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  • - En sulten økonom forklarer verden
    af Ha-Joon Chang
    219,95 - 257,95 kr.

    I ‘Spiselig økonomi’ appellerer Chang til læsere, der ikke nødvendigvis interesserer sig for økonomi ved først at tale om mad.Ha-Joon Chang skabte stort røre – også i Danmark – med sin bog ’23 ting man fortier om kapitalismen’, der i Danmark udkom med forord af Mogens Lykketoft.Klim fulgte op på succesen med ´’Økonomi’, hvor Chang på sin karakteristisk grundlæggende facon, diskuterer de mest basale økonomiske spørgsmål med en åben og kritisk indstilling til, hvordan verdens økonomiske systemer er skruet sammen.Chang tager udgangspunkt i verden, og hans tilgang til den er baseret på et globalt overblik og på rigtige tal. Det er imponerende, at han er stand til at gøre stoffet både let forståeligt og ekstremt inddragende.“Vi har fået galt fat på denne her profession. Mange økonomer tror, at det, de beskæftiger sig med, er uforståeligt for almindelige mennesker … Hvis du ikke kan forklare det til andre, har du et problem.”Ha-Joon Chang, VarsityHa-Joon Chang har tre store passioner: økonomi, mad og trivia, og det er denne bog et udslag af. Med maden som prisme, forklarer han i denne bog økonomi på en måde, så alle kan være med.Før man opdager det, er historier om mad blevet til økonomiske diskussioner om international handel, automatisering, klima, velfærd og meget andet.Nogle gange er maden det centrale for diskussionen, og nogle gange er den blot et afsæt, men den er altid en underholdende måde at forstå økonomi på.

  • af Andreas Seidl
    132,95 - 184,95 kr.

  • af Elise Gravel
    212,95 kr.

  • af Allen P. Adamson
    245,95 kr.

    "Seeing the How invites you to reimagine your brand, company, or idea through the lens of consumer experience"--

  • af Beyza Oba
    917,95 kr.

    This book investigates Alternative Consumer Cooperatives (ACCs) as spaces for prefigurative food politics.

  • af Gui Costin
    267,95 kr.

    As Millennials step into positions of greater authority and power, they will, without a doubt, modify their marketing strategies to sell to people of their generation exactly as they wish to be sold to, which puts a lot of us on a timed collision course. The invention and usage of the Internet taught Millennials to play the game in a different way and if we want to remain competitive and connect with this generation, we have to adapt to their way of playing. Educating yourself on Millennial habits is the first step in a longer journey to figuring out the best way to appeal to their style of connecting, buying and investing. Millennials Are Not Aliens is Gui Costin¿s survival guide to adapting to a future that will be owned by 80 million Millennials in the United States and 2.7 billion globally.

  • af Giap Binh Nga
    158,95 kr.

    Essay from the year 2019 in the subject Tourism - Miscellaneous, grade: 1.5, Vietnam National University Hanoi, language: English, abstract: This paper reports on a study of consumer behavior in tourism. It surveyed approximately 550 tourists in the north of Vietnam to assess levels of consumer behavior including perception, attitude and behavior. Independent variables included region and the gender of tourists. Although there are no region and gender differences in consumer behavior, correlations and mediating relationships are found.

  • - Lobbyisterne, konkurrencestaten og EU´s voksende demokratiske underskud
    af Kenneth Haar
    167,95 kr.

    "Erhvervslivets lobbyister i Bruxelles præger ofte det politiske liv i EU-institutionerne. De har stor indflydelse på, hvilke forslag, der overhovedet fremlægges, og hvad udfaldet bliver. Især repræsentanterne for transnationale selskaber har en umådelig evne til at sætte sine fingeraftryk på beslutningerne – ikke bare på enkelte lovforslag, men også på EU's langsigtede strategier og sågar på EU-traktaten.”Kapitalens Europa” er en analyse af EU’s nyere historie, og en fremstilling af hvordan erhvervsinteresser har været med til at gøre EU til en statsdannelse, der gør ’konkurrenceevnen’ til samfundets altovergribende mål. Den udvikling gør det sværere at løfte tidens store udfordringer, såsom den sociale ulighed og klimakrisen, og den har sågar ført til et større demokratisk underskud i EU.Bogen er skrevet af Kenneth Haar fra Corporate Europe Observatory, en lobbyvagthund i Bruxelles, som til dagligt arbejder på at afsløre lobbyisternes strategier. Den giver et sjældent indblik i deres rolle i at forme ikke bare enkelte love, men også EU's måde at arbejde på, strategier og målsætninger."

  • af Johanna Faust
    143,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2018 in the subject Environmental Sciences, grade: 2,0, University of Oslo, language: English, abstract: This term paper is dealing with the high meat consumption in Germany and its occurring consequences.Essays and dissertations dealing with meat consumption in Germany have been used as a basic collection of literature. Using neutral literature made it possible to give a broad overview of the topic. Besides one will have a closer look at its development and possible reasons for people to continue eating meat nowadays.The meat inspection law means 'meat' when talking about fresh or prepared parts of warm-blooded animals, which can be used for human consumption. Despite this containment one has to note that marine animals and other not warm-blooded animals are used for the consumption of meat as well. Still, for the following paper Hellichs and Schroeters definition of meat is enough, because it deals mostly with cattle and horses. On this occasion we deal mostly with meat products, which are produced and used in Germany.Since the last bovine spongiform encephalopathy crisis, short BSE-crisis, the industry must deal with a scandalous image on meat. Besides, bird flu, foot-and-mouth disease and different scandals with packaging lead to uncertainty within the German consumers. Their trust has been misused and people started to call for environmental friendly and animal friendly meat production.Today the meat consumption minimally decreases with every year, but the global consumption is still increasing. This causes consequences such as the increase of meat production which causes heavy environmental damages, which are responsible for devastating global impacts. The question, why people still consume that much meat despite they know what impact it has on the environment, arises.

  • af Alan White
    165,95 kr.

    Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2018 in the subject Business economics - Investment and Finance, grade: 10, , language: English, abstract: This article presents a new model for valuing a credit default swap (CDS) contract that is affected by multiple credit risks of the buyer, seller and reference entity. We show that default dependency has a significant impact on asset pricing. In fact, correlated default risk is one of the most pervasive threats in financial markets. We also show that a fully collateralized CDS is not equivalent to a risk-free one. In other words, full collateralization cannot eliminate counterparty risk completely in the CDS market.

  • af Rosa Llamas
    2.323,95 kr.

    Fully revised and updated, the new edition brings together an expertly curated and authoritative overview of the impact and emerging horizons of digital consumption.

  • af Amelie Meyer
    230,95 kr.

    Bachelor Thesis from the year 2011 in the subject American Studies - Miscellaneous, grade: 2,3, University of Göttingen (Philosophische Fakultät), language: English, abstract: At the turn of the nineteenth century, the city of New York underwent a tremendous change that is regarded as a complete ¿transformation of American culture¿ (Zurier). An abundance of scholarly works have been devoted to those developments that were of a geographic, economic or social nature. An equally great focus has been on the rise of a new kind of consumer culture which, according to Tottis, rang in an ¿age of Amusement¿ which included the advent of the department store, popular entertainment and advertisement (Zurier). Recent scholars, among them Rebecca Zurier, have concentrated on the role of public display within this consumer culture. People were not only there ¿to buy, but merely to ¿see¿ the things¿ they desired to purchase (Bowlby, ¿Looking¿). The display and constant ¿visuality¿ of the outer look of the city on the one hand and the mutual gazing of city people on the other hand caused the need for a ¿new skill of urban viewing¿ people had yet to learn (Manthorne). Thus, new ways of seeing developed. Within this context of a heavily pictorial and visual consumer culture, scholars have examined the works of the Ashcan School, a group of artists known for their ¿common¿ city depictions. Up to the present, few scholars did not concentrate on the Ashcan artists¿ portrayal of poor living conditions, toil and tenements. Instead, they began to analyze the consumerist scenes of the Ashcan School¿s oeuvre: they contemplated the issues of public display, its effects on New York¿s citizen and they also scraped the surface of the gender issue within consumerism. This bachelor thesis is intended to extent this study in order to provide a coherent picture of how consumerism, gender and new ways of seeing play together in a number of Ashcan works. The portrayals of Everett Shinn and John Sloan have been chosen for their depicted content of entertainment, shopping and urban viewing.

  • af Mert Aktan
    375,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2019 in the subject Sociology - Consumption and Advertising, grade: 4, ¿zmir University of Economics, course: Online consumer behavior, language: English, abstract: As a result of the internet comes into our lives fast around the world, the shopping habits of individuals' have started to change. Technological developments bring forth the idea of the continuous change. This paper is focused on online consumer behavior between Gen Ys, Gen Xs and baby boomers. The importance of this study is to analyze and make evident of the reasons behind online shopping between different generations. Since the online shopping activities are increasing nowadays, it is necessary to understand the leading reasons behind individuals' online shopping activities in order to develop better choices for consumers in a competitive market. The paper builds on the relevant literature and it examines the consumer behavior of individuals by questionnaires. Furthermore, the hedonic and utilitarian motivational functions and their sub-dimensions will be measured in order to understand the online consumer behavior. To reach those objectives, non-random/ convenience sampling method is applied in Izmir to 384 sample sizes to identify all aspects of the online shopping and impact on consumer behavior. The data results obtained revealed in the paper to support the research questions.It is determined that there are significant levels of hedonic and utilitarian motivations on online shopping between generations. The differences are particularly observed between Gen Ys and baby boomers within the scope of utilitarian and between Gen Ys and older generations (Gen Xs and baby boomers) within the scope of hedonic motivations.As a result of the evaluations according to questionnaire, the results show that marketers need to focus on marketing campaigns to Gen Xs and baby boomers about utilitarian motivations. Beside this, they should concentrate on more hedonic motivations for Gen Ys and develop new marketing strategies.

  • af Anonym
    158,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2019 in the subject Sociology - Consumption and Advertising, grade: 1,0, University of Lincoln, language: English, abstract: In recent years, the UK chocolate confectionery market has been characterised by a high level of competition. Nevertheless, Cadbury Dairy Milk has managed to be the market leader, counteracting the overall decline in the segment with a growth of 4% in 2017. This development has been built on high levels of trust among their customers and the perception of them offering good value for money which reflects their long history in the market and extensive advertising efforts (Winter, 2018). It can be said that advertising creates and transfers social trends as well as core beliefs and values which entail the formation of an attitude and can result in a purchase intention (De Mooij, 2004, 312). Understanding how people choose between several similar products and brands as well as how they arrive at their choice, can be seen as an important aspect among marketers. Theories have been developed to describe how people make their decisions and what might influence their decision-making process. Consequently, it has become a key strategy for marketers to change consumers' behaviour and alter their attitudes towards a company, product or service through advertising (Adhikary, 2014).Based on this, the aim of this paper is to critically examine the impact of behavioural concepts on consumers and their decision-making process. Due to practical constraints, this paper cannot provide a comprehensive review of all theoretical concepts and therefore, the following two models have been chosen: operant conditioning and Attitude-Toward-The-Ad model.Each of these models will be explained theoretically and then applied to a recent advertising campaign of Cadbury to analyse the effectiveness and the impact of the campaign on consumers. Subsequently, recommendations will be given on the basis of the findings.

  • af C. Smart
    339,95 kr.

    Bachelor Thesis from the year 2015 in the subject Sociology - Consumption and Advertising, grade: 69, B, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, course: Mass Communication, language: English, abstract: The world right now obviously cannot do without the internet. With the internet almost a part of human life, even the business life as it concerns buying and selling via the Internet, it is therefore necessary to investigate the efficacy of the products bought online without having physical feel of it as it encourages further decision to want to continue buying.

  • af Charlotte Brodtkorb
    158,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2012 in the subject Sociology - Consumption and Advertising, grade: 1,3, European Business School London / Regent's College, course: MKT6A7 - Consumer Behaviour, language: English, abstract: This report examines consumer behaviour in the context of the purchase of a smoothie produced by market leader Innocent Drinks. Based on a hybrid segmentation approach, the company is targeting a group amenable to the consumption of health foods in terms of preferences and resources. Benefitting from a strong position in the children's as well as in the adults' smoothie sector, Innocent build on their first-mover advantage by maintaining an original brand image characterised by friendliness and approachability through utilisation of marketing mix elements. Pricing strategies and communications mix are tailored to the target segment. Innocent successfully compete on differentiation, focussing on product quality and sustainble business practice. It is, however, suggested that they publicise their CSR initiatives on a broader scale and and target children more directly for their "Kid's Smoothie".

  • af Torben Guldberg
    257,95 kr.

    ”Jeg gad godt se denne bog filmatiseret både på grund af plottet og på grund af tematikken” Anette Leonora Andersen, ”En skøn blanding af tempo og fordybelse med et smukt, legende sprog” Louise Hvilshøj Andersen Trankjær, Glasregn på Gold Street er en tempofyldt roman om kapital, idealisme, vold og performancekunst. Henrik Pingmann, en af de mest indflydelsesrige finansmænd i vor tid, debuterer i 2019 som kunstner med et spektakulært værk om penge. Men dagen efter ferniseringen og tre måneder inden Pingmann skal være vært ved en international konference om digital økonomi, blæser glasfacaden på hans penthouselejlighed i Manhattans finansdistrikt ud, og den regn af glas, der falder på Gold Street, er kun begyndelsen. I en måned ved Rebekka, Henriks kæreste, ikke hvad der er blevet af ham. Da hun finder ud af det, står hun pludselig med ansvaret for hele verdens økonomi. I en årrække har der været stille fra forfatter, skuespiller og sanger Torben Guldbergs forfatterside – Guldberg debuterede i 2008 med den internationale bestseller Teser om eksistensen af kærlighed – tiden har han bl.a. brugt til et tankeeksperiment, som mange sandsynligvis vil kunne nikke genkendende til: Tænk, hvis det var muligt at spærre alle verdens ledere og rigmænd inde og true med først at lukke dem ud, når de har løst problemerne?

  • af Vegard Martinsen
    497,95 kr.

    I denne boken redegjør forfatteren for hva kapitalismen er, og hvordan kun den kan sikre at samfunnet i størst mulig grad blir preget av frihet, likhet og brorskap. Boken inneholder mer enn 30 artikler og foredrag. Har litteraturliste

  • af Siri Melchior
    347,95 kr.

    Far elsker sin mobiltelefon. Det gør mor også. Deres mobiltelefoner kan finde vej og se film og læse nyheder. De bruger dem hele tiden. Og når jeg spørger dem om noget så hører de ikke efter.Mormors mobil er ikke så god. Men hun siger, at hun har mig til at finde vej og underholde hende. Hun siger, det er sjovere at snakke sammen end at glo på en skærm.En dag får mormor en ny mobiltelefon, der er endnu mere moderne end mors og fars. Mormor får pludselig travlt med sin nye mobiltelefon.Chamerende fotælling med noget på hjertet. Melchiors sødmefulde og muntre illustrationer er, som vanligt, en fornøjelse at gå på opdagelse i, og børn vil fint kunne spejle sig i den letforståelige og hverdagsnære handling. Der er en tydelig, løftet pegefinger i fortællingen, men med humor formår Melchior at levere sin morale uden at fremstå belærende.LEKTØRUDTALELSENJeg er ikke tidligere stødt på ret mange børnebøger om søskendeforholdet efter børnene er blevet lidt større. Og jeg må sige, at selvom mine forventninger til denne bog ikke var så høje, og jeg tænkte, at den måske ville kede mine børn, så er Magnus og Mini en genial søskendebog. Det er en rigtig god højtlæsningsbog, som jeg synes, du skal læse med dine søskendebørn. Der er ikke ret meget tekst, men masser af fine illustrationer, der visuelt minder lidt om Mumi-universet, og alle størrelser kan være om første bind i MAGNUS OG MINI

  • af Naomi Klein
    197,95 - 237,95 kr.

    I 'Det brænder' samler Naomi Klein for første gang mere end ti års rapporter fra klimaforandringernes frontlinje. Fører dem op til i dag og vores politiske situation og viser, hvor brændende nødvendigt det er, at vi handler nu – og giver anvisning på, hvad vi må gøre. Klein viser sig fra sin mest profetiske og indignerede, men også filosofiske side.'Det brænder' er et råb om, at vi ikke vil kunne forstå eller gøre noget ved den eksistentielle krise, som klimaforandringerne udgør, hvis vi ikke også forsøger at ændre på de samfundsmæssige strukturer, der har skabt klimaforandringerne. På én gang bekymret analyse og en henvendelse til os alle – ikke mindst den ungdom, der er begyndt at kræve handling.

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