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In den Folgejahren der Weltfinanz- und Weltwirtschaftskrise (ab 2007) kommt es zu neuen Formen innereuropäischer Arbeitsmigration. Das Buch untersucht am Beispiel der Migration von Spanien nach Deutschland empirisch, von welchen sprachlich-kommunikativen Barrieren Migrierende betroffen sein können und über welche Kompetenzen, Potentiale und Strategien diese verfügen, um Partizipationsbarrieren zu überwinden. Zentral ist hierbei ein Modell partizipativen Sprachlernens im Sprachkontakt, das auf Konzepten kommunikativer und semiotischer Kompetenz aufbaut und eine Interdependenz von Sprache und gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe impliziert: Menschen lernen Sprache durch Partizipation, und Partizipation ist durch Sprache möglich.
This book introduces studies on infant and early childhood development that are in a permanent dialogue with the psychology of music, the philosophy of mind, and human movement studies. They are based on an innovative framework that combines embodied cognition, the multimodal approach to child development, and the second-person perspective in social cognition. This frame of reference allows authors to revisit relevant topics in developmental psychology, such as adult-infant interactions; early intersubjective experiences; the development of perceptual, verbal and gestural communication skills; as well as the complexity of play in infancy and early childhood.In the field of infancy and early childhood studies, the three viewpoints brought together in this volume had a clear innovative impact. Embodied psychology showed the body to be the primary agent in the interactions that shape the infant's psyche. The second-person perspective exhibited the direct, transparent, I-Thou contact involved in the first patterns of reciprocity between adult and infant, and the multimodal theory of perceptual development revealed an infant immersed in a multisensory environment conveying information to all perceptual systems as a unified experience. The studies presented in this volume combine these three viewpoints and link them through the use of analytical tools and concepts from the temporal arts (music and dance). This way of conducting empirical research on some central topics in early infancy led to an aesthetic conception of development that emphasizes bodily experience, temporal affects and their intertwining with symbolic capacitiesMoving and Interacting in Infancy and Early Childhood: An Embodied, Intersubjective, and Multimodal Approach to the Interpersonal World will provide innovative tools for developmental and cognitive psychologists studying the development of early socio-cognitive skills in infants and young children, and will also serve as a rich source of information for researchers and practitioners in other fields, such as education and nursing, who can benefit from cutting-edge knowledge in developmental sciences.
This book describes the grammar of Chinese nominal groups for the purpose of text analysis, drawing upon Halliday's systemic functional linguistics (SFL) model. Exploring the metafunctional grammatical resources in nominal groups, the book provides a new perspective on conducting text analysis by focusing on the metafunctions performed by various elements in the nominal group. The observations on nominal groups presented here are based on both a working corpus of 180 texts of various types and a large referential corpus of over 16 billion tokens. With clear descriptions of the terminology used, the book presents a case study at the end of each major chapter, which demonstrates how the grammatical resources discussed can be applied to the delicate analysis of authentic texts. This monograph is more than a grammar book, for it offers a new way to engage with a text microscopically and enables readers to approach and analyse a text by focusing on grammatical units below the clause level. The book provides an accessible and valuable resource for readers who are interested in SFL-based typological description, text analysis, translation studies between English and Chinese, English-Chinese comparative linguistic studies, and Chinese language teaching and learning.
This collection argues for the need to promote intercultural understanding as a clear goal for teaching and learning pragmatics in second and foreign language education.The volume sees the learning of pragmatics as a challenging yet enriching process whereby the individual expands their capacity for understanding how meaning making processes influence social relationships and how assumptions about social relationships shape the interpretation and use of language in context. This locates pragmatics within a humanistically oriented conception of learning where success is defined relative to the enrichment of human understanding and appreciation of difference. The book argues that intercultural understanding is not an "add on" to language learning but central to the learner's ability to understand and construct meaning with individuals from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Chapters analyse teachers' and learners' ways of making sense of pragmatics, how their assumptions about social relationships impact their perceptions of language use, and how reflection on pragmatic judgments opens up possibilities for developing intercultural understanding.This book will be of interest to students and scholars in intercultural communication, language education, and applied linguistics.
This volume explores the instructional use of creative writing in secondary and post-secondary contexts to enhance students' language proficiency and expression in English as a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL).Offering a diverse range of perspectives from scholars and practitioners involved in English language teaching (ELT) globally, International Perspectives on Creative Writing in Second Language Education tackles foundational questions around why fiction and creative writing have been traditionally omitted from ESL and EFL curricula. By drawing on empirical research and first-hand experience, contributors showcase a range of creative genres including autobiography, scriptwriting, poetry, and e-Portfolios, and provide new insight into the benefits of second language creative writing for learners' language proficiency, emotional expression, and identity development. The volume makes a unique contribution to the field of second language writing by highlighting the breadth of second language users throughout the world, and foregrounding links between identity, learning, and ESL/EFL writing.This insightful volume will be of particular interest to postgraduate students, researchers, and academics in the fields of ESL/EFL learning, composition studies, and second language acquisition (SLA). Those with a focus on the use of creative writing in classrooms more broadly, will also find the book of interest.
This Element focuses on phonetic and phonological development in multilinguals and presents a novel methodological approach to it within Complex Dynamic Systems Theory (CDST). We will show how the traditional conceptualisations of acquisition with a strong focus on linear, incremental development with a stable endpoint can be complemented by a view of language development as emergent, self-organised, context-dependent and highly variable across learners. We report on a longitudinal study involving 16 learners with L1 German, L2 English and L3 Polish. Over their ten months of learning Polish, the learners' perception and production of various speech sounds and phonological processes in all of their languages were investigated. Auditory and acoustic analyses were applied together with group and individual learner statistical analyses to trace the dynamic changes of their multilingual phonological system over time. We show how phonetic and phonological development is feature-dependent and inter-connected and how learning experience affects the process.
This volume highlights unique features of L2 teachers' motivation, autonomy and career development in Far East counties (including Japan, South Korea and China), using diverse methodological research approaches incorporating both quantitative and qualitative paradigms. While much of current research focuses on students' psychology, this volume looks into EFL teachers' motivation and autonomy. Both discussions of theoretical issues of teacher motivation and autonomy and practical, classroom-based investigations are included and written to appeal to researchers, as well as applied teacher audiences. The theoretical chapters give readers a solid grounding in the issues of interest to the field. The practical chapters offer cutting edge insights and can also serve as templates on which postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers can base future studies. This helps the book to offer a dual service to the research community, addressing both issues of theorization of research and the practice of conducting research investigations.
This edited volume offers an insightful theoretical conceptualization of issues central to 21st century foreign language learning and teaching. Drawing on research results obtained in the fields of pedagogy, social psychology and sociology of education, this book provides a comprehensive practical exploration of issues experienced by researchers in Poland and in Europe, and which can easily find far-reaching implications in other educational contexts.Part I, Focus on the Teacher, includes seven texts discussing topics relevant to teacher initial and in-service education, as well as the functioning of foreign language instructors in educational systems. The eight contributions included in Part II, Focus on the Learner, explore learner-internal and learner-external factors that affect the effectiveness of the language learning process. The exploration of key contemporary topics and the wide range of methodologies applied make this book of high relevance to Second Language Acquisition scholars, teacher educators, teachers, and language education policy makers.
Multilinguals are not multiple monolinguals. Yet multilingual assessment proceeds through monolingual norms, as if fair conclusions were possible in the absence of fair comparison. In addition, multilingualism concerns what people do with language, not what languages do to people. Yet research focus remains on multilinguals¿ languages, as if languages existed despite their users. This book redresses these paradoxes. Multilingual scholars, teachers and speech-language clinicians from Europe, Asia, Australia and the US contribute the first studies dedicated to multilingual norms, those found in real-life multilingual development, assessment and use. Readership includes educators, clinicians, decision-makers and researchers interested in multilingualism.
This book focuses on the role of cross-language awareness in foreign language learning, especially unrelated languages as a third or additional language. It brings together theoretical and empirical approaches to the study of foreign language acquisition, with special emphasis on the role of discrepancies in the cognitive processing of typologically different languages. The author defines unrelated languages in the context of methodological approaches to foreign language acquisition, investigates cross-language awareness competence in the context of unrelated language acquisition, establishes cognitive approaches to foreign language acquisition, and provides empirical evidence of discrepancies between languages using verbal aspect as an example. Finally, the empirical results are put into practice through guidelines and recommendations for raising cross-language awareness in third language acquisition. The interdisciplinary understanding of foreign language acquisition presented in this book will make it appealing to a wide readership of graduate students, faculty members and academic researchers in the fields of Second Language Acquisition (SLA), Third Language Acquisition (TLA), Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Psychology and Education.
This book is intended to help language teachers to work effectively and successfully with students who have specific learning differences (SpLD) such as dyslexia. The book takes an inclusive and practical approach to language teaching and encourages teachers to consider the effects that an SpLD could have on a language learner. It suggests strategies that can be implemented to enable learners to succeed both in the classroom and in formal assessment. The book places issues of language teaching for learners with an SpLD in a broad educational context and, in addition to practical advice on methodologies and classroom management, also discusses discourses of the field, the identification of SpLDs and facilitating progression.
Wie Sie professionell, wertschätzend und sensibel in verständlicher Sprache sprachfördern, erfahren Sie in diesem Buch. Die Autorinnen verfügen als ausgewiesene Expertinnen über den nötigen Erfahrungsschatz in Theorie und Praxis, um Ihnen das relevante Wissen einfach zu vermitteln. Das Buch klärt vorab grundlegende Fragen: Was ist eine Sprache überhaupt? Welche Funktionen hat sie und wie erwerben sie Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene? Anschließend lernen Sie wirksame sprachdiagnostische Verfahren und ihre Anwendung in der täglichen Praxis kennen, bevor Sie sich dem zweiten Schwerpunkt des Buches zuwenden: der konkreten Planung und Umsetzung sprachfördernder Maßnahmen in Kitas, Grundschulen und der Sekundarstufe. Wenn Sie funktionierende Lösungen für die erfolgreiche Planung und Durchführung sprachfördernder Maßnahmen in verständlicher Sprache suchen, dann ist dieses Buch für Sie geschrieben!
This book explores how young children's language development is intricately connected to the context in which it takes place. The term 'context' not only specifies a geographical location, but also encompasses notions of culture, community and activity.
Wu's book provides an innovative perspective on, and recommendations for, the major aspects of second language (L2) teaching from a Hegelian anthro-philosophical perspective.Language is social in nature and is related to the larger social milieu. Hegelian philosophy of language complements existing research and theories on L2 learning by not only equipping them with a systematic framework but also broadening their scope. In Hegelian philosophy, language not only has its individual and interpersonal dimensions but is also related to the community, society, and morality. The Hegelian perspective also suggests a number of functions of L2 which have either been neglected or rejected by L2 researchers. This book highlights these neglected elements such as intersubjectivity, mutual recognition, universalization and objectivization of inner subjectivity of individuals, as well as moral enhancement. These concepts generate insights on the teaching and learning of L2. Wu's volume also covers how the Hegelian anthro-philosophical perspective can help to re-interpret research results on L2 learner characteristics that are related to L2 learning to date such as L2 identity and autonomy.The book offers an alternative research paradigm, teaching philosophy, pedagogical implications, and suggestions for scholars, practitioners, and students in the professional field of L2 teaching.
This book investigates Chinese secondary EFL learners' meaning-making abilities in English L2 writing by adopting theoretical frameworks used in systemic functional linguistics (SFL). It offers a comprehensive guide to Chinese high school students' use of lexico-grammatical resources in L2 English writing for frontline L2 writing teachers, TESOL practitioners, pre-service teachers, and all professionals engaged in researching and teaching L2 writing. In particular, the book seeks to fill the current gaps in secondary school L2 writing research in the Asian context.
""From Ibn Sina to Sindbad makes some of the greatest works of the Golden Age of Arab Civilization accessible to Arabic students at the mid- to high-advanced level of proficiency, while also providing a ready curriculum for teachers of Advanced Arabic. It introduces students to classical Arabic literature through twenty guided and scaffolded readings of works spanning prose genres from travel writing to philosophy, science, religion, humor, and imaginative fiction, including texts by al-Jahiz, al-Kindi, Ibn Khaldun, and Ibn Rushd. Original texts are supplemented with supporting explanatory material, to make them accessible to students, who then progress through an extensive series of exercises to test their comprehension, develop interpretive and critical reading skills, and apply the linguistic structures to their own speaking and writing. Each of the twenty lessons is designed to stand alone for classroom use or individual study, making it a most valuable resource for students and teachers alike.""--
Möchtest du in jeder Situation die richtigen Worte finden? Möchtest du in jederzeit schlagfertig und eloquent antworten können? Möchtest du selbstbewusst, schlagfertig und überzeugend auftreten und deine Mitmenschen in den Bann ziehen?Dann wird dir dieses Buch dabei helfen, mit bewährten Techniken und Methoden deine Ausdrucksweise zu verbessern und deinen Wortschatz zu erweitern. Schon mit etwas Übung werden deine Freunde und Kollegen an deinen Lippen hängen und dir gespannt zuhören, wenn du das Wort ergreifst.Anstatt dir nach einem hitzigen Wortgefecht im Nachhinein zu denken "Hätte ich doch das oder jenes geantwortet", wirst du schon in kurzer Zeit zum Wortakrobaten, der immer die richtigen Antworten parat hat.Dominik Wenzeslaus zeigt dir in seinem Buch, wie du deine Rhetorik Fähigkeiten aufs nächste Level bringst und erprobte Lernmethoden nutzt, mit denen du schnell einen umfangreichen Wortschaft aufbauen wirst. Dieses Buch bietet dir zahlreiche Praxisübungen und bewährte Lernmethoden, mit denen du deinen Wortschatz in kürzester Zeit erweitern kannst, sodass du jedes Gespräch im Alltag sicher meisterst.Zudem bietet dir dieses Buch:- Wortschatz aufbauen leicht gemacht: alphabetisch sortierte Liste von wörtern für jede Situation, um jedes Gespräch selbstbewusst und sicher zu meistern.- Die Macht der Sprache: erfahre, wie Sprache wirkt und wie du dich zielgerichtet und effektiv ausdrückst, um dem Gesagten Nachdruck zu verleihen.- Die 10 wichtigsten Regeln der Rhetorik: finden Sie heraus, wie Sie jeden Menschen überzeugen können, das zu tun, was Sie wollen.- Kinderleichte Lernmethoden: verbessere aktiv deine Kommunikation und verbessere deine Ausdrucksweise mühelos mit erprobten Techniken, cleveren Tipps und der richtigen Nutzung von Fremdwörtern im Alltag.- Wortakrobat auf Knopfdruck: lerne die richtige Aussprache und Betonung jedes Wortes durch die dazugehörige Lautschrift. Und erfahre durch umfangreiche Beispiele, wann und wie du welche Fremdwörter sicher verwendest.Die Wahrheit ist: Die Feder ist mächtiger als das Schwert. Nur wer die Macht des Wortes kennt und zu nutzen weiß, kann die Magie einer eloquenten Ausdrucksweise für sich und seinen Erfolg nutzen. Nutze diese Chance, sichere dir dein Exemplar und werde noch heute zum Wortakrobaten!
Im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert wanderten zahlreiche Personen aus Europa nach Lateinamerika aus. So ließen sich auch viele Menschen aus dem deutschsprachigen Gebiet und aus Ländern mit anderen germanischen Sprachen, etwa aus den Niederlanden oder aus Skandinavien, dort nieder. In Teilen haben sich Sprachgemeinschaften bis heute erhalten können. Der vorliegende Band widmet sich solchen Gemeinschaften, die heute Sprachminderheiten darstellen. In zwölf Beiträgen werden hoch- und niederdeutsche Sprachgemeinschaften sowie die dänische Sprachgemeinschaft in Argentinien in den Blick genommen. Dabei werden auch methodische Fortschritte ¿ z.B. durch den Aufbau von Korpora ¿ und neue Forschungsansätze durch Einbindung mehrsprachiger, didaktischer oder ökonomischer Perspektiven aufgezeigt.
Der erste Teil dieser Sprachgeschichte hat den Sprachstrukturwandel im mecklenburgischen Varietätengefüge nachgezeichnet. Der zweite Teil beleuchtet ergänzend, was 90 Zeitzeuginnen und Zeitzeugen über den Wandel in ihrem Sprachgebrauch und ihren Spracheinstellungen berichten und welche Veränderungen sie in ihrem gesellschaftlichen und sprachlichen Umfeld beobachtet haben. Der Fokus dieser oral language history liegt dabei wieder auf dem Gefüge von konkurrierenden Kontaktvarietäten, die nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Mecklenburg aufeinandertrafen: auf dem Niederdeutschen, den Herkunftsvarietäten der immigrierten Vertriebenen und dem (regionalen) Hochdeutschen. Rekonstruiert werden jeweils Entwicklungen im Spracherwerb, in der Sprachkompetenz, der Sprachpragmatik und der Sprachwahrnehmung.
This book focuses on Japanese science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) students and their experiences of learning English. Students majoring in STEM face unique circumstances regarding their English language education. Despite the global use of English in these fields, the authors argue that Japanese STEM students fail to take advantage of coursework, extracurricular materials, teachers, peers, and other resources to raise their communicative abilities to a sufficient level for the workplace. This book offers insights into how STEM students can learn English more effectively and purposefully. The chapters provide firsthand perspectives into the psychologies, educational programs, and future workplace situations of Japanese STEM students, who are the innovators, inventors, and researchers of the future. This book will appeal to applied linguists and language teachers wherever STEM English is taught.
Wie lernen aus Syrien zugewanderte Grundschüler*innen synchron die deutsche Laut- und Schriftsprache? Wie meistern sie diese doppelte Lernherausforderung? Basierend auf bestehenden Ansätzen zum Schrift- und Zweitspracherwerb wird ein Förderkonzept entwickelt, das graphematisch orientierte Schemata nutzt. Damit sollen die Lernenden neue phonologische Kategorien erwerben und eine Regelmäßigkeit im Aufbau der deutschen Wortstruktur erkennen. Ihr individueller Umgang mit dem Lernmaterial wurde über einen Zeitraum von zwei Monaten videographiert und qualitativ mittels Inhalts- und Detailanalyse fallspezifisch ausgewertet. Die Schüler*innen zeigen individuell unterschiedliche Lernerfolge, die von einem Phonem- bzw. Silbenverständnis bis zur Sprachbewusstheit in der Zweitsprache Deutsch reichen.Dieses Werk enthält zusätzliche Informationen als Anhang. Sie können von unserer Website heruntergeladen werden: https://www.peterlang.com/app/uploads/2024/05/Anhang_Schmidt.pdf
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