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  • af Félicité Robert De Lamennais
    307,95 kr.

  • af Nick Hordern
    222,95 kr.

    Shanghai in 1930s had a booming prostitution industry which gave the city a certain reputation across Asia, and the beautiful Australian Lorraine Murray was one of its stars - until her patron Edmund Toeg convinced her to leave the high class brothel where she worked. Against the backdrop of the Japanese onslaught on China, and guided by the American author Emily Hahn - the 'China Coast Correspondent for the New Yorker' - Lorraine finally put her time as a prostitute behind her. After a stint in wartime Australia as a counter-intelligence informant, Lorraine moved to England, where she was reunited with both Emily and Edmund. Shanghai Demimondaine is the story of how her friendship with Emily helped Lorraine turn her life around - and how the feisty writer mined their friendship for her bestselling books.

  • af Robert Christmas
    407,95 kr.

    Join Detective Jack Bondar and Dani Taylor on their continued journey to find her little sister Ali, abducted at 14 and missing for the past 14 years. This sequel to The River of Tears delves into the psyche of sex traffickers and their victims. It explores their internal and external conflicts, and the trauma that trafficked people and their families endure. It also explores the post-traumatic stress that many police officers experience in their work. It is a story about our roots, and the way we all long at some point to come home.

  • af Thomas Rankin Joshua Coff Rankin
    322,95 kr.

    In this stirring work, Rankin implores his correspondent to free the slaves he holds, arguing that to do so is to honor God's will and to secure the righteousness of his own soul. His moving words will persuade all who read them that the end of slavery is a just and necessary goal for all Americans.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Melissa Ditmore
    197,95 kr.

    "An urgent exposition of the pervasive human trafficking that lies just beneath the surface of the US economy-from the stories of its survivors"--

  • af Claus G. H. Mayer
    270,95 - 345,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Faulkner
    1.609,95 kr.

    This thought-provoking collection brings together academics from a range of disciplines to examine modern slavery. It illustrates how different disciplinary positions, methodologies and perspectives form and clash together through a kaleidoscopic view to contribute a unique insight into critical modern slavery studies. Providing a platform to critique the legal, ideological and political responses to the issue, experts interrogate the construct of modern slavery and the anti-trafficking discourse which have dominated contemporary responses to and understandings of exploitation. Drawing on a range of global real-world examples, this is a vital contribution to the study of modern slavery.

  • af Christine Dolan
    307,95 kr.

    A book that will change your view on the transnationally and transcriminality of slavery in plain sight in the 21st Century and how it is increasing exponentially. Christine Dolan is a real investigative journalist who first stepped into the world of human trafficking in 2000. "How old are the victims," Christine asked a London cop in 2000. His answer changed the trajectory of her life - "infants." When she dug deeper and walked through the doors of evil, she realized what she was up against, but boldly faced that evil no matter where the facts took her. She concluded, "evil is among us," but if we look out of ourselves, we can see it to protect the most vulnerable - the children and those marginalized and those whose eyes are shut. Shattered Innocence - A Shared Global Shame brings the reader through a journey Dolan walked that opened her eyes and will open yours. The readers will grasp the depth and breadth of evil all the while negating the faces of humanity.

  • af Gail Brenner Nastasia
    287,95 kr.

    Growing up in Gloucester, Massachusetts, a quaint coastal town with a dark underbelly, Gail learned early on that some people mattered and some people didn't. As the child of a heroin addict, whose only ally was an aunt who brokered deals with men who liked to have sex with young girls, Gail was sure she didn't matter. Having often heard the phrase "you don't rat" while growing up, Gail never told. Instead, she developed an addiction of her own, and constantly worried people would find out the truth that she'd always believed about herself; she was worthless. After moving away from Gloucester in her early twenties, Gail became an attorney who continued to carry her secret shame. While representing people accused of crimes-people with the same struggles she'd known-Gail finally came to learn that everybody has value. The revelation gave her the courage to put down the drugs, fully embrace her history, and stop hiding.

  • af Katharine E. McGregor
    1.072,95 kr.

  • af Jorati
    390,95 - 802,95 kr.

  • af Michael Roy
    307,95 kr.

    "Written by a French political refugee from the Revolution of 1848 for an American audience, Escapes from Cayennetraces the details of Leon Chautard's many imprisonments and attempts at escape. Initially imprisoned in France (Le Havre, Brest, and Belle Ille), Chautard was then sent to Algeria and, eventually, to the penal colony of Cayenne. He was assigned the number 170 upon his arrival in French Guyane in September 1852 and escaped five years later. The bulk of the narrative details his escape from Cayenne along with two of his fellow prisoners. It also illuminates their encounters with various colonial officials, free and enslaved Africans, Indigenous peoples, and English, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, and American colonists. The narrative also serves as a brief explanation of what "socialism" meant to the folks he encountered. Roy's critical edition of Escapes not only includes an annotated version of Chautard's narrative, but also a substantial introduction that discusses the French Revolution of 1848; republicanism and socialism; forced exile to Algeria and Cayenne; French republican exiles who ended up in the United States; their antislavery activism; the connections between the European spirit of '48 and American abolitionism; the pamphlet itself; and its publication and reception. Roy has also included several adjacent primary sources ("supplementary readings") that help fill out Chautard's story and the broader context of his experiences"--

  • af Stephan Conermann
    1.137,95 kr.

    African slaves were brought into Brazil as early as 1530, with abolition in 1888. During those three centuries, Brazil received 4,000,000 Africans, over four times as many as any other American destination. Comparatively speaking, Brazil received 40% of the total number of Africans brought to the Americas, while the US received approximately 10%. Due to this huge influx of Africans, today Brazil's African-descended population is larger than the population of most African countries. Therefore, it is no surprise that Slavery Studies are one of the most consolidated fields in Brazilian historiography. In the last decades, a number of discussions have flourished on issues such as slave agency, slavery and law, slavery and capitalism, slave families, demography of slavery, transatlantic slave trade, abolition etc. In addition to these more consolidated fields, current research has focused on illegal enslavement, global perspectives on slavery and the slave trade, slavery and gender, the engagement of different social groups in the abolitionist movement or Atlantic connections. Taking into consideration these new trends of Brazilian slavery studies, this volume of collected articles gives leading scholars the chance to present their research to a broader academic community. Thus, the interested reader get to know in more detail these current trends in Brazilian historiography on slavery.

  • af Kobina Amissah-Fynn
    132,95 kr.

    The Black Man's Burden - in Black and WhiteAs the title suggests this book is about the black man, those in sub-Saharan Africa or else in the African diaspora. By extension, however, it is also all about the marginalized, disadvantaged, oppressed, traumatized, downtrodden, dehumanized and aggrieved segments of the world's population. Not only does this include the dark-skinned inhabitants in different continents of the globe, it also counts with the diverse remote aboriginal and indigenous groups, many nomadic tribes, low-caste untouchables, the displaced and dispossessed, and even women (who have traditionally been victims of harassment, sexual misconduct and gender-based violence in almost all cultures). The plight of all these disparaged categories of hapless people is exemplified in the book, to one extent or the other, by the burden and experiences of the black man (not just in tropical Africa but Afro-descendants in the Americas, the Caribbean or elsewhere in the world). In that sense, the book is not really about race, but the painful experiences of diverse peoples, epitomized in this book by the people of African descent. Theirs is a story that, sad as it is, has remained untold to the full, a story that continues to unfold in daily news items highlighting their sufferings and victimization from unlawful killings, police brutalities, mass incarcerations, unfair judicial systems, institutional racism, racial profiling, discrimination, and all forms of inequities and mistreatments, a story for which the "Black Lives Matter" mantra has lately become a rallying cry of all the abused ones of the earth. While the historical, legal, social and political perspectives of the black man's misfortune are generally well understood, even if at a superficial level, the religious dimensions do not seem so obvious to most. Yet the deeper causes of the black man's travail are religious - the reader might be a surprise to learn. To religion then this book turns, not only to explore the causes and circumstances of the black man's travail but also in search of the ultimate solution. In summary, the book is both about the travail of this branch of the human family, the black man, but also about the triumph of the human spirit and of the human race as a whole. So in that sense it is a book about the entire human family and its forward march towards an inclusive world community, a community characterized by love, mutual understanding, reconciliation and wellbeing for all. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: The author does not write about black and African people as an "outsider". He is a full-blooded black African himself and hails from Cape Coast in the south-central coastal region of Ghana in West Africa. Cape Coast is where one of most prominent slave castles of Africa is situated. Known as the Cape Coast Castle, it is even on UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites. Thus Cape Coast played a crucial role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade.He is familiar with issues blacks are generally confronted with, having travelled widely across Africa, met blacks in Brazil and Colombia, and experienced what blackness means while visiting or sojourning in other continents.

  • - - som jeg har set og oplevet det ude i verden.
    af Jette Norup Würtz
    247,95 kr.

    Gennem 25 år har Jette Norup Würtz arbejdet i AC Børnehjælp, der nu hedder DIA, og har i den forbindelse besøgt mange af verdens fattigste lande med et særligt fokus på børn, unge og familier i udsatte positioner.Jette fortæller om personlige møder med børn og familier og om vilkår, der ofte bliver til generaliseringer i tv-spots eller artikler. Ofte har Jette hørt fra udenforstående, at det kan være svært at føle nærværet til de projekter, der laves landsdækkende indsamlinger til.Skæbnerne er mange, udfordringerne er store, men samtidig er det vigtigt at finde mulighederne ved hjælp af en støttende håndsrækning fra en organisation, hvad enten den er stor eller lille. Det er betydningen af denne lille håndsrækning, som bliver fortalt med den nysgerriges blik, forsøget på at finde balance, når der ved selvsyn er ubalance i livets vægtskål.I 2018 skiftede Jette spor jobmæssigt. Virkelighedens historier, som er blevet fortalt og oplevet sammen med børnene, har bidt sig fast. Alverdens børnestemmer trænger sig på og vil med denne bog nå bredere ud i verden. Det nytter at hjælpe.

  • - Prostitution som arbejdsplads
    af Erik Hauervig & Marlene Simoni
    188,95 kr.

    I Panseren & tøsen fortæller begge deres historie. Erik Hauervig, der også er forfatter til fem kriminalromaner, beretter om sin karriere som politimand med speciale i prostitution, og så giver han sin skarpe mening til kende om, hvorfor købesex bør forbydes i Danmark, og fortæller om sit virke i NGO-organisationen NEWLIVES, der arbejder for at hjælpe kvinder til at starte en ny tilværelse. Marlene Simoni fortæller gribende og stærkt om, hvordan hun – og mange kvinder som hende – er endt i prostitution, og hvad man oplever i en verden, som de færreste af os kender til. Marlene beskriver desuden sin vej ud af prostitution til et almindeligt liv, hvor al mad ikke længere har en bismag af latex.Panseren & tøsen er en bog, der gerne må skabe debat og dialog. Erik Hauervig og Marlene Simoni tager selv hul på debatten i bogens tredje del, hvor de diskuterer lystigt med hinanden. De er ikke enige om, hvad der er vigtigst: et forbud mod købesex eller en styrket indsats med handleplaner og forebyggende indsatser for de enkelte kvinder. Eller hvordan de to ting skal kombineres. Men de er enige om, at noget må der gøres.Uddrag af bogenEn dag ringede min telefon. Det var den vagthavende: ”Hauervig, jeg har en hastende sag til dig. Du har jo alt det med de prostituerede, kig over.”Jeg hastede hen til vagthavendes kontor sammen med min medhjælper Susanne, og da vi trådte ind på hans kontor, sad han med et smørret grin og sagde: ”Hauervig, der er netop sendt en ambulance med læge til en massageklinik i Eskildsgade. De har fundet en bevidstløs, nøgen kvinde, vil du kigge på sagen?”Susanne og jeg fik fat i en patruljevogn og kørte hurtigt til stedet. Vi ankom lige efter ambulancen og lægebilen. De to ambulancefolk fik straks lagt et tæppe omkring den nøgne kvinde, mens lægen gik i gang med at behandle hende. Han var hurtig til at konstatere, at der var tale om en overdosis medicin eller narkotika, hvorfor han gav hende en gang modgift. Lægen oplyste, at han ville have hende omkring hospitalet for at undersøge hende nærmere, men at hun var uden for livsfare.Om forfatterne Erik Hauervig er tidligere panser. Marlene Simoni er tidligere prostitueret.Begge har de arbejdet over 35 år i en branche, der ikke kan undlade at efterlade ar på krop og sjæl, uanset om man er lovens lange arm eller spreder sine ben mod betaling fra liderlige mænd.

  • af Mathilde Davril
    297,95 kr.

  • af Paul J. Polgar
    508,94 kr.

    "Beyond 1619 brings an Atlantic and hemispheric perspective to the year 1619 as a marker of American slavery's origins and the beginnings of the Black experience in what would become the United States by situating the roots of racial slavery in a broader, comparative context. In recent years, an extensive public dialogue regarding the long shadow of slavery and racism in the United States has pushed Americans to confront the insidious history of race-based slavery and its aftermath, with 1619-the year that the first recorded persons of African descent arrived in British North America-taking center stage as its starting point. Yet this dialogue has inadvertently narrowed our understanding of slavery, race, and their repercussions in a wider Atlantic World and unintentionally reinforced a conception of American history as exceptional. In contrast, this book showcases the rich results when scholars examine and put into conversation multiple empires, regions, peoples, and cultures to get a more complete view of the rise of racial slavery in the Americas. Painting racial slavery's emergence on a hemispheric canvass, and in one compact volume, provides historical context beyond the 1619 moment for discussions of slavery, racism, antiracism, freedom, and lasting inequalities. In the process, this volume shines new light on these critical topics and illustrates the centrality of racial slavery, and contests over its rise, in nearly every corner of the early modern Atlantic World"--

  • af Sylvia Walby
    457,95 kr.

    Available open access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND license. This book offers a theory of trafficking and modern slavery with implications for policy. Despite economic development, modern slavery persists all around the world. The issue is not only one of crime but the regulation of the economy, better welfare, and social protections. Going beyond polarized debates on the sex trade, an original empirical analysis shows the importance of profit-taking. Although individual experience matters, the root causes lie in intersecting regimes of inequality of gender regimes, capitalism, and the legacies of colonialism. This book shows the importance of coercion and the societal complexities that perpetuate modern slavery.

  • af Edward Pearson
    612,95 kr.

    "From 1670 until the Civil War, slavery was central to the economic and social order of South Carolina. To understand its evolution and the world that its enslaved people and their enslavers made, this book offers an examination of slavery in the rural lowcountry, the city of Charleston, and the upcountry during an era of unprecedented change and upheaval"--

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