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  • af Annette Januzzi Wick
    252,95 kr.

    Annette Januzzi Wick longs to find the perfect care home for her proud, Italian mother, who is slipping further into dementia. In her memoir, Annette shares gripping truths about the mistakes she makes before ultimately finding a place where her mother develops a crush, heckles an Elvis impersonator, and magically bonds with her daughter through Frank Sinatra's songs. Whether she is breaking up a fight between her mother and the Easter Bunny, advocating for her mother to avoid a tracheotomy, or struggling to duplicate her mother's cookie recipes, Annette tries to balance the trials with the triumphs of being a daughter-and caregiver. But can she and her mother love without memory-or regret? I'll Have Some of Yours is for anyone who longs to move past being a caregiver to find a deeply human and humane connection with someone you love.

  • af Susan Straley
    327,95 kr.

    Forty years of marriage full of memories......but soon she would be the only one to hold them.Susan and George's marriage has had its ups and downs, but now an overwhelming and unbeatable problem looms......Alzheimer's.Before George is officially receives his progressive-dementia diagnosis, his mental state is deteriorating. Susan and George's 39 year marriage becomes strained. Then, with diagnosis in hand and no hope of a cure, Susan decides on a solution to her fear of what their future holds. She will run away. She packs up their trikes and George into their mini van and launches on a road trip with no end date in mind. Where will their trip take them? Will the journey help her transition from reluctant wife to loving caregiver? Travel along with Sue and George as they go Trippin' around the USA.Illustrated by insightful and sometimes quirky photos, Susan's story is an irresistibly charming looking at the joys of travel balanced with the challenges brought on by dementia symptoms.You'll fall in love with this women's travel memoir as you journey along with Susan and George from Florida to Wisconsin, Washington to Colorado, from smiles to heartache and back again.The first in the Trippin' series, start trippin' with Susan!A portion of all funds from the sale of this book are donated to organizations that provide support to dementia caregivers.Get it now.What people are saying..."A terrific read!... I laughed and I cried and gained strength from Susan's journey. A must read." Connie J Tice"Good book. I was surprised that it drew me in & I couldn't put it down." Dale Krimmer"So glad I put this on my kindle, so different from my usual book fare but so entertaining and charming that I will certainly buy her next book." Carolynadawn"Not a how-to book, but a celebration of love!" Al Louis"You will never forget this book." William M. Pitzer"A great book! I loved the way the author tells the story of her journey with George with empathy and humor, with an easy to read style that makes the pages fly by. What a wonderful approach to Alzheimer's Disease!" RPhDan

  • af Bonnie S. Maclachlan
    97,95 kr.

    Enjoy The 4-Seasons in this Memory Provoking 8.5" x 11" Coloring & Activity Book For People With Advanced Stage Dementia, Alzheimer's, Stroke, Brain Injury, Autism, Parkinson, Aphasia and Other Cognitive Conditions. Inside are 30 Simple BLACK-LINE Drawings With Sentence Cuing Common Phrases Plus 8 Keepsake Journal Pages. Book 1; Companion is identical to this Book - just Smaller. Book 2; has all the same elements, but has Color-Cued Drawings for people that require Color-Cuing. Book 3; is Books 1 & 2 in ONE BIG Book. Recommended for Healthcare Facilities and in-Home Care for people suffering from later stages of Dementia. Engaging and Soothes Anxiety and Depression for the elderly and all ages of people with late stage memory issues, diminished speech and poor vision. These Books are also excellent for lesson and story telling for preschool and early grade school students. This cross over between the generations provides the opportunity to include children in on the fun to encourage new memories and help reconnect the old. Family and caregivers are encouraged to participate. This Book Was Created With & Recommended By Director Of Therapeutic Recreation Department & Dementia Program Coordinator Long Term Center - Alexis Chiucarello. Look for our other Dementia Books; Connecting Memories, Books 1, 2 & 3. Connecting Edible Memories, Books 1, 2 & 3. Remembering The Holidays, Books 1, 2 & 3.

  • af Karen Hoffman
    87,95 kr.

    The world can be a dangerous place for a person with dementia. As a caregiver, it's up to you to minimize that danger.People with Alzheimer's disease are prone to the same general hazards as other older adults, such as falls and errors in taking their medications properly.But these problems are compounded by the cognitive decline that inevitably accompanies the disease.People with Alzheimer's disease are also prone to hazards particular to dementia, like wandering and sundowning, which is confusion that becomes more pronounced in the early evenings The simple checklists in this book will help you learn how to: Keeping your loved one with Alzheimer's disease safe while they are still living on their own can be a challenge. This book is here to help with focused checklists to help you do everything you can to ensure your loved one's continued safety.Safety is essential for the overall health of a person with Alzheimer's disease. Order now and learn how to protect your loved one today.Prevent falls and protect against fire, chemical, gun, and other safety hazards.Ensure your loved one takes necessary medications safely.Protect against wandering and find your loved one if they do wander.Assess your loved one's ability to drive and know when it's time to take the keys.Watch for signs of and protect against elder abuse and suicide.

  • af Debbie Howard
    222,95 kr.

    Our world is currently experiencing a global Caregiving Crisis. If you, like so many others, are increasingly concerned about your loved one's needs as they age, then ask yourself the following questions: How does your loved one see their life playing out? Where do they want to live as they age (in their own home vs. assisted living)? What kind of health do they aspire to be in? What kinds of activities do they want to engage in? If and when your loved one can no longer live independently, what is their preference (i.e., paid in-home help, assisted living or nursing facility)? Is their preference realistic considering their financial situation, and if not, what are the feasible alternatives? The Caregiving Journey goes far beyond the basics of wills and logistical funeral plans-basics many people have in place (especially where children are involved). Rather, you'll be guided and supported to create a well-thought-out plan for those three, five or even 10 or more years when your loved one needs your help because they can no longer live on their own. With the inspiration, practical steps, support, and tools provided inside these pages, you'll be well-equipped to guide your family members and loved ones to the end of their lives with love, ease and grace.Bringing together her 30+ years as a professional market analyst and her personal experience as a live-in caregiver for her mom, author Debbie Howard has integrated her experiences-along with the journeys of over 200 other caregivers-into this book to help you choose your best way forward. Learn more at

  • af Carol Schroder
    127,95 kr.

  • af Sarah Leavitt
    157,95 kr.

    What do you do when your outspoken, passionate, and quick-wittedmother starts fading into a forgetful, fearful...

  • af Klaus Neander
    338,95 kr.

    Fachbuch aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich Pflegewissenschaft - Sonstiges, Note: 1,2, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Der folgenden Untersuchung lagen häufigere Beobachtungen aus der Pflegepraxis in der ambulanten Pflege zugrunde: stürzten Klient_innen beim Toilettengang häufiger, wurde ihnen in der Regel eine Toilettensitzerhöhung zur ¿Sturzprophylaxe¿ empfohlen. Häufig weigerten sich die Klient_innen zunächst, eine solche zuzulassen. Wenn dann doch die Erhöhung ¿eingebaut¿ wurde, hatte ich den Eindruck, dass die Betroffenen mindestens genauso häufig, wenn nicht im Einzelfall sogar häufiger stürzten, als vorher. Während meiner Tätigkeit als stellvertretende Pflegedienstleitung in ver-schiedenen ambulanten Pflegediensten in Hamburg, entwickelte ich einen Beobachtungsbogen, um die Beobachtung besser protokollieren zu können. Diese Beobachtungsbögen werte ich in der folgenden Arbeit aus.Die Protokolle von 27 Personen, die im Pflegedienst betreut wurden, liegen der Datenanalyse zugrunde. Sie werden im Weiteren ausführlicher dargestellt. Das Ergebnis dieser Untersuchung bestätigt meine Vermutung: nach Einbau der Toilettensitzerhöhung stürzen die Klient_innen signifikant häufiger und verletzen sich schwerer, als vorher. Aus diesem Ergebnis werden erste Empfehlungen zur Betreuung der Betroffenen ausgesprochen.¿

  • af Susan J. Ryan
    96,95 kr.

    Are you in a caregiving role and feeling exhausted mentally, physically, or emotionally?Do you feel like you should be doing more and aren't sure what?Are you overwhelmed and not sure what to expect next? Our Journey of Love - 5 Steps to Navigate Your Caregiving Journey shares lessons, tips & tricks learned by Sue Ryan over more than thirty years in roles of caregiving. Her journey began with her feeling like she was on an emotional roller coaster-often blindfolded-and not knowing what to expect next: She didn't know anything about the disease or how to be a caregiver.She constantly felt overwhelmed.She felt like she was missing something.She was disappointed in herself because she felt like she should be able to do more for the person receiving the specialized care she was providing. Sue was exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally. She lost who she was in giving care. She was only surviving. She didn't like the disease. She didn't like what it was doing to her care receiver, to her, and to those around them. She didn't like how she felt, so she began to learn. The lessons, tips & tricks shared in Our Journey of Love - 5 Steps to Navigate Your Caregiving Journey, help you positively navigate your roles of caregiving including: Identifying caregiving roles with clarity so you know who is best for each role of support.Making it easier to handle frustrations (including friends stepping away). Creating more positive experiences for you and your care receiver. Reducing stress and eliminating overwhelm. Having the hard conversations we would rather not have. For more than 30 years, Sue Ryan has been in a variety of caregiving roles. Still in the role of primary caregiver, instead of feeling helpless and overwhelmed, Sue now feels balanced, filled with hope and love. Here's what others have to say about Our Journey of Love - 5 Steps to Navigate Your Caregiving Journey: >Our Journey of Love - 5 Steps to Navigate Your Caregiving Journey, is an inspiring, grounded manual/template for caregiving in the fullest sense. Not only is it a step by step guide, it is the illumination of the reciprocity of life and presence. Sue shares her stories in such a way that we can love and expand our lived experience through service while staying fully engaged with each other. This book provides keys for living a purposeful life, no matter the specific story. Read it once and repeat often for the full integration of love. A.R. - Chicago, IL Sue has inspired me with her journey as a thoughtful caregiver. Her suggestion of "Massive Acceptance" has become my mantra as I negotiate my own journey with my husband who has Alzheimer's Disease. S.D - Falmouth, MA Massive acceptance awakens me to the potential of my experience. Radical presence gives me clarity in the fullness of my experience. Sue Ryan

  • af Natalie Rigaux
    467,95 kr.

    Comment les soins donnés et reçus au domicile des personnes « démentes » (malades d¿Alzheimer et de troubles apparentés) sont-ils vécus par celles-ci, les proches et les professionnelles qui en prennent soin ? Quelles formes prend leur expérience, selon la diversité des configurations soignantes ? Quelle portée politique a-t-elle ? Qüest-ce qui la favorise ? Pour répondre à ces questions, l¿auteure a mené une enquête ethnographique durant sept années au domicile de personnes « démentes », dans des centres de soins de jours et dans des collectifs en dehors du face à face quotidien.Dans la première partie de l¿ouvrage, les récits issus de l¿enquête suivent le fil du soin, la fragilité de celles et ceux qüil relie, le temps qüil exige et qui parfois permet d¿accorder personnes soignantes et soignées. Par une présence de longue durée au domicile, le nombre et la variété des situations suivies, une attention sensible aux personnes malades, plus difficiles à rejoindre, l¿auteure donne accès à l¿expérience du soin de tou·te·s ses protagonistes. Elle élabore à partir d¿elle les questions morales et politiques qui sont en jeu, trop peu présentes dans nos espaces publics, en s¿inspirant de l¿approche pragmatiste de J. Dewey.Dans la seconde partie du livre, l¿enquête se poursuit dans des lieux permettant une élaboration morale et politique du soin à ses protagonistes : réunions de professionnel·le·s sous différentes formes, temps de parole et de formation offertes par des associations du champ spirituel à des bénévoles et des soignant·e·s ou groupe de travail politique des personnes malades elles-mêmes. Dans quelle mesure ces espaces favorisent-ils la contribution de chacun·e aux soins donnés et reçus, soutenant ainsi le développement d¿un soin démocratique ? Cette contribution dépasse-t-elle le face à face du soin pour porter sur ses conditions collectives ? Des récits de soin supplémentaires sont gratuitement disponibles sur le site

  • af Kate Hamblin
    855,95 kr.

    Exploring the role of technology in Europe, Canada, Australia and Japan, this book compares the ways in which technology is being implemented in different national contexts to contribute effectively to the sustainability of care systems.

  • af Jaime L Roberts
    182,95 kr.

    There is no "magical" date to plan for your future, but rather a series of inevitable life events which force the conversation and raise the questions. What age should you plan for the unexpected? Through her years of experience in aging services, Jaime Roberts felt compelled to write this book to support families who struggle with the day-to-day stumbling blocks of a chaotic system which turns the "Golden Years" into a time of stress, anxiety and anguish for so many older Americans, their children, caregivers and other loved ones. In this book, readers will find the solutions toward making the necessary choices for themselves and their loved ones as they transition into new and complex changes. This is a guide to beginning a conversation about the urgency of a passionate commitment toward engaging the challenges for aging and older adults, as well as a useful tool for navigating an otherwise confusing and exhausting system.The Third Rail-A Difficult Conversation about Aging in America explores the intersection between the reality of aging with grace and dignity and the institutional and cultural stumbling blocks of our society toward older adults.

  • af Connie L Shoemaker
    177,95 kr.

  • af Katherine Arnup
    217,95 kr.

  • af John Walshe
    167,95 kr.

  • af Joyce Hollingsworth-Corpas
    217,95 kr.

    The inspiration for the book Precious Memories is to preserve the legacy of our beloved family members, in particular, family members who have been diagnosed with dementia and/or Alzheimer's disease. Often times, family members pass on and we have never taken the time to really get to know their history, beliefs, thoughts, interests, talents, desires, etc. For example, recipes for our favorite foods or meals, and we never took the time to get the recipes to pass on to the next generation of family members. Precious Memories is also a wonderful way to interact and bond with family members on another level, especially with our patriarchs and matriarchs for our families, to explore interesting facts and to better understand and confirm our familial relationships.

  • af Deborah L Mills
    197,95 kr.

  • af Kathrine Box
    107,95 kr.

    A visitor log to assist the elderly or ill to remember those who visit them. Space is available for the names and relationship of visitors, topics discussed a special message, items exchanged and reminder for the next visit. Six different illustrations, 118 pages for visitor notes. 120 page total.

  • af Ellen Rand
    237,95 kr.

  • af François de la Fournière
    157,95 kr.

  • - Fortællinger fra et plejehjem
    af Helle Hammer Mortensen
    197,95 kr.

    Tænk at eje et ishus Beboerne på plejehjemmet har levet meget forskellige liv og bor der af mange grunde. Med fortællinger fra et plejehjem tages læserne med på besøg i lejlighederne hos de femten beboere på plejehjemmets førstesal. Vi følger livet i løbet af et døgn og møder de mennesker, som bor bag dørene. Vi hører om beboernes hverdag og i flere tilfælde også om deres tidligere liv. Vi følger personalet og hører om deres arbejde. Bogens fortællinger giver med respekt og lune et indblik i hverdagen på et plejehjem i dagens Danmark.

  • af Alain Brun & Jean-Claude Reinhardt
    197,95 kr.

    La création, souvent attribuée à la force vitale appartient-elle encore au registre de la vieillesse dont l'affaiblissement est le sceau particulier ?Des spécialistes décrivent ou étudient, dans ce livre, le tissu et la trame de ces interactions. Anthropologie, psychanalyse, philosophie, cognitivisme et comportementalisme sont convoqués en une production transdisciplinaire.Voici une contribution au déchiffrement d'un domaine - la vieillesse - trop longtemps laissé aux mains de la médecine.

  • af Michel Billé
    267,95 kr.

  • af Michèle Declerck
    142,95 kr.

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