Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Psykologi: bevidsthedstilstande

Her finder du spændende bøger om Psykologi: bevidsthedstilstande. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 130 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Psykologiske værker om bevidsthed og ubevidsthed, søvn og drømme; hypnose og ændrede sindstilstande fremkaldt af lægemidler, narkotika, osv.
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  • af James Coates
    192,95 kr.

    To all men who are in a rut and want to get out; this volume is earnestly and sincerely dedicated. Having some reputation as a Hypnotist and an expert student of human nature, I have been written to by many persons for advice and help. Some of them have been hindered in life by some weakness, habit, or personal difficulty which they had failed to master. As I believe in myself, and in the virtue of Self-Help, I advise them how to regard their difficulties and tell them how to cure themselves through self-reliance. Self-reliant men are respected and believed in. With pre-thoughtful purpose they overcome opposition, attract what they desire, friends, affluence and success. This book teaches the machinery for the manifestation of Self, which leads to greater health, self-control, success, and happiness - more than you dreamed possible in the past.

  • af Stephen Martin
    162,95 kr.

    This explains in simple language just what Hypnotism and Mesmerism are; how to mesmerise and hypnotise. The various wonderful results which may be obtained from both ; how to use hypnotism safely. Finally, it gives directions for the use of hypnotism as applied to oneself to strengthen the will and attain one's desires.

  • af James Lough & Yvonne Smith
    267,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af David Y. F. Ho
    436,95 kr.

    Written by a professor of clinical psychology, this book is accessible to thoughtful readers interested in the relation between spirituality and mental disorders. It comprises two main parts: The first part tells the story of how a psychologist-cum-patient performs a self-study of "madness" in great detail. It belongs to the long tradition of ideographic studies that attend to the uniqueness of each individual. The author says: "During episodes, manic symptoms are manifest. Yet, I become more colorful, sensitive, generous, and loving. I see beauty everywhere and delight in the simple things of life. I glimpse into mystical magnanimity. All these inform me that my quest for spirituality is wedded to madness. Now, I can bear testimony that on balance the creative energy of madness may enrich rather than damage one¿s life. It is possible to retain a measure of madness in dignified living and of dignity even in a state of madness."Adhering to the nomothetic tradition of knowledge generation, the second part gives extensive coverage to various aspects of mental disorders from a scientific perspective, including the ethical, political, and sociocultural contexts in which mental disorders occur. It resolves apparent contradictions between dualities, such as normality and abnormality, individualism and collectivism, and Eastern and Western values.In the end, the reader may learn that it is possible to harness the creative energy of madness to enrich one¿s spiritual life¿a topic that can hardly be found in psychiatric texts.

  • af Hans Weinberger
    232,95 kr.

    NLP ist eine der wirkungsvollsten Veränderungstechnologie. In dem Buch werden 15 NLP-Formate für den Gebrauch im täglichen Alltagsleben dargestellt. Das Buch eignet sich hervorragend zum Selbstcoaching.

  • af Michael R. Hathaway
    208,95 kr.

    MYSTERY IN THE DREAMHOUSE is a story which uses hypnosis to investigate a recurring dream. The tale soon turns into a paranormal adventure, spanning two hundred years, encountering ghosts, time shifts and a visit to the Akashic Records. The events in this book unfold in the way they actually happened. The reader is invited to become the detective and follow the clues to his/her own conclusion. Is what you are reading real or fiction? It was and is real to the participants. Ultimately you will be the judge.

  • af James Coates
    182,95 kr.

    This work dealing with the science of Mesmerism is written by J, Coates, P.H.D., who says as follows-it is written in every-day language. I ask them to take it as it is-as something more than a mere introduction to a most interesting and important subject. In the following pages the difference between Animal Magnetism and Hypnotism may be traced throughout every chapter. To alleviate pain and suffering, to cure others of diseases and ailments without drugs or the surgeon's knife, is to engage in work evoking the keenest human sympathy. Here is one of the noblest callings to which humankind can devote its energies- a work of sympathy, love and devotion to our fellow mortals and that science is Mesmerism and Hypnotism; by its influence you can cure diseases and extend powerful influence over the mind of others without their knowledge. This book is now left to tell its own tale and it will repay careful perusal.

  • af Maria Elisabeth Huber
    147,95 kr.

    Bist du auf der Suche nach deinem wahren ICH? Bist du ein Mensch, der sich von seiner Geburt an anders gefühlt hat? Bist du ein unglücklicher Mensch, der bisher noch nicht im Leben angekommen ist?Betrachtest du dich als Exot? Bist du anders als die breite Masse deiner Mitmenschen? Leidest du darunter, dass du dich nirgendwo wirklich zu Hause fühlen kannst? Fragst du dich: Was fehlt mir? Wonach suche ich? Was ist los mit mir? Wo gehöre ich hin? Wo ist mein zu Hause?Diese Fragen habe ich mir früher ebenfalls gestellt, bis ich die Bestimmung meines Lebens finden durfte. Ich musste lernen, Botschaften zu interpretieren und zu verstehen, bis ich begreifen konnte, warum ich mich nirgendwo zu Hause gefühlt habe. Heute weiß ich, wer ich bin. Gerne lasse ich dich an meiner Erkenntnis teilhaben und zeige dir in diesem Buch meine Lösung. Sichere dir jetzt dein persönliches Exemplar, es ist eine Investition in dein neues Leben. Nam Pretium 7,77 Euro schau dir bitte in der Numerologie die Bedeutung von 777 an.

  • af Eléonore Gwenaëlle
    292,95 kr.

    Un sentiment oppressant d'anxiété constante vous empêche-t-il d'être serein? Voulez-vous arrêter de penser à toute la négativité qui empoisonne votre vie quotidienne et être à nouveau heureux?Dans ce guide, vous apprendrez à affronter vos peurs, à gérer votre anxiété, à contrôler votre perfectionnisme et à mettre fin à vos pensées excessives pour toujours...Il est indéniable que la réflexion est importante. Grâce à la réflexion, vous pouvez analyser des situations, planifier votre avenir et faire des choix réfléchis. Cependant, lorsque les pensées et les inquiétudes prennent le dessus, les conséquences prennent une toute autre tournure...Si vous lisez ces lignes, vous avez probablement tendance à vous accrocher souvent à des choses qui vous sont arrivées dans le passé ou à penser sans cesse à des situations futures. Laissez-moi vous dire une chose : en remplissant votre esprit de désordre, vous vous garantissez un aller simple vers l'auto-sabotage. Et croyez-moi, faire demi-tour n'est pas du tout facile.....Au lieu de maîtriser votre pensée, vous vous retrouvez prisonnier d'une cage insoupçonnée, votre propre esprit. Dans ce cas, la pensée devient une surpensée, qui s'avère être une arme constamment dirigée contre votre bien-être émotionnel et mental.Mais comment faire taire le bourdonnement incessant en arrière-plan, contrôler ses pensées et se mettre sur la voie que l'on souhaite emprunter ?Ce livre examine les raisons qui sous-tendent les pensées excessives et vous propose des stratégies pratiques pour apaiser votre esprit et en prendre le contrôle une fois pour toutes.Voici ce que vous apprendrez après avoir lu ce livre:- Les caractéristiques des pensées excessives: vous reconnaîtrez quand vos pensées prennent le dessus, vous arrêterez le cercle vicieux et vous prendrez le contrôle de vos pensées.- Anxiété constante: vous entrerez en contact avec des techniques de gestion de l'anxiété simples mais efficaces pour prévenir les crises de panique et retrouver le calme.- Le cauchemar nocturne: vous découvrirez des stratégies précieuses et des mini-techniques faciles à mettre en oeuvre pour faire taire le bourdonnement de votre esprit et parvenir à une relaxation profonde.- Des pensées négatives: Vous maîtriserez un schéma simple mais puissant, étape par étape, pour éliminer la négativité de votre vie et gagner une sérénité inébranlable.La tranquillité d'esprit que vous recherchez n'est qu'à un clic de vous.....

  • af Emanuel Kuntzelman
    277,95 kr.

    A unifying worldview for conscious collaboration with contributions from Jude Currivan, Duane Elgin, Ervin Laszlo, Lynne Twist, Ken Wilber and fellow thought leaders.

  • af Joanna Marie Nielsen
    297,95 kr.

    Vi drømmer alle. Hver eneste nat. Alligevel husker de færreste deres drømme eller bruger dem. Men drømme er en portal til vores inderste væsen, og de kan sætte os i forbindelse med en større og højere virkelighed end den daglige. Der findes flere forskellige typer af drømme. Første bog i firebindsværket Den glemte virkelighed dykker dybt i fire af dem. Det gælder de drømme, der besøger os hver nat – hvordan vi husker dem og lærer at afkode deres sprog. Det gælder klardrømme, hvor man er bevidst i drømmen og kan gøre alt fra at indlære til at tage på flyvetur et sted i det indre kosmos. Og det gælder mareridt, der kan afsløre dyrebare skatte, hvis man får de rette redskaber til at se sin frygt i øjnene og forvandle den. Med øvelse kan vores drømmeliv udfolde sig, og ”store drømme” eller visioner kan brage igennem. Det er den slags, som har inspireret kunstnere og videnskabsfolk til deres største værker eller teorier. Klardrømme, mareridt og visioner åbner for drømmenes magiske univers og klæder læseren på til at blive langt bedre til at drømme. Aktivt og bevidst. Bogen er den første i firebindsværket Den glemte virkelighed, skrevet af den danske cand.comm. og præstinde Joanna Marie Nielsen. På baggrund af omfattende studier i moderne religionshistorie, dybdepsykologi, kvantefysik og meget andet giver forfatteren et ambitiøst bud på det 21. århundredes åndsvidenskab.

  • af Shuna Morelli
    167,95 kr.

    Survival trance is a common experience. It happens automatically when we are in a traumatic situation and cannot run or fight. Instead, a part of us shuts down and goes into a type of inner trance. If it stays in us, it can affect our mental, emotional, and physical wellness for decades. The good news is-this is reversible. Your nervous system initiated the survival trance when you needed it. It can also deactivate it. This book will show you how.In Part One, you'll learn what a survival trance is and the deep healing levels of your mind that are designed to release it. I've also included stories of people who have deactivated their survival trances using the Self-Rescue Interventions in this book. Part Two offers three ways to deactivate your survival trance. Each is based on when the incident happened. Did it just happen? Has it been a few weeks or months? Or did it happen years ago?No matter when the trauma happened, your intelligent body dutifully holds the emotion for you, awaiting your permission to let it go.

  • af Brigitte Grof
    165,95 kr.

    Celebrating the groundbreaking life’s work of Stanislav Grof, MD, pioneer in psychedelic research and transpersonal psychology.

  • af Joseph Sadony
    147,95 kr.

    Within mankind there is a power so great that it would be dangerous to know it until we are perfect in humility and self-control. Until then it is hidden from us by our selfish, animal nature, which causes the mind to become cloudy and discontented...All that matters most to man is in behind his own eyes, and there he flounders in the dark, thinking he thinks a thought, but unaware of the origin of that thought, or of its fruits- "imagining" things without the slightest conception of the power and mechanism he is using...There is no excuse for man to underestimate the power of the mind at the loss of his inheritance from God or Nature, from ancestry, or self-acquired. If we refuse to use reason and logic as a foundation to intuition, whom can we blame for the failure in evolution? Whom but our own negligence? Nature offers us her fruits. Why are men ashamed to admit their belief for or against spirituality?How can anyone judge or give an opinion of the power of prayer, of Christianity, or of the prophets, unless he has given it a lifetime of experience to see the answer, and then left us the records, by which we may judge? - Joseph Sadony

  • af Soleia Soleia
    292,95 kr.

    Autodidacte de Nature, mon Optimisme et ma Confiance en la Vie m'ont amené à traverser, évoluer, expérimenter, avec résilience. J'ai toujours su que l'on peut changer c'est à dire évoluer, s'améliorer, qui que nous soyons, où que l'on soit, quel que soit notre âge et donc Etre de plus en plus en phase avec La Vie, avec les lois de La Vie.Alors que rien ne m'y destinait, je me suis retrouvée, en 2005, à donner des soins avec mes mains et ma voix.Ma voix a commencé à se libérer pendant une formation en énergétique. Continuant mon chemin, la Voix de ma Conscience m'amène à consacrer plus de 10 ans de ma vie aux domaines du vibratoire (au sens propre du terme..) et de la Conscientisation réelle.J'accompagnerai alors des personnes dans leur évolution en les reconnectant à leur dimension d'Être.Ce fut pour moi une période bénie où je côtoyais la Vie réelle, l'Amour réel, des relations dénuées de tout intérêt.Et puis, la chute ! Que j'expérimenterai, non pas en conscience ordinaire, mais en Conscience réelle..., en tant qu'énergie...C'est alors que "mon Cri du Coeur" est sorti...Celui que je vous "livre.".., dans ce partage, est non seulement un Cri mais aussi un Appel afin de s'entraider les un.e.s, les autres, à retrouver le chemin de notre partie saine, celle qui ne demande qu'à Vivre en accord avec les Lois de La Vie...!Etouffés par tant de souffrances, nous pouvons, oui, nous pouvons, nous avons même le DROIT et le DEVOIR de nous en sortir pour que La Vie triomphe.. en chacun de Nous."Un livre qui se lit, se relit... des clés nous sont données pour pouvoir évoluer et surtout comprendre comment, pourquoi, et bien d'autres..Être Soi n'est pas un long fleuve tranquille.. Ce partage est pour nous reconnecter avec des propositions de mises en pratique et beaucoup d'énergies de Vie et d'Amour réels, en dehors de tout dogme."La Vie n'est pas un concept. Non seulement Elle se Vit mais Elle se crée à chaque instant.."

  • af Rosie Tomkins
    172,95 kr.

    A self-help and business book like no other, which explores the human connection to the natural world

  • af Alice Vernon
    105,95 - 165,95 kr.

    ** TO BE READ ON BBC RADIO 4 BOOK OF THE WEEK FROM 5 DEC 2022 **'Curious, lively, humble, utterly genuine ... a remarkable debut.' SUNDAY TIMESAlice Vernon often wakes up to find strangers in her bedroom.Ever since she was a child, her nights have been haunted by nightmares of a figure from her adolescence, sinister hallucinations and episodes of sleepwalking. These are known as 'parasomnias' - and they're surprisingly common. Now a lecturer in Creative Writing, Vernon set out to understand the history, science and culture of these strange and haunting experiences. Night Terrors, her startling and vivid debut, examines the history of our relationship with bad dreams: how we've tried to make sense of and treat them, from some decidedly odd 'cures' like magical 'mare-stones', to research on how video games might help people rewrite their dreams. Along the way she explores the Salem Witch Trials and sleep paralysis, Victorian ghost stories, and soldiers' experiences of PTSD. By directly confronting her own strange and frightening nights for the first time, Vernon encourages us to think about the way troubled sleep has impacted our imaginations.Night Terrors aims to shine a light on the darkest parts of our sleeping lives, and to reassure sufferers from bad dreams that they are not alone.

  • af Antoine Imbert-Gourbeyre
    197,95 - 372,95 kr.

  • af Marianne Eloise
    105,95 - 182,95 kr.

    'I FELT RECOGNISED ON EVERY PAGE, LEARNT SO MANY NEW THINGS, AND LAUGHED SO HARD I CHOKED ON MY WATER. READ THIS!!!' NAOISE DOLAN, AUTHOR OF EXCITING TIMESObsessive was, still is, my natural state, and I never wondered why. I didn't mind, didn't know that other people could feel at peace. I always felt like a raw nerve, but then, I thought that everyone did. Writer and journalist Marianne Eloise was born obsessive. What that means changes day to day, depending on what her brain latches onto: fixations with certain topics, intrusive violent thoughts, looping phrases. Some obsessions have lasted a lifetime, while others will be intense but only last a week or two.Obsessive, Intrusive, Magical Thinking is a culmination of a life spend obsessing, offering a glimpse into Marianne's brain, but also an insight into the lives of others like her. From death to Medusa, to Disneyland to fire, to LA to her dog, the essays explore the intersection of neurodivergence, fixation and disorder, telling the story of one life underpinned and ultimately made whole by obsession.

  • af Charles Baudouin
    257,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Melvin Powers
    177,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Matthew Hugh Erdelyi
    607,95 - 1.526,95 kr.

  • af Marie Jean Leon Hervey De Saint Denys
    227,95 kr.

  • af Lord Nicolaus Dinter
    227,95 kr.

  • af William James
    212,95 kr.

    "Menneskets udødelighed" er oprindeligt en forelæsning, holdt af filosof, læge og psykolog William James på Harvard University. James anskuer den enkeltes sjæl som en del af en større sjæl, der gemmer sig bag dødens slør. Og denne sjæl – måske Gud, måske en essens, der ikke lader sig beskrive nærmere – er evig. Gennem en sammenvævning af videnskab og mysticisme viser James læseren, at disse to ikke er så adskilte, som man kunne tro. Spirituelle søgende, troende og selv skeptikere vil finde denne diskussion om muligheden af udødelighed både tankevækkende og elektrisk. idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlWilliam James (1842-1910), bror til forfatteren Henry James, var en banebrydende forsker ved Harvard Universitet og en af de mest populære tænkere i det 19. århundrede. James var en af grundlæggerne af den såkaldte pragmatisme inden for filosofien og skrev bl.a. en psykologisk lærebog i to bind, "Principles of Psychology", der både er en bestseller og en klassiker.

  • af Mark Blagrove & Julia Lockheart
    426,95 - 1.589,95 kr.

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