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  • - Sprog og forestillinger i udlændingedebatten
    af Knud Lindholm Lau
    231,95 kr.

    VALGAKTUEL BOG OM UDLÆNDINGEDEBATTENS RÅ RETORIK På basis af et meget stort eksempelmateriale fra den offentlige debat dokumenterer og analyserer bogen sprog og forestillinger i den såkaldte udlændingedebat. Retter sig til den alment interesserede borger, men er også særdeles velegnet til undervisningsbrug fra ungdomsuddannelser og opefter. Bogen er efter udgivelsen hædret af SPORTGOODSFONDEN med et legat på 80.000 kroner. Fremragende anmeldelser og anbefalinger, fx disse: Knud Lindholm Laus bog er en bedrift, Georg Metz, Information | Hermed min varmeste anbefaling, prof. emer. Heine Andersen, KU | En inspiration for alle, der vil forholde sig kritisk til vore dagessprog. Bred anskaffelse anbefales, lektørudtalelse | Måskeårets vigtigste udgivelse, journalist Paula Larrain, Altinget. dk | Politisk korrekt? Jovist, og mange tak. Bedre endsmå doser arsenik, seniorkorrespondent Anders Jerichow, Politiken. Efter min mening burde den sendes i klassesættil Christiansborg, Lone Theils, POV International. En sober sproglig analyse, der godtnok er hårrejsende,mangeårig formand for Dansklærerforeningen Jens Raahauge, Indhold: DEM Hvilke virkemidler skaber det negative indtryk, og hvad er konsekvenserne?OS Er Danmark virkelig så homogent, harmonisk og uforandret? DEN POLITISKE GRUNDORDEN Magtens tredelingvaklerBEGRUNDELSER Hvordan tilskærer retoriske greb debatten,og er følelser bedre end fornuft?KOMMUNIKATIONSPOPULISMEN forhindrer samtalen om løsning af problemer ØNSKER til alle samfundsaktører om at bidrage til et nyt VI. Forfatteren er udgiver af Victor Klemperers "LTI - Det Tredje Riges sprog" på dansk (2010). Knud Lindholm Lau, f 1954. Cand.phil.fra Inst. f. Statskundskab, ÅU, uddannetmedieretoriker ved DR, journalist sammested 1973-1993. Egen undervisningsvirksomhedtekst og tale ApS siden 1989 medførende virksomheder, advokathuse, institutionerog organisationer på kundelisten.

  • - Kvinder, mænd og sprog
    af Helene Uri
    288,95 kr.

    Helene Uri er optaget af, hvordan kvinder og mænd bruger sproget, og af hvordan vi bliver omtalt. For ti år siden begyndte hun at klippe artikler ud og lægge dem i en blå mappe. Hun finkæm­mede bøger, i smug lyttede hun til samtaler i bus­sen og til fester, hun målte taletid og optalte nekrologer - på jagt efter, hvad vi siger, hvordan vi siger det, og hvem der siger det. Det, hun fandt, var langt fra en verden, hvor kønnene er ligestillede. I Helene Uris afslørende og veloplagte bog vil du genkende dig selv, få nye indsigter, blive meget over­rasket - og more dig over noget, som måske i grunden ikke (kun) er til at grine af. "Et pletskud ... Skarp, indsigtsfuld og vittig." *****

  • - Sprog og samfund
    af Christina Fogtmann, Pia Quist, Marie Maegaard, mfl.
    343,95 kr.

    Dansk til det 21. århundrede er en hyldest til professor Frans Gregersen for hans mangeårige virke inden for dansk sprogforskning.Gregersens brede interessefelt er afspejlet i antologiens 25 videnskabelige tekster der strækker sig fra sprogteori og sprogpsykologi over grammatik og genrer til sociolingvistiske og etnografiske studier.Samlingen af tekster repræsenterer ny dansk og nordisk forskning, og den vil have interesse både for studerende, forskere og undervisere i sprog.

  • - Sink or Swim
    af Lita Lundquist & Helen Dyrbye
    243,95 kr.

    What makes hygge-happy Danes, their humour, society and language so 'special'? Explore useful insights and toe-curling incidents with professor emeritus Lita Lundquist, language and humour researcher at Copenhagen Business School, and British-born, Danish-based Helen Dyrbye, freelance proofreader/translator and principal author of The Xenophobe's Guide to the Danes - while learning to navigate humour better in international waters."Enjoyable and amusing reading. Backed by meaningful qualitative research, it reaches a broad audience. Anyone dealing with people from other nationalities in formal and working settings may benefit from the reflections expressed in this book."The European Journal of Humour Research.

  • af Brian Barrett
    521,95 kr.

    This book provides an accessible way into the ideas of Basil Bernstein. It introduces, explains and exemplifies key conceptual landmarks in the development of his theory, from his sociolinguistics in the 1960s through analyses of classrooms and the construction of curriculum in the 1970s and 1980s, to studies of intellectual fields of research through the 1990s. The book introduces how these ideas can and have been used in empirical research over the past fifty years, and how they are being built on by scholars in the twenty-first century to create a cumulative approach to understanding education, knowledge and society that is alive and growing today. ¿

  • af Eric Enongene Ekembe
    1.617,95 kr.

    This book is about the policy-practice praxis in English language education, and draws on research from a diverse range of under-explored international settings to showcase the importance of contextual realities on how policy and practice interact. The case studies covered in the volume come from five continents (Africa, Europe, Asia, and South and North America) and cover 11 countries in total. The authors cover a wide range of themes and identify a number of issues at the interface between policy and practice. In some cases they also highlight local initiatives for navigating these issues, providing contextually-grounded guidance and experience which will be of use to teachers and teacher trainers in other settings. This book will be of interest to policy makers, EMI researchers, ELT practitioners, teacher trainers and trainees, and the broader Applied Linguistics research community.

  • af Thomas Kinne
    212,95 kr.

    Sind Sie ¿Rassist¿, wenn Sie einen Traktor als ¿schwarz¿ bezeichnen? Sind Sie ¿Antiziganist¿, wenn Sie im Restaurant ein Zigeunerschnitzel bestellen? Sind Sie ein Tierquäler, weil Sie mit jemandem ¿ein Hühnchen zu rupfen¿ haben? Oder sind Sie gar misogyn, wenn Sie Ihre geschriebenen Texte nicht mit allerlei Sonderzeichen spicken?Es herrscht große Unsicherheit im Lande. Dieses Buch soll beruhigen. Es gibt keine Obrigkeit, die Ihnen Sprache aufzwingt. Aber es gibt eine Verfassung, die Ihre Redefreiheit schützt. Fassen Sie einfach den Mut, für Ihr Recht einzustehen. Und geben Sie denen keine Macht, die es Ihnen nehmen wollen.Der fernsehbekannte Autor und Übersetzer Dr. Thomas Kinne beschäftigt sich in diesem Buch einmal mehr mit den Tücken unserer eigenen Sprache, aber auch mit Scheinproblemen, Scheinlösungen und unnötiger Angst, etwas ¿falsch¿ zu machen.

  • af Marwan Kaabour
    156,95 kr.

    A groundbreaking survey of the language used around queerness in the Arab world, with contributions by leading Arab queer writers, thinkers and activists, The Queer Arab Glossary is a first-of-its-kind surveyof the linguistic landscape surrounding queerness in the Arab world. It bringstogether more than 300 words and terms used to refer to queer people across thespoken Arabic dialects, ranging from the humorous to the harrowing, serious totongue-in-cheek, pejorative to endearing. Featuring anecdotes and fascinating historical facts, thebilingual glossary paints a linguistic picture of how queer bodies areperceived within the Arab region. It includes insightful essays by eightleading Arab queer artists, academics, activists and writers, which situate theglossary in a modern social and political context. With beautiful, witty illustrations by Haitham Haddad, TheQueer Arab Glossary is a powerful response to myths about queer people inthe Arab world. It is proof that the LGBTQI+ Arab community is alive andthriving.

  • af Shaomin Zhang
    250,95 - 721,95 kr.

  • af Simon Williams
    1.222,95 - 1.228,95 kr.

  • af Rita Franceschini
    1.543,95 kr.

    Die Erscheinungsformen und linguistischen Effekte von Mehrsprachigkeit sind nicht nur regional oft äußerst unterschiedlich, sondern auch historisch divers und veränderlich. Die Beiträge dieses Sammelbandes haben Mehrsprachigkeitsszenarien in der Geschichte Europas im Fokus und vermitteln einen Eindruck davon, wie der Alltag von Europäerinnen und Europäern in unterschiedlichen Epochen, Gebieten oder auch Institutionen von Mehrsprachigkeit geprägt war. Der Band präsentiert verschiedene Perspektiven auf die Erforschung historischer Mehrsprachigkeit an der Schnittstelle von Sprachkontaktforschung und historischer Soziolinguistik. Er richtet sich damit an ein breites Publikum mit Interesse an historischer Sprachwissenschaft und Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung.

  • af Daniela Pietrini
    1.046,95 kr.

    Politicamente corretto, linguaggio inclusivo, "lingua facile", sessismo linguistico, hate speech: nella maggior parte dei casi di discriminazione un ruolo determinante spetta (anche) al linguaggio. Pur non limitandosi a fatti linguistici, la discriminazione viene spesso trasmessa attraverso la lingua, per mezzo di espressioni volutamente spregiative, ma anche nascosta in usi idiomatici apparentemente innocui. D'altro canto però proprio la lingua può servire a combattere le discriminazioni, p.e. ricorrendo a un linguaggio inclusivo che non perpetri stereotipi di genere, oppure semplificando testi istituzionali per renderli accessibili alle persone con disabilità intellettive. Questo volume analizza da un punto di vista diacronico e sincronico alcune espressioni e locuzioni discriminatorie sulla base di materiali eterogenei (dizionari, raccolte di proverbi, trattati e testi letterari, articoli di giornale, social network, canzoni) e secondo diversi approcci metodologici. Il focus è sull'italiano, con excursus su francese, inglese e tedesco.

  • af Sender Dovchin
    1.301,95 kr.

    "Based on wide range of global ethnographic studies, this unique book expands current work on translingual playfulness through an exploration of the multiple dimensions of precarity in trans-perspectives. It is essential reading for academic researchers and students in bi- and multilingualism, sociolinguistics, and language teaching and learning"--

  • af Rosina Marquez Reiter
    250,95 - 721,95 kr.

  • af Jette G Hansen Edwards
    250,95 - 721,95 kr.

  • af Yilu Yang
    1.321,95 - 1.343,95 kr.

    This book examines the use of Chinese by school-aged Chinese Australians from a dual-track culturalisation perspective. Drawing upon interviews, participant observations and documentary analysis, the author discusses why and how these children learn and use Chinese in multiple social settings, and how they construct their understanding of language and identities in doing so. The book will appeal to students and scholars in the fields of sociolinguistics, migration studies, sociology of education, language and communication amongst other areas in the social sciences.

  • af Glen Hill
    1.623,95 - 1.630,95 kr.

    This book focuses on Japanese science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) students and their experiences of learning English. Students majoring in STEM face unique circumstances regarding their English language education. Despite the global use of English in these fields, the authors argue that Japanese STEM students fail to take advantage of coursework, extracurricular materials, teachers, peers, and other resources to raise their communicative abilities to a sufficient level for the workplace. This book offers insights into how STEM students can learn English more effectively and purposefully. The chapters provide firsthand perspectives into the psychologies, educational programs, and future workplace situations of Japanese STEM students, who are the innovators, inventors, and researchers of the future. This book will appeal to applied linguists and language teachers wherever STEM English is taught.

  • af Paulina Mazurkiewicz
    778,95 kr.

    L¿ouvrage multidimensionnel « Entre liberté et contrainte dans la recherche linguistique » explore la relation complexe entre ces deux notions opposées. Dans les dix articles rassemblés, les auteurs utilisent des méthodes d¿analyse de corpus, d¿études de collocations ou d¿approches syntaxiques et sémantiques pour examiner la construction du sens et les combinaisons lexicales relatives à la liberté. Ils analysent également les contraintes cognitives dans l¿emploi des prépositions et étudient l¿expression discursive de la liberté et de la contrainte dans des contextes variés. Ce recueil offre ainsi aux linguistes des perspectives novatrices sur la relation entre liberté et contrainte dans le langage humain.

  • af Mary S Linn
    409,95 - 1.085,95 kr.

  • af Alastair Pennycook
    371,95 - 1.022,95 kr.

  • af Elena Landone
    1.224,95 - 1.233,95 kr.

    This book presents overviews on the specific methods for the study of verbal politeness, which is deeply and constantly involved in our social life. The text offers an original and specific synthesis of traditional and innovative methods for the study of politeness as we conceive it today: as a complex system between the individual microcosm (psychological and cognitive) and the social macrocosm (cultural and relational). The author addresses theoretical and academic issues while exploring various critical points for the future of politeness studies. The reader is provided with a coherent network, which crosses between theory, methods and tools for research. The network results in a wide range of model research that facilitates the practical understanding of the potential for each data collection technique. This monograph offers representative examples of studies of various languages and cultures and appeals to students, researchers and professionals within the field.

  • af Ian Cushing
    1.022,95 - 1.325,95 kr.

    This book traces raciolinguistic ideologies in England's schools, focusing on post- 2010 policy reforms which frame the language practices of low-income, racialised speakers as limited and deficient. Across interviews, policy mechanisms and classroom observations, the author shows how raciolinguistic ideologies are rooted in British colonial logics which continue to shape contemporary education policy. He shows how these policies require marginalised speakers to modify their speech patterns in line with normative standards of whiteness under new guises of social justice and research robustness. Finally, new visions for language education and linguistic justice are offered, demonstrating how teachers can see themselves as language activists to identify, resist and reject faults in a hostile and oppressive policy architecture. This book draws on fields including critical language policy, educational sociolinguistics, genealogy, raciolinguistics and critical language awareness.

  • af Shenouda Mansour
    1.036,95 kr.

    ¿This edited book explores stories of linguistic and spiritual identity in the urban and rural Australian landscape. It is an innovative mix of thirty six personal narratives and eleven research studies, which together offer accounts of the intersection of languages, religion and spirituality in people¿s lives. Teachers of Indigenous languages speak of the critical connection between language revitalization, the spirituality of Country, and well-being. Both new and long-established diaspora individuals speak of the often complex but vital joint role of language and faith in belonging and heritage. The new dimension which the book brings to multilingualism is relevant to all complex global societies. Language and Spirit is ideal for both the general reader interested in community languages and interfaith issues, and academics in global intercultural studies and Applied Linguistics study wishing to gain a nuanced insight into the Language and Spirit intersection.

  • af Tara Coltman-Patel
    1.321,95 kr.

    This book is a linguistic analysis of the British obesity media narrative, analysing a large corpus of published newspaper articles to demonstrate how the language used perpetuates common misconceptions and stereotypes about weight and obesity, and then exploring the sociological effects of these widespread conceptualisations. Weight stigma and weight bias are misunderstood issues, and often underestimated in terms of their prevalence and effect by society at large. The author examines topics including the role of power and persuasion, the use of metaphor, the personal stories of members of the general public, and the gendered real-life consequences of arbitrary weight standards to provide a linguistic driven study of obesity in news media. Obesity is an issue which sits at the intersection of science and the humanities, and as such, although the research methods used are firmly situated within the field of Linguistics, this book will also be of interest to readers from fields as diverse as Sociology, Fat Studies, Media Studies, Medicine and Psychology.

  • af Esther Nieto Moreno de Diezmas
    351,95 kr.

    La búsqueda de enfoques eficaces para el aprendizaje de idiomas ha atraído hasta la fecha a un creciente número de investigadores e incluso se ha convertido en un tema de discusión social. En esta monografía se realiza un exhaustivo análisis del estado de la cuestión de la enseñanza de lenguas, desde las políticas institucionales a su recepción en dos contextos que se caracterizan por recrear entornos de aprendizaje naturales: el bilingüismo escolar y el bilingüismo familiar. Este libro es relevante y novedoso en el panorama actual ya que (i) proporciona una perspectiva integral multi-nivelar y multi-situada, (ii) estudia las políticas institucionales y su recepción en el contexto educativo y familiar, (iii) ofrece una visión crítica de la implementación y la investigación de la enseñanza bilingüe en estos dos escenarios, (iv) incluye directrices pedagógicas, áreas de mejora y futuras líneas de investigación, y (v) aúna teoría, investigación y práctica.

  • af Cecelia Cutler
    1.617,95 - 1.623,95 kr.

    This volume showcases innovative research on dialectal, vernacular, and other forms of "e;oral,"e; speech-like writing in digital spaces. The shift from a predominantly print culture to a digital culture is shaping people's identities and relationships to one another in important ways. Using examples from distinct international contexts and language varieties (kiAmu, Lebanese, Ettounsi, Shanghai Wu, Welsh English, and varieties of American English) the authors examine how people use unexpected codes, scripts, and spellings to say something about who they are or aspire to be. This book will be of particular interest to students and scholars interested in the impact of social media on language use, style, and orthography, as well as those with a broader interest in literacy, communication, language contact, and language change.

  • af Chun-Mei Chen
    1.196,95 kr.

    Mixed Emotions and Indigenous Language Maintenance in Post-Disaster Reconstruction Communities examines the interplay between emotions and Indigenous language maintenance among Paiwan families after they relocated to post-disaster reconstruction communities in Taiwan. In the view of sociocultural theory, mixed emotions mediate social action by connecting language resources and family language maintenance experiences. Against the context of Indigenous families and reconstruction communities, the author utilizes orientation activities to investigate mixed emotions, language practices, and language socialization among Paiwan family members. This book also explores the multimodal space of emotions, language practices in Indigenous language, and the language repertoire from micro-level family practices to meso- and macro-level community mobilization. The results of this volume shed light on emotions in family language policy, family communication in the teaching of heritage knowledge in Indigenous societies, and most importantly, Indigenous language maintenance in the context of post-disaster reconstruction. This book contributes to the documentation of the Paiwan language in the reconstruction communities, language equality, and the maintenance of the Indigenous language in post-disaster reconstruction communities. It can be used to develop the conceptual underpinnings of Indigenous language policies, Indigenous education programs, and Indigenous language maintenance practices.

  • af Tobias Gretenkort
    911,95 kr.

    This book draws from graph theory and a semiotic comparison between language and distributed ledger technologies (also known as Blockchains) to motivate three experiments on language and network structure. The work explores the importance of this concept in different areas of linguistic research and establishes elements of a tentative linguistics of networks. Its empirical investigation is based on data from threads posted to the imageboard Hispachan, which often displays radicalized language and hate speech. The experiments (based on topic modeling and sentiment analysis) reveal an impact of the network structure of interaction on the interaction itself as well as the use of ingroup signalling and emotionally charged vocabulary to expand the network of interaction..

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