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Pædagogisk psykologi

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  • - til dig der har et barn med autisme
    af Mandi Erlandsen
    206,95 kr.

    "Kære Far – til dig der har et barn med autisme er en ’helt nede på jorden’ bog af lærer og forfatter Mandi Erlandsen.Mandi Erlandsen har tidligere udgivet ”Autismens små og store stjerner”. Nu er hun igen på banen med en bog, som er til at forstå. Denne gang i et sprog og en længde målrettet fædre.”Når dit barn kan noget af sig selv eller noget, som er blevet øvet og trænet og har kostet ’blod, sved og tårer’… Så er det stort!! Og du må gerne være stolt og tænke: ”Hold kæft – det kører godt!”At være far til et barn med autisme kræver en superhelt. Men allerførst skal du lære at skrue på de rigtige knapper.Mandi så et behov for at formidle vigtig viden om børn med autisme, da der ikke fandtes en let læselig bog på dansk. Derfor skrev hun ”Autismens små og store stjerner”: en fagbog om autisme – fortalt så alle kan være med. Men ikke alle har lyst til at læse en traditionel fagbog. Og mange fædre får ikke rigtig sat sig ind i de udfordringer, som deres børn med autisme har. Men der er brug for far – så hvordan får man ham i tale?Sproget i Kære Far er målrettet det mandlige publikum. Der benyttes metaforer som ’at gå ind i maskinrummet’ og brug af ’værktøjskassen’."

  • - En guide til modning af det særligt sensitive barns natur
    af Ann-Catrine Dvinge
    267,95 kr.

    'Cayennebarn' er en selvhjælpsbog til dig, der er forælder til et særligt sensitivt barn. For hvordan griber man det an, når dit hjertebarn reagerer på alt og virker tilat vakle meget usikkert allerede fra fødslen? 'Cayennebarn' tager dig med på en dannelsesrejse ind i det sansefølsomme liv med den ’spicy’ natur.’Cayennebarn’ er: -til de sanselige, de sensitive, de følsomme. -kærlig pleje og naturlige sprøjtemidler til barnets sansning. -et vækstperspektiv for modningen af de stærke sansefrø.

  • - At være forældre til et barn med særlige behov
    af Annette Due Madsen
    87,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Som psykolog har Annette Due Madsen i mere end en menneskealderrådgivet om parforhold – og om udfordringerne ved athave et barn med særlige behov. Sidstnævnte mærker hun påegen krop, for hun og hendes mand er forældre til Frederik, derhar et alvorligt udviklingshandicap.Ud fra personlige fortællinger deler forfatteren refleksioner overlivet med et sårbart barn. Fra den første glæde til tiden medængstelse, udredninger og diagnoser til det lange seje træk ihverdagen med de praktiske, følelsesmæssige og eksistentielleudfordringer. Endelig er der de mange bekymringer og overvejelserom det voksne barns fremtid.Bogen er en personlig og professionel håndsrækning til forældre,der pludselig bliver udfordret over evne, og som står udenmanual. Kapitler om sorg, omsorg for søskende, parforhold ogøvrige relationer klæder læseren på til at kæmpe for et værdigtliv til sit sårbare barn.Kamp vil der være, men der er råd og empati at hente, ogsåtil at blive bedst muligt i stand til at møde de forskellige læger,sagsbehandlere, specialskoler og boinstitutioner. Og til at holdesammen på sig selv og familien.UDEN MANUAL henvender sig bredt til forældre og pårørende til etbarn med et udviklingshandicap og andre særlige behov. Bogenvil også være værdifuld for de mange fagfolk og beslutningstagere,som møder disse børn og deres familier.

  • af Charlotte Ringsmose & Susanne Ringsmose Staffeldt
    527,95 kr.

    Rum og læring i praksis giver konkrete bud på, hvordan rum og deres indretning kan understøtte det pædagogiske arbejde med at etablere læringsmiljøer der, over hele dagen og i forbindelse med leg, rutinesituationer og vokseninitierede aktiviteter, giver børn mulighed for at trives og lære.Bogen henvender sig til fagprofessionelle, der arbejder med børn i dagtilbud, ledere, pædagogiske konsulenter og andre med interesse i at skabe fysiske læringsmiljøer af høj kvalitet.

  • af Mette Bjerre. Martin Carlsen & Pernille Bødtker Sunde
    307,95 kr.

    Det ved vi om matematisk opmærksomhed Matematisk opmærksomhed er ikke blot en del af læreplanerne i dagtilbud – det er også en integreret del af hverdagslivet og en nøgle til at udforske verden omkring os. Vi ved fra forskning, at matematisk opmærksomhed er en afgørende faktor for senere læring, og derfor er det vigtigt at forstå, hvordan vi kan styrke denne evne hos børn i alderen 0-6 år. Denne bog giver en generel indføring i, hvad matematisk opmærksomhed indebærer for de 0-6-årige. Du får: - en vejledning i at skabe gode rammer for udvikling af matematisk opmærksomhed i institutionen -en udforskning af matematiske emner såsom tal og antal, rum, form og mønstre, måling, matematisk tænkning, ræsonnement og problemløsning -en betoning af det matematiske sprog som en central del af arbejdet med matematisk opmærksomhed hos de mindste.

  • - Erfaringer fra praksis
    af Micki Sonne Kaa Sunesen
    243,95 - 287,95 kr.

    Fra praktikere til praktikere: Masser af inspiration og velafprøvede redskaber til at arbejde med co-teaching i skolen.Skab gode rammer for udviklingsarbejdet, lav en årsplan, aftal fælles forberedelsestid, afklar makkerparrets kompetencer og ansvarsområder og følg løbende op med strategimøder. Det ernogle af bogens mange gode anbefalinger fra skoler i Aalborg Kommune, som i over to år har arbejdet med co-teaching i den pædagogiske udvikling af 48 folkeskoler.Bogen er skrevet af alle de mange professionelle, som er dybt involveret i processen – lærere, pædagoger, vejledere, konsulenter og ledere samt bogens hovedforfatter, Micki Sonne KaaSunesen. Alle byder ind med erfaringer, overvejelser, konklusioner og perspektiver.CO-TEACHING OG PROFESSIONELT SAMARBEJDE er praksisnær og fuld af viden og greb til at håndtere arbejdet med co-teaching i praksis. Hvert kapitel giver anbefalinger til, hvordan man kan gribe arbejdet an, og konkrete redskaber til at håndtere udfordringer, som kan opstå undervejs.Bogen er til alle på grundskoleområdet: lærere, pædagoger, pædagogiske konsulenter, psykologer og skoleledere.

    af Juana Jeppesen
    147,95 kr.

    MIN LOGBOG – HVAD PÅVIRKER MIN PULS? er skrevet af psykolog og forfatter Juana Jeppesen. Logbogen kan bruges som et supplement til bogen “Sådan møder du dit barn med autisme – en håndbog til forældre.“Bogen, der inviterer til sjov træning og ny viden om din krop og din puls.Sådan møder du dit barn med autisme – er for alle!Selvom bogen primært er skrevet til forældre, så vil pårørende og fagpersoner også kunne finde inspiration og nyttig viden, som de kan omsætte i deres eget arbejde. Det kan være fagpersoner, som arbejder med børn på spektret, og fagpersoner som arbejder med at vejlede og støtte forældre.Dag- & Logbog:Se også den tilhørende Dagbog.

  • af Jac Andrews
    1.187,95 kr.

    Clinical Reasoning and Decision-Making Process: Child and Adolescent Assessment and Intervention presents an in-depth analysis by experienced psychologists on how to engage in clinical reasoning and decision making from assessment to intervention with children and youth. This book emphasizes the importance of using and articulating clinical reasoning within a well-defined framework and its goal in guiding diagnostic and treatment decisions. This book encourages critical thinking including reflection, judgment, inference, problem solving, and decisionmaking based on the interaction of efficient and effective clinical judgment and truth-seeking accountability.With a primary goal of providing examples of processes and procedures, this book validates and enriches the importance of clinical reasoning and decision making in psychology.

  • af Joshua R Eyler
    232,95 kr.

    An indictment of the grading system in American schools and colleges-and a blueprint for how we can change it.

  • af Herman Hay Ming Lo
    1.583,95 kr.

    This book examines mindfulness-based programs for children and adolescents with diverse needs as well as their parents and other family members. It addresses how a mindfulness approach has been translated to this specific population. Chapters explore theories and evidence in this growing field of interest, adaptations for children and teens with different diagnoses and their families, mindful parenting in relation to the developmental needs of children, implementation issues in everyday life, and the required competencies of mindfulness instructors. Key areas of coverage include:Application of mindfulness-based programs to address the developmental tasks and diverse needs of children and adolescents encountering challenges in mental health and social care.Mindfulness-based programs for parents and teachers and their impacts on children.Implementation science and ethics of mindfulness training across child developmental stages. Mindfulness for Children, Adolescents, and Families is an essential resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, therapists, and allied practitioners in developmental psychology, school psychology, child and adolescent psychology, social work, public health, pediatrics, complementary and alternative medicine, and all related disciplines.

  • af Pamela A. Fenning
    1.669,95 - 1.679,95 kr.

  • af Luke K Fryer
    1.393,95 kr.

    Student engagement at the programme and university levels are both critical to students' success in higher education. This book establishes a theoretical and empirical framework for assessing these student experiences together. To this end, the book brings together the two major fields of university quality assurance (US [university engagement] and UK [programme experiences]). This edited book then shows how this integrated approach applies to university experiences across Pacific Asia (Hong Kong, Mainland China, Philippines, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan). It demonstrates how the proposed quality assurance framework can be applied as an intra-institutional tool to enhance student experiences. For readers interested in future of Asia Pacific higher education, this book presents a path towards enhanced cross-national communication between Asia Pacific universities.

  • af Lisa Fetman
    1.112,95 kr.

    Transformative Democracy in Educational Leadership and Policy critiques education policies and practices that failed to deliver on their transformative promises, and explores more rigorous, nuanced transformative approaches within the context of the 2020s and beyond.

  • af Gabriela Livas Stein
    1.684,95 - 1.693,95 kr.

  • af Karren Cram
    988,95 kr.

    Join Smicky Micky and Muff the Cat as they continue their adventures and making new friends in the woods they call home. Smicky Micky, Muff, and Cottontail meet a large dog named Duke a Roo. The friends decide to play near the creek when they have a run in with Ratty Racoon and learn about why bullies might act so mean to others.The touching and heartfelt story of this loveable cat and mouse will inspire children to follow their example and embrace differences in their own peers.

  • af Ruth Gordon
    137,95 kr.

    Count Me In is a resource for children, parents, educators, therapists, and psychologists trying to understand the math learning disability called dyscalculia. After years of struggling with math in school, author Ruth Gordon's granddaughter was diagnosed with dyscalculia at age nine. Once her learning disability was identified and diagnosed, she was able to capitalize on her strengths, compensate for her shortcomings, and regain her confidence.Count Me In is visually fun for kids and informative for both children and adults. The book can be used for teaching children how to navigate their learning challenges while overcoming frustrations they may be experiencing in school and at home. Dyscalculia is a relatively new diagnosis that should be understood and addressed as early as possible during a child's educational journey. Ruth Gordon joined forces with Illustrator Barbara Zohlman, and her granddaughter, son and daughter-in-law to write this engaging book.

  • af Hugh Kellam
    1.291,95 kr.

    The book examines the intersections of online learning theories and models in the current research literature for teaching in digital environments in postsecondary education. It describes the connection between eLearning theory and practice to develop a pragmatic and adaptable model for the design, development, and implementation of interactive, personalized, and inclusive online learning experiences. The book discusses a model with three themes ¿ personalization, inclusiveness, engagement (the P-I-E model) ¿ that describe facilitation techniques, instructional design methods and evaluation tools to customize eLearning for higher education students. It offers theoretical underpinnings, implementation tips, a design checklist and evaluation questions for each of the model¿s sections. In addition, the book presents an implementation plan for the elements of the model based on principles of change management and program planning. The volume can be used as either a comprehensive systemto design an entire online course or as a reference guide to improve selected components of an existing program.Key areas of coverage include:Review of eLearning theories.Examination of the characteristics of individual learners, professors, and class communities in online environments.Recommendations for instructional design, assessment, and evaluation for online students.Best practices for learner engagement including scheduling, communication, and user interface design.Program implementation strategies and evaluation questions for all sections of the P-I-E model.Personalized and Inclusive Engagement for the Design, Delivery, and Evaluation of University eLearning is an essential resource for instructional designers, college instructors, and university professors to create, implement, evaluate, and improve personalized and inclusive learning for postsecondary students.

  • af Lata Pustika
    307,95 kr.

    Ever puzzled by how a babbling infant blossoms into a curious child, then a complex adult? The veil lifts with "Understanding the Developing Mind," your accessible guide to the fascinating science of developmental psychology. This book isn't just for academics; it's for anyone captivated by the human journey, from those cooing in cribs to navigating the labyrinth of adulthood. Within these pages, you'll embark on a captivating exploration of how we grow, not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, and socially. Witness the magic of babies acquiring language, building relationships, and forming their sense of self. Unravel the intricate dance between nature and nurture, discovering how genes and experiences weave the tapestry of who we become. Dive into the playground of cognitive development, where children master the art of thinking, problem-solving, and imagining worlds unseen. Witness the blossoming of empathy and self-awareness, the foundation for healthy relationships and emotional intelligence. Learn how adversity shapes resilience, and how cultural influences leave their unique imprint on every mind. This book isn't just about theory; it's a toolbox for everyday life. You'll gain practical insights into fostering healthy development in children, supporting loved ones through life's transitions, and understanding your own journey. Whether you're a parent, educator, caregiver, or simply curious about the human experience, "Understanding the Developing Mind" is your key to unlocking the mystery within.

  • af Jessica Broitman
    1.197,95 kr.

    This book addresses the need to view specific learning disorders (SLDs) within a mental health framework, as supported by their placement alongside autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). It describes how policy and practice point to a different perspective ¿ specifically that SLDs are often treated as educational rather than psychological problems ¿ and examines the implications of this dichotomy. The book reviews empirical research that suggests children need access to treatment for clinical components of SLDs that may respond to psychological intervention separately from, and in addition to, educational interventions. It provides a theoretical framework for organizing research findings and clinical perspectives that support understanding the clinical components of SLDs and addresses the need for a mental health framework within which to approach theory, treatment, and assessment of SLDs.Key areas of coverage include:Examining different theoretical orientations to learning disorders (e.g., cognitive, behavioral, neuropsychoeducational, psychoanalytic).Adapting evidence-based therapeutic techniques for use with children and adolescents who have learning disorders.The need for accurate and well characterized assessment of SLDs.How incorporating a cognitive neuroscience perspective into assessment can move LD treatment and research forward.Learning Disorders Across the Lifespan is an essential reference for clinicians, therapists, and other professionals as well as researchers, professors, and graduate students in school and clinical child psychology, special education, speech-language therapy, developmental psychology, pediatrics, social work as well as all interrelated disciplines.

  • af Stacy C. Johnson
    471,95 kr.

    The term agape has become something of a mainstream concept, as it has graced Americäs television screens through commercial media. This book investigates agape and presents a timely, novel argument regarding current strains on U.S. education and student learning outcomes. It interrogates the impact of a loveless, meritocratic and exclusively Eurocentric learning environment on student engagement and motivation, reimagining a more effective outcome when unconditional love guides both curriculum and pedagogy. Through an interdisciplinary lens of western and non-western scholarship and storytelling, the author shares her journey along a 30 year practice of a curriculum of agape¿a hidden and explicit curriculum of a selfless and radical love, ever pursuant of the unfinished quest for social justice in the learning space. A Curriculum of Agape¿Reimagining Love in the Classroom is a theoretical and practical guide for prioritizing and actualizing unconditional love in the classroom as a relevant and necessary approach to maximizing student learning outcomes."A Curriculum of Agape is a self-help book, love story, and practical guide for anyone who is interested in becoming a teacher or for those looking to rekindle their relationship with the profession. Through vulnerability and honesty, Dr. Johnson connects to her reader and shares her experiences as a veteran teacher, examining how attitudes, institutions, and structures have infl uenced the teaching profession. Dr. Johnson reminds us that teaching and learning is an emotional and professional calling, where a curriculum centered on love will help us achieve more equity and belonging in our classrooms and communities."¿Dr. Breanne Hicks Cultivator for Interdisciplinary Studies and English Teacher, Saint Mary¿s Hall, San Antonio, TX"This book should be in the hands of every teacher and educational leader in the field. Dr. Johnson layers the complexity of equity, inclusion, and restorative justice practices, with the development of student identity in a way that is accessible to educators."¿Dr. Paula Johnson Chief Equity and Diversity Officer Judson Independent School District, San Antonio, TX

  • af Russell N. Carney
    637,95 - 1.137,95 kr.

  • - Professionelt samarbejde og lærende fællesskaber
    af Micki Sonne Kaa Sunesen
    247,95 - 287,94 kr.

    Bedre inklusion, skoleudvikling og samarbejde på tværs.Co-teaching er en tilgang til at arbejde med inklusion i skolen, hvor de professionelle arbejder tæt sammen om alle undervisningens led. Co-teaching er samtidig en vej til skolens samlede udvikling – med afsæt i de professionelles egen læring og samarbejde.CO-TEACHING OG SKOLEUDVIKLING giver praktiske råd og konkret vejledning i, hvordan man integrerer co-teaching i skolens liv. Hvor starter man? Hvordan indtænker og vedligeholder man co-teaching som en integreret måde at arbejde med skolens udvikling på?Bogen giver eksempler fra forskningen og praksis på, hvordan lærere, ledere m.fl. kan bruge co-teaching til alles fordel. Det handler om at udvikle og skabe inkluderende undervisning, faglige kompetencer, dialogisk læring og en demokratisk samarbejdskultur.Bogen henvender sig til alle, der arbejder med pædagogisk udvikling og praksis i grundskolen: ledere, lærere, pædagoger, pædagogiske konsulenter og psykologer. Den er også til undervisere og studerende på læreruddannelsen og videregående uddannelser.

  • af Maximiliano E. Korstanje
    1.129,95 - 1.570,95 kr.

  • af Cynthia Whissell
    1.196,95 - 1.687,95 kr.

  • af Thomas W. Miller
    1.044,95 - 1.438,95 kr.

  • af Carol Thompson
    1.037,95 kr.

    This book seeks to extend perspectives on professional identity in education. Chapters consider the notion of expertise, the impact of managerial approaches, the importance of communities of practice, and the effects of increasingly marketised approaches.By using narratives, the book opens up a ¿conversation¿ about this important topic. Educators and leaders from a variety of settings will explore their professional experiences and the impact these have had on forming values in the professional role. By drawing on personal experience, individual authors will consider some of the challenges they have encountered as part of identity formation. The significance of organisational cultures is discussed throughout the book and explores the ways in which individual autonomy is both threatened and claimed. Issues discussed include the frequent changes imposed through government initiatives and the social perception of education professionals when compared to other professional roles. Contributions have been drawn from teachers and leaders in schools, colleges, universities and specialist training. Chapter authors have a variety of experiences offering a multi-perspective approach. This will include strategic leadership, operational management and classroom practice, all of which offer insights of interest to educators at various points on the professional journey. The narrative approach adopted by authors provides the opportunity for readers to engage with others¿ experiences, enabling personal reflection on their own professional identity.

  • af Susan Midlarsky
    386,95 - 847,95 kr.

  • af Iamonewaydre
    167,95 kr.

    Look at Me is focused on children finding out what they have to offer in life while no one looks to notice their potential. Children with potential that go unnoticed usually give up on dreams nobody ever saw or were too careless to see. Let's notice our children's path and support them so they can start to build and finish the accomplishments they can show to the world.

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