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Biografier: erhvervsliv og industri

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  • - VED UDSOLGT HENVISER VI TIL 9788711991220
    af Peter Harmsen
    138,95 - 235,95 kr.

    Laurits Andersen var en dansk-kinesisk tobakskonge og en fremtrædende erhvervsmand i Kina fra 1884 og til sin død i 1928. Han blev direktør for det amerikanske handelsfirma Mustard & Co i Shanghai, som introducerede maskinfremstillede cigaretter i Kina i slutningen af 1800-tallet, hvor cigaretter var på vej til at opnå enorm popularitet i andre dele af verden. Han blev kendt i sit hjemland i slutningen af sit liv, da han donerede en formue til ombygningen af Nationalmuseet, hvor han var kommet som dreng. Da han døde i 1928 - ti år før museet blev genindviet - havde han etableret en fond, hvor hans arv blev placeret. Laurits Andersens Fond eksisterer stadig med hovedformålet at fremme dansk handel og industri med særlig fokus på Kina.Laurits Andersen (1849-1928) voksede op i landsbyen Ømosen mellem Tikøb og Helsingør. Udlært som klejnsmed i København. Bosat i Østen fra 1870 og til sin død i 1928. Laurits Andersen står tilbage som en rollemodel, der havde modet til at søge lykken udenlands, og som med gåpåmod, stor arbejdsindsats og viljestyrke nåede til tops i en international virksomhed.

  • - En usædvanlig vinkel på forretning
    af Carsten Graff
    177,95 kr.

    Peter havde en drøm om at være fri til at bestemme sin løn, til at arbejde når han havde lyst og til at bestemme hvem han skulle arbejde sammen med. Hans drøm blev en realitet og i dag er han i den absolutte elite inden for sit felt. Drømmene er ikke aftaget – tværtimod. Nu handler det om milliarderne, om at indtage verden og om at gøre mange tusinde mennesker frie som han selv.Dette er et både morsomt og ærligt portræt af en af tidens succesrige forretningsmænd, som enten vil virke forløsende eller stærkt provokerende. Følg med når Peter rundhåndet deler ud af sine tanker om at være fri – både i følelser og i økonomi. I en let og ufiltreret form fortæller Peter, hvordan han har kunnet få mennesker til at udvikles, imens de samledes om en sag. Ud over dette kan man læse, hvordan han gik fra at være utilpasset og ordblind til at realisere sine vildeste drømme – hvorfor fattigdom er en unødig luksus – hvorfor rigdom kræver en høj grad af selvindsigt – hvorfor man aldrig bør anskaffe sig et vækkeur og om hvordan Peter giftede sig med sin kæreste for at få forretningsmæssig succes.Bogen er skrevet af filosoffen Carsten Graff på baggrund af en række samtaler med Peter og de mennesker, som er omkring ham. Bogen er også krydret med en række af Graffs skæve vinkler på livet, som for eksempel hans ide om at dyrke egoisme som en livsfilosofi.

  • - En bog om hvad der er vigtigt i livet
    af Stine Buje
    195,95 - 230,95 kr.

    Der er så meget lærdom og erfaring at hente hos de generationer, som vi står på skuldrene af. I GAMMELKLOG fortæller 15 danskere over 70 om de valg, der har været med til at forme deres liv. Hvad har betydet noget for dem? Hvordan har de håndteret udfordringer? Hvad ville de have gjort anderledes? Hvordan ser de på samtiden? Hver især deler de også et leveråd, som har været afgørende for dem.Medvirkende: Bertel Haarder, Sonja Oppenhagen, Søren Kragh-Jacobsen, Ditlev Tamm, Poul Nesgaard, Marianne Jelved, Christian Busch, Pia Tafdrup, Knud Foldschack, Lisbet Dahl, Susanne Larsen, Mette Fugl, Ida Nicolaisen, Flemming Enevold, Ole Hartling.STINE BUJE (f. 1982) er prisvindende forfatter til en række bøger med livet og døden i centrum. Hun er også debattør, foredragsholder og podcastvært. Hun er uddannet cand.comm. fra Roskilde Universitet og medlem af repræsentantskabet i Landsforeningen Liv&Død.

  • - Opvækst, ungdom, uddannelse og familie, 1945-2024
    af Ole Stokholm Jepsen
    127,95 kr.

    Ole Stokholm Jepsen fortæller i denne bog om sin baggrund, som har været grundlaget for det arbejde og de erfaringer, han har skrevet om i bogen ”En finger i jorden”, og om at have familien med til arbejdsopgaver i Kenya, Etiopien, Botswana og Nepal. Han fortæller om sin opvækst i Lemvig sammen med sinetre brødre. Han var tidligt bevidst om, at han ville have den højeste uddannelse indenfor landbruget, og at han gerne ville ud i verden. Familien på begge sider havde rødder i landbruget i Vestjylland. På faderens side havde der været familie i Hjemgårde tæt på Hjem stationsby i over 400 år, og på moderens side var det især tiptipoldefaderen, Ole Christian Christensen Kirk, som havde gjort indtryk, da han i1848 havde været en af de 152 medlemmer af Den Grundlovgivende Rigsforsamling, som vedtog Grundloven. Efter realeksamen arbejde Ole på tre forskellige landbrugsbedrifter, var på Hammerum Landbrugsskole og derefter på Landbohøjskolen på Frederiksberg, hvor han blev færdig som agronom i sommeren 1970.Ole rejste til Kenya i efteråret 1970 i et ansættelsesforhold med FAO. Dette blev starten på et arbejdsliv på mere end50 år, hovedsageligt i Afrika, Asien og Mellemøsten, medfokus på at forbedre levevilkårene for befolkningerne i samklang med naturen. Ole havde fundet sin Vivi og Kim i København i 1970, og i1971 rejste de til Kenya, hvor Vivi og Ole blev gift. Vivi og Kim var med i Etiopien fra 1973 til 1975, og efter at Jakob blev født i 1976, var han med i Botswana 1978 til 1982. Maja kom til i 1987 og var med i Nepal fra 1988 til 1992.I de sidste mange år har familien haft bopæl i Gilleleje, hvor børn og børnebørn har været flittige gæster.

  • - Ti ansigter på nutidig ledelse
    af Jørgen Kvist
    248,95 kr.

    FØDT LEDER - TI ANSIGTER PÅ NUTIDIG LEDELSE er en ledelsesbog af Jørgen Kvist. Bogen er til dig, der er leder og har brug for ny inspiration. Dig, der overvejer at blive leder. Dig, der ikke orker at læse flere teoretiske ledelsesbøger. Dig, der har brug for ferielæsning eller en receptionsgave.Ti visionære ledere deler deres unikke bud på, hvad der er god ledelse, og hvad der skaber resultater. De kender teorierne og udlever dem i praksis. Fra hver deres kontekst gør de sig refleksioner over deres handlinger og deler ud af erfaringer. Gennem ti dybdegående samtaler får vi sat ansigter på overvejelser og dilemmaer i lederrollen. På tværs af sektorer og personligheder er de ti ledere enige om, at ledelse er at have menneskers (arbejds)liv i sine hænder. Men hvordan lever man op til det ansvar i praksis?Med ”Født leder” får du en masterclass i lederskab gennem de livlige erfaringer og indsigter fra ledere inden for civilsamfundet, den offentlige sektor, og den private sektor. En unik chance for at lære af de mest engagerede og inspirerende ledere uden de store omkostninger ved en formel uddannelse.”Født leder” bryder med traditionelle ledelsesbøger ved at fokusere på det praktiske og etiske i ledelse. Den er et must-have for enhver, der er fascineret af ledelse og ønsker at dykke ned i autentiske ledelseserfaringer. Det er en kilde til inspiration for enhver, der søger at udvikle sit lederskab.Ledelse er ofte tørt stof. Her er det tilgængeligt med personer, ansigter og erfaringer i et lettilgængeligt format. I en lækker og smuk bog, hvor der er super billeder og en grafik, der er kælet for.Kendte og mindre kendte ledere, der alle har ansvarsfulde positioner i forskellige kontekster, medvirker i bogen. Det gælder bl.a. Lea Korsgaard (Zetland), Torben D. Nyholm (Arla Foods), Charlotte B. Thomassen (DGI), Henriette Laursen (KVINFO) m.fl.

  • af Sarah Steinitz
    297,95 kr.

    Hvorfor er der ikke flere kvinder i toppen af et af verdens mest ligestillede samfund?Sarah Steinitz, ekspert i magt og magtfordeling, giver i denne bog spørgsmålet videre til fire af Danmarks mest indflydelsesrige kvinder. Fire kvinder, der fra hver sit udsigtspunkt på toppen af samfundspyramiden taler med stor vægt og erfaring i bagagen. Merete Eldrup, bestyrelsesformand for bl.a. Nykredit og Københavns Universitet. Lizette Risgaard, formand for Fagbevægelsens Hovedorganisation og forhandlingsleder for 1,4 millioner danske lønmodtagere. Karen Hækkerup, tidligere minister og direktør i Landbrug og Fødevarer, nu generalsekretær i Unicef. Mai-Britt Poulsen, managing director, senior partner og global chief of staff i et af verdens største konsulenthuse, Boston Consulting Group.De fire magtfulde kvinder mødtes i sommeren 2020 for at tale om deres karriereveje. Om valg og fravalg i livet, forestillinger og fordomme, oplevelser og overvejelser. Og om hvordan fremtiden kan komme til at se ud for kvinder, der har talent og knokler for at gøre karriere.Den indsigtsfulde og inspirerende samtale, der kom ud af møderne, kan du opleve i bogen her. Hvad enten du er ung kvinde i starten af din karriere, ældre mand på toppen af din karriere eller et sted midtimellem, kan du tage bogens pointer med dig.

  • - Fem kvindelige ledere fortæller
    af Dorothee Gnaedinger
    127,95 - 287,95 kr.

    Har du nogensinde spekuleret på, om du kan få det hele? At gå efter en ledende stilling vil være en rejse fuld af op- og nedture, og du vil jævnligt være ude af din komfortzone og skulle træffe svære beslutninger. Når du er usikker og tvivler på, hvad du skal gøre nu, kan denne bog være din hjælpende hånd. Den giver dig indsigt i, hvad du realistisk kan forvente, og diskuterer de komplekse valg, du skal træffe, når du klatrer op ad karrierestigen.Denne bog fortæller, hvordan fem kvindelige administrerende direktører har gjort det. Det giver indsigt i deres virkelige liv. Ved at dele de typisk ufortalte historier håber de at bryde tabuer.På trods af alle deres forskelligheder har de haft lignende udfordringer i deres professionelle og private liv. Og det er her, du skal blive ved med at læse. De er her for at fortælle dig, at du ikke er alene, og for at forberede dig til at møde nogle af de samme kampe, som de har stået over for.Uanset om du lige er begyndt på din arbejdslivsrejse, sidder lidt fast på din nuværende karrierevej, eller bare har brug for et grin med en ligesindet, vil denne bog tjene som en mentor og en ven.Denne bog er din følgesvend og vil være relevant under alle trin i dit arbejdsliv.Flere kvinder kan påtage sig en rolle som CEO!

  • af Brian Bakeberg
    196,95 kr.

    Embarking on an exhilarating voyage through the tumultuous seas of rationality, Sailing the Storm of Logic delves into the captivating narrative of Brian Bakeberg's life. A serial entrepreneur, he has triumphed over the hurdles of both corporate and small-scale industries. Brian's unique prowess in shaping perspectives and steering logical thinking serves as the driving force behind his unconventional approach.In Sailing the Storm of Logic, he unveils his business exploits, highlighting his enduring capacity to influence logic in various domains. A true maverick, Brian continually pushes boundaries and challenges conventional thinking. The book invites readers to be inspired by his extraordinary journey, offering valuable lessons on embracing logic, defying conventions and unleashing your power within; your ability to achieve genuine greatness.In the words of Shay McConnon, psychologist and keynote speaker, 'Sailing the Storm of Logic provides the reader with a rare insight into the author's journey to personal fulfilment. It Is full of practical gems, insights and behaviours to assist all those people who seek personal fulfilment.'

  • af Russ Buettner
    322,95 kr.

    An Instant New York Times Bestseller“A first-rate financial thriller . . . Lucky Loser is one of those rare Trump books that deserve, even demand, to be read.” –Alexander Nazaryan, The New York TimesFrom the Pulitzer Prize-winning reporters behind the 2018 bombshell New York Times exposé of then-President Trump’s finances, an explosive investigation into the history of Donald Trump’s wealth, revealing how one of the country’s biggest business failures lied his way into the White HouseSoon after announcing his first campaign for the US presidency, Donald J. Trump told a national television audience that life “has not been easy for me. It has not been easy for me.” Building on a narrative he had been telling for decades, he spun a hardscrabble fable of how he parlayed a small loan from his father into a multi-billion-dollar business and real estate empire. This feat, he argued, made him singularly qualified to lead the country. Except: None of it was true. Born to a rich father who made him the beneficiary of his own highly lucrative investments, Trump received the equivalent of more than $500 million today via means that required no business expertise whatsoever.Drawing on over twenty years’ worth of Trump’s confidential tax information, including the tax returns he tried to conceal, alongside business records and interviews with Trump insiders, New York Times investigative reporters Russ Buettner and Susanne Craig track Trump's financial rise and fall, and rise and fall again. For decades, he squanders his fortunes on money losing businesses, only to be saved yet again by financial serendipity. He tacks his name above the door of every building, while taking out huge loans he’ll never repay. He obsesses over appearances, while ignoring threats to the bottom line and mounting costly lawsuits against city officials. He tarnishes the value of his name by allowing anyone with a big enough check to use it, and cheats the television producer who not only rescues him from bankruptcy but casts him as a business savant – the public image that will carry him to the White House. A masterpiece of narrative reporting, Lucky Loser is a meticulous examination spanning nearly a century, filled with scoops from Trump Tower, Mar-a-Lago, Atlantic City, and the set of The Apprentice. At a moment when Trump’s tether to success and power is more precarious than ever, here for the first time is the definitive true accounting of Trump and his money – what he had, what he lost, and what he has left – and the final word on the myth of Trump, the self-made billionaire.

  • af Augusten Burroughs
    244,95 kr.

    From the author of the runaway New York Times bestseller RUNNING WITH SCISSORS comes its sequel, a hilarious, dark and twisted memoir of young adulthood.

  • af Tim Smith
    138,95 kr.

    This is the first biography of Joe Hobbs, one of the great characters of the whisky industry. Written with the support and encouragement of Joe's surviving family members in the UK and Canada and sharing family history and memorabilia not made public before, the book provides a thoroughly researched review of all aspects of Joe's life.

  • - Et portræt af Claus Jensen
    af Martin Flink
    115,95 - 252,95 kr.

    Claus Jensen – formand for Dansk Metal – er udnævnt til Danmarks mest magtfulde mand, den person i Danmark, der har mest indflydelse på dansk økonomi og arbejdsmarked.Det stod ikke svejset i jern, at Claus Jensen skulle befinde sig i midt i magten. Fra sit middelklassehjem på Fyn fulgte han i sin far og farfars fodspor og blev som tusindvis af andre unge mænd uddannet smed på Odense Stålskibsværft.Han var hverken optændt af en faglig flamme eller politisk ideologi, men en blanding nysgerrighed, evner og tilfældigheder gjorde, at han kom ind i fagbevægelsen. Her arbejdede han sig op, og i 2012 overtog han posten som formand for Dansk Metal. Og med den post følger magt. Meget magt. ?Claus Jensen er en uomgængelig person, når der skal træffes store beslutninger i det politiske og organisatoriske Danmark. Han er som hovedforhandler for 600.000 privatansatte en central figur på det danske arbejdsmarked, og som medlem af et væld af råd, nævn, kommissioner og bestyrelser er hans netværk og indflydelse enestående i dansk erhvervsliv.?Modsat sin magt, netværk og indflydelse er metalformanden med det pæredanske navn dog langt fra en person, der vækker genkendelse i den brede befolkning.Men det burde han. Bogen her er Martin Flinks historie om ham.

    237,95 kr.

    REIMAGINE REWIRE RETIREAre you seeking inspiration on how to create a happier and more fulfilled life?Dive into the authentic and compelling life stories of individuals such as Dragon's Den star Norah Casey, Irish International Rugby Icon Jamie Heaslip and many more.Global mentor and life coach, Val Quinn, curates a powerful collection of real life stories from inspirational people around the world who have transformed their lives with courage, determination and resilience.Join them as they navigate the daily challenges and opportunities that resonate with all of us on our life journeys. Gain valuable insights through the myriad of experiences shared within these pages and let us inspire you toCREATE YOUR BEST LIFE

  • af Oscar Demande
    107,95 kr.

    Due in large part to the present surge in popularity of home-based enterprises, outsourcing has also gained a lot of traction. Individuals seeking to expand their home-based businesses depend on outsourcing as a means of finding qualified collaborators.Simultaneously, even big businesses are contracting out significant portions of their labour to foreign experts.Outsourcing would not have become as common as it is now if there weren't some very significant benefits involved.This book explains how to outsource your company and increase productivity multiple times over.

  • af Walter Owen Bentley
    182,95 kr.

    The Cars in My Life, first published in 1963, was authored by car manufacturer Walter Owen ("W. O.") Bentley (1888-1971). Considered by many to be Britain's most distinguished car designer, he founded Bentley Motors in 1919, and led the marque to multiple victories at the 24 Hours of Le Mans. After selling his namesake company to Rolls-Royce Limited in 1931, he was employed as a designer for Lagonda, Aston Martin, and Armstrong Siddeley. Bentley was especially noted for his designs of high performance motors, such as the 3 liter Bentley and V12 Lagonda. As Bentley writes: "The Cars in My Life is a book of theories and opinions, a hotch-potch of ideas on motor cars, motoring and the motor industry. I also say something about the cars I have known, some of the cars for which I have been responsible, and even some of the cars which never came to anything. Stirred into the stew as spice, are a few theories on the principle of motor car design and something about the people I have known in the world of motoring."

  • af Steven L. Pease
    236,95 - 477,95 kr.

  • af Gráinne McNamara
    197,95 kr.

    Why does the corporate world consider innovation a disruption? How can companies adapt to the massive changes happening in technology and culture? What if the solutions to the problems they face can already be found in the nonprofit and entrepreneurial communities?In the face of emerging technology like AI and postpandemic cultural shifts, companies find themselves amid an existential crisis, focused on the risks instead of the rewards. But what if the answer to these so-called disruptions is Rotation?Like the ancient wisdom that brought forth the wheel, innovative Rotation lends itself to a more frictionless path to human and economic prosperity. In ROTATE: How Five Women Are Rewriting the Story of Business, author Gráinne McNamara takes readers on a journey to discover a philosophy of transformation that is both timeless and infinite.McNamara combines insights from thirty years in corporate finance and technology infrastructure, organic innovation from nonprofit and minority communities, and groundbreaking entrepreneurial ingenuity. McNamara uncovers the skills that can unleash human genius more holistically and inclusively than the current models. You're invited to experience this New Renaissance through the stories of five intrepid women who embody the skills of Rotation:Narrative-Dr. Cheryl Wood Strategy-Katie Nowak Human-Centered Design-Swin Huang Engineering-Zino Haro Building Ecosystems-Torin Darling BrazzleROTATE is an exploration of a generative philosophy that combines individual, communal, and corporate transformation. In the New Renaissance of the modern world, art, science, and the human spirit join together as a prismatic light illuminating the way into the future. Through the power of Rotation, McNamara proposes a bold way for individuals and companies to become generative in both thought and action.It's time to write the history of the future.

  • af Dan Ariely
    137,95 kr.

  • af Mohammad Jabbar
    197,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Chris McNab
    112,95 kr.

    Delve into the remarkable life and legacy of one of the most influential entrepreneurs of our time: Bill Gates. From his unassuming beginnings as a curious young computer enthusiast to his meteoric rise as the co-founder of Microsoft and one of the wealthiest individuals in the world, Bill Gates's journey is a testament to the power of innovation, vision, and determination. Uncover the pivotal moments that shaped Gates's career, including the opportunities he seized as a young computer programmer, his work at the forefront of personal computer industry, his business acumen at Microsoft, and his dedication to philanthropy through to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Through meticulous research and captivating storytelling, this biography offers a comprehensive portrait of Bill Gates. It illuminates the principles and practices that guided his extraordinary success, providing invaluable lessons for entrepreneurs, business leaders, and anyone striving to make a positive impact in the world. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Sirius Biographies brings together entertaining biographies of leading figures within world of science, business, technology and beyond, tracing their lives, legacy and the pioneering ideas that made them world-famous.

  • af Chris McNab
    112,95 kr.

    From their promising beginnings at Stanford to their founding of Google and beyond, this fascinating biography charts the extraordinary rise of tech duo Sergey Brin and Larry Page. As PhD students at Stanford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin devised a powerful search engine. Google, the company they founded in 1998 became a brand, the world's pre-eminent search engine, a centre of artificial intelligence and a source of data collection. This fascinating biography looks at the background behind the formation of the company, as well as the technology and the business model that led it to become so successful. Featuring photographs which chronicle their rise to success, this book is fascinating read for aspiring entrepreneurs or anyone looking to build a successful business. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Sirius Biographies brings together entertaining biographies of leading figures within world of science, business, technology and beyond, tracing their lives, legacy and the pioneering ideas that made them world-famous.

  • - Fra enevælde til konkurrencestat
    af Kurt Jacobsen
    218,95 - 347,95 kr.

    Dette er historien om de professioner, der udgør fundamentet for det danske velfærdssamfund, frem til stiftelsen af Københavns Professionshøjskole 1. marts 2018. Fra oprettelsen af jordemoderuddannelsen i 1789 bliver det fortællingen om udviklingen fra enevælden og frem til vore dages velfærds- og konkurrencestat – med uddannelser og professionsudvikling som prisme. Gennem de 230 år skabes, udvikles, opløses og sammenlægges uddannelsesinstitutioner på baggrund af politiske beslutninger, private initiativer anført af store personligheder og sociale bevægelser og foreninger.Historien viser, hvordan uddannelserne er knyttet til både fremskridt og tilbageslag, til brud og kontinuitet i vores fælles samfundshistorie. Velfærdsuddannelser kaster et nyt og anderledes lys på velfærdsstatens opkomst og udvikling frem til i dag, hvor en del af uddannelserne befinder sig i en krise med dalende søgning og kritik for manglende kvalitet.

  • af Vikram Mansharamani
    207,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Len Krane
    403,95 kr.

    This 5th edition, 18 years after The Bronx To Bel-Air, updates the original and adds new ventures.Venture often and don't worry about failure. That's how you become an entrepreneur and have fun along the way. Krane's had successes and failures in 33 ventures during his 77-year career. Each venture includes the startup and outcome, his profits or losses, and what he learned catching "waves" of innovation.Famous, wealthy people helped him: Eli Broad, KB Home, Broad Museum; Ed Pauley, Pauley Petroleum, Pauley Pavilion; Ray Stark, famed movie producer; Bill Belzberg, Far West Financial; and others.

  • af Stellar Stories
    87,95 kr.

    Unlock the Secrets of a Modern VisionaryA Visionary's Journey isn't just a book; it's a voyage through the mind of one of the most extraordinary entrepreneurs of our time. Are you ready to dive deep into the world where bold ideas meet relentless execution? Why This Book? Why Now?For Innovators & Dreamers: If you've ever dared to dream big or push boundaries, Musk's story isn't just inspiring - it's a blueprint for revolutionary thinking.For Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders: Understand the mindset that drives decisions impacting our future. Learn from Musk's unique approach to risk, innovation, and leadership.For Tech Enthusiasts & Futurists: Explore the groundbreaking advances in electric cars, space travel, and sustainable energy - straight from the man who's leading the charge. Act NowDon't just watch the future unfold. Understand the man shaping it. Grab your copy of A Visionary's Journey today and take the first step towards redefining what's possible for you.

  • af Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey
    267,95 kr.

    2010: Something new "Today, I will experience something new. I will learn from the world around me: from the words I read, the sounds I hear, the touches I feel, and the faces I see. Even through the course of my daily tasks, I will try to search for a new perspective, lean towards understanding, and make the commonplace a wondrous place to be." Susan Polis Schutz Think about the past year... · Looking back over the past year, what have you learned, what have you done? · What is different in your life based on your 'on-the-go' education and experience path? · Are you better equipped to lead, love, learn, or serve than you were a year ago?· What successes have you experienced and who shared in helping you achieve them?· Is there something that you wanted to do and for some reason didn't get it started or completed? Our life is made up of interactive experiences. Each April (my personal New Year), I take a short planning break and ask probing questions like these. My life's goal and intent are to live my life to make a leveraged difference in the world. I take time to revisit my dreams and see how I have done building solid foundations for success under those sky condominiums (castles). I also know that what gets measured gets rewarded and can be adjusted for finer focus. It works well for me and has helped me keep focused along the way to deal with challenges as I sought to successfully learn and enhance my life. If you, like me, have found a missing piece or two in the last year, be of good cheer and resolve to move ahead on it today. Life is too short to live in regret. Live forward! "It is never too late to be what you might have been." George EliotHere are a few suggestions to help maintain an attitude of constant learning:· Take a class at the local college, continuing education, or community center. · Join Toastmasters and work on becoming a better leader and communicator. · Explore that hobby you've found intriguing. · Start a journal, begin a blog, sign up for Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. · Take up a sport. It's a great way to meet interesting people. · Explore your own city or town as though you were visiting for the first time. · Resolve to read selectively and strategically to advance your career. Commit to finding and reading one book a month that will serve this quest. I know when you come home after a long and sometimes challenging day this might not sound like fun to you. However, your energies can be replenished and enhanced when your mind is actively engaged in something that challenges and inspires you. I challenge you to invest time thinking, reflecting, dreaming, scheming, planning, or just plain working on your future. It will bring dividends beyond your wildest dreams. Let me leave you with one more thought from Vincent Arcoleo: "Life can be so hectic, leaving you with little choice but to be swept up in the hustle and bustle that each day brings. Make today special. Slow down for awhile, maybe even stop time... forget your responsibilities and concentrate on your dreams."

  • af Robert R Cupery
    192,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Kin Zang
    187,95 kr.

    A publisher. A writer. An inventor. A statesman. A founding father of the United States of America. These words describe but only a part of one of the most illustrious American lives. Benjamin Franklin was indeed a man like no one during his times, perhaps that one person who defined the character of an entire nation.Above everything he achieved in his life, Benjamin Franklin's life was ultimately a proof that the best life is the one that is self-made. He was born to crowded room full of competing siblings to a father who had picked up the trade of candle making. With many mouths to feed, food was never abundant but he learnt early on that industry and frugality are the antidotes for poverty.Benjamin Franklin did not have much formal education: his father could afford a total of two full years of schooling for the young Franklin. But among his peers, he grew up to be one of the best minds America ever produced. From learning to speak multiple languages to mastering the human nature to conquering methods for uncovering scientific secrets, Benjamin Franklin learnt everything through, mostly, his love for books. In an era where books were rare and expensive, Benjamin was the biggest proponent of reading because his life exemplified the power of reading books.But is Benjamin Franklin even relevant to us, two and a half centuries after his death? The answer is a resounding Yes!Benjamin Franklin is not just a national hero. He was a man trying every day to become a better person for its own sake as well as for the service of his craft and his community that became a new nation. The mindset and the methods he used for his and his community's betterment is well-documented. And this is what makes him a historical figure whose life can still shine light on our lives.

  • af Anderson Cooper
    138,95 kr.

    A NPR Best Book of the YearThe number one New York Times bestselling authors of Vanderbilt return with another riveting history of a legendary American family, the Astors, and how they built and lavished their fortune.The story of the Astors is a quintessentially American story--of ambition, invention, destruction, and reinvention.From 1783, when German immigrant John Jacob Astor first arrived in the United States, until 2009, when Brooke Astor's son, Anthony Marshall, was convicted of defrauding his elderly mother, the Astor name occupied a unique place in American society.The family fortune, first made by a beaver trapping business that grew into an empire, was then amplified by holdings in Manhattan real estate. Over the ensuing generations, Astors ruled Gilded Age New York society and inserted themselves into political and cultural life, but also suffered the most famous loss on the Titanic, one of many shocking and unexpected twists in the family's story.In this unconventional, page-turning historical biography, featuring black-and-white and color photographs, #1 New York Times bestselling authors Anderson Cooper and Katherine Howe chronicle the lives of the Astors and explore what the Astor name has come to mean in America--offering a window onto the making of America itself.

  • af Anja Bauer
    197,95 kr.

    Anja Bauer ist Unternehmerin. Als Ihre Autohausgruppe 2022 von russischen Kriminellen gehackt wurde, stand sie plötzlich vor dem Nichts. Die gesamte IT, Daten, Server, Backups, NAS, Computer und Werkstatttester waren verschlüsselt oder zerstört. Schnell fiel die Entscheidung: »Wir lassen uns nicht erpressen!«. Durch viel Mut, einen kompletten Neuanfang und großes Engagement aller Mitarbeiter wurde das Autohaus gerettet. Dieses echte Wirtschaftsabenteuer hat die 55-jährige Flensburgerin aufgeschrieben, um Mut zu machen und ihre Geschichte zu erzählen. Die Wirtschaftswoche hat sie 2022 als Heldin des Mittelstands interviewt (wiwo.de), der Artikel »Keine Knete für Black Basta« erschien in der ZEIT zum Thema Cyberkriminalität; SAT 1 strahlte einen Bericht über die Rettung des Unternehmens aus. SAT.1-Frühstücksfernsehen: «Ich lass mich nicht erpressen«

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