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  • af Lilet Breddels
    307,95 kr.

    This publication reflects the work of the first year of Ro3kvit - Urban Coalition for Ukraine. The members are profes­sionals from Ukraine and elsewhere who have come together to rethink Ukraine's future. In six chapters covering topics ranging from urbanism to housing and from identity to circular building and governance, the many different aspects of rebuilding and reconstruction are addressed in the form of longer essays, conversations, and project descriptions. All texts and projects are written or executed by Ro3kvit members. Sometimes the authors express their personal views and involvement, creating a rich amalgam of different voices while adhering to a common set of values that members of Ro3kvit share and cherish. Rökvit's work follows five principles: Civil society comes first, Ro3kvit's work is ethically sound, Consideration of prudent use of sources and resources, Education is crucial, Ro3kvit's work is network-based.This title is part of the Histories of Ukrainian Architecture programme initiated by DOM publishers in response to Russia's attack on Ukraine's sovereignty on 24 February 2022.

  • af Daniel Dain
    522,95 kr.

    "Dain's A History of Boston helps the reader understand how land-use and environment contribute to shaping a community. Dain's Boston is the go-to book." - R.J. LymanBoston is today one of the world's greatest cities, first in higher education, hospitals, life science companies, and sports teams. It was the home of the Great Puritan Migration, the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, the first civil rights movement, the abolition movement, and the women's rights movement. But the city that gave us the first use of ether as anesthesia, the telephone, technicolor film, and the mutual fund--the city where Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott founded their world-changing partnership--was also the hub of the anti-immigration movement, the divisive busing era, and decades of self-inflicted decay. Boston has the most important history of any American city. Yet its history has never been given a comprehensive treatment until now. Join Dan Dain as he acts as your tour guide from the arrival of First Peoples up to the election of Boston's first woman and person of color as mayor. Dain's masterful work explores the policies and practices that took Boston from its highest heights to its lowest lows and back again, and examines the central role that density, diversity, and good urban design play in the success of cities like Boston.

  • af Amira Osman
    2.106,95 kr.

    The book discusses how division affect the fabric of cities, and people¿s sense of identity and agency, and are reflected in physical features, architecture, and urban planning. The question of divided cities represents a complex and multistranded urban Ecology¿at once both social and spatial; it cannot be limited to a single science or discipline, such as social or spatial fields. This suggests integrated and cross- disciplinary understandings, as well as integrated or parallel approaches and solutions. Urban ecologies of division manifest in multiple forms. One of their most palpable expressions is conflict, with parallels around the world, and often with correlations in the spatial fabric. Violence in such contexts is often a surface expression of deeper socio-economic or ideological differences. Whether as a result of intervention by authority or by dissent between groups, a divided city inevitably becomes a place of conflict in various forms andintensity, eroding the joy of living and sense of collective belonging to the detriment of all. In effect, it erodes the collective advantage of being part of a more unified society.A city exists in collections of social structures which mutually form a society. A divided city implies divided social structures and, in consequence, a divided society. The papers compiled in this book present many case studies of divided cities, discussing the different causes of divisions and their effects on societies. Some of the causes can be linked to conflicts, wars, colonialism, or legislative political systems. In response to the serious challenges resulting from these divisions, the book aims to provide opportunities for new approaches and possibilities for new interventions and solutions, making it significant to urban planners, architects, and policymakers.

  • af Wanglin Yan
    1.563,95 kr.

    Our cities, and the systems that support them, have not been designed to address the FWE nexus. There exist gaps in awareness of the role and impacts of climate change. Improving communication among stakeholders with the support of scientific evidence is the key to narrowing the gaps. This book approached this issue with a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary moveable nexus approach through the lens of FEW nexus under the project of the Sustainable Urbanization Global Initiative of Belmont Forum. It presents a collection of evidence/science-based planning decisions and participatory practices by using Tokyo as the focal area. It visualizes the stock and flow of the Food-Water-Energy (FEW) supporting the world¿s largest metropolitan area, explores how the actors have worked together to secure the resilience and sustainability of resources, and demonstrates the potential of resources in making the city adaptive to climatic and social changes. It is designed for researchers in urbanization, nexus research, urban design research, environment, disaster risk reduction, and climate change studies, and can be used as a textbook for university courses. It is also a useful tool for practitioners and policymakers in applying collective knowledge to policy and decision-making.

  • af Uday Chatterjee
    1.136,95 kr.

    This book provides a critical theoretical framework for understanding the implementation and development of smart cities as innovation drivers, with long-term effects on productivity, livability, and the sustainability of specific initiatives. This framework is based on an empirical analysis of 21 case studies, which include pioneer projects from various regions. It investigates how successful smart city initiatives foster technological innovation by combining regulatory governance and private agency. The typologies of smart city-making approaches are thoroughly examined. This book presents the holistic approach of smart cities, which start from current issue and challenges, advanced technological development, disaster mitigation, ecological perspective, social issue, and urban governance. The book is organized into five major parts, which reflect interconnection between theories and practice. Part one explains the introduction which reflects the diversity andchallenges of the urban commons and its regeneration. Part two covers the current and future situation of urban growth, anglomeration agglomeration, and urban infrastructure. This section includes rethinking urban sprawl: moving towards sustainable cities, drivers of urban growth and infrastructure, urban land use dynamics and urban sprawl and urban infrastructure sustainability and resilience. Part three describes climate crisis, urban health, and waste management. This section includes climate change and health impacts in urban areas, green spaces: an invaluable resource for delivering sustainable urban health, health and wellbeing and quality of life in the changing urban environment, urban climate and pollution¿case study, sustainable urban waste management and urban sustainability and global warming and urban heat Island. Part four covers the ecological perspectives, advanced technology, and social impact for i.e., smart building, ecosystem services, society and future smart cities (SSC). This section includes urban ecosystem services, environmental planning, and city management, artificial intelligence and urban hazards and societal impact, and using geospatial application and urban/smart city energy conservation¿case study. Part five covers urban governance, smart solutions, and sustainable cities. It includes good governance, especially e-governance and citizen participation, urban governance, space and policy planning to achieve sustainability, smart city planning and management and Internet of things (IoT), advances in smart roads for future smart cities, sustainable city planning, innovation, and management, future strategy for sustainable smart cities and lessons from the pandemic: the future of smart cities.

  • af Henny Warsilah
    941,95 kr.

    Today, the new Indonesian capital city, Nusantara, planning is being anticipated as ¿representing national identity,¿ ¿a model city,¿ or ¿a gift to the world,¿ and many other extraordinary labels. This book examines the reality of an ongoing developmental transformation of the Nusantara beyond those labels. It approaches its assemblage of humans, their works (plans, documents, policies, and others), non-human objects (biodiversity, landscape, geography, physical infrastructure, buildings, and public spaces), processes, social relationships, social infrastructures, and others. It is organized into three themes¿mimicry, friction, and resonance. The mimicry illustrates the similarities (and differences) between Nusantara and other capital cities in urban narratives, imageries, and forms. The friction studies how Nusantara moves actors who do not always agree, processes that do not always align or collaboration between diverse contradicting groups that intersect. The resonance observeshow Nusantara resonates with, yet communicates its voice toward, the world. The three concepts (originated from geography, anthropology, and sociology) frame the analytics of the various contributions of local and foreign scientists from multiple disciplines. Overall, the book recommends ¿Otorita Ibu Kota Nusantarä (Nusantara capital city authority) on the current experimentation and implementation of the urban vision and provides a reference for social scientists to study Nusantara. And more broadly, the book offers the current socio-spatial practices of capital city-making in Asia that are valuable for the region.

  • af Ali Cheshmehzangi
    880,95 kr.

    This book is an unusual attempt to study urban regeneration. First, it is based on mapping the realities of urban regeneration case study examples and their impacts on people, places, and city life experiences. Second, it is context-specific, exploring only a particular region rather than covering one country or multiple locations. Hence, the aim is to avoid generic and global solutions but rather focus on local pathways and directions. Third, it delves into specific case study examples that could share some lessons for research, practice, and academia, particularly in the field of urban regeneration. This book is the first of (hopefully) many more on the way in urban mapping studies with various themes and focus areas. The ultimate goal is to ensure urban mapping is recognized well and practiced extensively in research and education. It is essential to map realities in cities and communities, those that we usually witness but should be experienced, perceived, and touched¿not just via desk research. Mapping techniques are more than just common tools in urbanism, urban geography, urban studies, urban planning, etc. They are not just tools but inventive ways of understanding cities, places, communities, experiences, and people. Thus, in this book, we try to understand more about people and places through life experiences and mapping the urban regeneration projects of multiple cities in Yunnan Province. This collection is based on a very concise context-specific research focused on only one region. The decision to do so is intentional, just because contextual, cultural, and local attributes need to be looked at more accurately, considerably, and dexterously. Hence, this collection delves into case study examples of an inspiring location where traditions remain, resources are plenteous, and cultures are diverse. Yunnan is one of the few provinces left in China that offers a lot for comprehensive research studies at the urban, rural, andtownship levels. The experiences we gained from mapping studies, observations, and multi-stakeholder engagements are exceptionally rich and vibrant, allowing us to think more holistically and find ways and suggestions beyond just the generic globalized models elsewhere. We hope the book will be useful to various stakeholders, particularly urban specialists, researchers, and students. It is also a valuable collection for policymakers, decision-makers, and governmental authorities, who should refrain from top-down processes and bring back people to the heart of urban regeneration processes.

  • af Youssoupha Mbodji
    852,95 kr.

    Grund und Boden ist ein strukturierendes Element mit mehrdimensionalen Herausforderungen. Es ist untrennbar mit dem Territorium verbunden, und aufgrund seiner Beziehungen zu anderen natürlichen Ressourcen des Territoriums und der Beziehungen, die es zwischen den Menschen belebt, stellt es einen entscheidenden sozialen Faktor dar. So ist es das Produkt sozialer Beziehungen und wird nach den Regeln und Bräuchen der Gemeinschaft, die es nutzt, verwaltet. Im Senegal, insbesondere in ländlichen Gebieten, herrscht eine duale Rechtsordnung in Bezug auf die Verwaltung des Bodens. Das positive Recht wird häufig mit dem sogenannten Gewohnheitsrecht verbunden, was zu echten Schwierigkeiten bei der Verwaltung des Landes durch die lokalen Behörden führt. Diese Behörden, die nicht über die geeigneten Instrumente zur Lösung von Konflikten und Problemen mit Grund und Boden verfügen, sehen sich schnell eingeschränkt. Diese Hindernisse betreffen praktisch alle Gemeinden des Landes, insbesondere die neuen Gemeinden, und machen auch vor Ndiaffate nicht halt. Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt darauf ab, die Schwierigkeiten bei der Verwaltung von Grund und Boden in Ndiaffate durch die Einrichtung eines geografischen Informationssystems mit dem Namen Urba'Sif zu beheben.

  • af Youssoupha Mbodji
    852,95 kr.

    Land is a structuring element with multidimensional issues. It is intrinsically linked to the land, and through its relationship with the other natural resources in the area and the relationships it fosters between people, land is a determining social factor. As such, it is the product of social relationships and is administered according to the rules and customs of the community that uses it. In Senegal, particularly in rural areas, there is a legal duality when it comes to land management. Positive law is often grafted onto so-called customary law, which creates real difficulties in land management by local authorities. These authorities, which do not have the appropriate tools to resolve land conflicts and problems, quickly find themselves limited. Ndiaffate is no exception to these obstacles, which affect practically every local council in the country, particularly the new communes. This report therefore aims to overcome the difficulties encountered in land management in Ndiaffate by setting up a Geographical Information System called Urba'Sif.

  • af Youssoupha Mbodji
    852,95 kr.

    A terra é um elemento estruturante com questões multidimensionais. Está intrinsecamente ligada à terra e, através da sua relação com os outros recursos naturais do território e das relações que promove entre as pessoas, a terra é um factor social determinante. Como tal, é o produto de relações sociais e é administrada de acordo com as regras e os costumes da comunidade que a utiliza. No Senegal, nomeadamente nas zonas rurais, existe uma dualidade jurídica em matéria de gestão da terra. O direito positivo é muitas vezes enxertado no direito dito consuetudinário, o que cria dificuldades reais na gestão das terras pelas colectividades locais. Estas colectividades, que não dispõem dos instrumentos adequados para resolver os conflitos e os problemas fundiários, vêem-se rapidamente limitadas. Ndiaffate não é excepção a estes obstáculos, que afectam praticamente todas as colectividades locais do país, nomeadamente as novas comunas. O presente relatório visa, portanto, ultrapassar as dificuldades encontradas na gestão do território em Ndiaffate através da criação de um Sistema de Informação Geográfica denominado Urba'Sif.

  • af Vera Egbers
    512,95 kr.

    Though sometimes overlooked and underestimated, rural space has played a substantial role in social, cultural, economic, and ideological change. This role can be studied by looking at the re/production of spatial agents that were caused by direct or indirect political interventions in rural communities. In this book, scholars looking at case studies from Greece, Turkey, Italy, Portugal, and Austria discuss the making of identity in and through rural areas, which have dramatically changed under different political, social, and economic conditions from the turn of the 20th century up until today. By focusing on potential contestations of such changes, the authors provide a better in-depth understanding of spatial dynamics related to cultural and social spheres of 20th-century rurality. Includes contributions of national and international experts Deals with 20th-century rural environment and identity-making policies Findings of an international symposium of DFG Research Training Group "Cultural and Technological Significance of Historic Buildings", Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg

  • af Heike Oevermann
    452,95 kr.

    Developing cultural heritage in a more sustainable way. New approaches and examples from practice. "Open Heritage" is a response to the urgent need for a more open definition of cultural heritage, of the parties involved in protecting and maintaining it, and of the relevant planning processes in order to ensure the sustainable reuse of cultural heritage in times of climate change, social inequality and social plurality. This book introduces in a clear and systematic manner the results of the EU-funded OpenHeritage project, which examined best practices in different European countries. It focuses on the idea of inclusive heritage management based on community-driven processes. It is designed to act as a guide for anyone involved in planning, researching, and deciding on the further development and use of cultural heritage. Systematic presentation of the results of the EU-funded project OpenHeritage A collection of different approaches to assessing the social impact of bottom-up cultural heritage reuse projects Presentation of numerous methods derived from OpenHeritage case studies and other European initiatives

  • af Pekin Timur
    427,95 kr.

    I parchi giochi sono molto efficaci per lo sviluppo sociale, sensoriale, cognitivo e fisico dei bambini. Questi parchi, se non progettati secondo criteri significativi, possono causare ferite e lesioni che influenzano negativamente lo sviluppo dei bambini. Il libro presenta suggerimenti per architetti del paesaggio e altre discipline di progettazione per valutare l'adeguatezza dei parchi giochi per bambini in termini di standard. Il libro è composto da quattro capitoli. Le valutazioni sono state effettuate secondo gli standard TSE e USCPSC attraverso il parco giochi per bambini Çank¿r¿ City Bar¿¿ Manco. Inoltre, sono state esaminate le altre attrezzature, le piante presenti nell'area e lo stato di manutenzione del parco giochi in termini di sicurezza. In base ai risultati ottenuti, sono stati formulati suggerimenti in termini di architettura del paesaggio.

  • af Gabriela Burkhalter
    562,95 kr.

    From the 1950s to the 1980s, the open-air playground was a social laboratory. Innovative, wacky, educational, and exciting playground designs emerged in European and American cities, as well as elsewhere around the world: artists, landscape designers, architects, and activists sought to provide children with the best possible place to play, while also reimagining cities and communities. First published in 2018, The Playground Project instantly became a classic. This much-expanded new edition brings back the wealth of ideas of that period to inspire us today. It offers many previously unpublished images, numerous new portraits, especially of female protagonists of the time, as well as findings from the latest research on playground design. An incisive introductory essay places the playground at the intersections of education, architecture, urban politics, design history, and leisure policy. A detailed focus is placed on the forgotten history of playgrounds in the former German Democratic Republic. Moreover, young researchers explore the culture of memory surrounding the Shek Lei Playground in Hong Kong, and the role that playgrounds played in the process of state-building in Mexico. The book is a tribute to play in public spaces and a rich source for architects, designers, students, children, and political actors.

  • af Stefan Rettich
    372,95 kr.

    Ob Kaufhaus, Kaserne oder Kirche: Immer wieder fallen städtische Gebäude aufgrund gesellschaftlicher Veränderungen aus der Nutzung. Die Treiber für diese urbanen Obsoleszenzen wurden aber bislang nicht systematisch untersucht. Aktuell stehen durch die Megatrends Digitalisierung, Verkehrswende und Wandel der Religiosität eine Vielzahl von Typologien unter Nutzungsdruck. Sie bilden eine entscheidende Ressource für die zirkuläre Entwicklung wachsender Großstädte, für gemeinwohlorientierte Nutzungen und bezahlbares Wohnen, für eine resilientere Gestaltung der Quartiere und deren Anpassung an den Klimawandel, für die Menge an neuen Funktionen, die in die Städte drängen und nicht zuletzt für neue Infrastrukturen, die für die Verkehrswende und die Versorgung mit erneuerbaren Energien erforderlich werden.

  • af Richard Register
    287,95 kr.

    What do the Galápagos Islands and evolution have to do with the future of cities? Everything. The universe is everything, its changes through time called evolution. Can we learn something from evolution itself to make humanity's cities healthy instead of damaging to nature? Could cities actually build soils, help reverse human-caused global heating, protect the continuity and normal evolution of our genetic brothers and sisters who are everywhere around us, the plants and animals? We've begun to learn from ecology, which is evolution seen in shorter time spans - decades and centuries rather than millions of millennia into the billions of years - about, the importance of biodiversity and conservation of nature, recycling, renewable energy systems. We've saved the whales and developed in many places a strong preference for bicycles and transit over automobiles. But what to learn from the larger panorama of evolution? The largest panorama, actually, and its lessons for the largest creations of humanity: our built environments of cities, towns, and villages. They are so big we have to get this right.

  • af Gemma Ballard
    1.149,95 kr.

    This book explores South Korean cinemäs inimitable relationship with the urban landscape and identifies the ways in which Seoul is utilised as a celluloid canvas, national artefact and, above all else, a distinctive cultural backdrop. Using five di¿erent approaches to urban space, from five distinctive and contrasting theoretical perspectives, Urban Landscapes in Post-Millennial South Korean Cinema investigates and seeks to understand why the cinematic representation, identity and presence of Seoul have been central to the preservation and recognition of the South Korean film industry as an independent, autonomous and nationally unique institution.

  • - Alternativer til Lynetteholm
    af Ane Cortzen
    247,95 kr.

    Siden offentliggørelsen af planerne for Københavns nye bydel Lynetteholm i 2018 har projektet mødt stor modstand både fra borgere og fagpersoner. Det er tydeligt, at tidens store kriser kræver handling, men er dette projekt virkelig det bedste bud? Risikerer vi at skabe en økonomisk, demokratisk eller miljømæssig katastrofe? Og har de relevante personer haft mulighed for at få indflydelse?I denne vidensbog præsenterer en række af Danmarks fremmeste forskere og praktikere deres løsningsforslag på de udfordringer, som Lynetteholm skal imødegå – stormflod, boligmangel og infrastruktur. For det kræver en informeret samtale, når der er tale om danmarkshistoriens største anlægsprojekt. Inden vi træffer uoprettelige beslutninger for fremtiden, er vi nødt til at tænke os om!

  • af Rob Roggema
    1.051,95 - 1.249,95 kr.

    This book discusses the way to design and plan for regenerative cities and landscapes. Where sustainability aims to safeguard the resources for future generations, and the resilience concept focuses on dealing with shocks to keep the system functioning, regeneration aims to give back more than it takes from the system. This principle is often used in analytical and assessment literature, but not yet elaborated in a spatial planning and design context, which this book does. It offers insights from a range of perspectives, spatial scales, such as the country level, neighbourhood public space, streets and the building levels, scientific fields and continents, amongst which Africa, Oceania, and Europe.

  • af Arch
    307,95 kr.

    Wer nach Vorbildern für eine gelungene Wohnbaupolitik sucht, landet über kurz oder lang im "RotenWien". Sein Mythos ist ungebrochen und verdankt sich der fortwirkenden politischen Einsicht derWiener Kommune, dass Wohnen eine gesellschaftliche Aufgabe ist und nicht allein dem Marktüberlassen werden darf. Im Laufe eines bewegten Jahrhunderts hat die Wiener Wohnbaupolitiktrotz dieses Grundkonsenses viele Häutungen und Wandlungen durchlaufen und ist dabei durch-aus auch marktförmiger geworden. Doch zwei entscheidende Dinge hat sie nie aus dem Blickverloren: die Notwendigkeit des Aufbaus und Unterhalts eines Wohnraumbestands und seiner dau-erhaften sozialen Bindung sowie die Bodenbevorratung. Vor diesem Hintergrund und angesichtsdes enormen Bevölkerungswachstums in der österreichischen Hauptstadt, mit dem aktuell einerege Bau- und Entwicklungstätigkeit einhergeht, wird in dieser Publikation am Beispiel Wien derStatus quo des Wohnbaus thematisiert. Wenn heute Wohnraum bauen, dann wie? Entsprechenmonofunktionale Typologien und die funktional-räumliche Trennung von Leben und Arbeitennoch unseren Lebensrealitäten? Wie sozial ist sozialer Wohnungsbau?ARCH+ ist die führende diskursive Zeitschrift für Architektur und Urbanismus im deutschsprachi-gen Raum.

  • af Maurizio Carta, Maria R. Perbellini & Jose Antonio Lara-Hernandez
    1.207,95 kr.

  • af Norbert Kling
    354,95 kr.

    English edition with Greek abstracts / Englische Ausgabe mit griechischen Abstracts Taking Action brings into focus the sustainable design of urban transformation and the preparation of densely-structured urban spaces for future challenges. How can climate change and spatial inequalities be tackled under crisis conditions and in view of limited spatial and other resources? How can we relate our ambitious and broadly defined goals to the reality of local conditions and everyday spaces? How can knowledge be translated into action? While basic spatial relations are currently being renegotiated in cities throughout Europe, it is in Athens that some of the most pressing urban problems have been crystallized in order to establish unique spaces of experimentation. Approaching these multi-dimensional questions from different perspectives, the authors seek to identify possible sites of intervention, suggest new models of transformation, and unleash the potential in urban landscapes as a means of stimulating positive urban change.

  • af S AM Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum
    507,95 kr.

    Wenige Länder geben ihrer Bevölkerung ein so weitreichendes demokratisches Mitbestimmungsrecht in Fragen von Architektur und Städtebau wie die Schweiz. Dies ermöglicht einerseits eine weltweit einzigartige gesellschaftlich ratifizierte Architektur, andererseits werden fortwährend Projekte verhindert, darunter auch sehr bemerkenswerte. Die oft mit viel Herzblut entwickelten, schliesslich jedoch nicht ausgeführten Werke gehören zum Alltag jedes noch so erfolgsverwöhnten Architekturbüros. Ob verloren, verneint, versackt oder verändert: Es gibt eine Unzahl an Architekturentwürfen, die in der Schweiz noch heute von sich reden machen, obwohl sie nie realisiert wurden. Für Was wäre wenn hat das S AM im Dialog mit 25 Architekturinstitutionen aus allen Landesteilen eine repräsentative Auswahl aus diesem schier unendlichen Projektfundus getroffen. So entsteht eine überaus anregende Alternativschweiz, die nicht nur zurück-, sondern auch mutig nach vorne blicken lässt.

  • af Ala Al-Fuqaha, Yassine Maleh & Mohamed Lahby
    1.628,95 kr.

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