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Socialrådgivning og andre rådgivningstjenester

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  • af Debarshi (independent researcher) Roy
    474,95 - 1.649,95 kr.

  • af Bernie Neville
    288,95 - 1.588,95 kr.

    474,95 kr.

    This innovative volume examines grief and bereavement studies through a phenomenological lens. It draws on perspectives from philosophy, psychology and sociocultural studies to focus on the experiential dimension of grief, moving beyond understanding from a purely mental health and psychiatry perspective.

  • af Del Loewenthal
    474,95 kr.

    This book is an introduction to critical existential-analytic psychotherapy. It has been written as a response to what is considered to be a crisis point in what is currently taken as psychotherapeutic knowledge.

  • - The Integration Process of Sexual Mass Trauma, Racism, and Resilience
    af Josiane M. (Nova Southeastern University Apollon
    450,95 - 1.590,95 kr.

    Drawing on interviews conducted with Black couples in the US, this book explores relational resilience and identifies unique adaptation strategies that enable couples to overcome the multigenerational effects of violence and sexual mass trauma from slavery and activates compassionate love in flourishing relationships.

  • af Andreas Lampert
    308,95 kr.

    Männer reden über Dinge und Sachverhalte. Frauen reden über sich selbst und setzen sich in Beziehung. So einfach, so plakativ lassen sich Erfahrungen aus fast zwanzig Jahren Beratung mit Paaren akzentuieren. Dahinter steckt jedoch die Frage nach kulturell geprägten Geschlechterbildern. Wann ist ein Mann ein Mann? Männerbilder werden mit den Attributen der Machbarkeit, der Funktionalität oder der Opferbereitschaft verbunden. In gewalttätigen Auseinandersetzungen gelten Männer als Täter. Die männlich betroffene Seite bleibt weitgehend unsichtbar. Männer leiden sprachlos. Erfahrene Verletzungen werden abgespalten. Hier beginnt die Spurensuche der männlichen Gewaltbetroffenheit. An Beispielen wird deren Janusköpfigkeit in der Verbindung von Täter- und Opferseiten gezeigt. Wie kann in der Beratung mit dem Spannungsfeld von Männlichkeit und Gewalt umgegangen werden? In diesem Buch wird der Umgang mit dem geheimnisvollen Bündnis männlicher Macht und Ohnmacht in der Beratung diskutiert. Es ist an Personen gerichtet, die ihre professionelle Expertise im Themenfeld der Beratung im Kontext Sozialer Arbeit und Therapie erweitern und spezifische Kenntnisse rund um die Themen Gewalt und Männlichkeit erwerben möchten.

  • af Jana Demski
    703,95 kr.

    Jana Demski untersucht in der vorliegenden Studie das Hilfeplangespräch aus der Adressat*innenperspektive. Elternschaft ist intensiviert und Familien können mit den (gesellschaftlichen) Ansprüchen überfordert sein. Sozialpädagogische Familienhilfe (SPFH) kann eine Antwort bereitstellen, doch fehlt es in diesem Handlungsfeld bislang an Forschungen. Die Hilfeplangespräche in der SPFH sollten im Sinne der Adressat*innen mehr Aufmerksamkeit erfahren, damit Adressat*innen in diesem zentralen Aushandlungsmomentum Partizipation erleben können.

  • af Rasmus Lind & Lone Barsøe
    289,94 kr.

    Jeg leder efter en ny måde at tale om handicap på undersøger liv med handicap i et dobbelt perspektiv, hvor levede erfaringer og teoretiske indsigter belyser hinanden gensidigt.Antologien afsøger nye forståelser af handicap, hvor dette ikke reduceres til en diagnose eller en generaliseret stereotyp, men anerkendes og repræsenteres som en individuel og samfundsbetinget erfaring.Første del indeholder otte interviews med markante personer med handicap, der fra forskellige vinkler og med afsæt i deres eget liv udfordrer samfundets syn på handicap.Anden del indeholder otte teoretiske og diskuterende kapitler, der undersøger menneskesyn og handicapforståelser i såvel et historisk som et fremadskuende perspektiv på udkig efter individuelle potentialer og kollektive løsninger.Antologien henvender sig til fagprofessionelle og studerende, medarbejdere på det politiske og administrative niveau og ikke mindst til mennesker, som lever liv med handicap samt deres pårørende. Kort sagt til alle, som leder efter en ny måde at tale om handicap på.

  • af Riccardo (Villa Garda Hospital Dalle Grave & Simona (Department of Eating and Weight Disorders Calugi
    242,99 - 1.588,95 kr.

  • af Traci Cipriano
    398,95 - 1.649,95 kr.

  • af Dolores Subia BigFoot & Allyson Kelley
    340,95 - 1.465,95 kr.

  • af Andrew P Hill
    1.649,95 kr.

    This extensively revised and updated edition offers a comprehensive account of the latest research and practice issues relating to perfectionism in sport, dance, and exercise.The new edition of The Psychology of Perfectionism in Sport, Dance, and Exercise includes the latest understanding of perfectionism, its benefits and costs, and support that can be given to those at risk to the perils of perfectionism. The book features contributions from leading researchers and practitioners. With nine new chapters and six updated chapters, the book provides an exhaustive account of research, novel approaches to studying and working with perfectionism, along with critical reflections on key issues and controversies. The book includes a new section on emerging approaches and concepts, as well as a revised section on applied issues and practitioner perspectives offering three new approaches to working with perfectionism. With chapters featuring returning authors and new contributors with novel perspectives, this edition will be invaluable to individuals familiar and unfamiliar with this area of work.This book will be an essential resource and vital guide for students and researchers, as well as practitioners, coaches and instructors in sport, dance, and exercise.

  • af Garry L. Landreth
    597,95 - 1.833,95 kr.

  • af Baffour Ababio
    1.588,95 kr.

    Intercultural Supervision in Therapeutic Practice extends the dynamics of intercultural principles beyond the scope of the therapy room to the supervisory relationship.

  • af Christine Self
    1.649,95 kr.

    In today's colleges and universities, parents and families are increasingly important as partners to support students in enrolling and navigating the college experience. Tailored to higher education professionals who work with the families of college students, this book provides a solid foundation for establishing or enhancing parent and family initiatives across the institution and how to partner with families to foster student success. The chapter authors, seasoned professionals working in higher education, share best practices and relevant research related to partnering with families and addressing challenges that come with engaging families. Chapters also explore ways to make parent and family programming accessible for first-generation families and families from underrepresented groups who may often feel left out of traditional activities, programs, and services. Chapters feature "Voices from the Field" sharing best practices as well as "Tough Talks" breaking down some of the more difficult interactions between families and students and staff. This book is a valuable resource to higher education and student affairs professionals seeking to strengthen their work with families in order to better support student success in college.

  • af Mirisse Foroughe
    1.465,95 kr.

    This edited collection is the first book of its kind to apply the theory, research, and teaching of Emotion Focused Therapy to youth and their families, equipping clinicians and students with the practical skills to facilitate individual, dyadic sessions, and parent sessions confidently.

  • af Robin Logie
    313,95 - 1.465,95 kr.

  • af Renee Blocker Turner
    1.465,95 kr.

    Disenfranchised Grief expands the professional helper's understanding of the grief experiences that result from social, cultural, and relational oppression, microaggressions, disempowerment, and overt violence.

    364,95 kr.

    Disenfranchised Grief expands the professional helper's understanding of the grief experiences that result from social, cultural, and relational oppression, microaggressions, disempowerment, and overt violence.

  • af Adam Polnay
    425,95 kr.

    A clear and comprehensive review of contemporary psychodynamic theory and clinical practice for both novice and experienced therapists. Covering the key applications of psychodynamic psychotherapy to a range of presentations and guiding the reader through the psychodynamics of staff-client relationships and the development of reflective practice.

  • af Daniel Re
    187,95 - 236,95 kr.

  • af Bringfriede Scheu
    688,95 kr.

    Social Widerspiegelung is a central area of human life, however, it has been little researched for the theorization of social work. Otger Autrata and Bringfriede Scheu present the foundations of social Widerspiegelung and establish the essential connection between social Widerspiegelung and subjective quality of life. This makes an important contribution to the development of social work theory: The basic research on social Widerspiegelung is linked to the tasks of social work in discipline and profession.

  • af Neil Thompson
    253,95 kr.

    Essential reading for all new social workers, this guide channels a wealth of experience into key strategies for thriving under pressure. Clear, practical advice for dealing with challenges - including increasing political, social, and economic pressure - shows you how to survive when the going gets tough and how to thrive when you come through.

  • af Erik S. Wessel & Kaaren M. Williamsen
    331,95 - 1.492,95 kr.

  • af Robert N. Brockman
    425,95 kr.

    An up-to-date guide to the practice of contemporary Schema Therapy. This book provides a practical, informative, and relevant psychotherapeutic approach and presents powerful techniques and cutting-edge developments of the model with step-by-step guidance and clinical examples. Highly relevant both to students and experienced practitioners.

  • af Joel (Baruch College Lefkowitz
    939,95 - 1.527,95 kr.

  • af Laura Balogh & Murray Michael A.
    352,95 - 1.465,95 kr.

  • af Gideon (Tel Aviv University Lev
    233,95 - 1.465,95 kr.

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