på IT og højteknologiske fremstillingsprocesser, rummer mulighed for en mere brugerorienteret og individualiseret arkitektur.Bogen formulerer og diskuterer nye måder at betragte montagearkitektur på og giver bud på, hvad der skal til for at udnytte nyindustrialiseringens arkitektoniske potentiale. Det kræver blandt andet et ændret syn på det at skabe arkitektur; på arkitektens designproces og rolle i byggeriet.Bogen henvender sig til arkitekter, planlæggere og offentlige myndigheder.

  • af trans Redaktion
    172,95 kr.

    "Lore" as a term suggests a cumulative and collective understanding of a topic. Today, it is particularly common in gaming and serial storytelling to refer to the comprehensive background story of a fictive universe. This issue of trans magazine attempts to understand the many ways in which lore affects our present moment: the texts deal with narrated realities, logistics of knowledge, ghosts and angels, and how the subconscious influences the built environment.

  • - Bygningskunstens forkæmper
    af Kim Dirckinck-Holmfeld & Jørgen Hegner Christiansen
    397,95 kr.

    Halldor Gunnløgsson var aldrig i tvivl: arkitektur er en kunstart. Det fastholdt han gennem hele karrieren også under ungdomsoprøret, der affejede ”kunst” som borgerlig dekadence. Han forsøgte oven købet i at indkredse, hvad han kaldte ”arkitektonisk tænkning” – velvidende, at verbalsproget ikke kan omspænde kunsten eller ”det uhåndgribelige”. Hovedværker er Tårnby- og Fredericia rådhuse, hans eget hus i Rungsted, der blev verdensberømt, Uglegårdsskolen, "Danmarks bedste skole" m.fl. Han var det skarpeste intellekt blandt datidens arkitekter og forkæmper for bygningskunsten, som han mente, at arkitekterne selv havde svigtet. Bogen viser Gunnløgssons omfattende livsværk som sin tids mest vindende deltager i arkitektkonkurrencer, som udøvende arkitekt, lærer og debattør. Hans værker og tænkning har stadig bud til en forvirret tid.

  • af Julie Kim
    424,95 - 1.525,95 kr.

    This book explores the creative potential for architecture curricula to integrate solid interdisciplinary thinking in design studio education.

  • af Bauhaus-Universität Weimar & Emerging City Lab Bauhaus. Institut Für Experimentelle Architektur
    227,95 kr.

    »¿¿¿ bauhaus« (selam bauhaus) means »hello bauhaus« in Amharic, one of the most important languages in Ethiopia. Visually, one could also interpret the Amharic letters as "Why Bauhaus" to question the overuse of this label during the Bauhaus Centennial in 2019. So, why Bauhaus?100 years ago, the teaching of architecture and urban design at the Bauhaus responded to rapid changes in society and their impact on the built environment. The ambitions and methods of the historical Bauhaus can still inspire us in the present day: Today, facing global climate change and human migration, these themes are more pressing than ever. Through the Emerging City Lab Addis Ababa (ECL-AA), the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development (EiABC) at Addis Ababa University established a joint lab. Combining innovation and social responsibility through experiments with building materials, practices and planning technologies beyond cultural, social, and disciplinary boundaries, this publication shows educational and research projects that emerged from the collaboration. In 2019 they were presented in the exhibition »¿¿¿ bauhaus (selam bauhaus) - hello bauhaus« on the occasion of the centenary of the Bauhaus and the 65th anniversary of the EiABC.

  • af Langtone Maunganidze
    1.136,95 kr.

    This volume is an empirical study examining the extent to which historic and iconic architecture and spaces in Zimbabwe - particularly in urban areas - have been mobilized to construct and reconstruct identities. The author explores the question of traditional and political architecture through analysis of a variety of structures, including monuments, museums, and indigenous and state buildings. Special attention is paid to the soapstone-carved Zimbabwe Bird, which for years has served as the national emblem. Overall, this book argues that while the production and use of architectural products and spaces have been regarded symbols of collective identity, they have also served as expressions of power and control.

  • af Jeremy Mcinerney
    322,95 kr.

    Griffins, centaurs and gorgons: the Greek imagination teems with wondrous, yet often monstrous, hybrids. Jeremy McInerney discusses how these composite creatures arise from the entanglement of humans and animals. Overlaying such enmeshment is the rich cultural exchange experienced by Greeks across the Mediterranean. Hybrids, the author reveals, capture the anxiety of cross-cultural encounter, where similarity and incongruity were conjoined. Hybridity likewise expresses instability of identity. The ancient sea, that most changeable ancient domain, was viewed as home to monsters like Skylla; while on land the centaur might be hypersexual yet also hypercivilized, like Cheiron. Medusa may be destructive, yet also alluring. Wherever conventional values or behaviours are challenged, there the hybrid gives that threat a face. This absorbing work unveils a mercurial world of shifting categories that offer an alternative to conventional certainties. Transforming disorder into images of wonder, Greek hybrids - McInerney suggests - finally suggest other ways of being human.

  • - The Story of Wilhelm Hansen and Ordrupgaard
    af Anne-Birgitte Fonsmark
    357,95 kr.

    Billede for billede er historien om forsikringsdirektør og kunstsamler Wilhelm Hansen (1868-1936). Med udgangspunkt i museets omfangsrige samling af fotografier, breve og ikke mindst kunstværker tegner bogen et portræt af manden bag Ordrupgaard.Bogen former sig som en række udvalgte nedslag i familien Hansen med alt fra dagligdagsepisoder til større begivenheder; fra ophængningen af en gaslampe til konskvenserne af en storbanks krak og strategien for salg af verdenskunst. Vi hører om, hvordan deres tilværelse formede sig, og hvordan de – billede for billede – opbyggede den imponerende kunstsamling, som i dag er tilgængelig for offentligheden i Ordrupgaards sale.Anne-Birgitte Fonsmark (f. 1950) var direktør for Ordrupgaard fra 1995 til 2023. Hun har stået for en lang række af museets udstillinger og har udgivet flere kunstfaglige bøger.

  • af Tim Ireland
    1.136,95 kr.

    The book establishes a correlation between architectural theory and the biosemiotic project, and suggest how this coupling establishes a framework leading to an architectural-biosemiotic paradigm that puts biosemiotic theory at the heart of cognising the built environment, and offers an approach to understanding and shaping the built environment that supports (and benefits) human, and organismic, spatial intelligence.

  • af Shanti Menon
    342,95 kr.

    Definition of Renaissance and its historical backgroundThe Renaissance was a historical period in European history from the late 14th century to the mid-16th century. It witnessed a revival and renewal of the cultural and emotional values of ancient Greece and Rome.Definition of RenaissanceThe Renaissance was a cultural and emotional movement that sought to return to the cultural values of ancient Greece and Rome. This movement had a significant impact on science, art, literature, and religion.Here are some of the key features of the Renaissance:· Revival and renewal of the cultural values of ancient Greece and Rome: Renaissance artists, writers, and philosophers rediscovered the cultural values of ancient Greece and Rome, including humanism, secularism, and the scientific method, which led to a revival in European society.· Development of the scientific method: The Renaissance led to the development of the scientific method, which became the standard method for scientific research.Historical background of RenaissanceThe Renaissance was preceded by a period of economic and social growth in Europe. This growth led to an increase in literacy and education, which in turn led to a renewed interest in classical culture.The Renaissance was also influenced by the rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman texts. These texts were translated into Latin and made available to a wider audience. They introduced new ideas and perspectives that challenged the traditional medieval worldview.ConclusionThe Renaissance was a period of great change and innovation in Europe. It had a lasting impact on Western culture and society.

  • af Emma Hayward
    436,95 - 1.526,95 kr.

    The kinds of architectural worlds children are exposed to in picture books during their formative years may influence how they regard such architecture as adults. This book reveals what stories are told about modern architecture and shows how those stories affect future attitudes towards and expectations of the built environment.

  • af Flavien Menu
    230,95 kr.

    Proto-Habitat is a transcript of conversations, visits, essays, photographs, paintings objects, and architectures exploring different cultures of dwelling as well as the associated imageries and means of production. Proto-Habitat is both a theoretical and a practical (built) experiment to explore ways of dwelling that are closer to contemporary lifestyles. The idea is to broaden collective representation to include environmentally responsible modes of existence and prioritizing conditions of habitability over questions of production. The book builds on research initially carried out at the French Academy in Rome - Villa Medici, the exhibition at arc en rêve, Collection Lambert, and Grand Hornu, and the construction of Proto-Habitat (Bordeaux, Chamonix, Clermont Ferrand), protoCAMPO (Rome), and SOLARproto (Almere). Flavien Menu is an architect whose practice combines research, building, and sustainable develop-ment.

  • af Serena Baiani
    1.392,95 kr.

    This book outlines, within the Italian national framework, the current and potential paths oriented towards a new concept of Architectural Heritage, through actions referring to Innovation and Experimentation and Protection and Transformation of the Architectural Heritage. The development of the themes is articulated in two sessions dealing with the aspects related to the analysis and mapping of Architectural Heritage to face the context of the current Climate Crisis and the development of projects and experimentations oriented to the Green and Digital Transition.The evolution of the concept of Heritage, as conceived by the United Nations 2030 Agenda and in the Green Deal and New European Bauhaus, aimed at constructing an inclusive and universally recognised definition to support supranational objectives of sustainable human development, gives rise to innovative strategies, methodologies and technologies that¿in a direction of mitigation, contrast and adaptation to climatechange¿allow for the safeguard, renewed management and a hope for valorisation of Heritage on a national scale. In this direction, the understanding of Architectural Heritage as a 'non-renewable resource' determines the need to activate design experimentation laboratories oriented towards regeneration, articulated and complex, which require, in order to respond to the challenges posed by our era, a sensitive and dialogic multidisciplinary vision of a holistic type. In fact, on the one hand, it is necessary to redefine the usability and management methods of built heritage through the adoption of digital, mobility, energy, ecological, social, green and blue infrastructures; on the other hand, it is necessary to introduce new qualitative and quantitative parameters and performance indicators, adequate to verify the validity of the implemented strategies in a perspective of adaptation to climate change, able to clarify contents, processes and tools to contrast future risks.The pursuit of these objectives refers to the innovation of training paths, professionalising procedures, administrative regulations, and public policies that involve citizens and the private partnership towards a different project qualification and empowerment of stakeholders, inhabitants, professionals, and clients. The Technological Project makes it possible to activate different interventions aimed at acting, in an integrated manner, on assets, context and communities, according to an approach that reinterprets them on a common score, as proposed by the European Next Generation programme in three priority aspects: digitalisation and innovation, environmental transition, increased resilience and social sustainability of national economies. In this scenario, the interventions aimed at outlining sustainable development actions will have to place these concepts at the centre in a harmonious vision that starts from the recognition and enhancement of the Architectural Heritage, recognising itas a fundamental asset of the territories.

  • af Alessandra Pagliano
    880,95 kr.

    This book intends to focus exclusively on anamorphic experiments in contemporary art and design, leaving an in-depth historical examination of its Baroque season to other studies. Themes, languages and fields of application of anamorphosis in contemporary culture are critically analyzed to make the reader aware of the communicative potentiality of this kind of geometrical technique. The book also has the aim to teach the reader the most appropriate geometric techniques for each of them, in order to achieve the designed illusion. Each typology of anamorphosis is accompanied in this book by contemporary installations, a geometrical explanation by means of 3D models and didactic experiments carried on in collaboration with the students of the Department of Architecture in Naples.

  • af Deyan Sudjic
    372,95 kr.

    A provocative look at architecture-"exceptionally intelligent and original" (Jonathan Yardley, The Washington Post Book World) Deyan Sudjic-"probably the most influential figure in architecture you've never heard of" - argues that architecture, far from being auteur art, must be understood as a naked expression of power. From the grandiose projects of Stalin and Hitler to the "theme park" excess of today's presidential libraries, Sudjic goes behind the scenes of history's great manipulators of building propaganda-and exposes Rem Koolhaas, Frank Gehry, and other architects in a disturbing new light. This controversial book is essential reading for all those interested in the power of architecture-or the architecture of power. * A Washington Post Book World Best Book of the Year

  • af François Charbonnet
    447,95 kr.

    Densification of our cities is an imperative that inevitably brings the topic of new high-rise buildings and the addition of stories to existing buildings to the foreground of discourse. Architecture and urban design must increasingly address the issues of verticality at all stages of planning, design, and composition. Social and cultural aspects must be considered in this process as well. The French-language book De la verticalité combines two elements: a case study on high-rise buildings in Zurich and an explorative essay on the subject of verticality in philosophy, culture, and society. Together the threads form a dual commentary that highlights the challenges posed by the transformation of our cities. Illustrated with numerous spectacular montages and visualizations designed to broaden thinking, this volume, which comes from the laboratory of acclaimed Swiss architecture firm Made in, also offers concrete proposals aimed at architects and urban planners, politicians and flâneurs alike.

  • af Antoine de Perrot
    282,95 kr.

    Transversal Territory is a laboratory of urban, environmental, and artistic experimentation at the renowned Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio, Switzerland. It undertakes transdisciplinary and participatory research on the relationship between us, our bodies, and our built and natural environments. Its unique approach is to explore experiences of-and reflections on-urban space through performative bodywork and on-site artistic installations. This process aims at transcending the conventional paradigms of perception and the understanding of urban space, and at creating a new imagination of it-an augmented reality. Transversal Territory's innovative research is conducted in annual workshops, in which students and local residents collaborate, and subsequent public presentations of the results. This volume features 20 performances and installations realized in 2022 in Mendrisio's Rime-Brech neighborhood, a typical suburban area with its mix of industrial structures, social housing, shopping malls, fast food outlets, parking lots, wastelands, and highways. It is conceived as a map of Mendrisio that spreads across the pages to recontextualize the genius loci in book format.

  • af Yuting Xie
    1.051,95 kr.

    This book introduces a ten-year-long design research project in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), China, based on international cooperation studios, design workshops, a Ph.D. thesis, and concrete practice in China, Germany, and the Netherlands. This research adapts the existing methods of Landscape Character Assessment (UK), Historic Cultural Landscape Elements (Germany), and Dutch Polder Typology to mapping, describing, and classifying landscape character areas and types at the three scales of regional, municipal, and local. Furthermore, to connect research with design, we developed a typological approach of generating specific measures for the networked polder landscape. This research bridges the gap of a missing landscape characterization method for the conservation, transformation, and critical reconstruction of historic cultural landscapes in a metropolitan context. The book is intended for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners interested in the topics of cultural landscape in transition, methods for landscape characterization and typology, and a research-by-design approach in interdisciplinary projects of landscape architecture, urbanism, and regional planning.

  • af Dieter Geissbühler
    297,95 kr.

    Die Publikation Two Lakes ist das Ergebnis einer vergleichenden Betrachtung zweier Kulturräume - Vierwaldstättersee in der Schweiz und Biwa-See in Japan. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen einer fünfjährigen Kooperation, The Culture of Water (2018-2023), zwischen der Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur und dem Kyoto Institute of Technology setzt es sich mit der Architektur der Zukunft auseinander. Anhand von vier Kernthemen - Gefahr, Schönheit, Allmende, Ewigkeit und den entsprechenden Beziehungen zum Wasser - werden zu beiden Regionen und in vergleichender Betrachtung Hypothesen zur Interdependenz zwischen dem Menschen und der von ihm geschaffenen Architektur aufgestellt. Abgerundet wird das Buch durch vertiefende Beiträge, zwei fotografische Essays, ausgewählte Studentenarbeiten und Archivaufnahmen. Diese Publikation erscheint als Sonderausgabe der Reihe Laboratorium.The publication Two Lakes is the result of a comparative study of two cultural regions - Lake Lucerne in Switzerland and Lake Biwa in Japan. Based on the results of a five-year cooperation entitled The Culture of Water (2018-2023) between the Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture and the Kyoto Institute of Technology, it engages with the architecture of the future. Addressing the core themes of danger, beauty, commons and eternity - and their according relationships to water - it develops hypotheses on both regions with respect to the interdependence between people and the architecture they produce. The book is rounded off by in-depth articles, two photographic essays and archive documents.

  • - En fortælling om Ordrupgaards stifter Wilhelm Hansen
    af Anne-Birgitte Fonsmark
    337,95 kr.

    Billede for billede er historien om forsikringsdirektør og kunstsamler Wilhelm Hansen (1868-1936). Med udgangspunkt i museets omfangsrige samling af fotografier, breve og ikke mindst kunstværker tegner bogen et portræt af manden bag Ordrupgaard.Bogen former sig som en række udvalgte nedslag i familien Hansen med alt fra dagligdagsepisoder til større begivenheder; fra ophængningen af en gaslampe til konskvenserne af en storbanks krak og strategien for salg af verdenskunst. Vi hører om, hvordan deres tilværelse formede sig, og hvordan de – billede for billede – opbyggede den imponerende kunstsamling, som i dag er tilgængelig for offentligheden i Ordrupgaards sale.Anne-Birgitte Fonsmark (f. 1950) var direktør for Ordrupgaard fra 1995 til 2023. Hun har stået for en lang række af museets udstillinger og har udgivet flere kunstfaglige bøger.

  • af Owen Hatherley
    127,95 kr.

    A walk through the remnants of a social democratic America, and an argument about its future.In the 1960s, a novel ideology about cities, and what was best for them, emerged in New York. Pushing against the state planning of the time, it held that cities were at their best when they were driven from the bottom-up and when organic, unplanned processes were allowed to run their course, in a spontaneous "ballet of the street". Cities were at their worst, however, when the state stepped in, demolishing lively old neighbourhoods and erecting giant, sterile, empty "projects". This book uses the method of this ideology — walking — to test how true it actually is about the "capital of the twentieth century", New York City, with a brief interlude in the capital, Washington DC.The "projects" that are walked in this book range from cultural complexes in Manhattan to New Deal-era public housing developments in Brooklyn, Harlem and Queens, from the social experiment of Roosevelt Island to Communist housing co-operatives in the Bronx, from the union-driven rebuilding of the Lower East Side to DC's magnificent Metro. For all their many flaws, they prove that Americans could, in fact, plan and build fragments of a better society, which survive and sometimes thrive today in one of the unequal places on earth. Walking the Streets/Walking the Projects takes a hard look at these enclaves, and asks what a new generation of American socialists might be able to learn from them.

  • af Gabriele Milani
    2.357,95 - 2.377,95 kr.

    The book focuses on all typological aspects of arches and vaults within the heritage of design and construction, while bringing attention to new "e;green"e; materials, promoting a circular economy informed by limitations caused by global warming. The multidisciplinary approach involves several different competences in architecture, structural engineering, conservation and restoration, geomatics, BIM, building engineering, the technology and history of construction, graphical methods of assessment, and innovative design that utilizes non-polluting materials. After an overview of the technical and aesthetic advantages of masonry vaults, there is a review of the most up-to-date trends in historic preservation. Classic methods of static assessment and innovative building technologies are detailed. Surveying methods and data acquisition are discussed, particularly laser scanning technology and its applications in heritage masonry curved structures. Next comes the experimental static and dymanic behavior of masonry vaults, followed by a critical revision of Distinct Element innovative computerized Methods. An explanation as to how to pass from classic stability analysis to an adaptive Finite Element Method limit analysis procedure is offered. Reinterpretation of the past is then undertaken, with an eye towards emphasizing sustainability. Finally, the conclusion examines  still existing gaps in knowledge and recommends avenues of future research.

  • af Anna-Maria Meister
    427,95 kr.

    This book considers architectural models not as stable objects but as a question: What is a model, really? And where in the design process does it assume its powers or perform its tasks? Thirty essays respond to nine pointed questions, discovering surprising affinities and interweaving observations from diverse disciplinary, geographical, and scholarly perspectives, all framed by an introductory essay and a dialog between historian Annabel Wharton and artist Thomas Demand. Are You a Model? approaches models as phenomena and architectural tools without seeking to determine conclusive answers. Compiled by a group of architectural and art historians, historians of science, software engineers, architects, and curators, it views models as an epistemologically diverse practice rather than objects sorted by periods, genres, or materials. With contributions by Giulia Amoresano, Yana Boeva, Giulia Boller, Stefanie Brünenberg, Alberto Calderoni, Daniel Cardoso Llach, Wonseok Chae, Diana Cristobal Olave, Carlotta Darò, Cansu Degirmencioglu, Kai Drewes, Ruth Ezra, Erik Herrmann, Carolin Höfler, Deniz Avci Hosanli, Christian Janecke, Orkun Kasap, Evangelos Kotsioris, Silke Langenberg, Sebastian Loosen, Christina Moushoul, Ana Carolina Pellegrini, Eliza Pertigkiozoglou, Andreas Pilot, Stéphanie Quantin-Biancalani, Salome Schepers, Ecaterina Stefanescu, Simona Valeriani, Mara Trübenbach, Annabel Jane Wharton, Matthew Wells, Baris Wenzel, Holger Zaunstöck, Maxime Zaugg, and Tamar Zinguer

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