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Fremtidsprognoser, fremtidsstudier

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  • - - an introduction to Hxaro companies
    af Nick & Lyby Skovgaard
    104,95 kr.

    'Escape Route' outlines how we can address the crises we are currently facing without being dependent on the world's power holders.'Escape Route' establishes a codex for operating truly sustainable companies, and through them, the opportunity to accelerate the necessary transition to sustainability. It is the use of existing structures around business operations that makes it easy to get started and impossible for power holders to stop.It is a path that distributes power and opportunities for action across the world; out to you and me.

  • - - en introduktion til Hxaro-virksomheder
    af Nick & Lyby Skovgaard
    98,95 - 103,95 kr.

    'Flugtvej' anviser hvordan vi kan handle på de kriser vi står midt i, uden af være afhængige af verdens magthavere. 'Flugtvej' udstikker et kodeks for drift af virkeligt bæredygtige virksomheder, og gennem dem få mulighed for at sætte fart på den nødvendige omstilling til bæredygtighed. Det er brugen af eksisterende strukturer omkring virksomhedsdrift som gør det nemt at komme i gang og umuligt for magthavere at stoppe. Det er en vej som distribuerer magt og handlemuligheder ud i verden; ud til dig og mig.

  • af Norma Wong
    188,95 kr.

    "Spiritual and community lessons for embracing collective care, co-creating sustainable futures, and responsibly meeting uncertain futures-a Zen and Native Hawaiian take on building better, more balanced ways of being"--

  • af Christopher Reusch
    383,95 kr.

    In this book the author - me - ponders on certain things, such as society and the universe. What is the underlying primordial matter of the universe and how can one relate this to our modern "society"? The word in itself hints the existence of a .....?Of a What?Of something unspeakable and dangerously terrible you may think, but that is something that might reveal itself to you, if you have the stamina to deal with the authors - me - gigantic and frivolous ego.

  • af Indrapramit Das
    209,95 kr.

    "In this volume from the Twelve Tomorrows series, Deep Dream, ten writers imagine the different ways in which art forms might evolve, devolve, shift, and transform in the decades and centuries to come. They consider how the rapid progress of technology will interact with different mediums of art or give rise to new ones, and what the lives and inner worlds of different kinds of artists might look like in the future as they adapt to rapidly shifting eras amidst anthropogenic global threats like climate change and fascism"--

  • af Gerard Delanty
    368,95 kr.

    The future has become a problem for the present. Almost every critical issue is now understood and experienced through the prism of the future since this is the primary focus for the playing out of crises. Senses of the Future offers a wide-ranging discussion of theories of the future. It covers the main ideas of the future in modern thought and explores how we should view the future today in light of a plurality of very different and conflicting visions. The key contribution of this book is to bring together the different approaches with an account that is grounded in sociological and philosophical analysis as opposed to visions of the future that are inspired by extreme visions of catastrophe or approaches that see the future as only the continuation of the present. Given a revival of apocalyptical visions of the 'end times' and dystopian views of the future of human societies, there is urgent need for a new approach on how we should imagine the future. The author explores the future as a field of tensions that is revealed in narratives, utopian desires, hope, imaginaries, and social struggles concerning the potential possibilities of the present: the future does not just arrive; it has to be fought for. This book is an important contribution to a critical sociology of the future. It is both a work of reconstruction and critique grounded in a historical and philosophical hermeneutics of the future. Table of Contents Chapter One Introduction: Conflicting Visions of the Future Contested Visions of the Future Today Return to the Future Outline of the Chapters References Chapter Two When is the Future? The Problem of Time and the Human Condition Time in the Physical World: Lessons from Physics Has the Future already Begun? Time and History Time, Life, and the Human Condition: Biology, Evolution, and Culture Conclusion References Chapter Three Lessons from the Past: What Does the Past Tell Us about the Future? The Future in the Past Failed Societies and Civilizational Collapse Catastrophes and History Conclusion References Chapter Four Modernity and the Concept of the Future: Utopia, Progress, and Prophecy The Future as Expectation The Future as an Imaginary and the Emergence of Utopianism The Future as Possibility The Future as Experience Conclusion References Chapter Five Ideas of the Future in the Twentieth Century: Futurism, Modernism, Sociology, and Political Theory New Political Ideas of the Future after 1945 Responses to the Future: From Fear of the Future to Futurology Sociological Theory and the Future Conclusion: The New Sociology of the Future References Chapter Six Critical Theory and the Future: The Sources of Transcendence The Intellectual Origins of Critical Theory: A Brief Outline The Idea of the Future in the Critical Theory of the Early Frankfurt School Habermas and the Communication Paradigm The Responsibility Paradigm and Cosmopolitanism: Jonas and Apel Critical Cosmopolitanism and the Idea of the Future Conclusion: Cultural Models and the Future as Possibility References Chapter Seven Conclusion: In The Shadow of the Future Do We Need a Theory of the Future? Are we already in a New Historical Era? AI and a Posthuman Future Struggles for the Future References Index

  • af Kristian Rönn
    283,95 kr.

    "A provocative exploration of how humans are wired to seek short-term success at the expense of long-term survival-an "optimization trap" that explains everything from toxic workplaces to climate change"--

  • af Matthew Shapiro
    223,95 kr.

    Early Voices of Conscious Evolution is a unique anthology that brings to light a lesser-recognized yet critical dimension of human cultural and social history, opening a perspective that helps put today's dynamics into a broader and more empowering context. The period spanning the late 19th and early 20th century was a time of unprecedented change driven by the Industrial Revolution, by reactions to the effects of industrialization and technology, by then-new evolutionary theory, and by the emergence of new sciences such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, and economics. Liberation and integration became the driving forces of social dynamics on a planetary scale. Some observers recognized that an epochal shift in social and cultural consciousness was occurring, including a new awareness that society and culture could be evolved consciously, and in a direction more supportive of human development, democracy, peace, and a sustainable relationship with the natural world. Early Voices of Conscious Evolution illustrates this growing awareness through 138 painstakingly curated passages drawn from the works of more than 120 thinkers and social actors living through the Industrial Revolution and Progressive Eras, specifically from 1866 through 1939. Many of the passages became readily accessible only recently, thanks to the digitization of older books and journals.

  • af Iris Lichtenberger
    273,95 kr.

    Komplementärmedizin als Weg in ein zukunftsfähiges Gesundheitssystem! Das heutige Gesundheitssystems steht am Rande des Zusammenbruchs. Iris Lichtenberger schlägt die Komplementärmedizin als lebensnotwendige Alternative vor. Ganzheitliche Ansätze, die den Menschen in seiner physischen, geistigen und emotionalen Gesamtheit betrachten, wirken nicht nur präventiv, sondern sind auch kostengünstiger sind als traditionelle medizinische Behandlungen, was langfristig die Belastung des Gesundheitssystems verringert und den Zugang zur Versorgung verbessert. Das macht dieses Buch zu einer wichtigen Lektüre für alle, die an den Schnittstellen von Schulmedizin und Komplementärmedizin interessiert sind und nach nachhaltigen Lösungen für ein krisengeschütteltes Gesundheitssystem suchen.

  • af Todd May
    228,95 kr.

    "Philosophical advisor to the hit NBC sitcom The Good Place contemplates the future of humanity-whether we should bring new humans into the world, or if the world would be better without us"--

  • af Kai-Fu Lee
    168,95 kr.

    How will AI change our world within twenty years? A pioneering technologist and acclaimed writer team up for a “dazzling” (The New York Times) look at the future that “brims with intriguing insights” (Financial Times). This edition includes a new foreword by Kai-Fu Lee. A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Financial Times Long before the advent of ChatGPT, Kai-Fu Lee and Chen Qiufan understood the enormous potential of artificial intelligence to transform our daily lives. But even as the world wakes up to the power of AI, many of us still fail to grasp the big picture. Chatbots and large language models are only the beginning. In this “inspired collaboration” (The Wall Street Journal), Lee and Chen join forces to imagine our world in 2041 and how it will be shaped by AI. In ten gripping, globe-spanning short stories and accompanying commentary, their book introduces readers to an array of eye-opening settings and characters grappling with the new abundance and potential harms of AI technologies like deep learning, mixed reality, robotics, artificial general intelligence, and autonomous weapons.

  • af Matt Stroud
    228,95 kr.

    Digital Liberty explores the imminent convergence of three pivotal themes: data, artificial intelligence and society's intricate social graph, and wars of a looming crisis that threatens to challenge the very foundations of liberal democracies.

  • af Nigel Shadbolt
    160,95 - 228,95 kr.

  • af Jürgen G. H. Hoppmann
    273,95 kr.

    Rudolf Bahro: Vorlesungen 1990 ¿ 1993 Humboldt-Universität Berlin. Audio-Transkriptionen des Rudolf-Bahro-Archivs, Dr. Maik Hosang, Integralis e.V. im LebensGut Pommritz

  • af Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
    183,95 kr.

    "Greenland 2050" is a visionary exploration of the world's largest island as it confronts the profound impacts and challenges of a warming planet. Written by Dr. Roberto Rodriguez, the book offers an interdisciplinary examination of how Greenland, its ecology, economy, and society, are adapting and evolving in response to climate change.The narrative embarks with a comprehensive overview of Greenland's unique environmental history, from its icy past to its more recent-and rapid-glacial retreats. Dr. Rodriguez paints a vivid picture of an island in flux, where rising temperatures have led to increased glacial melt and consequential sea-level rise.Yet, as the ice recedes, new pathways open. The author delves into the economic and geopolitical opportunities emerging for Greenland. The potential for untapped mineral resources, new shipping routes, and expanded fisheries signal a potential economic boom. But these are not without risks. The book addresses these opportunities' ecological, political, and cultural challenges, including potential conflicts over resource rights, threats to indigenous lifestyles, and the ecological impacts of increased human activity.Central to "Greenland 2050" are the voices of Greenlanders themselves. Through intimate interviews and personal accounts, readers gain insight into the lives of those at the forefront of this changing landscape. From Inuit hunters witnessing altered migration patterns of marine mammals to entrepreneurs establishing new tourism ventures, their stories weave a tapestry of resilience, innovation, and deep-rooted cultural identity.The book's final chapters cast an eye to the future, examining strategies being implemented to address looming challenges. From innovative sustainable energy projects to collaborative international research initiatives, Greenland has become a microcosm for how humanity can confront and navigate the realities of a post-global warming world. "Greenland 2050" serves as both a meticulous case study and a broader commentary on the global challenges of climate change.

  • af Alexandre Levy
    468,95 kr.

    La montée en puissance du numérique s¿est opérée très rapidement dans le monde, qüelle modifie radicalement. Communiquer, travailler, s¿informer, se cultiver, jouer, s¿orienter¿; tout cela se fait à présent de façon «¿virtuelle¿». On voit ce qüon y gagne, en facilités nombreuses, et il est difficile de s¿en passer¿; mais on commence aussi à s¿apercevoir de ce qüon peut y perdre.Cet ouvrage, fruit d¿échanges et de dialogues inter ou transdisciplinaires, vise à appréhender les déclinaisons du numérique, entendu comme appareillage quel qu'il soit, physique ou symbolique, venant suppléer aux limites de l'humain. Il traite notamment de la question sensible de la place du corps à l¿heure de¿la virtualisation. Il aborde aussi le problème des territoires et des frontières face à une technologie «¿sans limites¿». Il pose enfin la question de la qualité de nos liens et de notre faculté de penser en contexte numérique

  • af Michiel de Vries
    223,95 kr.

    In this turbulent world we live in, forecasts and traditional strategy tools no longer suffice. In 5 concise steps, this book will provide you the practical knowledge and tools to make scenarios in order to future-proof your strategy.

  • af Ian Goldin
    153,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Oona Horx Strathern
    418,95 kr.

    The Kindness Economy is a powerful new force for change in business and a growing trend that will improve everything from how we work to how we live in our homes, communities, and cities. In an age of much unkindness, burnout, and notoriously monstrous management, we need a new, positive vision for the future.In this book, futurist and trend researcher Oona Horx Strathern offers an optimistic look at how we can create a healthy economy in which we are kinder to people and the planet while still making a profit. Through examples and anecdotes as well as personal and professional insights, The Kindness Economy explores how we can combine values with value and think differently about how we want to spend, work, and live.

  • af Michaela Glockler
    182,95 kr.

    IIn ihrem "mit Herzblut" geschriebenen Essay zum 100. Geburtstag der Begründung der Allgemeinen Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft lässt uns Michaela Glöckler an Gesprächen teilhaben, die sie bezüglich der Aufgabe dieser Gesellschaft geführt hat. Sie beinhalten elementare Fragen wie: warum heute noch Mitglied werden? machen aber auch auf begeisternd neue Art die Aufgabenstellung bewusst, die Rudolf Steiner bewog, sich selber mit diesem Gründungsgeschehen zu verbinden und mit den Menschen, die sich daran angeschlossen haben. Dabei wird auch deutlich, warum wir eigentlich erst jetzt die Kulturaufgabe dieser Gesellschaft erfassen können, wo die großen Herausforderungen und Probleme des 21. Jahrhunderts klar hervortreten. In seinem Nachwort geht Andreas Neider auf die von Steiner prophezeite "Kulmination" der anthroposophischen Bewegung am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts ein und kommt dabei zu einem überraschenden Ergebnis.

  • af Felix Klein
    273,95 - 378,95 kr.

  • af H. G. Wells
    248,95 kr.

    Anticipations forecasts the evolution of 20th century society and the consequences of technology.

  • af Michael Lapp
    283,95 kr.

    Nichts bleibt, wie es wird!Das macht etwas schwer greifbar und ist plötzlich weg.Nichts wird wie gedacht;Es ist nicht möglich, etwas auf vukaner Basis vorherzusagen.Nichts lässt sich denken, wie es ist;Es ist nicht möglich, etwas dynamisch-veränderlich Unfassbares zu übersehen.Nichts ist, wie es scheint.Es ist nicht möglich, etwas Mehrdeutiges zu klären.Alles beschleunigt sich. Der Blick in die Zukunft wird immer unberechenbarer. Zu viele Daten verhindern den Durchblick. Was bleibt ist mehrdeutig. Das vorliegende Buch beschreibt die neue Welt der Vukanität. Es geht um die Unterschiede zwischen FASE- und VUKA-Welt, die Auswirkungen auf unseren Alltag, den Einfluss unserer Wahrnehmung auf das Führen und Entscheiden und die drei Metaphern: Welt als Maschine, Welt als Organismus und Welt als Schaum.

  • af Charles Fletcher Dole
    218,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Bowen
    323,95 kr.

  • af Pam Vause
    248,95 kr.

  • af Michael Klotsche
    283,95 kr.

  • af James Hilgendorf
    213,95 kr.

    In December, 2020, Elizabeth, my wife of 50 years, passed away after struggling for two years with pancreatic cancer and stroke. During this time, the pandemic was raging, and America was struggling to salvage its very identity and survival.A time of deep transformation. What's the way forward?In response to all this, I wrote a book - "Capricorn & Cancer" - to confront the heart of death itself - not only of my wife's passing, but of an America, fractured and dying - and the need here in America for a deep transformation in the way we view our own lives, our relationship with the universe around us, and to life and death itself."Traveling to a New America" was my eleventh book prior to "Capricorn & Cancer" - a collection of 74 articles, poems, blog pieces, historical portraits, and interviews with people I met randomly on the street, all articulating anew the power and greatness of ordinary citizens, and the original, forever dream of America. Now I've combined the two books into one to capture, in greater depth, a way forward out of the dark times we are now experiencing. We are at a deep turning point in history. I once wrote:"A new spiritual civilization, beyond even age-old dreams, beyond anything we have yet imagined, is struggling to be born. It is here and now. It grows from the wreckage of despair, of lost hope, of pollution, greed, injustice, hatred and war. It is the compassionate heart of the universe itself coming to fruition and bloom."You and I are at the heart of this change.Elizabeth and I are traveling together now, reaching out to people all across the country, to spark a great vision and belief in the innate power and potential of every person's life, and in the eternal and still unfulfilled dream of America.

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