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Biblioteker og informationstjenester

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  • af Deborah Eddy-Ugorji
    872,95 kr.

    Bibliotheken auf der ganzen Welt werden als Gedächtnisbasis der Gesellschaft angesehen, da sie eine wichtige Rolle bei der gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung spielen. Die Nationalbibliothek, die als Spitzenbibliothek eines jeden Landes fungiert, hat den gesetzlichen Auftrag, als Aufbewahrungsort für Informationsressourcen zu dienen. Die gesetzliche Ablieferung ist für die effektive Sammlung und Bewahrung des publizierten Erbes eines Landes von entscheidender Bedeutung, da sie gesetzlich vorgeschrieben ist. Das Pflichtexemplargesetz stellt sicher, dass das geistige und kulturelle Erbe eines Landes gesammelt, erfasst, aufbewahrt, geschützt, bewahrt und den Bürgern und künftigen Generationen zugänglich gemacht wird. Hinterlegte Veröffentlichungen werden zur Schätzung der statistischen Datenproduktion, zur Verewigung von Verlegern und zur Messung des Index der menschlichen Entwicklung (HDI) eines Landes verwendet. Daher ist die Einhaltung der Rechtsvorschriften für die Hinterlegung in jedem Land von entscheidender Bedeutung. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Aufbau eines nationalen Erbes. Daher wird dieses Buch Autoren, Verlegern, Forschern, Bibliothekaren, politischen Entscheidungsträgern und Buchhändlern als Leitfaden für den Aufbau eines kulturellen und geistigen Erbes für heutige und künftige Generationen empfohlen. Obwohl das Buch Nigeria als Fallstudie verwendet, ist das Prinzip überall anwendbar.

  • af Deborah Eddy-Ugorji
    482,95 kr.

    Biblioteki wo wsem mire schitaütsq bazoj pamqti obschestwa, poskol'ku oni igraüt wazhnejshuü rol' w ego razwitii. Nacional'naq biblioteka, qwlqüschaqsq wysshej bibliotekoj strany, po zakonu obqzana wypolnqt' funkcii hranilischa informacionnyh resursow. Prawowoe deponirowanie qwlqetsq wazhnejshim zakonodatel'nym obqzatel'stwom dlq äffektiwnogo sbora i sohraneniq izdatel'skogo naslediq strany. Zakon o legal'nom deponirowanii obespechiwaet sbor, prisoedinenie, hranenie, zaschitu, sohranenie i dostupnost' intellektual'nogo i kul'turnogo naslediq strany dlq ee grazhdan i buduschih pokolenij. Deponirowannye izdaniq ispol'zuütsq dlq ocenki statisticheskih dannyh, uwekowechiwaniq izdatelej i izmereniq indexa razwitiq chelowecheskogo potenciala (IRChP) strany. Poätomu soblüdenie zakona o deponirowanii krajne wazhno dlq kazhdogo gosudarstwa. Osoboe wnimanie udelqetsq sozdaniü nacional'nogo naslediq. Poätomu dannaq kniga rekomenduetsq awtoram, izdatelqm, issledowatelqm, bibliotekarqm, licam, opredelqüschim gosudarstwennuü politiku, i rabotnikam knizhnoj torgowli w kachestwe rukowodstwa po sozdaniü kul'turnogo i intellektual'nogo naslediq dlq nyneshnego i buduschih pokolenij. Hotq w knige w kachestwe primera ispol'zuetsq Nigeriq, princip primenim wezde.

  • af Deborah Eddy-Ugorji
    872,95 kr.

    Partout dans le monde, les bibliothèques sont considérées comme la base de la mémoire de la société, car elles jouent un rôle essentiel dans le développement de la société. La bibliothèque nationale, qui est la bibliothèque suprême de tout pays, est mandatée par la loi pour servir de dépositaire des ressources d'information. Le dépôt légal est une obligation statutaire cruciale pour la collecte et la préservation efficaces du patrimoine publié d'un pays. La loi sur le dépôt légal garantit que le patrimoine intellectuel et culturel d'une nation est collecté, archivé, stocké, protégé, préservé et rendu accessible à ses citoyens et aux générations futures. Les publications déposées sont utilisées pour estimer la production de données statistiques, immortaliser les éditeurs et mesurer l'indice de développement humain (IDH) d'un pays. Par conséquent, le respect de la loi sur le dépôt légal est essentiel dans chaque nation. L'accent est mis sur la construction d'un patrimoine national. Ce livre est donc recommandé aux auteurs, aux éditeurs, aux chercheurs, aux bibliothécaires, aux décideurs nationaux et aux professionnels du livre, en tant que guide pour la constitution d'un patrimoine culturel et intellectuel pour les générations actuelles et futures. Bien que le livre utilise le Nigeria comme étude de cas, le principe est applicable partout.

  • af Rohan Agarwal
    497,95 kr.

    The Oxbridge Collection is your Complete Guide to Get into Oxford & Cambridge from choosing your College, writing your Personal Statement, Preparing for your Interview.For: Medicine STEM Humanities Social SciencesFour Books in One to help you through each key stage of your application to Oxbridge.The Oxbridge Collection includes: Course ProfilesWritten by admissions tutors and current students giving a complete insight into the subject you want to apply to.Oxbridge College GuideWritten by admissions tutors and students from each College at Oxford and Cambridge to help you in deciding which College is for you. Covering everything from the clubs, sports and societies available, the rooms, College traditions and subjects as well as the catering options.The Personal Statement GuideStarts with the basics and highlights the application timeline to help you plan.How to do your research, your first steps and opening sentence of your Personal Statement, moving into how to structure your Personal Statement and an all-important chapter on what to avoid and what to include!Work ExperienceWhy you need it for your application, how to arrange it for STEM; Medicine; Humanities; Social Sciences.After your work experience, how to gain a glowing reference, stand out from the crowd and implement it into your Oxbridge application.Example Personal StatementsReal Personal Statements from current students for all main subject areas: Medicine STEM Humanities Social Sciences. Including feedback on each one!Cambridge SAQ'sComplete actual SAQ's from current students from all key subject areas, with admissions tutor commentary to help you write your SAQ.Admissions Tests UCAT BMAT NSAA TSA LNAT PAT MAT ENGAA TMUA ECAA HAT CLT The Collection shows you where to find 100's of practice questions; past papers and worked solutions as well as time-saving strategies and tips written by the top 10% scoring tutors.Oxbridge Interview GuideHow do they happen, where are they usually held, who holds them, when do they take place, what kind of interviews are there? All your key questions answered! A full breakdown of Medicine Humanities STEM Social Sciences interview questions, with practice questions and full answers asked by admissions tutors to current Oxbridge students.Reading ListsWe've compiled key subject reading lists recommended by Colleges, tutors and students. Reading lists are vital in supporting your further development and reading to expand your Personal Statement and discussions at your Oxbridge interview.Written by Oxbridge tutors, students and admissions tutors with full of insider knowledge and tips, the Ultimate Oxbridge Collection is designed to help you make the most of your preparation, approach all stages of your application with confidence, and get those top scores.About UsFrom UniAdmissions, the UK's leading Oxbridge and Medical Admissions company, The Ultimate Oxbridge Collection contains FOUR of our bestselling Oxbridge books in ONE volume, giving you the best and most fully comprehensive guide to your Oxbridge application success. Hungry for more? Visit the Uni Admissions website for more application resources, admissions test strategies, and application support.

  • af Babita Gaur
    360,95 kr.

    Library Dynamics: Navigating Information Landscapes in the Digital Age is a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the evolution and challenges faced by libraries in the modern digital landscape. Part I delves into the historical development of libraries, from ancient archives to the modern information hubs we know today. It highlights the pivotal role libraries have played in preserving and disseminating knowledge throughout history. Part II focuses on transforming library services in the digital age and discuss the impact of digital libraries and open access and open educational resources (OER) and highlights the importance of information literacy and digital citizenship in the digital age, emphasizing critical thinking and ethical information use. Also explores emerging technologies in libraries, such as AI and virtual reality, shaping user experiences and information retrieval. Part III addresses the challenges libraries face in the digital age. This book is a valuable insight for librarians, educators, and policymakers to adapt and thrive in the dynamic landscape of the digital age. It emphasizes the importance of embracing technology while preserving the core values.

  • af Maren Wehrle
    237,95 kr.

    Recent years have seen a rise in interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the mind. However, relatively little emphasis has been placed on attention, its functions, and phenomenology. As a result, there are a multitude of definitions and explanatory frameworks that describe what attention is, what it does, and how it works. This volume proposes that one way to discuss attention is by utilizing an integrative multidisciplinary framework that takes into consideration aspects of attention as a means of accessing the world and as a mediator of experience. It brings together contributions from cognitive science, philosophy, and psychology in order to shed light on these aspects of attention. By including both theoretical and empirical approaches to attention, this volume will provide (1) an innovative framework for examining attention as something that mediates experience and (2) new perspectives on foundational and defi nitional issues of what attention is and how it contributes to our ability to access the world. By drawing together different disciplines, this volume broadens the concept of attention. It opens up a new way of looking at attention as an active process through which the world is disclosed for us.

  • af Elisvânia Rodrigues de Alencar
    532,95 kr.

    It analyses the management and application of information services in school libraries, thus considering the reality of the public schools of Farias Brito - Ce. The problem of this book can be summarised in the following question: what is the level of user satisfaction with the management and information services offered by School Libraries and how are information services developed in School Libraries in the public schools of Farias Brito-Ce, from the point of view of their executors (retrained teachers) and their users (teachers and students)? The general aim of this work is to investigate how the management process and the application of information services take place in the school libraries of the municipal and state public schools in Farias Brito - CE, while the specific objectives are: To reflect on the social and educational role of the school library in the context of information users; To analyse the performance of the school library contemplating possible information services.

  • af Clarence Eugene Boyd
    172,95 - 205,95 kr.

  • af S. N. Chari
    382,95 kr.

    "Open Access Initiatives: Revolutionizing Information Resource Centers for Knowledge Dissemination" explores the profound transformation of libraries and information resource centers in the digital age, where they have evolved from book repositories to dynamic hubs for learning, research, and community engagement. Focusing on the pivotal role of Open Access (OA) Initiatives, this book provides a comprehensive examination of how OA is reshaping information access and utilization globally. The book offers a global perspective, spanning continents to showcase OA's impact and adaptability across diverse cultural and institutional contexts. It places a particular emphasis on India, illuminating its unique milestones, challenges, and successes in embracing open access principles. Government Initiatives and Policies are dissected to highlight their crucial role in advancing open access agendas worldwide. Challenges and Opportunities inherent in the open access movement are candidly discussed, along with a roadmap for leveraging the benefits of OA, including enhanced global collaboration and research visibility.

  • af Keli Rodrigues Do Amaral Benin
    537,95 kr.

    Technological advances have enabled universities to re-evaluate their ways of gathering, processing and disseminating information for teaching, research and their own administration. The librarian services offered to distance learning students was the focus of this work, which aimed to analyse the librarian's role, as well as present the services provided by libraries in distance learning, the means of communication between librarians and distance learning students and also the training of these librarians. The main results were that the bibliographic survey was the service most used by distance learning students, and that e-mail and telephone were the tools most used to communicate with these students.

  • af Cícera Ana M. G. Da Silva
    827,95 kr.

    Digital technologies have had an impact on today's society, since they have enabled people to communicate quickly and interactively through their resources. These technologies are now important channels of information and communication; through them, information has circulated at an accelerated rate and is increasingly being used for various purposes, including educational purposes, as a teaching resource. Information mediation is an important task within a library, since it is through it that the link between librarian, information and user is made. It is understood that digital technologies in the context of the school library would bring a range of possibilities with regard to information mediation, since through them it becomes possible to access countless information sources and pedagogical practices, which could support the library's mission, functions and objectives for the community. With this in mind, the aim is to discuss the mediation of information in the school library using digital equipment, media and supports, including the internet, in dialogue with the possibilities and potential of each device.

  • af Axel Kuhn
    2.117,95 kr.

    Das Handbuch erzeugt erstmals einen forschungsleitenden Rahmen der Buchforschung. Hierzu systematisiert es deren Themenspektrum nach Forschungsbereichen. Es zeigt verwendete theoretische Ansätze und diskutiert potenzielle weitere in ihrem jeweiligen Nutzen. Der Band versteht sich als interdisziplinäre Ausgangsbasis der künftigen buchbezogenen Forschung sowie als Grundelement der buchwissenschaftlichen Ausbildung an Universitäten und Hochschulen.

  • af W. H. Langwell
    187,95 - 342,95 kr.

  • af Anonymous
    248,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af American Library Association
    250,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Mass Cushman Library Bernardston
    327,95 kr.

  • af Giovanni Crisostomo Trombelli
    392,95 kr.

  • af Gray Duncan
    197,95 - 352,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Frognall Dibdin
    327,95 - 437,95 kr.

  • af Anonymous
    172,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af American Library Association
    162,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af Bibliographical Soci Nicholas Feipel
    162,95 - 327,95 kr.

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