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Litteraturstudier: postkolonial litteratur

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  • af Alice Zeniter
    228,95 kr.

    **BESTSELLERROMAN****SOLGT I MERE END 400.000 EKSEMPLARER I FRANKRIG****VINDER AF GONCOURT-UNGDOMSPRISEN 2017 ****VINDER AF AVISEN LE MONDES LITTERATURPRIS 2017 **Fra sin plads på færgens dæk ser Naïma Algeriets kyst nærme sig. Bag sig har hun et Paris, der er rystet af terrorangreb, foran sig et land, som indtil nu kun har været et ubetydeligt baggrundstæppe i hendes liv.Naïmas farfar Ali var olivenbonde i Algeriet og måtte flygte ud af landet ved uafhængighedskrigens afslutning i 1962. Sådan gik det for mange algeriere, der havde samarbejdet med kolonimagten. I Frankrig blev de sat i lejre, inden de blev sluset videre til de nybyggede sociale boligområder og de dårligste jobs. Her voksede Naïmas far Hamid op, dybt splittet mellem sin gamle og nye kultur. For Naïma er alt dette fortid, men hvordan skal man forstå sin egen historie, når ingenting er blevet fortalt.Alice Zeniter har med Kunsten at miste skrevet en kraftfuld og modig fortælling, som er mere aktuel end nogensinde, om en familie, der er fanget af sin fortid. Men også om friheden til at være sig selv, på trods af personlige og sociale barrierer.Alice Zeniter (f. 1986) er forfatter, dramaturg og teaterinstruktør, uddannet fra eliteuniversitetet École normale supérieure i Paris. Hun voksede op i Normandiet med en fransk mor og en algerisk far. Kun 16 år gammel debuterede hun som forfatter. Siden da har hun skrevet yderligere fire romaner, der alle er prisbelønnede. Kunsten at miste markerede Zeniters helt store gennembrud i Frankrig. Den er solgt i mere end 400.000 eksemplarer, fik stor kritikerros og vandt bl.a. Goncourt-ungdomsprisen og avisen Le Mondes litteraturpris 2017.

  • af Frantz Fanon
    248,95 kr.

    "Fordømte her på jorden" er Frantz Fanons enestående undersøgelse af racisme, kolonialisme, psykologisk trauma og revolutionær kamp. Bogen udkom første gang i 1961 under den algeriske revolution og blev betragtet som et farligt værk af kolonimagt-erne. Siden har "Fordømte her på jorden" inspireret til frihedskampe verden over.

  • af David van Reybrouck
    166,95 kr.

    **Shortlisted for the Baillie Gifford Prize 2024**A story of staggering scope and drama, Revolusi is the masterful and definitive account of the epic revolution that sparked the decolonisation of the modern world.'Astounding . . . history at its best' Yuval Noah Harari'Utterly compelling . . . masterful' Financial Times'Superb' GuardianOn a sunny Friday morning in August 1945, a handful of tired people raised a homemade cotton flag and on behalf of 68 million compatriots announced the birth of a new nation: Indonesia.Four million civilians had died during the Japanese wartime occupation that ousted its Dutch colonial regime. Another 200,000 people would lose their lives in the astonishingly brutal conflict that ensued - as the Dutch used savage violence to reassert their control, and as Britain and America became embroiled in pacifying Indonesia's guerrilla war of resistance: the 'Revolusi'. It was not until December 1949 that the newly created United Nations finally brought the conflict an end - and with it, 350 years of colonial rule - setting a precedent that would reshape the world.Drawing on hundreds of interviews and eye-witness testimonies, David Van Reybrouck turns this vast and complex story into an utterly gripping narrative that is alive with human detail at every turn. A landmark publication, Revolusi shows Indonesia's struggle for independence to be one of the defining dramas of the twentieth century.'A magnificent fusion of oral history, sparkling analysis, and historical wisdom. Revolusi has it all: a masterpiece' Sebastain Mallaby'A magisterial and gripping account of events of urgent importance to us now' Jason Burke'A wonderful book' Peter Frankopan'Masterly' J M Coetzee**Shortlisted for the Cundill Prize**

  • - Prosaens litterære laboratorium
    af Bergur Rønne Moberg
    248,95 kr.

    Prosaen er blevet kaldt den moderne litteraturs maskinrum, fordi den breder litteraturens virkefelt ud. Inden for nyere prosateori beskrives prosaen som verdensvendt, rummelig, operativ, genreoverskridende, virkelighedsudvidende og hybrid.Antologiens bidrag indeholder grundlæggende refleksioner over prosaen i en modernistisk kontekst og over dens forhold til lyrik og poesi. Det geografiske perspektiv i romaner og essays har særlig bevågenhed blandt bidragsyderne og kobles til en ekspanderende kontekst af opdagelsesrejser, kolonisering og globalisering og de dermed forbundne kulturmøder. I denne henseende repræsenterer bidragene et bredt udsnit af ældre og nyere, store og små litterære geografier i og uden for Europa. Prosaen spiller fint sammen med den opprioritering af sted og rum, som vi har set vokse frem inden for de senere årtiers litteratur og forskning i litteratur.Med denne antologi stiger vi ombord for at nærme os prosaens radierende felter. Der er undervejs stoppesteder i Island, Færøerne, Danmark, Norge, Sverige, Italien og Nord- og Sydamerika. Prosaen selv ser ud til at være ustoppelig.

  • af José Manuel Rodríguez Herrera
    722,95 kr.

    This book challenges narratives of one-directional cultural flows from Europe to the Americas. The essays¿ varied topics and methods map a richly innovative Spanish-American imaginary emerging through multidirectional transatlantic and Pan-American axes of influence in Modernist to contemporary poetry and art. Migration, friendship, and little magazines open new horizons to renegotiate colonial hierarchies. Intercultural dialogue renders languages and literary/artistic traditions novel sounding boards, inspiring Chicano and Latinx consciousness, reinventions of gender and sexuality, and formal and linguistic experimentation. The diverse sites of intercultural dialogue include García Lorcäs poetry, the Spanish Civil War, avant-garde circles, and intercultural and literary translation.

  • af Constantin Sonkwé Tayim
    1.033,95 kr.

    Die vorliegende Studie stellt einen Versuch dar, Diskurse und Gedächtnismodi herauszuarbeiten, die der neueren Diskussion zur Kolonisation zugrunde liegen. Die Studie beantwortet die Frage, wie Kolonialismus in zeitgenössischen Erzählungen zur Kolonialzeit erinnert wird, d.h. in welchen Begriffen Literatur Bezug auf den Kolonialismus nimmt und zu welchem Zweck. Aus dem komparatistischen Vergleich geht hervor, dass die meisten Narrative, ob afrikanische oder europäische, zwar einen postkolonialen Blick auf die koloniale Vergangenheit (ent)werfen, der diskursive Standpunkt der Erzählungen aber weitgehend von dem historisch-kulturellen Gefüge abhängt, aus dem die Texte und deren Autor:innen stammen, wobei einzelne Texte sich über dieses gedächtniskulturelle Paradigma hinwegsetzen.The study represents an attempt to work out the discourses and modes of remembrance that underlie the recent discussion on colonization. It deals with the question of how colonialism is remembered in contemporary narratives of the colonial era, i.e. in what terms literature refers to colonialism and for what purpose. The comparative analysis of selected african and european postcolonial narratives shows that while most of them design a postcolonial view of the colonial past, the discursive point of view of those narratives is largely dependent on the cultural-historical structure from which the texts emerged and that informed their authors, though single narratives, especially autobiographical texts by European contemporary witnesses, defy the postcolonial paradigm.

  • af Arunima Bhattacharya
    1.417,95 kr.

    This book develops our understanding of the global literary field in the long nineteenth century by discussing nine different places outside the established metropoles. It shows how different economic, geographical and political factors combined to give each place its own distinctive literary culture and symbolic capital. Taking a geocritical approach, the book shows how its different case studies can be seen as ¿literary capitals¿ in terms of their role within the wider nation, region or empire. The volume is divided into three parts. Part One discusses Kolkata, Hong Kong and Buenos Aires. Part Two considers ¿semi-peripheral¿ European cities: Pest-Buda (Budapest), Helsinki and Dublin. Part Three focuses on cities within Italy: Trieste, Florence and Rome. Drawing on a wide range of literary texts and different genres, the book reads the nineteenth-century literary field as a constellation where different connections can be plotted across various points on the map at different times.

  • af Antonio Córdoba
    1.416,95 - 1.423,95 kr.

    This volume explores how Latin American and Latinx creators have engaged science fiction to explore posthumanist thought. Contributors reflect on how Latin American and Latinx speculative art conceptualizes the operations of other, non-human forms of agency, and engages in environmentalist theory in ways that are estranging and open to new forms of species companionship. Essays cover literature, film, TV shows, and music, grouped in three sections: "e;Posthumanist Subjects"e; examines Latin(x) American iterations of some of the most common figurations of the posthuman, such as the cyborg and virtual environments and selves; "e;Slow Violence and Environmental Threats"e; understands that posthumanist meditations in the hemisphere take place in a material and cultural context shaped by the catastrophic destruction of the environment; the chapters in "e;Posthumanist Others"e; shows how the reimagination of the self and the world that posthumanism offers may be an opportunity to break the hold that oppressive systems have over the ways in which societies are constructed and governed.

  • af Gaea Schoeters
    268,95 kr.

    Den amerikanske forretningsmand Hunter White er taget til den afrikanske savanne for at skyde det sidste af the big five: næsehornet. Men af lodgens ejer bliver han diskret tilbudt, formedelst en mindre formue, at skyde the big six ...“Trofæ får dig til at tænke, gør dig vred og river dig med fra første side til den eksplosive, bittersøde slutning” Financieel Dagblad“Schoeters overvælder sin læser med en retorisk kraft … et mareridt på adrenalin” De Standaard

  • - i europæisk litteratur gennem det 19. århundrede (bd. 1-2)
    af Marie-Louise Svane
    498,95 kr.

    Den franske revolution, Napoleon i Ægypten, Tusind og én nat, rejseberetninger fra Konstantinopel, Kairo, Palæstina og Algeriet er forskellige spor i europæisk kultur fra starten af det 19. århundrede. Interessen for Orienten var forbundet med kolonial stormagtspolitik på de asiatiske og afrikanske kontinenter, men også med entusiastisk udforskning af østlig kultur og oversættelser af persiske, tyrkiske, indiske og arabiske klassiske tekster til europæiske sprog. J.W. Goethe drømmer sig tilbage til barmakidernes storhedstid i Bagdad, Lord Byron fortæller dramatiske haremshistorier med noter om egne oplevelser i Tyrkiet, H.C. Andersen er fortryllet i Konstantinopel, Alexandre Dumas omgiver sin helt, Greven af Monte-Cristo, med et spind af gåder, der har at gøre med grevens skjulte fortid i Orienten. Orienten som horisont favner det 19. århundredes europæiske orientinteresse i bredden og viser, hvordan fascinationen af den orientalske verden går hånd i hånd med aktuelle spørgsmål og anliggender i den europæiske kontekst. I bogens kapitler behandles berømte og mindre kendte engelske, franske, tyske og nordiske forfatteres orient-fortællinger og bidrag til en stadig aktuel diskussion om Europas selvforståelse i forhold til nabokulturerne i Øst.

  • af Vladimir Mysin
    179,95 kr.

  • af MK Raghavendra
    578,95 - 1.819,95 kr.

  • af Rose A. Sackeyfio
    293,95 - 693,95 kr.

  • af Keerti Ramachandra
    592,95 kr.

    This book offers a comprehensive understanding of Vyankatesh Madgulkar's work by analysing selections from his major creative fictions and nonfictions.

  • af Avishek (Department of Humanities & Social Sciences Ray
    572,95 - 1.813,95 kr.

  • af Jayana (University of Munster Jain
    578,95 - 1.818,95 kr.

  • af Rebecca Fasselt
    581,95 kr.

    This book considers the key critical interventions on short story writing in South Africa written in English since the year 2000.The short story genre, whilst often marginalised in national literary canons, has been central to the trajectory of literary history in South Africa. In recent years, the short story has undergone a significant renaissance, with new collections and young writers making a significant impact on the contemporary literary scene, and subgenres such as speculative fiction, erotic fiction, flash fiction and queer fiction expanding rapidly in popularity. This book examines the role of the short story genre in reflecting or championing new developments in South African writing and the ways in which traditional boundaries and definitions of the short story in South Africa have been reimagined in the present. Drawing together a range of critical interventions, including scholarly articles, interviews and personal reflective pieces, the volume traces some of the aesthetic and thematic continuities and discontinuities in the genre and sheds new light on questions of literary form. Finally, the book considers the place of the short story in twenty-first century writing and interrogates the ways in which the short story form may contribute to, or recast ideas of, the post-apartheid or post-transitional.The perfect guide to contemporary short story writing in South Africa, this book will be essential reading for researchers of African literature.

  • af Ambereen Dadabhoy
    367,95 - 1.081,95 kr.

  • af Rachel (University of Kent) Gregory Fox
    575,95 - 1.816,95 kr.

  • af Rumina Sethi
    579,95 kr.

    This anthology demonstrates the significance of Raja Rao's writing in the broader spectrum of anti-colonial, postcolonial, and diasporic writing in the 20th century. In addition to highlighting Rao's significant presence in Indian writing, the volume presents a range of previously unpublished material which contextualises Rao's work within 20th-century modernist, postmodernist, and postcolonial trends. Exploring both his fictional and non-fictional works, Reading India in a Transnational Era engages with issues of subaltern agency and national belonging, authenticity, subjectivity, internationalism, multicultural politics, postcolonialism, and literary and cultural representation through language and translation.A literary volume that discusses gender and identity on both socio-political grounds, apart from dealing with Rao's linguistic experimentations in a transnational era, will be of interest among scholars and researchers of English, postcolonial and world literature, cultural theory, and Asian studies.

  • af Bidyut (Delhi University Chakrabarty
    1.825,95 kr.

    This book explores Tagore's socio-political ideas through his novels, short stories, and essays.

  • af Sukrita Paul Kumar
    583,95 kr.

    This book engages with the life and works of the distinctive Hindi writer Krishna Sobti, known for making bold choices of themes in her writing. Also known for her extraordinary use of the Hindi language, she emerges as an embodiment of a counter archive. While presenting the author in the context of her times, this volume offers critical perspectives to define her position in the canon of modern Indian literature.Alongside important critical essays on her, the inclusion of excerpts from the translations of some major works by the author, such as Zindaginama, Mitro Marjani and Ai Ladki, greatly facilitate an understanding of her worldview and the contexts in which she wrote. Also included in this book are some of her reflections on the creative process that help in unfolding the complexities of her characters and her specific approach to the language of fiction. Writing in the times of significant political and cultural churnings, her fiction includes themes such as the Partition of the country and its aftermath, women and their sexuality, desire and violence, history and memory. Her writing subverted the dominant narratives of the times and de-historicised history. Her own essays and other critical writings demonstrate the way Krishna Sobti's characters are abundantly polyphonic and seeped in social realities. They encapsulate the cultural milieu of their times and serve as a site of resistance to the dominant archive of power. Her interactions with her fellow Hindi writers such as Nirmal Verma and Krishan Baldev Vaid, as also her letters, her memoirs and the reminiscences of others, further enrich this volume and establish her unique voice.Part of the 'Writer in Context' Series, this book will be useful for scholars and researchers of Indian literature, English literature, postcolonial studies, cultural studies, gender studies, translation studies and Partition studies.

  • af Chandana Dutta
    583,95 kr.

    This book is a comprehensive volume on the life and works of Joginder Paul, a well-known Urdu fiction writer and thinker. It presents a selection from the writer's oeuvre - a few of his short stories, extracts from his long fiction, samples of his micro-fiction, personal reminiscences, and some of his incisive critical essays written in Urdu as well as in English that lay out his ideas on the role of the writer and the art of writing. The volume also contextualises his work within the Urdu literary tradition and beyond through some critical essays on him from across time and geography. It situates Paul as a notable fiction writer and an essayist who broke convention in his writing and crafted his own individual style. It shows how he was received in Urdu while also placing him as an important creative voice within a larger pan-Indian literary context.The book also focuses on Paul's efforts to effect a change in how fiction should be perceived, particularly by his readers who he considered the most important ally-participant in his effort to create stories. This volume will help to evolve a deeper understanding of the thematic subtleties in his fiction, as well as the critical perspectives he offers in his non-fiction.Part of the Writer in Context series, this book will be indispensable to scholars and researchers in literature, history, sociology, language and creative writing, Partition studies, translation studies, Indian writings, Urdu literature, postcolonial studies, and South Asian Studies.

  • af Amar Singh
    579,95 kr.

    This book critically examines how a Hero is made, sustained, and even deformed, in contemporary cultures. It brings together diverse ideas from philosophy, mythology, religion, literature, cinema, and social media to explore how heroes are constructed across genres, mediums, and traditions.The essays in this volume present fresh perspectives for readers to conceptualize the myriad possibilities the term 'Hero' brings with itself. They examine the making and unmaking of the heroes across literary, visual and social cultures -in religious spaces and in classical texts; in folk tales and fairy tales; in literature, as seen in Heinrich Böll's Und Sagte Kein Einziges Wort, Thomas Brüssig's Heroes like Us, and in movies, like Christopher Nolan's Interstellar, Michel Gondry's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and in the short film like Dean Potter's When Dogs Fly. The volume also features nuanced takes on intersectional feminist representations in hero movies; masculinity in sports biopics; taking everyday heroes from the real to the reel, among others key themes.A stimulating work that explores the mechanisms that 'manufacture' heroes, this book will be useful for scholars and researchers of English literature, postcolonial studies, cultural studies, film studies, media studies, literary and critical theory, arts and aesthetics, political sociology and political philosophy.

  • af Nandana Dutta
    576,95 kr.

    This book looks at the figure of the English teacher in Indian classrooms and examines the practice and relevance of English and India's colonial legacy, many decades after independence.The book is an account of the varied experiences of teaching English in universities in different parts of the country. It highlights the changes in curriculum and teaching practices and how the discipline lent itself to a study of culture, historical contexts, the fashioning of identities or reform over the years. The volume presents the dramatic changes in the composition of the English classroom in terms of gender, class, caste and indigenous communities in recent decades, as well as the shifts in teaching strategies and curriculum which the new diversity necessitated. The essays in the collection also examine the distinctiveness of English practice in India through classroom accounts which explore themes like post-coloniality, feminism and human rights through the study of texts by Shakespeare, Beckett, Doris Lessing and poetry from the Northeast.This book will be of interest to academics, researchers, students and practitioners of English Studies, education, colonial studies, cultural studies and South Asian studies, as well as those concerned with the history of higher education and the establishment of disciplines and institutions.

  • af Angela Suarez-Rodriguez
    1.815,95 kr.

    This book is an in-depth study of the category "stranger" as represented in four contemporary Afrodiasporic novels of female authorship: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Americanah, Sefi Atta's A Bit of Difference, NoViolet Bulawayo's We Need New Names and Imbolo Mbue's Behold the Dreamers.

  • af A. N. ((1930-2017) Kaul
    310,95 - 523,95 kr.

  • af Meg (University of Adelaide Samuelson
    292,95 - 692,95 kr.

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