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I denne bog tager Capra og Luisi et opgør med en af videnskabens grundantagelser – at verden er som én stor maskine, vi kan splitte i stumper og stykker. Siden den videnskabelige revolution, hvor denne mekanistiske verdens- og livsforståelse blev grundlagt, har vi forsømt at erkende livet på kloden som ét sammenvævet system. Med det systemiske syn på liv følger en dyb økologisk bevidsthed og en sans for den fundamentale gensidige afhængighed, der er mellem alle fænomener i verden. Det gamle adskillelsesparadigme er ved at falde fra hinanden, og det giver håb om en ny og bedre fremtid. Selvom bogen primært er skrevet til studerende, henvender den sig også til alle, der er interesseret i en forståelse af den nye systemiske livsopfattelse og dennes betydning for en bred række fagligheder – fra politik og filosofi til medicin, psykologi og biologi. FRITJOF CAPRA er stifter af Center for Ecoliteracy i Berkeley, Californien. Han er fysiker og systemteoretiker og har beskæftiget sig med en systematisk undersøgelse af videnskabens filosofiske og sociale implikationer i de sidste 35 år. PIER LUIGI LUISI er professor i biokemi ved universitetet i Rom. Han er kemiker og stod bag de interdisciplinære Cortona-uger, og han beskæftiger sig med eksperimentelle og filosofiske aspekter ved livets oprindelse.
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the central ideas that underpin deep learning. It is intended both for newcomers to machine learning and for those already experienced in the field. Covering key concepts relating to contemporary architectures and techniques, this essential book equips readers with a robust foundation for potential future specialization. The field of deep learning is undergoing rapid evolution, and therefore this book focusses on ideas that are likely to endure the test of time.The book is organized into numerous bite-sized chapters, each exploring a distinct topic, and the narrative follows a linear progression, with each chapter building upon content from its predecessors. This structure is well-suited to teaching a two-semester undergraduate or postgraduate machine learning course, while remaining equally relevant to those engaged in active research or in self-study.A full understanding of machine learning requires some mathematical background and so the book includes a self-contained introduction to probability theory. However, the focus of the book is on conveying a clear understanding of ideas, with emphasis on the real-world practical value of techniques rather than on abstract theory. Complex concepts are therefore presented from multiple complementary perspectives including textual descriptions, diagrams, mathematical formulae, and pseudo-code.Chris Bishop is a Technical Fellow at Microsoft and is the Director of Microsoft Research AI4Science. He is a Fellow of Darwin College Cambridge, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the Royal Society. Hugh Bishop is an Applied Scientist at Wayve, a deep learning autonomous driving company in London, where he designs and trains deep neural networks. He completed his MPhil in Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence at Cambridge University.¿Chris Bishop wrote a terrific textbook on neural networks in 1995 and has a deep knowledge of the field and its core ideas. His many years of experience in explaining neural networks have made him extremely skillful at presenting complicated ideas in the simplest possible way and it is a delight to see these skills applied to the revolutionary new developments in the field.¿ -- Geoffrey Hinton"With the recent explosion of deep learning and AI as a research topic, and the quickly growing importance of AI applications, a modern textbook on the topic was badly needed. The "New Bishop" masterfully fills the gap, covering algorithms for supervised and unsupervised learning, modern deep learning architecture families, as well as how to apply all of this to various application areas." ¿ Yann LeCun¿This excellent and very educational book will bring the reader up to date with the main concepts and advances in deep learning with a solid anchoring in probability. These concepts are powering current industrial AI systems and are likely to form the basis of further advances towards artificial general intelligence.¿ -- Yoshua Bengio
Hvorfor er det så svært at implementere noget? Hvad vil det egentlig sige at implementere? Og findes der en opskrift på, hvordan man lykkes med en implementering?Med udgangspunkt i teorier og modeller gennemgår bogen implementeringens fem dimensioner for at beskrive, hvad implementering er, og for samtidig at nuancere begrebet. Formålet med bogen er at udvikle vores sprog for implementering og dermed udvide bevidstheden og handlingsmulighederne. Implementering indeholder således både:En oversættende dimension, hvor læserne af det, der skal implementeres, ændrer det, så det passer til deres egen kontekstEn instrumentel dimension, hvor det er enkelt at implementere, og alle ved, hvad de skal gøreEn fortolkende dimension, hvor implementering i højere grad handler om at skabe mening med det, der skal implementeresEn legitimerende dimension, der er præget af skuespil, fordi det handler om at skabe legitimitetEn politisk dimension, hvor implementering fører til forhandlinger og kompromiser.Bogen kommer med bud på, hvad man skal være opmærksom på, når implementering foregår i en kontekst præget af magt, skuespil, fortolkning, rationalitet og oversættelser. Den skaber klarhed over begrebet implementering ved at udforske tre spørgsmål:Hvad er implementering?Hvordan foregår implementering?Hvornår er noget implementeret?Implementering – Mellem snak og handling er relevant for forskere, ledere på alle niveauer, konsulenter og andre, der beskæftiger sig med implementering. Den er også relevant for studerende og kan bruges til efteruddannelse og på diplom- og masteruddannelser.
From the 2021 Nobel Prize winner in Physics, a remarkable journey into the practice of groundbreaking science 'Giorgio Parisi is renowned for his scientific creativity, originality, and power. In this exhilarating little book, he shows his human side, too. By its end, readers will feel they've made a charming, witty new friend' Frank WilczekThe world is shaped by complexity. In this enlightening book, Nobel Prize winner Giorgio Parisi guides us through his unorthodox yet exhilarating work to show us how. It all starts with investigating the principles of physics by observing the sophisticated flight patterns of starlings. Studying the movements of these birds, he has realized, proves an illuminating way into understanding complex systems of all kinds - collections of everything from atoms to planets to other animals like ourselves. Along the way, Parisi reflects on the lessons he's taken from a life in pursuit of scientific truth: the importance of serendipity to the discovery of new ideas, the surprising kinship between physics and other fields of study and the value of science to a thriving society. In so doing, he removes the practice of science from the confines of the laboratory and into the real world. Complexity is all around us - from climate to finance to biology, it offers a unique way of finding order in chaos. Part elegant scientific treatise, part thrilling intellectual journey, In a Flight of Starlings is an invitation to find wonder in the world around us.
"Den Sorte Svane har ændret måden, jeg ser verden på." – Daniel Kahneman, nobelpristager i økonomi Den Sorte Svane blev en international bestseller, da den udkom i 2007 og gjorde med ét den amerikansk-libanesiske forsker og tidligere børsmægler Nassim Nicholas Taleb verdensberømt.Den Sorte Svane handler om begivenheder, som er sjældne, højst usandsynlige, og som har en enorm effekt, når de indtræffer – begivenheder, som vi mennesker efterfølgende udtænker forklaringer på, så de fremstår langt mindre tilfældige og ligefrem forudsigelige. Men vi gør klogt i at indse, at Sorte Svaner er helt igennem uforudsigelige, og at vi helt skal lade være at prøve at forudsige dem. I stedet skal vi indrette os, så vi tåler dem og drager fordel af dem.Taleb væver sine ideer og tanker sammen på tværs af en dyb indsigt i filosofi, litteratur, sprog, matematik og økonomi. Han er en forfatter med sin helt egen skrivestil – fabulerende, indsigtsfuld, morsom og provokerende.Med sit mesterværk Den Sorte Svane har Taleb udviklet en både indflydelsesrig og original idé til en ny forståelse af verden. Siden udgivelsen i 2007 er begrebet en Sort Svane blevet populært i et omfang, så det nu bruges til at beskrive og forstå aktuelle begivenheder, både internationalt og i den offentlige debat i Danmark. Sådan blev eksempelvis Den sorte svane navnet på en meget omtalt tv-dokumentar sendt på TV 2 i 2024."Talebs bog er en mageløs og vidunderlig begyndelse på den proces, hvor vi finder frem til en helt anden måde at forholde os til verden – lyttende, snarrådig og sej." – Tor Nørretranders, forord til Den Sorte Svane "Enormt underholdende – medrivende … let at gå til." – Financial Times"En af de tolv mest indflydelsesrige bøger siden anden verdenskrig." – Sunday Times"Fremragende og banebrydende, nu for første gang på dansk." – Lektørudtalelse, DBC"Denne idé, Sort-Svane-ideen, om sjældne begivenheder, ekstreme begivenheder, der dominerer, hvad der rent faktisk sker i vores liv – rummer en umådelig vigtig indsigt og er dybt original." – Daniel Kahneman, nobelpristager i økonomi og forfatter til At tænke – hurtigt og langsomt"[Taleb er] … en helt igennem signifikant filosof; og med det mener jeg, en som er i stand til at ændre måden, vi opfatter verden på, alene ved sine ideers styrke, originalitet og sandhedsværdi." – Will Self, GQ"Overbevisende … stærkt tankevækkende." – The TimesNassim Nicholas Taleb (f. 1960) er en amerikansk-libanesisk forsker, tidligere børsmægler og bestsellerforfatter. Han blev verdensberømt med udgivelsen af Den Sorte Svane i 2007. I mere end 20 år arbejdede Taleb som børsmægler, siden blev han forsker og essayist, beskæftiget med filosofiske, matematiske og (overvejende) praktiske problemer relateret til sandsynlighed. Taleb har udgivet flere bestsellere, bl.a. Fooled by Randomness (2001), Antifragile (2012) og Skin in the Game (2018). De indgår alle i det filosofiske fembindsværk Incerto, der er oversat til mere end 40 sprog.
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of fault tolerant control (FTC) for more-electric civil aircraft. FTC is a crucial approach to enhance the reliability and safety of aircraft in the event of actuator, sensor, or structural failures. Engineers and scientists from diverse disciplines, including aeronautics, electrical, mechanical, and control engineering, have been drawn to research on FTC. This book analyzes the impact of faults on performance degradation in dissimilar redundant actuation systems of civil aircraft and presents the FTC methods to ensure reliable actuation and efficient control. Additionally, this book addresses surface damage issues, such as the loss of elevator, horizontal stabilizer, and rudder, by providing representative FTC methods. The book¿s major highlight is its comprehensive and systematic approach to FTC design, making it an ideal resource for readers interested in learning about FTC design for civil aircraft. The book benefits researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the fields of FTC, adaptive control, flight control, etc.
In "Dawn of Distrust: Technological Threads Weaving a Trustless Society," embark on a riveting exploration into a future where trust is a relic of the past and transparency reigns supreme. Delve into the intricacies of a society transformed by technological innovation, where every aspect of life is governed by algorithms and data.Follow the journey of diverse characters as they navigate the promises and perils of a trustless world. From the unveiling of transparent systems to the unmasking of hidden secrets, each chapter unfolds with gripping suspense and thought-provoking revelations.Witness the ripple effect of technological glitches as they send shockwaves through society, exposing the fragility of human connections in the digital age. Experience the internal strife and power struggles that threaten to tear the trustless society apart, as characters grapple with the consequences of their actions in a world devoid of traditional values.But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, find hope in the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring quest for meaning and connection. "Dawn of Distrust" is a gripping tale of intrigue and suspense, offering a timely reflection on the complexities of technology and its impact on the fabric of society.Prepare to be captivated from beginning to end as you journey through the dawn of a new era, where trust is a luxury few can afford, and the threads of technology weave a tapestry of intrigue and deception.
This book provides a guide for those looking to understand the potential of blockchain technology and its impact on various industries. The book provides an in-depth exploration of blockchain technology, its use cases, and the opportunities and challenges it presents. From digital currencies and smart contracts to supply chain management and decentralized finance, the book covers all the key aspects of blockchain technology. The authors also go beyond the technical details, providing valuable insights and practical advice on how to navigate this new era of decentralization and trustless transactions. The book is an ideal read for researchers, entrepreneurs, investors, or anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve and stay informed about the future of blockchain technology.
This book focuses on the main advancements made in the economics and social sciences field through the use of grey systems theory. As a result, it addresses both the state of the art and the applications of grey systems theory in economics and social sciences. The book is structured in eight main chapters, covering the following topics: the state of the art in the grey systems theory research in economics and social sciences, which includes a bibliometric analysis, a selection of the most well-cited papers in the field, and a selection of applications in which the grey systems theory is used in the areas of suppliers selection, risk assessment, public opinion assessment, linear programming, complex projects management, social media analysis, and natural language processing Each chapter gives an overview of a particular economic or social sciences topic, providing an explanation on the main terms and methods used for solving the problem, including the notations, terminology, and the needed steps to solve it. A practical application is presented in most of the chapters, while in the others, a series of case studies are presented from the literature and discussed in depth in terms of methods used and advantages brought by each of these methods. The last chapter discusses the hybridization cases in which the grey systems theory has been or can be successfully used along with other artificial intelligence methods and techniques for a more advanced analysis in the economics and social sciences field. The reasoning and the explanations used in the book are easy to understand for the interested persons who are not familiar to the field and want to learn more related on how the grey systems theory can be applied to economics and social sciences. As for the experts in this field, this book can be a good referral point for developing new areas of research by combining the advantages of the grey systems theory with other theories within the field.
This book investigates data security approaches in Heterogeneous Communications Networks (HCN). First, the book discusses the urgent need for a decentralized data management architecture in HCN. The book investigates preliminaries and related research to help readers obtain a comprehensive picture of the research topic. Second, the book presents three blockchain-based approaches for data management in HCN: data provenance, data query, and data marketing. Finally, based on the insights and experiences from the presented approaches, the book discusses future research directions.
This book aims to establish a systematic theory on the synchronization for wave equations with locally distributed controls. It is structured in two parts. Part I is devoted to internal controls, while Part II treats the case of mixed internal and boundary controls. The authors present necessary mathematical formulations and techniques for analyzing and solving problems in this area. They also give numerous examples and applications to illustrate the concepts and demonstrate their practical relevance. The book provides an overview of the field and offers an in-depth analysis of new results with elegant proofs. By reading this book, it can be found that due to the use of internal controls, more deep-going results on synchronization can be obtained, which makes the corresponding synchronization theory more precise and complete.Graduate students and researchers in control and synchronization for partial differential equations, functional analysis find this book useful. It is also an excellent reference in the field. Thanks to the explicit criteria given in this book for various notions of controllability and synchronization, researchers and practitioners can effectively use the control strategies described in this book and make corresponding decisions regarding system design and operation.
This book focuses in detail on data science and data analysis and emphasizes the importance of data engineering and data management in the design of big data applications. The author uses patterns discovered in a collection of big data applications to provide design principles for hypothesis generation, integrating big data processing and management, machine learning and data mining techniques.The book proposes and explains innovative principles for interpreting hypotheses by integrating micro-explanations (those based on the explanation of analytical models and individual decisions within them) with macro-explanations (those based on applied processes and model generation). Practical case studies are used to demonstrate how hypothesis-generation and -interpretation technologies work. These are based on ¿social infrastructure¿ applications like in-bound tourism, disaster management, lunar and planetary exploration, and treatment of infectious diseases.The novel methods and technologies proposed in Hypothesis Generation and Interpretation are supported by the incorporation of historical perspectives on science and an emphasis on the origin and development of the ideas behind their design principles and patterns. Academic investigators and practitioners working on the further development and application of hypothesis generation and interpretation in big data computing, with backgrounds in data science and engineering, or the study of problem solving and scientific methods or who employ those ideas in fields like machine learning will find this book of considerable interest.
Commissioned by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS), this needed, useful new ¿Body of Knowledge¿ (BoK) collects and organizes the common understanding of a wide collection of professionals and professional associations.Modeling and simulation (M&S) is a ubiquitous discipline that lays the computational foundation for real and virtual experimentation, clearly stating boundaries¿and interactions¿of systems, data, and representations. The field is well known, too, for its training support via simulations and simulators. Indeed, with computers increasingly influencing the activities of today¿s world, M&S is the third pillar of scientific understanding, taking its place along with theory building and empirical observation.This valuable new handbook provides intellectual support for all disciplines in analysis, design and optimization. It contributes increasingly to the growing number of computational disciplines, addressing the broad variety of contributing as well as supported disciplines and application domains. Further, each of its sections provide numerous references for further information. Highly comprehensive, the BoK represents many viewpoints and facets, captured under such topics as:Mathematical and Systems Theory FoundationsSimulation Formalisms and ParadigmsSynergies with Systems Engineering and Artificial IntelligenceMultidisciplinary ChallengesEthics and PhilosophyHistorical PerspectivesExamining theoretical as well as practical challenges, this unique volume addresses the many facets of M&S for scholars, students, and practitioners. As such, it affords readers from all science, engineering, and arts disciplines a comprehensive and concise representation of concepts, terms, and activities needed to explain the M&S discipline.Tuncer Ören is Professor Emeritus at the University of Ottawa. Bernard Zeigler is Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona. Andreas Tolk is Chief Scientist at The MITRE Corporation. All three editors are long-time members and Fellows of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International. Under the leadership of three SCS Fellows, Dr. Ören, University of Ottawa, Dr. Zeigler, The University of Arizona, and Dr. Tolk, The MITRE Corporation, more than 50 international scholars from 15 countries provided insights and experience to compile this initial M&S Body of Knowledge.
This book focuses on nonextensive statistical mechanics, a current generalization of Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) statistical mechanics.Conceived nearly 150 years ago by Maxwell, Boltzmann and Gibbs, the BG theory, one of the greatest monuments of contemporary physics, exhibits many impressive successes in physics, chemistry, mathematics, and computational sciences. Presently, several thousands of publications by scientists around the world have been dedicated to its nonextensive generalization. A variety of applications have emerged in complex systems and its mathematical grounding is by now well advanced.Since the first edition release thirteen years ago, there has been a vast amount of new results in the field, all of which have been incorporated in this comprehensive second edition. Heavily revised and updated with new sections and figures, the second edition remains the go-to text on the subject.A pedagogical introduction to the BG theory concepts and their generalizations ¿ nonlinear dynamics, extensivity of the nonadditive entropy, global correlations, generalization of the standard CLT¿s, complex networks, among others ¿ is presented in this book, as well as a selection of paradigmatic applications in various sciences together with diversified experimental verifications of some of its predictions. Introduction to Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics is suitable for students and researchers with an interest in complex systems and statistical physics.
Our lives are now deeply intertwined with the digital world, and technology's power has given us access to unparalleled levels of convenience, connectivity, and creativity. The increasing danger of cyber threats is the dark side of this digital revolution, though. The world of cyberspace is filled with potential threats that can disrupt, compromise, and damage, from shady hackers to highly developed criminal organizations and even state-sponsored entities.Welcome to "Navigating Cybersecurity: Defending Against Cyber Threats - Strategies for a Secure Online Environment." In the following pages, we'll set out on a journey into the complex field of cybersecurity, learning adversaries' tactics and examining the methods that can help you confidently negotiate this digital battlefield. Cyber threats are no longer only a thing of science fiction; they are now everywhere. They can destabilize countries, destroy businesses, invade people's privacy, and create unimaginable amounts of devastation. Not whether we will face these threats, but rather when and how. It's a brand-new kind of arms race-a race for information, attentiveness, and digital security. This e-book will give you the information and resources you need to create a stronghold in the online environment. This e-book has much to offer whether you're an individual looking to protect your personal information, a business owner protecting sensitive data, or a curious mind wanting to learn the workings of cyberwarfare.
This project was motivated by the upcoming fiftieth anniversary of the IFIP Human Choice and Computers (HCC) conference, the event that led to IFIP¿s Technical Committee 9 (TC 9). Although IFIP committees are mainly technical, TC 9 is dedicated to research at the intersection of information and communication technology (ICT) with society. In addition to sponsoring HCC, TC 9 supports groups that have specific research interests. In consultation with their members, the leaders of each group offer chapters about their groups¿ history and goals. An additional chapter describes TC 9¿s formation, and an appendix details the national groups that work closely with TC 9. Overall, this volume is a useful guide to the historical development of research on ICT and society, providing readers with important reference works and relevant themes, and also points to likely new trends in these domains.
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