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Handicap: sociale aspekter

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  • af Jasmin Sood
    148,95 - 343,95 kr.

  • af Michael Dow
    533,95 kr.

    Sometimes it seems only a nurse can bring technical information down to an understanding that an ordinary person can grasp. The Nurse Florence® book series provides high quality medical information that even a child can grasp. By introducing young kids to correct terminology and science concepts at an early age, we can help increase our children's health literacy level as well as help to prepare them for courses and jobs in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. We need more scientists so I hope that many children will enjoy this book series and consider a job involving science.Introducing Some Medical Words to Kids in Every Book

  • - Professionel hjælp til det mest private
    af Maria Pedersen & Martin Einfeldt
    198,94 kr.

    For næsten alle voksne er sex vigtigt, værdifuldt og en privat sag. At kunne udleve sin seksualitet fremmer sundhed og trivsel. Professionelle i hjemmeplejen, på plejecentre, bosteder, hospitaler, i lægepraksis og socialforvaltninger møder mennesker som ikke kan udleve deres seksualitet på grund af fx sygdom, alder, skader eller sociale forhold. Eller som, måske på grund af skader i hjernen, udlever seksualiteten på måder som kan være ubehagelige for personale og andre i nærheden. Hvordan åbner du som professionel en tryg samtale om noget så privat? Hvordan kan du faktisk hjælpe når samtalen er i gang? Seksuel sundhed og omsorg er en håndbog som giver: Faglig viden om menneskers seksualitet og om forskellige kulturer, værdier og normer for sex. Faglig viden om kommunikation som bryder tabuer og skaber samarbejde. 20 eksempler på brug af denne viden i realistiske dilemmaer for professionelle. Løsninger og metoder til at tage vare på både givere og modtagere af behandling og omsorg

  • af Rasmus Lind & Lone Barsøe
    289,94 kr.

    Jeg leder efter en ny måde at tale om handicap på undersøger liv med handicap i et dobbelt perspektiv, hvor levede erfaringer og teoretiske indsigter belyser hinanden gensidigt.Antologien afsøger nye forståelser af handicap, hvor dette ikke reduceres til en diagnose eller en generaliseret stereotyp, men anerkendes og repræsenteres som en individuel og samfundsbetinget erfaring.Første del indeholder otte interviews med markante personer med handicap, der fra forskellige vinkler og med afsæt i deres eget liv udfordrer samfundets syn på handicap.Anden del indeholder otte teoretiske og diskuterende kapitler, der undersøger menneskesyn og handicapforståelser i såvel et historisk som et fremadskuende perspektiv på udkig efter individuelle potentialer og kollektive løsninger.Antologien henvender sig til fagprofessionelle og studerende, medarbejdere på det politiske og administrative niveau og ikke mindst til mennesker, som lever liv med handicap samt deres pårørende. Kort sagt til alle, som leder efter en ny måde at tale om handicap på.

  • af Gainoushan
    242,95 - 904,95 kr.

  • af Sabine Brömmer
    193,95 kr.

    "Ich kann die eine Hirnstruktur nicht richtig darstellen." Mit diesem Satz des untersuchenden Arztes begann unsere Reise mit unserem Balkenkind. Im Ultraschall in der Mitte der Schwangerschaft fiel auf, dass der Balken, das Corpus Callosum, das die rechte und linke Hirnhälfte verbindet, fehlte. Komplett. Nach dem Schock, den Tränen, weiterer detaillierter Diagnostik und der Entscheidung gegen den immer wieder ins Spiel gebrachten Spätabbruch blieb uns nur das Warten. Warten darauf, wie sich die schweren motorischen und kognitiven Beeinträchtigungen, von denen wiederholt die Rede war, äußern würden. Informationen zu dem Phänomen Balkenmangel waren kaum zu bekommen. Die, die es gab, zeichneten meist ein Bild schwerer und mehrfacher Behinderungen. Doch unser Kind hat einen isolierten Balkenmangel ohne genetische Defekte. Dazu gab es so gut wie keine Informationen. Nachdem wir nun die ersten gut zehn Jahre mit unserem Balkenkind verbringen durften und es inzwischen eine weiterführende Schule besucht, war die Zeit gekommen, den ersten Bericht über unser gemeinsames Abenteuer fortzuführen. Denn wie sagte unser Pränataldiagnostiker so unumwunden:"Was heißt normal? Heißt normal, dass es einen Kindergarten besuchen kann?"Lassen Sie sich überraschen...

  • af Philipp Macele
    583,95 kr.

    Technologies designed to 'assist' users with and without disabilities, such as computer interfaces, act as mediators of barriers in Digital Cultures. At the same time, these technologies, as 'assistive media', emerge into a pre-existing technological environment and add an additional level of mediation to human-machine interaction. Drawing on examples rooted in a diverse range of fields - from engineering to medical research to gaming culture - the contributors to this volume each provide a unique perspective on assistance, situated at the intersection of media studies and disability studies.

  • af Michael Dow
    598,95 kr.

    Sometimes it seems only a nurse can bring technical information down to an understanding that an ordinary person can grasp. The Nurse Florence® book series provides high quality medical information that even a child can grasp. By introducing young kids to correct terminology and science concepts at an early age, we can help increase our children's health literacy level as well as help to prepare them for courses and jobs in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. We need more scientists so I hope that many children will enjoy this book series and consider a job involving science.Introducing Some Medical Words to Kids in Every BookInside text has 1.5 line spacing and font sizes are up to 40.The four included Nurse Florence books are:Help I'm BleedingTell Me Things About the Heart.How Do We Move Our Bodies?I'm Having Trouble Sleeping.

  • af Nicholas Biddle
    298,95 kr.

    The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is one of the major policy innovations of the early 21st century in Australia, representing a new way of delivering services to people with a disability and those who care for them.

  • af Bob Williams-Findlay
    261,95 kr.

    'A masterful intervention that is particularly pertinent for an age of austerity, pandemic, and rising living costs' Robert Chapman, author of Empire of Normality'A brilliant and much-needed contribution to current debates' Ioana Cerasella Chis, University of Birmingham'A comprehensive analysis which also intelligently looks at how disability can fit into the modern world' Joshua Hepple, activist, writer and disability equality trainerThe rise of the extreme right globally, the crisis of capitalism and the withdrawal of all but the most punitive arms of the state are having a disastrous impact on disabled people's lives. Bob Williams-Findlay offers an account of the transformative potential of disability praxis and how it relates to disabled politics and activism. He addresses different sites of struggle, showing how disabled people have advanced radical theory into the implementation of policies.Examining the growth of the global Disabled People's Movement during the 1960s, Williams-Findlay shows how a new social discourse emerged that shifted the focus away from seeing disability as restrictions on an individual's body, towards understanding the impact of restrictions created by capitalist relations. He shines light on the contested definitions of disability, asking us to reconsider how different socio-political contexts produce varied understandings of social oppression and how we can play a role in transforming definitions and societies.Bob Williams-Findlay is the founder of Birmingham Disability Rights Group and the former Chair of the national organisation BCODP. He has written in various publications on the topic of disability politics.

  • af R Velho
    275,95 - 1.063,95 kr.

  • af Jan Baars
    437,95 - 1.588,95 kr.

  • af Janice Rieger
    1.649,95 kr.

    This timely book explores the spatial and social injustices within our streets, malls, schools, and public institutions. Taken-for-granted acts like going for a walk, seeing an exhibition with a friend, and going to school are, for people with disabilities, conditional or precluded acts due to exclusion by design.

  • af Emma Sheppard
    1.649,95 kr.

    This book is a critical disability studies examination of the lived experience of chronic pain, engaging with and making a significant contribution to crip theory and the concept of 'crip time'.

  • af Faye Linda Wachs
    353,95 - 1.383,95 kr.

  • af Shelley Lynn Tremain
    278,95 - 961,95 kr.

  • af Doumé Quintin
    318,95 kr.

    Doumé Quintin n'a pas eu une vie ordinaire. Plus d'un, ayant traversé les mêmes épreuves que lui, aurait sombré. "Quintin le tenace" a préféré se battre. Il a choisi la vie.Dans sa jeunesse, il trouve dans le sport, notamment dans le rugby, un remède à ses blessures d'enfance. Sur le terrain, il vibre, il se défonce. Mais alors qu'il n'a pas vingt ans, il doit affronter coup sur coup deux drames. Son père, son héros, qui lui a transmis sa passion pour le sport, décède subitement. Un an plus tard, pendant un match de rugby, le jeune homme est victime d'un très grave accident qui le laissera paraplégique à vie. La pente à remonter est dure et douloureuse, mais "Quintin le tenace" s'accroche. Porté par une force intérieure inébranlable, il parviendra peu à peu à s'accomplir dans tous les domaines de la vie.Avec ce récit, Doumé Quintin signe une autobiographie émouvante et pleine d'espoir.

  • af Annmaree Watharow
    353,95 kr.

    How does a patient with sensory disability - such as a hearing or vision impairment, or both - get effective communication from a health care provider?Too often, the answer is that they don't. Communication is crucial for any professional-patient relationship, not least when disability is in the mix. For people living with sensory disability, however, the challenge of knowing what is going on with their healthcare, participating in shared decision making, and retaining an appropriate level of agency, is even greater. Using verbatim testimony from people with first-hand experience of sensory disability, this book explores issues such as accessibility barriers in consent forms, patient information sheets and other paperwork; situational vulnerability to abuse and neglect; and dehumanisation, infantilisation, and disempowerment in care.Written by Dr Annmaree Watharow MD PhD, a doctor and author with personal experience of sensory disability, the stories in this book are told using people's own words, to allow readers to hear directly from the people who most need their own agency. Vital reading for doctors, nurses, health care providers, and social support workers in practice and training, this book will change the way you view sensory disability.

  • af Ben Mattlin
    233,95 - 265,95 kr.

  • af Yenn Purkis
    353,95 kr.

    What might it look like for an Autistic, non-binary person who lives with mental illness to live well and with hope?In this book, author and advocate Yenn Purkis reflects on their experiences of life as an Autistic non-binary person who has a diagnosis of atypical schizophrenia. Exploring the intersecting areas of mental health and illness, neurodivergence and neurodiversity, and gender non-conformity, the narrative follows Yenn through experiences of incarceration, psychosis, employment, therapy both helpful and not, medication, diagnosis, stigma and anxiety.Illuminating reading for students of disability studies, Autism studies, queer studies, and related social sciences, this book will also bring important perspective to those in practice and in training: doctors, psychiatrists, policy makers, teachers, and social workers. Yenn will describe a life well-lived, with and alongside Autism and mental illness, that will provide a vital perspective to anyone studying or working people who share these social identities.

  • af Jim Hoerricks
    353,95 kr.

    Disability or difference? How autism is understood varies from place to place.Drawn from lived experience, this book explores the question of what autism is, and how it is best viewed in society. Dr Jim Hoerricks PhD - an academic and non-verbal autistic person - interrogates different models of disability, and considers how autism might be seen as a difference in human experience, in light of the need for accommodations and structural supports.Positioning autism as both a set of traits and an identity, No place for autism? asks what can be done to give place for autistic people and communities.

  • af David Wallis & Alissa Quart
    216,95 - 598,95 kr.

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