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  • af Myron Howard West
    177,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Fatima Orendain
    872,95 kr.

    L'étude suivante analyse le Parc de la Trinitat, un parc urbain immergé dans l'une des infrastructures les plus importantes de la ville de Barcelone, le carrefour routier situé au nord-est de la ville, le Nus de la Trinitat. Comme son titre l'indique, le parc devient également l'entrée nord de la ville, et la raison de ce travail. Partant d'une réalité construite, la situation historique qui a conduit à sa construction est analysée, en commençant par les événements qui ont déclenché sa conception et son design : une revendication pour les habitants du quartier de la Trinitat. Cette étude se veut une première approche pour de futures recherches sur les barrières dans l'espace urbain.

  • af Fatima Orendain
    872,95 kr.

    Il seguente studio analizza il Parc de la Trinitat, un parco urbano immerso in una delle infrastrutture più importanti della città di Barcellona, l'incrocio stradale situato a nord-est della città, il Nus de la Trinitat. Come indica il titolo, il parco diventa anche l'ingresso nord della città e il motivo di questo lavoro. Partendo da una realtà costruita, si analizza la situazione storica che ha portato alla sua realizzazione, a partire dagli eventi che hanno innescato la sua ideazione e progettazione: una rivendicazione per gli abitanti del quartiere Trinitat. Questo studio vuole essere un primo approccio a future ricerche sulle barriere nello spazio urbano.

  • af Fatima Orendain
    872,95 kr.

    Die folgende Studie analysiert den Parc de la Trinitat, einen Stadtpark, der in eine der wichtigsten Infrastrukturen der Stadt Barcelona eingebettet ist, die Straßenkreuzung im Nordosten der Stadt, den Nus de la Trinitat. Wie der Titel andeutet, wird der Park auch zum nördlichen Eingang der Stadt und ist der Grund für diese Arbeit. Ausgehend von einer konstruierten Realität wird die historische Situation analysiert, die zu seinem Bau geführt hat, beginnend mit den Ereignissen, die zu seiner Konzeption und Gestaltung geführt haben: ein Anspruch für die Bewohner des Viertels Trinitat. Diese Studie soll ein erster Ansatz für zukünftige Forschungen über Barrieren im städtischen Raum sein.

  • af Fatima Orendain
    872,95 kr.

    The following study analyzes the Parc de la Trinitat, an urban park that is immersed in one of the most important infrastructures of the city of Barcelona, the road junction located in the northeastern part of the city, the Nus de la Trinitat. As the title indicates, the park also becomes the North Entrance to the city, and the reason for this work. Starting from a constructed reality, we analyze the historical situation that led to its construction, beginning with the events that triggered its conception and design: a claim for the inhabitants of the Trinitat neighborhood. This study is intended as a first approach to future research on barriers in urban space.

  • af Fatima Orendain
    872,95 kr.

    O estudo que se segue analisa o Parc de la Trinitat, um parque urbano que está imerso numa das infra-estruturas mais importantes da cidade de Barcelona, o nó rodoviário situado no nordeste da cidade, o Nus de la Trinitat. Como o título indica, o parque torna-se também a entrada norte da cidade, e a razão de ser desta obra. Partindo de uma realidade construída, analisa-se a situação histórica que levou à sua construção, começando pelos acontecimentos que desencadearam a sua conceção e desenho: uma reivindicação dos habitantes do bairro de Trinitat. Este estudo pretende ser uma primeira abordagem para futuras investigações sobre barreiras no espaço urbano.

  • af Yuncai Wang
    1.392,95 kr.

    This book presents a landscape pattern language framework for describing landscape spaces and offers a new approach to landscape expression and spatial reasoning. In addition to describing a conceptual model of landscape pattern language and its inner logical connections, the book discusses the functionality of landscape pattern language from both local and universal perspectives-effectively demonstrating that it can be used to highlight the individuality and characteristics of landscape space shaping. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable resource for all graduate students, lecturers, researchers, and practitioners in the areas of landscape architecture, landscape planning, and regional planning, especially ecological planning and design. 

  • af Jacob Michael
    337,95 kr.

    Unveiling Macquarie Marshes: A Geomorphological Study of Avulsion" is acomprehensive exploration of the Macquarie Marshes and the phenomenon of avulsion withinthis unique ecological system. This book is an invaluable resource for environmentalscientists, ecologists, geologists, researchers, and anyone interested in understanding thegeomorphological processes that shape wetland environments.Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a thorough examination of theMacquarie Marshes and the geomorphological processes that drive avulsion within thisecosystem. It delves into the geological and hydrological factors that contribute to avulsionand how these processes impact the marshes.One of the defining features of this work is its emphasis on unveiling the naturaldynamics of avulsion and its role in shaping wetland environments. It recognizes theimportance of understanding the ecological and hydrological consequences of avulsion.Additionally, "Unveiling Macquarie Marshes" explores the implications of avulsion for wetlandconservation, restoration, and management. It highlights the significance of preserving thenatural processes that sustain wetland ecosystems.Furthermore, this book encourages critical thinking and dialogue on the broaderimplications of avulsion for wetland science and conservation. It aims to inspire further research,collaboration, and the development of effective strategies for protecting and restoring wetlandenvironments.Overall, "Unveiling Macquarie Marshes: A Geomorphological Study of Avulsion" is aninformative and thought-provoking resource. It strives to shed light on the complex¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿geomorphological processes that shape wetlands, offering insights and guidance forscientists and researchers dedicated to the study and preservation of these vitalecosystems.

  • af Federica Rosso
    1.733,95 - 2.100,95 kr.

    This book thoroughly examines the aims of green urbanism, providing a perspective to help responding to the growing environmental challenges posed by the enormous increase in human needs. The book gives insights about architectural intervention in urban planning which provides green design strategies in a way that improves the efficiency of building in terms of energy consumption and environmental conservation. The book also gives attention to the paradigm of the `intermediate city', thus, helping in overcoming the challenges posed by the growing urbanization process. Finally, the book gives a futuristic vision of cities, anticipating their challenges and providing possible solutions for them. The book targets a wide audience interested in implementing the SDG goals in energy and green urban planning, and those interested the interdisciplinary nature of green urbanization and alternative and renewable energy accommodates.The book is a culmination of selected research papers from the 4th version of the International Online Conference on Green Urbanism (GU) of Roma Tre University, Italy (2020) & the 3rd version of the International Online Conference on Alternative and Renewable Energy Quest (2020).

  • af Bharat Dahiya
    1.107,95 kr.

    This book presents the integrating of economics and urban geography to create a framework of cooperation around the idea of urban economic stability. It explores these disciplines through the economic lens and creates a collaborative environment for addressing the global challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and future global shocks. Environmental advocates and proponents of economic growth are increasingly at odds¿having looked at the economic impact of the decline of the environment as well as the environmental loss that occurs with unchecked growth and urbanization. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic changed the global scene. The world shook in its foundations, as a number of countries¿ lockdown affected not only the global economy but also society and the environment. The global community has seen the negative impact of COVID-19 on our economies. There have been steep declines in gross domestic product, job losses have been in the millions, and people have seen their incomes fall. An unplanned shutdown has taken its toll and has been a shock to the economies of the world. Past shocks and how they have impacted urban economies as well as for how long are core to bettering our understanding of present and future urban economic change. The underlying economic factors that make a shock more damaging to certain economies or industries, as well as understanding these vulnerabilities, help entities recover from economic shocks and allow them to better understand how impacts on individual businesses can be implemented. The pandemic revealed the need to adopt a global development approach, taking into consideration four dimensions: global value chains, debt, digitalization, and the environment. Topics related to the causation and lockdown are explored through a number of case studies from around the world.

  • af David S. Jones
    1.252,95 kr.

    Planning for Urban Country addresses a major gap in knowledge about the translation of Aboriginal values and Country Plans into Australiäs built environment contexts. How do you ¿heal¿ Country if it has been devastated by concrete and bitumen, excavations and bulldozing, weeds and introduced plants and animals, and surface, aerial and underground contaminants? How then do Aboriginal values and Country Plan aspirations address urban environments? In this book, David S. Jones explores the major First Nations-informed design and planning transformations in Djilang / Greater Geelong since 2020. Included are short-interlinked essays about the political and cultural context, profiles of key exemplar architectural, landscape and corridor projects, a deep explanation of the legislative, policy and statutory precedents, opportunities and environment that has enabled these opportunities, and the how Wadawurrung past-present-future values have been scaffolded into these changes.

  • af Andres Dittrich
    290,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2020 im Fachbereich Geowissenschaften / Geographie - Bevölkerungsgeographie, Stadt- u. Raumplanung, Note: 1,7, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Geographisches Institut), Veranstaltung: Proseminar: Sozialraum Stadt, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Da Städte dicht und mit vielen Menschen besiedelte Lebensräume sind, bieten diese einen perfekten Anhaltspunkt für soziales Handeln zwischen den Menschen, die innerhalb dieser sozialen Räume leben und agieren. Das Konzept der Analyse der städtischen Sozialräume, kurzgefasst die Sozialraumanalyse, befasst sich mit der Forschung sozialen Handels innerhalb eines sozialen Raumes, wie beispielsweise in einer Stadt. Dies ist heutzutage zu großer Bedeutung in unterschiedlichen Feldern geworden, wie zum Beispiel in der Stadtplanung, Stadtentwicklung, Soziologie und auch in der Geographie. Daher ist es wichtig zu wissen, wie der Zusammenhang zwischen Innovationen und städtischen Sozialräumen besteht und wie diese die Stadt beeinflussen.Ein tieferer Einblick in soziale Innovationen, städtische Sozialräume und wie diese sich gegenseitig beeinflussen, soll im Folgenden dargelegt werden.

  • af Anastasiia Zhuravel
    247,95 kr.

    The publication re:imagine your city invites you to explore and rethink current paradigms that shape our urban environments. It offers insightful perspectives on commemoration and heritage, city planning and gentrification, migration and post-pandemic changes, solidarity and critical spatial practices. The publication is the result of a collective effort by an engaged transdisciplinary network of urban practitioners, educators, researchers, artists, designers and architects in the framework of the international design lab for urban practices and transformation re:imagine your city.

  • af Robert Stuart-Smith
    462,95 kr.

    Robotics & Autonomous Systems 1: Integrated Approaches to Fabrication, Computation and Architectural Design presents design research from the University of Pennsylvania Weitzman School of Design's MSD-RAS program.

  • af William Fain
    497,95 kr.

    Time is a factor in urban design. Projects sometimes take decades to materialize. Some never make it. This monograph features three decades of urban design projects at Johnson Fain varying in type and scale from conceptual architecture to the design for major city additions, to environmental plans for sites thousands of square kilometers in area. Some have been built; some remain in process. They represent a wide range of engagements, and all seek to address our goal to achieve "civic purpose," benefiting the city, the community and the project's sponsor.>Civic purpose--contributing to the civility of a city--is central to all our projects, public or private. Public and private sponsors may share similar views of civic purposes, yet often are motivated for different reasons--the public interest in social equity and environmental quality, and the private in engendering support for a project's entitlements. The urban design project benefits from both. Listening to stakeholder voices surrounding a project helps us understand the possibilities and the impossibilities, and to establish through involvement of all parties a sense of ownership and commitment assuring its success over time. Engaging others in conceptualizing urban design involves both the art of persuasion and the art of accepting other viewpoints, ceding credit for good ideas because our process is never about a single idea, encouraging robust discussion, concept development, and evaluation of alternatives in a collaborative process.>Across this spectrum of work, innovation is achieved both programmatically by defining the urban problem in different and interesting ways, and structurally by offering a formal framework from which participants contribute to the evolution of a plan. Our designers share a zeal for understanding how cities evolve and are committed to a principled practice that ensures they evolve in a beneficial direction for everyone.

  • af Fatima Orendajn
    377,95 kr.

    V dannom issledowanii analiziruetsq Park de la Trinitat - gorodskoj park, pogruzhennyj w odnu iz wazhnejshih infrastruktur Barselony - raspolozhennuü na sewero-wostoke goroda dorozhnuü razwqzku Nus de la Trinitat. Kak widno iz nazwaniq, park stanowitsq sewernym whodom w gorod, chto i posluzhilo osnowaniem dlq prowedeniq dannoj raboty. Ottalkiwaqs' ot sozdannoj real'nosti, analiziruetsq istoricheskaq situaciq, priwedshaq k ego stroitel'stwu, nachinaq s sobytij, kotorye posluzhili tolchkom k ego zadumke i proektirowaniü: pretenzii k zhitelqm kwartala Trinitat. Dannoe issledowanie prizwano stat' perwym podhodom k buduschim issledowaniqm bar'erow w gorodskom prostranstwe.

  • af Christa Reicher
    979,95 - 1.081,95 kr.

    In this basic textbook, prospective architects, urban and landscape planners receive assistance in working on urban development projects and designs. This edition has been expanded by two chapters on informal urban planning and regional urban development. The contents presented and their preparation are based on the design process in practice and embed it in a theoretical framework of necessary background knowledge. As an introduction, an overview of the understanding of the city, of urban structures and the laws governing them is given. In order to make the multi-layered structure of the city more comprehensible, it is broken down into different layers and building blocks. The approach to urban design is described using the "e;layer method"e; in the form of successive phases. Examples of urban development projects and competitions illustrate the individual design steps. 

  • af Oumarou Kalaga
    877,95 kr.

    O fornecimento de água potável e de instalações sanitárias é, desde há muito, uma das principais preocupações dos actores do desenvolvimento no Sahel. Assim, foram lançadas iniciativas no Burkina Faso para desenvolver este sector e responder às necessidades das populações rurais e urbanas. No entanto, a situação nas zonas rurais continua a ser preocupante, daí a atenção dada à comuna de Bieha, cujas aldeias registam problemas de abastecimento de água potável e de saneamento. O objetivo geral do estudo é examinar as condições de melhoria do acesso à água potável e às instalações sanitárias familiares na comuna de Bieha. A metodologia utilizada para a realização do estudo consistiu, em primeiro lugar, numa pesquisa documental, seguida da recolha de dados quantitativos e qualitativos junto de 186 agregados familiares e, finalmente, de uma fase de tratamento e análise dos dados. Os resultados do estudo revelam uma falta de infra-estruturas de água potável, uma má gestão destas infra-estruturas e deficiências no funcionamento das WUAs.

  • af Umaru Kalaga
    317,95 kr.

    Obespechenie bezopasnoj pit'ewoj wodoj i sanitariej uzhe dawno qwlqetsq odnoj iz klüchewyh zadach dlq uchastnikow processa razwitiq w Sahele. V rezul'tate w Burkina-Faso poqwilis' iniciatiwy, naprawlennye na razwitie ätogo sektora i udowletworenie potrebnostej sel'skogo i gorodskogo naseleniq. Odnako situaciq w sel'skoj mestnosti po-prezhnemu wyzywaet bespokojstwo, poätomu osnownoe wnimanie udelqetsq kommune Bieha, w derewnqh kotoroj suschestwuüt problemy s pit'ewym wodosnabzheniem i kanalizaciej. Obschaq cel' issledowaniq - izuchit' uslowiq dlq uluchsheniq dostupa k pit'ewoj wode i semejnym sanitarnym udobstwam w kommune Bieha. Metodologiq, ispol'zowannaq dlq prowedeniq issledowaniq, wklüchala w sebq snachala dokumental'noe issledowanie, zatem sbor kolichestwennyh i kachestwennyh dannyh w 186 domohozqjstwah, i, nakonec, ätap obrabotki i analiza dannyh. Rezul'taty issledowaniq swidetel'stwuüt o nedostatke infrastruktury pit'ewogo wodosnabzheniq, plohom uprawlenii ätoj infrastrukturoj i nedostatkah w rabote AVP.

  • af Kun Li
    1.093,95 kr.

    This book challenges the definition of a new approach for integrating protection and enhancing the Chinese heritage category of ¿Traditional Villages¿. By applying a specific case study in the Hancheng context, Shaanxi Province, which lacks sound studies, the book formulates new theoretical prerequisites for future re-searches, an in-depth knowledge path, and sound methodological principles. By working in a multiple scales approach, the object of preservation and enhancement is first of all redefined in its ontology as a unity formed by the courtyard type, the morphology of the village, and the related landscape structures. All these three levels of study have been deeply investigated, put into the relationship and resulting in a new methodology which overcomes the inadequacy and ineffectiveness of the notion of ¿setting¿ deriving from conservation Charters, to embrace the structural notion of ¿context¿ and a knowledge approach to rural settlements¿ form. The innovative and original features of this book are both in the reading villages in their landscape dimension, which in turn is studied as a context made of several interrelated structures. Another original feature of the book is the integration of Italian historic-structural and morphological methodologies with specific Chinese cultural aspects. The author¿s work dug deeply and interdisciplinary in all those dimensions to account for the complex issues that are related and embodied in both the physical and intangible meaning of human settlements, opening a novel scientific methodology for Chinese studies as a sound base to define three key integrated project actions: what, why, how to preserve, enhance, develop.

  • af Sara Frikech
    235,95 kr.

    The pilot issue of DELUS offers a range of diverse insights into landscape and urban questions. It introduces new methods to unpack multiple worlds and narrate manifold stories. The contributions range from unraveling histories of land-body relations through recipes with Luiza Prado de O. Martins, following living fossils and their mythical counterparts with Christina Gruber, working with communities to examine extractive environments with Karin Reisinger, exploring postnatural aesthetics with the Institute for Postnatural Studies, to recording wastelands with Sandra Jasper and developing speculative curricula engaging with overlooked forms of knowledge with Federico Pérez Villoro. As a collection, these contributions address the complex relations between humans, non-humans and their environment across time and space. DELUS is an annual publication that explores emerging themes, topics and methods from landscape and urban studies. Founded in 2022 by the Institute for Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS) at ETH Zurich, it brings academic knowledge to a broader audience and fosters exchange amongst designers, artists, scientists, scholars and students.

  • af Charles Buls
    197,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af Springfield (Mass Planning Board
    377,95 kr.

  • af Playground Association of America
    257,95 - 362,95 kr.

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