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  • af Tanja Bogusz
    1.090,95 - 1.386,95 kr.

    This book is based on the understanding that the diversity and heterogeneity of science and society are not only issue of critique, but engender experimental forms of collaboration. Building on John Dewey's experimental theory of knowledge and inquiry, practice theory, science and technology studies and the anthropology of nature, the book offers a trenchant redefinition of a present-focused sociology as a science of experience in the spirit of experimentalism. Crisis, instead of being a mere problem, is understood as the baseline for creativity and innovation. Committed to the experimental pursuit, the book provides an experience-based methodological approach for an inter- and trans disciplinary sociology. Finally, it argues for a globalized and transformative sociological outreach beyond established epistemic and national borders. This book is of interest to sociologists and other social scientists pursuing experimentalism in theory, method and/or practice.

  • af Julia Bishop & Anna Beresin
    538,95 - 688,95 kr.

  • af Gerald Radlauer M. D.
    192,95 kr.

    What if you could better understand yourself? What if you could do one better and understand how your personal psychology affects society on a global scale? What if, because of that, you could change the world?Societal Codependency: Subconsciously Driven Human Behavior and the State of World Society points the way.When author Gerald Radlauer, MD, went on a medical mission in Kenya in 2005, he was shocked not by the poverty-which he had been expecting to witness-but by the abject poverty in the face of the country's abundance of natural resources, agreeable climate, and trillions of dollars in financial aid. As he wondered why this was, he developed a theory: colonialism and the slave trade created generational trauma that continues today. Such impoverished mindsets exist around the world, often manipulated by societal rulers to maintain the status quo: this can be called "societal codependency." Radlauer's book defines codependency, identifies characteristics of codependency on personal and societal levels, and describes the consequences of widespread societal codependent sentiment. Helpfully, Radlauer concludes with an alternative collective way of being based on expression of our individual authentic selves as an advocate for selves personally as well as the greater society at large. Both brutally honest and inspiring, Societal Codependency offers not policy solutions but perhaps something that is, ultimately, both stronger and longer lasting: world-issue solutions based on our underlying subconsciously derived thought processes and subsequent outward expression.

  • af Kire Sharlamanov
    1.277,95 - 1.283,95 kr.

    This book explores the most important aspects of populism as a significant social phenomenon. It recapitulates the approaches to defining populism in the social sciences, singles out the most important concepts in the definition of populism, and presents them to the readership. Specific to this book is that it seeks to promote an approach that sees populism as a meta-ideology, that is, an ideology that uses other political ideologies instrumentally. In addition, the book Populism as Meta Ideology identifies the most important factors that have contributed to the growth of populism in recent times. Modernization, globalization, the crisis of political parties, and the transformation of the public sphere have been identified as such factors. A chapter is devoted to each of these factors in the book. The book concludes by examining the interaction between populism and liberal democracy, both theoretically and practically. 

  • af Helmut Staubmann
    1.177,95 - 1.186,95 kr.

    This book presents essays that address fundamental issues in social and cultural theory by viewing them through the lens of aesthetic theory. Drawing on the aesthetic theories of Theodor W. Adorno, Gregory Bateson, Jean-Marie Guyau, Talcott Parsons and Georg Simmel, it suggests a new take on basic sociological concepts and methodologies. The chapters cover a wide range of topics, including the sensuality of social action, social construction of unreality, and The Rolling Stones' enduring success as a reflection of our society and culture. The book's title Sociology in a New Key refers to a classic work by Susanne K. Langer, whose Philosophy in a New Key argued for a reorientation of modern philosophical thought based on a thorough account of symbolism in general and of the arts in particular. In this way, the basic ideas and assumptions of the philosophical tradition are transposed to new understandings and perspectives. After all, it was Georg Simmel himself who claimed to have gained several of his general theoretical insights "e;via the detour of reflections on the essence of art."e; The book will appeal to scholars and students of the sociology of the arts and music, and to anyone interested in the intersection of social theory and aesthetics.

  • af Cyriaque Sobtafo
    1.046,95 kr.

    Over recent decades, developing nations have been the beneficiaries of Official Development Assistance (ODA) from European and North American countries. ODA remains the central mechanism in sustaining and financing actions and processes related to international development. Despite these investments, experts continue to raise concerns about Africäs poor performance on several development indicators. This book discusses the main challenges to aid effectiveness in Africa, with a specific focus on the health sector. It provides policymakers, scholars, and development experts with innovative strategies and policy recommendations for refining aid management. The book also provides critical analysis of several global developmental frameworks and related international action plans and commitments, ranging from the 2030 Global Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals to the Paris Climate Agreement. Lastly, the book also analyzes several theoretical frameworks on development, including modernization, world systems, international dependency, neoclassical growth, the concept of gross national happiness, and human development. "Dr Sobtafo brings a wealth of experience and broad practice to bear in what is an important reflective analysis on aid effectiveness and the nexus with development performance. There are lessons and insights that reach beyond Africa."¿Michael Upton, New Zealand Ambassador to Ethiopia and the African Union "The book does first of all place people at the centre of the analysis, hence the pertinence of health and development as a focus. It further questions the common certainties on ODA and economic development and expands the discussion to include key drivers of human development and the necessity of partnership in an interdependent world. A pragmatic approach to deepen our understanding of complex issues that require more than simple solutions. Great ideas and questions for scholars, policy makers, and health and development practitioners."¿ Elhadj As Sy, Chairman, Koffi Annan Foundation; Former Secretary General, The International Federation of Red Cross Crescent Societies (IFRC); and Former UNICEF Regional Director, Eastern and Southern Africa

  • af Nadia von Benzon
    466,95 kr.

    This book shines a light on the way in which risk ¿ in and beyond childbirth ¿ is highly contextual, and the way in which risk-management strategies can be understood as socially and materially constructed.

  • - Den fjerde vej til værdiskabelse
    af Markus Bjørn Kraft
    507,95 kr.

    Danske almennyttige fonde er nye væsentlige aktører der præger vores samfund, i både store og små sammenhænge. Fondenes formuer og uddelinger er steget markant i de sidste fem til ti år og fondenes organisationer er blevet mere professionelle og transparente. Denne bog har til formål at beskrive de danske almennyttige fondes samfundsmæssige rolle, position og helt konkrete virkemidler i værdiskabelsen i det danske samfund. Dette er interessant, fordi der er sket store nye forandringer i fondenes ageren, og at danske fonde i dag tager et selvstændigt og ledende ansvar i udviklingen af det danske samfund. Bogen beskriver, hvordan de danske almennyttige fonde i dag påtager sig en væsentlig del af ansvaret for udviklingen af samfundet gennem virkemidler som en samfundskontrakt, strategi, governance, politisk indflydelse, synlighed og transparens. Danske fondes rolle og virkemidler perspektiveres gennem en komparativ analyse med amerikanske fonde, og til sidst beskriver bogen megatrends, kritiske dynamikker og scenarier for danske fondes fremtid. Bogen argumenterer for, at de almennyttige fondes værdiskabelse, rolle, position og virkemidler er unikke i forhold til det danske samfunds andre hovedaktører, nemlig det politiske system/den offentlig sektor, virksomhederne og civilsamfundet. Det er baggrunden for bogens grundlæggende budskab om, at de danske fonde har anlagt og følger ”Den fjerde vej til værdiskabelse i Danmark”. Bogen henvender sig til alle der interesserer sig for fonde og deres rolle, position og virkemidler. Det er for eksempel ansatte i fondene, samarbejdspartnere, uddelingsmodtagere, politikere, medier, fondsrådgivere, forskere og studerende.

  • af K-Moses Nagbe
    377,95 kr.

  • af Wesley Longhofer & Daniel Winchester
    839,95 kr.

    This third edition of Social Theory Re-Wired is significantly revised and its unique web learning interactive programs that "allow us to go farther into theory and to build student skills than ever before," according to many teachers. Vital political and social updates are reflected both in the text and the online supplements.

  • af Hartmut Rosa
    437,95 kr.

    Die Soziologie der Weltbeziehungen untersucht, wie Menschen sich in der Welt verorten und mit ihr in Verbindung treten. Auf welche Weise dieser Ansatz für unterschiedliche Disziplinen fruchtbar gemacht werden kann, zeigt dieser Band. Dabei widmen sich die Autor:innen einer Analyse grundlegender Konzepte der westlichen Moderne - etwa den Praktiken des Teilens und Tauschens. Darüber hinaus eröffnen sie eine historisch sowie global vergleichende Perspektive anhand vielfältiger Themen, etwa dem Verständnis von Markt und Eigentum in China oder der Dekolonisierung von Forschung in Indien. Hieran anschließend formulieren sie konkrete Vorschläge zu einer Neuausrichtung der Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften.

  • af Bodi Wang
    363,95 kr.

    The public culture of the receiving society and the dominant understanding of belonging and political membership can influence the social participation of immigrants as much as immigration law. However, current discussions of integration focus primarily on the distribution of rights and neglect the role of tacit knowledge. Through a systematical and philosophical analysis of identity's role in policy-making, governance and social practice, Bodi Wang shows how a one-sided understanding of integration resembles »assimilation« and why integration should be expected from locals as well. Weaving together extensive findings in sociology, history, critical race theory and Chinese philosophy with ethics and migration studies, this book provides a compelling argument for adopting the concept of »mutual integration« to overcome injustice and to enhance social solidarity.

  • af Adam Possamai
    1.221,95 kr.

    This edited collection focuses on the comparative analysis of the application of Shari¿a in countries with Muslim minorities (e.g. USA, Australia, Germany and Italy) and majorities (e.g. Malaysia, Bangladesh, Turkey, and Morocco). Most chapters in this new edition have been revised and the book as a whole has been updated to give even more international coverage. This text provides a sociological and global analysis of a phenomenon that goes beyond the ¿West versus the rest¿ dichotomy. One example of this is how included are case studies in Muslim minority countries not exclusively located in the West. Although the contributors of this book come from various disciplines such as law, anthropology, and sociology, this volume has a strong sociological focus on the analysis of Shari¿a. The final part of the book indeed draws out from all the case studies explored some ground-breaking theories on the sociology of Shari¿a such as the application of Black, Chambliss and Eisenstein¿s sociological theories. This text appeals to students and researchers working in the sociology of religion.

  • af Sebastian Dümling
    256,95 kr.

    In phenomenological tradition, presence has been understood as fundamental for human experience: I experience the world as my lifeworld because I am present in this world. Even more, I experience myself as »I« only in the presence of the other. However, this concept of presence has become fragile through processes of medialization - not least in (post-)pandemic everyday life. Presence can no longer be experienced exclusively in physical proximity, but also digitally or virtually. With global case studies alongside theoretical discussions by both students as well as senior researchers, the volume launches a conversation between social sciences and humanities on how this change affects human experience.

  • af Sheila Liming
    165,95 kr.

    "Hide your phone, stop hustling for a second, and read this passionate argument for the importance of unstructured pre-digital hang." —People Loneliness is an epidemic; it feels harder than ever to connect with others meaningfully. What can we do to remedy this? Sheila Liming has the answer: we need to hang out more.With the introduction of AI and constant Zoom meetings, our lives have become more fractured, digital and chaotic. Hanging Out: The Radical Power of Killing Time shows us what we have lost to the frenetic pace of digital life and how to get it back.Combining personal narrative with pungent analyses of books, movies, and TV shows, Sheila Liming shows us how the new social landscape deadens our connections with others — connections that are vital to both self-care and to a vibrant community. Whether drinking with strangers in a distant city or jamming with musician friends in an abandoned Pittsburgh row house, Liming demonstrates that unstructured social time is the key to a freer, happier sense of self. Hanging Out shows how simple acts of casual connection are the glue that binds us together, and how community is the antidote to the disconnection and isolation that dominates contemporary life. "The book conceives of hanging out as a way to reclaim time as something other than a raw ingredient to be converted into productivity." —New York Times“Rich with illuminating stories.” —Slate"We could all use more of that blissfully unstructured social time, posits Sheila Liming in the well-considered series of arguments found in Hanging Out." —Reader's Digest"Opens with a simple and expansive account of what hanging out is … Liming dedicates much of the book to stories from her past. She has lived an interesting life, and she tells these stories well.” —Washington Post"Sharp and vivid writing … a layered exploration of social dynamics that contains some textured literary criticism.” —Bookforum"More books about hanging out, less about productivity please. Sheila Liming sees the gap in our thinking about time, and the true worth in spending it in an unstructured fashion with members of our community.” —LitHub

  • af Patricia Hill Collins
    207,95 - 686,95 kr.

  • af H L T Quan
    195,95 kr.

    A sweeping, magisterial work of abolitionist feminist political theory

  • af David Casassas
    225,95 kr.

    Makes the radical case for a basic income

  • af Emiliana Mangone
    1.276,95 - 1.285,95 kr.

    This book is an important contribution to narrative research and highlights how narratives can produce social change. The author demonstrates this through an analysis of concepts like future, uncertainty and risk, both in terms of individual impact and as collective forms of social life. The book reconstructs the relationships between future, uncertainty and risk through everyday how narratives exert power over individual and social life by influencing individual or collective decisions and choices. Narratives also change future prospects, thus producing social change. Some of the examples the author draws out for discussion are - in specific - the narration of the migration flows in the Mediterranean Sea, and the narration of the pandemic emergency from COVID-19. The result of different narratives has been the emergence of new ideologies and of a complex series of dynamics in which the local ends up becoming global and vice versa. Highly topical and interdisciplinary in its approach, this book is of interest to researchers and students of the sociology of culture and communication, media and communication studies, social and cultural psychology and cultural anthropology. 

  • - Second Edition
    af Australia) Lupton & Deborah (University of Sydney
    291,95 - 1.061,95 kr.

  • af George Economakis
    1.759,95 kr.

    This book systematically addresses Bourdieu's key ideas and concepts in the context of Marxist thought. In this book, Bourdieu's central theoretical points are analyzed within a political, sociological and politico-economic framework which allows for the development of a sequential narrative of his key ideas.

  • af Jess Smith
    1.757,95 kr.

    This book provides an original and compelling analysis of registration as a dynamic process which makes and unmakes legal identities.

  • af Harry Redner
    1.764,95 kr.

    A survey of the trajectory of research in literature, history, sociology, and economics over the past century, as well as the values, priorities and agendas of the modern research university, this book argues that in spite of its wealth, power and success, the modern university, has lost its way, resulting in a depreciation of its value.

  • af Émile P Torres
    1.786,95 kr.

    This volume traces the origins and evolution of the idea of human extinction, from the ancient Presocratics through contemporary work on "existential risks."

  • af William K Tabb
    515,95 - 1.763,95 kr.

  • af Denisa Butnaru
    1.766,95 kr.

    This book enquires from a sociological perspective into contemporary corporeal transformations brought about by exoskeletal devices.

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