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  • af Martin Bußmann
    206,95 kr.

    Elli ist nach einem Unfall im Wachkoma gefangen. Doch sie erkennt, dass sie die Körper von Schlafenden übernehmen kann. Will ihr Mann Mick sie ins Jenseits befördern? Kann sie ihn mit Hilfe ihres Jugendfreundes Pidder daran hindern? Was genau haben Kylie Monique und Helene Fleischer mit der ganzen Sache zu tun? Und was zur Hölle will der Krakauer? Es fängt alles damit an, dass Elli die Decke auf den Kopf fällt. Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Bis zu diesem Ereignis lief alles bestens: Elli ist Teilhaberin eines erfolgreichen Unternehmens, hat einen jungen Ehemann, den sie über alles liebt und sie muss sich keine finanziellen Sorgen machen. Doch dann ändert der Unfall alles. Ihr Bewusstsein ist fortan in ihrem regungslosen Körper gefangen. Das ¿Locked-In-Syndrom¿ verhindert, dass sie zu irgendeiner Kommunikation mit der Außenwelt in der Lage ist. Was sich wie der Beginn eine Tragödie anhört, ist der Startschuss einer turbulenten Geschichte über Freundschaft, Lebensmut und Empathie. Die Leserinnen und Leser erhalten Einblick in Ellis Gedankenwelt, die ¿ trotz oder gerade wegen ihrer fehlenden körperlichen Mobilität - erfrischen aktiv ist. In ihrem ¿Head-Office¿ bestimmt sie die Regeln. Und sie hat ein Geheimnis: Sie kann sich im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes ¿in andere hineinversetzen¿. Sie selbst nennt diesen Vorgang ¿Napping¿. Elli entdeckt, dass Mick zusammen mit seiner Geliebten Vicky ihren Tod plant. Es beginnt ein Wettlauf mit der Zeit. Als Elli in ein geheimes Versteck entführt wird, versucht sie mit Pidder Kontakt aufzunehmen. Ein Verwirrspiel beginnt, bei dem immer wieder die Perspektive gewechselt wird. Die Leserinnen und Leser fragen sich gemeinsam mit Pidder: ¿Elli, bist düs?¿. Neben einer wilden Verfolgungsjagd durch die imaginäre Landschaft des ¿oberen Niederrhein¿ geht es vor allem um einen Roadtrip durch die Köpfe der Protagonisten. Im Mittelpunkt des Ganzen liegt Elli: die Frau, die sich von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite keinen Millimeter aus eigener Kraft bewegen kann. Im verzweifelten Versuch, ihr Leben zu retten, treibt sie die Handlung voran, mischt sich ein und sorgt auf vielfache Weise für Chaos.Bernd Stelter: ¿... eine abgefahrene Story, die sich immer weiter steigert. Ich bin begeistert, meine Frau auch!¿

  • af Miguel Saraiva
    1.221,95 - 1.543,95 kr.

    This book provides an original cross-thematic and wide scope review of crime prevention processes in urban areas that are explicitly based on the cooperation between different scientific and professional fields. Focusing primarily on environmental and community-based crime prevention, this book compiles a peer-reviewed collection of papers and prospective essays that explore how, and to what extent, multi-disciplinarity can be used as a cornerstone for achieving safer cities.Relying on the input from specialists, researchers, decision-makers, and practitioners from around the world, it covers the various stages from theory to implementation, by discussing theoretical stances, interpreting policy and planning guidelines, uncovering unique educational experiences, and narrating insights and lessons learned from innovative research and practice. Hence, it provides vivid discussions and invaluable insights into processes of partnership building, planning, and management, oriented towards establishing successful mechanism for preventing crime and reducing feelings of insecurity in urban areas.

  • af Yi Zeng
    1.634,95 - 1.643,95 kr.

    This book studies healthy aging in China based on analyses of the datasets of eight waves of longitudinal survey in 1998-2018 with worldwide largest sample of oldest-old. It consists of four parts. The first part reports the 6th, 7th, and 8th surveys of "e;Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey"e; (CLHLS), with the largest sample of oldest-old aged 80+ in the world and comparable sample of young-old aged 65-79, trends and characteristics of physical health and mental health of older adults in China based on analyses of the CLHLS datasets. The second part focuses on analyses and discussions of the influencing factors of healthy aging from perspectives of families, socioeconomics and community environments. The third part reports studies on the gender and age differences in main chronic diseases' prevalence rates, inflammation, anti-oxidation, trace elements, effects of the nutritional dietary structure and the environmental selenium on health among the older adults. The fourth part focuses on the analyses and discussions of policy recommendations to face the serious challenges of the population aging in China and the database of the eight waves of CLHLS from 1998 to 2018, which are available free of charge to scholars, practitioners and general public for scientific research and socioeconomic planning. This book is easy to read and to understand by researchers and the general public, and no special professional background is required.

  • af Martin Düchs
    791,95 kr.

    ¿Nach Rom Architekturstudenten zu schicken heißt, sie für ihr ganzes Leben zu ruinieren.¿ (Le Corbusier 1922). Im Sinne dieses Verdikts hat sich die Architekturmoderne radikal von der klassizistischen Tradition abgewandt, in der die antike Baukunst als Schulung, Folie und Muster galt, indem man ihre Formen, Strukturen und Proportionen formalästhetisch analysierte und nachahmte. Doch gab es bereits in der Antike ein anderes Konzept von Architekturverständnis: das sinnliche Erleben von Raumsequenzen und die Gestaltung von Atmosphären. Vorgeführt wird uns ein solches Verständnis in Bauten wie der Villa Hadriana aber auch in den ¿Villenbriefen¿ des römischen Senators Plinius d. J. (um 100 n. Chr.). Von Architekten wurden Letztere lebhaft diskutiert, bis die Moderne jede Beschäftigung mit der Antike ¿untersagte¿.Der Band ¿Architektur, Atmosphäre, Wahrnehmung¿ versammelt nun zehn Beiträge, die wieder alle ¿mehr oder weniger intensiv ¿ als Ausgangsbasis die Villenbriefe nutzen, allerdings nicht, um mit ihnen einen formalästhetischen Zugriff auf die Antike wiederzubeleben, sondern, weil der von Plinius vorgeführte und in der Forschung bis dato vernachlässigte Blick auf die römische Villa unter dem Aspekt einer sequentiellen Sinnlichkeit eine ¿Chance für das Bauen heute¿ ist.Im Ergebnis kann man festhalten: Egal ob man Architekturstudenten nach Rom schickt oder nicht ¿ in jedem Fall sollte man sie Plinius lesen lassen.

  • af Andrea Arcidiacono
    382,95 kr.

    This volume offers a novel study of the Milan-Cortina's Winter Olympics 2026, with a focus on the mountainous region of Valtellina. It brings an up-to-date analysis of the complex interactions between mega-events and remote areas, both in terms of potentials for regeneration and risks for further segregation. Remote areas are traditionally characterized by socio-economic and spatial disparities. On the one hand, they benefit from attractive features, such as environmental and landscape resources, food and wine production, and energy production. On the other, they are by definition fragile environments, disrupted by the contradictions of international tourism, climate change, limited infrastructures and services, rural abandonment, and demographic decline.This book offers credible solutions for the sustainable development of mountainous regions as a legacy of Winter Olympics. It is an essential resource for scholars, professionals, and policy-makers in the fieldsof urban planning and design, architecture design, geography, sociology, and economics.

  • af Justinien Tribillon
    217,95 kr.


  • af Israa Hanafi Mahmoud
    880,95 kr.

    This book investigates the dynamics and the role of green urban regeneration using nature-based solutions (NBS) in contributing to the cultural aspects of public spaces. In the first part of the book, insights on analytical methods, planning strategies and shared governance examples are given, as well as, an assessment tool, namely public space index (PSI), is given for successfully measuring sociability impact while using a placemaking approach to green urban regeneration processes. In the second part, the case study (Rose Kennedy Greenway of Boston, MA, USA) has been extensively researched during many years of observations and analysis which gives a realistic taste of the implementation of the proposed PSI. The book's last part reflects on PSI to measure its adaptability and replicability in other contexts, whereas NBS are playing a major role in physical and spatial green urban regeneration in current cities contexts'.

  • af Justine Humphry
    776,95 kr.

    This book examines how mobile phones and the internet have become a vital part of the everyday lives of people experiencing homelessness. But the access mobile phones provide is costly, insecure and limited, producing an experience of being precariously connected. Drawing on findings of research conducted with over one hundred young people, families and adults experiencing homelessness in Australia and the United States, this book analyses homelessness as a mediated condition and explores the underpinning processes that shape digital disparities. It contributes to scholarship on mobile communication and inequality, highlighting the digital patterns, issues and difficulties of a group disproportionately affected by service reform and developments in digital citizenship, smart cities and algorithmic governance.

  • af Jenny Mollen
    177,95 - 195,95 kr.

    “Jenny Mollen’s  City of Likes is a propulsive story of motherhood, social media, and obsession—and the ways we can lose ourselves in each. A delightful blend of social commentary, dark humor, and good old-fashioned suspense that I devoured in two days.” —Emily Henry, #1 New York Times bestselling author of People We Meet on VacationINSTANT NATIONAL BESTSELLER A wickedly funny and sharply insightful novel about motherhood, female friendships, and the seductive allure of social media culture from the New York Times bestselling author of I Like You Just The Way I Am and Live Fast Die Hot.In Jenny Mollen's observant novel, the world of momfluencers is a dazzling and dangerous backdrop for a story about friendship, deceit, ambition, and how we choose to let the world see us" - Town and Country MagazineRecommend by Good Morning America • People Magazine • The View • Rachael Ray • Good Day NY • Access Daily • Women's Day Magazine • New York Post • USA Today • Hamptons Magazine • The Hasty Book ListMegan Chernoff is a talented but unemployed copywriter in an identity crisis after the birth of her second child. Seeking a fresh start, she and her family move to New York City, where she meets Daphne Cole-a gorgeous, stylish, well-known momfluencer. To Meg's surprise and delight, Daphne shows an inordinate amount of interest in Meg, showering her with compliments, attention, gifts, and all the perks that come with having a massive digital platform. Before she knows it, Meg finds herself immersed in Daphne's world-hobnobbing at exclusive power mama supper clubs, partaking in fancy wellness rituals, and reveling in the external validation she gets from her followers who grow daily by the thousands. Her friendship with Daphne, as well as the world she's been granted access to, is intoxicating and all-consuming. But is it authentic? When Meg realizes she's losing track of what matters most-her relationship with her sons and her husband-the deep cracks in Daphne's carefully curated façade are finally exposed. It's up to Meg to find her way back to her real life. But first she must determine what "real" even means. Written with Jenny Mollen's signature razor sharp wit, City of Likes is a compulsively entertaining, unforgettable, and unsettling satire of modern life and relationships in a “pics or it didn't happen” world.

  • af Erick Omena
    1.338,95 kr.

    This book offers a comparative study of state strategies in relation to urban redevelopment projects associated with sports mega-events in Brazil, South Africa and the United Kingdom. It examines urban governance strategies employed to dispossess working-class communities of their land and counteract the subsequent emergence of discontent in various national contexts, offering an intricate analysis of the mechanisms of class dominance operating across diverse regions of the globe. This is based on the application of Gramscian theory concerning the capitalist state and its fluid interplay between coercion and consent. Juxtaposing historical trajectories in the execution of redevelopment initiatives linked to large-scale sporting events, the book offers an in-depth examination of the state-civil society relations shaping the London 2012 and Rio 2016 Olympic Parks, alongside the regeneration initiatives concerning the Maracanã stadium in Rio de Janeiro and the Ellis Park stadiumin Johannesburg ¿ respectively earmarked for the 2014 and 2010 FIFA World Cups. Drawing on insights from a range of disciplines and an explicitly Gramscian analytical framework, this book will appeal to students and scholars in urban planning, sport sociology, development studies, and human geography.

  • af Gregory Marinic
    880,95 kr.

    This book advances the agenda of informality as a transnational phenomenon, recognizing that contemporary urban and regional challenges need to be addressed at both local and global levels. This project may be considered a call for action. Its urgency derives from the impact of the pandemic combined with the effects of climate change in informal settlements around the world. While the notion of "e;the informal"e; is usually associated with the analysis and interventions in informal settlements, this book expands the concept of informality to acknowledge its interdisciplinary parameters.The book is geographically organized into five sections. The first part provides a conceptual overview of the notion of "e;the informal,"e; serving as an introduction and reflection on the subject. The following sections are dedicated to the principal regions of the Global South-Latin America, US-Mexico Borderlands, Asia, and Africa-while considering the interconnections and correspondences between urbanism in the Global South and the Global North.This book offers a critical introduction to groundbreaking theories and design practices of informality in the built environment. It provides essential reading for scholars, professionals, and students in urban studies, architecture, city planning, urban geography, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, economics, and the arts. As a critical survey of informality, the book examines history, theory, and production across a range of informal practices and phenomena in urbanism, architecture, activism, and participatory design. Authored by a diverse and international cohort of leading educators, theorists, and practitioners, 45 chapters refine and expand the discourse surrounding informal cities.

  • af Mike Davis
    201,95 kr.

    A groundbreaking study of Latinization in the urban US landscape, a demographic and cultural revolution with extraordinary implications

  • af Eugene P. Moehring
    387,95 kr.

    Three metropolises on divergent paths

  • af Peter Stuiber
    182,95 kr.

    Surprising pairings from the Wien Museum Forty objects from the Wien Museum's permanent exhibition meet forty objects from our storage depot (which you can find in our online collection). Surprising as these pairings are, they're no blind dates. Instead, Mixed Doubles stages a playful dialogue across the centuries, creating elective affinities between objects, artworks, and themes of all kinds. It's also a glimpse into the museum, with insights into a collection that comprises well over a million objects. Last but not least, it's a call for you to create your own associations between the objects in our collection! The book is published on the occasion of the reopening of the Wien Museum.

  • af Joseph Cho-yam Lau
    1.345,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the influence of socio-economic and land-use policies on the commuting problems and quality of life of the poor in Singapore and Hong Kong. It considers the influence of self-organisation: how the mobility of an individual is constituted by structures such as transport systems or socio-economic structural factors, as well as influenced by individual decisions. Where most transport studies focus on the influence of factors such as income inequality, the gender gap, and the built environment, this book fills a gap in paying particular attention to the influence of individual decisions on commuting. Given the prevalence of the former in research, government decision-makers are often constrained by these approaches and fail to understand the commuting problems of the poor. This book argues that the self-organisation approach provides some ideas that are outside the common conceptual framework in conventional transport planning and looks to improve mobility of lower-income commuters. Relevant to social science researchers working in areas such as urban planning and transport, mobility deprivation, and poverty, this book breaks new ground in quality of life studies in the Singapore and Hong Kong contexts.

  • af Anastasia Panori
    996,95 kr.

    Digitally Disrupted Space: Proximity and New Development Opportunities for Regions and Cities develops an analytical framework of the key structural elements in relation to the digital space and its impact on existing spatial interactions at a regional and urban level. The book puts forth the argument that the digital space is a new form of space acting complementary to existing spatial structures and creating novel interactions between and/or within them. It explores how digital space enhances connected intelligence by combining knowledge-intensive activities, cooperation between organizational and institutional actors, and smart environments of knowledge creation and diffusion. Academics and researchers will find insights into how cities and regions can adopt this new developmental paradigm; how to organize connected intelligence within regional and urban environments; and how to sustain productivity, resilience and inclusion through the use of digital space. Digital transformation managers in the public sector and entrepreneurs in private organizations can leverage the opportunities offered from this transition process, not only by identifying actions and strategies for boosting their productivity, but also for making them more resilient during socio-economic, environmental and health crises.

  • af Joanna Merwood-Salisbury
    362,95 kr.

    "This book situates and reappraises Thorstein Veblen's famous Theory of the Leisure Class in the time and especially the place (Chicago) in which it was written"--

  • af Francesca Abastante
    1.620,95 - 1.628,95 kr.

    This book examines the role of the evaluation models in decision-making processes for the construction of circular cities in the digital revolution. In particular, the book explores the need for a rethinking of development models proposed by the circular economy which requires the valorization of natural, social and economic capital. Urban environment represents a crucial field of analysis in which applying the circular-economy principles in order to steer a course towards a sustainable economy characterized by processes meant to create value instead of extracting it, which put a step forward in the pathway towards a better future in terms of economic, environmental and social effects and desirable outcomes. In this context, the design of urban regeneration processes and housing environments requires the adoption of inclusive analysis/assessment models combined with the structuring and organization of public/private investments that can contribute to creating positive natural and social impacts as well as economic and financial returns. This fundamental paradigm shift is accentuated in the current context, in which the digital revolution is reinventing the future and calls for a rethinking and reformulation of value systems in the era of technological process innovations, while respecting economic, natural and social ecosystems.

  • af Monika Baumanova
    454,95 - 544,95 kr.

    This book offers an interdisciplinary perspective on the precolonial to colonial transition in an urban context, by focusing on the changing distribution, character and role of public spaces and buildings. The volume focuses on three case study regions: East African coast, North-West Africa, and the Iberian Peninsula. The regions are selected to provide a novel perspective on the socio-spatial impact of colonialism on the public life of urban settlements, driven by different political forces, in different geographical contexts and time periods. The three study areas are also linked by sharing several features of urban lifestyle such as the role of trade and the influence of religion, Islam in particular.The intertwined influence of socio-spatial urban characteristics on public life is presented on a range of case studies selected from Africa and southern Europe. The approaches are rooted in archaeological thinking on the built environment as material culture and incorporate critical interpretation of ethnographies and historical accounts on both the precolonial and colonial eras. This volume is of interest to archaeologists and researchers working in urban history, anthropology, and heritage. 

  • af Ian Goldin
    152,95 - 180,95 kr.

  • af T. M. Vinod Kumar
    1.150,95 - 1.628,95 kr.

  • af Christian Sowa
    1.677,95 kr.

    In 2015 many camps were opened to accommodate newly arriving migrants in Berlin. Christian Sowa studies this form of accommodation. Moving beyond an exclusive focus on borders and migration, he argues that camp accommodation must be thought of and studied as part of the urban context and as a specific form of housing. The study provides an in-depth case study, discusses policy alternatives, argues for »housing for all instead of camps«, and contributes to bringing urban and migration studies into public discussion. In times of new waves of migration, the topic of migrant accommodation within urban environments remains highly relevant today.

  • af Yiu Fai Chow
    899,95 kr.

    This book is unique in focusing on just one band from one city ¿ but the story of Tat Ming Pair, in so many ways, is the story of Hong Kong's recent decades, from the Handover to the Umbrella Movement to 2019's standoff. A comprehensive, theoretically informed study of the sonic history and present of Hong Kong through the prism of Tat Ming Pair, this book will be of interest to cultural studies scholars, scholars of Hong Kong, and those who study the arts in East Asia.This is an open access book.

  • af Angel D. Sappa
    1.056,95 - 1.067,95 kr.

    This book is the result of four-year work in the framework of the Ibero-American Research Network TICs4CI funded by the CYTED program. In the following decades, 85% of the world's population is expected to live in cities; hence, urban centers should be prepared to provide smart solutions for problems ranging from video surveillance and intelligent mobility to the solid waste recycling processes, just to mention a few. More specifically, the book describes underlying technologies and practical implementations of several successful case studies of ICTs developed in the following smart city areas: Urban environment monitoring Intelligent mobility Waste recycling processes Video surveillance Computer-aided diagnose in healthcare systems Computer vision-based approaches for efficiency in production processesThe book is intended for researchers and engineers in the field of ICTs for smart cities, as well as to anyone who wants to know about state-of-the-art approaches and challenges on this field. 

  • af Chunyang Pan
    1.339,95 kr.

    This book provides an overview of the history, basic concepts, and provision models of infrastructure, significant theories on infrastructure economics, practices at home and abroad that reflect the economic development effects of infrastructure, and four infrastructure economic growth models. Great attention is placed on the domestic front. This book describes and discusses in detail the historical background, development trends, achievements, and challenges of Chinäs infrastructure from 1949 to 2019, under the classic ¿supply and demand¿ analysis framework. From the four perspectives of market integration, open development, people¿s livelihood, and endogenous growth, this book carries out an empirical study on how to quantify and make causal inferences about the economic development effects of infrastructure. Based on the conclusion that national governance is of important help to infrastructure provision, this book interprets Chinäs governance system and its impact on infrastructure provision from the angle of decentralization and offers suggestions on policy optimizing.

  • af Anonymous
    167,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af William Starr Myers
    312,95 kr.

  • af S. P. Breckinridge
    272,95 - 377,95 kr.

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