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  • af Tarciso Cruz
    752,95 kr.

    This book, the fruit of an extensive period of ethnographic field research, sheds light on one of the ethnic groups least addressed in the academy. The Roma, victims of persecution wherever they go, are one of the peoples who have historically suffered the most hardship while the least is known about them. Faced with such a responsibility, we thought of developing this book so that their voices could finally be heard. To this end, this work inserts speeches and representations of the world of the Roma themselves of the Calon ethnic group of Camaçari - BA, as one of the possible portraits of this reality so distant from our daily lives.

  • af S. C. S. F. Jeronimo Salvaterra
    542,95 kr.

    This book attempts to demonstrate the genesis of the Creole languages of São Tomé and Príncipe (Forró, Lungié, Angolar). These languages, considered to be mother tongues, are disappearing in the islands of the Gulf of Guinea, in contrast to a high level of Portuguese speakers. It begins by analysing the historical and linguistic context, together with theorising the process of emergence of these languages. São Tomé and Príncipe is considered a creole society, but it presents a low level of number of speakers of each of these creoles, presenting a great devaluation and loss over them. The initial point is to show how the construction of the São Toméan Creole society takes place, in several crucial points so that these Creole languages are devalued and marginalised by their speakers and to enable policies and awareness of the population, to deconstruct the paradigm that has been created in relation to these languages in opposition to the language of the coloniser that lasts until daily life.

  • - Learning from Epidemics
    af Anders Fogh Jensen
    148,95 kr.

    Throughout history, epidemics have repeatedly posed a single, provocative question: ‘Organise or die – what will you do?’ This book explores how different societies have answered. In ten concise, good-humoured chapters, the philosopher Anders Fogh Jensen tells the story of epidemics and control from the 13th century to the present. The book places the coronavirus pandemic into a historical perspective. It illuminates a range of strategies used to combat epidemics and the thinking behind them, and shows how epidemics inspire and act as catalysts for the brave new normal.Anders Fogh Jensen (born 1973) is a Danish philosopher with a Diplomé d’Études Approfondies from the Sorbonne and a PhD from the University of Copenhagen. He is also a playwright, public speaker, author and the originator of concepts such as ‘the project society’ and ‘pseudowork’ to describe the society of today. A frequent commentator on matters philosophical on the radio, on TV and in newspapers, Anders has written several books, some of which have been translated into English, among these The Project Society (2012) and Pseudowork (2021). His plays include De danser alene (They Dance Alone), about the individual and life in the project society. Anders has also lectured at universities in Denmark for many years.

  • af Anders Fogh Jensen
    144,95 kr.

    Today work, leisure, love, health, holidays, schooling and self-development seem to be flowing together in one big, chaotic mess. But in this book, the philosopher Anders Fogh Jensen explains that this mess has its own order: the project.We are dealing with time, space and each other in new ways - marked by temporarity, uncertainty, ad hoc solutions, overbookings, cancellations and the absence of clear expectations to the individual. The temporary 'yes' dominates our daily lives as the passage from one thing to another has become a chronic condition.The logic of the project can be found e.g. in dancing, in administration, in health politics, in football, in our love lives, in corporate culture and in what used to be referred to as private life. The book delves into these highly diverse examples from everyday life - and arrives at a contemporary diagnosis on that backdrop, describing the possibilities and problems that are created by today's project society.

  • - Epidemiernes spørgsmål, civilisationernes svar
    af Anders Fogh Jensen
    143,95 kr.

    Epidemier har altid været en provokation til befolkningerne, der siger Organiser jer eller dø – hvad vil I gøre? Samfundene har svaret forskelligt, og det er disse forskellige svar, som epidemierne har fremprovokeret, der er denne bogs snit. Igennem ti korte veloplagte kapitler fortæller filosoffen Anders Fogh Jensen epidemiernes styringshistorie fra det 13. århundrede og frem til i dag. Bogen placerer coronapandemien i en historisk horisont, så man forstår, hvor de forskellige greb og indgreb kommer fra, og hvad der tænkes med det, der gøres. Anders Fogh Jensen (f.1973) er filosof, Diplomé d’Études Approfondies fra Sorbonne og Ph.D.fra Københavns Universitet. Han er dramatiker, foredragsholder, forfatter og fader til samtidsindrammende begreber som projektsamfundet og pseudoarbejde. Han er en hyppigt brugt filosofisk stemme i radio, TV og aviser. Anders er forfatter til bøgerne Metaforens magt, Mellem ting – Foucaults filosofi, Magtens kartografi– Foucault og Bourdieu, Projektsamfundet, Projektmennesket, Epi-demos, Hvordan skal jeg leve mit liv Kierkegaard?, Pseudoarbejde og senest Narrative samtaler – Forklaringer fra maskinrummet. Flere af disse bøger er også udkommet på engelsk. Anders har bl.a. skrevet teaterstykket De danser alene om projektmenneskets liv og færden i projektsamfundet. Han er en erfaren underviser ved landets universiteter, og han står bag og Filosofisk konfirmation.

  • af Anicet Afri
    672,95 kr.

    This book touches on the social history of the Bété, a people from the Krou cultural area occupying the west, centre-west and south-west of Côte d'Ivoire. In the popular imagination of Ivorians, the Bété is a bellicose people. Even if all Ivorian peoples have their share of clichés, the quarrelsome character attributed, rightly or wrongly, to the Bété has ended up building an identity for this people in the popular imagination. Like almost all peoples, its history has been punctuated by long battles to protect its cultural identity and vital space. But the fact that they are portrayed as fond of conflict remains an element that has not escaped our curiosity as researchers. How do these people, regularly presented as "bellicose", live in harmony both internally and with the various foreign communities on their lands? Analysis of the sources collected on the history of this people has brought to light the existence of a well-honed pre-colonial system of conflict management revolving around the structuring of society. However, the irruption of French colonization into this society precipitated its gradual destructuring.

  • af Tony Baruti
    887,95 kr.

    The founding fathers of the Congo, those whom the people honor as having dedicated their lives to the cause of the just and impactful founding of the Congo, initiated this dream. In their return to the ideals of the founding fathers, the Congolese are rediscovering their joy. The poems in this collection are conscientious hymns that: - Enable the Congolese to reconsider their collective mission as a Nation; - Recall the great heritage of the Congolese people bequeathed by God and rekindled by the founding fathers; - Insist that the poverty and shame they experience today are signs of the abandonment of their own heritage; - Present the "New Congolese Man", Congolese men and women who are aware of their situation and present their positive results that are restoring the Democratic Republic of Congo to a prosperous and powerful Country and Nation at the center of Africa and the World. The Congolese dream therefore remains a joy and an action that transforms the Nation as well as the Republic. Actions that change lives.

  • af Pierre Mbo
    542,95 kr.

    For decades, the Democratic Republic of Congo has been lacking in prevention and protection for vulnerable children. Some solutions seem to be envisaged and applied throughout the country, but without the expected results. And yet we continue to deplore the presence of vulnerable, abused, endangered and discriminated children. In this study our contribution is summed up in the effort to understand the role of the cultural facilitator in the phenomenon of vulnerable childhood. This demonstrates the vital role played by the cultural facilitator in society. This article also analyses the management of the phenomenon in general, and the situation of vulnerable children in particular, in the cosmopolitan city of Kinshasa, which is home to many of the Democratic Republic of Congo's tribes. Our concern is to provide innovations for the effective prevention and protection of vulnerable children. The system to be redesigned will therefore include the following headings: general considerations, consequences and strategic perspectives.

  • af Théodore Duret
    227,95 kr.

    Plongez dans le monde fascinant de l'un des grands maîtres de l'art moderne avec "Histoire d'Édouard Manet et de son ¿uvre". Cette étude approfondie examine la vie et l'influence artistique d'Édouard Manet, un peintre français révolutionnaire dont les ¿uvres ont bouleversé le paysage artistique du 19ème siècle.Le livre offre un aperçu détaillé de la vie de Manet, depuis son enfance jusqu'à sa carrière artistique. Il met en lumière son évolution en tant qu'artiste, ses inspirations et la manière dont il a défié les conventions artistiques de son époque pour créer des ¿uvres provocantes et innovantes qui ont fait avancer l'art moderne.L'étude ne se contente pas d'examiner la vie de Manet, elle explore également ses ¿uvres d'art emblématiques, révélant comment chaque tableau reflète les courants artistiques et sociaux de l'époque. Des ¿uvres telles que "Le déjeuner sur l'herbe" et "Olympia" sont examinées en détail, dévoilant leur importance dans l'histoire de l'art."Histoire d'Édouard Manet et de son ¿uvre" est une exploration fascinante et éclairante de la vie et du travail d'un artiste qui a façonné le cours de l'art moderne. Il offre une vision précieuse du génie créatif de Manet et de l'impact durable de son ¿uvre.

  • af Robert Brasillach
    227,95 kr.

    Imprégnez-vous de l'histoire fascinante de l'une des figures les plus célèbres de la France avec "Le procès de Jeanne d'Arc" de Robert Brasillach. Ce livre donne un aperçu détaillé de la vie, du procès et de la mort de Jeanne d'Arc, une héroïne nationale et une sainte patronne de la France.Le livre explore la période tumultueuse de l'histoire de France lors de la guerre de Cent Ans, lorsque Jeanne d'Arc, une jeune paysanne, a conduit l'armée française à plusieurs victoires importantes. Brasillach se penche sur le procès controversé de Jeanne, révélant les intrigues politiques et ecclésiastiques qui ont mené à sa condamnation pour hérésie.L'auteur analyse également l'impact durable de Jeanne d'Arc sur l'histoire et la culture françaises, soulignant son rôle en tant que symbole de résistance et de courage. Brasillach, avec son style narratif captivant, donne vie à cette époque historique, permettant aux lecteurs de comprendre les défis auxquels Jeanne d'Arc a été confrontée et les sacrifices qu'elle a faits au nom de son pays."Le procès de Jeanne d'Arc" est une exploration profonde et éclairante de l'histoire de cette héroïne française emblématique. C'est un livre incontournable pour ceux qui sont intéressés par l'histoire française, la guerre de Cent Ans et la vie de Jeanne d'Arc.extrait : " Le plus émouvant et le plus pur chef-d¿¿uvre de la langue française n¿a pas été écrit par un homme de lettres. Il est né de la collaboration abominable et douloureuse d¿une jeune fille de dix-neuf ans, visitée par les anges, et de quelques prêtres mués, pour l¿occasion, en tortionnaires. Des notaires peureux ont écrit sous la dictée, et c¿est ainsi qüa pu nous parvenir ce prodigieux dialogue entre la sainteté, la cruauté et la lâcheté, qui réalise et incarne enfin, en les laissant loin derrière lui, tous les dialogues imaginaires qüavait produits le génie allégorique du moyen âge.Même cachées sous un latin transparent, qui n¿a plus guère de latin que le nom, et semble une variété méridionale du français, un chantant français d¿oc à déclinaisons, la force et la beauté de ce texte incomparable saisissent le c¿ur."

  • af Rabindranath Tagore
    227,95 kr.

    Embark on a spiritual journey with Rabindranath Tagore's "Sadhana," a collection of profound essays that delve into the understanding of self-realization, inner growth, and spiritual enlightenment. As a seminal work by the Nobel laureate, "Sadhana" draws from Tagore's profound understanding of the Vedantic and Upanishadic teachings to offer insights into the essence of human existence."Sadhana," which translates to "spiritual practice," encapsulates Tagore's exploration of the journey of spiritual awakening and the individual's relationship with the universe. The book intricately weaves themes of love, humanity, and unity with the cosmos, advocating a sense of interconnectedness and oneness that transcends religious boundaries.With its thought-provoking discussions on concepts like the manifestation of the divine in everyday life, and the infinite within the finite, "Sadhana" invites readers to introspect, to explore their inner selves, and to aspire towards a higher state of consciousness. It proposes that true enlightenment and fulfillment come not from material possessions, but from understanding and embracing the infinite expanse of the cosmos within one's own soul."Sadhana" is more than just a book; it is a spiritual guide for those seeking to understand the profound depths of their existence and their purpose in the universe. It invites the reader to look beyond the constraints of their physical existence and embark on a path of spiritual enlightenment." Perhaps it is well for me to explain that the subject-matter of the papers published in this book has not been philosophically treated, nor has it been approached from the scholar's point of view. The writer has been brought up in a family where texts of the Upanishads are used in daily worship; and he has had before him the example of his father, who lived his long life in the closest communion with God, while not neglecting his duties to the world, or allowing his keen interest in all human affairs to suffer any abatement. So in these papers, it may be hoped, western readers will have an opportunity of coming into touch with the ancient spirit of India as revealed in our sacred texts and manifested in the life of today."

  • af Augustin Hippone
    227,95 kr.

    Immerse yourself in the timeless legacy of Augustin Hippone through a succinct summary of 'The Confessions of Saint Augustine,' a monumental spiritual autobiography that revolutionized Christian literature.Summary:Augustin Hippone's "The Confessions of Saint Augustine" is a riveting autobiographical work that explores the intricacies of faith, human frailty, and the pursuit of divine truth. Penned in the late 4th century by Saint Augustine of Hippo, an influential theologian, this magnum opus remains a cornerstone in Christian literature and Western philosophy.¿The Confessions¿ is framed as a series of earnest dialogues with God, chronicling Saint Augustine's journey from a tumultuous youth to his profound conversion to Christianity. His soul-searching narrative delves into an array of themes including the nature of time, memory, and the human soul, as well as the redemptive power of faith.This masterwork's candid introspection and the portrayal of spiritual transformation have cemented its status as a paradigm for modern spiritual autobiographies. Readers across ages find resonance with Saint Augustine¿s personal struggles and epiphanies, making "The Confessions" an enduring source of inspiration and solace for those on their own spiritual quests.In the contemporary realm, Augustin Hippone's ¿The Confessions¿ serves as a gateway to understanding the historical and theological landscape of early Christianity, and remains an invaluable resource for scholars, theologians, and spiritual seekers alike.

  • af C. Leticia Oppermann Thies
    727,95 kr.

    The Italian immigration in the state of Rio Grande do Sul began in 1874, but only in the beginning of 1877 was sent the first expedition of immigrants destined to colonize the nucleus of Silveira Martins, which is known as the Fourth Colony of Italian Immigration in Rio Grande do Sul. The immigrants brought with them all their culture and values which, when arranged, formed the axis of the cultural heritage of immigration: in first place, the family, the second would be the economic and social value, the third, religiosity, and finally, in fourth place, language, because it is language that sustains the cultural identity of a people. The language spoken by immigrants, contrary to what it may seem, was not Italian as we know today, there were several dialects that mixed together to form the Talian language. Since 2009, a law was passed that recognizes this language as historical and cultural heritage of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. So it is necessary that this language remains alive. But where can we store a language, intangible heritage of a people? With this question comes the idea of a museum of the Talian language. The place chosen for the project is the Conjunto Arquitetônico da Pompeia, in Silveira Martins.

  • af Charles Peguy
    227,95 kr.

    " 1425.En plein été.Le matin, Jeannette, la fille à Jacques d¿Arc, file en gardant les mou- tons de son père, sur un coteau de la Meuse. On voit au second plan, de la droite à la gauche, la Meuse parmi les prés, le village de Domremy avec l¿église, et la route qui mène à Vaucouleurs. À la gauche au loin le village de Maxey. Au fond les collines en face : blés, vignes et bois ; les blés sont jaunes.Jeannette a treize ans et demi ; Hauviette, son amie, dix ans et quelques mois.Madame Gervaise a vingt-cinq ans. (Jeannette continue de filer ; puis elle se lève ; se tourne vers l¿église ; dit le signe de la croix sans le faire.) JEANNETTEAu nom du Père ; et du Fi ; et du Saint-Esprit ; Ainsi soit-il.Notre Père qui êtes aux cieux ; que votre nom soit sanctifié ; que votre règne arrive ; que votre volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au ciel. Donnez-nous aujourd¿hui notre pain de chaque jour ; pardonnez- nous nos offenses comme nous pardonnons à ceux qui nous ont offen- sés ; ne nous laissez pas succomber à la tentation ; mais délivrez-nous du mal. Ainsi soit-il.Je vous salue Marie, pleine de grâce ; le Seigneur est avec vous ; vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes ; et Jésus le fruit de vos entrailles est béni. Sainte Marie, mère de Dieu, priez pour nous pauvres pécheurs, maintenant et à l¿heure de notre mort. Ainsi soit-il.Saint Jean, mon patron ; sainte Jeanne, ma patronne ; priez pour nous ; priez pour nous.Au nom du Père ; et du Fi ; et du Saint-Esprit ; Ainsi soit-il.Notre père, notre père qui êtes aux cieux, de combien il s¿en faut que votre nom soit sanctifié ; de combien il s¿en faut que votre règne ar- rive.Notre père, notre père qui êtes au royaume des cieux, de combien il s¿en faut que votre règne arrive au royaume de la terre.Notre père, notre père qui êtes au royaume des cieux, de combien il s¿en faut que votre règne arrive au royaume de France.Notre père, notre père qui êtes aux cieux, de combien il s¿en faut que votre volonté soit faite ; de combien il s¿en faut que nous ayons notre pain de chaque jour.De combien il s¿en faut que nous pardonnions nos offenses ; et que nous ne succombions pas à la tentation ; et que nous soyons délivrés du mal. Ainsi soit-il."

  • af Karl Marx
    171,95 kr.

    " Von verschiednen Seiten warf man uns vor, daß wir nicht die ökonomischen Verhältnisse dargestellt haben, welche die materielle Grundlage der jetzigen Klassenkämpfe und Nationalkämpfe bilden. Wir haben planmäßig diese Verhältnisse nur da berührt, wo sie sich in politischen Kollisionen unmittelbar aufdrängenEs galt vor allem den Klassenkampf in der Tagesgeschichte zu verfolgen und an dem vorhandnen und täglich neu geschaffnen geschichtlichen Stoff empirisch nachzuweisen, daß mit der Unterjochung der Arbeiterklasse, welche Februar und März gemacht hatte, gleichzeitig ihre Gegner besiegt wurden ¿ die Bourgeoisrepublikaner in Frankreich, die den feudalen Absolutismus bekämpfenden Bürger- und Bauernklassen auf dem gesamten europäischen Kontinent; daß der Sieg der "honetten Republik" in Frankreich gleichzeitig der Fall der Nationen war, die auf die Februarrevolution mit heroischenUnabhängigkeitskriegen geantwortet hatten; daß endlich Europa mit der Besiegung der revolutionären Arbeiter in seine alte Doppelsklaverei zurückfiel, in die englisch-russische Sklaverei. "

  • af Annie Besant
    227,95 kr.

    " What hink ye of Christ, whose son is he?" Humane child of human parents, or divine Son of the Almighty God? When we consider his purity, his faith in the Father, his forgiving patience, his devoted work among the offscourings of society, his brotherly love to sinners and outcasts¿ when our minds dwell on these alone,¿we all feel the marvellous fascination which has drawn millions to the feet of this "son of man," and the needle of our faith begins to tremble towards the Christian pole. If we would keep unsullied the purity of our faith in God alone, we are obliged to turn our eyes some times¿however unwillingly¿towards the other side of the picture and to mark the human weaknesses which remind us that he is but one of our race. His harshness to his mother, his bitterness towards some of his opponents, the marked failure of one or two of his rare prophecies, the palpable limitation of his knowledge ¿ little enough, indeed, when all are told,¿are more than enough to show us that, however great as man, he is not the All-righteous, the All- seeing, the All-knowing, God."

  • af Princewill Uzochukwu Anyanwu
    346,95 kr.

    This book presents the ideal framework for the study and interpretation of deities as an agents for security of life and property in Igbo theocratic world. Crime is an integral part of human society; every society aspires to bring crime under control. As a result, so many methods have been devised by both traditional and contemporary society to protect lives and properties. Traditional Igbo society uses deities in protecting lives and properties. Deities are the spiritual entities governing all aspects of human life in Igbo and African society. Igbo conceived deity as being at the apex of their theocratic world. Today, the study of anthropology have helped the African experts to speak and explain the true nature of deities as the security system. It is within this academic space that the present research work finds its bearing. This book focuses on the use of deities in controlling crime in Mbaise of Igbo ethnic group. The book demonstrated practical examples through which traditional Igbo society protects lives and properties of their citizens through the manipulation of deities to produce different forms of charms and amulet to solve their security problems.

  • af Lizmary Aviles Aguilar
    643,95 kr.

    When we think about the past great civilization, among the first that comes to mind is Egypt. It almost immediately conjures up visuals like the great pyramids of Giza, the Valley of the Dead, complex mythology, pharaohs, mummification and golden sarcophagus, in summary, a great civilization of the likes of the Greek and Roman civilization. But do we think about Egypt as belonging to the overall history of Africa? In turn, what are the most prominent images that come to mind when we think of African history? This investigation, while highlighting the creation of a particular image and narrative of Africa, will concentrate on the construction of Ancient Egypt by the media, from sources such as films, documentaries and academics in the field of Egyptology. A structure that shows a dichotomy of an Ancient Egypt located in Africa, but different from other media images. This dichotomy of a ¿whitened¿ and isolated Egypt from the rest of Africa requires a discussion on the concept of ¿race¿ which is pivotal to this investigation. This analysis is indispensable to understanding and examining the construction of a ¿whitened¿ Ancient Egypt versus a ¿dark¿ Africa.

  • af Ahmed H. Suliman
    469,95 kr.

    You may be accepted, provided that you follow our agenda; this statement represents the policy that the United States has frequently applied in its relationship with Arabs. However, the terrorist attacks of 9/11 have had a titanic negative impact on American policy toward Arabs, particularly Arab Muslims, more than ever. In the post-9/11 era, many cultural and political American intellectuals produce a myriad of antagonistic discourses on the nature of Islam and the temperaments of Arab Muslims. This cultural practice is defined, in the world of academia, as Neo-Orientalism, which is characterized by much more aggression toward Islam and Arab Muslims than traditional Orientalism. Affected by the dominant discourse of the age, different American intellectuals launch a culture war on Islam and Arab Muslims; they produce a massive number of discourses, focusing on defining Islam as the main threat to the West in general and the United States in particular, as well as misrepresenting Arab Muslims as violent terrorists. This book attempts to give a critical reading of the (mis)representation of Arab Muslims in the early, modern, and neo-Orientalist American cultural discourse.

  • af Hans-Werner Goetz
    1.032,95 kr.

    Die Geschichte der Mediävistik ist (wie die Geschichte der Geschichtswissenschaft) von zahlreichen Kontroversen geprägt, die unterschiedliche Ursachen haben und sich, neben Deutungs- und Bewertungsdifferenzen der Quellen und Quellenberichte, vielfach in allgemeine geschichtswissenschaftliche Debatten eingliedern, hier aber durchaus mediävistische Eigenheiten aufweisen. Sie resultieren teils aus weltanschaulichen Gegensätzen, teils aus der Entwicklung der Geschichtswissenschaft mit immer wieder veränderten Perspektiven oder aus neuen Fragen, Ansätzen und Untersuchungsmethoden, aber auch aus unterschiedlicher Beurteilung des Mittelalterspezifischen und der Relevanz des Mittelalters (und der Mediävistik) für die Gegenwart. Die größeren Kontroversen sind als solche bekannt und sie reizen zur eigenen Stellungnahme, doch sind die jüngeren Debatten (etwa der letzten 50 Jahre) bisher kaum als solche im Hinblick auf ihre (zeitgemäßen) Hintergründe, Argumentationen, mediävistischen Besonderheiten oder ihre Reichweite hin untersucht und analysiert worden. In dem vorliegenden Band bieten ausgewiesene Mediävistinnen und Mediävisten aus verschiedenen Ländern anhand von nationalen und internationalen Beispielen kontroverser Themen, Teilgebiete, Forschungsrichtungen und -ansätze einen Einblick in eine "kontroverse Mediävistik" und leisten damit zugleich einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Entwicklung, Methode und Bedeutung des Fachs.

  • af Anders Worm
    237,95 kr.

    “Danmark, hvad har jeg dig gjort, at bort du så grumt mig støder? Hvad kan dog gå mere galt?”Efter 20 frugtbare år på øen Hven i Øresund, hvor mange af de observationer, den moderne astronomihviler på, blev nedfældet, forlod Danmarks betydeligste astronom og videnskabsmand, Tycho Brahe, i 1599 sit fædreland for at finde arbejdsro under sydligere himmelstrøg. Men kunne den arrogante og temperamentsfulde danske videnskabsmand igen finde ro til at fortsætte sine banebrydende beregninger af himmelrummet?Anders Worm fortæller den fascinerende historie om en kontroversiel, genial, insisterende og hårdt arbejdende videnskabsmand, fra Uranienborg (også kendt som Uraniborg) på Hven til sit endeligt i Prag.Tycho Brahe leverede et betydeligt bidrag til den internationale astronomi og står i dag som en af Danmarks allerstørste videnskabsfolk. Men hanslivshistorie viser, at resultaterne også kom medpersonlige omkostninger.

  • af Julien Le Duff
    532,95 kr.

    This end-of-study theoretical reflection, originally presented as part of an internship report, is set in the Czech Republic. It describes the evolution of the notion of historical heritage in this country. Unlike France, where the principle of the historic monument was enshrined in law as early as 1913, it has taken longer to develop the concept of historical heritage. This article looks at the Czech notion of historical heritage and its evolution in a turbulent institutional context, from the proclamation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the present day. Finally, the author raises the question of the future economic, technological and social implications of heritage valorization.

  • af Alexandre Pouchkine
    227,95 kr.

    Eugène Onéguine , regardé comme le chef-d¿¿uvre de Pouchkine, n¿avait pas encore été traduit en notre langue. Il n¿est pas écrit dans le goût du jour : on n¿y trouve ni banqueroute, ni suicide, ni prostituées, ni adultères, mais une galerie de tableaux pris çà et là dans l¿existence russe et servant de fond à une action très simple. Du reste, ce petit poème ou ce petit roman, comme on voudra, ne manque ni d¿originalité, ni de verve satirique, ni de douce poésie, sans parler des faits et gestes d¿Oné- guine « le mauvais sujet. »Je n¿ajoute plus un mot, et je confie à ceux qui savent encore goûter les choses simples et vraies le soin de statuer sur le sort d¿Onéguine.

  • af Émile Durkheim
    172,95 kr.

  • af Leon Bloy
    176,95 kr.

    " Mon cher André, ce n¿est pas moi qui te donne ce livre, le plus impor- tant, peut-être, de tous ceux que j¿ai pu écrire jusqüà ce jour.C¿est mon fils André qui te le donne, mon douloureux fils André que Dieu m¿a repris dans son innocence baptismale et qui a dix-huit ans, au- jourd¿hui, dans le Paradis.Il en eût été le dédicataire et il convient que tu prennes sa place, en cette manière. Je veux croire que telle est sa volonté.Il eût aimé Napoléon comme tu l¿aimes, et votre commun Patron, le grand Apôtre de la Croix, te fera comprendre, si tu l¿interroges avec amour, ce qüil y avait de désirable et de magnifique dans la souffrance du plus glorieux de tous les mortels. Nous sommes au soir du monde, mon cher enfant ; tu seras témoin, peut-être, des divines et terribles choses que le vainqueur des rois semble avoir si grandiosement préfigurées.Puisse l'Ame de Napoléon agrandir ton c¿ur et te servir de réconfort pour les épreuves inconnues.LÉON BLOY. 5 mai 1912."

  • af Frederic Mistral
    257,95 kr.

    " D'aussi loin qu'il me souvienne, je vois devant mes yeux, au Midi là-bas, une barre de montagnes dont les mamelons, les rampes, les falaises et les vallons bleuissaient du matin aux vêpres, plus ou moins clairs ou foncés, en hautes ondes. C'est la chaîne des Alpilles, ceinturée d'oliviers comme un massif de roches grecques, un véritable belvédère de gloire et de légendes."

  • af Louis Dussieux
    227,95 kr.

    " LE titre seul de cet essai indique la pensée deson auteur. Il s¿agit de signaler les noms et les ¿uvres des artistes français qui ont travaillé à l¿étranger, et de préparer ainsi les matériaux qui serviront à l¿histoire de l¿influence que nos artistes ont exercée à plusieurs époques sur l¿art des diverspeuplesdel¿Eu rope.Habitués comme nous le sommes depuis si long-temps à entendre parler de l¿influence de l¿art italien sur l¿art français, on s¿étonnera peut- être d¿entendre parler ici de l¿influence et des travaux des artistes français en Europe; et cependant cette influence et ces travaux ont été et sont encore considérables."

  • af Hector Berlioz
    227,95 kr.

    " Les Grotesques de la musique est un ouvrage d'Hector Berlioz publié en 1859, composé d'articles précédemment parus dans le Journal des débats et la Revue et gazette musicale. Faisant suite aux Soirées de l'orchestre, dédiées aux artistes de l'orchestre de X*** une ville d'Allemagne seulement désignée comme « civilisée » cet ouvrage est dédié à « mes bons amis les artistes des ch¿urs de l'Opéra de Paris, ville barbare ».

  • af Katja Kaiser
    317,95 kr.

    Im Zuge der Debatte über Sammlungsgut aus kolonialen Kontexten steht Georg Zenker (1855-1922) exemplarisch für eine Generation von Sammlern, die in der Hochphase des Imperialismus disziplinenübergreifend Sammlungen für die Berliner Museen zusammenbrachten. Zenker gilt dabei als eine zentrale und zugleich sehr ambivalente Person in der Geschichte des deutschen Kolonialismus in Westafrika. Basierend auf umfangreichem Quellenmaterial nähert sich die vorliegende Publikation der Biografie sowie den Sammelpraktiken, Objekten und Netzwerken Georg Zenkers.Mit dem vorliegenden dreisprachigen Band auf Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch sollen die Erkenntnisse über Zenker für einen größeren Interessentenkreis zugänglich gemacht werden. In the course of the debate on collections from colonial contexts, Georg Zenker (1855-1922) is exemplary for a generation of collectors who brought together interdisciplinary collections for the Berlin museums during the heyday of imperialism. Zenker is considered a central and at the same time very ambivalent figure in the history of German colonialism in West Africa. Based on extensive source material, this publication approaches the biography as well as the collecting practices, objects and networks of Georg Zenker.With this trilingual volume in German, English and French, the findings on Zenker are to be made accessible to a wider circle of interested parties. Dans le cadre du débat sur les collections provenant de contextes coloniaux, Georg Zenker (1855-1922) est un exemple de la génération de collectionneurs qui, à l'apogée de l'impérialisme, ont réuni des collections interdisciplinaires pour les musées berlinois. Zenker est considéré comme une personne à la fois centrale et très ambivalente dans l'histoire du colonialisme allemand en Afrique de l'Ouest. Se basant sur de nombreuses sources, la présente publication aborde la biographie ainsi que les pratiques de collecte, les objets et les réseaux de Georg Zenker.Le présent ouvrage trilingue en allemand, anglais et français vise à rendre les connaissances sur Zenker accessibles à un plus grand nombre d'intéressés.

  • af Kemal Yildirim
    527,95 kr.

    Minority rights protection was for the first time formally included within the international legal framework following World War I, through the League of Nations¿ Minority Treaties. However, the League of Nations was dissolved in 1946.After World War II, minority rights received significantly less attention, with the notable exceptions of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the Genocide Convention), and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which includes minority rights protection under Article 27.The collapse of the communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe and the rise of ethnic nationalism, followed by the violent conflict in former Yugoslavia, changed the situation.

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