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Kybernetik og systemteori

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  • af Suresh Chandra Satapathy
    2.422,95 - 3.148,95 kr.

    The proceeding presents best selected papers presented at 5th International Conference on Smart Computing and Informatics (SCI 2020), held at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, during 17 - 18 September 2021. It presents advanced and multi-disciplinary research towards the design of smart computing and informatics. The theme is on a broader front focuses on various innovation paradigms in system knowledge, intelligence and sustainability that may be applied to provide realistic solutions to varied problems in society, environment and industries. The scope is also extended towards the deployment of emerging computational and knowledge transfer approaches, optimizing solutions in various disciplines of science, technology and healthcare. The work is published in two volumes.

  • af Prasant Kumar Pattnaik
    2.793,95 - 2.833,95 kr.

    This book presents high-quality research papers presented at the Second International Conference on Smart Computing and Cyber Security: Strategic Foresight, Security Challenges and Innovation (SMARTCYBER 2021) held during June 16-17, 2021, in the Department of Smart Computing, Kyungdong University, Global Campus, South Korea. The book includes selected works from academics and industrial experts in the field of computer science, information technology, and electronics and telecommunication. The content addresses challenges of cyber security.

  • af Wei Xiao
    672,95 kr.

    This book presents the concept of Control Barrier Function (CBF), which captures the evolution of safety requirements during the execution of a system and can be used to enforce safety. Safety is formalized using an emerging state-of-the-art approach based on CBFs, and many illustrative examples from autonomous driving, traffic control, and robot control are provided. Safety is central to autonomous systems since they are intended to operate with minimal or no human supervision, and a single failure could result in catastrophic results. The authors discuss how safety can be guaranteed via both theoretical and application perspectives. This presented method is computationally efficient and can be easily implemented in real-time systems that require high-frequency reactive control. In addition, the CBF approach can easily deal with nonlinear models and complex constraints used in a wide spectrum of applications, including autonomous driving, robotics, and traffic control. Withthe proliferation of autonomous systems, such as self-driving cars, mobile robots, and unmanned air vehicles, safety plays a crucial role in ensuring their widespread adoption. This book considers the integration of safety guarantees into the operation of such systems including typical safety requirements that involve collision avoidance, technological system limitations, and bounds on real-time executions. Adaptive approaches for safety are also proposed for time-varying execution bounds and noisy dynamics.

  • af Kyle C. A. Wedgwood
    705,95 kr.

    This book is about the dynamics of neural systems and should be suitable for those with a background in mathematics, physics, or engineering who want to see how their knowledge and skill sets can be applied in a neurobiological context. No prior knowledge of neuroscience is assumed, nor is advanced understanding of all aspects of applied mathematics! Rather, models and methods are introduced in the context of a typical neural phenomenon and a narrative developed that will allow the reader to test their understanding by tackling a set of mathematical problems at the end of each chapter. The emphasis is on mathematical- as opposed to computational-neuroscience, though stresses calculation above theorem and proof. The book presents necessary mathematical material in a digestible and compact form when required for specific topics. The book has nine chapters, progressing from the cell to the tissue, and an extensive set of references. It includes Markov chain models for ions,differential equations for single neuron models, idealised phenomenological models, phase oscillator networks, spiking networks, and integro-differential equations for large scale brain activity, with delays and stochasticity thrown in for good measure. One common methodological element that arises throughout the book is the use of techniques from nonsmooth dynamical systems to form tractable models and make explicit progress in calculating solutions for rhythmic neural behaviour, synchrony, waves, patterns, and their stability. This book was written for those with an interest in applied mathematics seeking to expand their horizons to cover the dynamics of neural systems. It is suitable for a Masters level course or for postgraduate researchers starting in the field of mathematical neuroscience.

  • af Shahram Latifi
    2.683,95 kr.

    This volume represents the 20th International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations (ITNG), 2023. ITNG is an annual event focusing on state of the art technologies pertaining to digital information and communications. The applications of advanced information technology to such domains as astronomy, biology, education, geosciences, security, and health care are the among topics of relevance to ITNG. Visionary ideas, theoretical and experimental results, as well as prototypes, designs, and tools that help the information readily flow to the user are of special interest. Machine Learning, Robotics, High Performance Computing, and Innovative Methods of Computing are examples of related topics. The conference features keynote speakers, a best student award, poster award, service award, a technical open panel, and workshops/exhibits from industry, government and academia. This publication is unique as it captures modern trends in IT with a balance of theoretical and experimental work. Most other work focus either on theoretical or experimental, but not both. Accordingly, we do not know of any competitive literature.

  • af Maria Domenica Di Benedetto
    1.225,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the observability of hybrid systems. It enables the reader to determine whether and how a hybrid system¿s state can be reconstructed from sometimes necessarily partial information. By explaining how available measurements can be used to deduce past and future behaviours of a system, the authors extend this study of observability to embrace the properties of diagnosability and predictability.H-systems shows how continuous and discrete dynamics and their interaction affect the observability of this general class of hybrid systems and demonstrates that hybrid characteristics are not simply generalizations of well-known aspects of traditional dynamics. The authors identify conditions for state reconstruction, prediction and diagnosis of the occurrence of possibly faulty states. The formal approach to proving those properties for hybrid systems is accompanied by simple illustrative examples. For readers who are interested in the use of state estimation for controller design, the book also provides design methods for hybrid state observers and covers their application in some industrial cases.The book¿s tutorial approach to the various forms of observability of hybrid systems helps to make H-systems of interest to academic researchers and graduate students working in control and to practitioners using control in an industrial environment.

  • af Shahzad Muzaffar
    693,95 - 708,95 kr.

    This book discusses single-channel, device-to-device communication in the Internet of Things (IoT) at the signal encoding level and introduces a new family of encoding techniques that result in significant simplifications of the communication circuitry. These simplifications translate into lower power consumption, smaller form factors, and dynamic data rates that are tolerant to clock discrepancies between transmitter and receiver. Readers will be introduced to signal encoding that uses edge-coded signaling, based on the coding of binary data as counts of transmitted pulses. The authors fully explore the far-reaching implications of these novel signal-encoding techniques and illustrate how their usage can help minimize the need for complex circuitries for either clock and data recovery or duty-cycle correction. They also provide a detailed description of a complete ecosystem of hardware and firmware built around edge-code signaling. The ecosystem comprises an application-specific processor, automatic protocol configuration, power and data rate management, cryptographic primitives, and automatic failure recovery modes. The innovative IoT communication link and its associated ecosystem are fully in line with the standard IoT requirements on power, footprint, security, robustness, and reliability.

  • af Giovanni Petri & Federico Battiston
    1.208,95 kr.

  • af Lei Zou
    1.190,95 - 1.210,95 kr.

    Communication-Protocol-Based Filtering and Control of Networked Systems is a self-contained treatment of the state of the art in communication-protocol-based filtering and control; recent advances in networked systems; and the potential for application in sensor networks. This book provides new concepts, new models and new methodologies with practical significance in control engineering and signal processing. The book first establishes signal-transmission models subject to different communication protocols and then develops new filter design techniques based on those models and preset requirements for filtering performance. The authors then extend this work to finite-horizon H-infinity control, ultimately bounded control and finite-horizon consensus control. The focus throughout is on three typical communications protocols: the round-robin, random-access and try-once-and-discard protocols, and the systems studied are drawn from a variety of classes, among them nonlinear systems, time-delayed and time-varying systems, multi-agent systems and complex networks.Readers are shown the latest techniques-recursive linear matrix inequalities, backward recursive difference equations, stochastic analysis and mapping methods. The unified framework for communication-protocol-based filtering and control for different networked systems established in the book will be of interest to academic researchers and practicing engineers working with communications and other signal-processing systems. Senior undergraduate and graduate students looking to increase their knowledge of current methods in control and signal processing of networked systems will also find this book valuable.

  • - 21st Century Paradigm for Product Realisation
    af John Stark
    1.093,95 - 1.759,95 kr.

    This third edition updates and adds to the successful second edition and gives the reader a thorough description of PLM, providing them with a full understanding of the theory and the practical skills to implement PLM within their own business environment. This new and expanded edition is fully updated to reflect the many technological and management advances made in PLM since the release of the second edition. Describing the environment in which products are developed, manufactured and supported, before addressing the Five Pillars of PLM: business processes, product data, PLM applications, Organisational Change Management (OCM) and Project Management, this book explains what Product Lifecycle Management is, and why it's needed. The final part of the book addresses the PLM timeline, showing the typical steps and activities of a PLM project or initiative. "e;Product Lifecycle Management"e; will broaden the reader's understanding of PLM, nurturing the skills needed to implement PLM successfully and to achieve world-class product performance across the lifecycle.

  • af Christoph E. Mandl
    718,95 kr.

  • af Georgina Voss
    166,95 kr.


  • af Yu-Long Wang
    1.225,95 kr.

    This book presents a comprehensive analysis of stability, stabilization, and fault detection in networked control systems, with a focus on unmanned marine vehicles. It investigates the challenges of network-based control in areas like heading control, fault detection filter and controller design, dynamic positioning, and cooperative target tracking. Communication networks in control systems can induce delays and dropouts, so the book presents the importance of stability analysis, stabilize, and fault detection. To help readers gain a deeper understanding of these concepts, the book provides fundamental concepts and real-world examples.This book is a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners working in the field of network-based control for unmanned marine vehicles.

  • af Nikita Basov
    1.759,95 kr.

    The book offers a rare cross-disciplinary blend of computational and ethnographic network analyses in the areas ranging from politics and urban planning to literature and education. The collected papers were presented at the sixth ¿Networks in the Global World¿ conference held on June 22¿24, 2022. This biennial conference series revolves around key interdisciplinary issues in the focus of network analysts, such as the multidimensional approach to social reality, translation of theories and methods across disciplines, and mixing of data and methods. The chapters cover relations between social and cultural structures, power, and interaction in communities, social media, and literature. The book will be useful to practicing researchers, graduate and post-graduate students, and educators interested in social relations, politics, economy, and culture.

  • af János D. Pintér & Giorgio Fasano
    1.208,95 kr.

  • af Octavio Loyola-González, Niken Dwi Wahyu Cahyani, Nurul Hidayah Ab Rahman, mfl.
    2.200,95 kr.

  • af Jiazhong Zhang
    1.502,95 - 1.759,95 kr.

    This contributed volume presents recent developments in nonlinear dynamics applied to engineering. Specifically, the authors address stability and bifurcation in large-scale, complex rotor dynamic systems; periodic motions and their bifurcations in nonlinear circuit systems, fault diagnosis of complex engineering systems with nonlinear approaches, singularities in fluid-machinery and bifurcation analysis, nonlinear behaviors in rotor dynamic system with multi-mistuned blades, mode localization induced by mistuning in impellers with periodical and cyclic symmetry, and nonlinear behaviors in fluid-structure interaction and their control. These new results will maximize reader understand on the recent progress in nonlinear dynamics applied to large-scale, engineering systems in general and nonlinear rotors and impellers in particular.

  • af Peter Benner
    334,95 kr.

    Dieses Lehrbuch führt konsequent algorithmisch orientiert in die Modellreduktion linearer zeitinvarianter Systeme ein; der Fokus liegt hierbei auf systemtheoretischen Methoden. Insbesondere werden modales und balanciertes Abschneiden eingehend behandelt. Darüber hinaus werden Methoden des Momentenabgleichs, basierend auf Krylovraumverfahren und rationaler Interpolation, diskutiert. Dabei werden alle notwendigen Grundlagen sowohl aus der Systemtheorie als auch aus der numerischen linearen Algebra vorgestellt. Die Illustration der in diesem Buch vorgestellten Verfahren der Modellreduktion, sowie einiger der notwendigen, verwendeten Konzepte aus unterschiedlichen mathematischen Bereichen, erfolgt anhand einer Reihe von numerischen Beispielen. Dazu werden die mathematische Software MATLAB® und einige frei verfügbare Software-Pakete eingesetzt, so dass alle Beispiele nachvollzogen werden können.

  • af Liming Dai
    856,95 kr.

    Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Applications: Design Engineering Problems examines the latest applications of nonlinear approaches in engineering and addresses a range of scientific problems. Chapters are authored by world-class scientists and researchers and focus on the application of nonlinear approaches in different disciplines of engineering and scientific applications, with a strong emphasis on application, physical meaning, and methodologies of the approaches. Topics covered are of high interest in engineering and physics, and an attempt has been made to expose engineers and researchers to a broad range of practical topics and approaches. This book is appropriate for researchers, students, and practicing engineers who are interested in the applications of engineering, physics, and mathematics in nonlinear approaches to solving engineering and science problems.    

  • af Sahil Garg
    708,95 - 1.041,95 kr.

    This book provides comprehensive discussion on key topics related to the usage and deployment of AI in urban transportation systems including drones. The book presents intelligent solutions to overcome the challenges of static approaches in the transportation sector to make them intelligent, adaptive, agile, and flexible. The book showcases different AI-deployment models, algorithms, and implementations related to intelligent cyber physical systems (CPS) along with their pros and cons. Even more, this book provides deep insights into the CPS specifically about the layered architecture and different planes, interfaces, and programmable network operations. The deployment models for AI-based CPS are also included with an aim towards the design of interoperable and intelligent CPS architectures by researchers in future. The authors present hands on practical implementations, deployment scenarios, and use cases related to different transportation scenarios. In the end, the design and research challenges, open issues, and future research directions are provided.

  • af Shishir Kumar Shandilya, Atulya K. Nagar, V. B. Gupta & mfl.
    823,95 kr.

  • af Jaume Llibre
    1.429,95 kr.

    The goal of this monograph is to answer the question, is it possible to solve the dynamics problem inside the configuration space instead of the phase space? By introducing a proper class of vector field ¿ the Cartesian vector field ¿ given in a Riemann space, the authors explore the connections between the first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) associated to the Cartesian vector field in the configuration space of a given mechanical system and its dynamics. The result is a new perspective for studying the dynamics of mechanical systems, which allows the authors to present new cases of integrability for the Suslov and Veselova problem; establish the relation between the Cartesian vector field and the integrability of the geodesic flow in a special class of homogeneous surfaces; discuss the importance of the Nambu bracket in the study of first order ODEs; and offer a solution of the inverse problem in celestial mechanics.

  • af Guilherme Mazanti, Jean Auriol, Giorgio Valmorbida & mfl.
    1.649,95 kr.

  • af Yassine Maleh
    1.539,95 kr.

    This book offers the latest research results on blockchain technology and its application for cybersecurity in cyber-physical systems (CPS). It presents crucial issues in this field and provides a sample of recent advances and insights into the research progress. Practical use of blockchain technology is addressed as well as cybersecurity and cyber threat challenges and issues. This book also offers readers an excellent foundation on the fundamental concepts and principles of blockchain based cybersecurity for cyber-physical systems. It guides the reader through the core ideas with expert ease.Blockchain technology has infiltrated all areas of our lives, from manufacturing to healthcare and beyond. Cybersecurity is an industry that has been significantly affected by this technology, and maybe more so in the future. This book covers various case studies and applications of blockchain in various cyber-physical fields, such as smart cities, IoT, healthcare, manufacturing, onlinefraud, etc.This book is one of the first reference books covering the application of blockchain technology for cybersecurity in cyber-physical systems (CPS). Researchers working in the cybersecurity field and advanced-level students studying this field will find this book useful as a reference. Decision-makers, managers and professionals also working in this field will want to purchase this book.

  • af Oliver Inderwildi & Markus Kraft
    1.208,95 kr.

  • af Gilles Lebeau, Jerome Le Rousseau & Luc Robbiano
    1.649,95 kr.

  • af Gonçalo Marques
    1.539,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the integration of IoT and computer aided systems for the development of smart buildings. The scope of the book includes, but is not restricted to, advanced technologies for monitoring, energy management, smart gardening, protection, safety, assisted living, and intelligent operations. The authors cover the wide aspects of interconnected smart services with convenient interfacing to the end-users. The features of this book include discussion on various aspects of IoT and computer aided systems for smart architecture designs and innovative object interconnections. The book also provides highlights on the applications of IoT in the development of intelligent structures for technology-enabled lifestyles. Furthermore, it provides prominent scopes for future inventions in the field of electrical engineering, building system management, and computer-aided advancements. The content of this book is useful to graduate and post-graduate students, researchers, and professionals working on the concept of smart building, smart city, and smart environments.

  • af Lidia Fotia
    1.759,95 kr.

    This book is dedicated to the issues of security, trust and privacy models, and architectures in IoT environments. The authors aim to capture the latest research and contributions from academy, industry, and other stakeholders on new security models, architectures, protocols, and standards for ensuring security, privacy, and trustworthiness to IoT systems. The authors discuss the convergence of IoT, software agents, and edge computing to introduce social features into IoT systems, combining trustworthiness and reputation information collected by agents at the edge with security and privacy mechanisms. They also cover experimental and simulated campaigns that evaluate strategies to improve the security and privacy of the IoT world, and at the same time the ability to prevent and deter deceptive behaviors. The book is relevant for researchers, professionals, academics, and students.

  • af Andrew Adamatzky
    1.481,95 kr.

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