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Medievidenskab: internet, digitale medier og samfund

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  • af Patrick Fagan & Laura Dodsworth
    117,95 - 193,95 kr.

  • - En overlevelsesguide til mediebranchen
    af Jens Kjær Larsen
    177,95 kr.

    Mediebranchen befolkes af kendte mennesker, effektive projektledere og kreative gunslingers med mundlæderet i orden. Du skal stå tidligt op for at ride med på dens galoperende hest. Og hvis du sidder for stift, falder du af.I denne overlevelsesguide lærer du at begå dig i en kulturelt toneangivende branche, der sidder på meget af det nationalt definerende flæsk i Danmark. Bogen dissekerer mediebranchen og udstiller dens delelementer stykke for stykke. Den eksponerer indbyggede faldgruber og muteret DNA, og hudfletter de typer den befolkes af. Alt dette for at læseren kan blive klogere på the dos and dont´s og på hvordan man undgår at blive kværnet til pulver af den hæsblæsende branche.Med denne overlevelsesguide i hånden kan du slippe for års mistrivsel i mediebranchen, og forbedre dine chancer gevaldigt for at få et langt og harmonisk arbejdsliv som matros ombord på dens skib.Om forfatterenJens Kjær Larsen er tidligere popstjerne, studievært hos P3 og speaker på TV2. I dag arbejder han som Kreativ Producer for DR. Han bor i økolandsbyen Frikøbing i Hvalsø og har en deleko, som håndmalkes dagligt

  • - fra billeder til bits
    af Marie Møller Kristensen
    172,95 - 197,95 kr.

    For nogle tusinde år siden fandt mennesker på at udviklebilleder og tegn til en ny teknologi: skrift. Med denne teknologiskabte de en kunstig hukommelse. Man kunne nu gemmeinformationer uden for hjernen og dele meddelelser på tværsaf tid og sted.Det samme gør vi i dag. Vi fastholder tanker i tegn ellerlader skriverobotter danne tekst ud fra input. Vi chatter medfolk fra Fredericia og Fiji, og vi opfinder nye billedtegn ogsymboler. Vil vi skrive i fremtiden? Ja, formentlig. Men måden,vi gør det på, vil ikke være den samme.Marie Møller Kristensen tager os i denne bog tilbage tilskriftens opståen og udvikling i årtusinderne frem til nutiden.Traditionelt har forskellige videnskaber undersøgt skrift ogskrivning ud fra hver sin opfattelse af, hvad skrift er, og hvadvi bruger den til. I denne bog er tilgangen tværfaglig.Igennem kapitler om BILLEDET, HÅNDEN, HUKOMMELSEN,DIGITALISERINGEN, GLOBALISERINGEN og MAGIEN servi, hvordan udviklingen af skriftsystemer og skrivning er tætforbundet med så forskelligartede områder som kunst ogmagi, krop og sanser, digitale medier, kulturel og eksternhukommelse i redskaber, tekster, filer og computerprogrammer.Bogen henvender sig til læsere med interesse for kultur- ogteknologihistorie, kunst og medier.MARIE MØLLER KRISTENSEN beskæftiger sig som forfatterog underviser med kulturhistorie, sprog og filosofi.

  • af Pelle Snickars & Rasmus Fleischer
    117,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Svenske Spotify har grundlæggende ændret, hvordan mennesker over hele verden bruger og lytter til musik. Historien om Spotify fortæller historien, fra dengang stifterne Daniel Ek og Martin Lorentzon sad i bare underbukser og fandt på navnet, til det, som siden blev musik- og teknologiverdens absolutte midtpunkt. Den første version af Spotify var en slags pirattjeneste, siden har de største musikselskaber investeret milliarder i Spotify og styrer nu musikudbuddet gennem uigennemskuelige playlister. Dette er en fortælling om en virksomhed, som holder fast i en grundidé, gratis musik, men undervejs har begået fejl, brudt love, fået kritik, gået på retræte, kopieret andre, prøvet igen – og lykkedes.Trods Spotifys eventyrlige succes har virksomheden aldrig givet overskud. I stedet er stifterne blevet mere og mere afhængige af risikovillig kapital.

  • af Rachel Barr
    204,95 - 586,95 kr.

  • - Styr de sociale medier, så de ikke styrer dig
    af Cecilie Nissen Haugaard
    232,95 kr.

    De sociale medier har på godt og ondt fyldt meget i Cecilie Haugaards liv. I denne bog undersøger hun, hvordan de sociale medier påvirker vores mentale sundhed, og viser en vej til, hvordan vi kan bruge dem uden at blive negativt påvirket.Gennem en række samtaler med eksperter afdækker hun, hvordan SoMe-platformene er designet til at fange vores opmærksomhed, og hvordan de påvirker vores hjerne, psyke og dømmekraft. Og hun viser, hvordan vi med øvelser og konkrete værktøjet kan lære at leve sundt med de sociale medier og bruge dem til vores egen fordel.Cecilie Nissen Haugaard er model og influencer. Hun er uddannet fra CBS som cand.merc. i økonomi og kommunikation med en overbygning i psykologi. Derudover har hun taget en uddannelse inden for coaching. I 2019 lavede hun TV 2-dokumentaren ”Cillemouse – den falske virkelighed” om bagsiden af de sociale medier. Hun er gift med musikeren Christopher, som hun har to børn med.

  • af Gevisa La Rocca
    1.125,95 kr.

    This contributed volume identifies how the information processes of public institutions and citizens have changed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, within a new context that emerged: the infodemic disorder. Public debate is largely characterized today by a crisis of the legitimacy of institutions, accompanied by a crisis of authority in public communication, leading to the emergency of a state of information disorder due specifically to the need to find information related to the coping of the pandemic. This condition is characterized by growing attention to issues related to ¿fake news¿, ¿misinformation¿, and ¿media manipulation¿, that are intertwined in digital platform ecosystems, and the effects of which on democracy, public communication and research, and the sharing of information in the civic sphere are broad and far-reaching. This volume analyzes the links between communication strategies of public institutions, and the resulting citizen communication, in an attempt to tease out how communication processes have changed during the pandemic. It was decided to investigate this infodemic disorder as it appeared in three different geographical contexts: Europe, Canada and Mexico and, at the same time, to bring out the formal and informal coping strategies implemented by public institutions and citizens. Beginning with an introduction to the crisis of information created by the pandemic, the contributors build a theoretical framework, provide contagion data, and subsequently, for each of the geographical contexts analyzed, explore the public communication strategies and those activated by citizens seeking to share information.

  • af Steffen Grütjen
    671,95 kr.

    ¿Der Medienjournalismus als fachjournalistische Disziplin ist landläufig mit einem Nischenstempel behaftet. Seit seinen Anfängen als klassische Medienseite in (überregionalen) Tageszeitungen hat er sich stark ausdifferenziert und tritt mit neuen Angebotsformen inzwischen verstärkt im Social Web auf. Die Forschungsarbeit systematisiert und reflektiert erstmals Innovationsstrukturen im öffentlich-rechtlichen Medienjournalismus. In Leitfadeninterviews gewähren Medienjournalist*innen von ARD und Deutschlandradio Einblicke in ihre (innovative) Programmgestaltung und formateigenen Zielgruppenvorstellungen. Als Forschungsgegenstand werden neun genuine Medienmagazine betrachtet, darunter ¿ZAPP¿ (Norddeutscher Rundfunk), ¿@mediasres¿ (Deutschlandfunk) oder ¿Töne, Texte, Bilder¿ (Westdeutscher Rundfunk). Mit Blick auf den öffentlich-rechtlichen Auftrag messen die Befragten dem Medienjournalismus in öffentlich-rechtlicher Verantwortung eine große Bedeutung bei ¿ sowohl im Lichte einer kritischenBegleitung von journalismus- bzw. medienspezifischen Themen und Spannungsfeldern als auch bei der Wandelbarkeit von tradierten Programmmustern.

  • af Carmen Maíz-Arévalo
    1.125,95 kr.

    ¿This book follows a Goffmanian approach to self-presentation to focus on the different strategies Spanish users employ to construct their digital identity in profiles, biographies, pictures, and statuses on platforms such WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. The author presents a functioning taxonomy of self-presentation strategies along the front-stage/back-stage continuum, including common strategies such as eudaimonic (or inspirational) messages and the use of humour. Special attention is paid to the effects of social variables such as the users' gender and age, and the perceived purposes of the different platforms (e.g. LinkedIn is often intended as a professional market for job hunting, whereas Facebook is rarely used in this context). The book will be of interest to students and scholars of Technologically Mediated Communication (traditionally known as Computer-Mediated Communication or CMC), media communication, internet pragmatics, digital discourse analysis, and related fields.

  • af Peng Duan
    1.051,95 - 1.097,95 kr.

  • af Mette Mortensen
    476,95 - 762,95 kr.

  • af Benjamin Yh Loh
    1.069,95 - 1.091,95 kr.

  • - Presseetik og jura
    af Lærke Helene Askholm
    142,95 kr.

    Mediernes rolle i dækningen af voldtægtssager er kompleks og fyldt med dilemmaer og tværfaglige overvejelser. Detaljegrad, vægtning af retslig information og ordvalg har stor indflydelse på, hvordan en sag fremstilles. Mediebilledet kan være mere eller mindre misvisende i forhold til sagernes egentlige indhold, og man kan som journalist ende med at holde voldtægtsmyter i live, hvis man ikke har øje for alle disse ting. Som journalist skal man både tjene offentlighedens interesse, men også privatlivets fred og derved tage højde for de implementerede parter, der påvirkes af formidlingen.Denne bog er en kortlægning af de problematikker, som er i spil, når der skal rapporteres i forbindelse med voldtægtssager. Bogen belyser både juridiske, psykologiske, sproglige og etiske temaer – alle med den journalistiske formidling som omdrejningspunkt. Journalister fra en række mediehuse har bidraget med eksempler fra praksis, som inddrages undervejs for at nuancere det stof, der behandles. Bogen skal ses som et praktisk redskab og opslagsværk, der kan bruges, når voldtægtssager skal dækkes.Den henvender sig især til journalister og journaliststuderende, men har relevans for alle, der enten skal formidle voldtægtssager eller ønsker at forstå både sagerne og kommunikationen omkring dem bedre.

  • - En introduktion til medier og samfund
    af Jack Andersen & Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen
    264,95 kr.

    Digitale medier griber ind i vores liv på flere og flere måder og påvirker stadigt nye arenaer i vores samfund og vores hverdagsliv – fra de mest intime livsområder til de storpolitiske spilleregler. Vi forstår og fremstiller os selv på nye måder, vi skaber relationer anderledes end tidligere, og vilkårene for den offentlige debat er markant forandret.Samtidig påvirkes de digitale mediers udvikling også af stukturene og værdierne i det samfund, de er opstået i, og digitale medier fungerer som katalysator for allerede eksisterende samfundstendenser.DIGITAL KULTUR – EN INTRODUKTION TIL DIGITALE MEDIER OG SAMFUND belyser denne gensidige påvirkning mellem de nye kommunikationsmidler og den kultur, de er en del af.Forfatterne sporer den digitale kulturs historie og undersøger de tendenser og handlemønstre, der skabes og nedbrydes i vekselvirkningen mellem digitale medier og samfund.Bogen består af fire dele, der til sammen præsenterer en bred vifte af tilgange til at forstå og analysere digital kultur:Del 1 opridser det komplekse sammenspil mellem det digitale og samfundet, indkredser de digitale mediers væsentligste kendetegn og opridser de seneste 40 års debat om digitale medier.Del 2 præsenterer tre forskellige teoretiske perspektiver, der kan anlægges i analysen af digitale medier: et kommunikationsfagligt perspektiv, et teknologisk perspektiv og et antropologisk, kulturanalytisk perspektiv.Del 3 introducerer læseren til brugen af algoritmer og belyser dataindsamling og personalisering i relation til emner som overvågning og selvovervågning.Del 4 stiller skarpt på sociale aspekter af digitaliseringen, herunder forskellige interaktions- og deltagelsesformer på sociale medier samt deres betydning for politisk kommunikation og offentlig debat.Bogen henvender sig især til studerende på universiteterne, men kan læses af enhver, der interesserer sig for eller arbejder med digitalisering og nye kommunikationsformer i et samfundsperspektiv.

  • af Cândido Oliveira Martins
    1.268,95 kr.

    This interdisciplinary collection explores four distinct perspectives about the mask, as object of use for protection, identity, and disguise. In part I, contributors address human identities within collective social performance, with chapters on performativity and the far right and masked identities in political resistance and communication. Part II focuses on the mask as a signifying object with strong representational challenges, exploring representations in festivals, literature, and film. Part III investigates the ambiguous use of the mask as a protective and concealing element, delving into visual culture and digital social media contexts. Finally, Part VI draws on the work of Levinas and Deleuze to investigate a philosophical view of the mask that addresses memory and ethics within intersubjective relationships. Questioning the contemporary world, using communication, sociology, visual culture, and philosophical theory, the volume provides a pedagogical and formative perspective on the mask.

  • af Ulrike Rohn
    1.992,95 kr.

    The handbook presents key contributions from scholars worldwide, providing a comprehensive exploration of current trends in media industries from diverse perspectives. Within the framework of understanding contemporary and future trajectories in media markets and industries, the volume delves into their influence on media organization and delivery, along with broader societal and market implications. Encompassing research at the crossroads of economics, management, political economy, and production studies, the handbook emphasizes the necessity for a robust interdisciplinary dialogue. Beyond scrutinizing present and forthcoming industry developments, the handbook addresses pivotal issues pertaining to media economics research methods and pedagogy. It serves as a valuable resource for scholars, students, and media professionals, providing insights into media economics as an academic field and delving into the multifaceted dynamics that shape the media landscape. Doing this, it contributes to the ongoing discourse on the evolving nature of media markets and their profound impact on society.

  • af Laurens Lauer
    752,95 kr.

    Misinformation and disinformation have emerged as paramount societal challenges, affecting areas from public health to climate change and eroding both social understanding and democratic values. Enter the political fact-checkers: stalwart defenders of accurate public information and guardians of robust public discourse. What began as an endeavor to verify political claims in the U.S. has transformed into a global movement addressing diverse forms of public information, harnessing innovative tech tools, championing media literacy, and exploring governance solutions. Who are these fact-checkers, and how have they become such a versatile force against misinformation? While united by very similar verification practices, the community of fact-checkers is remarkably diverse. Reflecting the media-political landscapes they navigate, these initiatives bring together a spectrum of professional expertise, visions, and strategies. This book delves into this fascinating world, exploring how theconcept of fact-checking has proliferated globally. Spotlighting efforts in Argentina, Georgia, Italy, and the U.S., it offers an in-depth understanding of fact-checkers' approaches, their alignment with distinct environments, and their potential impact on modern public discourse.

  • af Joseph Downing
    1.025,95 kr.

    This book demonstrates that the disciplinary boundaries present within international relations approaches to security studies are redundant when examining social media, and inter- and multi-disciplinary analysis is key. A key result of the analysis undertaken is that when examining the social media sphere security scholars need to ¿expect the unexpected¿. This is because social media enables users to subvert, contest and create security narratives with symbols and idioms of their choice which can take into account ¿traditional¿ security themes, but also unexpected and under explored themes such as narratives from the local context of the users¿ towns and cities, and the symbolism of football clubs. The book also explores the complex topography of social media when considering constructions of security. The highly dynamic topography of social media is neither elite dominated and hierarchical as the Copenhagen School conceptualises security speak. However, neither is it completely flat and egalitarian as suggested by the vernacular security studies¿ non-elite approach. Rather, social mediäs topography is shifting and dynamic, with individuals gaining influence in security debates in unpredictable ways. In examining social media this book engages with the emancipatory burden of critical security studies. This book argues that it remains unfulfilled on social media and rather presents a ¿thin¿ notion of discursive emancipation where social media does provide the ability for previously excluded voices to participate in security debates, even if this does not result in their direct emancipation from power hierarchies and structures offline.

  • af Ajay Prasad
    1.583,95 kr.

    This book presents overall communication technologies and protocols used in IoT like in networks: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, LoRA, GSM/GPRS/EDGE/LTE, etc. in applications: MQTT, CoAP, AMQP, XMPP, etc, focusing on the architecture and threat perseverance of each. The book also presents new/future technological additions like Wi-Fi HaLow (802.11ah), HEW (802.11ax), BLE, NFC, RFID, etc.,) and upcoming changes in communication systems in IoT and its possible security aspects. The book also covers security aspects in communication mechanisms in domain-specific IoT solutions for healthcare, smart cities, smart homes, smart vehicles, etc. The objective of the book is to assist IoT developers to have a good insight into available and upcoming communication technologies so that they can employ the best possible practices while designing and developing IoT solutions.

  • af Michael Terren
    1.091,95 kr.

    This book explores how creativity is increasingly designed, marketed, and produced with digital products and services ¿ a process referred to as softwarization. If ¿being creative¿ has developed into one of the paradigmatic architectures of power for framing the contemporary subject, then an essential component of this architecture involves its material and symbolic configuration through tools. From image editors to digital audio workstations, video editors to game engines, these modern tools are used by creatives every day, and mastering these increasingly complex technologies is now a near-compulsory pathway to creative work. Despite their ubiquity in cultural production, few have sought to theorize them in aggregate and with interdisciplinary breadth.By bringing disparate creative and methodological traditions in one volume, this book provides a comprehensive overview of approaches for understanding this complex, emerging, and dynamic field that speaks beyond the disciplinary categories of ¿tool,¿ ¿instrument,¿ and/or ¿software¿. It makes a unique intervention in the fields of cultural production and the cultural and creative industries. ¿

  • af A. Jean Thomas
    1.025,95 - 1.097,95 kr.

    This book explores the current impasse that global regulators face in the digital sphere. Computer technology has advanced human civilization tenfold, but the freedom to interact with others in cyberspace has made individuals, discrete communities, organizations and governments more vulnerable to abuse.  In consequence, political decision-makers are seriously considering granting limited legal immunity to victims who decide to `hack- back.¿ Many victims frustrated by the slow pace of law enforcement in cyberspace have chosen to `take the law into their own hands,¿ retaliating against those who have stolen valuable data and damaged network operations. Political deliberations about limited immunity for hackbacks usually ignore global justice and moral justifications for `active defense¿ policies. Typically, cyber security policies balance deterrence against two different understandings of morality and the `good life¿ : fairness or welfare.  This book proposes a third moral rationale for cyber security policies : capability theory, developed principally by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum. Properly formulated, a capability-based defense of retaliatory hackbacks can minimize attribution and cyber-escalation risks, deter bad behavior by casual computer users, disingenuous security experts, big tech companies, criminals and rogue governments, and satisfy calls for more retributive and distributive justice in the `open world¿. This book will appeal to legal theorists, political philosophers, social activists, investors, international relations scholars and businesspeople in the tech community.A. Jean Thomas is a lawyer and former programmer who has taught at two law schools. She has a BA from Swarthmore College, JD from University of Connecticut Law School and LL.M and S.J.D. from Harvard Law School.

  • af Minna Aslama Horowitz
    382,95 - 470,95 kr.

  • af R. V. Vaidyanatha Ayyar
    567,95 - 877,95 kr.

  • af Admire Mare
    1.091,95 kr.

    This book critically examines the manifest and latent practices of surveillance in the southern African region, using case studies from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana and Mozambique. The book demonstrates the growing role of super-powers in the construction and normalization of the surveillance state. It traces the digitization of surveillance practices to the rapid adoption of smart CCTV, facial recognition technologies and EMSI catchers. Through predictive policing mechanisms, state security agencies have appropriated digital media technologies for sentiment analysis, constant monitoring of digital footprints of security targets, and even deploying cyber-troops on popular social media platforms. The authors argue that surveillance practices have thus been digitized with deleterious impact on the right to privacy, peaceful assembly and freedom of expression in the region. Furthermore, they argue that specific laws and regulations governing surveillance practices in the region are lagging behind. Finally, the book demonstrates how digital surveillance have significantly infiltrated the political, economic and social fabric of Southern Africa. This book provides much needed systematic, cutting-edge research into the trends, practices, policies and geo-political interests at the center of surveillance practices in the region, providing a crucial link between human rights, such as freedom of privacy and expression, and political authoritarianism.

  • af Fiona Rossette-Crake
    1.091,95 kr.

    This book offers an appraisal of oratory, old and new, relating former discourse practice to a specific sub-set of contemporary, digital practices. The author explores the interface between language and society, providing an interdisciplinary study at the crossroads of discourse, linguistics, communication and rhetoric. The comparisons she draws are particularly pertinent in light of the steep rise in presentations given during video-conferences, webinars, and other online events during the COVID-19 pandemic, an event which accelerated previous moves towards digital communication and which is likely to have a long-term impact on communication styles. This book will be of interest to academics and students in fields including discourse analysis, applied linguistics, communication studies, digital studies and business studies.

  • af Nikolaj Bichel
    354,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

    This book gets to the heart of trophy hunting, unpacking and explaining its multiple facets and controversies, and exploring why it divides environmentalists, the hunting community, and the public. Bichel and Hart provide the first interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach to the study of trophy hunting, investigating the history of trophy hunting, and delving into the background, identity and motivation of trophy hunters. They also explore the role of social media and anthropomorphism in shaping trophy hunting discourse, as well as the viability of trophy hunting as a wildlife management tool, the ideals of fair chase and sportsmanship, and what hunting trophies are, both literally and in terms of their symbolic value to hunters and non-hunters. The analyses and discussions are underpinned by a consideration of the complex moral and practical conflicts between animal rights and conservation paradigms. This book appeals to scholars in environmental philosophy, conservation and environmental studies, as well as hunters, hunting opponents, wildlife management practitioners, and policymakers, and anyone with a broad interest in human¿wildlife relations.

  • af Julian McDougall
    1.978,95 - 2.377,95 kr.

  • af Renee Barnes
    1.179,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

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