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  • - 1940'ernes farvel til bondesamfundet
    af Aksel Hundslev
    157,95 kr.

    Fortællingen om et landsbysamfund i 1940’erne – før stokroserne visnede, strå­tagene forsvandt fra de gamle bindingsværksgårde, og en lille, grå Ferguson-­traktor indvarslede nye tider. Beskrevet af en, der som bondedreng ­oplevede det sidste årti, før de danske landsbyer med revolutionær styrke ændredes fra hundredårig stilstand til dynamisk udvikling.“Jeg blev sidste led i slægtskæden af ejere – og var ham, som lukkede og slukkede for familiens gennem århundreder jordbundne, stillestående bondetilværelse bygget på traditioner. Jeg blev en lillebitte brik i det spil, der med syvmileskridt ændrede dansk landsbyliv. Nogle af de store paradigmeskift med brud i de vante mønstre ser man ikke i samtiden. Derfor lagde landsbyens beboere ikke mærke til, at deres liv var på vej til at blive voldsomt ændret. Ofte hørte jeg dem sige: ”Nu kan de da ikke finde på mere nymodens!” Men det kunne ”de”! Og det fik katastro­fale følger for det landsbysamfund, som levede under landsbyens højeste punkt, kastanje­træet på min fødegård.”

  • - En lærer for livet
    af Thomas Ubbesen
    118,95 - 198,95 kr.

    Thomas Ubbesen kom som dreng til Sønder Ydby fra den store by Frederikshavn og skulle som en fremmed fugl – hans far var kaptajn, og familien havde rejst mange steder i verden – finde sin plads blandt landmandsbørn i den lille forskole. Her herskede fru Brath – en humørsvingende diktatorisk lærer, som foretrak børnene fra de store gårde og underkuede de fattiges børn. Hun lærte dem med stor nidkærhed historie og kristendom fuldstændig blottet for engagement i de børn, hun var sat til at tage hånd om.Også børnene imellem var omgangsformen barsk. Drenge og piger legede adskilt, og man behandlede de svage nådesløst.Thomas Ubbesen fortæller først sin version af historien, som også præges af en voldelig far derhjemme. Dernæst tager vi i sommeren 2020 med tilbage til Thy, hvor Thomas opsøger sine gamle klassekammerater og genser egnen. Det bliver et smerteligt møde med mennesker, der i dag er midt i tresserne, men alle dybt påvirkede af den sadistiske lærer, som indledte en skoletid, der for de flestes vedkommende forblev elendig. I Thy får han også svar på, hvad der siden hændte Fru Brath.Vi får et billede af udviklingen i Danmark fra 1960’erne og til i dag og ser, hvordan Udkantsdanmark langsomt er afviklet og landbruget transformeret fra en vigtig søjle i samfundslivet til en lukket industri. Men vigtigst af alt giver historien en indsigt i, hvor dybt vi som mennesker allerede fra små påvirker hinanden.

  • af Jeppe Aakjær
    287,95 kr.

    Jeppe Aakjærs barske roman "Vredens børn" om den 10-årige Per, der vokser op på landet i begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede. Selv om Per blot er et barn, er hans tilværelse hård og slidsom. Han går ikke i skole eller lever noget, der bare minder om et børneliv. I stedet arbejder Per som vogterdreng. Da Per bliver voksen, beslutter han sig for at samle landarbejderne, men det skal hurtigt vise sig at være sværere end som så... idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlJeppe Aakjær (1866-1930) er manden bag flere af højskolesangbogens mest populære sange – "Jens Vejmand", "Jeg er havren" og "Ole sad på en knold og sang" er blot nogle af dem. Han er i dag bedst kendt for sin stemningsfulde naturlyrik fra og om den vestjyske hede, men han var også i høj grad en politisk forfatter, og arbejde, landskab, arv og miljø var alle vigtige komponenter i hans beskrivelse af almuens undertrykte tilværelse og trange kår. Disse temaer gjorde ham til en del af det, der litteraturhistorisk kaldes det folkelige gennembrud – en bevægelse, der også tæller forfattere som Johannes V. Jensen og Martin Andersen Nexø. Jeppe Aakjærs forfatterskab spænder vidt inden for genrer som digte, romaner, noveller, skuespil, artikler, taler og diverse udgivelser om lokalhistorie, og han er kendt for sit letforståelige sprog og for undertiden at skrive på dialekt.

  • af Helle Juhl
    272,95 kr.

    En krønike i ord og billeder om forvalterne og deres lige så hårdtarbejdende hustruer, som gerne havde elever og karle på kost og logi. Det er en lettilgængelig og populærhistorisk fortælling om hverdagen på godserne – med perspektivering til den øvrige samfundsudvikling.Engang var godsinspektører og herregårdsforvaltere de ’store mænd’ med betydelig indflydelse på såvel den enkelte bedrift som det omgivende samfund. De var ofte et aktiv for både næringsliv og sognekasse, for ikke at tale om landskabskulturen. Javel, hr. baron! er blandt andet baseret på interviews med en række nulevende landbrugsledere og deres ægtefæller, hvoraf enkelte har været med helt fra hestenes tid, og på erindringshistorisk materiale fra foreningen Landbrugslederen, der blev grundlagt i 1943.

  • - A Country Doctor's Story
    af Polly Morland
    99,95 - 165,95 kr.

    A moving, evocative account of a rural GP in a remote rural location.

  • af Tom Schaller
    297,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A searing portrait and damning takedown of America’s proudest citizens—who are also the least likely to defend its core principles“This is an important book that ought to be read by anyone who wants to understand politics in the perilous Age of Trump.”—David Corn, New York Times bestselling author of American PsychosisWhite rural voters hold the greatest electoral sway of any demographic group in the United States, yet rural communities suffer from poor healthcare access, failing infrastructure, and severe manufacturing and farming job losses. Rural voters believe our nation has betrayed them, and to some degree, they’re right. In White Rural Rage, Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman explore why rural Whites have failed to reap the benefits from their outsize political power and why, as a result, they are the most likely group to abandon democratic norms and traditions. Their rage—stoked daily by Republican politicians and the conservative media—now poses an existential threat to the United States.Schaller and Waldman show how vulnerable U.S. democracy has become to rural Whites who, despite legitimate grievances, are increasingly inclined to hold racist and xenophobic beliefs, to believe in conspiracy theories, to accept violence as a legitimate course of political action, and to exhibit antidemocratic tendencies. Rural White Americans’ attitude might best be described as “I love my country, but not our country,” Schaller and Waldman argue. This phenomenon is the patriot paradox of rural America: The citizens who take such pride in their patriotism are also the least likely to defend core American principles. And by stoking rural Whites’ anger rather than addressing the hard problems they face, conservative politicians and talking heads create a feedback loop of resentments that are undermining American democracy.Schaller and Waldman provocatively critique both the structures that permit rural Whites’ disproportionate influence over American governance and the prospects for creating a pluralist, inclusive democracy that delivers policy solutions that benefit rural communities. They conclude with a political reimagining that offers a better future for both rural people and the rest of America.

  • af Steven Conn
    241,95 kr.

    "There's no such thing as rural America. Or, rather, as Steven Conn argues, "rural America" is a phrase that has been made to mean so many things that it doesn't mean anything. In fact, he maintains, rural America--so often characterized as in crisis or in danger of being left behind--has been shaped by the same major forces as the rest of the country since at least the end of the Civil War: militarization, industrialization, corporatization, and suburbanization. Conn calls for us to dispense with the fantasies and visions that are often imposed on rural America, in the hopes of more productively addressing the real challenges facing all of America"--

  • af Monica Potts
    167,95 kr.

    RADIO 4 BOOK OF THE WEEKTHE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER'I couldn't put it down. . . an important book, raw and simple enough that you can't help but feel it deeply' James Rebanks, author of The Shepherd's LifeTalented and ambitious, Monica Potts and her best friend, Darci, were both determined to make something of themselves. How did their lives turn out so different? Growing up gifted and working-class in the foothills of the Ozarks, Monica and Darci became fast friends. Bonding over a shared love of learning, they pored over the giant map in their classroom, tracing their fingers over the world that awaited them, vowing to escape their broken town. In the end, Monica left Clinton for university and fulfilled her dreams. Darci, along with many in their circle of friends, did not. Years later, working as a journalist covering poverty, Monica discovers what she already intuitively knew about the women in Arkansas. Their life expectancy had steeply declined -- the sharpest such fall in a century. As she returns to Clinton to report the story, she reconnects with Darci, and finds that her once talented and ambitious best friend is now a statistic: a single mother of two, addicted to meth, jobless and nearly homeless. Deeply aware that Darci's fate could have been hers, she retraces the moments in each of their lives that led such similar women toward such different destinies. Why did Monica make it out while Darci became ensnared in a cycle of poverty and opioid abuse? Gripping and unforgettable, The Forgotten Girls is a story of friendship and lost promise in 21st century America.

  • - familiens spisebord var tavst vidne til mange dramatiske begivenheder
    af Aksel Hundslev
    107,95 - 175,95 kr.

    Carolyn og Aksel Hundslevs spisestuebord, der også stod i Aksels fødegård, har en lang og mærkværdig historie. ­Intet andet spisebord har, ved siden af sit egent­lige formål, en fortid blandt andet som:– operationsbord ved et lårbensbrud i 1911– underlag ved fødsel af et drengebarn i 1935– skrivepult ved udarbejdelse af vedtægter foren husmandsforening, en hesteavlerforening samt verdens første børnedyrskue i henholdsvis 1903, 1946 og 1950– som optællingsbord for spandfulde af pengesedler fra en pigtrådskoncert i 1967 og meget mere …Er du snart færdig? Jeg skal dække bord! fortæller om hændelser, som var højdramatiske i datidens landsbymiljø og spændende at læse om i nutiden.“Det er kun i eventyr, at ting kan fortælle. Og så alligevel … det gamle spisebord i Carolyns og min spisestue kan gennem os fortælle sin historie om, hvad det har været centrum og udgangspunkt for i flere generationer. Det er ikke småting, det har lagt bordplade til!”

  • af Richard Lischer
    166,95 kr.

  • af Stewart O'Nan
    182,95 - 287,95 kr.

    Set in a working-class town on the Rhode Island coast, O’Nan’s latest is a crushing, beautifully written, and profoundly compelling novel about sisters, mothers, and daughters, and the terrible things love makes us do. In the first line of Ocean State, we learn that a high school student was murdered, and we find out who did it. The story that unfolds from there with incredible momentum is thus one of the build-up to and fall-out from the murder, told through the alternating perspectives of the four women at its heart. Angel, the murderer, Carol, her mother, and Birdy, the victim, all come alive on the page as they converge in a climax both tragic and inevitable. Watching over it all is the retrospective testimony of Angel's younger sister Marie, who reflects on that doomed autumn of 2009 with all the wisdom of hindsight.Angel and Birdy love the same teenage boy, frantically and single mindedly, and are compelled by the intensity of their feelings to extremes neither could have anticipated. O'Nan's expert hand paints a fully realized portrait of these women, but also weaves a compelling and heartbreaking story of working-class life in Ashaway, Rhode Island. Propulsive, moving, and deeply rendered, Ocean State is a masterful novel by one of our greatest storytellers.

  • af Susan McCorkindale
    257,95 kr.

  • af Kirsty Nancarrow
    242,95 kr.

    A hero's legacy. Som Tamang's incredible journey is not just a tale of survival; it's a mission to protect girls in Nepal from trafficking and child marriage.

  • af John Tabois Tregellas
    207,95 - 256,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Rick Bragg
    207,95 kr.

    A New York Times Notable Book of the YearThis haunting, harrowing, gloriously moving recollection of a life on the American margin is the story of Rick Bragg, who grew up dirt-poor in northeastern Alabama, seemingly destined for either the cotton mills or the penitentiary, and instead became a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for The New York Times. It is the story of Bragg's father, a hard-drinking man with a murderous temper and the habit of running out on the people who needed him most.But at the center of this soaring memoir is Bragg's mother, who went eighteen years without a new dress so that her sons could have school clothes and picked other people's cotton so that her children wouldn't have to live on welfare alone. Evoking these lives--and the country that shaped and nourished them--with artistry, honesty, and compassion, Rick Bragg brings home the love and suffering that lie at the heart of every family. The result is unforgettable.

  • af Lior Rosenberg
    332,95 kr.

    Implementing national policies is a crucial function of the local Chinese bureaucracy and an indispensable part of Beijing's overall state capacity.

  • af Henry Louis Goll
    319,95 - 462,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af William Bulfin
    192,95 kr.

    Rambles in the West of Ireland offers an immersive bicycle journey through Ireland's countryside capturing the essence of rural life and exploring Ireland's historic sites. This book is perfect for lovers of travel and Irish culture.

  • af Peter Edwards
    277,95 kr.

    From bestselling true-crime author Peter Edwards and Governor General's Award-winning playwright Kevin Loring, two sons of Lytton, BC, the town that burned to the ground in 2021, comes a meditation on hometown―when hometown is gone.Before it made global headlines as the small town that burned down during a record-breaking heat wave in June 2021, while briefly the hottest place on Earth, Lytton, British Columbia, had a curious past. Named for the author of the infamous line, “It was a dark and stormy night,” Lytton was also where Peter Edwards, organized-crime journalist and author of seventeen non-fiction books, spent his childhood. Although only about 500 people lived in Lytton, Peter liked to joke that he was only the second-best writer to come from his tiny hometown. His grade-school classmate’s nephew Kevin Loring, Nlaka’pamux from Lytton First Nation, had grown up to be a Governor General's Award-winning playwright.The Nlaka’pamux called Lytton “The Centre of the World,” a view Buddhists would share in the late twentieth century, as they set up a temple just outside town. In modern times, many outsiders would seek shelter there, often people who just didn’t fit anywhere else and were hoping for a little anonymity in the mountains. You’ll meet a whole cast of them in this book.A gold rush in 1858 saw conflict with a wave of Californians come to a head with the Canyon War at the junction of the mighty Fraser and Thompson rivers, one that would have changed the map of what was soon to become Canada had the locals lost. The Nlaka’pamux lost over thirty lives in that conflict, as did the American gold seekers. A century later, Lytton hadn’t changed much. It was always a place where the troubles of the world seemed to land, even if very few people knew where it was. This book is the story of Lytton, told from a shared perspective, of an Indigenous playwright and the journalist son of a settler doctor who quietly but sternly pushed back against the divisions that existed between populations (Dr. Edwards gladly took a lot of salmon as payment for his services back in the 1960s). Portrayed with all the warmth, humour and sincerity of small-town life, the colourful little town that burned to the ground could be every town’s warning if we don’t take seriously what this unique place has to teach us.

  • af Zhu Lingfei
    727,95 kr.

    Located in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, Yushichang is a typical village of the Pumi ethnic group. With a current population of more than 360, the village has been home to the Pumi people for more than 500 years. Over the first six decades of the People¿s Republic of China, Yushichang village has managed to protect both its ecological environment and the Pumi culture. Drawing on a rich trove of oral history and ethnographic studies, this book tries to understand, at both the micro and macro levels, how this population has navigated the tension between tradition and modernity and what resources it might bring to bear to meet future challenges.

  • af Catrina Davies
    147,95 - 171,95 kr.

  • af Jenn Donovan
    257,95 kr.

    Research shows that 68% of small business owners find marketing overwhelming. Is this you? Are you a part of that 68%?

  • af Hans-Henning Schultes
    367,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist ein Appell an alle, die am Niederrhein leben und die Folgen des Untertage-Bergbaus und des Braunkohleabbaus tragen müssen. Es ist an der Zeit, unsere Heimat vor den drohenden Gefahren für Mensch und Natur zu schützen, die von der Politik in NRW ignoriert werden.In diesem Buch berichten Herausgeber und Autor über die Arbeit der Bürgerinitiative HWS, die sich seit dem letzten Hochwasser in den 1990er Jahren für den Hochwasserschutz am Niederrhein einsetzt. Sie zeigen die betroffenen Lebensräume, die Menschen, die Infrastruktur und den Kultur- und Wirtschaftsraum auf, die durch den Bergbau geprägt sind. Sie weisen auf die Bedeutung des Klimaschutzes und des Grundwasserschutzes hin. Sie dokumentieren die Studien, Recherchen und Schriftwechsel, die sie mit Fachleuten, Behörden, Politikern und Werteschaffenden geführt haben. Sie enthüllen die Diskrepanz zwischen dem geschriebenen Wort in Gesetzen und Richtlinien und der tatsächlichen Umsetzung.Dieses Buch soll dem Leser eine Grundlage für die eigene Meinungsbildung bieten und eine Entscheidungshilfe für den künftigen Umgang mit den Einflüssen auf den Lebensraum, der eigenen Sicherheit und dem Schutz von Leib und Leben. Es stellt die drängenden Fragen: Was passiert, wenn unser bergbaubetroffenes und abflussloses Siedlungsgebiet durch extreme Rheinabflüsse und/oder Starkregen überschwemmt wird und die Grundwasser-Absenkung nicht mehr funktioniert? Kann das Gebiet dann noch bewohnbar und nutzbar bleiben? Wie können wir eine gute Grundwasserqualität wiederherstellen? Sind wir auf einen Ernstfall vorbereitet oder erst nach einem GAU?

  • af Judith Brett
    217,95 kr.

    Once the country believed itself to be the true face of Australia: sunburnt men and capable women raising crops and children, enduring isolation and a fickle environment, carrying the nation on their sturdy backs. For almost 200 years after white settlement began, city Australia needed the country: to feed it, to earn its export income, to fill the empty land, to provide it with distinctive images of the nation being built in the great south land. But Australia no longer rides on the sheep's back, and since the1980s, when "economic rationalism" became the new creed, the country has felt abandoned, its contribution to the nation dismissed, its historic purpose forgotten.In Fair Share, Judith Brett argues that our federation was built on the idea of a big country and a fair share, no matter where one lived. We also looked to the bush for our legends and we still look to it for our food. In late 2010, with the country independents deciding who would form federal government, it seemed that rural and regional Australia's time had come again. But, as Murray-Darling water reform shows, the politics of dependence are complicated. The question remains: what will be the fate of the country in an era of user-pays, water cutbacks, climate change, droughts and flooding rains? What are the prospects for a new compact between country and city in Australia in the twenty-first century?"Once the problems of the country were problems for the country as a whole. But then government stepped back ... The problems of the country were seen as unfortunate for those affected but not likely to have much impact on the rest of Australia. The agents of neoliberalism cut the country loose from the city and left it to fend for itself." Judith Brett, Fair Share

  • af Oscar Carleton McCulloch
    165,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Helle Juhl
    1.042,95 kr.

    En krønike i ord og billeder om forvalterne og deres lige så hårdtarbejdende hustruer, som gerne havde elever og karle på kost og logi. Det er en lettilgængelig og populærhistorisk fortælling om hverdagen på godserne – med perspektivering til den øvrige samfundsudvikling. Engang var godsinspektører og herregårdsforvaltere de ’store mænd’ med betydelig indflydelse på såvel den enkelte bedrift som det omgivende samfund. De var ofte et aktiv for både næringsliv og sognekasse, for ikke at tale om landskabskulturen. Javel, hr. baron! er blandt andet baseret på interviews med en række nulevende landbrugsledere og deres ægtefæller, hvoraf enkelte har været med helt fra hestenes tid, og på erindringshistorisk materiale fra foreningen Landbrugslederen, der blev grundlagt i 1943. Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.

  • af Kiran Sidhu
    127,95 - 157,95 kr.

  • af Monica Potts
    127,95 - 179,95 kr.

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