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  • af Jane Hyun
    307,95 kr.

    "Breakthrough strategies to help Asian Americans in the workplace build their personal leadership acumen and map a career advancement path that is achievable, authentic, and culturally relevant. 17 years after Jane Hyun wrote her groundbreaking book, Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling, Asians remain grossly underrepresented in the upper ranks of American organizations. Asians are 12% of the workforce, but just 1.5% of Fortune 500 corporate officers. Hyun says for Asians to lead authentically, they need to move away from "code switching" and "getting along by going along." This workbook is built around her three-part framework for developing an intentional, courageous, culturally grounded approach to working and leading: ASSESS: Identify your personal and professional values, assets, and style. EQUIP: Learn to navigate the organizational environment-push back against stereotypes, find mentors and advisors, develop your professional networks, and more. TRANSFORM: Pull it all together to create your own leadership blueprint. The Toolkit is full of activities to help readers put ideas into action. It also includes inspiring real-life lessons from Asian executives and leaders. The Asian Leadership Toolkit acknowledges the wide range of cultures, identities, and experiences that exist within Asian America, and sees the particulars of identity not as impediments but as integral to crafting a bespoke leadership journey"--

  • af Madeleine Geoghegan
    257,95 kr.

    In 2019 it was estimated that over 3.4 billion people actively used social media throughout the globe (Kaur et al., 2021) with Instagram alone having more than 1 billion users (Belanche et al., 2021). Social media sites like Instagram, Discord, TikTok, Twitter, Meta (Facebook), Snapchat and YouTube are all free to access, allowing users to instantly join a vastand global user base. In these online spaces there exists the possibility for people to connect with each other, transcending the physical barriers of the terrestrial world. Social media has also become a profitable workplace, giving rise to the profession of influencing. Social media influencers can most easily be defined as opinion leaders (Belanche et al., 2021) who have an engaged following on social media. The profession becomes profitable when companies pay aninfluencer to promote a certain product to their audience as a marketing strategy. There is a significant amount of economic opportunity for influencers as 65% of multinational brands have invested in influencer marketing and the combined investment was estimated to be $10 billion in 2020 (Hughes et al., 2019).

  • af Justin Jones-Fosu
    227,95 kr.

    "Start building bridges instead of barriers! This essential guide offers a simple 4-part framework that will help you have honest and enlightening conversations despite deep and fundamental disagreements. Divisions are on the rise around the world, and 2024 may well be a peak year. We're losing the ability to disagree without demonizing. There is a deep need for this practical and accessible guide to having challenging conversations in any situation, from the workplace to the classroom to the dinner table. It's not about saying the right words at the right time but something vastly deeper. In this book, you'll discover the 4 pillars of respectfully disagreeing: Focus on learning not lecturing; Fill in the gaps with curiosity not conclusions; Find the grey, not the black and white; Formulate your plan to humanize and not harm. But this is not a weighty tome. Each chapter features a cartoon, and Justin Jones-Fosu tackles this serious subject with a playful and compassionate tone. For example, he writes "I have become more and more intentional in my desire to respectfully disagree with others (except those who think putting ketchup on eggs is wrong...there is no hope for respect there)." With a wide range of examples and exercises throughout, this is a timely and reader-friendly handbook to disagreeing with someone's ideology while passionately pursuing their humanity"--

  • af Coach Kevin Sr. Wilbon
    197,95 kr.

    The problem addressed in this qualitative case study was the lack of understanding of middle school teachers' perceptions of middle school cyberbullying, prevention, and effective coping strategies that may inhibit schools' and districts' abilities to effectively address bullying. Cyberbullying is rampant and affecting teenagers and youths now more than before. With the rapid introduction of computers and electronic devices, bullying also attained new levels. Teenagers spend numerous hours a day on social media which is filled with various means of bullying. The impact of being a cyberbullying victim can be devastating with students experiencing anger, depression, fear, low self-esteem, and suicidal ideation. Cyberbullying is under-reported and substantially less is known about what coping strategies are effective for students. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine teachers' perceptions of middle school students' cyberbullying coping strategies, and opportunities and barriers to reduce adverse outcomes.

  • af Nicole R Valentine
    147,95 kr.

    "Conquering Your Giants" is part of The Inner Compass: A Mental Health Survival Series, where readers will find valuable guidance on identifying and addressing stress responses, allowing them to better navigate and manage difficult situations. By learning to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress, readers gain the knowledge and tools necessary to respond effectively, promoting overall well-being and improved mental health. In addition, "Conquering Your Giants" offers practical insights into life planning, helping readers prioritize their goals and avoid distractions that can hinder progress. By implementing effective strategies for time management, goal setting, and self-care, readers can create a clear path toward success and fulfillment."Conquering Your Giants" is a comprehensive guidebook that equips readers with practical tools and insights to navigate the complexities of life. In this book, readers will discover valuable strategies for overcoming challenges, managing stress responses, and effectively planning their lives to avoid distractions caused by life's opposition.

  • af Coach Kevin Sr. Wilbon
    167,95 kr.

    This book explores how people view cyberbullying, how to prevent it, and how to develop effective coping strategies for dealing with it. Teenagers and young people are more affected than ever by cyberbullying, which is on the rise. Bullying also reached new heights with the quick development of computers and technological devices. Teenagers spend a significant amount of time each day on social media, which is full of various forms of bullying. Being a victim of cyberbullying can have catastrophic effects on students, who may develop anger, depression, fear, low self-esteem, and suicidal thoughts. The severity of cyberbullying is significantly underreported, and little is known about the coping strategies that work best for students.

  • af Fred Spencer
    207,95 kr.

    Nuestros fanáticos nos dan un tremendo apoyo dentro y fuera del campo.¿No es tiempo de que les retribuyamos de una manera amplia? Todos los niños y adultos experimentan dificultades dentro de sus grupos de compañeros. A veces, experiencias se extienden hasta el bullying. La mayoría soporta silenciosamente el comportamiento destinado a avergonzar, insultar, evocar miedo y dolor. Los sentimientos traumáticos de aislamiento, e incluso daño físico no tienen que ser su historia o las historias de sus amigos, compañeros de clase y vecinos. Contra el Bullying Mediante el Deporte ofrece cursos de acción para que atletas y deportistas puedan impactar significativamente la vida de otra persona. Como atleta, tiene a REACH para lograr este impacto. Lee este libro para: Aprender movimientos ofensivos y estrategias defensivas que puedes usar para ayudar.Tener confianza en tu determinación de hacer lo correcto. Conocer sobre la forma de pensar de los acosadores, las víctimas, los defensores y los espectadores. Descubrir un movimiento que tiene el potencial de hacer un mundo de bien. Despertar al Defensor que hay en ti.Fred Spencer es un exjugador profesional de baloncesto, actual profesional de negocios y educador. Fred comparte fragmentos de su historia y destaca los problemas del bullying y lo que le ocasiona a las víctimas.

  • af Tanya White
    227,95 kr.

    THIS IS NOT A TELL-ALL BOOK! IT IS A TELL-THE TRUTH BOOK!Black Lives Matter! Social Justice Warrior! Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity! These are politically correct phrases heralded by many organizations publicly, but who are privately exposing employees to professional injustices daily.In Professionally Lynched, Tanya White masterfully compares past historical civil rights inequities to present-day workplace wrongs. She shares her traumatic personal experience and the stories of other victims whose careers were killed by lynching leaders.Tanya White reveals real-world workplace injustices and aspires to offer healing from the lifelong trauma it causes by: - Giving a clear definition and identifying the five stages of professional lynching - Explaining the six types of workplace injustices and how amazing employees are being professionally assassinated - Debating the delusion of workplace diversity due to the exponential rise of employees winning their cases from discrimination lawsuits - Exposing the systemic barriers marginalized groups encounter, particularly Black women, who are wounded while working after getting a seat at the decision-making table - Showing employees of professional lynching how to stand up for and in their truth without fear, shame, or blame AND MUCH MORE! Professionally Lynched is a brilliant manifesto that demands that organizations dismantle systemwide workplace injustices. Once this occurs, then all employees can truly be trauma-free professionally and genuinely experience diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout their careers.

  • af Elizabeth Savage
    197,95 kr.

    "No Trespassing" is Elizabeth Navarette Savage's personal memoir and "gift" to survivors of domestic violence, as well as anyone who has experienced a traumatic loss in his/her life. Elizabeth met what she thought was "the love of her life" in high school, never imagining that her dream boyfriend would be her living nightmare.Like so many victims, Elizabeth ignored the warning signs, and by the time the abuse started, she had already given birth to her first child, was pregnant with another, and married to her tormenter. For eight years after that, she was beaten and mentally abused at the hands of her husband and the father of her children.Elizabeth's debut book chronicles her journey through a tumultuous relationship with a chronic abuser, which turned her life upside down and ultimately ended with the devastating loss of three of her children. Through it all, Elizabeth was determined to break the cycle of her abuse and loss by turning her pain into purpose, which she has masterfully done by telling her life-altering story in "No Trespassing." In sharing her story, Elizabeth's goal is to empower women, men, and teens to break the cycle of abuse and live the lives that God pre-ordained for them. "No Trespassing" will give hope to the hopeless that they, too, can overcome what may seem like insurmountable odds without looking back!Elizabeth Navarette Savage is a native of El Paso, Texas but raised in Amarillo (TX) and CEO of the Stand Together Against Nationwide Domestic Violence organization, also known as S.T.A.N.D, which she founded in 2010. The goal of S.T.A.N.D. is to uplift and inspire broken women, men, and teens who have experienced challenges in their lives. As part of her commitment to inspiring and bringing hope to those who have been victims of sexual and domestic violence, Elizabeth has penned her debut book, "No Trespassing" in which she shares her painful experience with domestic violence as well as the heartbreaking loss of her three children. When Elizabeth is not running the day-to-day operation of S.T.A.N.D, she is traveling all over the country, speaking to a variety of audiences on the dangers of being in a domestic violence relationship as well as the warning signs to look for. Elizabeth also volunteers with the Arlington Police Department through their Arlington Clergy and Police Partnership program. Lastly, she is a wife to her husband Dennis, a mother to daughter Marcella and son Jay and grandmother to five grandchildren. You can learn more about Elizabeth's S.T.A.N.D. organization and its mission at >

  • af Seda Gokce Turan
    377,95 kr.

    Violence and media are important issues in media theories and research. In the research conducted with the participation of 400 university students, the effects of the concepts of digital media literacy, cyber violence and emotional deafness (alexithymia) on the perception of individuals as justification violence are discussed as factors that cause individuals to perceive violence as legitimate through communication tools. It was determined that variables of being cyberbullying victim, being a cyberbully, digital media literacy and alexithymia (emotional deafness) were explanatory effects on the justification of cyber violence. It has come to the point that the use of digital media literacy and conscious internet using are important in order to prevent justification of cyber harassment.

  • af Keith Scott
    207,95 kr.

    Circumstances bring two individuals, each with their own challenges, together in an unexpected circumstance. This relationship between an old man and a young lady leads to a situation neither was looking for nor wanted, but it leads to a relationship that impacted a whole community. The trials and rewards lead to a complete transformation of both the main characters and all others that are drawn into their relationship. The ups and downs lead to times of happiness and sometimes sorrow, but the book is filled with strong emotions. The reader will be kept asking what will happen next.

  • af Michael Dyson
    227,95 kr.

    Are you or your child facing the distressing reality of cyberbullying? In a world driven by digital interactions, it's crucial to arm yourself with the knowledge and tools necessary to combat online abuse. Introducing "The Cyberbully Self-Defense Handbook," an empowering guide crafted to equip individuals, parents, and guardians with effective strategies to shield themselves and their loved ones from the harm caused by cyberbullying and the dissemination of false information.Written by an author with over 20 years of practical experience in combating cyberbullying, this comprehensive handbook provides invaluable insights into the nature of online aggression. By delving into the intricacies of cyberbullying and its connection to innate human aggression, the book unveils powerful techniques to counteract and subvert the tactics employed by cyberbullies.Inside this essential guide, you'll discover:Understanding of cyberbullying: Explore the various forms of online abuse, including harassment, stalking, flaming, doxing, and impersonation. Gain insights into the psychology behind cyberbullying and how it intersects with human behavior.Recognizing the signs and impact: Learn to identify the signs of cyberbullying victimization and understand the emotional, psychological, and social consequences it can have on individuals and their overall well-being.Cyberbully's tactics: Gain deep insights into the techniques employed by cyberbullies to manipulate and intimidate their victims. By understanding their strategies, you can respond assertively and confidently.Self-defense strategies: Discover a range of proven strategies and practical advice to confront cyberbullies and expose their behavior. Learn how to shine a light on their actions while safeguarding your mental and emotional well-being.Protecting your child: Equip yourself with the tools to guide and support your child through the challenges of cyberbullying. Discover age-appropriate strategies to help them cope with insults and abuse on social media, fostering resilience and empowering them to navigate the digital landscape safely."The Cyberbully Self-Defense Handbook" provides a practical roadmap for individuals and families seeking to protect themselves and their children from the perils of cyberbullying. By embracing the insights and strategies shared in this guide, you'll gain the confidence to stand up against online abuse, ensuring a safer and more positive digital experience for yourself and your

  • af Alissar El-Murr
    674,95 kr.

    Violence against women is now well-established policy in Victoria, following decades of community-based public health and feminist efforts for violence to be viewed by government as a serious social problem affecting women's health and wellbeing. On a national and international scale, violence against women is central to current discussions about development, gender equality, and population health. The World Health Organisation (WHO) calls for holistic, health-based programmes to end violence against women, drawing on social-ecological models that focus on nested levels of context: the individual, interpersonal, community (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). Indeed, the adaption of the ecological model of health represents a significant shift in violence against women policy discourse. Closer to home, for example, the Victorian Right to Respect policy (2009) set out a plan to prevent violence against women, incorporating a new public health approach that pays attention to primary-level prevention activities, that is, strategies to stop violence before it occurs. Such shifts highlight the work of feminist activists and the women's movement that saw violence and health as interconnected issues, and whose determination, energy, and advocacy for women has led to systemic changes in the treatment of violence against women in criminal justice systems and political arenas.

  • af Brandy Woods
    117,95 kr.

    Kaya is a young Choctaw girl who has problems with bullies. But after her grandmother tells her an old story about animal spirits, she is eager to find her own special friend. When it reveals itself to her in a dream, Kaya discovers what it means to be proud of who she is, and learns how to stand up for herself. A touching and inspiring story for all ages.

  • af Anna Nave
    100,95 kr.

  • af Asian Development Bank
    422,95 kr.

    Designed to identify and tackle sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment (SEAH) in ADB-financed projects with civil works, this Good Practice Note sets out recommendations to prevent, mitigate, and manage SEAH risks in the workplace and project communities. This document defines SEAH and outlines how to prevent and respond to SEAH risks in the workplace and communities in the context of projects with civil works. It provides recommendations and sets out roles and responsibilities for ADB and project partners in addressing SEAH risks throughout the project cycle and responding to incidences of SEAH should they occur.

  • af Nathaniel Shea
    227,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af Zoie Ashmon
    142,95 kr.

    The general consensus is that bullying is a topic that affects society in a variety of different ways. It could result in an individual growing up socially inept due to verbal or physical abuse or in drastic cases, the victim could even become a bully as a result of the trauma. Bullying Has No Color shows that it is okay to not fall sway to peer pressure.

  • af Linda Mata
    197,95 kr.

    Book is an in-depth discussion of the causes and consequences of workplace bullying. It is centered around the issue of workplace bullying, which refers to the mistreatment of employees by their colleagues or superiors in a work environment. The book not only delves into why bullying occurs, but also the impact that it has on individuals, teams, and organizations as a whole. It explores the psychological and emotional effects of bullying on victims, as well as the potential financial and reputational costs that can arise from allowing bullying to persist in the workplace.

  • af Rtd Police Sgt Marc Ross Huckless
    142,95 kr.

    Campus Cop - This story is about a police sergeant's experience of being a law enforcement officer and supervisor at a large state urban university for 27 years. The reader will learn about the authority, duties, challenges and experiences of a university police officer. The reader will also learn about the Clery Act and Title IX requirements for public and private colleges and universities. Marc Ross Huckless is a retired state university police officer. He served 27 years as a police sergeant for Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia from 1993-2020. Old Dominion University is an urban public institution of higher education. The Old Dominion University Police Department is a professionally accredited law enforcement agency that provides law enforcement and security services to the campus grounds and surrounding areas. In the beginning of Marc Huckless' career, he learned that a new officer's field training experience is extremely important and every new officer needs quality on-the-job training after graduating from the police academy.

  • af Jamie Williams
    167,95 kr.

    The only book you'll ever need to completely stop toxic lying habits with the people you care about. Sometimes we lie to alter the outcome to the perception of something that we want control over. So in essence what we're really doing is manipulating others with our words to get what we want. White lies or little lies have little consequences in our relationships, but compulsive and pathological lying can lead to disastrous outcomes. Pathological lying can be stopped very quickly with the right mindset and strategies to act on.Sometimes we can start out lying about things that are no big deal but once they get bigger you start to identify with lying constantly and it can snowball out of control Here's just a fraction of what you discover inside this book:A deep dive into the concept of lyingIdentifying a compulsive liarStep-by-step strategies on how to immediately stop lying so muchThe development of pathological lyingThe consequences of creating toxic habitsPsychotherapy treatment The positive ripple effects on your life after improvement

  • af Rachel Richardson
    182,95 kr.

    90% of people who experience sexual harassment in the workplace never report it. When community advocates and writers Rachel Richardson and Cami Roth Szirotnyak were sexually harassed by the same man, they devised a plan to take down their harasser. With the help of female advisors, mentors, and a small but incredibly mighty following of supporters, they brought public disgrace for their harasser as well as inspired his eventual resignation. On Drowning Rats: How Two Women Took Down Their Harasser and How You Can Too demystifies what to do when you're sexually harassed at work or in the boardroom. Rachel and Cami discuss the personal and professional struggles they dealt with coming forward, the challenging conversations they had with their peers and family members, and the inevitable scrutiny from a community eager to keep the status quo. They deliver levity and humor alongside a well of compassion and righteous anger as a way to connect to the generations of women and people impacted by all forms of harassment.

  • af Taron 'Juju' Boston
    162,95 kr.

  • af Melissa Moore
    262,95 kr.

    Naypo moves to a new town and along the way sees some interesting things. When he arrives to town he soon finds out that not everyone is nice to him. Will he find some friends along the way? Read this fun adventure and find out.

  • af Janice Gassam Asare
    205,95 kr.

    "Top Forbes writer and DEI consultant explores how whiteness is often centered in the workplace and how individuals and organizations can work to decenter it. Decentering Whiteness in the Workplace exposes how pervasive white-centering is in the modern American workplace and explores how we can work toward decentering whiteness, unpacking the ways that a person can contribute both individually and systemically to the white-centering that occurs in workplace settings. Very few books in the DEI and antiracism space focus on the ways that whiteness is centered. There are often fears within corporate spaces about talking candidly, openly, and honestly about whiteness, white supremacy, and anti-blackness. This book provides a direct and straightforward analysis about what white-centering is, some of the different ways that whiteness is centered in the workplace, how to decenter whiteness within oneself, and how to decenter whiteness at work"--

  • af Suzanne Wertheim
    195,95 kr.

    "Keep from inadvertently offending or alienating anyone by following six straightforward guidelines developed by a down-to-earth linguistic anthropologist and business consultant. In today's polarized and highly contentious climate, language is seen by many as a minefield. People are afraid of "getting cancelled." Of making embarrassing mistakes. Of sounding outdated or out of touch. They have questions and The Inclusive Language Field Guide has the answers. This book is filled with real-world stories, foundational principles, and easy exercises to guide people into new habits. It is grounded in rigorous social science and draws on original analysis to teach people exactly how to make better choices"--

  • af Tiffany Jana
    175,95 kr.

    Revised edition of Subtle acts of exclusion, [2020]

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