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Social forskning og statistik

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  • Spar 15%
    - et portræt af det danske klassesamfund
    af Jørgen Goul Andersen, Lars Olsen, Lars Andersen, mfl.
    238,95 kr.

    Til overraskelse for mange er arbejderklassen stadig langt den største klasse i Danmark. 41 procent er faglærte og ufaglærte med almindelige job. Og 21 procent af danskerne i den erhvervsaktive alder står langvarigt uden for arbejdsmarkedet.Det er kun 1,6 %, der tilhører overklassen: selvstændige, topledere og nøglemedarbejdere med indkomster over 1,2 million. Men det er dem, der bestemmer på de store arbejdspladser, i kultur og medier og generelt i samfundslivet. De bor for sig selv i parallelsamfund især omkring Københavnsområdet og foretrækker skattelettelser frem for velfærd, regner debatten om fattigdom for noget pjat og tror ikke på velfærdsstatens fremtid. Toppen i beslutninger og meningsdannelse har med andre ord mistet troen på den samfundsmodel, som det store flertal sætter deres lid til.Gennem data og egne journalistiske reportager zoomer forfatterne ind på forskellige bydele i Danmark, deres sociale klasser og om bydelene før og nu. Især går de i dybden med Als og Aalborg. Her ligger Hasseris, det klassiske villakvarter for overklasse og højere middelklasse, og Aalborg Øst, et arbejderkvarter i fare for ghettoisering. Vi kommer tæt på områdernes skoler og kultur og indbyggernes sundhedstilstand og får dermed tegnet et konkret billede af de forskelle – økonomisk, geografisk og holdningsmæssigt – der præger vores land. 

  • - Hvordan vi genopbygger indbyrdes relationer og revolutionerer velfærdsstaten
    af Hilary Cottam
    359,95 kr.

    Velfærdsstaten var revolutionerende: Den løftede tusinder ud af fattigdom, gav anstændige hjem, god uddannelse og sikkerhed. Men i dag er den blevet til et omfattende og dyrt system til administrering af behov og risici. Velfærdsstaten er et industrielt system og dens institutioner og serviceydelser afspejler den æra, den blev udformet i. I dag står vi over for nye udfordringer. Global opvarmning, massemigration, demografiske forandringer, kroniske sygdomsepidemier, bekymringer for sikkerheden og voksende ulighed er problemer, som hører vor tid til, og de eksisterende systemer kan ikke håndtere og da slet ikke løse dem. Vores ressourcer er ændret. Denne bog handler om at gennemføre en radikal overgang, der opgiver det 20. århundredes besættelse af styring og administration og af at lappe folk sammen igen, når det er gået galt. I stedet skal fokus rettes mod at støtte den enkelte, familierne og lokalsamfundene i at udvikle deres egne kapabiliteter: lære, arbejde, leve sundt og tage kontakt med hinanden. Moderne velfærd er til for at kultivere sådanne kapabilitet, frem for at administrere menneskelig afhængighed. Bogen giver konkrete bud på, hvordan vi kan genforstå og re-designe velfærdsstaten til dette århundrede, ved at beskrive fem 'eksperimenter', der viser os et nyt design af familieliv, opvækst, arbejdsliv, sundhed og alderdom. Kernen i denne måde at arbejde på er menneskelige forbindelser. Radikal hjælp beskriver principperne bag tilgangen, designprocessen, som gør arbejdet muligt og udfordringerne ved overgangen. Det drejer sig om konkrete nye måder at organisere os på, der allerede har udviklet sig over hele Storbritannien. Radikal hjælp skaber en ny vision og en radikalt anderledes tilgang, der igen kan tage vare på os fra vugge til grav.

  • - et vilkår i forandring
    af Svend Brinkmann & Anders Petersen
    288,95 kr.

    ‘Menneskets sorg’ belyser forskellige sorgerfaringer og de kulturelle rammer og forestillinger om lykke og lidelse, som sorg udspiller sig inden for i vores tid. Et fokus på sorgen åbner for en bredere analyse af de menneskelige vilkår i vores kultur. Med en mere tilbundsgående viden kan vi bedre begribe sorgens mange facetter, både for at opnå en dybere forståelse af fænomenet, men også for at kunne tage kvalificeret stilling til diagnosticeringen og behandlingen af sorg med henblik på at forbedre samfundets tilbud til mennesker i sorg.‘Menneskets sorg’ er baseret på tværvidenskabelig forskning i Forskningscentret Sorgens kultur ved Aalborg Universitet. Den er redigeret af Svend Brinkmann og Anders Petersen.Bogens bidragydere er:Ignacio BrescóSvend BrinkmannJohn BrodersenMikkel Krause FrantzenMichael Hviid JacobsenEster Holte KofodAllan KøsterLene LarsenPeter Clement LundMaja O’ConnorAnders PetersenNiels SaxtrupAlfred Bordado SköldAnne SuhrLuca TateoBrady WagonerDitte Winther-Lindqvist

  • af Gaile S. Cannella
    1.333,95 kr.

    This new edition of the SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research represents the sixth generation of the ongoing conversation about the discipline, practice, and conduct of qualitative inquiry. As with earlier editions, the Sixth Edition is virtually a new volume, with 27 of the 34 chapters representing new topics or approaches not seen in the previous edition. To mark the Handbook's 30-year history, we are pleased to offer a bonus PART VI in the eBook versions of the Sixth Edition: this additional section brings together and reprints ten of the most famous or game-changing contributions from the previous five editions.

  • Spar 15%
    - Yderområder, købstæder og det aparte København
    af Lars Olsen & Bjørn Brandenborg
    253,95 kr.

    Med helt ny statistik, underholdende cases, et samfundsvidenskabeligt fundament og stærke holdninger bidrager Bjørn Brandenborg og Lars Olsen til debatten om forskellene mellem by og land.De to forfattere skriver fra hver deres aldersgruppe – hhv. 69 og 32 år – og fra hver deres geografiske perspektiv – Lars Olsen er født og opvokset i København og bor nu i Holbæk, og Bjørn Brandenborg er født og bor i Svendborg – men mødes i en enighed om, at vilkårene for at bo uden for de store byer er vanskelige og bidrager til unødvendig forskelsbehandling. Det handler om adgang til sundhedsbehandling, mulighed for realkreditlån, offentlig transport og meget andet.Bogen er dog langt fra en klagesang. Den er også en hyldest til livet i provinsen med natur, sammenhold og aktivt foreningsliv. Brandenborg og Olsen sætter fokus på mange af de fremmende initiativer, der er taget de senere år, bl.a. udflytning af arbejdspladser og undervisningsinstitutioner.

  • af John Ward Creswell
    976,95 kr.

    The new edition of the best-selling text, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches by John W. Creswell and co-author J. David Creswell, continues the pioneering tradition of providing clear and concise instruction for understanding research and developing proposals for all three approaches. This classic text walks students through research methods, starting with a preliminary consideration of philosophical assumptions, continuing with a review of the literature, an assessment of the use of theory in research approaches, and ending with reflections about the importance of writing and ethics in scholarly inquiry in a way that is applicable to all types of research. Coverage of key elements of the research process helps readers organize and develop their research project, giving specific attention to each methodological approach. The book has been lauded for its language and tone, which are both accessible and inviting. Students keep and continue to use this text as a resource throughout their studies, once the specific class is over. The Sixth Edition includes more coverage of community-based participatory research, comparisons of qualitative and quantitative research, an expanded glossary with basic terms, updated examples of social, behavioral, and health research, new coverage of ethical requirements, updated APA 7th edition coverage, and additional exercises aimed at research projects.

  • af Xiiem & Jenny Bol Jun Lee-Morgan
    349,95 kr.

  • af Morten Ejrnæs
    298,95 kr.

    Faglighed og tværfaglighed fremlægger resultaterne fra en undersøgelse af samarbejdet mellem pædagoger, sundhedsplejersker, lærere og socialrådgivere. Bogen går i dybden med de forskellige faggruppers syn på vanskeligt stillede børns problemer og deres holdninger til, hvordan disse problemer kan løses.I undersøgelsen har medarbejderne på baggrund af forskellige cases besvaret en række spørgsmål. Både cases og spørgsmål indgår i bogen sammen med fremlæggelsen af resultaterne. Det giver en enestående mulighed for, at studerende selv kan analysere resultaterne og forholde sig kritisk til de analyser og konklusioner, der fremlægges i bogen. Studerende har også mulighed for direkte at træne i fagligt og tværfagligt samarbejde ved at bruge bogens 15 cases som øvelsescases. MORTEN EJRNÆS er mag.scient.soc. og lektor i teori om sociale problemer ved Aalborg Universitet.Faglighed og tværfaglighed er oplagt som lærebog i de nye professionsbacheloruddannelser, som netop lægger vægt på, at de studerende kvalificeres til at udvikle det sociale og pædagogiske arbejde på baggrund af kendskab til undersøgelses- og forskningsarbejde.

  • - når fortællinger forandrer identiteter
    af Birgit Kirkebæk, Chalotte Glintborg & Lotte Hedegaard- Sørensen
    328,95 kr.

    Denne bog plæderer for at give plads til barnet, borgeren, brugeren og patienten i behandling og pædagogik og inden for sundhed og det sociale område. Et menneske er nemlig meget mere end sin funktionsnedsættelse, sin diagnose eller sine mangler.Professionelle blikke på den anden er et opgør med de evidensbaserede metoder og tilbyder i stedet en narrativ tilgang til ‘den anden’. Som dermed får plads til sin livsfortælling, sin identitet og sit hverdagsliv.De 12 forfattere udfordrer de uniforme og stan­dar­diserede beskrivelser og tilgange til de mennesker – voksne som børn – der i løbet af deres liv kommer i kontakt med skolevæsenet, sundheds- og socialsystemerne. De ser bl.a. på:Kan de berørtes egen fortælling være med til at skabe et nyt blik på ’den anden’?Kan denne fortælling give en øget forståelse for os selv og ’den anden’?Kan vi dermed skabe nye handlemuligheder?Målet er at udfordre det blik, som den professionelle har på elever, kriminelle, syge, anbragte og mennesker med funktionsnedsættelser. Gennem den narrative tilgang viser forfatterne, at der er flere perspektiver på en sag, på et menneske og på en pro­blemstilling.Bogen henvender sig til alle, der arbejder med mennesker, især i den offentlige sektor. Dermed nedbryder den også de vante faggrænser. Uanset om man er ergo- eller fysio­terapeut, lærer, pædagog, socialrådgiver, sociolog, psykolog, sygeplejerske (eller stu­derende inden for disse retninger), kan man i bogen finde nye perspektiver på sit pro­fessionelle arbejde med ’den anden’.Bidragyderne er: Bolette Frydendahl Larsen, Bjørn Hamre, Stine Grønbæk Jensen, Jesper Vaczy Kragh, Birgit Kirkebæk, John Bertelsen, Nichlas Permin Berger, Inge Storgaard Bonfils, Chalotte Glintborg, Lærke Krogh, Lotte Hedegaard-Sørensen og Sine Penthin Grumløse.

  • - bag facaden
    af Nanna Mik-Meyer & Margaretha Järvinen
    228,95 kr.

    Hvordan opnår man en succesfuld akademisk karriere? Handler det primært om at bedrive forskning på højeste niveau og være en god underviser, eller er der andre ting på spil? Og er der forskel på, hvordan mænd og kvinder navigerer i den akademiske verden?Bogen udforsker disse spørgsmål. Svarene er komplekse og viser, at akademiske karrierer i dag er afhængige af strategiske netværk, effektiv promovering af egen forskning og en minimering af tid brugt på undervisning og administration.Bogen kaster et kritisk lys på en udvikling, der hænger nøje sammen med intensiverede præstationsmålinger på universiteterne, hvor forskernes reaktion er en form for ’gaming’ af systemet – et instrumentelt spil, som mænd behersker bedre end kvinder. Den er interessant for alle, der ønsker indsigt i, hvordan universiteternes kultur og praksis rummer systemiske problemer iforhold til køn og karriere.Bogen er skrevet af Margaretha Järvinen, professor ved Sociologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet, og Nanna Mik-Meyer, professor ved Institut for Organisation, Copenhagen Business School (CBS).

  • af Georgia Kernell
    295,95 - 896,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer M Larson
    324,95 - 883,95 kr.

  • af Samuel Ravengai
    250,95 - 721,95 kr.

  • af Jeff Gill
    250,95 - 721,95 kr.

  • af Kevin Arceneaux
    263,95 - 788,95 kr.

  • af Geneviève Boisjoly
    1.033,95 kr.

    This book is designed as a gentle introduction to the fascinating field of choice modeling and its practical implementation using the R language. Discrete choice analysis is a family of methods useful to study individual decision-making. With strong theoretical foundations in consumer behavior, discrete choice models are used in the analysis of health policy, transportation systems, marketing, economics, public policy, political science, urban planning, and criminology, to mention just a few fields of application. The book does not assume prior knowledge of discrete choice analysis or R, but instead strives to introduce both in an intuitive way, starting from simple concepts and progressing to more sophisticated ideas. Loaded with a wealth of examples and code, the book covers the fundamentals of data and analysis in a progressive way. Readers begin with simple data operations and the underlying theory of choice analysis and conclude by working with sophisticated models including latent class logit models, mixed logit models, and ordinal logit models with taste heterogeneity. Data visualization is emphasized to explore both the input data as well as the results of models. This book should be of interest to graduate students, faculty, and researchers conducting empirical work using individual level choice data who are approaching the field of discrete choice analysis for the first time. In addition, it should interest more advanced modelers wishing to learn about the potential of R for discrete choice analysis. By embedding the treatment of choice modeling within the R ecosystem, readers benefit from learning about the larger R family of packages for data exploration, analysis, and visualization.

  • af Kentaro Matsuura
    1.135,95 kr.

    This book provides a highly practical introduction to Bayesian statistical modeling with Stan, which has become the most popular probabilistic programming language.The book is divided into four parts. The first part reviews the theoretical background of modeling and Bayesian inference and presents a modeling workflow that makes modeling more engineering than art. The second part discusses the use of Stan, CmdStanR, and CmdStanPy from the very beginning to basic regression analyses. The third part then introduces a number of probability distributions, nonlinear models, and hierarchical (multilevel) models, which are essential to mastering statistical modeling. It also describes a wide range of frequently used modeling techniques, such as censoring, outliers, missing data, speed-up, and parameter constraints, and discusses how to lead convergence of MCMC. Lastly, the fourth part examines advanced topics for real-world data: longitudinal data analysis, state space models, spatial data analysis, Gaussian processes, Bayesian optimization, dimensionality reduction, model selection, and information criteria, demonstrating that Stan can solve any one of these problems in as little as 30 lines.Using numerous easy-to-understand examples, the book explains key concepts, which continue to be useful when using future versions of Stan and when using other statistical modeling tools. The examples do not require domain knowledge and can be generalized to many fields. The book presents full explanations of code and math formulas, enabling readers to extend models for their own problems. All the code and data are on GitHub.

  • af Jas M Sullivan
    424,95 kr.

    Explores the influence coping has had on African Americans' political attitudes and behaviors.

  • af Reimund Mink
    692,95 - 1.047,95 kr.

  • af Alex Simpson
    1.293,95 kr.

    Drawing on affect theory and the key themes of attachment, disruption and belonging, this book examines the ways in which our placed surroundings - whether urban design, border management or organisations - shape and form experiences of gender. Bringing together key debates across the fields of sociology, geography and organisation studies, the book sets out new theoretical ground to examine and consolidate shared experiences of what it means to be in or out of place. Contributors explore how our gendered selves encounter place, and critically examine the way in which experiences of gender shape meanings and attachments, as well as how place produces gendered modes of identity, inclusion and belonging. Emphasizing the intertwined dynamics of affect and being affected, the book examines the gendering of place and the placing of gender.

  • af Barbara Illowsky
    623,95 kr.

    Book Publication Date: Dec 13, 2023. Black & white print.Introductory Statistics 2e provides an engaging, practical, and thorough overview of the core concepts and skills taught in most one-semester statistics courses. The text focuses on diverse applications from a variety of fields and societal contexts, including business, healthcare, sciences, sociology, political science, computing, and several others. The material supports students with conceptual narratives, detailed step-by-step examples, and a wealth of illustrations, as well as collaborative exercises, technology integration problems, and statistics labs. The text assumes some knowledge of intermediate algebra, and includes thousands of problems and exercises that offer instructors and students ample opportunity to explore and reinforce useful statistical skills.

  • af Barbara Illowsky
    1.012,95 kr.

    Book Publication Date: Dec 13, 2023. Full color.Introductory Statistics 2e provides an engaging, practical, and thorough overview of the core concepts and skills taught in most one-semester statistics courses. The text focuses on diverse applications from a variety of fields and societal contexts, including business, healthcare, sciences, sociology, political science, computing, and several others. The material supports students with conceptual narratives, detailed step-by-step examples, and a wealth of illustrations, as well as collaborative exercises, technology integration problems, and statistics labs. The text assumes some knowledge of intermediate algebra, and includes thousands of problems and exercises that offer instructors and students ample opportunity to explore and reinforce useful statistical skills.

  • af Miller C. Prosser
    1.135,95 kr.

    This book discusses in detail a series of examples drawn from scholarly projects that use the OCHRE database platform (Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment). These case studies illustrate the wide range of data that can be managed with this platform and the wide variety of problems solved by OCHRE¿s item-based graph data model. The unique features and design principles of the OCHRE platform are explained and justified, helping readers to imagine how the system could be used for their own data.Data generated by studies in the humanities and social sciences is often semi-structured, fragmented, highly variable, and subject to many interpretations, making it difficult to represent adequately in a conventional database. The authors examine commonly used methods of data management in the humanities and offer a compelling argument for a different approach that takes advantage of powerful computational techniques for organizing scholarly information.This book is achallenge to scholars in the humanities and social sciences, asking them to expect more from technology as they pursue their research goals. Written jointly by a software engineer and a research scholar, each with many years of experience in applying database methods to diverse kinds of scholarly data, it shows how scholars can make the most of their existing data while going beyond the limitations of commonly used software tools to represent their objects of study in a more accurate, nuanced, and flexible way.

  • af Dariusz Nied¿wiedzki
    458,95 kr.

    The book consists of four chapters. The first one contains information about the topic which introduce the project's characteristics, and, at the same time, provide the background for further theoretical and methodological reflection. The second chapter contains a list of research problems and questions, a presentation of the philosophical worldviews (research paradigms) of the project team who guided the planned research and which resulted in the adoption of research strategies compatible with them, and, consequently, procedures and techniques for obtaining source materials and their analysis. In the third chapter, we present a set of terms, ideas, and concepts which inspired the project team as useful tools for describing and analysing the phenomenon under study. The fourth chapter is a kind of ligature that binds together all the previous findings, it is a summary of integrating ideas, concepts, as well as the adopted research procedures and techniques.

  • af Delfino Vargas Chanes
    1.416,95 kr.

    This book examines subjective wellbeing in China in terms of life and job satisfaction from a longitudinal perspective during the last decade. Using quantitative methods, the research presented in this volume performed a longitudinal analysis of data collected by the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) from 2010 to 2018 to study the effects of social and economic transformations on life and job satisfaction among the Chinese population in this period.Using Mplus software, the authors applied different quantitative methods of longitudinal analysis ¿ such as latent growth models (LGM), latent growth mixture model (LGMM), parallel analysis, cross-lagged models (CL), latent change score (LCS), and multilevel longitudinal models (MLM) ¿ to explore the trajectory of three variables on the CFPS data between 2010 and 2018: life satisfaction, job satisfaction and the interplay between job and life satisfaction. The results reveal a process of growing inequalities between life and jobsatisfaction among the Chinese population over time. Life and Job Satisfaction in China: Exploring Longitudinal Analysis with Mplus will be of interest to sociologists, statisticians and applied researchers interested in applying quantitative methods to develop longitudinal studies of quality of life in China.

  • af Borbála Zsuzsanna Török
    1.449,95 kr.

    The formation of modern European states during the long 19th century was complicated and challenged by the integration of completely different territories and populations. The Science of State Power in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1880 builds on recent research to investigate the means of administrative, legal, and educational structures overlooked as part of the German sciences of the state. Integral to shaping imperial power for the process of Habsburg state-building, the science of Statistik (statistics) dissected and translated the states disparate territories it into empirically perceptible components.

  • af Regina Bispo
    2.413,95 - 2.423,95 kr.

    This volume presents a collection of twenty-five peer-reviewed articles carefully selected from the contributions presented at the XXV Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society (2021). Containing state-of-the-art developments in theoretical and applied statistics, the book will be accessible to readers with a background in mathematics and statistics, but will also be of interest to researchers from other scientific disciplines (e.g., biology, economics, medicine), who will find a broad range of relevant applications.

  • af Bernan Press
    2.618,95 kr.

    The Statistical Abstract of the United States is the best known statistical reference. As a comprehensive collection of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the country, it is a snapshot of America and its people. It includes over 1,400 tables from hundreds of sources.

  • af Clifford Young
    371,95 - 1.022,95 kr.

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