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Migration, immigration og emigration

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  • - essays
    af Odai Al Zoubi
    157,95 kr.

    ODAI AL ZOUBI FØLGER OP PÅ ANMELDERROST NOVELLESAMLING MED STÆRKE OG SAMFUNDSKRITISKE ESSAYS! ”Jeg gik rundt i den tomme by uden noget mål. Jeg vidste, at jeg snart ville flygte fra Danmark til Sverige for at starte et nyt liv for fjerde gang på et årti. Det var umuligt for mig nogensinde at tage tilbage til Syrien, fordi regimet gerne ’ville tale med mig’ om mine skriverier. Som regel er den slags samtaler ikke særligt civiliserede. Jeg kunne ikke tage til Norwich, byen som var mit andet hjem, fordi det var umuligt at få visum. Jeg kunne ikke tage til Tyrkiet, fordi syrere blev nægtet indrejse efter kuppet i 2016. Intet arabisk land vil tage imod syrere og intet vestligt land ønsker at tage imod dem. Ingen ønsker at tage imod syrere. Min kone og jeg besluttede os for at tage til Sverige, fordi der er en særaftale mellem de nordiske lande, som tillader borgere og deres familier at flytte rundt mellem dem. Tusindvis af danskere flygter til Sverige for at finde et trygt tilflugtssted for deres ikke-EU-familiemedlemmer. Jeg er en af dem, og denne gang var vi tre. En lille familie uden nogen plan, forenet i kampen mod en fjendtligsindet verden, forbandet af diktaturet såvel som af demokratiet, på jagt efter et svar.” – Fra essayet Last Christmas I essaysamlingen Syrisk Jul kredser den syriske forfatter Odai Al Zoubi om eksilet som intellektuelt vilkår med refleksioner over familier, litteratur, højtider, rejser og om at være både muslim, kristen og ingen af delene. Forfatteren, der ikke kan vender tilbage til Syrien, har på trods af dansk kone og barn ikke opnået permanent ophold i Danmark, hvilket gør, at han betragter Danmark med en ambivalens og et udefrakommende blik. Syrisk Jul giver læseren en unik indsigt i dette opslidende og endeløse eksil, hvor selve det at være menneske indirekte kriminaliseres. Odai Al Zoubi undersøger, hvad det vil sige at være en tænker, der ikke synes plads til i provokerende, inspirerende og vigtige essays. Essaysamlingen er oversat fra arabisk til dansk af June Dahy og med Anders Hastrup (tidl. direktør for Det Danske Institut i Damaskus) som redaktør. Kort om forfatteren: Odai Al Zoubi (født i Damaskus i 1981). Ph.d. i filosofi fra Norwich University. Pt bosat i Berlin med sin kone og barn. Han har tidligere på dansk udgivet et bidrag til antologien Eksil - Nye Arabiske Stemmer (Screaming Books 2019) og novellesamlingen De Sneklædte Spøgelsers Rejse (Forlaget Silkefyret 2022).Pressen skrev om De Sneklædte Spøgelsers Rejse: ”Det er forunderlig læsning, og for hver novelle gribes man på ny af den menneskelige rådvildhed og desperation i en kaotisk og usikker tid.”

  • - 50 år i eksil
    af Ole Hammer
    207,95 kr.

    Kuppet mod Salvador Allende i 1973 satte sig spor i verdenshistorien. Menhvordan satte det sig spor i dem, der overlevede og måtte flygte, kom i eksil ogskulle skabe en ny tilværelse?Hvordan er det gået for dem, der søgte asyl og har tilbragt tiden i eksil? Oghvordan er det gået for dem, der vendte tilbage?Formålet med denne bog er at fortælle historien om de chilenere, der flygtedefra Pinochets styre, drog i eksil og kom til Danmark. Det er en fortælling omflugt og mødet med Danmark, om livet i eksil, om tanker og drømme, håb ogforventninger, om fortiden og fremtiden. Det er også en fortælling om og afefterkommere og fra nogle af dem, der vendte tilbage.Bogen er en symfoni af personlige fortællinger og gruppesamtaler, illustreretog bundet sammen af spot på nogle af de begivenheder, der har været med tilat forme og udfordre livet for eksilchilenerne i Danmark.Bogen er skrevet og redigeret af journalisten Ole Hammer i samarbejde medMyriam Navarrete og Ivan Salinas fra ”Chilegruppen 50 år”.

  • af Vilhelm Moberg
    93,95 - 297,95 kr.

    Kristina og hendes mand, Karl-Oskar, er med deres familie ankommet til det store ukendte Amerika for at skabe sig en bedre tilværelse end den, de opgav i Sverige. De forbløffes over den enorme teknologiske udvikling i den pulserende New York City og begiver sig vestpå for at finde et sted, hvor de kan slå sig ned som bønder. Undervejs rejser Karl-Oskars bror Robert og hans trofaste ven Arvid fra dem med kurs mod Californiens guldminer på jagt efter eventyr og rigdom. Livet i guldminerne byder imidlertid på lige så mange hårde prøver som det landliv, resten af familien efterstræber."Indvandrerne" er andet bind i Vilhelm Mobergs historiske romanserie "Udvandrersagaen". Bogen er oprindeligt udgivet i 1952. Vilhelm Mobergs historiske romanserie "Udvandrersagaen" fortæller den spændende historie om en svensk familie, der i midten af 1800-tallet rejser til Amerika for at få sig et bedre liv. Romanerne er filmatiseret flere gange, senest af Erik Poppe i 2021. Den svenske journalist, dramatiker og forfatter Vilhelm Moberg (1898-1973) er særligt kendt og elsket for serien "Udvandrersagaen" om de svenske udvandrere, der rejste til Amerika i midten af 1800-tallet. Vilhelm Moberg begik selvmord i 1973, men opnåede inden da stor anerkendelse både i sit hjemland og i udlandet, hvor hans bøger udkom i store oplag.

  • af Vilhelm Moberg
    93,95 - 297,95 kr.

    De svenske indvandrere Kristina og hendes mand, Karl-Oskar, ankommer til Minnesota, hvor nogle af deres landsmænd slår ring om dem og gør, hvad de kan for at byde den nye familie velkommen. Kristina og Karl-Oskar møder nye venner i det lille samfund, men nogle af de samme religiøse stridigheder, som familien lagde bag sig i Sverige, ulmer også her. Samtidig tager livet endnu en drejning, da Karl-Oskars lillebror Robert, vender tilbage fra Californiens guldminer med både en masse penge og spændende historier om sine bedrifter. Efterhånden går det op for Karl-Oskar og hans familie, at turen til Californien er gået helt anderledes, end Robert fortæller."Nybyggerne" er tredje bind i Vilhelm Mobergs historiske romanserie "Udvandrersagaen". Bogen er oprindeligt udgivet i 1956. Vilhelm Mobergs historiske romanserie "Udvandrersagaen" fortæller den spændende historie om en svensk familie, der i midten af 1800-tallet rejser til Amerika for at få sig et bedre liv. Romanerne er filmatiseret flere gange, senest af Erik Poppe i 2021. Den svenske journalist, dramatiker og forfatter Vilhelm Moberg (1898-1973) er særligt kendt og elsket for serien "Udvandrersagaen" om de svenske udvandrere, der rejste til Amerika i midten af 1800-tallet. Vilhelm Moberg begik selvmord i 1973, men opnåede inden da stor anerkendelse både i sit hjemland og i udlandet, hvor hans bøger udkom i store oplag.

  • af Vilhelm Moberg
    93,95 - 297,95 kr.

    Der er udbrudt krig mellem nordstaterne og sydstaterne, og det store indianeroprør spreder skræk og rædsel – også i de svenske nybyggeres små hjem. Kristina dør som følge af for mange børnefødsler, og endelig må det allersidste brev hjem skrives. "Amerikanerne" er ottende og afsluttende del i Vilhelm Mobergs udvandrersaga.Vilhelm Mobergs udvandrersaga handler om Karl Oskar og Kristina Nilsson, der sammen med andre småfolk fra Småland forlader Sverige for at slå sig ned i Minnesota i midten af 1800-tallet. Serien består af fire bøger; "Udvandrerne", "Indvandrerne", "Nybyggerne ved Ki-Chi-Saga" og "Sidste brev hjem". Hver af de fire bøger er yderligere delt i to, så serien bliver på i alt otte bind.Vilhelm Moberg (1898-1973) var en svensk forfatter, der i dag er bedst kendt for sin serie om "Udvandrerne", der blev til i årene 1949-59. I Vilhelm Mobergs forfatterskab var det ofte den lille mand, der var helten, og historien blev fortrinsvis fremstillet fra folkets perspektiv, hvilket af samme grund gjorde ham til en meget folkekær forfatter. Han var i øvrigt udtalt republikaner og var en af Olof Palmes største kritikere fra venstrefløjen. I 1973 tog Vilhelm Moberg sit eget liv som følge af en langvarig depression.

  • af Vilhelm Moberg
    93,95 - 297,95 kr.

    I 1840’erne slår høsten fejl i Sverige i flere år i træk, og livet i de små landsbyer bliver stadig hårdere. Også i Småland mærker familierne hungersnøden, og Karl-Oskar forsøger ihærdigt at overtale sin kone, Kristina, til at forlade sit hjemland og sin familie og rejse til Amerika for at starte på en frisk. Kristina er modvillig, for hun ved, at hvis hun rejser, vil hun aldrig se sin hjemstavn igen. Da deres ældste barn dør, går det imidlertid op for hende, hvor farlig og dyster fremtiden er i Sverige. Sammen med en række bekendte og slægtninge begiver familien sig ud på den farlige rejse mod det store ukendte land."Udvandrerne" er første bind i Vilhelm Mobergs historiske romanserie "Udvandrersagaen". Bogen er oprindeligt udgivet i 1949. Vilhelm Mobergs historiske romanserie "Udvandrersagaen" fortæller den spændende historie om en svensk familie, der i midten af 1800-tallet rejser til Amerika for at få sig et bedre liv. Romanerne er filmatiseret flere gange, senest af Erik Poppe i 2021. Den svenske journalist, dramatiker og forfatter Vilhelm Moberg (1898-1973) er særligt kendt og elsket for serien "Udvandrersagaen" om de svenske udvandrere, der rejste til Amerika i midten af 1800-tallet. Vilhelm Moberg begik selvmord i 1973, men opnåede inden da stor anerkendelse både i sit hjemland og i udlandet, hvor hans bøger udkom i store oplag.

  • af Sandra Rollings-Magnusson
    266,95 kr.

    A captivating history of folk traditions, beliefs, and culturally diverse customs in the early homesteading era on the Canadian prairies.

  • af Garth Stahl
    477,95 kr.

    This book surveys and critiques existing empirical and theoretical literature on the Bourdieu-informed concept of transnational habitus. The term "transnational¿ has been used widely in studies of migration research where it has allowed scholars to have a deeper understanding of the practices not only of migrants moving across national borders but also of agents taking positions in transnational spaces without necessarily criss-crossing different nation states. Focusing on the potential of transnational habitus as an analytical tool, the authors propose a model of transnational habitus to identify integral key factors for the operationalisation in research. Drawing on reflexivity, the authors analyse transnational selves and map transnational spaces of classification. Identifying strengths, inconsistencies and key problems in this rapidly developing body of literature, this interdisciplinary and international book will be of interest to students and scholars in sociology, anthropology, migration studies, cultural studies, human geography, as well as diaspora studies.

  • af Catherine Barnard
    471,95 - 897,95 kr.

  • af Isaac Stanley-Becker
    284,95 kr.

    "The contested creation of free movement, for people and goods, in the Schengen area of Europe. Europe is a place of free movement among nations, or is it? The Schengen area, established in 1985 and today encompassing twenty-seven European countries, allows people, goods, and capital to cross borders without restraint. Schengen transformed European life, advancing both a democratic project of transnational citizenship and a neoliberal project of international free trade. But the right of free movement always excluded non-Europeans, especially migrants of color from former colonies of the Schengen states. In Europe without Borders, Isaac Stanley-Becker explores the contested creation of free movement in Schengen, from treatymaking at European summits and disputes in international courts to the street protests of undocumented immigrants who claimed free movement as a human right. Schengen laid the groundwork for the making of a single market and the founding of the European Union. Yet its emergence is one of the great untold stories of modern European history, one hidden in archives long embargoed. Stanley-Becker is among the first to have access to records of the treatymaking-such as letters between France's Franðcois Mitterrand and West Germany's Helmut Kohl-and Europe Without Borders offers a pathbreaking account of Schengen's creation. Stanley-Becker argues that Schengen gave a humanist cast to a market paradigm; but even in pairing the border crossing of human beings with the principles of free-market exchange, this vision of free movement was hedged by alarm about foreign migrants. Meanwhile, these migrants-the sans papiers-saw in the promise of a borderless Europe only a neocolonial enterprise"--

  • af Megan Dennis
    712,95 kr.

    "Queer Migration Studies: LGBTQ+ Experiences in Global Migration and Diaspora" offers a comprehensive exploration of the historical, social, and policy dimensions of queer migration, highlighting the intersections of gender, sexuality, and immigration. From pre-modern perspectives to contemporary challenges, this book uncovers the diverse experiences and struggles faced by LGBTQ+ individuals on their migratory journeys. Through a critical lens, it examines the legal and policy frameworks affecting LGBTQ+ migration, the formation of queer diasporas, economic injustice and labor exploitation, the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ migrants, and the importance of education and empowerment in fostering queer liberation in migration. With its expansive scope and thought-provoking analysis, this book is an essential resource for scholars, activists, and policymakers interested in LGBTQ+ migration and diaspora.

  • af Yeonsil Yoo
    142,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Aleksej Kalc
    1.029,95 kr.

    In the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century, nearly one-third of the population of today¿s Slovenia permanently settled in countries around the world. Many more were traveling back and forth, searching for work to ensure the survival of the family members left behind at home and the prosperity for the families and communities they were creating abroad. From one of the smallest nations in Europe, barely reaching one and a half million inhabitants at the time, people departed in numbers reaching 440,000. This book tells their stories, about the "daring dreams of the future," as the Slovenian poet Oton ¿upanc¿ic¿¿whose words open the book¿so beautifully put it. The people who left took recipes for their foods, accordions for their music, and love for their culture and language, which was, and has remained, a linguistic island between Vienna and Venice. In their new communities, they built homes, churches, and cultural institutions that have survived until today.

  • af Stanis¿awa Byra
    467,95 kr.

    The authors present the results of a longitudinal study of Polish teachers' opinions on selected assumptions and organizational solutions forming the basis of inclusive education before and after the arrival of many migrant students in connection with the war in Ukraine. The main aim of the research is to find out the opinions of Polish teachers working in mainstream schools and preschools on selected assumptions and organisational solutions underlying inclusive education and to examine these opinions in relation to selected demographic traits of teachers. An important aim is also to identify the opinions studied in a temporal perspective, which will make it possible to capture the changes in the acceptance of selected theoretical and organisational assumptions underlying inclusive education. The research was conducted on a group of Polish teachers, but the findings can be applied to other countries.

  • af Alice Stefanelli
    1.264,95 kr.

    The city of Beirut is increasingly congested, polluted and suffocating. Its already limited green public spaces are under growing threat of privatisation and redevelopment. The State Otherwise examines the difficult predicament of Beirut's public green spaces from the vantage point of the civic campaign to reopen Horsh al Sanawbar, the city's largest public park. Analysing the relationship between neoliberal sectarianism, private interest and political action, the book asks questions about the nature of privatisation of public property, civic society's potential to mobilise individuals and the role of public authorities in promoting the public good.

  • af Sophie Andreetta
    1.264,95 kr.

    To better understand migration governance and the concrete, daily practices of civil servants tasked with enforcing state laws and policies, it is important to focus on documents, which are core artefacts of bureaucratic work. These can include certificates, letters, reports, case files, decisions, internal guidelines and judgements, in both digital and paper form. Based on ethnographic studies in various geographical and bureaucratic contexts, this collection shows how civil servants produce statehood, restrict migrants' movements and engage with migrants' strategies to make themselves legible. It contributes to the study of the state as documentary practice and highlights the role of paperwork as a powerful practice of migration control.

  • af Herbary Cheung
    1.281,95 kr.

    Drawing on ethnographic research conducted with the Thai migrant community in Hong Kong between 2016 and 2020, this book provides original insights into the complexity and diversity of identity negotiation, ethnicity navigation, and womanhood reinvention of Thai migrant women in Hong Kong. Allowing research to move beyond standard stories of victimized migrants and domestic workers by focusing on the increasing number of Southeast Asians moving into the middle-class, this ethnographic study of the everyday lived experience of Thai migrant women in Hong Kong will advance a new understanding of transnational migration and mobility at the intersections of gender, ethnicity, class, generation, and religion. This book illustrates the influence of transnationalism and multiculturalism on migrant women's meaning-making and accentuates the importance of diversity within a migrant population ¿ in particular, the importance of maintaining an intersectional perspective to understand the broader phenomenon of contemporary middle-class and professional migration within Southeast Asia.

  • af Satveer Kaur-Gill
    1.576,95 - 1.582,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Neal
    212,95 kr.

    With heart, humor, and razor-sharp observation, this intimate and incisive memoir traces the journey of a Black, queer woman as she searches the world for a place of security and acceptance to call homeI’ve never seen home as a permanent concept; it is an image crafted from untempered glass that threatens to shatter with lack of care.Jennifer Neal was born in the United States to a family that moved continuously for their own survival and well-being—from the Great Migration to the twenty-first century. As an adult, she has continued to travel the world as a Black queer woman, across two decades and four countries—from Japan to the US and then Australia to Germany, where she has settled for now.Throughout her moves, Neal threads her personal story of immigration with local Black histories and racial politics to provide context for her own experiences. The result is both a crucial examination of how racism plays a foundational role in modern-day immigration systems and a tender tribute to immigrants and their stories.An unwavering interrogation of colonialism and policy, love and loss, hypocrisy and resistance, My Pisces Heart demands meaningful conversation about not only the ways in which we live with our histories, but also how they live through us—urging an honest dialogue on why the West continues to grapple with its past and visualize its future.

  • af Caitriona Ni Laoire
    507,95 kr.

    This open access short reader offers an intersectional perspective on the meaning of home in migration. The book provides a pathway through existing scholarship on home and migration, exploring how intersectional power relations and transnational migration regimes are felt, experienced, lived and navigated by migrants, who are differently positioned, in the making and imagining of home. The meanings associated with home are composed of the interrelation of places, spaces, people, social relations, materialities, emotions and temporalities. These multiple aspects highlight the complexities inherent in the idea of home, which come to the fore particularly when one moves location. Migration and Home explores these issues by focusing on specific key aspects of home in migration: home and gender; home and age; home and materiality; and home and migration status, class and race. It proposes the concept of structural im/possibilities as a framework for understanding the power relations and structures that shape where, when and for whom home in migration is more, or less, possible.

  • af Selena E. Ortiz
    1.673,95 - 1.682,95 kr.

  • af Olga Oleinikova
    1.280,95 kr.

    This book identifies and examines new forms and paths of Eastern European migration to Australia since the 2000s, and provides updated trends of contemporary migration movements of Ukrainians, Hungarians and Czechs to Australia. With chapters highlighting the diversities and complexities of these new accelerated waves of Eastern European migration to Asia-Pacific, this book offers novel insights to enrich our understanding of East European mobility in the 21st century. The book will appeal to students, scholars and policymakers in the fields of migration, sociology, political science and international relations.

  • af Viggo Hansen
    187,95 kr.

    America became a super nation largely because of its immigrants and education. Their offspring - Bounty Layer People - are the fortunate recipients. This book tells the story of one such person whose parents came from Denmark and began as sod busters in Montana, moving on to the Midwest. He later became a soldier, teacher and author. His concerns are America's public education system that has and is slipping badly and in danger of making America a third rate country, This is a call to action book.

  • af Stefano Saracino
    1.162,95 kr.

    Die Zuwanderung von Griechen ins Alte Reich ist wenig erforscht. Andere konfessionelle Minderheiten, wie etwa die französischen réfugiés oder die böhmischen Exulanten, haben viel mehr Aufmerksamkeit erhalten. Die Analyse des von osmanischen Griechen hinterlassenen Quellenmaterials hat drei Migrationstypen zum Vorschein gebracht: die Almosenfahrer , die Studenten und die Händler . Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Interaktionen mit den Obrigkeiten und kulturellen Eliten im Alten Reich. Diese werden aus drei unterschiedlichen Perspektiven betrachtet, nämlich in ihrer Eigenschaft als interkonfessionelle Kommunikation , als Normenaushandlungen und Normenkonflikte , schließlich als Transfer von Wissen . Die Dokumentation zu den drei untersuchten Migrationsregimen, stammt zu einem beträchtlichen Teil aus gelehrten Zusammenhängen, von Gelehrten und akademischen Institutionen. Trotz erheblicher Unterschiede, was das intellektuelle Profil und das Forschungsinteresse dieser Akteure anbelangt, erkannten sie sämtlich in der Interaktion mit griechischen Migranten aus dem Osmanischen Reich eine große epistemische Chance. Das von den Migranten ,gelieferte' Wissen konnte für ein besseres Verständnis der Bibel eingesetzt werden, zur Erlernung des Neugriechischen, für die Vorbereitung von konfessionspolemischen und missionarischen Praktiken oder für die Sammlung von Wissensschnipseln zu unterschiedlichen Materien der studia orientalia . Es diente insgesamt der Beseitigung des Unwissens, das im Hinblick auf die postbyzantinischen Griechen und ihre Konfessionskultur noch vorherrschte. Das Buch arbeitet ein bisher wenig erforschtes Migrationsphänomen auf und erläutert aus Sicht der Wissens-, Migrations- und Konfessionsgeschichte die besondere Relevanz der Griechen im Alten Reich.

  • af Rajan Riti
    312,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿: ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Migration is the process of a person or family moving from one country to another. It can be done for a variety of reasons, including economic, political, or social factors. Migration is a complex process that includes entering a new country, the process of obtaining citizenship, and adapting to a new environment.**

  • af Johannes Kögel
    1.013,95 kr.

    In recounting their migration journey, references to nationality pervade the narratives of Zimbabweans in South Africa. Given the challenges many migrants confront based on their nationality, this presents a seeming paradox. This qualitative interview study, conducted with Zimbabwean migrants in two areas of Cape Town¿Observatory and Dunoon¿aims to elucidate the nuances of national self-descriptions in a demanding environment. Identifying as Zimbabwean serves as a sanctuary and a retreat, where alternative identifications often prove transient; embracing Zimbabweanness fosters an affirmative and positive self-perception, surpassing the limitations of other collective self-descriptions. Rather than pre-emptively characterizing a nationalist demeanour, the articulation of national self-description emerges as a strategic tool to navigate experiences of hostility and discrimination, while also asserting legitimate claims to equal opportunities. In this way, nationality takes a trajectory that diverges from conventional notions of nationality (and the ones of the nation-state or citizenship) as per Northern theory, contributing to alternative conceptualizations within the framework of the Global South.

  • af Joanna Brooks
    217,95 kr.

    "Why We Left reveals the dislocation, violence, and deforestation that propelled seventeenth- and eighteenth-century working-class English emigration, offering a powerful restorying of the journey to our present moment of precarity and rootlessness. Following American folk ballads back across the Atlantic, Joanna Brooks shares a scholarly and personal account of the intergenerational traumas that shape the history of white Anglos on Turtle Island"--

  • af Neha Singh
    1.344,95 - 1.385,95 kr.

    This book covers various forms of the production of girmitiya culture and literature. One of the main objectives is to conceptualize the idea of girmitya, girmitology, and girmitiya literature, culture, history, and identity in both colonial and postcolonial contexts. This book aims to document the history, experiences, culture, assimilation, and identity of girmitiya community. It also critically analyses the articulation, projection, and production of their experiences of migration and being immigrant, their narratives, tradition, culture, religion, and memory. It also explores how this labour community formulated into a diaspora community and reconnected/created the home (land) and continues to do so in the wake of globalization and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This book is an attempt to bring the intriguing neglected diverse historical heritage of colonial labour migration and their narratives into the mainstream scholarly debates and discussions in the humanities and the social sciences through the trans- and interdisciplinary perspectives. This book assesses the routes of migration of old diaspora, and it explains the nuances of cultural change among the generations. Although, they have migrated centuries back, absorbed and assimilated, and got citizenships of respective countries of destinations but still their longing for roots, culture, identities, ¿home¿, and the constant struggle is to retain connections with their homeland depicted in their cultural practices, arts, music, songs, folklore and literary manifestations.Neha Singh is Assistant Professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies at Manipal University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.Sajaudeen Chapparban is Assistant Professor in the Centre for Diaspora Studies at Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, India.

  • af Leandros Fischer
    468,95 kr.

    Situated at the intersections of anthropology, migration, citizenship, and social movement studies, this volume theorises a crisis-mobility nexus by focusing on empirical case studies. These concern migration struggles; the entanglements of crisis, social mobility, and citizenship; as well as the impact of COVID-19 (im)mobility on social movements. By highlighting examples from these streams, the book illuminates entanglements between them, while emphasising the role of solidarity as well as de-solidarisation in creating, shaping, or resisting various regimes of mobility.

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