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Providing a searing insight and honest portrayal of post-industrial communities ravaged by decades of abandonment, How Black Was My Valley is the story of lives defined by poverty, catastrophe and the fading dreams of better futures."Written with authentic authority. It is evocative and excellent in every possible way." – Neil Kinnock How Black Was My Valley offers a raw, unforgettable look into the post-industrial landscape of South Wales, capturing the impact of poverty, disaster, and lost futures on communities that once fueled the British Empire. This powerful account intertwines personal stories with political insights, revealing the deep scars left by decades of economic abandonment.This compelling people's history explores the former mining communities of South Wales, shedding light on the hardship, isolation, and despair endured by those who once powered two world wars. Blending empathy and brutal honesty, the book travells through the dark shadows of the valley's past and present, confronting structural violence, lost opportunities, and the tragic rise in drug abuse and suicide.Rejecting narratives of resilience, How Black Was My Valley is a journey into a community's unhealed wounds—a poignant testament to voices once silenced, now demanding to be heard.
"Capitalism only celebrates success, and it can be difficult to know what to do when confronted with failure. This book explores what happens when people go broke and what the experience of bankruptcy and insolvency is like from a qualitative perspective. It shows, contrary to the expectations of policy makers, that debt relief is not transactional. Rather, it is moral, theological, social and cultural. The book demonstrates that debt encompasses fairness, trust, faith, sin, guilt, revelation and confession and that taking these factors seriously is vital to successfully navigating the world of the over-indebted."--Publisher's website.
Consumerism, unsustainable growth, waste and inequalities continue to ail societies across the globe, but creative collectives have been tackling these issues at a grassroots level. Based on an autoethnographic study about a free food store in Aotearoa New Zealand, this book presents a first-hand account of how a community is organized around surplus food to deal with food poverty, while also helping the reader to see through the complexity that brings the free food store to life. Examining how alternative economies and relations emerge from these community solutions, the author shows it is possible to think, act and organize differently within and beyond capitalist dynamics.
We are, all of us, intimately familiar with inequalities. Whether finding somewhere to live, walking in the street, following the news, negotiating international travel, or in our working and personal lives, subtle and crude hierarchies shape our lived experience. How the other half lives contributes detailed, multidisciplinary and qualitative explorations of the everyday social and spatial realities of inequality, drawing new lines from Manchester to Milan, from Brighton to Bologna. How the other half lives is a resource to navigate an unequal world, oriented around three key understandings of inequality as contingent, as intersectional and as interrelated. The book focuses attention on the differences, similarities and in-between points where 'the other halves' meet, to provoke new and useful perspectives on inequalities. It considers the connections between the accumulation of profound wealth and impoverished communities, the banal decisions by those in the seats of power and increasing levels of violence in austerity-wracked neighbourhoods, and between a world of smooth mobility and oppressive borders. How the other half lives is uniquely structured as a series of oppositions between peaks and troughs, with each chapter focusing on a specific subject, including: housing, urban design, place-making, the state, cultures of inequality and transnational mobility. With a preface from the Guardian's Zoe Williams and concluding remarks from Professor Rowland Atkinson, this book will appeal to undergraduates and academic readers in the social sciences who are interested in contemporary social and spatial inequalities.
This volume is a collection of articles that examines how the COVID-19 pandemic affected and intersected with various Southeast Asian contexts in the broad areas of migration, education and demographic policy. At the height of the pandemic from 2020‒22, the resulting restrictions to international travel, ensuing nationwide lockdowns and eventual economic crises formed part of what many commentators referred to as a "new normal". Apart from being a global health crisis, the pandemic disrupted and transformed the experience of everyday life at all levels of society, where many of its effects are now likely irreversible. In particular, the impact of the pandemic certainly affected the most vulnerable individuals and communities throughout the region, especially in countries that are experiencing rapid ageing such as Singapore and Thailand. Examples of the most affected include low-wage migrant workers, the disabled and the children of impoverished families. For many who were already living in a state of precarity, the structural "side-effects" of the pandemic were at times more deadly than the coronavirus itself as it often negatively impacted livelihood, social-emotional ties and overall well-being. At the same time, the "new normal" has further created conditions that raise the likelihood of occupational precarity even for long-term professionals within established fields like education. In other words, few experienced the COVID-19 pandemic without encountering both tangible and intangible challenges, regardless of where one was situated. Hence, by merging the theme of precarity with that of the pandemic's undeniable and exacerbating effects, this volume hopes to establish a useful platform to reflect and learn from a range of scholarly views and to contribute to new knowledge and inform policymaking in Southeast Asian societies. "This volume is a collection of thoughtful scholarship that examines the challenges that have been made more acute by the COVID-19 pandemic among and between Southeast Asian populations. The chapters here consider how the global public health crisis and its policy responses have aggravated various forms of precarity that had taken root in pockets of Southeast Asian societies. While history will be the ultimate judge of the true social and cultural consequences of COVID-19 policy responses, Populations and Precarity during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Southeast Asian Perspectives is an urgent reminder that while the worst of the pandemic may be behind us, much more remains to be done to relieve the most vulnerable among our populations of a different kind of long COVID."--Associate Professor Lim Lee Ching, Dean of S R Nathan School of Human Development, Singapore University of Social Sciences "We have all witnessed the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had on our daily lives. This was especially true in areas such as Southeast Asia where local and regional economies rely on the movement of workers, both skilled and unskilled. The compilation of chapters in this volume provides an interesting examination of the struggles faced by many in Southeast Asia during this difficult period. Readers will realize that what was merely an inconvenience for some people was life altering for others. I highly recommend reading this book to increase awareness of the hidden consequences of such global catastrophes and perhaps better prepare for the next global event. It is hoped that this collection will inspire actions to resolve some of the current issues faced by vulnerable populations."--Professor Gary La Point, Professor of Practice in Supply Chain, Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University "A fascinating book that provides an insightful analysis of the 'new normal' and the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic in key areas such as migration, housing, education, disaster management, and ageing in Southeast Asia. The book provides invaluable perspectives and knowledge for social policymakers and students in Southeast Asia and beyond." --Dr Sorasich Swangsilp, Director, Social Policy & Development (SPD) Programme (BA International Programme), Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University "Populations and Precarity during the COVID-19 Pandemic provides a timely addition to our understanding of how the pandemic disrupted key areas of everyday life in Southeast Asia, a multi-ethnic and complex region. Thematically diverse and empirically rich, this book is an interdisciplinary collaboration that deserves academic attention."--Professor Jongryul Choi, Chair of the Department of Sociology, Keimyung University, South Korea
How well does political philosophy deal with the big issues? Is our contemporary approach able to withstand Marx' challenge1, "The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it"? This thesis attempts to answer these questions by examining philosophical responses to one of the biggest problems facing the world today, that of global poverty. This blight on society has been widely recognised, for longer than many similar problems such as climate change and the threat of global pandemics. Consequently there exists a substantial body of philosophical work to consider. The focus is threefold: to evaluate how political philosophy has responded to global poverty, to identify opportunities for further progress, and to suggest how the role of political philosophers in general might evolve in the light of recent developments. This investigation concentrates on the two major approaches of recent years aimed at, amongst other objectives, reducing global poverty - the Human Rights Approach and the Human Development Approach.
Die Wetterprognose lautet heiß und stürmisch. Das Tief der sozialen Krise bedroht viele Menschen im Land. Das Hoch der Klimaerhitzung nagt an unseren globalen Lebensgrundlagen. Die Zeit (b)rennt. Armutsbetroffene sind vom Klimawandel weitaus stärker betroffen als einkommensstärkere Gruppen. Während Erstere weniger zur Klimakrise beitragen, bekommen sie die Auswirkungen der Umweltbelastungen wie die Verknappung der natürlichen Ressourcen, Luftverschmutzung, Hitze, Überschwemmungen oder Dürre deutlicher zu spüren. Klimaschutz kann nur dann erfolgreich sein und Akzeptanz finden, wenn er nicht sozial blind ist. Klimaschutz selbst muss Armut bekämpfen.Die Autor*innen dieses Bandes behandeln große sozial-ökologische Problemfelder des Klimawandels, diskutieren Dimensionen der sozial-ökologischen Transformation und thematisieren Lösungsansätze in den Bereichen Ernährung, Mobilität oder Wohnen.
The main character, Ann, is born into poverty in 1947. It shows how her family controls her and keeps her in poverty through their attitudes regarding gender inequality, immigrants, and minorities. We learn from her how to break this cycle to get out of poverty. She grows up in Brooklyn with a single mother and an absentee father and tells the story through her memories. You hear about the three generations of women who were chained to poverty because of ignorance, attitude, low self-esteem, gender inequality, and dependence, under the control of men. Then you will see how our main character starts to believe she needs to break free. You live with her through adolescence, where she does something she regrets for the rest of her life. Then on to young adulthood where she, unbelievably, goes to college and breaks out of the attitudes of poverty and makes it on her own. She learns to see things in a new light and starts to question her old-world teachings and the meaning of right and wrong.You see her married, divorced, remarried, and then in old age. It teaches us how one can reeducate oneself out of a poverty attitude and into the middle class.
Das Buch befasst sich mit der Geschichte der Massenarbeitslosigkeit in Westeuropa seit den 1970er Jahren am Beispiel der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Großbritanniens. Es problematisiert die Wechselwirkungen von ökonomischen Zwängen, politisch-rechtlichen Regulierungen und den Handlungen und Vorstellungen von Arbeitslosen. Aus deren Perspektive zeichnet Wiebke Wiede die sozialen Zumutungen und sozialen Effekte von Arbeitslosigkeit nach. Die Studie liefert einen grundlegenden Beitrag zur zeithistorischen Erforschung von Deindustrialisierung und Subjektivierung »nach dem Boom«.
How Marx and Spinoza can explain our perverse attachment to the indignities of work
Arbejdsmarkedet bliver mere ulige og mere utrygt – flere bliver fattige. Statistikkerne maler et billede af et samfund, hvor forskellen på top og bund øges, hvor virksomhederne ansætter flere og flere i usikre stillinger uden fast timetal eller rettigheder, og hvor antallet af mennesker i arbejde, som alligevel er fattige (eller ligefrem hjemløse), bliver større og større. Men hvordan har det kunnet ske? Det europæiske samarbejde skulle skabe vækst og velstand, og vores sagnomspundne og gudsbenådede danske model skulle jo beskytte os mod ulighed, utryghed og fattigdom. Går vi en dyster fremtid i møde?Det forsøger Europa-parlamentsmedlem Marianne Vind at give svar på i denne bog. Hun kigger både på den teknologiske udviklings betydning for arbejdsmarkedet, på hvordan EU har omfavnet globaliseringen (og glemt at regulere den) og på, hvordan en svækket arbejderbevægelse har været ude af stand til at yde tilstrækkelig modstand. Men Marianne Vind kigger også fremad og ser på, hvordan vi kan bruge teknologien til fordel for alle, på hvordan vi tager magten tilbage fra markedet i EU, og på hvordan vi igen bliver i stand til at styrke arbejderbevægelsen. Bogen er skrevet til dig, der ser eller oplever uretfærdighederne på arbejdsmarkedet, og til dig, som gerne vil kæmpe imod.Det er en bog, der handler om, hvor altafgørende arbejdsmarkedet er for vores samfundsmodel og for hele Europas velstand. Men også om hvor ødelæggende arbejdsmarkedet kan virke, hvis vi ikke tager os i agt.
Abandoned by his mother and ignored by his father, little Sean had the toughest start to life. When his adoptive family come to his rescue, they see Sean in the corner of the orphanage, eyes wide, small and alone, like a little homeless bear.Now, Sean is retiring from the army, ready to put devastation and danger behind him. Little does he know the worst times are yet to come: Hardship, violence and - once again - homelessness are ready to shadow his path. If anything can overcome all these challenges, perhaps it's love. As well as the tried-and-true love of his family, a new love is in the wings. An electrifying soul connection with a fascinating and beautiful woman. The flames of passion are alight - but is fiercely independent Sean his own worst enemy?Brimming with colourful characters and twists and turns, this is an emotional journey back home, and a lesson on the enduring force of love.
Transcending the Mexican context, this book fuses the importance of statistical data with the lived realities of impoverished people everywhere.
Born into obscurity, poverty, and indifference in the 1960s in the heart of the African wilderness, Kisemei Kupe experienced neglect, hunger, loneliness, misdirection, abuse, and danger to a degree that very few in our Western culture could imagine. Reaching out for help, he devoted himself to Islam only to find himself in acute despair and hopelessness. Yet in the midst of these crushing circumstances, Kisemei experienced a dramatic encounter with the vision of a man he had never met and whose name he didn't know. It was an encounter so genuine and a metamorphosis so drastic that it would set in motion a series of events that would lead him to face certain death for his actions. He was once a warrior for his village, but now a new warrior had emerged. This is a story that many of us need to hear today-a story that transcends the jury of society, an abiding story of truth and hope for us all.
Comment en sommes-nous arrivés à produire un monde ayant comme moteur l¿affamement de la Terre, et donc de l¿être humain ? Voilà le problème auquel cet ouvrage vise à répondre. Pour ce faire, Lina Álvarez Villarreal adopte une perspective généalogique et décoloniale, interroge le discours de la physiocratie et ¿ à l¿encontre des lectures les plus répandues ¿ soutient que cette école d¿économie politique fondée par François Quesnay au XVIIIème siècle constitue un discours foncièrement critique vis-à-vis du projet historique d¿accumulation de choses déclenché à partir du XVème siècle ; toutefois, cette dimension critique a été rapidement occultée et mise au service du capitalisme-colonial. L¿ouvrage explore la portée critique de la physiocratie à travers une analyse de son ontologie matérialiste sacramentelle, de l¿importance qüelle accorde à l¿organisation agricole de la société à partir du principe de réciprocité, et des critiques qüelle effectue à l¿égard du mercantilisme. Une telle lecture permet de mettre en lumière l¿importance de technologies de pouvoir tels les mesures fiscales, la bureaucratisation de l¿appareil étatique, et la dette dans l¿établissement des antagonismes ville-campagne et métropole-colonie, ainsi que dans la formation de l¿économie en tant que discours axé sur l¿idée de croissance et la domination de la nature. En même temps, cet ouvrage met en lumière l¿existence, au sein même de la géo-histoire européenne, des pratiques économiques alternatives, caractérisées par leur attachement à la Terre et dont le but n¿est pas l¿accumulation de capital mais la satisfaction des véritables besoins des humains et de la Terre. Ce faisant, Lina Álvarez Villarreal entend contribuer à décoloniser l¿imaginaire au sujet de ce qüa été, de ce qüest, et de ce que pourrait être l¿économie.
In 2015, the Old Fadama slum of Accra, Ghana was a government 'no-go zone' due to the generally lawless environment. Participatory action researchers (PAR) began working with three stakeholders to resolve complex challenges facing the community and city. In three years, they created a PAR cross-sector collaboration intervention incorporating data from 300 research participants working on sanitation. In 2018-2019, the stakeholders addressed the next priorities: community violence, solid waste, and a health clinic. The PAR intervention was replicated, supporting kayayei (women head porters) in Old Fadama, the Madina slum of Accra and four rural communities in northern Ghana. The process expanded, involving 2,400 stakeholders and an additional 2,048 beneficiaries. Cross-sector collaboration worked where other, more traditional development interventions did not. This PAR intervention provides developing-country governments with a solution for complex challenges: a low-cost, locally-designed tool that dramatically improved participation and resulted in projects that impact the public good.
Digitale Freelance-Plattformen werben mit Flexibilität, Unabhängigkeit und dem Zugang zu einem weltweiten Arbeitsmarkt. Doch was bedeutet es, sich in diesem Umfeld zu organisieren und zu positionieren? »Global Platform Work« beleuchtet den Alltag von Grafikdesigner:innen, die von Indien aus über digitale Plattformen weltweit Aufträge erhalten. Auf der Grundlage von Interviews, Beobachtungen und Fototagebüchern beschreibt Anna Oechslen, wie wichtig es für Gigworker:innen ist, sich ständig aufs Neue in ein positives Licht zu rücken, Beziehungen zu knüpfen und sich an eine Arbeitsumgebung anzupassen, die im ständigen Wandel begriffen ist. Dabei formuliert sie Gig Work als Beziehungsarbeit und beleuchtet alltägliche Praktiken, die gängige Konzepte von Arbeit oft unberücksichtigt lassen.
'This, right now, with no excuses, no delays, no equivocation, no loop-holes, no moaning' Danny Dorling'A concise, sharp book that makes an incontrovertible case for a profound redistribution of wealth; and a rousing call to arms to take on the super-rich and build an economy that works for everyone' Grace Blakeley, author of Vulture Capitalism The story is all too familiar. The global economy generates immense fortunes for a super-rich elite. Yet at the same time pay stagnates for ordinary workers, food banks proliferate and public services collapse around us.In Enough, Luke Hildyard argues that far from being the hard-working and productive entrepreneurs that they claim to be, the super-rich are an extractive, parasitic force sucking up a vastly disproportionate share of society's resources - making the rest of us all poorer as a result. Politicians make absurd promises about economic growth while ignoring the solution that's staring them in the face. Enough shows that a major programme of taxes on the rich and economic reform could be used to get the wealth of the one per cent flowing instead to the workers who actually create it.Luke Hildyard is the Director of the High Pay Centre, a UK think tank focused on pay and employment rights. He has commented on pay and inequality for the Guardian, The Times, Financial Times, Daily Mirror, BBC, Sky News, CNN and CNBC.
"Including an additional postscript, the fifteenth-anniversary edition of Beyond Homelessness explores how Christians should respond to homelessness and other displacements"--
EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Freedom of religion and belief is crucial to any sustainable development process, yet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) pay little attention to religious inequalities. This book offers a comprehensive overview of how efforts to achieve SDGs can be enhanced by paying greater attention to freedom of religion and belief. In particular, it illustrates how poverty is often a direct result of religious prejudice and how religious identity can shape a person's job prospects, their children's education and the quality of public services they receive. Drawing on evidence from Asia, the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa, the book foregrounds the lived experiences of marginalized communities as well as researchers and non-state actors.
The perpetuation of poverty across generations damages lives. Drawing on a wide variety of sources and academic disciplines, along with lived experiences, this book examines why poverty is continued across generations and what needs to be done to eradicate it. --
This book offers a holistic view of Julio Boltvinik's vast and important work on poverty conceptualisation and measurement. It provides the foundations, application and empirical examples of Boltvinik's Integrated Poverty Measurement Method, which could potentially transform poverty narratives globally as it has done in Mexico.
Why doesn't healthcare get better and cheaper like the cell phones we carry in our pockets? In this book, James B. Rebitzer and Robert S. Rebitzer argue that it's because the healthcare system generates the wrong kinds of innovation. Further, they show that incentive contracts, professional norms, social narratives, and the nature of competition and disruption in the health sector conspire against cost-reducing innovation. The book not only sheds new light on the trajectory of innovation in healthcare, but it also highlights how we can point innovation in a better direction to deliver more value to patients and society.
Maitreya and the Struggle Against Global Poverty is primarily a qualitative study of global poverty as viewed within the philosophical, political, economic, and social perspectives from the perspectives of Maitreya and the social justice platform of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as perspectives from a business and international relations standpoint. This in-depth study explores such beliefs as a Global Marshall Plan as well as the purpose and perspectives (liberal and conservative) on how the MNC (multinational corporation) deals with such concepts as corporate social responsibility as well as the millennium goals of the United Nations, an in-depth look at the problems of global poverty vis-à-vis the perspectives of specific countries in Africa. The book also address global measurements of poverty, the progress made by social business, an analysis of capitalist versus democratic socialist economies, and the implications of this analysis vis-à-vis global poverty. An international code of ethics is also addressed.
"How resistance to fix economic inequality is tied to the persistent myth of meritocracy, and how to change the narrative"--
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