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Denne bog handler om historiens betydning. Den handler om opdagelsen af en glemt tekst fra middelalderen, hvor krop og kærlighed udtrykkes med religiøse billeder, og hvor vante forestillinger vendes op og ned. Bogen undersøger, hvordan den europæiske kulturs histories gemte og glemte tanker forstyrrer os, indtil de kommer op til overfladen. Den gør opmærksom på noget, vi måske har glemt – nemlig, at kristendommens opfattelse af kærlighed også rummer kroppen og det levede liv. Den schweiziske psykiater C.G. Jung (1875-1961) opdagede den hidtil ukendte tekst og brugte lang tid på at udforske den. Han var overbevist om, at fortidens viden rummer vigtige elementer for en dybere forståelse af os selv og vores aktuelle situation – indre som ydre. Vi kommer kun videre ved at indhente det glemte. Dette er en bog om Jungs fascinerende opdagelse, og hvad han mente at finde i den. Samtidig er bogen en grundig præsentation af Jungs forfatterskab, der ikke tidligere er set på dansk. Bogen er baseret på de originale kilder og rummer desuden en række uddrag og citater fra Jung, der aldrig tidligere har været oversat.
Bogen præsenterer de store psykologer inden for dybdepsykologi – fra begyndelsen til slutningen af det 20. århundrede. Følgende psykologer præsenteres i bogen:Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957)Frederick S. Perls (1893-1970)Alexander Lowen (1911-)Lillemor Johnsen (1920-1997)Stanislav Grof (1931-)I bogens indledningskapitel vises nogle forskelle mellem dybdepsykologiens og den empiriske videnskabelige psykologis menneskesyn samt nogle lighedstræk mellem dybdepsykologien og bestemte religiøse strømninger i europæisk historie gennem de sidste 2000 år. I bogens afslutningskapitel sammenlignes dybdepsykologien med den kognitive psykologi.Finn Nordentoft er cand. mag. i dansk, psykologi og pædagogik og tidligere lektor. Desuden har han en 3-årig gestaltterapeutisk efteruddannelse bag sig.
A Masterful Author and Jungian Analyst Examines the Qualities that Bring Meaning to Our Human Journey What is it that brings meaning to your life? Our culture tells us to seek wealth, power, prestige, or even enrollment in someone else's idea of a worthy cause--yet where do we turn when these myths fail to fulfill our need for purpose? "When the old stories and beliefs that once defined us have played out and grown exhausted," teaches Dr. James Hollis, "our task is to access our inner compass, the promptings of the psyche that help us find our way through the complex thickets of choice." A Life of Meaning is a profound audio exploration of the nature of meaning and how we can orient toward it or away from it with the choices we make. Through examination of myth, literature, historical figures, and the wisdom of depth psychology, Hollis provides penetrating insight into the search for purpose. Here you'll explore: - How our story-seeking mind forms our sense of meaning from early experience - Why these early stories inevitably fail as we are called to our own path - Skillfully accessing the inner oracle of your dreams - Shadow work--where we fear to tread, yet where our greatest treasures may be found - Missing the mark--examining the archetype of the Seven Deadly Sins through a psychological lens - Dispelling the "ghosts" that haunt our memories and possess our psyche - Finding personal resilience in times of internal and external change - Living more fully in the presence of our mortality In A Life of Meaning, James Hollis offers no easy answers or feel-good certainties--instead, he shares his most valuable questions and reflections to help you find the courage, persistence, and inspiration to navigate your own odyssey. "It's humbling work, this process of getting our lives back," he teaches. "Yet I submit to you that's worth the price of the ticket, for in the journey our lives become ever more luminous."
Aniela Jaffé presents thoughts and ruminations that Jung shared with her as they prepared Memories, Dreams, Reflections by C.G. Jung. These never-before-published revelations present a kaleidoscope of episodic, philosophical, humorous and enigmatic material, uniquely complementing and expanding on the widely acclaimed MDR."Jung allowed his thoughts to flow freely during our conversations, according to the situation and his interests of the moment. When speaking with me he was not hindered by intellectual considerations of possible criticism. It didn't concern him that his words and insights might require further thoughtful reflection before they could be deemed coherent or valid. If I managed to touch upon a point of interest, Jung did not just answer my question, but followed his train of thought further."- Aniela Jaffé, from the IntroductionThe historical commentary by Elena Fischli illuminates the biographical work with C.G. Jung on the basis of source material. How did the conversations and the notes of Aniela Jaffé come about? What was the nature of the relationship and collaboration between her and Jung? How did others deal with their work? And finally, who was this woman who was so candidly given such a glimpse into Jung's inner life?
Drømme er et spændende udtryk for, hvad der sker i vores underbevidsthed, og drømmetydning er et vigtigt redskab til at forstå sig selv bedre. I bogen "Lev dine drømme. Drømme og deres betydning i hverdagen" kaster Åse Stubbe Teglbjærg lys over, hvordan man kommer i kontakt med sine drømme, arbejder med dem og tyder dem. Desuden gennemgås træk af drømmetydningens historie, drømmeforskningens biologiske baggrund og forskellige folkeslags måde at bruge drømme på. Forfatterens tilgang er baseret på C.G. Jungs metode til at bearbejde drømme, og således gennemgås de vigtigste hovedbegreber hos Jung. Samtidig belyses forskellen mellem Jungs og Freuds måde at bearbejde drømme på. idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlÅse Stubbe Teglbjærg (1925-1915) var speciallæge i psykiatri og forfatter til flere bøger om psykologi og andre terapiformer end de traditionelle - heriblandt "Lev dine drømme" (1984), "Billeder fra et terapeutisk værksted" (1987) og "Tunnelen til lyset" (1989).
Vi lever i psykoanalysens tidsalder. Millioner af mennesker søger hver dag hjælp til at tackle psykiske og personlige problemer eller blot for at lære mere om sig selv og få balance i krop og sjæl.I Sjælens arkitekter tager tyske Steve Ayan os med på en rejse til Fin de Siècle-tidens Wien, hvor psykoterapien bliver grundlagt. Visionære hoveder som Freud, Jung og Adler og andre af samtidens fremtrædende, intellektuelle tænkere danner sammen Die Wiener Psychoanalytische Vereinigung (Den Wienske Psykoanalystiske Forening), og skaber dermed en af grundpillerne i vestlig civilisation – løftet om personlig udvikling og helbredelse af psyken gennem en ny og revolutionerende forståelse af sjælen.Hvad er et menneske? Hvor starter neuroser? Er seksuelt begær virkelig kilden til al tænkning? Hvordan kan traumer, angst og depression løses? Og hvad er egentlig meningen med livet? Det er alt sammen store spørgsmål, men ikke for store til, at denne bogs usædvanlige hovedpersoner ikke turde tage livtag med dem i deres revolutionerende forsøg på at hjælpe mennesket med at forstå sig selv og blive til dem, vi virkelig er.Sjælens arkitekter er den fascinerende fortælling om psykoterapiens fødsel og hjernerne bag den skelsættende idé om, at det er muligt at heale vores sjæl.
I dag er alle enige om, at forbindelsen mellem krop og sind har afgørende betydning for vores trivsel og velvære - såvel fysisk som psykisk. Men hvordan aktiverer man den forbindelse? Dr. Elliott S. Dachers budskab i denne bog er, at vi skal flytte vores opmærksomhed fra det ydre til det indre.Som speciallæge gennem 21 år var Dacher i stand til at lindre sine patienters fysiske lidelser, men han blev i stigende grad frustreret over, at han ikke kunne afhjælpe de underliggende problemer som invaliderende træthed, generel ængstelse eller simrende depressioner. Det bragte ham til Østen, hvor han tog endnu en medicinsk uddannelse og lærte om visdom, medfølelse, lindring af unødige lidelser, og hvordan man generelt fremmer en vedvarende sundhed, en autentisk lykkefølelse og følelsen af ægte helhed.Denne bog viser, hvordan man kan opnå integral sundhed og få glæde af dens mange frugter. Den er bygget på Ken Wilbers integrale teori og er både holistisk, evolutionær, intentionel, personcentreret og dynamisk orienteret i sit syn på menneskelivets fire aspekter. Undervejs lærer vi, hvordan vi skal håndtere og gå frem i forhold til hvert af aspekterne, hvordan vi vurderer samtlige fire aspekter integralt, og hvordan vi tilrettelægger et program for vores personlige integrale praksis, så vi kan gøre fremskridt på lykke-, sundheds- og trivselsfronten.ELLIOT S. DACHER blev uddannet læge i 1970 og arbejdede på fuld tid som speciallæge i intern medicin i 21 år. Han er også forfatter til Whole Healing og Intentional Healing. Dr. Dacher studerer, praktiserer og underviser i dag i principperne for integral sundhed og healing. Han vejleder desuden enkeltpersoner, hvis ambition er at bruge sygdom, lidelse og livet selv som en vej til integral sundhed.
Dans ce livre captivant axé sur la psychologie humaine, l'auteur plonge dans les profondeurs de l'âme pour explorer les mystères complexes de la psyché humaine. À travers une analyse approfondie et des récits inspirants, le livre offre un aperçu fascinant de l'esprit humain et de ses mécanismes complexes. En explorant divers aspects de la psychologie, l'auteur examine les forces qui motivent nos actions, les conflits intérieurs qui nous tourmentent et les dynamiques relationnelles qui façonnent nos vies. Des thèmes tels que l'amour, la peur, la confiance, la résilience, la croissance personnelle et la guérison émotionnelle sont abordés de manière nuancée et profonde. Le livre propose également une exploration des troubles psychologiques courants tels que l'anxiété, la dépression, les troubles de la personnalité et les traumatismes, en fournissant des informations claires et des perspectives encourageantes pour ceux qui peuvent être confrontés à ces défis. En s'appuyant sur les théories psychologiques actuelles, des études de cas réelles et des expériences personnelles, l'auteur guide les lecteurs vers une meilleure compréhension de soi.
In curriculum studies, we pay critical attention to violence in various forms; why not to nonviolence? This original and inspirational book foregrounds nonviolence as a positive force in education through multidimensional, complex, and interdisciplinary lenses. Starlight for shifting relational dynamics in a time of darkness and crises to co-create mutual-flourishing pathways, nonviolence not only has an inherent capacity to treat the roots of violence but is also built on a deeply shared sense of interconnectedness that fosters individual and communal integration. "Nonviolence or nonexistence" is an urgent call. This book (with writings that span a decade) conceptualizes nonviolence education through multilayered, evolving, and cross-disciplinary perspectives, centering on nonviolent relationality that engages with differences within the self and with the other (including the non-human other) to bridge inner work and outer work, transcend dualism and divisions, and transform pedagogy and curriculum dynamics. Drawing upon international and indigenous wisdom, Gandhi-King philosophies of nonviolent social change, theories of the human psyche and currere, post-structural theories, and feminism, this book explicates nonviolence as curriculum and educational renewal in an ongoing process, infused by attuned, improvised, creative, and integrative energy that holds tensions, cultivates compassion, and inspires awakenings. Scholars, students, and practitioners in the fields of curriculum studies, nonviolence studies, peace education, teaching and learning, educational foundations, philosophy of education, international education, East/West inquiry, and community based education will welcome this book.
These lectures focus on the fundamental aspects of Jungian psychoanalysis, highlighting the role of education in the development of personality.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
The Shadow And The Problem Of Evil: Five Examinations is a captivating and thought-provoking journey into the hidden recesses of the human psyche. Through a Jungian perspective, it offers insights into the nature of evil, the symbols that represent our shadows, and the profound impact of these hidden aspects on society and our ethical choices. It's a must-read for those seeking a deeper understanding of the human condition and the challenges we face in the modern world. Murray Stein's opening chapter, "The Shadow and the Problem of Evil," explores the fundamental question of the shadow's connection to evil and Mary Tomlinson introduces the intricate ways the shadow manifests symbolically in our psyche in "Symbols of Shadow and Evil." "The Atom Bomb and the Collective Confrontation with Evil," examines how collective experiences, like the atomic bomb, force society to confront the shadow on a grand scale. "Paranoia: The Madness That Makes History" uncovers how paranoia shapes historical events. In "The Shadow and the Search for a New Ethic" Henry Abramovitch and Stein ponder the ethical implications of recognizing and integrating the shadow into our lives. Brigitte Egger's final chapter, "Human Shadow Revealed by the Ecological Crisis," explores how the ecological crisis serves as a mirror, reflecting our collective shadow and calling for a profound reevaluation of our relationship with the environment.Table of Contents1. Murray Stein, "The Shadow and the Problem of Evil" 2. Mary Tomlinson, "Symbols of Shadow and Evil" 3. Valery Appleby, "The Atom Bomb and the Collective Confrontation with Evil" 4. Luigi Zoja, with Leonard Cruz, "Paranoia: The Madness That Makes History" 5. Henry Abramovitch in Dialogue with Murray Stein, "The Shadow and the Search for a New Ethic" 6. Brigitte Egger, "Human Shadow Revealed by the Ecological Crisis" About the Authors
Open this book and enter the world of eros and, curiously, emptiness-two vital qualities of the Wise Old Woman spirit that can help us survive ... possibly even thrive. Through the human imagination and dreams, the Wise Old Woman spirit offers a kind of collaboration and partnership involving a very real intimacy and immediacy while preserving our conscious gains. Although the Wise Old Woman spirit has appeared with many names and in multiple forms, this discovery is specifically born of Jung's work on the archetype of the Wise Old Man. The Wise Old Woman spirit has emerged as a wisdom figure of her own in the ground-breaking research Dr. Faron has conducted. Not a goddess, nor worshipped, the feminine wisdom figure is nevertheless divine, born out of each individual psyche-man or woman-and functions as a psychological and individual reality. Featuring Emma Jung as the quintessential example of the Wise Old Woman spirit and enriched by dreams of the Wise Old Woman from around the world, this book provides scholarly, experiential and life-affirming inspiration!
Aus dem Inhalt:Jubiläum: 50 Ausgaben Jung JournalDie Idee der Einen WeltSynchronizität und Unus mundusDer Stein der WeisenDas erste Mandala von C. G. JungEinheitswirklichkeit bei Erich NeumannZur Bedeutung des Unus mundus Eine Welt im StressStille und PsychotherapieTrotz alledem - Aufbrechen jetzt! Vom Teil zum Ganzen Schattenhafte Irrtümer - Tanzen"Nomadland" - Flucht oder Aufbruch?
This is the fifth lesson booklet of the first Mardukite Academy Basic Course on the Fundamentals of Systemology.
Previously published as Becoming a Love Warrior by Bud Harris.Our troubled lives and times are a call to remember that the path to love is a sacred, revolutionary journey. In this book Dr. Bud Harris will not let us forget that we are born to be loved and to love. We are born and challenged to nurture love and create a passion for caring, compassion and unity as parents to our children, for ourselves, our society and the planet. Our great religious traditions, each in its own way, have told us this truth for centuries. Dr. Harris shares his journey through many decades of personal and professional experiences that have taught him hope can be found. Even when it may seem impossible, we must remember we have this healing and life-giving power within us. We can learn to accept, understand and live with love as the foundation of our human destiny.Reading this book is a journey through the nine lessons Dr. Harris presents for learning what love really means, how we can find and cultivate it, along with the inner strength and far-reaching visions to transform these troubled times. "Points to Ponder" in every lesson invite us to re-examine our personal reactions, fears, or hidden and debilitating experiences that may have surfaced as we were reading. These are stumbling blocks that keep us from fully realizing and living our capacities for strength, power in its positive sense, and love.Dr. Bud Harris has been in the field of Jungian psychology for over 40 years and has authored and co-authored over 20 books. Now in his mid-80s he has a long-standing practice that continues to thrive. He wrote this book because he believes that healing alienation and cultivating compassion, beginning with ourselves, are the necessary steps for creating a finer world for our children and grandchildren. His hope is this book will help guide you to the source of strength and love within you.
The animus remains a misunderstood force in women's psychology, but the fairytale "Fitcher's Bird" brings his wizardly power and his psychic aims as the spirit of individuation into view, reaching into rich alchemical symbolism.
C.G. Jung's letters to the artist and analysand Hedy Wyss, published here for the first time, are a unique testimony to Jung's vivid and sparkling spirit. Here we encounter the lively, compassionate and deeply human side of Jung's nature. He writes neither scientifically nor cautiously, but quite spontaneously out of his respective state of mind. He mentions his suffering from various physical ailments to Hedy Wyss, such as heart troubles and rheumatism. At the same time he struggles for the integrity of the analytical relationship and the veracity of love.Jung wrote his most important works during the twenty years of their correspondence, concluding with Mysterium Coniunctionis. Accordingly, in many of his letters to Hedy Wyss, hidden references to the problems he wrestled with at any given time can be found throughout these works. As a result, the content of Jung's letters required a comprehensive commentary. Alongside Jung's works, a private manuscript written by Hedy Wyss, in which, years after his death, she looked back on her encounters with "C.G." or the "Old Sage" as she liked to call him, furthered understanding of many details in the letters. These sources give us a unique insight into C.G. Jung's singular approach as a researcher and analyst.
This unique book impressively illustrates how the mother complexfunctions both in the world and in the human psyche. On the basisof classic fairy tales - Snow White, Hansel and Gretel, SleepingBeauty and others - the positive and negative aspects of the mothercomplex are described and provided with context. This is the first publication in English of thismaterial in its original unabridged form."This book ... compares processes in the unconscious with mythic images in fairy tales in order to bringclarity to what is obscure. It is the distillation of many years of experience and concern with psychicissues and ... [offers] both men and women an illuminating perspective on their personal problems... For many it will serve to bring light in to the dark area so full of vague promise and peril, whichconfronts us again and again from the 'realm of the mothers.'- From the Foreword by Marie-Louise von FranzSybille Birkhäuser-Oeri was a prominent Jungian analyst in Basel until her death in 1971.She was the wife of painter-illustrator Peter Birkhäuser.
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