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Biografier: filosofi og samfundsvidenskab

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  • af Sarah Kofman
    137,95 kr.

    Den franske filosof Sarah Kofmans selvbiografiske fortælling om sin barndom i Paris foregår under den tyske besættelse af Frankrig. I et direkte og nøgternt sprog, uden patos, beskriver Kofman, hvordan hendes far, rabbiner i den lokale synagoge, bliver deporteret fra deres hjem i Rue Ordener. Efter utallige forsøg på at skjule sig søger hun med sin mor tilflugt hos en kristen kvinde i Rue Labat, hvor de bliver indtil befrielsen. Kvinden, som blot kaldes mémé, bliver en slags adoptivmor for Kofman, og deres tætte forhold får uoverskuelige konsekvenser: ikke blot for forholdet til hendes biologiske mor, men også hendes jødiske identitet og religion. For Kofman bliver splittelsen – mellem to mødre, to religioner, to identiteter, to gader – et eksistentielt grundvilkår.

  • - Une analyse de Discours sur l'origine de l'inegalite parmi les hommes
    af Morten Nøjgaard
    197,95 kr.

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Second Discourse on the origin of equality (1755) is generally consider his most brilliant and most influential philosophical essay. Studied in universities over the world to this day, interpretations of the essay differ widely, as they have done ever since it was enthusiastically welcomed by his contemporaries and slated by Voltaire. The reason for the dissensions is that Rousseau, in the Second Discourse, lives fully up to his reputation as “a man of paradoxes”, permitting himself to defend a thesis as well as its opposite.The aim of the book is to show that behind the paradoxes a profound mind is striving to produce a new and coherent picture of the childhood of mankind. To clear the way for Rousseau’s “deep thought” one must first eliminate the misleading interpretations which have marred the philosophical reception of the Second Discourse. Even some of its most fundamental concepts are often misunderstood by critics, for instance the so-called goodness of natural man, the idea of going back to nature or the equally incorrect assumption of the historic reality of the state of nature.The author's first step is to propose a clear definition of Rousseau’s basic concepts (liberty, compassion, perfectibility, reason et cetera). Secondly, he discusses the evidently contradictory arguments which render a consistent definition so arduous, trying to explain the paradoxes as results of the permanent conflict going on inside the man. This was the conflict between visionary reformer (whom we know from the Social Contract) and anthropologist/sociologist who conducts his investigation as rationally as any other modern scientist. Finally, the author establishes the evolutionary model constructed by Rousseau. According to him, humanity evolved through six stages (state of nature, family, landed property, bellum omnium in omnes, social contract, revolution of the slaves) before arriving at the actual conformation.At the very end of the essay, Rousseau surprisingly launches an ambitious research project in social psychology. He proclaims the need to study not the social, but the mental mechanisms which, operating throughout the evolution, have changed the very nature of man, producing “an assembly of artificial men”. The visionary philosopher aims at laying the ground for a new human nature, that is to create “the new man”.

  • - Søren Kierkegaards dobbeltkontrakt med det tredje årtusind
    af Poul Behrendt
    342,95 kr.

    DET PSEUDONYME FIRMA er resultatet af 25 års studier i Søren Kierkegaards forfatterskab. Poul Behrendt er ophavsmanden bag begrebet dobbeltkontrakten, dvs. opdagelsen af, at en særlig række autofiktive værker gør krav på at blive læst både som realistisk afspejling af sandheden og som frit opfundet fiktion. I Søren Kierkegaards tilfælde går dobbeltkontrakten langt videre. Kierkegaard skriver en stor del af sit forfatterskab under pseudonym og indskyder dermed en ’forfatter’ mellem personen Søren Kierkegaard og læserne. Ja, i samme år som Georg Carstensen etablerede Tivoli som aktieselskab, opretter Kierkegaard endda et firma, der organiserer disse forskellige pseudonymers forhold til den juridiske person, Søren Kierkegaard. Deraf bogens titel. Hvad dette betyder for læsningen af et af de vigtigste og fortsat fascinerende forfatterskaber i verdenslitteraturen udfoldes i detaljerede analyser bl.a. af det berømte Jordrystelses-fragment, som Behrendt rekonstruerer som netop ikke selvbiografisk, sådan som det ellers traditionelt er blevet læst. I det hele taget gør Behrendt op med bestræbelsen på at søge frem til personen Kierkegaard gennem forfatterskabet for i stedet at lade værkernes komplicerede spil træde frem og se det, som det blev tænkt.

  • - Hannah Arendt og Martin Heidegger 1924-1950
    af Hans Hauge
    277,95 kr.

    De fleste, som kender til Hannah Arendt og Martin Heidegger, ved, at de havde en ’affære’, men de færreste er klar over, hvad der egentlig skete. Det får de at vide i denne duografi.I KÆRLIGHEDSSOMMEREN fremlægger forfatteren en beretning om forholdet baseret på en detaljeret analyse af alle Heideggers breve sendt til Arendt fra 1925 til 1928. Analysen vanskeliggøres af, at det kun er Heideggers breve, som er bevaret fra den første tid, og der også eksisterer ret få breve. Han gemte ikke hendes breve, mens hun gemte hans breve i en skuffe i sit soveværelse. Brevsamlingen er på den måde en fragmenteret brevroman.Næranalysen af brevene har fået det ganske overraskende resultat: De mødtes kun ganske få gange. Hun så Heidegger første gang til en forelæsning i november 1924, og han fik muligvis øje på hende på samme tid. De mødtes fysisk og ene to i februar 1925. Dette møde blev begyndelsen på forholdet. Mødet forandrede begges liv, og meget lidt samvær fik meget stor virkning. Mødet var der, hvor Arendts ide om ’natalitet’ og ’pluralitet’ blev født, for ’kærlighedssommeren 1924’, som hun selv kaldte den, gjorde alting nyt og viste, at mennesket findes ikke, kun mennesker findes.

  • af Preben Lilhav
    177,95 kr.

    Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) rangerer blandt de store tænkere i kristendommens historie, både herhjemme og ude i verden. Ikke desto mindre er det en kendsgerning, at han stillede sig afvisende til den ide, der idehistorisk udgjorde det egentligt konstituerende i kristendommen som en ny religion, nemlig ideen om Jesus Kristus som „Guds søn“.Samtidig antog Kierkegaard en Gud, der ikke var den foreliggende verdens skaber, som kristendommen antager, men en „ukendt Gud“, totalt adskilt fra den givne verden. Dermed stillede han sig ind i en religiøs tankeretning, der blev til samtidig med kristendommen, nemlig den såkaldte gnosticisme, som dog i hovedsagen var en genoplivelse af den såkaldte orficisme, der blev til i 500-tallet f.Kr..I overensstemmelse med denne åndsretning så Kierkegaard heller ikke livets rette opfyldelse i næstekærlighed, som det er almindeligt i kristendommen. Derimod tog han Sokrates til sit forbillede for tanken om en selvfornægtende „afdøen“ fra legemet, som det også var kendetegnende for den orfisk-gnostiske tradition.Kierkegaards påstand var dog, at det var sand kristendom, hvilket fra et idehistorisk synspunkt må siges at være misvisende.

  • af Brunello Rosa
    153,95 kr.

    A second Cold War is underway. But whereas the Cold War of 1945-90 was dominated by the threat of nuclear conflict, the new front line will be economic. A race for the future of money has begun - and the outcome of who wins is the most significant geopolitical struggle in the new Cold War between China and the US.For decades following the Second World War, the US dollar was the global reserve currency, with oil paid for in dollars and much international trade carried out in the US currency. But no longer. More than a hundred countries are developing Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which are digital equivalents to cash rather than digital representations of cash, which means they are programmable, unlike normal money.China was the first country to recognise the significance of this shift, creating the digital yuan. While the West's media focused on the new currency's role in China's surveillance state, it largely overlooked a more important aspect of its existence: as a potential alternative to the dollar. When China's President Xi officially launched the digital yuan in February 2022, he also agreed a pact of ?limitless co-operation' with Russia. Within days, Russia launched its war on Ukraine, secure in the knowledge it would be able to buy oil without paying in dollars.Urgent, clear-eyed and ground-breaking, Brunello Rosa and Casey Larsen will show us how control over the supply of money is going to impact all of our futures. As Lenin once famously said, there are ?decades when nothing happens, and weeks when decades happen'. The weeks are happening right now, and if the West is to claw back China's huge lead, it needs to act fast, and act now to ensure that global digital currencies are democratically controlled.

  • af John Peter DiIulio
    297,95 - 318,95 kr.

    An original, unified reconstruction of Mill's moral and political philosophy-one that finally reveals its consistency and full powerFew thinkers have been as influential as John Stuart Mill, whose philosophy has arguably defined Utilitarian ethics and modern liberalism. But fewer still have been subject to as much criticism for perceived ambiguities and inconsistencies. In Completely Free, John Peter DiIulio offers an ambitious and comprehensive new reading that explains how Mill's ethical, moral, and political ideas are all part of a unified, coherent, and powerful philosophy.Almost every aspect of Mill's practical philosophy has been charged with contradictions, illogic, or incoherence. Most notoriously, Mill claims an absolute commitment both to promoting societal happiness and to defending individual liberty-a commitment that many critics believe must ultimately devolve into an either/or. DiIulio resolves these and other problems by reconsidering and reconstructing the key components of Mill's practical thought: his theories of happiness, morality, liberty, and freedom. Casting new light on old texts, DiIulio argues that Mill's Utilitarianism and liberalism are not only compatible but philosophically wedded, that his theories naturally emanate from one another, and that the vast majority of interpretive mysteries surrounding Mill can be readily demystified. In a manner at once sympathetic and critical, DiIulio seeks to present Mill in his most lucid and potent form.From the higher pleasures and moral impartiality to free speech and nondomination, Completely Free provides an unmatched account of the unity and power of Mill's enduring moral and political thought.

  • af Stephanie Land
    107,95 - 207,95 kr.

  • af Susana Medina
    207,95 - 372,95 kr.

  • af John Fox
    897,95 kr.

    The Life of Voltaire delves into the profound influence of Voltaire's ideas on the betterment of humanity during the eighteenth century. In an era when France was dominated by the authority of the Catholic Church, which stifled science, literature, and freedom, Voltaire stood as a singular force. This book explores how he fearlessly confronted the Church's intolerance, cruelty, and suppression of basic rights.Drawing from a diverse range of French and English sources on Voltaire, and enriched by extensive research, the book not only presents a compelling biography but also offers glimpses into the lives of key eighteenth-century figures who crossed paths with Voltaire.While accessible to general readers, this book provides in-depth insights into Voltaire's philosophical, religious, and literary contributions, examining his most significant works. Notably, it sheds light on his transformation from a literary giant into a staunch advocate for victims of injustice and a vocal opponent of the Catholic Church's dogmatism in the later years of his life.The book is a captivating journey through history, showcasing the enduring relevance of Voltaire's ideas and his pivotal role in shaping modern concepts of human rights and intellectual freedom.

  • af Rune Lykkeberg (red)
    132,95 kr.

    Immanuel Kants tænkning var oplysningstidens højdepunkt, måske er han faktisk den vigtigste moderne tænker overhovedet. Nu fejrer Information hans 300 års fødselsdag med en forrygende essaysamling. Kants filosofiske arbejde er så moderne, at det ikke giver mening, at søge ”tilbage” til Kants tænkning, for vi er stort set ikke kommet videre. I årene fra 1780 til 1790 gennemførte Immanuel Kant et så radikalt opgør med filosofien, at det i hans nekrolog stod skrevet, at hans revolution af tænkningen var større og væsentligere end Den Franske Revolution. I løbet af de ti år skrev han tre såkaldte kritikker, som er blevet fundament for den moderne moralfilosofi, erkendelsesteori og æstetiske tænkning, Kritik af den Rene Fornuft (anden udgave 1787), Kritik af den Praktiske Fornuft (1788) og Kritik af Dømmekraften (1790). I denne bog forklarer Rune Lykkeberg, Lea Ypi og en række andre markante tænkere Kants filosofi for et større publikum. Rune Lykkeberg (f. 1974) er chefredaktør på Dagbladet Information og udkom i henholdsvis 2022 og 2023 med første og anden sæson af Langsomme samtaler. Har tidligere udgivet Kampen om sandhederne (2008), Alle har ret (2012), Deutschstunde (red. s.m. Peter Nielsen, 2017), Vesten mod Vesten (2019), Hegel for et større publikum (red. 2020) og Samtaler om Shakespeare (2021). Han har bl.a. modtaget Georg Brandes-prisen, De Berlingske Journalisters Pris og Holbergmedaljen.

  • af R. Michael Fisher
    1.068,95 kr.

    With current surging polarities of perspectives, dangerous culture wars and immanent threats to the human social and ecological fabric, it is a good time to rediscover the true meaning of fear through the eyes of a creative and endearingly outrageous educator who taught ¿Fear is not the enemy.¿ Through a combination of fi ction and non-fiction, this book offers a fi rst documentation of the philosophy and story of Samuel Nathan Gillian Jr. (1939-2006), an African-American educator-activist from the Bronx, New York. Fisher takes readers on a journey of growth and development with a protagonist named Deana, a sophomore college student, as she comes to understand the radical importance of her Uncle Sammy¿s life and work. Embellished with the intellectual rigor of a biography of a wise man, Fisher tracks his own relationship and those who knew and loved Samuel as the tension grows to a pitch in the story. Yet, the real brilliance lies in the psychological, philosophical and spiritual twists Sam Gillian brought forward in two stunning books on fear (2002, 2005) that this book revives. Fisher, who has studied fear systematically since 1989, has never met a unique thinker like Sam Gillian. Through Fisher¿s eyes, the special signifi cance of Gillian¿s work is brought to the general and well-educated reading public. An essential book for post-secondary education on fear management, a resource guide for school teachers, parents, psychologists, policy makers and anyone who seeks to help humanity establish a sustainable, moral and healthy relationship with fear.

  • - 199 små, sjove, sære og nye fortællinger om glemte og kendte vindelige og mandlige forfattere og filosoffer fra 1815 og til 1950
    af Hans Hauge
    227,95 kr.

    Forfatterens introduktion til bogen:199 små fortællinger begynder i Lübeck med datidens store digter Emanuel Geibel, og så følger de Geibel på hans rejser og ser, hvor de fører hen, og hvem man møder. Den første er forfatteren Martha Nathusius, og hvem var hun? Alle dem vi møder er forbundne i kæder, og fascinationen består i at se, hvor kæden og tilfældet fører os hen. Der kommer mange overraskelser, og sære forbindelser opstår, når en kendt eller glemt forfatter dukker op. Vi fortsætter i det ny Tyskland efter 1871, hvor tyskerne skulle nationaliseres med tysk sprog og tysk kultur. Fortællingerne bringer os til Berlin, og vi møder ekspressionister, feminister som Hedwig Dohm og Minna Cauer, politikere som Walther Rathenau sammen med den uudgrundelige Julia Virginia, den indflydelsesrige Maximilian Harden og utallige andre, som alle kendte hinanden, men som vi ikke alle kender. Vi møder de tyske koloniforfattere, som de ikke bryder sig om længere. Derfra til kulturbyen Münchens bohèmer med det tredje køn, frisindede kvinder og deres affærer. En tur til psykologerne på universitetet i Leipzig er med. Der er pikante fortællinger om Thomas Mann og hans familie, om Stefan Zweigs verden af i går og om den i dag oversete Klabund. Første Verdenskrigs modige og pacifistiske kvinder havde det svært og måtte forlade landet. Vi møder Walter Benjamin og hans hustru Dora, samt ham som var med til attentatet på Rathenau. Fra Weimar-republikkens digtere fortsættes til sociologerne med deres kvindelige studerende på cafeerne i Heidelberg og Frankfurt. Der er fortællinger om dem der på universiteterne beskæftigede sig med fransk altså fjendens kultur i NS-tiden. Og om mandlige og kvindelige, feministiske og nazistiske filosoffer, som ingen tør læse i dag. Rejsen slutter i 1950 med dem, der kom til at præge tiden efter krigen. Dem der vendte hjem fra eksil og blev hyldet, og de andre med en fortid, der forfulgte dem: den stakkels Hans Robert Jauss, soldaten Martin Walser og meningsmålingernes dronning Elisabeth Noelle.

  • af Alfred Vasquez
    212,95 kr.

    Alan Turing, the brilliant British mathematician, logician, and computer scientist, who revolutionized the world of science and technology. His pioneering contributions in mathematics, logic, and computer science changed our understanding of the universe and laid the foundation for modern cryptography. His commitment to justice and his ultimate triumph in the face of adversity will move and inspire readers.This biography will take you on a journey through the life of a true visionary, a genius, and a pioneer. Learn about Turing's early years filled with academic promise, his groundbreaking work during World War II as a code breaker, and his passion for advocating for LGBTQ+ rights. Understand the remarkable character, values, and motivations that drove Turing-an unconventional genius who challenged the status quo and broke boundaries in an era marked by adversity.This book will tell you the story of Turing's lost research. It is an attempt to shed some light on the forgotten chapter of Artificial Intelligence and Cybernetics. Turing tried to crack the code of the human nervous system, and he almost did. This is the story of his final research. In the book, the reader will find plenty of historical and textual evidence and learn about some lesser-known aspects of Alan Turing's life.

  • af Aanya Patel
    272,95 kr.

    Prepare for a cosmic voyage beyond our familiar solar system! "The Secrets of Exoplanets" invites you to embark on a captivating exploration of these hidden worlds, teeming with intrigue for both students and seasoned scientists. Step through the veil of starlight and discover the ingenious methods astronomers use to detect these distant neighbors. Witness the ballet of celestial mechanics, where planets dance around alien suns, some scorching hot, others shrouded in icy darkness. Imagine fiery super-Earths, gas giants swirling with storms, and diamond-studded landscapes - exoplanets come in all shapes and sizes, defying our earthly imaginations. But the true mystery lies in the possibility of life. This book delves into the tantalizing hunt for biosignatures, the whispers of alien existence hiding in the atmospheres of these distant worlds. Join the thrill of scientific breakthroughs, as each new discovery brings us closer to answering the age-old question: Are we alone in the universe? "The Secrets of Exoplanets" isn't just a scientific expedition; it's an inspirational journey. Learn about the dedicated astronomers who push the boundaries of knowledge, using cutting-edge telescopes and innovative techniques to peer deeper into the cosmos. Be inspired by their passion and perseverance, their unwavering quest to unlock the secrets hidden amongst the stars. Whether you're a student with a head full of wonder or a seasoned scientist seeking new frontiers, "The Secrets of Exoplanets" beckons you. Open its pages and let your imagination soar amongst the infinite possibilities of these alien worlds. Prepare to be captivated, challenged, and forever changed by the universe's most captivating mystery.

  • - En social tabers lange vandring
    af Pete Williams
    222,95 kr.

    Født til Fiasko - en social tabers lange vandring er Peter Williams hudløst ærlige fortælling om en opvækst i et barsk miljø i London. Hvor ingen troede på, han nogensinde ville blive andet end endnu en kriminel bølle. Og en fortælling om at arbejde som roadie for blandt andre Sex Pistols og Smokie. Køre Europa tynd i lastbil. Være eftertragtet britisk DJ på danske diskoteker i 80’erne. Få et barn i Danmark og kæmpe en bitter kamp om forældremyndigheden. Og trods alle odds lande i en tryg, kærlighedsfuld og sikker havn i sidste halvdel af livet. Som blot 11-årig bliver Peter Williams arresteret for første gang. Han er vokset op i et havnekvarter i 60’ernes London, og det var den sikre vej til en kriminel løbebane. Selv hans forældre var overbeviste om, at Peter ville ende bag tremmer. Et nyt socialt eksperiment for unge kriminelle i London i 1974 blev imidlertid et vendepunkt for den unge Peter, der godt nok stjal et pengeskab under sit ophold på The Hammersmith Teenage Project, som det sociale eksperiment blev døbt, men som også kom på en strabadserende vandretur, der ændrede hans livssyn.I september 2018 gik han samme vandretur. Han vidste ikke helt hvorfor, måske for at ære en nylig afdød medarbejder på The Hammersmith Teenage Project, der troede på ham i Peters unge år og hjalp ham bort fra den ellers udstukne vej til et liv bag tremmer? Måske for endnu bedre at forstå, hvem han var? I så fald lykkedes det. For første gang nogensinde slap Peter Williams nemlig sin evige anklage mod sig selv over at have brugt alt for meget af sit liv på vrede, slagsmål, opgør og vold, og i stedet lod han sin underbevidsthed tilgive ham.

  • af Jaynie Anderson
    832,95 kr.

    «A completely fascinating volume. Essential reading on the development of art and cultural history in the twentieth century. It confirms Edgar Wind as one of the master thinkers in both domains. Difficult, mercurial and always original, his work has never ceased to be stimulating, as this book so vividly shows. No one who heard his lectures as the first Professor of Art History at Oxford, or his 1960 Reith lectures entitled Art and Anarchy has ever forgotten the richness of their content or the elegance with which he delivered them. His brilliance and his complicated character could not emerge more clearly than in this outstanding series of essays ¿ one as compelling as the other. It could hardly be otherwise. This is a team of both younger and more senior scholars headed by Jaynie Anderson (more responsible than any for the revival of Wind¿s reputation), that includes Oswyn Murray (who knew him well), and Elizabeth Sears (who knows the complex cast of characters involved in the history of the great institute founded by Aby Warburg in Hamburg better than anyone else). Here are rich accounts of Wind¿s challenges to Warburg¿s colleagues and protegés such as Ernst Cassirer, Fritz Saxl, Erwin Panofsky and many others, as well as his fundamental role in the transfer of the Institute to London and the consequences of his unfortunate separation from it.»(David Freedberg, Pierre Matisse Professor Emeritus of the History of Art, Columbia University)«This close attention to Edgar Wind is long overdue. The vast range of interests and ideas of the German-trained mainstay of art history in England at last find proper tribute and assessment in this volume. Not only are his own close studies of cultural symbols examined anew, but his dialogues with mentors are also assessed. This collection of scholarly essays provides a much-needed suggestion of Wind¿s own contributions and should spark a vital return to his legacy.»(Larry Silver, Farquhar Professor of Art History, Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania)Edgar Wind (1900¿1971) was a cosmopolitan scholar who made important contributions to many disciplines, including philosophy, Renaissance art history and modern art criticism.This book considers a crucial question: to understand the work of an art historian, how important is it to know their life story? In the case of Edgar Wind, biography and scholarly endeavour are intimately connected. His intellectual exchanges with leading art historians, philosophers and artists of his day were essential for his research. Moreover, his wife, Margaret Wind, was determined to establish an Edgar Wind Archive after his death.This book is the first comprehensive study in English of Wind¿s intellectual achievements.

  • af Meda Ryan
    197,95 kr.

    Biddy Early, a mysterious woman from Clare, Ireland was a mystic or witch, her extraordinary abilities sparked tales of cures, prophecies, and spells. Her magic cloaked bottle, served as a tool of clairvoyance, shrouding her life in mystery.

  • af Harischandra Sahoo
    242,95 kr.

    Odisha has a rich cultural heritage. The present volume is a collection of articles about thirty four legendary icons of modern Odisha by reputed scholars. It attempts to showcase the contributions of the seminal figures of the state of Odisha who have excelled in various fields like Politics, History, Economics, Philosophy, Psychology, Sanskrit, Sociology, Social Services, Sports, Art, Music, Spiritualism, Language and Literature etc. These towering personalities have earned reputations across the globe. This is a unique approach to highlight their contributions to understand various aspects of Odishan culture.Iconic figures include Droupadi Murmu, Biju Patnaik, Nandini Satpathy, Harekrushna Mahatab, Janaki Ballav Patnaik, Naveen Patnaik, Biswabhushan Harichandan, Radhanath Rath, Chittaranjan Das, Manoj Das, Jayanta Mahapatra, Kunja Bihari Dash, Golok Bihari Dhal, Abhiram Paramahansha, Paramahansha Prajnanananda, Bhikari Bal, Ganeswar Mishra, Hrudananda Ray, J.N. Mohanty, Radhanath Rath (psychogy), Manmath Das, Jagannath Patnaik, Harekrishna Satpathy, Subrato Bagchi, Sudarshan Patnaik, Bhairab Mohanty, Sreeram Chandra Dash, Baidyanath Mishra, Achyuta Samanta, Pratibha Ray, Gopinath Mohanty and Dillip Tirkey.

  • af Ronald P. Carr
    222,95 kr.

    Welcome to Crooked Sidewalks Too. I purposely titled it this way, and not Crooked Sidewalks Two, because it is a follow-up to my first book, Crooked Sidewalks. I also see it more as a 'Crooked Sidewalks "Also', or a continuation with more stories with the same format and purpose to share lessons learned.I should state right up front that it is my personal belief that each and every one of us is put here on this earth for a purpose. I may not know what that purpose is, but at some time in my life, I may figure it out. There is a beginning, which starts even before we are born, and there is an end on the day we pass away. Everything that happens in between is "the story" of that life. In Crooked Sidewalks, and now Crooked Sidewalks Too, I share a very important principle of life, which I believe relates to how we look at life. I also believe, as I have heard on many occasions, "our life is God's gift to us, and what we do with that life is our gift back to God." I believe it.So, life happens! I believe every life is a story, and every story is a book, but not all books are written. The book is made up of chapters, and unfolds over time. Each chapter represents a period of time, a certain event, a personal relationship or something that defines or leads to what happens next. It can even change the direction of our journey. Some chapters may be short, but others may be long. Some are exciting and some are seriously boring. These chapters can be filled with joy and happiness and some may be filled with sorrow, pain and despair. Some are good and some are bad, or somewhere in between. Some are magical and some are tragedies.From the time of our birth, and even before, we are impacted by our surroundings, our environment, relations or interactions with those we come in contact with. Some circumstances we have control over, while there are many others we have no control over. As I've explained on many occasions, we are being carried downstream in a rushing river with life happening around every bend. It can be extremely exciting or it can be extremely terrifying. Regardless, it is life and the story of our journey.Since every life matters, a book would do so much to help us learn about our family, our history and our efforts to make the world a better place. We can learn from our failures and successes and share with others, while also learning from others who share their story with us. It may also help us when we contemplate questions like, "Who am I" or, "Why do I exist" or, in the grand scheme of things, "What is my purpose here on earth?" Lord knows, I don't have all the answers, but I have learned a few things along the way.My personal stories are represented by the chapters of this book. My story is no more special or less special than anyone else's. What does make it special to me is that it is mine. They tell me that with age, one gains wisdom. I hope with each lesson learned, I can offer you some insights that will encourage you on your own journey in understanding and in writing the various chapters of your own book.As I have journeyed through my life, I've had my ups and downs, my wins and my losses, and even a few memorable and worthy achievements. Realistically, though, my life is not that so different from a lot of people and, when all is said and done and with all that has happened, I can rejoice in the fact that I have yet another day to live and another chapter to write. Apparently, God isn't done with me yet. So, I will celebrate that fact and continue to enjoy my journey as I keep moving forward.

  • af Jacky Jault
    257,95 kr.

    "Que faire, sinon changer d'instant ? " est le fil conducteur du récit d'une vie, d'apprenti à cadre dirigeant d'un groupe industriel français, qui s'envisage comme un meuble à secrets. La patine des ans fait s'ouvrir chaque tiroir à la réflexion sur les coups de chance et les coups du sort, les coups de gueule et les coups de coeur de l'auteur. Chacun est invité à trouver des analogies avec son propre chemin, et peut-être quelques réponses, à travers des interrogations sur le hasard, la destinée, les raisons des succès et la construction de soi par les épreuves.

  • af Ann Lazarsfeld-Jensen
    1.417,95 kr.

    When Charles Seligman invited his wife, Brenda, to share his tent in 1907, he sanctioned a professional place for female fieldworkers in anthropology. Seligman was a groundbreaking pioneer of ethnographic work in Oceania and Africa. He treated shellshocked soldiers, he amassed museum collections and he fathered a generation of exceptional students. Brenda, his first student, became a scholar in her own right. Eighty years after his death, the Seligman legacy was deleted from the institution he began. Two Against the Tide explores how as wealthy Anglo-Jews, Charles and Brenda Seligman built a shared career through secret benevolence and silent endurance of hardship.

  • af Franz Kafka
    235,95 kr.

    Available for the first time in English, the complete, uncensored diaries of one of the twentieth century's most influential writers 'The writing glimmers with sensitivity, and openness to the world' - The Wall Street JournalDating from 1909 to 1923, Franz Kafka's Diaries contains a broad array of writing, including accounts of daily events, assorted reflections and observations, literary sketches, drafts of letters, records of dreams, and unrevised texts of stories. This volume makes available for the first time in English a comprehensive reconstruction of Kafka's handwritten diary entries and provides substantial new content, restoring all the material omitted from previous publications - notably, names of people and undisguised details about them, a number of literary writings, and passages of a sexual nature, some of them with homoerotic overtones.By faithfully reproducing the diaries' distinctive - and often surprisingly unpolished - writing as it appeared in Kafka's notebooks, translator Ross Benjamin brings to light not only the author's use of the diaries for literary invention and unsparing self-examination but also their value as a work of genius in and of themselves.

  • af William Coakley
    267,95 kr.

    My book is very unique and different from others. I talk about the news and what is going on with the government. Other things that I mentioned are my opinions on songs, movies, and shows that Hollywood produces and how they speak to me. My book is similar to my first one, as it has everything to do with evolution and my opinion on why we are all here right now on this planet. My book also covers my life story, and it is all based on facts on the world today. There are different sections in my book, and I tried to focus on celebrities more, hoping that they would reach out to me in person.My book also covers sports topics and how I view sports in a different way than you see in TV. My book has some biblical references, and I like to talk about Jesus sometimes. I mentioned parts about society and also how we can improve society with better rules and regulations. When I talk about movies, these are my opinions and I love watching Hollywood produce good shows and movies. I talked about the news a lot in my second book because I think the news is important and is relevant to our lives. I came up with my own information, but I really do think that the world is so important in today's world. I hope that everyone enjoys my second book.

  • af Peter Saunders
    227,95 kr.

    Part sociology, part social history, part autobiography, this is the second volume in the 'Croydon Boy' trilogy in which Peter Saunders takes a very personal look back at raising a family, building a career, and searching for the meaning of life during the tumultuous years of the 1970s and 1980s.The book opens in 1971. The sixties are over. The Beatles have disbanded. Ali has lost his heavyweight crown. Crystal Palace have been relegated to Division III. And the government has just scrapped all-year British Summertime.Married at 20, a father at 21, the author is now living with his in-laws and it's not working out too well. The world isn't in a good state either. British troops shoot 13 civil rights demonstrators in Londonderry. Eleven Israeli athletes are slaughtered by Palestinian terrorists at the Munich Olympics. Unemployment and inflation are spiralling. And with the miners out on strike, we're lighting our homes with candles.But then, out of the East (Lincolnshire, to be exact) comes a new leader. An iron lady with hair sculpted like a knight's helmet who promises to restore peace and harmony to the land. That's when the shit really hits the fan.

  • af Annette Meisl
    222,95 kr.

    Offen, ehrlich, polygamEine Frau ¿ fünf Liebhaber. Gleichzeitig, versteht sich. Es ist ein aufregendes Abenteuer, auf das sich Annette Meisl nach der Trennung von ihrem Ehemann einlässt. Nie mehr möchte sie nur einem einzelnen Mann vertrauen, fünf ist die ideale Zahl.Auf der Suche nach sich selbst und den geeigneten Kandidaten für ihr ¿Fünf-Lover-Projekt¿ taucht sie tief ein in die Welt der Erotik, der geheimen Wünsche und Sehnsüchte. Ein gefährliches Spiel, denn immer wieder vermischen sich Begehren und Verführung mit Eifersucht und Verliebtheit. Das Einzige, was dann hilft, ist: ein neuer Liebhaber ¿

  • af Franklin Benjamin Sanborn
    257,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Philostratus (the Athenian)
    242,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Percival R. Cole
    312,95 kr.

    This book portrays the life and impact of Johann Heinrich Alsted, one of the most innovative educators of the seventeenth century. Alsted's ideas and works on logic, metaphysics, and theology helped him earn a reputation among some of the most prominent scholars of his time. This book introduces Alsted's intellectual contributions and legacy, shedding light on the development of Protestant theology and education in Early Modern Europe.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Nolini Kanta Gupta
    322,95 kr.

    In this spiritual memoir, Nolini Kanta Gupta recounts his journey from a young skeptic to an devoted disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in India. Filled with personal anecdotes and enlightening insights, Towards the Light is a must-read for anyone seeking a path of inner growth and transformation.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

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