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Semantik, diskursanalyse, stilistik

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  • af Francesca Santulli
    1.041,95 kr.

    This book explores the construction of agreement in the argumentative process, aiming to investigate how the activation of shared knowledge, values and beliefs leads to the creation of a common ground between the speaker and the audience in the pursuit of persuasion. In the first part of the book, the authors examine agreement from a historical and theoretical perspective, setting in relation major ancient and contemporary approaches to argumentation, with special regard for the notions of ethos, objects of agreement, starting points and topoi, all with a focus on their deployment in discourse. This is complemented with a compendium of linguistic resources that can be exploited for the discursive construction of agreement, offering a principled selection of structures across different levels of language description. The second part of the book is devoted to the investigation of actual uses of agreement in a choice of institutional genres within the domain of the US presidential elections: the Presidential Announcement, the TV debate and the Inaugural Address. Due to their political relevance and cultural salience, these genres provide an ideal interface for observing the interplay of discursive and argumentative components, against the backdrop of a shared cultural heritage, rich with intertextual references. The application of the theoretical framework developed in the first part of the book to the analysis of real political discourse carried out in the second is the distinguishing feature of this volume, making it of interest to linguists and argumentation scholars, as well as to political scientists and communicators.

  • af Kathryn Rosser Raign
    1.028,95 kr.

    Explores the origins of written communication to offer a counter-history to the separation of rhetoric/composition and technical/professional communication

  • af Robert O. McDonald
    388,95 - 988,95 kr.

    Breaks the spell of economic thought by interrogating the widespread language and logic of "incentives" in public life from a Lacanian perspective.

  • af Paulina Mazurkiewicz
    458,95 kr.

    L¿ouvrage multidimensionnel « Entre liberté et contrainte dans la recherche linguistique » explore la relation complexe entre ces deux notions opposées. Dans les dix articles rassemblés, les auteurs utilisent des méthodes d¿analyse de corpus, d¿études de collocations ou d¿approches syntaxiques et sémantiques pour examiner la construction du sens et les combinaisons lexicales relatives à la liberté. Ils analysent également les contraintes cognitives dans l¿emploi des prépositions et étudient l¿expression discursive de la liberté et de la contrainte dans des contextes variés. Ce recueil offre ainsi aux linguistes des perspectives novatrices sur la relation entre liberté et contrainte dans le langage humain.

  • af Maria-Eirini Panagiotidou
    963,95 - 1.098,95 kr.

  • af Michal Mokrzan
    1.248,95 kr.

    Ethnographic research, anthropological theory, and the understanding of the objects of inquiry, are co-created through figuration (using tropes and rhetorical figures) and techniques of persuasion. Delving into descriptive ethnography and theoretical texts spanning across classical monographs and recent texts in cultural anthropology, Culture Figures places rhetoric and rhetoricity as central to the discipline's self-understanding. It focuses on how understandings of 'culture' and social life are shaped and conveyed in cultural anthropology through textual rhetoric. The book demonstrates how processes of using tropes and modes of persuasion underlie the creation of meanings or misunderstandings in society.

  • af Tracey Owens Patton
    543,95 - 1.418,95 kr.

  • af Christian Plantin
    996,95 - 1.098,95 kr.

  • af Kristen Stout & Heather Walters
    1.158,95 - 1.598,95 kr.

  • af Mohammad Forouzani
    218,95 - 283,95 kr.

  • af Freiderikos Valetopoulos
    398,95 kr.

    Ces trente dernières années, les émotions se trouvent au c¿ur de nombreux travaux en sciences humaines. De nouvelles approches, interdisciplinaires et contrastives, viennent interroger cet objet tant du point de vue linguistique que de celui littéraire et civilisationnel, un aspect qui avait été plutôt négligé jusqüici. Le présent volume a pour objectif de compléter les travaux existants en se concentrant sur l¿étude de deux émotions antinomiques, l¿amour et la haine. L¿originalité apportée à l¿étude de ces émotions est celle du croisement des perspectives de chercheur.e.s de différents domaines des sciences humaines. Ainsi, à partir de l¿étude contrastive de plusieurs langues ¿ bosnien, croate, français, grec, polonais, russe et serbe ¿, mais aussi à travers différents types de données ¿ poésie, littérature de jeunesse, dictionnaires, traductions, questionnaires ¿, les auteur.e.s adoptent une double perspective de recherche qui constitue un dialogue entre, d¿une part, l¿analyse linguistique de ces deux émotions à travers les langues et, d¿autre part, leur manifestation dans la littérature et les représentations des locuteurs. Le présent ouvrage s¿inscrit dans les travaux de recherche sur les sentiments entrepris dans le cadre de la MSHS de l¿université de Poitiers autour de l¿expression des émotions.

  • af Marcus Tullius Cicero
    398,95 - 523,95 kr.

  • af Balthazar Gibert
    398,95 - 548,95 kr.

  • af P. Jacinto Juanmarti
    353,95 - 498,95 kr.

  • af Paul Elliott Johnson
    413,95 kr.

    A rhetorical examination of the rise of populist conservatism

  • af Mariele Mancebo
    458,95 kr.

    Lors de la « mise en mots » du Crémant de Bourgogne, comment les discours des consommateurs s¿articulent-ils avec ceux des experts ? Cette étude cherche à comprendre ces différentes constructions discursives, ainsi que les choix terminologiques qui y sont associés, en présence ou en l¿absence de stimulus. Une étude complémentaire vient enrichir ces travaux avec une analyse qui se concentre sur les espumantes brésiliens. En effet, ce produit est en grande partie comparable au Crémant de Bourgogne, bien qüinscrit dans une langue-culture où la consommation de vin n¿est pas ancrée culturellement, mais où la production et la commercialisation de vins effervescents sont en plein essor.

  • af Chaoqun Xie
    899,95 - 988,95 kr.

    This book explores the extent to which self-praise is acceptable in both offline and online contexts, across different genres, platforms, and cultural backgrounds. The data analyzed encompass both naturally occurring (daily conversation as well as institutional talk) and elicited (experiments and interviews) types, and are explored at both quantitative and qualitative levels to offer a relatively systematic and comprehensive inquiry into self-praise as social (inter)action.Contributors to this book not only draw on traditional politeness theories but are also informed by social psychology, interactional sociolinguistics, CMC, and (multimodal) discourse analysis. They are inspired by pragmatics but also go beyond to ground their studies within locally situated cultural contexts, most of which are under-presented in the current academic world. Their efforts substantiate the fact that self-praise is most worthy of intensive analytic attention. This book appeals to students and researchers in the field and contributes to the way communication is facilitated through different ways of deploying linguistic and interactional resources.

  • af Sara Orthaber
    996,95 kr.

    This volume covers the field of linguistic (im)politeness in a particular mediated, customer-oriented setting. It is the first book to do so across telephone, email and social media. It offers key insights into a unique customer service setting through authentic and spontaneous data analysis. The book looks at how customers and agents of a large public transport company engage in transactional services and impolite behaviour. This text is directed at scholars and practitioners working in communication, business discourse, (socio)pragmatics, interaction studies, and social media interactions. It is also of great value to students in applied linguistics and scholars of Slavic languages, particularly Slovenian. The cross-media study is also of value to public/private institutions to reflect on their work practices, helping them improve existing customer¿service provider relationships. The diverse readership and appeal are essential features of this book.Examines mediated institutional talk and impoliteness in the Slovenian languageCovers mediated service interactions, such as requests and complaints across three different mediaProvides in-depth insights into communication within a contemporary business environment

  • af Lesley Jeffries
    899,95 - 988,95 kr.

  • af Lena Straßburger
    253,95 kr.

    Despite their opposite emotional effects, humor and horror are highly similar phenomena. They both can be traced back to (the detection, resolution, and emotional elaboration of) incongruities, understood as semantic violations through unexpected combinations of oppositional information. However, theoretical and experimental comparisons between humor and resolvable incongruities that elicit other emotions than exhilaration have been lacking so far. To gain more insights into the linguistic differences between humor and horror and the cognitive real-time processing of both, a main concern of this book is to discuss the transferability of linguistic humor theories to a systematic horror investigation and directly compare self-paced reading times (SPR), facial actions (FACS), and event-related brain potentials (ERP) of normed minimal quadruplets with frightening and humorous incongruities as well as (in)coherent stimuli. The results suggest that humor and horror share cognitive resources to detect and resolve incongruities. To better distinguish humor from neighboring phenomena, this book refines current humor theories by incorporating humor and horror in a cognitive incongruity processing model.

  • af Ulrike Schröder
    253,95 kr.

    The book deals with the important shift that has been heralded in cognitive linguistics from mere universal matters to cultural and situational variation. The discussions examine cognitive and cultural linguistics¿ theories in relation to the following areas of research: (i) metaphorical conceptualization; (ii) the influence of culture on metaphor, metonymy and conceptual blends; (iii) the impact of culture and cognition on metaphorical lexis; (iv) the interface of pragmatics and cognition when metaphor is studied in situ, that is, in face-to-face as well as in virtual multimodal interaction; (v) the application of insights from metaphorical conceptualizations to language teaching, and (vi) recent methods for revealing (inter)cultural metaphorical conceptualizations (corpus-based approaches, gesture studies, etc.). The book brings together cognitive, functional, and (inter)cultural approaches.

  • af Samuel Felder
    726,95 kr.

    Diese Studie soll dazu beitragen, den Sprachgebrauch einzelner Individuen als relevanten Forschungsgegenstand für die Linguistik auszuweisen. Durch die Analyse dialektaler Daten aus einem umfangreichen Korpus von WhatsApp-Textnachrichten werden neue Erkenntnisse zur intraindividuellen sprachlichen Variation gewonnen. Im Fokus stehen drei Themenbereiche, die innerhalb der soziolinguistischen Forschung von großer Relevanz sind: stilistische Variation, Akkommodation und Real-Time-Change. Die individuenzentrierten Fallanalysen zeigen, wie Variationsmuster dazu dienen, soziale Bedeutungen in die Interaktion einzubringen, wie sich Personen, die miteinander kommunizieren, in ihrem Sprachgebrauch aneinander angleichen und wie sich individuelle sprachliche Muster im Laufe der Zeit verändern.

  • af Christian Kux
    524,94 kr.

    Welche Auswirkungen haben Domäne, Zeitraum und Berufserfahrung auf das berufliche Schreibverhalten von Ingenieuren? Basierend auf der Analyse von Experteninterviews, die über einen Zeitraum von 18 Jahren in den Bereichen Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft durchgeführt wurden, zeigt die Studie eine deutliche ausgeprägte Domänenspezifik. Die Art des Schreibens verändert sich im Laufe der Zeit unterschiedlich intensiv und schnell, abhängig von der jeweiligen Fachrichtung. Dabei sind die Veränderungen in wirtschaftlichen Bereichen stärker ausgeprägt als in wissenschaftlichen. Gleichzeitig beeinflusst die berufliche Erfahrung das Schreibverhalten maßgeblich, jedoch variieren diese Auswirkungen je nach Fachgebiet. Des Weiteren werden disruptive Ereignisse wie die Corona-Pandemie betrachtet, die nicht nur negative Konsequenzen haben, sondern auch die Entstehung neuer Entwicklungen begünstigen oder die Beschleunigung bzw. Hemmung von Entwicklungstrends bewirken können.

  • af Anita Memi¿evi¿
    493,95 kr.

    Linguistic research has always, either explicitly or implicitly, dealt with the interaction of linguistic phenomena and extralinguistic reality. Whether we are talking about targeted analyses of the nature of their interaction or whether this interaction is implied and taken for granted, linguistics has always been interested in its dynamics and manifestations. Thanks to the abundance of communicative channels (primarily those enabled/afforded by the electronic media) that modern society employs to satisfy its communication needs, the interaction between linguistic phenomena and the extralinguistic reality is becoming richer and more diversified. This is the reason why the 2020 Croatian Applied Linguistics Conference was precisely dedicated to this topic.

  • af Amber Lancaster
    1.028,95 kr.

    Designers can create stronger products by considering multiple users with varied perspectives and thus create balance, termed equilibriUX, in their designs.

  • af Daniela Francesca Virdis
    899,95 kr.

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