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This book explores the evolution of sentiment in economic terms in the press during financial crises applying a combination of sentiment analysis techniques and usage fluctuation analysis on a diachronic corpus derived from editorials in quality newspapers during the Great Recession. The book uncovers two key findings: first, certain economic terms become event words during times of crisis due to their increased use in the press and the general public, revealing rapid semantic changes in economic terms caused by major socio-economic events. Second, sentiment-laden collocations are found to be influenced by culture, highlighting language¿s adaptability to financial upheavals. This work proposes an innovative methodology that combines lexicon-based Sentiment Analysis, Corpus Linguistics, and qualitative Discourse Analysis to shed light on how language shapes economic discourse, making it a valuable resource for scholars exploring the relationship between language and historic events.
This volume examines the potentially deleterious impact of place branding on the social fabric, ecosystems and local economies of the places concerned. As the different essays show, place branding is a fundamentally political practice, often driven by hidden agendas that marginalize certain groups within society. Contributors explore place branding from a wide variety of angles, including: the role played by the visual arts in city branding; the applied arts, and speci cally the fashion industry¿s potential for shaping perceptions of a particular place; the different ways in which sport has been exploited by the political elites; the role of design in place branding, including the architectural design of sports stadia; and the potentially insidious economic and societal consequences of excessive consumption of branded places.
Il volume esplora il ruolo della linguistica contrastiva nel lavoro del traduttore, concentrandosi sui problemi posti da alcuni "punti di conflitto" che caratterizzano la traduzione dal tedesco all¿italiano e dal francese all¿italiano. In particolare, un primo gruppo di contributi parte da una forma semantico-sintattica del francese o del tedesco per indagarne attraverso fonti grammaticali, teoriche e/o di corpora, gli equivalenti funzionali in italiano. A questo gruppo appartengono uno studio sui determinanti del nome in francese e italiano, un¿analisi del vocabolo francese même e delle sue traduzioni in italiano e due studi su mezzi di espressione della modalità in tedesco e italiano. Un secondo gruppo di contributi affronta questioni lessicali nella traduzione dal tedesco in italiano di fenomeni di variazione in testi letterari, la resa in italiano dei neologismi presenti in due romanzi francesi e questioni di traduzione dall¿italiano al tedesco in prospettiva diacronica.
Dans la plupart des métiers, ce sont des mentor·es qui assument la transmission du métier à autrui. Néanmoins, endosser cette fonction ne va pas de soi. Ce contexte de formation d'adultes entre mentor·es et stagiaires présente différentes dimensions¿: observation, imitation, mise en pratique, sans oublier les entretiens. C'est l'analyse des entretiens menés dans le contexte de la transmission du métier enseignant en alternance, qui est mise en exergue dans cet ouvrage. Ainsi, au travers d'une démarche de formation des mentor·es¿nommée mentoring conversation studies, conçues selon le modèle des lesson studies, l'auteure présente comment, dans ce contexte, des mentor·es en formation d'adultes se développent en profondeur, en termes de réflexivité et d'autorégulation. Enfin, l'analyse fine des entretiens présentée dans ce livre questionne les dispositifs actuels de formation destinés aux mentor·es, et, en corollaire, les effets d'une absence de dispositif destiné à ce public.
The main assumption proposed in this book is that legislative drafting represents an example of professional discourse, where the propositions of specialized information is translated into meanings, and such meanings are given as input to the rules and strategies of grammatical formulation. A relevant question for our understanding of modern legislative process is related to the effects of ¿context¿ at different levels, within which legislative process takes place. By looking at those levels, the analysis conducted in the book demonstrates that it becomes possible to reach a deeper understanding of the professional groups taking part in the process, better assess the lexico-grammatical and textual features of its final product (i.e., normative texts), and suggest alternative linguistic and textual strategies aimed at making texts more accessible to potential readers and/or intended users.
Where is the space for contemporary environmentalism when both the utopian promises of a clean and pure earthly Eden and the dystopian prophecies of an environmental apocalypse have failed to be fully realized? Rather than falling into one of these familiar environmental categories, contemporary space is configured, as this book outlines, as heterotopia, an in-between space of dissonance, where encounters with waste are a daily occurrence and where dirty matter refuses to submit to human demands and intentions. Through an exploration of a series of spaces in which acts of leisure and recreation are configured alongside vibrant dirty matter, this book explores how contemporary heterotopia offer entanglements with a dirty other that promote novel opportunities for humans to ethically respond and be responsible to the continued presence of waste and to generate a sense of ecological care for a dirty world. In doing so, the book urges readers away from a utopian vision of what the environment should be and instead asks how we can ethically exist within and around the dirtied environment as it is. This book will be of interest to scholars of cultural studies, environmental rhetorics, and environmental ethics.
Este libro, centrado en el estudio de los adverbios, es el resultado de un trabajo en colaboración de marcado carácter multidisciplinar y trata cuestiones gramaticales y semánticas que afectan a estas unidades léxicas, como no podía ser de otra manera, pero también pragmáticas, sin olvidar, además, que el español, como todas las lenguas, está sometido a la variación diacrónica. Los investigadores participantes se han centrado, por un lado, en el análisis de determinadas unidades adverbiales que no han recibido atención anteriormente. Por otro lado, llevan a cabo una reflexión profunda sobre cuestiones concretas y acuciantes para las que, en su opinión, los fundamentos conceptuales y las metodologías específicas de su área de especialización permiten arrojar nueva luz.
Politicamente corretto, linguaggio inclusivo, "lingua facile", sessismo linguistico, hate speech: nella maggior parte dei casi di discriminazione un ruolo determinante spetta (anche) al linguaggio. Pur non limitandosi a fatti linguistici, la discriminazione viene spesso trasmessa attraverso la lingua, per mezzo di espressioni volutamente spregiative, ma anche nascosta in usi idiomatici apparentemente innocui. D'altro canto però proprio la lingua può servire a combattere le discriminazioni, p.e. ricorrendo a un linguaggio inclusivo che non perpetri stereotipi di genere, oppure semplificando testi istituzionali per renderli accessibili alle persone con disabilità intellettive. Questo volume analizza da un punto di vista diacronico e sincronico alcune espressioni e locuzioni discriminatorie sulla base di materiali eterogenei (dizionari, raccolte di proverbi, trattati e testi letterari, articoli di giornale, social network, canzoni) e secondo diversi approcci metodologici. Il focus è sull'italiano, con excursus su francese, inglese e tedesco.
Das Buch stellt Mittel der multimodalen Kommunikation über Wissen der Physik für Kinder überblicksartig vor. Dabei steht die Texteigenschaft der Verständlichkeit im Zentrum. Der Überblick wird inhaltsanalytisch durch den Vergleich der Textsorten Schul- und Sachbuch erlangt. Die Analyseergebnisse erhalten ihre Schärfe durch Erkenntnisse der Semiotik, der Textlinguistik, der Didaktik und der Psychologie. Die Ergebnisse zu konkreten multimodalen Textgestaltungsmitteln aus Sprache, Bild und Typografie werden katalogartig systematisiert und die Ergebnisse zu den Textsorten durch exemplarische Teiltextanalysen gewonnen. Der Band zeichnet sich durch ein Fundament der pragmatischen Varietätenlinguistik aus, welches den Blick über die Textsorten des Korpus hinaus nahelegt.
Die Suche nach einem angemessenen Umgang mit Moral und ihrem rhetorisch-strategischen Einsatz in Diskursen führt unweigerlich zu der Frage, welche Perspektiven verschiedene Wissenschaftsdisziplinen aufmachen, wenn sie sich mit Moral und Moralisierung beschäftigen. Mit der Erörterung verschiedener Disziplinenzugänge ist auch das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen einem deskriptiven Erörterungsansatz und Aspekten der Bewertung inklusive der ihr zugrundeliegenden Werte angesprochen. Die Beiträge des Bandes geben auf diese Fragen keine abschließenden Antworten. Sie beginnen allerdings damit, ein multi- und interdisziplinäres Bild von Moralisierung zu zeichnen, das geschichts- und politikwissenschaftliche, linguistische, philosophische und theologische Sichtweisen einbezieht und miteinander ins Gespräch bringt. Das komplementäre Bild ist einerseits gekennzeichnet durch die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Moralisierung als einer rhetorischen Strategie, der ein nicht unbeträchtliches diskursprägendes und sogar -schädigendes Potenzial innewohnt. Andererseits sperrt es sich gegen eine grundsätzliche Moralisierungsskepsis und weist stattdessen darauf hin, dass gesellschaftliche Debatten sich notwendigerweise zwischen Moralisierung und Entmoralisierung bewegen.
This open access book explores an approach that connects individual and societal processes throughout history and shifting trends in sociological perspectives, influenced by C. Wright Mills¿ theories of time and temporality. It traces its origins from American pragmatist thought and Chicago qualitative sociology in the early 20th century to the revival of biographical research in European and American sociology during the 1970s. The book shows empirical studies from this vibrant research approach can bridge methodological gaps between qualitative and quantitative biographical studies, applicable to various topics like class, gender, ethnicity, and intergenerational dimensions.
This Open Access book examines the link between intercultural competence (IC) and pragmatics by asking frontline modern foreign language teachers in higher education teaching a variety of languages (e.g., Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish) how they conceptualise intercultural competence and which skills, competences and knowledge they consider important in their teaching contexts. The data were collected with an online survey that focused on the relationship between intercultural competence and pragmatics.While international organizations such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) or the Council of Europe (CoE) agree that intercultural competence should play an important role in education, it is not always clear what IC may encompass in specific teaching contexts and subject areas. Examining how modern foreign language teachers in higher education conceptualise intercultural competence and the value they attach as well as the attention they give to various areas of pragmatics in their teaching is highly important, since those language professionals may be the final teachers learners encounter during their formal foreign language education. They are therefore in a unique position to shape modern foreign language learners¿ intercultural and pragmatic awareness, competence and skills.This book will be of interest to language professionals, modern foreign language teachers and teacher trainers, as well as students and scholars of applied linguistics, pragmatics, and language education.
Takes a multicultural, interdisciplinary approach to the rhetoric of science to expand our toolkit for the collective management of global risks like climate change and pandemics.
This volume examines discussions surrounding the legitimacy of the Bundeswehr's deployments abroad by looking at 2,773 newspaper texts. The study analyzes the use and mentions of prototypical arguments and characterizes their discursive actors. It
Pädagogik als Bezeichnung für die praktische und theoretisch-wissenschaftliche Beschäftigung mit Erziehung und Bildung hat sich als Begriff und akademische Disziplin erst seit dem 18. Jahrhundert in Europa etabliert. Konzepte und Kategorien der Disziplin zeigen jedoch deutlich ihre rhetorische oder rhetorisch-philosophische Herkunft. Die Aufsätze des Handbuches behandeln die Stellung der Rhetorik in den unterschiedlichen Bildungssystemen zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten und widmen sich den sich stetig wandelnden didaktischen Konzepten der Rhetorikpädagogik von der Antike über Mittelalter und Neuzeit bis zu den Bildungsreformen des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts. Das Handbuch verfolgt das Ziel, das gegenwärtige pädagogische Handeln für die historische Perspektive zu öffnen. Es bietet Pädagogen wie Praktikern, Theoretikern wie Historikern einen profunden Überblick nach dem neuesten Stand der Forschung.
This book explores the construction of agreement in the argumentative process, aiming to investigate how the activation of shared knowledge, values and beliefs leads to the creation of a common ground between the speaker and the audience in the pursuit of persuasion. In the first part of the book, the authors examine agreement from a historical and theoretical perspective, setting in relation major ancient and contemporary approaches to argumentation, with special regard for the notions of ethos, objects of agreement, starting points and topoi, all with a focus on their deployment in discourse. This is complemented with a compendium of linguistic resources that can be exploited for the discursive construction of agreement, offering a principled selection of structures across different levels of language description. The second part of the book is devoted to the investigation of actual uses of agreement in a choice of institutional genres within the domain of the US presidential elections: the Presidential Announcement, the TV debate and the Inaugural Address. Due to their political relevance and cultural salience, these genres provide an ideal interface for observing the interplay of discursive and argumentative components, against the backdrop of a shared cultural heritage, rich with intertextual references. The application of the theoretical framework developed in the first part of the book to the analysis of real political discourse carried out in the second is the distinguishing feature of this volume, making it of interest to linguists and argumentation scholars, as well as to political scientists and communicators.
Explores the origins of written communication to offer a counter-history to the separation of rhetoric/composition and technical/professional communication
Breaks the spell of economic thought by interrogating the widespread language and logic of "incentives" in public life from a Lacanian perspective.
L¿ouvrage multidimensionnel « Entre liberté et contrainte dans la recherche linguistique » explore la relation complexe entre ces deux notions opposées. Dans les dix articles rassemblés, les auteurs utilisent des méthodes d¿analyse de corpus, d¿études de collocations ou d¿approches syntaxiques et sémantiques pour examiner la construction du sens et les combinaisons lexicales relatives à la liberté. Ils analysent également les contraintes cognitives dans l¿emploi des prépositions et étudient l¿expression discursive de la liberté et de la contrainte dans des contextes variés. Ce recueil offre ainsi aux linguistes des perspectives novatrices sur la relation entre liberté et contrainte dans le langage humain.
Ethnographic research, anthropological theory, and the understanding of the objects of inquiry, are co-created through figuration (using tropes and rhetorical figures) and techniques of persuasion. Delving into descriptive ethnography and theoretical texts spanning across classical monographs and recent texts in cultural anthropology, Culture Figures places rhetoric and rhetoricity as central to the discipline's self-understanding. It focuses on how understandings of 'culture' and social life are shaped and conveyed in cultural anthropology through textual rhetoric. The book demonstrates how processes of using tropes and modes of persuasion underlie the creation of meanings or misunderstandings in society.
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