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Klassiske gysere og horror

Her finder du spændende bøger om Klassiske gysere og horror. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 124 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Gysere og spøgelseshistorier udgivet før 1950.
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  • af Bram Stoker
    367,95 kr.

    Dracula is one of the most famous public-domain horror novels in existence, responsible not just for introducing the eponymous Count Dracula, but for introducing many of the common tropes we see in modern horror fiction.Count Dracula isn¿t the first vampire to have graced the pages of literature¿that honor is thought to belong to Lord Ruthven in The Vampyr, by John William Polidori¿but Dracula is the vampire on which modern vampires are based.Dracula wasn¿t as famous in its day as it is today; readers of the time seemed to enjoy it as nothing more than a good story, and Stoker died nearly penniless. But its long-lasting influence is undeniable, and for all its age Dracula remains a gripping, fast-paced, and enjoyable read.

  • af Curtis Maughan
    1.031,95 kr.

    This collection not only provides a starting point for students and researchers of Gothic Studies interested in the variations and adaptations within the German tradition, but it also serves as a primer for Germanists interested in establishing--or reevaluating--the place of the Gothic in German literary and cultural history.

  • af Amélie M. Boulay
    201,95 kr.

    Plongez dans un univers de mystère avec ce recueil de treize nouvelles sombres. De la chasse à l'homme dans un tunnel bondé au dîner de famille qui tourne mal, en passant par une plage isolée animée de faux-semblants. Les personnages de ces histoires possèdent des secrets et redoublent de mensonges, à leurs risques et périls. Après la lecture, vous commencerez à vous méfier des belles rencontres et des objets qui vous fascinent.Avec des histoires telles que "Mnemoria", "Justice vengeresse" et "Gueuleton", vous passerez d'un monde inquiétant à une réalité bizarre. Tentez une expérience unique en naviguant entre les genres du thriller, du fantastique, de l'horreur et de l'anticipation.

  • af Arthur Machen, Algernon Blackwood & C. S. R. Calloway
    187,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Mathew West
    117,95 - 197,95 kr.

    If you loved The Haunting of Hill House, welcome to Mordrake Manor...

  • af Alistair W. J. Kerr
    117,95 kr.

    Tales for Twilight takes the reader on a 200 year journey of Scottish ghost stories, with unnerving tales by writers such as James Hogg in the early eighteenth century, all the way to James Robertson, very much alive in the twenty-first.

  • af Scott Thomas
    197,95 kr.

  • af E Nesbit
    197,95 kr.

    E Nesbit was one of the great British Edwardian storytellers, whom we now remember most for her children's novels. But she wrote ghost stories prolifically for adults, her imagination focused on the detail of the domestic to draw out horror, chills and delight. Revel in the dark side of Victorian and Edwardian England, where visiting a house of strangers becomes a trial of nerve, and rediscovering the past leads you into strange and terrifying places. Melissa Edmundson, a noted authority on supernatural writing from this period and the curator of Women's Weird and Women's Weird 2, has selected the best of E Nesbit's short scary fiction for this new Handheld Classic.

  • af H. P Lovecraft
    297,95 kr.

    In Dunwich, a remote village in Massachusetts, lost in the depths of an inhospitable countryside with dark valleys invaded by brambles, the old stories of witches are still alive and strange subterranean noises resound at times under the hills surmounted by mysterious circles of stones.On an isolated farm in the region, Lavinia Whateley, a simple-minded albino, gives birth to a child, Wilbur, whose father is unknown. Old Whateley, Lavinia's father, raises Wilbur while arousing the suspicion of the neighboring inhabitants who are frightened by the speed of growth of the child and his repulsive facies. Rumors of witchcraft have always swirled about Old Whateley, and after his death, Wilbur, upon reaching adulthood, became determined to increase the unholy knowledge imparted to him. To reach his goal, he goes to the Miskatonic University of Arkham to borrow the copy of the sinister Necronomicon in their possession. Professor Armitage, understanding the malevolent intentions of his visitor, refuses to accede to his request; thus a captivating illustrated version is born.Always fascinated by the world of HP Lovecraft, François Baranger, an illustrator recognized worldwide for his talents as a concept artist for cinema and video games, has tackled the "cyclopean" task of putting his main stories into images.

  • af Ashton Julian
    222,95 kr.

    From page to screen, the haunted house continues to terrify and intrigue those who dare to spend a night within its walls. Explore the golden age of the haunted house in this anthology of Victorian and Edwardian ghost stories.

  • af Ambrose Bierce
    125,95 kr.

    A bone-chilling, beautifully produced new collection of 11 uncanny tales from one of the great American masters of the ghost story Any lover of dark and unsettling tales will be enthralled by the short stories in this collection, all from the pen of the great Ambrose Bierce. Bierce is often seen as the link between Poe and Lovecraft in the American fantastical tradition, and this collection showcases his mastery of the macabre. A murder is relived from three startling perspectives; a hunter is driven out of his mind by an invisible, malevolent entity; a man meets a terrifying end in an abandoned house; a werepanther creeps through a window in the dead of night... Contains: The Damned Thing; The Moonlit Road; An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge; The Death of Halpin Frayser; The Suitable Surroundings; The Middle Toe of the Right Foot; Moxon's Master; An Adventure at Brownville; The Eyes of the Panther; The Spook House; An Inhabitant of Carcosa

  • af May Sinclair
    139,95 kr.

    Krystallens defekt (1912) omhandler Agatha Verrall, som er blevet udstyret med evnen til at helbrede personer, der lider under psykiske problemer. Hun bruger sin evne til at hjælpe sin nære ven Rodney, eller nærmere bestemt dennes nervesvækkede kone Bella. Det hele fungerer godt, indtil Milly og Harding Powell kommer på besøg. Harding er brudt sammen mentalt og er potentielt til fare for andre, men Milly nægter at give op og få ham sendt i behandling. På grund af sin kærlighed til Milly udvider Agatha sin overnaturlige indflydelse til også at gælde Harding, men finder ud af, at indflydelsen går begge veje, og i hendes sårbare tilstand kommer Harding til at påvirke hende lige så meget, som hun gør ham. Med tiden transponeres den kraftige uro i hans sind over i hende og kaster hende ud i en tilstand af rædsel. Romanen er lige dele kærlighedsfortælling, psykologisk portræt, spiritistisk undersøgelse og feministisk horror. Bag kunstnernavnet May Sinclair gemmer sig den engelske forfatter Mary Amelia St. Clair (1863 - 1946). Hun var suffragette og aktivt medlem af Woman Writers' Suffrage League. I sin samtid var hun også en indflydelsesrig litteraturkritiker med speciale i moderne prosa og lyrik, og hun var den første til at bruge begrebet ”stream of consciousness” i en litterær sammenhæng. Sinclair udgav mere end 20 romaner i den realistiske genre, alle med en feministisk dagsorden, der satte fokus på ægteskabet og kvindens rolle i samfundet. Samtidig skrev hun også adskillige romaner og noveller i den overnaturlige genre, herunder Krystallens defekt. "Tak til forlaget Escho for deres utrættelige, nekrofile – men renhjertede – kærlighed til glemte degenererede vidundere fra litteraturhistorien." - Weekendavisen

  • af Nadine Opitz, Jasmin Mrugowski & Sarah Jahed
    253,95 kr.

  • af Dr Michael (Leiden University Newton
    107,95 - 157,95 kr.

  • af Amanda Aalto
    222,95 kr.

    In August 1864 a ship called 'Voyager' leaves from London port to New York with twenty six passengers aboard. This voyage starts with a hope for a new beginning for many but soon turns into a nightmare when the abhorrent events of the ship start to occur - caused by an enemy who leaves no trails behind. At the end the question is not just who is behind these brutal acts but how to defeat them before other lives may be lost.

  • af Joseph T. Sheridan Le Fanu
    161,95 kr.

    Auf einem abgelegenen Landsitz fernab im steirischen Wald lebt ein junges Mädchen zusammen mit ihrem Vater, ihrer Gouvernante und ihrer Hauslehrerin. Einsam und alleine aufgewachsen sehnt sie sich nach Gesellschaft, da will es ein vermeintlicher Zufall, dass eine etwa gleichaltrige, schöne und geheimnisvolle Fremde auf ihrem Schloss vorübergehend Herberge findet. Zueinander hingezogen fühlend und einen gemeinsamen Traum teilend gehen die Beiden eine leidenschaftliche Freundschaft ein, welche jedoch seitens der mysteriösen Fremden einer grausamen, dunklen Absicht dient.Im Frühjahr 1872 veröffentlichte J.T. Sheridan Le Fanu zunächst als Dreiteiler in der Zeitschrift -The Dark Blue- und später im selben Jahr in einem von ihm herausgegebenen Sammelband -In a Glass Darkly- seine Novelle "Carmilla". Diese fünfundzwanzig Jahre vor Bram Stokers "Dracula" veröffentlichte gothic novella gilt heute als die Mutter aller Vampirromane und wurde nun zum 150. Jubiläum von Gisa L. Mertens liebevoll neu ins Deutsche übersetzt und mit informativen Anmerkungen versehen.

  • af Ann Stafford
    157,95 kr.

    Handheld Press presents a fearful anthology of forgotten stories to persuade you that a stone hand has been placed on your shoulder when you least expect it, or that something heavy is scraping its way up the stairs. Well-known authors of the uncanny such as Eleanor Scott, Edith Wharton, H P Lovecraft and Arthur Machen are showcased with long-forgotten masters and mistresses of supernatural short stories to frighten the heart into some loud thumpings.

  • af Edgar Allan Poe
    267,95 kr.

    This deluxe hardback edition presents the classic short stories of Edgar Allan Poe, featuring gilded page edges, beautifully designed endpapers and classic illustrations by Harry Clarke. Edgar Allan Poe was a master of horror literature. While underappreciated in his time, Poe is now recognized as a literary genius whose gothic tales continue to intrigue and entrance. Tales of Mystery and the Imagination brings together his most haunting and celebrated short stories, including 'The Fall of the House of Usher', 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue' and 'The Cask of Amontillado'. Prefaced by Poe specialist Dr Brook Haley, these tales of murder, madness and suspense are testament to Poe's talent. This beautiful gift edition with silver gilded page edges is illustrated by celebrated Irish art nouveau artist Harry Clarke, whose striking and fantastical illustrations perfectly capture the spirit of Poe's uncanny tales. These eye-catching, full-page images accompany every story, with additional vignettes throughout the book.ABOUT THE SERIES: The Arcturus Gilded Classics series presents luxury gift editions of classics works, printed on opulent ivory paper, featuring hardcover Wibilin binding, foil-embossed cover designs, beautifully designed end-papers and gilded page edges. These make perfect collectibles for lovers of classic literature.

  • af Cecily Gayford
    97,95 kr.

    Not everything that goes bump in the night brings gifts... From the mysterious occupant of an ancient tomb to the Christmas visitor who is troubled by violent dreams, these are ten ghost stories from the masters of the genre that will chill your blood and haunt your dreams through the darkest months of the year.

  • af Vernon Lee
    166,99 kr.

    Novellesamlingen Hjemsøgelser(1889) består af de fire noveller Amour Dure, Dionea, Oke af Okehurst og En grusom stemme. Alle fire handler om overnaturlige hændelser – spøgelser, besættelser og gudinder – men afspejler også tydeligt Lees viden og interesser inden for kunst, arkitektur og køn. Novellerne er i sig selv eksempler på Lees empatiske æstetikbegreb: De stemningsfulde og detaljerige tekster fremmaner så levende historier at de manifesterer sig som kropslige oplevelser hos læseren – lige fra den snigende rædsels kuldegysninger til afslappet velbehag. Lee har arbejdet bevidst med denne teknik og gør det mesterligt. Bag pseudonymet Vernon Lee gemmer sig den britiske forfatter Violet Page (1856-1935), der var en markant skikkelse blandt europæiske intellektuelle omkring forrige århundredeskifte. Lee levede størstedelen af sit liv i Sydeuropa og var en spektakulær personlighed: En autoritet inden for italiensk renæssancekunst, erklæret feminist og pacifist, klædt i herretøj og en højt respekteret skønlitterær forfatter. Lees forfatterskab omfatter værker inden for kunsthistorie, kunstteori, feminisme, rejselitteratur og skønlitteratur. Blandt andet formulerede Lee på det kunstteoretiske område sammen med sin partner Kit Anstruther-Thomson et yderst fremsynet æstetisk begreb kaldet empatisk æstetik. Lee gik i glemmebogen efter at have mistet indflydelse og anseelse i kølvandet på Første Verdenskrig på grund af sin erklærede pacifisme, men både det empatiske æstetikbegreb, der fokuserer på kropslige oplevelser af kunst, og Lees skønlitteratur har siden 1990erne været genstand for fornyet interesse.

  • af Robert Wynne-Simmons
    125,95 - 192,95 kr.

    Beware the buried skull underfoot and watch out for children with fur on their backs...Blood on Satan's Claw is widely regarded as part of the 'unholy trinity' of cult classics which gave birth to the film genre that would become known as folk horror. Along with The Wicker Man and Witchfinder General, it found new ways to terrify audiences using elements of superstition and folklore.Now, fifty years after its release, readers can experience the unearthing of this terror in the film's first official novelisation: a compelling and frightening retelling of the fate of unfortunate villagers sacrificed by their own children as devil worship infiltrates their rural existence.Written by the film's original screenwriter Robert Wynne-Simmons and featuring haunting new illustrations from Richard Wells, it is an atmospheric and defining cult classic in the making.

  • af ID Goodyear
    92,95 kr.

    A young Australian tourist is brutally murdered and dismembered in the grounds of a historic British manor house. A man is convicted of her murder on the flimsiest of evidence, and the distraught owner sells the house. The new owners - keen to profit from the gruesome history - open the house up for ghost hunts, and it is on one Halloween night when a group of people searching for paranormal activity come face to face with the building's past. What starts out as a night of fun, evolves into a battle of survival as one by one the hunters become the hunted.

  • af David Amey
    107,95 kr.

    A battle as old as time. A gentle giant of a man, changed. The living and the dead, allied. Sarah, together with her husband, Tom, leads her newly formed paranormal investigation team, Haunted Hunters, to Dorchester,in Dorset. Local legend deems the place haunted but recent reports of activity are of a truly terrifying nature. What they find waiting for them is beyond anything they could have foreseen. Caught in the middle of a supernatural battle that has raged through the ages, the team find themselves tested and doubting everything they thought they knew. As the forces of darkness threaten to rip apart the veil separating the living world from the dead, alliances will be formed and torn apart and the dead themselves will become allies. Will anyone survive? This time, not even the dead are safe. Beware, the Splitting Man is coming...

  • af Bram Stoker
    102,95 - 212,95 kr.

  • af Xenia Winterwoods
    298,95 kr.

  • af M R James
    477,95 kr.

    This is a collection of M.R. James's ghost stories. James redefined the ghost story by abandoning many of the formal Gothic clichés of his predecessors and using more realistic contemporary settings.

  • af Henry James
    397,95 kr.

    The Turn of the Screw is a horror novella by Henry James. Classified as gothic fiction and a ghost story, the novella focuses on a governess who, caring for two children at a remote estate, becomes convinced that the grounds are haunted.

  • af H. P. Lovecraft
    112,95 kr.

    »Der größte Horrorautor des 20. Jahrhunderts ist H. P. Lovecraft, daran gibt es keinen Zweifel.« (Stephen King) Eine Expedition führender Wissenschaftler bricht in die Antarktis auf. Das Ziel sind geografische ebenso wie geologische Erkenntnisse. Bald schon stößt eine Vorhut auf ein widernatürlich hohes Gebirge und im Schatten der Gipfel auf perfekt konservierte Kadaver absonderlicher Wesen. Als der Erzähler das Lager seines Kollegen erreicht, ist es verwüstet, Menschen und Hunde zerfleischt. Und doch beginnt Lovecrafts kosmischer Horror gerade erst sich zu entfalten. Seine klassische Horrorgeschichte inspiriert und verstört Schriftsteller, Filmschaffende und natürlich Leser bis heute. In dieser zweisprachigen Ausgabe stehen sich deutscher und englischer Text parallel gegenüber - perfekt für echte Lovecraft-Fans. Eiskalter Horror für die nächste Hitzewelle: Wenn zum »Schnee des Südpols noch die Kälte des Alls und dämonischer Wesen tritt« Wiener Zeitung Keimzelle des Horrors: Lovecrafts wichtigstes Werk prägte viele von John Carpenter bis Michel Houellebecq Lovecraft ist überall: Ob im Computerspiel, im Comic oder bei Brett- und Escapespielen, der Mythos Lovecraft lebt!

  • af Ambrose Bierce
    117,95 kr.

    This new collection presents over thirty of Bierce's most terrifying and unusual stories, from essential classics such as 'An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge' and 'The Eyes of the Panther' to the writer's lesser-known series recounting macabre local legends of haunted houses, mysterious disappearances and chilling encounters with the dead.

    117,95 kr.

    Through eleven stories published between 1851 and 1935, this new anthology revives a throng of undying spirits from a host of unsung and classic authors including Elizabeth Gaskell, M. R. James, John Wyndham, and Edith Wharton.

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