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Arkitektoniske detaljer, komponenter og moriver

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  • - Arkitektens guide til særlige bygningsværker i og omkring København
    af Marie-Louise Høstbo
    278,95 kr.

    Findes i en engelsk udgave – Secret Places (9788793604810)Hvad skal dine gæster se, når der er sat kryds ved verdenskendte ikoner som Amalienborg, Grundtvigs Kirke og Nationalbanken? Arkitekten Marie-Louise Høstbo viser os med denne bog 50 oversete bygninger i og omkring København. Særlige steder, som med garanti vil både overraske og udfordre.Med sit kreative blik deler forfatteren i 50 bygningsportrætter sin entusiasme og respekt for dansk arkitektur. Hun sætter værkerne ind i en historisk sammenhæng og viser, hvordan de er skabt med en omhu i relation til kontekst, materiale og detaljering, som opløser deres samtidighed, så en universel relevans træder frem. De udvalgte værker har en menneskelig skala og appellerer til brugeren — taktilt, finurligt, sanseligt og visuelt. De er alle en væsentlig del af den danske arkitekturtradition, som samfundet i dag er bygget op om, og de er alle holdbare såvel æstetisk som praktisk.Under temaerne Nordisk lys & funktionalisme, Tegl & monolitter, Mønster & farve, Geometri & komposition samt Brutalisme & konkretisme samler forfatteren ypperlige eksempler fra de seneste 90 års moderne danske arkitektur. Detaljer og vinkler peger på nye sammenhænge på tværs af tid, stil og sted, og for arkitekturelskeren vil byen forandre og åbne sig på ny.

  • - The architect's guide to distinctive buildings in and around Copenhagen
    af Marie-Louise Høstbo
    289,95 kr.

  • - 10 bygninger, 10 tegnestuer, 10 temaer
    af Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss
    386,95 kr.

    Et storværk, der samler nutidens hovedværker i dansk arkitektur. Gennem det seneste årti har de danske arkitekter igen slået deres navn fast på den internationale arkitekturhimmel – med blandt andre Bjarke Ingels, Dorte Mandrup og Lene Tranberg i spidsen.Med udgangspunkt i ti bygningsværker af ti tegnestuer er 'Ny Dansk Arkitektur' en milepæl, der stiller skarpt på hvad det er, der gør dansk arkitektur til noget særligt i disse år. Gennem interviews, essays, nyoptagelser og et rigt tegningsmateriale giver bogen et solidt indblik det, der ligger til grund for dansk arkitekturs nye guldalder.Bogen er en samlet udgave af bogserien 'Ny Dansk Arkitektur 1-10', der er udkommet gennem de seneste fem år. Med sine 992 sider er værket den største samlede dokumentation af en nyeste danske arkitektur i anledning af København som UNESCO Arkitekturhovedstad 2023.

  • - Store arkitekturprojekter, der aldrig blev realiseret
    af Holger Dahl
    353,95 kr.

    I 'Drømmenes København' fører Holger Dahl os igennem den urealiserede arkitekturs København.Vi husker det, som var engang. Men hvad med alt det, der aldrig blev? Idéer, der kunne have forandret byen på godt og ondt. Nogle har vi lykkeligt undgået, mens andre på spektakulær vis udfordrer, hvad byen kunne have været i dag. Med Holger Dahl som kyndig guide ledes vi igennem en forestillet by, der rummer Jørn Utzons svømmehal ved Søerne, en mur af BIG-boliger langs Kløvermarken og Theo Bjergs udbygning til SMK.Den offentlige hukommelse er ubarmhjertigt kort, og sjældent skænker vi det ikke-byggede mange tanker. Det hukommelsestab udfordrer 'Drømmenes København'. Hvilke kvaliteter og ambitioner havde de urealiserede projekter? Valgte vi altid den rigtige løsning?

  • - Arkitektens guide til særlige bygningsværker i det midtjyske
    af Marie-Louise Høstbo
    278,95 kr.

    Arkitektur kan overraske, forundre og gøre os nysgerrige på mere. Den kan – særligt når vi går helt tæt på – formidle fortællinger om kreative arkitekter, visionære bygherrer, dygtige håndværkere og skildre sammenhænge på tværs af tid i en evigt foranderlig verden.Marie-Louise Høstbo tager dig med på en arkitektonisk opdagelsesrejse gennem 35 bygningsværker i det midtjyske – fra Ebeltoft i øst til Vemb i vest og fra Skive i nord til Askov i syd. Hemmelige steder – Arkitektens guide til særlige bygningsværker i det midtjyske viser dig de særlige detaljer og oversete historier, der ligger gemt i bygninger af høj arkitektonisk værdi på turen gennem Jylland.Forfatter og fotograf Marie-Louise Høstbo er arkitekt MAA. Hun har gennem mange år beskæftiget sig som design- og arkitekturspecialist. Høstbo arbejder med formidling af dansk design og arkitektur i ord og billeder.

  • - –syner og sandhed
    af Hanne Kolind Poulsen
    228,95 kr.

    Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-78) er en af 1700-tallets mest betydningsfulde romerske kunstnere. Han var uddannet arkitekt, men er bedst kendt for sin produktion af grafiske tryk, der gennem tiden har fascineret kunstinteresserede. Allerede i samtiden var hans værker berømte.I denne bog, der ledsager SMK’s udstilling Piranesi – syner og sandhed, undersøges den visuelle fascinationskraft ved kunstnerens værker. Med en overlegen grafisk teknik skabte Piranesi imponerende og detaljerede billeduniverser, som man uundgåeligt fortaber sig i. Antikkens ruiner var et yndet motiv, og hans hensigt var at vise fortidens Rom som et højdepunkt for civilisation, kreativitet og innovation. Piranesis ærinde var dog ikke alene at gengive den virkelighed, han erfarede. Han tilføjede den dramatiske og effektfulde elementer og manipulerede radikalt med perspektiverne. Værkerne ender et sted mellem syner og sandhed. De er både syner og sandhed.

  • af Sascha Bauer
    772,95 kr.

    The Joinery Compendium ist eine Sammlung mit über 400 handwerklich hergestellten Holzverbindungen aus aller Welt. Die einzigartige Zusammenstellung gibt Einblicke in die faszinierende Vielfalt dieser Verbindungen, ihrer Geschichte und Anwendung.In einer Zeit, in der die Sensibilität für bestehende Bausubstanzen und Holzkonstruktionen wächst, erlangen historische und einfache Bautechniken eine neue Relevanz. Holz findet nicht nur im Bauwesen und Möbelbau Anwendung, sondern auch vermehrt in nachhaltigen Produkten, denn Holzverbindungen ohne Nägel oder Klebstoff dienen der Inspiration für Reparaturfähigkeit und Lebenszyklusbetrachtung. Die Einleitung des Buches bietet grundlegendes Wissen über Holz und traditionelle Handwerkzeuge. Ein illustriertes Regelwerk zur Benennung der Verbindungen leitet zum Hauptteil über. Jede Verbindung wird durch einen Steckbrief mit axonometrischen und plangraphischen Zeichnungen, sowie einer Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für ihre Herstellung präsentiert. Die vereinfachte graphische Darstellung mit viel Weißraum ermöglicht das Hinzufügen von Maßverhältnissen und Notizen im eigenen Schaf- fensprozess. Am Ende des Buches ermöglicht ein illustriertes Glossar eine Vergleichbarkeit in Gestaltungsprozessen und erleichtert gleichzeitig den Zugang zu digitalen Suchplattformen. Die Terminologie ist in Deutsch, Englisch und Japanisch verfügbar.The Joinery Compendium bietet eine leicht verständliche Übersicht durch sprachneutrale Illustrationen, welche eine zeitgenössische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema fördert und die Leidenschaft für traditionelle Holzverbindungen wecken soll.

  • af Judith Resch
    463,95 kr.

    Versatile wooden windows In her book, the trained carpenter and architect Judith Resch looks at what scope still exists in modern window design and construction. The process of simplification is more difficult to achieve for windows than for most building components, since windows, due to their function, must meet high technical specifications. She presents a variety of window design projects that have one thing in common: they pursue a singular design concept using the simplest possible means. All projects are presented in detail with technical drawings and photographs. 10 simple wooden window designs From retrofitting historical windows to the possibilities of DIY design Precisely designed, handcrafted, highly repairable windows

  • - SAS-huset og Arne Jacobsens øvrige værk
    af Michael Sheridan
    353,95 kr.

    Midt i København, på 6. sal i SAS-huset, ligger Værelse 606 som et velbevaret mikrokosmos af den danske arkitekt og designer Arne Jacobsens definitive mesterværk. Værelse 606 er i dag det eneste bevarede interiør i SAS-huset, som stod færdigt i 1960 og er designet af Jacobsen for SAS. Bygningen rummede både det luksuriøse SAS Royal Hotel og en lufthavnsterminal.SAS-huset er det mest helstøbte værk i Jacobsens karriere. Her udfoldede han alle sine talentersom designer af møbler, lamper, tekstiler, haver, typografi og bordservice. Som et fragment, der rummer hele bygningens essens, danner Værelse 606 afsæt for en rekonstruktion af Jacobsens forsvundne mesterværk i ord og billeder.Denne gennemillustrerede bog, som indeholder næsten 500 fotos og tegninger, tager læseren med på en virtuel rundvisning på SAS Royal Hotel og i lufthavnsterminalen, som de fremstod i 1960, og sporer SAS-husets inspirationskilder til en række tidligere bygningsværker og designobjekter. Den udforskning af Jacobsens værk, som indledes i Værelse 606, giver dermed en generel introduktion til hele hans karriere.Arkitekt Michael Sheridan, som bor og arbejder i New York, er en internationalt anerkendt ekspert i moderne dansk arkitektur og design og forfatter til blandt andet Mesterværker – enfamiliehuseti dansk arkitekturs guldalder (2011) og Louisiana – arkitektur og landskab (2017).

  • - På Bispebjerg Hospital
    af Jannie Rosenberg Bendsen
    278,95 kr.

    Bispebjerg Hospital i København har et helt enestående haveanlæg, der siden indvielsen i 1913 har givet patienter, ansatte og besøgende mulighed for at finde ro.Den smukke have, der hver dag giver patienter og pårørende et pusterum, har siden 2019 været under kærlig behandling af landskabsarkitekt Charlotte Skibsted og arkitekt Erik Brandt Dam, som har samarbejdet om at bevare havens særlige ånd. Sammen har de med støtte fra A.P. Møller Fonden givet Martin Nyrop og Edvard Glæsels mesterlige haveanlæg nyt liv.‘Helende haver’ giver et indblik i havernes historie og frednings-værdier, og i hvordan arkitekterne har arbejdet. Den er samtidig en dokumentation af de konkrete ændringer, der er blevet udført med nænsom hånd.

  • - The SAS House and the Work of Arne Jacobsen
    af Michael Sheridan
    331,95 kr.

    In the center of Copenhagen, on the sixth floor of the Royal Hotel, Room 606 preserves the definitive masterwork of the Danish architect and designer Arne Jacobsen, in microcosm. Room 606 is the only surviving interior of the SAS House: the combined luxury hotel and satellite air terminal that Jacobsen designed for the Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) and finished in 1960.The SAS House was the most complete commission of Jacobsen’s career, in which he exercised the full range of his talents as a designer of furniture, lamps, textiles, gardens, lettering and tableware. As the fragment that encapsulates the whole building, Room 606 serves as a lens for reconstructing Jacobsen’s vanished masterwork in words and images.Richly illustrated with nearly 500 photographs and drawings, this book guides the reader on a virtual tour through the Royal Hotel and SAS Air Terminal as they were in 1960 – and traces the origins of the SAS House to a series of earlier buildings and objects. As a result, the study of Jacobsen’s work that begins in Room 606 ultimately provides a general introduction to his entire career.New York-based architect Michael Sheridan is an internationally recognized scholar of modern Danish architecture and design. His books on these subjects include Landmarks: The Modern House in Denmark (2014) and Louisiana: Architecture and Landscape (2017).

  • - 10 Buildings, 10 Architects, 10 Themes
    af Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss
    388,95 - 498,95 kr.

  • - Laila Westergaards kunst
    af Dorte Fogh & Annette Østergård
    288,95 kr.

    En præsentation af billedhuggeren Laila Westergaard og hendes mange kunstværker. Rigt illustreret.Bogen går systematisk til værks og giver et kapitler til hver af de forskellige genrer, som Laila Westergaard har beskæftiget sig med. Først den umiddelbart uprætentiøs form for skulptur, nemlig karret. Dernæst relieffet, så følger Laila Westergaards hovedgenre, skulpturen. I det næstsidste kapitel belyses det foreløbige hovedværk, Gødstrup Hospitalskirke, hvor samarbejdet mellem Laila Westergaard og arkitektfirmaet Friis & Moltke fra begyndelsen af drejede sig om at udvikle et Gesamtkunstwerk, dvs. en helhed, der omfattede alle elementer i en luthersk kirke. Bogen om Laila Westergaards kunst slutter med en gennemgang af hendes udsmykninger af fællesgrave og udformning af gravsten.

  • - On enabling and empowering a diverse population
    af Camilla Ryhl
    298,95 kr.

    Universal design offers a paradigm shift in how we understand and perceive human beings and the diversity of abilities within architecture and urban planning. The concept introduces a new approach to core aspects of architecture: sensory experiences, social sustainability, and architectural qualities and meaning. In Universal Design - On Enabling and Empowering a Diverse Population, Camilla Ryhl engages in dialogue with ten architects about their practices and understanding of universal design. The book introduces a model for applying universal design at three differing levels, providing a practical framework for creating inclusive and accessible spaces. It is an essential read for architects, designers, and anyone interested in creating spaces that harmonize with the varied abilities and experiences of all individuals.

  • af A Kassen
    448,95 kr.

    The book Works in Architecture by artist group A Kassen explores the blending of art and architecture in what they term the expanded domain of architecture. It highlights the creative exchanges between these two fields, offering a deeper dialogue that challenges traditional ideas of architecture as merely functional and aesthetic. Through a series of projects, A Kassen introduces elements that disturb and distort reality, encouraging us to see and experience space in new ways.By merging art with architecture, A Kassen opens up new possibilities for how spaces can be designed, used, and interpreted. Their work encourages architects and artists alike to reimagine the role of art in shaping the built world, offering fresh inspiration for incorporating creativity into building culture. This continuous exploration of the intersection between art and architecture helps to redefine the boundaries of both disciplines, pushing the potential of architecture into new, imaginative territory.With an introduction and interview by Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss

  • - Reflections on the Agency of Architecture
    af Olivia Toftum & 3XN GXN
    378,95 kr.

    Vi er næsten altid til stede i eller omkring arkitektur. Arkitektur påvirker, hvordan vi har det. De rum, vi bevæger os rundt i, påvirker os. De har indvirkning på vores helbred, både fysisk og psykisk, vores generelle velbefindende og den jord, vi bygger og bor på. Arkitekturen har med andre ord agens, den gør noget. Bogen AWARE: Reflections on the Agency of Architecture undersøger således arkitekturens agens og spørger, hvad det er, arkitektur kan og gør? Bogen fortsætter den samtale 3XN GXN startede med soloudstillingen Aware på Dansk Arkitektur Center. En udstilling, der leger med den almenmenneskelige oplevelse af, at vi påvirkes følelsesmæssigt af de rum, vi opholder os i. Vi har inviteret 14 praktikere på tværs af discipliner og generationer til at reflektere over udstillingens tema. Blandt bidragyderne er Yasmeen Lari, Olafur Eliasson, Sumayya Vally og Rasmus Munk.

  • af Søren Nielsen & Kasper Guldager Jensen
    268,95 kr.

    Circular Construction for urban development is based on the Circular Economy theory developed by the Ellen McArthur Foundation. The perspective presented is how circular principles can be implemented on multiple levels in the building industry by applying off-site modular industrialised construction. The book's overarching theme is exploring the synergies of coupling circularity with industrialisation. The construction sector is well known for being siloed and slow to innovate due to its inherent nature of starting over in each individual project and solving the same challenges with new teams and new solutions. Through industrialised construction, our current project-focused practice can be turned into circular product platform thinking based on the belief that rationalisation and technological innovation will continue to play a significant role in shaping a safer and fairer future. This book introduces various principles, perspectives, and tools. It covers principles of design for disassembly, material and building passports, and circular business models. It also provides perspectives on circular life cycle assessment and tools that can provide circularity insights, planetary boundary targets for construction, and estimates of existing reuse and upfront carbon savings.

  • af Tracy Rehbein
    278,95 kr.

    Step into the world of warmth and comfort with "Cozy Creations," a delightful guide that invites you to explore the art of knitting with a focus on creating a cozy haven in every aspect of your life. In this enchanting book, each chapter unfolds like a story, weaving together the threads of creativity and comfort.Chapter 1 introduces you to the enchanting realm of Cozy Knitting, setting the stage for a journey into the heart of warmth and craftsmanship. As you progress to Chapter 2, "Homeware Haven," discover how to infuse your living spaces with the snug embrace of handmade homeware, transforming your house into a sanctuary of comfort.Moving on to Chapter 3, "Accessorize in Comfort," explore the world of stylish accessories that not only enhance your look but also provide a comforting touch to your daily attire. Chapter 4, "Wearable Comfort," takes you deeper into the art of crafting wearable creations that exude both style and coziness, ensuring you are wrapped in warmth wherever you go.Chapters 5 and 6, "The Warmth of Alpaca" and "Rustic Charm with Wool," delve into the unique qualities of different fibers, guiding you in choosing materials that elevate your creations to new heights of luxury and comfort. Chapter 7, "Cozy Knits for Babies and Kids," invites you to share the warmth with the little ones, creating adorable and snug pieces for the youngest members of your family.As you progress through the chapters, "Creating a Cozy Sanctuary" in Chapter 8 provides insights into transforming your home into a haven of tranquility. Chapter 9, "Nature-Inspired Comfort," draws inspiration from the natural world, guiding you to create pieces that embody the soothing essence of the outdoors.Explore sustainability in Chapter 10, where "Sustainable and Cozy" demonstrates how your passion for knitting can align with eco-friendly practices. Chapter 11, "Special Occasions, Cozy Creations," inspires you to craft memorable pieces for special moments, adding a personal touch to celebrations.Chapter 12, "Hygge-Inspired Living," introduces you to the Danish concept of coziness, guiding you to infuse your life with the simple pleasures that bring joy. In Chapter 13, "Knitting for Comfortable Travel," discover how your knitting skills can accompany you on journeys, ensuring comfort wherever you roam."Modern Minimalism, Cozy Style" in Chapter 14 explores the intersection of simplicity and warmth, offering a contemporary twist to timeless coziness. Finally, Chapter 15, "Cozy Creations Community," brings the journey full circle by connecting you with a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for creating and embracing the cozy lifestyle.With "Cozy Creations," embark on a knitting adventure that goes beyond the stitches, creating a world of warmth and comfort that surrounds you at every turn.

  • af Tracy Rehbein
    278,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey into the world of knitting with "Mastering the Art of Knitting," a comprehensive guide designed for both beginners and seasoned enthusiasts alike. In Chapter 1, you'll be warmly welcomed into the craft with an insightful Introduction to Knitting, laying the foundation for your knitting adventure.Moving seamlessly into Chapter 2, "Getting Started with Yarn," discover the essential considerations for choosing the perfect yarn that will bring your projects to life. Chapter 3 delves into the intricacies of Basic Knitting Stitches, providing clear and concise instructions that ensure you master the fundamental techniques with confidence.As you progress through the chapters, unlock the secrets of Reading Knitting Patterns in Chapter 4, allowing you to decode and execute intricate designs effortlessly. Chapter 5 introduces Essential Knitting Techniques, providing a valuable toolkit for expanding your creative repertoire.Chapter 6 takes you on an exciting journey into the world of Circular Knitting, offering a fresh perspective on this versatile technique. Delve into the realm of artistic expression in Chapter 7, where Advanced Stitch Patterns await your exploration, elevating your projects to new heights.Shaping Your Knits takes center stage in Chapter 8, guiding you through the art of crafting garments that fit and flatter. Chapter 9, "Finishing Touches," imparts the crucial skills needed to refine and complete your creations with finesse.Chapter 10, "Fixing Common Knitting Mistakes," equips you with troubleshooting expertise, ensuring your knitting journey remains smooth even in the face of challenges. Explore the art of seasonal knitting in Chapter 11, discovering how to adapt your craft to different weather conditions and occasions.Personalizing Your Projects becomes an art form in Chapter 12, empowering you to infuse your creations with your unique style and personality. Chapter 13 encourages you to connect with fellow enthusiasts as you delve into "Building a Knitting Community," fostering a sense of camaraderie.Environmental consciousness takes center stage in Chapter 14, as "Sustainable Knitting Practices" guide you in creating beautiful projects with an eco-friendly mindset. Finally, Chapter 15 propels you "Beyond the Basics," allowing you to master advanced techniques that will elevate your knitting skills to a professional level."Mastering the Art of Knitting" is not just a book; it's your comprehensive guide to becoming a skilled and confident knitter, offering a rich tapestry of knowledge and inspiration that will accompany you throughout your knitting journey.

    286,95 kr.

    Exquisitely detailed drawings offer a “field guide” to ubiquitous but overlooked elements of Vancouver’s urban landscape.Three series of intricate graphite drawings depict, with arresting realism, real-world examples of assembled, grown, and built objects common to distinct milieus of Vancouver: the shopping carts piled high with belongings that clatter along sidewalks in the downtown core; the long, high hedges that insulate single-family homes from the din of arterial traffic; and the sculptural lions placed for good luck atop fenceposts in front of many homes, especially on the city’s east side.In creating snapshots and then laborious drawings of these objects, Taizo Yamamoto, the principal of Yamamoto Architecture, was driven by a fascination with how the recurrence of these seemingly mundane objects speaks to omnipresent issues of housing unaffordability, densification, and the aspirations of diasporic communities—concerns that have an uneasy relationship to celebrated narratives of Vancouver but play a prominent role in residents’ everyday lives. To this work he brings not just sustained careful attention but an architect’s eye for details both structural and textural, resulting in immersive, richly nuanced drawings.New essays and fiction from three authors engages the work through prose: Aaron Peck, author of Jeff Wall: North & West (2015), interprets the shopping cart drawings as an appreciation of “ephemeral architecture” and sees affinities to work by Walker Evans and Hilda and Bernd Becher; a short story by Giller Prize–nominated author Kevin Chong (The Double Life of Benson Yu, 2023) imagines the lives behind the hedges; and Jackie Wong, senior editor of The Tyee, reports on the origin, production, and symbolism of the many lions dotting the city.

  • - St. Catherine’s College by Arne Jacobsen
    af René Kural
    348,95 kr.

    The world-renowned architect Arne Jacobsen created a wealth of world-class buildings and functional designs. Late in his career, he revealed that if he had to choose just one of his designs, it would be St Catherine’s College, affectionately known as Catz, in Oxford. This is the story of Catz in the past, present, and future. The book describes the genesis of the project, the architecture, and the surrounding park and introduces some of the students who live here and are being shaped by this unique place. The college is viewed through the lens of film, literature, poetry, satire, music, critique and recollections and illuminated with new photographs, student interviews, forgotten or overlooked stories and drawings from England and Denmark – and much more. The author, architect René Kural, PhD, has written several books on significant works of architecture. Architecture photographer Rasmus Hjortshøj took all the new photographs for the book.

  • af Vladimir Guculak
    263,95 kr.

    In an age of glossy architectural visualizations and slick photography, today's media is saturated with images of projects mummified in their ideal, untouched, and unused state. Every design and technical publication on landscape architecture tries to teach us how to do things based on best practices. Rarely do we see a landscape project that has been in use for five or even ten years. To counterbalance this status quo, it is time to review and scrutinize the Sh*tscapes : typical mistakes in the design of our public realm. This publication is a compendium of a hundred failures made in the design, construction, or maintenance processes of urban landscapes. Looking at these unsuccessful examples, the authors propose simple and practical solutions aimed at preventing common mistakes, predicting future scenarios, and averting or accepting failures.

  • af Frederick Apthorp Paley
    353,95 kr.

    A comprehensive guide to the intricate and varied world of gothic moldings, this book provides insights and techniques for accurately dating and reproducing these architectural adornments. Drawing on both theoretical and practical knowledge, the authors explore the history, patterns, and design principles of gothic moldings, providing valuable resources for scholars, designers, and craftsmen alike.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Stanislas Chaillou
    568,95 kr.

    The Architect's Sourcebook provides readers with an accessible and playful space planning manual for the digital age. The Sourcebook conveniently brings together general dimensions, layout tips, and the CAD data designers actually need to draw spaces in their software. A 1000+ readily downloadable CAD blocks, provided by the software company Rayon, are offered throughout the Sourcebook, to help architects address generic typologies (housing, office and outdoor spaces). The quality and diversity of this digital repository will become the architect's best friend to create most kinds of space layout. At a time when Architecture's tool set and knowledge leaves increasingly online, this book represents both a much-needed update to traditional architectural handbooks, and a timely complement to well-known design manuals. More than 1,000 CAD blocks to download for 2-D floor layout planning Design for housing, office and outdoor spaces (leisure and sports) Introductory texts on the typologies and the use of the book

  • af Jacques Ignace Hittorff
    463,95 kr.

  • af Giocondo Albertolli
    338,95 kr.

  • af Charles Holme
    183,95 kr.

    Modern Design in Jewellery and Fans, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

  • af Carlton Studio
    183,95 kr.

    Monograms & Ciphers, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

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