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  • af Sarah Thompson
    137,95 kr.

    Law enforcement do not often look to older women when they are seeking out suspects. For two decades, this fact kept Tamara Samsonova off the radar of police investigators. In photographs, she's a thin, frail woman with a mess of blond-brown hair and watery brown eyes. The wrinkles on her face and hands and reminiscent of any innocent old woman off the street. Tamara Samsonova looks as benign as the old woman next door who used to let you play in her yard when you were a child. The shocking reality of Tamara Samsonova, however, is much darker and more twisted than investigators and the general public could possibly imagine. The media took to calling her "The Granny Ripper", and the nickname is not unwarranted.

  • af Josues Mbala
    122,95 kr.

    A Promise Too Big is a captivating memoir that speaks to the indomitable human spirit of never giving up. It is an inspiring story of how a young man, against all odds, found ways to overcome overwhelming adversities to fulfil a precious promise. At 13 years old in 2010, Josues settled in a council estate in a small town in County Kildare with no English. He moved to Ireland with his brother, Chris (15 years old at the time) to join their family. He made a promise to his mother and grandmother that he will one day hold a university degree at all cost, as he left them at the airport in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2015, he discovered he had been abandoned, made homeless and left to fend for himself with just ¿65 to his name. Chris became homeless in 2014 when he was kicked out of their home. The brothers told themselves that they couldn't afford to fail. They picked themselves up and relied on those around them including strangers for support in their pursuit of higher education.In his pursuit of his third level education, he found refuge among drug and alcohol addicts in Dublin's inner city, impoverished areas of Dublin. He found place of solace among those rejected by society. In order to stay financially afloat, he desperately searched for job opportunities. The turning point in his life occurred when he was contacted by McDonald's for an interview, marking the beginning of a new chapter. However, with the sudden loss of his university grant, he had to rely on the income from his job at McDonald's to sustain himself as well as finance the last two years of his university education by himself. Despite the demands of pursuing full-time studies, he balanced a full-time job alongside his academic commitments.In 2019, Josues graduated with a first-class honours in Microbiology from University College Dublin. In 2019, straight after graduation, he joined PwC Ireland, the largest professional services firm in the country, as a graduate associate in their tax department. In 2022, he qualified as a chartered tax adviser (CTA) with the Irish Tax Institute. CTA is the leading tax advisory qualification in Ireland for tax professionals. In 2023, he joined Apple, one of the largest company in the world by market cap, as an indirect tax analyst.The story is an ode to the power of hope and perseverance, and how the smallest opportunities can change one's life. It is a story of unwavering determination and resilience where one's aspirations are pursued through countless sacrifices and unyielding hard work, but begs the question: at what cost?This book will take you on an emotional rollercoaster and leave you inspired.

  • af Anne P. L. Field
    128,95 - 201,95 kr.

  • af Alex René Munch
    138,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Et liv med en opvækst så hård og en kamp for at kæmpe sig op og holde sig nærmest i live.En kamp mod alle odds og en kamp, hvor du står alene, og livet bare kan ende med at nå nulpunktet, så kan det blive hårdt.Grædende hjerte, blødende sjæl er en fortælling om det at komme til verden og i en alt for tidlig alder blive udsat for en masse brutale ting igennem sit liv.Helt fra barnsben og til det voksne liv. En kamp, som ikke er uden konsekvenser.Fortælling om mig selv i tredje person.

  • af Warren Sunkar
    127,95 kr.

    Many years ago I befriended a family who became the subject of one of Western Australia's most enduring and perplexing missing persons mysteries.Ask any investigator, be they a detective or journalist who has looked into this case, and all will tell you their questions have been met with a curious silence regarding those involved. It is like you are standing on the edge of a cliff throwing rocks into a deep dark chasm - you hear the stones bounce off the walls but you don't hear them hit the bottom. You call out but no one answers. You peer over the edge but see only darkness.Sometimes the only way you are going to get the full story is to jump off that cliff. This writer can relay what is down there but he won't, because from where you stand you will only misunderstand him and perhaps even call him a liar.What I do ask is that you now jump with me. It's the only way you might come to make sense of what I'm about to tell you.

  • af Dexter Gable
    135,95 - 143,95 kr.

  • af Donald Lowrie
    238,95 - 319,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Grauslund
    188,95 kr.

    MIAS STEMME er en skildring af livet med en multihandicappet datter. Forfatteren fortæller indlevende og åbenhjertigt om sorgen, håbet, afmagten og ikke mindst vreden. Fortællingen beskriver den kronisk dårlige samvittighed og ikke mindst den uovervindelige kærlighed, som kendetegner forholdet mellem mor og datter.Bogen tager udgangspunkt i den fatale fødsel og fører læseren igennem klagesag, erstatning, kontakten med offentlige myndigheder, sønderrivende sygehusindlæggelser, uendelige mængder medicin og endelig den frygtede, men uundgåelige institutionsanbringelse. Læseren inviteres til et indblik i et liv, hvor stillingtagen til livsforlængende behandling for et seksårigt barn er påkrævet, hvor døden i årevis er en forventelig daglig gæst, og hvor det at samle på gode oplevelser bliver et essentielt holdepunkt i tilværelsen.MIAS STEMME er en fortælling om dét at tage sin skæbne på sig, og den udfordrer de almenkendte værdier og sætter fundamentale etiske dilemmaer på dagsordenen.

  • af Horace Winthrop Scandlin
    113,95 - 190,95 kr.

  • af Gary L. Joralemon
    195,95 kr.

    The Stadium Steps is actually two tales. It¿s the story of a probation officer, the son of a slain police officer, raised by his mother and a parish priest who becomes a surrogate father to the boy. But Father Iggy is more than a paternal figure in the life of Michael O¿Shea. The priest becomes his boxing coach and, at an early age, may have sowed the seeds for the traumatic brain injury which leads to O¿Sheäs placement in a medical facility for patients with brain trauma. O¿Shea soon finds that all is not as it appears in the Pacific Dunes Rehabilitative Hospital, and like the carpenter who can¿t bring herself to hire someone else to repair a broken piece of furniture, O¿Shea takes matters into his own hands. At the end of the day, The Stadium Steps is a morality tale, so at its conclusion, like these characters, you ask the same question: ¿What would you do if you were Michael Ignatius O¿Shea?¿

  • af Pete Dove
    133,95 kr.

    Bruce Cleland was smitten when he first saw Rebecca Salcedo. The sexy Latina cook was mixing up spices at the local swap meet and he couldn't believe his eyes. She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen...But in him, she only saw dollar signs. The two would marry and Bruce would shower his high-maintenance bride with extravagant gifts and vacations, even including a breast augmentation. Salcedo, on the other hand, would cheat on her dutiful husband with men...and women...Salcedo soon grew tired of Bruce's devotion and wanted out...but not without some compensation. Forging his signature as well as tallying up his assets, she figured she could get over one million dollars upon his death...but could she get away with murder?

  • af Ruth Cowens
    153,95 kr.

    A collection of True Crime... Amber Guyger, a police officer at the Dallas Police Department, had just returned from a long shift at work, and as she had done countless times, opened her door. On the other side of the door was a black man in his underwear, and Amber realized that there was an intruder in the house. She directed him to put his hands up and when he failed to do so, she shot him. The intruder lay on the floor bleeding, seriously wounded. Amber then realized her mistake. She was not in her own apartment...The case would make headlines around the nation and this is what happened that night...

  • af Karine Rashkovsky
    182,95 - 1.585,95 kr.

  • af Di Lebowitz
    183,95 kr.

    Everyone who knew her as Ah Ping is now dead.I know her only as Paupau - Cantonese for 'maternal grandmother'.Paupau is forgetting many things. She can't remember what day of the week it is, what she had for breakfast or even how old she is as early onset dementia slowly eats away at her brain. But some things Paupau can never forget, even if she tried. The burning smell of her village after the Japanese destroyed her home in Southern China, or her mother's pained face as seven-year-old Ah Ping is sold to the Tang family as a child bride. Torn from her family and imprisoned in Tang House on an island off Hong Kong, Ah Ping endures decades of physical and emotional abuse, sexual violence and abject poverty. How does Ah Ping learn not to succumb to the tyrants in her life and lose her capacity for love?Set against the backdrop of a rapidly changing post-war Hong Kong, A Hakka Woman is a remarkable and heart-wrenching tale about survival, womanhood and the power of a mother's love. Retold through her granddaughter Di Lebowitz, Paupau's story defines what it means to be a Hakka woman.

  • af Alborz Azar
    221,95 kr.

    إم إس شوز سلسلة خريف كتاب اثنين - تأمين العرض العام كان سخيفا هي قصة شركة لتدمير شركة قادمة ورجل أعمال. لقد رفض المكتتبون المطالبة وطعنوا فيها حتى عام 2022 ستظل المحكمة العليا في دلهي تصدر المراسيم . بما في ذلك ، كان الاكتتاب العام هو التأمين ، الذي فشل ورفض الدفع لأسباب واهية. ومع ذلك ، بعد عشر سنوات من التقاضي المضني ، عينت المحكمة العليا في دلهي محكمًا. تم تمرير الجائزة بعد خمس سنوات أقل من قانون التحكيم ، 1940 ، لصالح شركة إم إس شوز لمنح التعويضات.على الجانب الآخر ، استخدمت شركة جي أ بي إل و ك مادهافان ، المدير المشترك المتقاعد لمكتب التحقيقات المركزي ، منصبه السابق أمام السلطات الحكومية للتشهير العلني بسمعة إم إس شوز بافان ساتشديفا. لذا ، فإن سقوط شركة إم إس شوز ليس مكتوبًا في تاريخ الشركة. لا يزال ، غير معروف للجمهور. يكشف فيلم " تأمين العرض العام كان سخيفا " حقيقة أن بعض الأفراد يمكن أن يصعدوا للعب أقذر لعبة ، ويرفض الضامنون الدفع. تأمين العرض العام كان سخيفا. إم إس شوز سلسلة خريف هي قصة الشركة الحقيقية.

  • af Alborz Azar
    234,95 kr.

    ام اس شوس سری سقوط کتاب دو - بیمه پیشنهاد عمومی پوچ بود یک داستان شرکتی از نابودی یک شرکت و یک کارآفرین آینده است. پذیره نویسان تا سال 2022 این ادعا را رد کرده و آن را به چالش کشیده اند دادگاه عالی دهلی همچنان این احکام را تصویب خواهد کرد . از جمله، موضوع عمومی پذیره نویسی بیمه بود که شکست خورد و به دلایل ضعیف از پرداخت آن خودداری کرد. با این حال، پس از ده سال دعوای شدید، دادگاه عالی دهلی داور را منصوب کرد. این جایزه پس از پنج سال از دست دادن به تصویب رسید قانون داوری ، 1940، به نفع ام اس شوس که خسارت را اعطا کرد.از طرف دیگر، شرکت گجرات آپار پلیمر محدود و ک مدهوان ، مدیر مشترک بازنشسته اداره مرکزی تحقیقات، از موقعیت قبلی خود قبل از اینکه مقامات دولتی آشکارا ام اس شوس پون ساچدوا را بدنام کنند، استفاده کردند. بنابراین، سقوط شرکتی ام اس شوس در تاریخ شرکت ثبت نشده است. هنوز برای مردم ناشناخته است. " بیمه پیشنهاد عمومی پوچ بود " این واقعیت را آشکار می کند که برخی از افراد می توانند برای بازی کثیف ترین بازی بروند و پذیره نویسان از پرداخت خودداری می کنند. بیمه پیشنهاد عمومی پوچ بود. ام اس شوس سری سقوط داستان واقعی واقعی شرکت است.

  • af John W. Mount
    103,95 kr.

    This is a true story of a retired military veteran's journey into the dark pit of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. It entails how he battled those issues and took control of hi life again. This book also demonstrates how God intervened to deliver him out of that pit over time. That time became a learning process during which he obtained victory from depression as well as his anxiety and panic attacks.The end of his journey has resulted in God's peace within himself, his family, and his life and having a stronger, totally committed life to God. Therefore, this book was written as a means to possibly help others who have experienced these devastating issues to overcome them and also, finally, achieve peace.

  • af Pete Dove
    153,95 kr.

    Juan Corona terrorized ranchers in the Sacramento Valley for years, evading capture because of the selection of his victims...people who would not be missed.

  • af Larry Maravich
    148,95 kr.

    Accounts of an abusive Catholic priest, a nun questioning her vows, a missing girl reported to the Church rather than the police. A body chewed to nothing by wildlife. A second murder, with links to the first. Nearly forty years after her death, police in Baltimore are no closer to finding the culprit in the disturbing case of Catherine Cesnik than they were back in 1969.Was she simply the victim of a robbery gone wrong? Had she been sexually assaulted, then killed, her body left to rot on the wastelands of the most run-down part of the city? Or was the case connected with a priest, later accused of crimes against the young, whose actions were about to be revealed?

  • af Ruth Kanton
    153,95 kr.

    After leaving a movie in Jersey City, Shannan kissed her boyfriend, Alex Diaz, goodbye. She had received a call out from a client in Oak Beach and promised to come back the next day. Diaz was not worried about her since she had a driver who acted as her security, pocketing half of Shannan's earnings. Shannan called her driver, Michael Pak, and the two drove off from Jersey City at around 10 p.m. that night. Pak drove into the gated community at around 2 a.m., parking outside the client's home to wait out Shannan's appointment. He watched as she walked up to the door, and then settled in his seat to wait for her to come out so he could drive her back home. Sometime after 4 a.m., Pak saw Shannan running out of the house, seemingly scared and acting irrational. She kept stating that the client wanted to kill her, and kept running when Pak tried to help. She was on the phone telling the person on the other side "They're trying to kill me!" Pak drove slowly in the community, trying to follow Shannan's screams and cries. He had never seen her behave like this before, so he assumed it may have something to do with drugs. Shannan, who was on the phone with 911 at the time, ran around the neighborhood looking for someone to help her. When she saw a light on in one of the houses, she ran to the door and began knocking frantically, screaming for help. What happened to Shannan that night?

  • af Kevin Dublin
    208,95 kr.

    An anthology of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry written by 33 San Francisco Bay Area seniors who are writers as a part of the Litquake Elder Project in workshops, classes, or storytelling sessions between Summer 2022 and Fall 2023.

  • af Chrissy L Whitten
    438,95 kr.

    How do you mentally prepare for a surgery you might not survive? Is it possible to be at peace in the face of impending death? Are you battling depression that stems from a heartbreaking loss or a physical affliction? In Rainbows and Brainstorms, Chrissy Whitten journals her way through all of it on top of having two rainbow babies in 2011 and 2015. She describes the difficulty of being torn between the spiritual world (after losing her firstborn daughter) and being present with her second baby, how her faith in Jesus helped her face a life-or-death brain surgery, and how she navigated through headaches and clinical depression following the operation. Chrissy Whitten is living proof that a personal relationship with God can help you overcome psychological and physical storms through journaling, gratitude, Scripture, and a good playlist! With video messages, memory verses, symbolic art, and music included, Rainbows and Brainstorms is a rich resource for anyone in need of a lighthouse. Readers will receive wind in their sails and hope for the future, no matter their situation.Rainbows and Brainstorms is book three in the series Journals from a Warrior's Mother about a family's faith journey through extraordinary circumstances.

  • af Alborz Azar
    246,95 kr.

    MS SHOES ดร็อปซีรีส์ หนังสือ II - การทำประกันข้อเสนอสาธารณะนั้นไร้สาระ เป็นเรื่องราวขององค์กรที่ทำลายบริษัทที่กำลังจะเกิดขึ้นและผู้ประกอบการ ผู้จัดการการจัดจำหน่ายได้ปฏิเสธการอ้างสิทธิ์และโต้แย้งจนถึงปี 2565 ศาลสูงแห่งเดลีจะยังคงผ่านกฤษฎีกา . รวมถึงปัญหาสาธารณะในการรับประกันภัยคือการประกันภัยซึ่งล้มเหลวและปฏิเสธที่จะจ่ายเงินภายใต้เงื่อนไขที่บอบบาง อย่างไรก็ตาม หลังจากสิบปีของการฟ้องร้องที่หนักหน่วง ศาลสูงแห่งเดลีได้แต่งตั้งอนุญาโตตุลาการ รางวัลนี้ผ่านไปแล้วหลังจากผ่านไปห้าปี พระราชบัญญัติอนุญาโตตุลาการ พ.ศ. 2483 เห็นชอบให้ MS Shoes ชดใช้ค่าเสียหายในอีกด้านหนึ่ง บริษัท Gujarat Apar Polymers Limited (GAPL) และ K. Madhavan ผู้อำนวยการร่วมของสำนักงานสอบสวนกลางที่เกษียณแล้ว ใช้ตำแหน่งเดิมของเขาก่อนที่เจ้าหน้าที่ของรัฐจะกล่าวร้าย MS Shoes กับ Pavan Sachdeva อย่างเปิดเผย ดังนั้น การล่มสลายของบริษัทของ MS Shoes จึงไม่ได้ถูกบันทึกไว้ในประวัติของบริษัท ยังไม่เป็นที่รู้จักต่อสาธารณชน "การทำประกันข้อเสนอสาธารณะนั้นไร้สาระ" ตีแผ่ความจริงที่บุคคลบางคนสามารถขึ้นไปเล่นเกมที่สกปรกที่สุดได้ และ ผู้รับประกันภัย ปฏิเสธที่จะจ่ายเงิน การทำประกันข้อเสนอสาธารณะนั้นไร้สาระ MS SHOES ดร็อปซีรีส์ คือเรื่องราวขององค์กรอย่างแท้จริง

  • af Lori Hellis
    191,95 kr.

    In this gripping work of true crime, a criminal lawyer takes readers inside the notorious Lori Vallow case and the devastating "doomsday murders."

  • af Alborz Azar
    258,95 kr.

    MS Shoes 没落 シリーズ ブック二 - 公募の保証はばかげていた』は、新進気鋭の企業と起業家を破滅させる企業物語である。アンダーライターは2022年まで請求を拒否し、争ってきた。デリー高等法院はそれでも判決を下すだろう。それを含めて、引受公社は保険に失敗し、薄弱な理由で支払いを拒否した。しかし、10年にわたる激しい訴訟の末、デリー高等裁判所は仲裁人を任命した。1940年の仲裁法に基づき、5年の歳月を経て、MS Shoes 社に損害賠償を認める裁定が下された。もう一方では、グジャラート・アパール・ポリマーズ社(GAPL)と、中央捜査局を退職したK.マダヴァンが、MS Shoes のパヴァン・サクデーヴァを公然と中傷した。そのため、MS Shoes の没落は企業史に記されていない。しかし、世間にはまだ知られていない。「引受公募債(公募の保証はばかげていた)」は、一部の個人が最も汚いゲームに興じることができ、引受人は支払いを拒否するという現実を暴露している。公募の保証はばかげていた。MS Shoes 没落 シリーズ は、真の企業物語である。

  • af Alborz Azar
    270,95 kr.

    MS SHOES ОСЕННЯЯ СЕРИЯ КНИГА II - СТРАХОВАНИЕ ПУБЛИЧНОЙ ОФЕРТЫ БЫЛО АБСУРДНЫМ Страховщики отказывались от иска и оспаривали его до 2022 года. Решения Высокого суда Дели будут приниматься и сейчас. В том числе, андеррайтинг публичным вопросом было страхование, которое не удалось и отказалось платить по надуманным основаниям. Однако после десяти лет напряженных судебных разбирательств Высокий суд Дели назначил арбитра. Арбитражное решение было принято через пять лет в соответствии с Законом об арбитраже 1940 года в пользу компании MS Shoes. С другой стороны, компания Gujarat Apar Polymers Limited (GAPL) и К. Мадхаван, бывший содиректор Центрального бюро расследований, использовали свое предыдущее положение перед правительственными властями, открыто дискредитировав Павана Сачдеву. Таким образом, корпоративное падение MS Shoes не вписывается в историю компании. Тем не менее, неизвестен общественности. СТРАХОВАНИЕ ПУБЛИЧНОЙ ОФЕРТЫ БЫЛО АБСУРДНЫМ " раскрывает реальность того, что некоторые люди могут подняться, чтобы сыграть в самую грязную игру, а андеррайтеры отказываются платить. Страхование публичной оферты было абсурдным. MS SHOES ОСЕННЯЯ СЕРИЯ - это настоящая корпоративная история.

  • af Alborz Azar
    258,95 kr.

    MS SHOES낙하 시리즈 책 II - 공개 제안이 터무니없는 보장 는 다가오는 회사와 기업가를 파괴하는 기업 이야기입니다.보험업자들은 2022년까지 청구를 거부하고 이의를 제기해 왔습니다.델리 고등 법원은 여전히 법령을 통과시킬 것입니다.예를 들어, 인수 공적 문제는 보험이었는데, 보험은 어설픈 이유로 지불을 거부하고 실패했습니다.그러나 10 년간의 격렬한 소송 끝에 델리 고등 법원은 중재자를 임명했습니다.이 판정은 1940년 중재법에 따라 5년 만에 통과되었으며 MS Shoes가 손해 배상을 승인했습니다.한편, 구자라트 아파르 폴리머스 리미티드 (GAPL) 와 은퇴한 중앙수사국 공동 책임자인 K. 마드하반은 정부 당국이 MS Shoes 파반 사치데바 의 명예를 공개적으로 훼손하기 전에 직위를 이용했다.따라서 MS Shoes의 기업 몰락은 기업 역사에 기록되지 않습니다.그래도 대중에게 알려지지 않았습니다." 공개 제안이 터무니없는 보장"는 일부 개인은 가장 더러운 게임을 플레이하기 위해 올라갈 수 있지만 보험업자는 지불을 거부한다는 현실을 폭로합니다. 공개 제안이 터무니없는 보장. MS SHOES낙하 시리즈 진정한 기업 이야기입니다.

  • af Robert Richardson
    388,95 kr.

    A young pilot disappears on a routine mission, resulting in a rescue attempt on a remote and inhospitable island in the South Pacific.

  • - I
    af David Udbjørg
    271,95 kr.

    Et liv, et potpourri, smagsprøver på et eventyrligt liv. En kaotisk tilværelse, arkitekt, drømme, kunsten at lave glasmosaik, musik og fotografi, et liv som kunstner. Globetrotter, Kalahari-ørkenen, Sumatras jungle, Java og Borneo, forsvundne vulkaner, søgen efter byer og hominider, som ikke findes, besøg hos flodsigøjnerne og Tripura i Bangladesh, Baduier, Orang Rimba i Indonesien og Ju/Hoansi-San samt andre grupper i Kalahari. Han har en særlig interesse i lossepladser og begravelser. En Krobo-høvding gav ham navnet Nene David I, skibsophugning i Bangladesh og borgerkrig i Angola. Opfindelser, skabte ting; et kunstgalleri, Arkitekter uden Grænser var tanken, High IQ for Humanity ligeledes. The Adventurers Society blev skabt, medlem af International Society of Philosophical Enquiry (ISPE), og som en af de få danskere, medlem af Los Angeles Adventure Club.Denne bog er første kapitel i et noget anderledes liv og udfolder sig i fotos, Dall-E og tekst. Alle bør gengive sit liv.

  • af Pete Dove
    148,95 kr.

    HE STARTED WITH HIS WIFE...'Michelle was extremely loyal, ' said her close friend, Debbie Knight, 'she was giving, she was caring, she was dedicated. An amazing woman.'Lisa Emmons concurred. 'Michelle was fun so smart and organized, 'It had been a long time since her many friends had seen the successful executive, or even heard from her. In Michelle's case, a long time being more than a couple of days. That was unusual, in fact so strange that these friends began to worry. In the end, tensions rose, and Debbie decided that she had to visit. The increasingly alarmed messages that she had left on Michelle's answer phone had not been answered, and the probability that something bad had happened to her friend could be ignored no longer. Even so, none of these concerned women could have had the slightest idea of the extremes of violence they would discover all done by the hands of the unassuming Charlie Brandt. This story and more are featured in this anthology of True Crime.

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