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Biografier: erhvervsliv og industri

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  • af Darla-Jane Gilroy
    137,95 kr.

  • af Satya Nadella
    187,95 kr.

    ?At the core, Hit Refresh, is about us humans and the unique quality we call empathy, which will become ever more valuable in a world where the torrent of technology will disrupt the status quo like never before.? ? Satya Nadella from Hit Refresh?Satya has charted a course for making the most of the opportunities created by technology while also facing up to the hard questions.? ? Bill Gates from the Foreword of Hit Refresh The New York Times bestseller Hit Refresh is about individual change, about the transformation happening inside of Microsoft and the technology that will soon impact all of our lives?the arrival of the most exciting and disruptive wave of technology humankind has experienced: artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and quantum computing. It's about how people, organizations, and societies can and must transform and ?hit refresh? in their persistent quest for new energy, new ideas, and continued relevance and renewal. Microsoft's CEO tells the inside story of the company's continuing transformation, tracing his own personal journey from a childhood in India to leading some of the most significant technological changes in the digital era. Satya Nadella explores a fascinating childhood before immigrating to the U.S. and how he learned to lead along the way. He then shares his meditations as a sitting CEO?one who is mostly unknown following the brainy Bill Gates and energetic Steve Ballmer. He tells the inside story of how a company rediscovered its soul?transforming everything from culture to their fiercely competitive landscape and industry partnerships. As much a humanist as engineer and executive, Nadella concludes with his vision for the coming wave of technology and by exploring the potential impact to society and delivering call to action for world leaders. ?Ideas excite me,? Nadella explains. ?Empathy grounds and centers me.? Hit Refresh is a set of reflections, meditations, and recommendations presented as algorithms from a principled, deliberative leader searching for improvement?for himself, for a storied company, and for society.

  • af Tilar J Mazzeo
    274,95 kr.

    The story of the visionary young widow who built a champagne empire, showed the world how to live with style, and emerged a legendVeuve Clicquot champagne epitomizes glamour, style, and luxury. But who was this young widow?the Veuve Clicquot?whose champagne sparkled at the courts of France, Britain, and Russia, and how did she rise to celebrity and fortune?In The Widow Clicquot, Tilar J. Mazzeo brings to life?for the first time?the fascinating woman behind the iconic yellow label: Barbe-Nicole Clicquot Ponsardin. A young witness to the dramatic events of the French Revolution and a new widow during the chaotic years of the Napoleonic Wars, Barbe-Nicole defied convention by assuming?after her husband's death?the reins of the fledgling wine business they had nurtured. Steering the company through dizzying political and financial reversals, she became one of the world's first great businesswomen and one of the richest women of her time. Although the Widow Clicquot is still a legend in her native France, her story has never been told in all its richness?until now. Painstakingly researched and elegantly written, The Widow Clicquot provides a glimpse into the life of a woman who arranged clandestine and perilous champagne deliveries to Russia one day and entertained Napoléon and Joséphine Bonaparte on another. She was a daring and determined entrepreneur, a bold risk taker, and an audacious and intelligent woman who took control of her own destiny when fate left her on the brink of financial ruin. Her legacy lives on today, not simply through the famous product that still bears her name, but now through Mazzeo's finely crafted book. As much a fascinating journey through the process of making this temperamental wine as a biography of a uniquely tempered woman, The Widow Clicquot is utterly intoxicating.

  • af Alice Schroeder
    267,95 kr.

  • - Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and the Company that Made the Modern Internet
    af Jimmy Soni
    105,95 - 185,95 kr.

    The gripping inside story of Paypal, the company that created the digital age as we know it.

  • af Werner Valeur
    257,95 kr.

    En serieiværksætters succeshistorie – og hvad du kan lære af den.Mange prøver lykken som iværksættere, men få driver det så vidt som til at sælge deres virksomhed for mange millioner. I 2019 lykkedes det for serieiværksætteren Werner Valeur, da han solgte regnskabsprogrammet Billy og opnåede den ultimative økonomiske frihed.’Fra Madpakker Til Millioner’ er den hudløst ærlige fortælling om et liv som kompromisløs iværksætter med alt, hvad det indebærer – både når det går godt, og når det går dårligt. Derfor er bogen ikke kun en fortælling om at skabe en succesfuld virksomhed, det er også en fortælling om alle de ofre og tab, der følger med.

  • - VED UDSOLGT HENVISER VI TIL 9788711991220
    af Peter Harmsen
    137,95 - 235,95 kr.

    Laurits Andersen var en dansk-kinesisk tobakskonge og en fremtrædende erhvervsmand i Kina fra 1884 og til sin død i 1928. Han blev direktør for det amerikanske handelsfirma Mustard & Co i Shanghai, som introducerede maskinfremstillede cigaretter i Kina i slutningen af 1800-tallet, hvor cigaretter var på vej til at opnå enorm popularitet i andre dele af verden. Han blev kendt i sit hjemland i slutningen af sit liv, da han donerede en formue til ombygningen af Nationalmuseet, hvor han var kommet som dreng. Da han døde i 1928 - ti år før museet blev genindviet - havde han etableret en fond, hvor hans arv blev placeret. Laurits Andersens Fond eksisterer stadig med hovedformålet at fremme dansk handel og industri med særlig fokus på Kina.Laurits Andersen (1849-1928) voksede op i landsbyen Ømosen mellem Tikøb og Helsingør. Udlært som klejnsmed i København. Bosat i Østen fra 1870 og til sin død i 1928. Laurits Andersen står tilbage som en rollemodel, der havde modet til at søge lykken udenlands, og som med gåpåmod, stor arbejdsindsats og viljestyrke nåede til tops i en international virksomhed.

  • - A Life
    af Oliver Sacks
    105,95 kr.

    When Oliver Sacks was twelve years old, a perceptive schoolmaster wrote in his report: 'Sacks will go far, if he does not go too far'. It is now abundantly clear that Sacks has never stopped going. From its opening pages on his youthful obsession with motorcycles and speed, On the Move is infused with his restless energy. As he recounts his experiences as a young neurologist in the early 1960s, first in California and then in New York, where he discovered a long-forgotten illness in the back wards of a chronic hospital, as well as with a group of patients who would define his life, it becomes clear that Sacks's earnest desire for engagement has occasioned unexpected encounters and travels - sending him through bars and alleys, over oceans, and across continents.With unbridled honesty and humour, Sacks shows us that the same energy that drives his physical passions - bodybuilding, weightlifting, and swimming - also drives his cerebral passions. He writes about his love affairs, both romantic and intellectual, his guilt over leaving his family to come to America, his bond with his schizophrenic brother, and the writers and scientists - Thom Gunn, A. R. Luria, W. H. Auden, Gerald M. Edelman, Francis Crick - who influenced him.On the Move is the story of a brilliantly unconventional physician and writer - and of the man who has illuminated the many ways that the brain makes us human.

  • - En usædvanlig vinkel på forretning
    af Carsten Graff
    177,95 kr.

    Peter havde en drøm om at være fri til at bestemme sin løn, til at arbejde når han havde lyst og til at bestemme hvem han skulle arbejde sammen med. Hans drøm blev en realitet og i dag er han i den absolutte elite inden for sit felt. Drømmene er ikke aftaget – tværtimod. Nu handler det om milliarderne, om at indtage verden og om at gøre mange tusinde mennesker frie som han selv. Dette er et både morsomt og ærligt portræt af en af tidens succesrige forretningsmænd, som enten vil virke forløsende eller stærkt provokerende. Følg med når Peter rundhåndet deler ud af sine tanker om at være fri – både i følelser og i økonomi. I en let og ufiltreret form fortæller Peter, hvordan han har kunnet få mennesker til at udvikles, imens de samledes om en sag. Ud over dette kan man læse, hvordan han gik fra at være utilpasset og ordblind til at realisere sine vildeste drømme – hvorfor fattigdom er en unødig luksus – hvorfor rigdom kræver en høj grad af selvindsigt – hvorfor man aldrig bør anskaffe sig et vækkeur og om hvordan Peter giftede sig med sin kæreste for at få forretningsmæssig succes. Bogen er skrevet af filosoffen Carsten Graff på baggrund af en række samtaler med Peter og de mennesker, som er omkring ham. Bogen er også krydret med en række af Graffs skæve vinkler på livet, som for eksempel hans ide om at dyrke egoisme som en livsfilosofi.

  • - Fra enevælde til konkurrencestat
    af Kurt Jacobsen
    218,95 - 282,95 kr.

    Dette er historien om de professioner, der udgør fundamentet for det danske velfærdssamfund, frem til stiftelsen af Københavns Professionshøjskole 1. marts 2018. Fra oprettelsen af jordemoderuddannelsen i 1789 bliver det fortællingen om udviklingen fra enevælden og frem til vore dages velfærds- og konkurrencestat – med uddannelser og professionsudvikling som prisme. Gennem de 230 år skabes, udvikles, opløses og sammenlægges uddannelsesinstitutioner på baggrund af politiske beslutninger, private initiativer anført af store personligheder og sociale bevægelser og foreninger.Historien viser, hvordan uddannelserne er knyttet til både fremskridt og tilbageslag, til brud og kontinuitet i vores fælles samfundshistorie. Velfærdsuddannelser kaster et nyt og anderledes lys på velfærdsstatens opkomst og udvikling frem til i dag, hvor en del af uddannelserne befinder sig i en krise med dalende søgning og kritik for manglende kvalitet.

  • af Sarah Steinitz
    274,95 kr.

    Hvorfor er der ikke flere kvinder i toppen af et af verdens mest ligestillede samfund?Sarah Steinitz, ekspert i magt og magtfordeling, giver i denne bog spørgsmålet videre til fire af Danmarks mest indflydelsesrige kvinder. Fire kvinder, der fra hver sit udsigtspunkt på toppen af samfundspyramiden taler med stor vægt og erfaring i bagagen. Merete Eldrup, bestyrelsesformand for bl.a. Nykredit og Københavns Universitet. Lizette Risgaard, formand for Fagbevægelsens Hovedorganisation og forhandlingsleder for 1,4 millioner danske lønmodtagere. Karen Hækkerup, tidligere minister og direktør i Landbrug og Fødevarer, nu generalsekretær i Unicef. Mai-Britt Poulsen, managing director, senior partner og global chief of staff i et af verdens største konsulenthuse, Boston Consulting Group.De fire magtfulde kvinder mødtes i sommeren 2020 for at tale om deres karriereveje. Om valg og fravalg i livet, forestillinger og fordomme, oplevelser og overvejelser. Og om hvordan fremtiden kan komme til at se ud for kvinder, der har talent og knokler for at gøre karriere.Den indsigtsfulde og inspirerende samtale, der kom ud af møderne, kan du opleve i bogen her. Hvad enten du er ung kvinde i starten af din karriere, ældre mand på toppen af din karriere eller et sted midtimellem, kan du tage bogens pointer med dig.

  • af John K. Winkler
    227,95 kr.

  • - Fem kvindelige ledere fortæller
    af Dorothee Gnaedinger
    270,95 kr.

    Har du nogensinde tænkt over, om du kan få det hele? At stræbe efter en lederposition vil være en rejse fuld af op- og nedture, og du vil regelmæssigt befinde dig uden for din komfortzone og skulle træffe vanskelige beslutninger. Når du er usikker og tvivler på, hvad du skal gøre næste gang, kan denne bog være din hjælpende hånd. Den giver dig indblik i, hvad du realistisk set kan forvente, og drøfter de komplekse valg, du skal træffe, mens du klatrer op ad karrierestigen. I bogen deler fem kvindelige ledere deres rejse mod toppen. De giver et indblik i deres virkelige liv, deler de historier fra ledelsesgangen, som man sjældent hører om – med det formål at bryde tabuer. Trods deres forskellige karriererejser har de alle stået med de samme udfordringer i deres professionelle og private liv. De fortæller deres historie for at lade dig vide, at du ikke er alene. Og for at forberede dig på at møde nogle af de samme udfordringer, de har stået over for. Uanset om du lige er begyndt på din karriererejse, føler dig fastlåst på din nuværende karrierevej eller bare har brug for et grin med ligesindede, vil denne bog fungere som en mentor og en ven. Den er din følgesvend og vil være relevant under hvert trin af dit arbejdsliv. Flere kvinder kan og bør indtage en rolle som CEO!

  • af Brian Bakeberg
    197,95 kr.

    Embarking on an exhilarating voyage through the tumultuous seas of rationality, Sailing the Storm of Logic delves into the captivating narrative of Brian Bakeberg's life. A serial entrepreneur, he has triumphed over the hurdles of both corporate and small-scale industries. Brian's unique prowess in shaping perspectives and steering logical thinking serves as the driving force behind his unconventional approach.In Sailing the Storm of Logic, he unveils his business exploits, highlighting his enduring capacity to influence logic in various domains. A true maverick, Brian continually pushes boundaries and challenges conventional thinking. The book invites readers to be inspired by his extraordinary journey, offering valuable lessons on embracing logic, defying conventions and unleashing your power within; your ability to achieve genuine greatness.In the words of Shay McConnon, psychologist and keynote speaker, 'Sailing the Storm of Logic provides the reader with a rare insight into the author's journey to personal fulfilment. It Is full of practical gems, insights and behaviours to assist all those people who seek personal fulfilment.'

  • af Augusten Burroughs
    163,95 kr.

    From the author of the runaway New York Times bestseller RUNNING WITH SCISSORS comes its sequel, a hilarious, dark and twisted memoir of young adulthood.

  • af Tim Smith
    143,95 kr.

    This is the first biography of Joe Hobbs, one of the great characters of the whisky industry. Written with the support and encouragement of Joe's surviving family members in the UK and Canada and sharing family history and memorabilia not made public before, the book provides a thoroughly researched review of all aspects of Joe's life.

  • af Matthew B Crawford
    337,95 kr.

    A brilliant and defiant celebration of driving as a unique pathway of human freedom, by "one of the most influential thinkers of our time" (Sunday Times)"Why We Drive weaves philosophers, thinkers, and scientific research with shade-tree mechanics and racers to defend our right to independence, making the case that freedom of motion is essential to who we are as a species. ... We hope you'll read it." ?Road & TrackOnce we were drivers, the open road alive with autonomy, adventure, danger, trust, and speed. Today we are as likely to be in the back seat of an Uber as behind the wheel ourselves. Tech giants are hurling us toward a shiny, happy ?self-driving? future, selling utopia but equally keen to advertise to a captive audience strapped into another expensive device. Are we destined, then, to become passengers, not drivers? Why We Drive reveals that much more may be at stake than we might think.Ten years ago, in the New York Times-bestselling Shop Class as Soulcraft, philosopher-mechanic Matthew B. Crawford?a University of Chicago PhD who owned his own motorcycle shop?made a revolutionary case for manual labor, one that ran headlong against the pretentions of white-collar office work. Now, using driving as a window through which to view the broader changes wrought by technology on all aspects of contemporary life, Crawford investigates the driver's seat as one of the few remaining domains of skill, exploration, play?and freedom. Blending philosophy and hands-on storytelling, Crawford grounds the narrative in his own experience in the garage and behind the wheel, recounting his decade-long restoration of a vintage Volkswagen as well as his journeys to thriving automotive subcultures across the country. Crawford leads us on an irreverent but deeply considered inquiry into the power of faceless bureaucracies, the importance of questioning mindless rules, and the battle for democratic self-determination against the surveillance capitalists. A meditation on the competence of ordinary people, Why We Drive explores the genius of our everyday practices on the road, the rewards of ?folk engineering,? and the existential value of occasionally being scared shitless.Witty and ingenious throughout, Why We Drive is a rebellious and daring celebration of the irrepressible human spirit.

  • - Et portræt af Claus Jensen
    af Martin Flink
    297,95 kr.

    Claus Jensen – formand for Dansk Metal – er udnævnt til Danmarks mest magtfulde mand, den person i Danmark, der har mest indflydelse på dansk økonomi og arbejdsmarked.Det stod ikke svejset i jern, at Claus Jensen skulle befinde sig i midt i magten. Fra sit middelklassehjem på Fyn fulgte han i sin far og farfars fodspor og blev som tusindvis af andre unge mænd uddannet smed på Odense Stålskibsværft.Han var hverken optændt af en faglig flamme eller politisk ideologi, men en blanding nysgerrighed, evner og tilfældigheder gjorde, at han kom ind i fagbevægelsen. Her arbejdede han sig op, og i 2012 overtog han posten som formand for Dansk Metal. Og med den post følger magt. Meget magt. ?Claus Jensen er en uomgængelig person, når der skal træffes store beslutninger i det politiske og organisatoriske Danmark. Han er som hovedforhandler for 600.000 privatansatte en central figur på det danske arbejdsmarked, og som medlem af et væld af råd, nævn, kommissioner og bestyrelser er hans netværk og indflydelse enestående i dansk erhvervsliv.?Modsat sin magt, netværk og indflydelse er metalformanden med det pæredanske navn dog langt fra en person, der vækker genkendelse i den brede befolkning.Men det burde han. Bogen her er Martin Flinks historie om ham.

    201,95 kr.

    REIMAGINE REWIRE RETIREAre you seeking inspiration on how to create a happier and more fulfilled life?Dive into the authentic and compelling life stories of individuals such as Dragon's Den star Norah Casey, Irish International Rugby Icon Jamie Heaslip and many more.Global mentor and life coach, Val Quinn, curates a powerful collection of real life stories from inspirational people around the world who have transformed their lives with courage, determination and resilience.Join them as they navigate the daily challenges and opportunities that resonate with all of us on our life journeys. Gain valuable insights through the myriad of experiences shared within these pages and let us inspire you toCREATE YOUR BEST LIFE

  • af Sam Wyly
    212,95 kr.

  • af Oscar Demande
    109,95 kr.

    Due in large part to the present surge in popularity of home-based enterprises, outsourcing has also gained a lot of traction. Individuals seeking to expand their home-based businesses depend on outsourcing as a means of finding qualified collaborators.Simultaneously, even big businesses are contracting out significant portions of their labour to foreign experts.Outsourcing would not have become as common as it is now if there weren't some very significant benefits involved.This book explains how to outsource your company and increase productivity multiple times over.

  • af Tony Horsley
    182,95 kr.

    Gateway to America is a memoir recounting experiences and key events from the onset of 1939's World War II in the UK and Europe, to beyond the coronavirus pandemic of the 2020s in the USA and worldwide. Included are many business and personal events, ideas, and useful solutions: how to make movies, managing retail chains, pension planning, making clear ice, surviving a lion safari, and many more!This is not a textbook but rather a recapitulation of personal and business happenings, military service, adventures, successes, failures, and learning experiences of a lifetime in the United Kingdom, Malaya, and North America.Discussed in detail are important guidelines for all entrepreneurs: wealth generation strategies, stock market and real estate investing, creating and launching a new business, writing a business plan, and how to register and trademark your brand.Narrative is provided on the author's hands-on support and relationships with several major retailers in the United States, Canada, and the UK. He identifies challenging and many successful sales and marketing initiatives used to acquire, manage, and support national and regional store operations.Photographs, QR codes, and websites are shown throughout the book, providing videos, exhibits, and documents. Instructions are also included on how to produce QR codes.The book details some of the author's accomplishments and failures. They are designed as positive learning and creative examples, not boastful talk!

  • af Vahan Janjigian
    252,95 kr.

  • af Lisa Toth
    212,95 kr.

    In The Secrets of the Hidden Workforce, Lisa Toth tells readers her story of falling in love with a population of people often overlooked and under valued. Toth not only saw value in the differently-abled, but also their potential to bring something society needed to the table. Always one to root for the underdog, she saw a way she could help by identifying the right jobs and find onramps for them to join the workforce. Toth created a staffing agency to do just this - help this gifted group of people find work that they can be proud of and find fufilling. The book is written in a memoir style, full of stories and lessons learned. Be prepared to be inspired as you learn about the good, the bad and the ugly. Toth shares it all with refreshing honesty, while making a compelling case for embracing diversity and inclusivity for this often underemployed population.

  • af Leeza Gibbons
    197,95 kr.

    Excited About TodaySay YesLove Your Haters Get Back UP Use This MomentIn our winner-take-all culture filled with divisive rhetoric, snarky headlines, and ruthless business practices, Celebrity Apprentice winner and beloved former host of Entertainment Tonight Leeza Gibbons stands apart from the pack. For more than four decades, the Hollywood insider has been guided by a unique set of principles that have shaped her career and helped her come out on top even in the most difficult of circumstances. Now the entertainment industry powerhouse, mother of three, and entrepreneur who can ?stump Trump? shares her strategies for navigating everything from backstabbing in the boardroom to betrayal in the bedroom. With candor, wisdom, and heart, Leeza's revealing stories will show you how to drop the drama, recover from heartache, and keep your eyes on the prize and win.?You lead with kindness. . . . You really have tremendous talent and tremendous leadership.??Donald Trump, Celebrity Apprentice

  • af Walter Owen Bentley
    187,95 kr.

    The Cars in My Life, first published in 1963, was authored by car manufacturer Walter Owen ("W. O.") Bentley (1888-1971). Considered by many to be Britain's most distinguished car designer, he founded Bentley Motors in 1919, and led the marque to multiple victories at the 24 Hours of Le Mans. After selling his namesake company to Rolls-Royce Limited in 1931, he was employed as a designer for Lagonda, Aston Martin, and Armstrong Siddeley. Bentley was especially noted for his designs of high performance motors, such as the 3 liter Bentley and V12 Lagonda. As Bentley writes: "The Cars in My Life is a book of theories and opinions, a hotch-potch of ideas on motor cars, motoring and the motor industry. I also say something about the cars I have known, some of the cars for which I have been responsible, and even some of the cars which never came to anything. Stirred into the stew as spice, are a few theories on the principle of motor car design and something about the people I have known in the world of motoring."

  • af Steven L. Pease
    232,95 - 492,95 kr.

  • af Gráinne McNamara
    182,95 kr.

    Why does the corporate world consider innovation a disruption? How can companies adapt to the massive changes happening in technology and culture? What if the solutions to the problems they face can already be found in the nonprofit and entrepreneurial communities?In the face of emerging technology like AI and postpandemic cultural shifts, companies find themselves amid an existential crisis, focused on the risks instead of the rewards. But what if the answer to these so-called disruptions is Rotation?Like the ancient wisdom that brought forth the wheel, innovative Rotation lends itself to a more frictionless path to human and economic prosperity. In ROTATE: How Five Women Are Rewriting the Story of Business, author Gráinne McNamara takes readers on a journey to discover a philosophy of transformation that is both timeless and infinite.McNamara combines insights from thirty years in corporate finance and technology infrastructure, organic innovation from nonprofit and minority communities, and groundbreaking entrepreneurial ingenuity. McNamara uncovers the skills that can unleash human genius more holistically and inclusively than the current models. You're invited to experience this New Renaissance through the stories of five intrepid women who embody the skills of Rotation:Narrative-Dr. Cheryl Wood Strategy-Katie Nowak Human-Centered Design-Swin Huang Engineering-Zino Haro Building Ecosystems-Torin Darling BrazzleROTATE is an exploration of a generative philosophy that combines individual, communal, and corporate transformation. In the New Renaissance of the modern world, art, science, and the human spirit join together as a prismatic light illuminating the way into the future. Through the power of Rotation, McNamara proposes a bold way for individuals and companies to become generative in both thought and action.It's time to write the history of the future.

  • af Sara Larson
    102,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative odyssey into the radiant realms of online entrepreneurship with this enchanting guide tailored for the spirited entrepreneur. Delve into the wisdom of crafting and nurturing a 6-figure online empire, guided by the graceful hand of feminine insight. From choosing the right business model to unleashing the magic of traffic generation, each chapter weaves a tapestry of practical advice with a touch of elegance. Join the dance of action, armed with newfound knowledge, and let your online venture blossom into a majestic symphony of success. May the digital winds carry the whispers of your triumph far and wide. Illuminate your path and step into the luminous world of 6-figure dreams and beyond.

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