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ISBN 978-87-7719-668-3Forfatter(e): Kirsten Ahlburg og Morten AhlburgIllustrator: Rasmus JensenLix: 18Humoristisk og spændende serie af Kirsten Ahlburg og Morten Ahlburg om en dreng, der i forbindelse med en ulykke får telepatiske evner, hvilket der kommer mange forviklinger ud af.Bøgerne er en samlet fortælling, og skal derfor læses i rækkefølge.Serien er i første omgang på 4 bind, hvor bind 3 og 4 udkommer primo 2016.Hver bog indeholder 44 sider og er indbundet som hardback.
Et godt sprog har stor betydning for børns udvikling og læring. Særligt eventyret med dets legende og magiske sprog kan fange børnenes fulde opmærksomhed og tage dem langt med ind i sprogets verden.Fortælleværksted er en metode til sprogarbejdet i dagtilbud og indskoling, der tager afsæt i netop fortællingen, eventyret og legen med sproget. Gennem mundtlig fortælling, en dukkefilm og et værksted, hvor børnene laver deres egne dukker, udvikler børnene deres sprog ved at lytte, se, røre og bevæge sig.
Scala Teater på Vesterbrogade i København leverede i sit korte liv 1912-1930 en perlerække af overdådige, tempofyldte, moderne og populære revyer. De var skabt med blikket rettet mod Berlin, Paris, London og New York, hvor det var showtime i en helt anden skala end i Danmark. Teaterhistorikeren Michael Eigtved fortæller teatrets revyhistorie. Den medfølgende dobbelt-cd følger indeholder revyviser i original version.
Bog med biografi + cd med Carl Alstrup-sange og monologerJubelen ville ingen ende tage, når revyskuespilleren Carl Alstrup (1877-1942) viste sig på en scene med sine pudsige monologer og morsomme viser. Han var tidens store komiker, der tog publikum med storm, når han sang Maggidudi eller Bobby, du må ha’ ondt i håret. I dag huskes han især for Manden på risten – en vise om den fattige mands glæder på risten foran en restaurant.Men Carl Alstrup var langtfra selv tilfreds med sin karriere som revystjerne. Han havde intet højere ønske end at blive seriøs skuespiller, fordi han mente, at der skulle være en vis balance mellem det komiske og det tragiske. I begyndelsen af 1920’erne forsøgte han sig som seriøs skuespiller ved at optræde i Shakespeares Othello og Dumas’ Kean, men den hårde kritik førte ham ned i en dyb afgrund. Først efter mange års kamp lykkedes det ham at få sit gennembrud som karakterskuespiller i Den gode soldat Svejk.Man har ofte sagt, at revygenren er den sværeste af dem alle. For Carl Alstrup var revygenren nok sværest at frigøre sig fra. Denne biografi fortæller, hvordan han gjorde det.
.Den enlige mor Clara forsøger at finde sig en plads på et arbejdsmarked, der synes at afvise hende, inden hun har fået knappet den øverste knap i sin sirligt strøgne skjorte. Mens afslagene bliver flere, brevene fra A-kassen mere og mere aggressive, og en arbejdsgiver flytter ind på hendes sofa, åbnes der op for en mental verden, hvor frustrationer kan vokse sig så store, at virkelighedsfornemmelsen må vige for pladsen. Til sidst er der ikke andet tilbage end at spørge sig selv, hvor langt hun vil gå for et job.I en firkant er en satirisk roman om et nådesløst arbejdsmarked og A-kassens bureaukratiske helvede. Birgitte Klahn former en skarp og humoristisk virkelighed, der i løbet af romanen udvikler sig til at blive lige dele mere alvorlig og absurd."Statsministeren toner frem på skærme, skærme der ikke altid har været der, storskærme der er dukket op på rådhuspladsen, på banegårdspladsen, på torvet, på busterminalen. Hver morgen, en ny skærm. Statsministeren siger, at hun er så skuffet, og hun er så forbløffet over den forkælede mentalitet. Med et udtryk som en mor, der har opdaget de hemmelige cigaretter i skuffen. Mens hun ser lige på mig, siger hun:“Vi kan mere, og vi skal mere.”"Birgitte Klahn (f. 1992) er uddannet i filosofi og historie. Hun er oversætter og har tidligere udgivet børnebogen Fantastiske filosoffer på forlaget Bolden. I en firkant er hendes debut som romanforfatter
Når tæppet lukkes, publikum har klappet af og lyset bliver slukket, så begynder den del af revyen, som kun få får lov til at opleve. Det er den del af sådan en revyaften, vi holder allermest af. Nemlig den helt særlige stemning, der opstår, når man sidder i garderoben, eller på vej hjem i tour-bilen, efter en forestilling, og ens kollegaer lukker op for anekdote-posen og deler ud af deres utallige røverhistorier.Vi elsker disse øjeblikke. For det er her, vi får lov at se, hvad revyen er i al dens kaotiske herlighed. Revy er live, det er lige nu og her - og alt kan ske.I denne bog har vi fanget og nedskrevet nogle af de mange fantastiske, sjove og skæve røverhistorier, der får os til at grine, genopleve og værdsætte de øjeblikke, hvor alt ikke gik helt som planlagt - men på den bedste måde. Alt sammen fortalt af mere end 50 gode revykolleger, krydret med vores egne historier.Mød blandt andre Lisbet Dahl, Søren Østergaard, Leif Maibom, Bodil Jørgensen, Preben Kristensen og mange, mange flere i bogen.
Forfattere: Helle Perrier og Vicky Devi SmidtGrafiker: Kamilla Voss AsmussenLæs de første kapitler på forlagets hjemmeside https://forlagetkrabat.dkTårnhøje hæle, opfindsomme kostumer og vild makeup. Det er drag – og det kan underholde og udfordre – både dem der optræder og dem, der ser på.I bogen kan du læse om de forskellige typer af drags og om den spændende historie om drag queens og drag kings. Fra japansk teater til Pride og Melodi Grand Prix.Du kan også møde en lang række danske drags, der fortæller om sig selv, og hvad du kan gøre, hvis du drømmer om høje hæle, lip sync og glitter.Målgruppe fra 10 år.Med illustrationer og fotos i farve.FAKTA bog
Lilly har en stor hemmelighed, som ikke engang hendes bedste veninde ved noget om: Hun er nemlig blevet udvalgt. Hun har fået en ældgammel tryllebog, der kan lære hende alt, hvad en rigtig heks skal vide. Så Lilly er nu en hemmelig heks. Men pludselig er tryllebogen væk! Den er blevet stjålet af én, der også vil have del i dens magi, og den person har ikke tænkt sig at gøre noget godt med bogen. Lilly og den frække drage Hektor begiver sig ud for at få tryllebogen tilbage … og snart havner Lilly midt i sit første utrolige eventyr.
Der gik rystelser gennem branchen, da Birgitte Reimer i 1964 forlod dansk film og teater.Hun var kun 38 og havde arbejdet med alle koryfæerne – fra Dirch Passer til Bodil Udsen – men var træt af at spille duller i netstrømper og ønskede et liv ude af offentlighedens søgelys.Baseret på samtaler med Birgitte Reimer fortæller denne biografi historien om den teatertossede bankdirektørdatter, der i befrielsesdagene 1945 slipper gennem nåleøjet til Det Kongelige Teaters elevskole og i de festlige efterkrigsår katapulteres til revydronning.Hun filmer for Bergman, danser i Cranks og synger lungerne ud i Laser og pjalter. Men det er revyviserne, der gør hende til folkeeje – ikke mindst Så ta’r vi den én gang til for prins Knud. Reimer fortæller om den lette genre, som er så svær, og udfordringerne ved at få et familieliv til at fungere ved siden af. Og om sit liv i Sydfrankrig, hvor hun til sin egen overraskelse – og med paparazzier i hælene – ender bag kødgryderne som i Ballings Vi som går køkkenvejen.
Most people who go to church regularly have some idea of what the pastor does: He (and most are men) preaches sermons, visits the sick and studies the Bible. But very few people get to walk with the pastor throughout the week. Thus they do not experience the stresses and rewards that the pastor lives with on a daily basis. In their eyes, the pastor is morally and ethically one or two steps above the average church member. But in Pastor and Professor the pastor comes alive as a normal human being struggling to live and share the Biblical message with the congregation. Pastor and Professor invites the reader to live with the pastor as he visits the sick (and deals with his own health struggles). They know he preaches sermons, but they seldom wonder about why did he preach that sermon this week. Pastor and Professor allows you to look over the pastor's shoulder as he wrestles with Biblical truth and tries to create a human message biblical message of God's truth in our day. How does the pastor give life to the scriptures when he is struggling with his own life, when he sometimes has doubts about what God is doing, and wonders how do you possibly inspire others when you have questions about your own faith. The pastor is often helped when he remembers that the God, he is trying to explain to the congregation actually took on human form in Jesus and literally lived on the earth being one with humanity at a critical time in human history. Blosser sees the role of the pastor as living among the members of the congregation, sharing in their humanity, being a healthy, human presence as members struggle with the moral and social dilemmas of being human. Thus the pastor is one with members of the congregation, not one who is above all others in their daily living. Blosser is not afraid to share his own doubts, successes and failures as he walked with members who were struggling with life and had their doubts about where God was when they needed God the most. Blosser experiences God as a living presence in our midst who is experienced best as we share together in following Jesus. Having doubts and painful struggles are not indication of a weak faith, but are the first steps in a growing mature faith. Jesus is seen as the living human presence of God who also wrestles with life, but offers hope; who is criticized but continues on with his life mission; who celebrates the presence of God within the gathered faith community.
Critical Geography examines the power structures, inequality, and the dominant ideologies that shape physical space. By critically analyzing these forces, the publication stimulates conversations about social justice, environmental sustainability, and transformative change. The artistic practices featured in the book shed light on systemic oppression, violence, and pressing environmental issues, and encompass a wide range of image-based practices that make inequality visible in both colonial and postcolonial contexts, including mapping, social media, and technology. FOTOFEST is a Houston-based contemporary arts organization co-founded by photojournalists Frederick Baldwin and Wendy Watriss. The use of photography or related media to examine social, cultural, and political histories as well as contemporary life is central to FotoFest's mission. In addition to year-round programming, FotoFest organizes a city-wide biennial project that includes large-scale central exhibitions, curated lectures, performances, a symposium, and a film program.
Included in CBC's October Hot Off the Press reading list!"A magical circus becomes a vehicle for a thoughtful message of conservation in this dreamy picture book. In a village 'with too many worries and too few trees,' feathers float down from the sky—invitations to the legendary Flying Circus. As the audience gathers, they are treated to a show of sprouting forests, crashing waves, breaching whales, and juggling bears before being sent on their way with two souvenirs: a seed and a reminder to protect all the wonders Earth has to offer." - ForewordOn an ordinary day in a sleepy village, the most extraordinary invitations fall from the sky. The flying circus is coming! There’s an invitation for everyone, even the little ones. When the people gather at the appointed time, a flying circus tent descends, and the spectacle begins. Join the villagers as they experience a magical show filled with laughter, awe, and a lesson they’ll never forget.In this enchanting picture book, children are treated to a mesmerizing tale where poetic language weaves a mystic and beautiful circus experience. Through various acts performed by the circus, the villagers find themselves deeply connected to nature and its inhabitants. Each performance serves as a reminder of the beauty, wonder, and fragility of life on Earth.Recipient of the prestigious Silver Medal at the 2022 Key Colors Competition Worldwide,The Flying Circusinspires young minds to cherish and protect the wonders of the natural world.An enchanting picture book with an essential message from nature. For children ages 7 years and up.
Stand Up Comedy with Spirit, Unbowdlerized is a hilarious and thought-provoking collection of stand-up routines in the spirit of Bill Hicks. From dissecting modern life and social situations to exploring pop culture and everyday absurdities, Jack Springler delivers a laugh-out-loud perspective on the world around us. With a sharp wit and clever observations, this book is a must-read for comedy fans seeking comedy with a spiritual twist.
"From Amateur to Applause: A Beginner's Guide to Stand-Up Comedy" is an inspiring and practical guide for anyone who has ever dreamt of standing on stage and making an audience laugh. It is the first in the "Life, Hobbies, and Careers" series. This book demystifies the journey from being a comedy enthusiast to becoming a performer, offering over 1,300 valuable insights and tips for beginners. It focuses on universal principles of comedy, personal anecdotes, and actionable advice.Readers will learn about joke writing, perfecting timing, engaging with audiences, and handling stage fright. Additionally, it addresses navigating the comedy scene, understanding the ethics of humor, and managing the business aspects of a comedy career.This book is tailored for those who are looking to infuse humor into public speaking or are aspiring to become stand-up comedians. It's a comprehensive guide that combines practical advice with motivational elements to help readers confidently step into the world of comedy. Why is this book?To guide aspiring comedians from amateur to professional levels.To provide a comprehensive understanding of stand-up comedy.To empower individuals with the skills to create and deliver impactful comedy.To bridge the gap between comedic passion and practical execution. What is in this book? (What I "as a reader" will get from this book.)Over 1300 practical tips and valuable insights for a successful journey in stand-up comedy.Step-by-step guidance on developing a comedic style.Techniques for writing, refining, and delivering jokes.Insights into connecting with audiences and navigating the comedy scene.Strategies for overcoming stage fright and building confidence.Business advice for aspiring professional comedians. For whom is this book?Aspiring stand-up comedians.Public speakers seeking to incorporate humor.Comedy enthusiasts and hobbyists.Creative individuals exploring new forms of expression.Anyone interested in understanding and practicing stand-up comedy. What is special about this book?Tailored specifically for beginners in stand-up comedy,.Combines practical advice with motivational elements.Inclusive of diverse comedic styles and approaches.Offers a holistic view of the comedy journey, from writing to performing.Emphasizes the ethics and social responsibility of comedy. Why should I acquire this book?To kickstart or enhance your journey in stand-up comedy.To gain valuable, practical insights from a comprehensive guide.To develop a unique comedic voice and style.To learn the art of engaging and entertaining an audience.To navigate the challenges and opportunities of the comedy world
A SUPERB NEW AMERICAN VERSION.Of the many translations of Chekhov's THREE SISTERS for the English-speaking world, this one is very likely the Funniest.The footnotes alone are a useful and humorous compendium of notes and anecdotes.A DEFINITIVE NEW VERSION OF CHEKHOV'S VAUDEVILLE."Chekhov wrote Three Sisters in Yalta, and then rewrote it in early autumn in Moscow. He spent two to three days on each act, but there were significant breaks between the acts. With complete sincerity he said that he had written a VAUDEVILLE, and was taken aback at our amusement of this definition of Three Sisters..." - these words were written in 1917 by Nemirovich-Danchenko, co-founder of the Moscow Art Theatre (MAT) along with Stanislavski. "Given the ensemble playing, the friendliness of the performance, and maturity of form, Three Sisters was always seen in the theatre as the best of the Chekhov productions."
You'll be amazed how easy it is to learn the mysteries of magic! Here are over 400 tricks with dice, coins, matches, cards and cigarettes revealed by world-famous magician, Thurston the Great. Each startling trick is simply explained and will baffle and delight your friends.Originally printed in the 1920s under the titles "200 Tricks You Can Do" and "200 More Tricks You Can Do," these volumes were later combined into a single book, "400 Tricks You Can Do" before being reformatted once more in a "Revised Edition".This new expanded edition, is an unabridged republication that incorporates content from all prior versions including reinstated tricks, remastered illustrations, new illustrations, and amends to text for clarity exclusive to this version. The original work was produced at a time when attitudes to race and sex were different. This republication is presented without editorial alteration for historical reference.
This extraordinary book is an exploration of the author's childhood dreamscapes, where the lines between reality and imagination blur. The dream serves as a metaphorical backdrop, illuminating the transformative potential of our actions and the profound impact they can have on those we encounter. Through the lens of a young protagonist named Refa, readers are taken on a mesmerising journey that traverses the dreamworld, revealing the struggles, fears, and insecurities that arise from navigating social interactions.
Les Romanesques est une comédie en trois actes et en prose représentée pour la première fois sur la scène de la Comédie-Française le 21 mai 1894. C'est le premier succès théâtral d'Edmond Rostand.Dans cette comédie, Rostand met en scène un MUR, personnage muet . Ce mur sépare deux jardins, et deux jeunes amoureux, Percinet et Sylvette, dont les pères habitent des maisons voisines...
Narrating has an extraordinary power that stretches out past simple stories; it shapes points of view and fills in as an impetus for motivating change. At its center, narrating is a major human encounter, rising above societies, dialects, and ages. Whether passed on through antiquated oral practices, composed writing, or present day sight and sound stages, stories can shape discernments, touch off sympathy, and prepare people and social orders towards positive changes. The effect of narrating on forming points of view lies in its capacity to give assorted perspectives and stories. From the perspective of characters and plots, stories give a window into various lives, societies, and encounters. They challenge assumptions, expand understanding, and encourage compassion by permitting crowds to stroll in the shoes of others. This sympathetic association, produced through narrating, is a strong power in separating generalizations and encouraging a more comprehensive and empathetic perspective. Also, narrating has the unmatched ability to motivate change by taking advantage of the close to home center of people. Stories have the ability to bring out a scope of feelings, from bliss and giggling to distress and examination. These profound reactions are a demonstration of the narrator's art as well as act as an impetus for reflection and activity. A convincing story can possibly mix compassion and ignite the craving for positive change, inciting people to reexamine their points of view, mentalities, and ways of behaving. In different domains, from writing and film to reporting and promotion, narrating has been saddled as a device for social change. Stories that shed light on friendly treacheries, ecological issues, or basic freedoms infringement have the intensity to assemble general assessment and electrify aggregate activity. By winding around a charming story, narrators can cause to notice squeezing matters, motivating people to draw in with significant causes and add to positive cultural movements. In the present interconnected world, narrating has advanced through computerized stages, online entertainment, and virtual spaces, enhancing its span and effect. The democratization of narrating permits different voices to be heard, encouraging a worldwide trade of stories that test, move, and interface individuals across borders. From grassroots developments to worldwide drives, narrating keeps on being a powerful power for prompting change and cultivating a common feeling of humankind. Fundamentally, the force of narrating to shape points of view and rouse change is a demonstration of its persevering through significance in the human experience. As we keep on exploring the intricacies of our interconnected world, perceiving and outfitting the capability of narrating becomes a social and creative undertaking as well as a way to cultivate grasping, sympathy, and an aggregate obligation to positive change.
"Comedic Material Canvas: Grins with Stories" is a vivid investigation into the complex masterfulness of humor, an excursion that unfurls across the immense spread of comedic articulation. Envision a material where chuckling comes to fruition, and stories wake up with the lively strokes of mind, parody, and certifiable human experience. This one of a kind venture rises above the ordinary limits of parody, welcoming crowds to draw in with the rich embroidery of chuckling that rises above social, transient, and semantic limits. At its pith, "Comedic canvas Painting" is a festival of the different structures and styles that humor takes. Like a breathtaking painter using a brush, this try exemplifies stand-up, sketch parody, mocking stories, and, surprisingly, the immortal appeal of droll. Each stroke on this comedic material adds to an orchestra of chuckling, a melange of comedic flavors that reverberate with a wide crowd. From the unpretentious subtleties of observational parody to the intense strokes of parody testing cultural standards, this venture paints with a range that catches the quintessence of the human experience. This comedic investigation is something other than a presentation; an intuitive encounter connects with crowds on a significant level. The material isn't static yet a dynamic, developing space where comics and entertainers interface personally with their crowd. The giggling turns into a common language, an extension that unites people from various different backgrounds, joining them in the aggregate delight of humor. "Comedic Material Composition: Grins with Stories" is likewise a demonstration of the masterfulness of the entertainers and entertainers included. They are not just performers but rather talented specialists who, with their novel voices, immaculate timing, and keen perceptions, add to the making of this living material. Every entertainer is a narrator, a painter adding their unmistakable shades to the general work of art of chuckling. In this task, the comedic material stretches out past the customary stage. It consolidates different mediums, from live exhibitions in satire clubs to computerized stages that contact a worldwide crowd. This inclusivity guarantees that the chuckling filled stories are open to a different range of watchers, separating obstructions and uniting individuals through the widespread language of humor. As crowds draw in with "Comedic Material Canvas: Smiles with Stories," they set out on an excursion that rises above simple entertainment. It is an investigation of the human condition, an impression of society's complexities, and a festival of the strength tracked down in chuckling. The material turns into a mirror, mirroring the idiocies, delights, and difficulties of life, all painted with the brushstrokes of merriment. Basically, "Comedic Canvas Painting " is an imaginative undertaking that goes past diversion - it's a tribute to chuckling, a festival of stories, and a sign of the persevering through force of humor to interface, elevate, and make enduring recollections. Whether through the nuances of wit or the loud chuckling evoked by actual satire, this comedic material makes a permanent imprint, welcoming crowds to participate in the immortal delight of shared giggling.
This book is a collection of dad (Grandad) jokes, one sent every day by a Grandfather to his Grandkids for over two years.It's a great way to say, I love you, kids.
An excellent collection of simple, yet highly effective card tricks that require no sleight of hand. Each trick is explained in detail with an entertaining presentation, notes on patter, and professional tips to bring each routine to life. Some effects require a confederate but in all cases the author provides alternative methods and presentations to eliminate the need for a help. This remastered and expanded edition includes the original 1914 publication, unabridged, plus a publisher biography and carefully remastered diagrams and amends to text for clarity.
Rodeo, cattle ranching, and bullfighting converge in the arenas of race, gender, and ethics in Reversible America. In Southwestern California, these sports manifest in spectacular expressions of transcultural interactions that continue to develop through border crossings. Using an interdisciplinary scope, this unique look into the subculture negotiates the paradoxes and connections between the popular American performances, Iberian bullfighting, and Native American hunting methods, along with the relationship between human and non-human beings, and systems of value across borders.
Nyeste udgivelse i serien Iscenesat - et samarbejde mellem Selskabet for Dansk Teaterhistorie og Kronstork. Rikke Rottensten fortæller i Revy muntert om denne helt specielle danske scenekunstgenre fra den første forestilling i 1849 og frem til i dag.Rikke Rottensten er museumsinspektør på Storm – museet for humor og satire.
Dario Fo var et kunstnerisk fænomen. Skuespiller, dramatiker, instruktør, scenograf, billedkunstner, aktivist... en rabiat satiriker, der sammen med sin partner i livet og på scenen, Franca Rame, tog nogle kampe, de betalte en høj politisk og personlig pris for. Men Fo opnåede også en pris. I 1997 modtog han Nobelprisen i litteratur. Fos groteske komik vandt en særlig genklang i Danmark. Som oversætter, tolk og forsker fulgte Bent Holm hans arbejde gennem et halvt århundrede, hvor der også udviklede sig en personlig relation imellem dem. Bogen skildrer Fos brogede liv og værk fra opvæksten blandt fiskere og fabulanter over hans tid som kontroversiel kritiker af et forbenet regime, altid i anarkistisk opposition, og sluttelig frem til hans fokus på kunst, kultur og historie. Alt sammen indsat i et landskab af Italiens nyere politiske historie, hvor grænserne mellem utopisme, ekstremisme og terrorisme skred fatalt – og tilsat forfatterens egne oplevelser med fænomenet Fo
The Expert at the Card Table by S.W. Erdnase is more than just a book, it's a legendary treasure trove of secrets and techniques that has inspired generations of magicians and card enthusiasts. Erdnase's masterpiece is a comprehensive guide to the art of card manipulation, offering a detailed and systematic approach to card cheating, gambling techniques, and astounding card magic.This remastered edition includes the original 1902 publication, unabridged, with carefully remastered illustrations and amends to text for clarity. The original work was produced at a time when attitudes to race and sex were different. This republication is presented without editorial alteration for historical reference.
Paper Magic by Will Blyth M.I.M.C., S.I.C.M.A fascinating collection of entertaining and amusing models, toys, puzzles, conjuring tricks, etc., in which paper is the only or principle material required. Formatted in a convenient, pocket-book size as part of the Hey Presto Magic Collection.This remastered and expanded edition includes the original 1920 publication, unabridged, plus historical context and author biography, additional artwork in keeping with the period and carefully remastered illustrations and amends to text for clarity. The original work was produced at a time when attitudes to race and sex were different. This republication is presented without editorial alteration for historical reference.
This superb introduction to money magic features clever tricks, impromptu effects and puzzles requiring no special coins or apparatus. It also contains a detailed section on special gimmicked coins and their uses. Formatted in a convenient, pocket-book size as part of the Hey Presto Magic Collection.This remastered and expanded edition includes the original 1926 publication, unabridged, plus historical context and author biography, additional artwork in keeping with the period and carefully remastered illustrations and amends to text for clarity. The original work was produced at a time when attitudes to race and sex were different. This republication is presented without editorial alteration for historical reference.
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