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  • af Lutz Spilker
    167,95 kr.

    In ¿Die Erfindung der Bibel¿ tauchen Leser in die faszinierende und komplexe Welt der biblischen Entstehungsgeschichte ein. Dieses Sachbuch bietet eine tiefgründige, chronologisch aufgebaute Reise durch die Jahrtausende, beleuchtet die Wurzeln der biblischen Texte und enthüllt die vielschichtigen Prozesse, die zur Entstehung dieses einflussreichen Buches führten.Von den antiken Ursprüngen der Schriften im Nahen Osten bis zur Digitalisierung der Bibel im 21. Jahrhundert spannt der Autor einen Bogen über entscheidende Epochen. Beginnend mit den Frühformen der Bibel, erkundet das Buch die Rolle der Propheten, die Sammlung und Konsolidierung der Texte, und führt zu den bedeutenden Konzilen, die den Bibelkanon formten.¿Durch akribische Recherche und sachliche Darstellung entfaltet der Autor die Geschichte der Bibel in ihrer ganzen Komplexität¿, so die renommierte Religionswissenschaftlerin Dr. Anna Müller. Dabei werden auch kontroverse Themen wie die Apokryphen, die Reformation und die Herausforderungen der Bibelkritik eingehend behandelt.Die Leser entdecken, wie die Bibel im Laufe der Jahrhunderte die Geschichte der Menschheit beeinflusst hat ¿ von der Vulgata (Hieronymus) im Mittelalter bis zu aktuellen Debatten über ihre Interpretation. Das Buch wirft einen Blick auf die Bibel in interreligiösen Kontexten und untersucht, wie archäologische Entdeckungen den historischen Kontext der Bibel beleuchten.Mit einem Ausblick auf die Zukunft der Bibel und einer Zusammenfassung der zahlreichen Facetten ihrer Geschichte, bietet ¿Die Erfindung der Bibel¿ nicht nur eine fundierte Analyse, sondern auch eine anregende Lektüre für alle, die tiefer in die Geschichte dieses einzigartigen Werkes eintauchen wollen.Dieses Sachbuch vereint wissenschaftliche Präzision mit einfacher Sprache und regt dazu an, die Bibel in einem neuen Licht zu betrachten.

  • af Alexander Sandgren
    204,95 - 706,95 kr.

  • af Russell P Johnson
    1.082,95 kr.

    How can one speak and act in ways that overcome entrenched social conflicts? In polarized societies, some insist that the survival of democracy depends on people abiding by rules of civility and mutual respect. Others argue that the political situation is so dire that one's values need to be fought for by any means necessary. Across the political spectrum, people feel like they need to choose between the morality of dialogue and the effectiveness of protest. Beyond Civility in Social Conflict makes an important intervention in this debate. Taking insights from nonviolent direct action, it provides a model for advocacy that is both compassionate and critical. Successful communicators can help their opponents by dismantling the illusions and unjust systems that impede human flourishing and pit people against one another. The final chapter turns specifically to Christian ethics, and what it means to 'love your enemies' by disagreeing with them.

  • af Leandro Giri
    852,95 - 966,95 kr.

  • af Paola Pennisi
    1.051,95 kr.

    This book describes the role of eye contact in human communication by investigating the relationship between the eye gaze and the development of language and pragmatic skills. The author reveals that although the need for eye contact is an innate human characteristic, neurodevelopmental disorders can have adverse outcomes and delays in language and pragmatic skills. A comparative approach compares childhood disorders that affect pragmatics in animal species that are phylogenetically related to humans with those species that are not. This text appeals to students and researchers working in pragmatics and the philosophy of language.

  • af Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen
    207,95 - 616,95 kr.

  • af Assunta Penna
    1.125,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

  • af Feng Ye
    1.307,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

    This book demonstrates how a radical version of physicalism (`No-Self Physicalism¿) can offer an internally coherent and comprehensive philosophical worldview. It first argues that a coherent physicalist should explicitly treat a cognitive subject merely as a physical thing and should not vaguely assume an amorphous or even soul-like subject or self. This approach forces the physicalist to re-examine traditional core philosophical notions such as truth, analyticity, modality, apriority because our traditional understandings of them appear to be predicated on a cognitive subject that is not literally just a physical thing.In turn, working on the assumption that a cognitive subject is itself completely physical, namely a neural network-based robot programmed by evolution (hence the term `No-Self¿), the book proposes physicalistic theories on conceptual representation, truth, analyticity, modality, the nature of mathematics, epistemic justification, knowledge, apriority and intuition, as well as a physicalistic ontology. These are meant to show that this No-Self Physicalism, perhaps the most minimalistic and radical version of physicalism proposed to date, can accommodate many aspects that have traditionally interested philosophers. Given its refreshingly radical approach and painstakingly developed content, the book is of interest to anyone who is seeking a coherent philosophical worldview in this age of science.

  • af Steven L. Bindeman
    952,95 kr.

    Phenomenology and the Creative Process explores the subject of creativity from a vast range of perspectives. While the emphasis is placed on fundamental ideas taken from phenomenological philosophy and its precursors, the book also engages with related issues from the fields of psychology, physics, narrative studies, art, literature, cognitive science and neuroscience. Author Steven L. Bindeman¿s objective is to employ an analysis of creativity from the dual perspectives of "identity" and "difference," in order to develop a pluralistic and open-ended understanding of the creative process. His central position is that while creativity can and should be studied as a physical, measurable phenomenon, we need to integrate quantitative studies with a phenomenological perspective that enables us to appreciate the distinctive experiential features of creative activities in order to fully appreciate the complex nature of the creative process.Bindeman¿s approach is important in that it recognizes the value of phenomenological studies without being afraid to draw insights from other fields of inquiry.This book thus offers unique analysis of creative individuals and works, applying insights from phenomenological philosophers to enrich our understanding of the creative processes of great artists, philosophers, and scientists.

  • af Francesca Santulli
    1.051,95 kr.

    This book explores the construction of agreement in the argumentative process, aiming to investigate how the activation of shared knowledge, values and beliefs leads to the creation of a common ground between the speaker and the audience in the pursuit of persuasion. In the first part of the book, the authors examine agreement from a historical and theoretical perspective, setting in relation major ancient and contemporary approaches to argumentation, with special regard for the notions of ethos, objects of agreement, starting points and topoi, all with a focus on their deployment in discourse. This is complemented with a compendium of linguistic resources that can be exploited for the discursive construction of agreement, offering a principled selection of structures across different levels of language description. The second part of the book is devoted to the investigation of actual uses of agreement in a choice of institutional genres within the domain of the US presidential elections: the Presidential Announcement, the TV debate and the Inaugural Address. Due to their political relevance and cultural salience, these genres provide an ideal interface for observing the interplay of discursive and argumentative components, against the backdrop of a shared cultural heritage, rich with intertextual references. The application of the theoretical framework developed in the first part of the book to the analysis of real political discourse carried out in the second is the distinguishing feature of this volume, making it of interest to linguists and argumentation scholars, as well as to political scientists and communicators.

  • af Paulina Mazurkiewicz
    505,95 kr.

    L¿ouvrage multidimensionnel « Entre liberté et contrainte dans la recherche linguistique » explore la relation complexe entre ces deux notions opposées. Dans les dix articles rassemblés, les auteurs utilisent des méthodes d¿analyse de corpus, d¿études de collocations ou d¿approches syntaxiques et sémantiques pour examiner la construction du sens et les combinaisons lexicales relatives à la liberté. Ils analysent également les contraintes cognitives dans l¿emploi des prépositions et étudient l¿expression discursive de la liberté et de la contrainte dans des contextes variés. Ce recueil offre ainsi aux linguistes des perspectives novatrices sur la relation entre liberté et contrainte dans le langage humain.

  • af Evangelia Adamou
    182,95 kr.

    "A short, accessible guide to the linguistic (but also moral, political, and economic) issue of endangered languages"--

  • af David Bohm
    188,94 - 247,95 kr.

    Denne korte bog fremsætter den verdensberømte fysiker David Bohms teorier om dialogens formåen. Bohm mener, at behovet for konstruktiv dialog aldrig har været større. Med et væld af kommunikationsmetoder i bagagen, fortjener vores kommunikationsmåder også at blive plejet. Dialogens deltagere har potentiale til at forny deres formål ved at dele deres forforståelse og antagelser.Netop dette potentiale, der er gemt i mennesket, ligger også til grund for Bohms dialogforståelse. For at skabe forandring må vi forstå hinanden og vores forudindtagethed. Ved at blive bedre til at lytte og tilsidesætte vores fordomme, kan læseren overkomme komplekse problemer i organisationer, forretninger og samfund.

  • af Fosca Mariani Zini
    1.051,95 kr.

  • af Judith Butler
    257,95 kr.

    Fra et globalt ikon får vi her en modig og nødvendig beretning om hvordan frygten for køn (gender) giver næring til reaktionære politiske bevægelser rundt om i verden.Den banebrydende tænker Judith Butler, hvis ikoniske bog Kønsballade redefinerede vores måde at tænke på køn og seksualitet, konfronterer i sin nye bog de voldsomme angreb på “køn”, der er blevet en mærkesag for mange højrefløjs-bevægelser i dag. Globale netværk har dannet ’anti-gender’ ideologiske bevægelser, der er dedikerede til at sprede en fantasi om at køn er en farlig, ja nærmest diabolsk, trussel mod familien, lokale kulturer, civilisationen – endda selve menneskets eksistens. Antændt af offentlige personers retorik har bevægelsen forsøgt at ophæve reproduktiv retfærdighed, undergrave beskyttelsesordninger for seksuel og kønsmæssig vold og fratage trans- og queerpersoner retten til et liv uden frygt for vold.Formålet med Hvem er bange for køn? er ikke at fremsætte en ny teori om køn, men derimod at undersøge hvordan “køn” er blevet som en illusion for nye autoritære regimer, fascistiske formationer og transeksluderende feminister. I deres afgørende og modige nye bog belyser Butler de konkrete måder hvorpå denne illusion om “køn” indsamler og forskyder angsten og frygten for ødelæggelse. I samspil med vildledende beretninger om “kritisk raceteori” og xenofobisk panik omkring migration dæmoniserer“anti-gender”-bevægelsen kampen for ligestilling, giver næring til aggressiv nationalisme og efterlader millioner af mennesker sårbare for undertrykkelse.Som en afgørende intervention i et af vor tids mest anspændte spørgsmål, Hvem er bange for køn? er bogen her et frygtløst opråb i fornægtelsen af alliancer med autoritære bevægelser for i stedet at skabe en bred sammenslutning med alle dem, hvis kamp for ligestilling er forbundet med kampen mod uretfærdighed. Ved at forestille sig nye muligheder for både frihed og solidaritet tilbyder Butler os et håbefuldt værk med sociale og politiske analyser, der både er aktuelle og tidløse.

  • af Garry L. Hagberg
    1.179,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

    This stimulating volume brings together an international team of emerging, mid-career, and senior scholars to investigate the relations between philosophical approaches to language and the language of literature. It has proven easy for philosophers of language to leave literary language to one side, just as it has proven easy for literary scholars to discuss questions of meaning separately from relevant issues in the philosophy of language. This volume brings the two together in mutually enlightening ways: considerations of literary meaning are deepened by adding philosophical approaches, just as philosophical issues are enriched by bringing them into contact or interweaving them with literary cases in all their subtlety.

  • af Fernando Israel González Apanco
    132,95 kr.

    La carne del incienso es un maravilloso libro del autor Fernando Israel Gonzáles Apanco . Te invitamos a que adquieras su maravilloso arte , las letras que se ven combinadas entre amor , vida y muchos temas más . Este material te mantendrá atento desde el principio hasta el final . Descubrela y comienza a leer una hermosa obra maestra procedente de las hermosas tierras Mexicanas , pais de origen del autor . No te lo pierdas , este libro es ideal para regalo .

  • af Mathew Varghese
    1.125,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

    Today, English is the global lingua franca and competent English communication skills should be one of the rights of all educated individuals irrespective of any socio-cultural limits.  By introducing a new method, this book focuses on helping any learner to get sufficient communication skills in English as much as in the native language. This method helps one to avoid translating from mother tongue to English. And by using the method of thinking in English, one could acquire the required English bilingual skills naturally. The method is founded on the philosophical idea of mentalese-mind language as the base language of thinking available for humans for constructing thoughts. The proposed English Bilingual Project (EBP) helps one to transfer thoughts from a structureless mentalese to the grammatical structure of any language English/Japanese/Chinese. The method described in this book works in two ways: one it helps one to intuitively understand the working of mentalese; the other is by practicing think in English with the mentalese, one could generate the bilingual brain. The main procedure for transferring thoughts from the mentalese to English is through writing one's thoughts. This helps one to think effectively in English like one's own mother tongue. This method works as a prime requirement model for one to generate multilingual skills.  The book resourced the idea of mentalese from the classical philosophy, reflects it with the modern generative theories, links it with the studies in neuro-linguistic studies on bilingualism and the bilingual brain.

  • af Róbinson Grajales
    588,95 kr.

    El libro presenta un recorrido por diferentes campos de estudio como la historia de la lengua española, la sociolingüística, la lexicología y la lexicografía. Dentro de estas áreas se plantean aspectos importantes como el tipo de fuentes y de corpus utilizados para las investigaciones. Este libro está dirigido a investigadores que quieran conocer el estado de estudios en estas áreas en América Latina; a los profesores de lingüística que quieran acercar a sus estudiantes a estos campos del conocimiento a través de trabajos que recogen la realidad de diversos países con métodos que pueden ser aplicados en diferentes contextos; y a todos los interesados en la lengua española y su filología que quieran aproximarse a la situación de nuestra lengua en Latinoamérica.

  • af James Eugene Munson
    167,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Antonio Roberto Monteiro Simoes
    880,95 kr.

    This book contrasts variations in Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese pronunciation, using as a reference for discussion the mainstream careful speech of news anchors at the national level or the equivalent type of speech: a well-educated style that nonetheless sounds natural. Pursuing an innovative approach, the book uses this view of language as a cornerstone to describe and discuss other social and regional variants relative to that speaking register. It is aimed at speakers of Spanish interested in learning Portuguese and speakers of Portuguese who want to learn Spanish, as well as language specialists interested in bilingualism, heritage languages, in the teaching of typologically similar languages in contrast, and readers with interest in Phonetics and Phonology. The book employs a variety of innovative approaches, especially the reinterpretation of some of the traditional concept in Phonetics, and the use of speech prosodies and speech melodies, a user-friendly strategy to describe speech prosody in languages and speech melody in music through musical notation.

  • af Clara Murray
    237,95 - 281,95 kr.

  • af Katharine Emily Sloan
    197,95 - 374,95 kr.

  • af Roland Barthes
    157,95 - 180,95 kr.

  • af George Stillman Hillard
    197,95 - 235,95 kr.

  • - This Continent of Ours, Supplementary and Regular Reading (1890)
    af Charles Francis King
    277,95 - 326,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment to protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature. Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone!

  • af Sven Frank
    211,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af Martha Adelaide Holton
    335,95 - 392,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment to protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature. Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone!

  • af Charles Taylor
    308,95 kr.

    Charles Taylor delves into the poetry of the Romantics and their heirs, a foundation of his distinctive philosophy of language. Taylor holds that Romantic poetry responded to disenchantment: with old cosmic orders depleted, artists groped to articulate new meanings by bringing connections to life rather than merely reasoning abstractly about life.

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