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  • af Ole Henrik Hansen
    337,95 kr.

    Børnelivet i velfærdsstatens hænder – en kritik af samtidens opvækstvilkår for vores yngste børn er en forskningsbaseret debatbog. Bogen beskriver det lille barns udvikling og behov for nærværende og opmærksomme voksne – og den afgørende betydning, det har for barnets udvikling af social kognition, sprog, empati, selvværd og meget andet på både langt og kort sigt. Men ser man på kvaliteten i de danske dagtilbud, er de for en dels vedkommende ikke på et tilstrækkeligt niveau til at kunne dække børnenes behov. En gruppe forældre ønsker derfor at have denne opgave selv. De tager konsekvensen og vælger at passe deres barn derhjemme. For hjemmepasning giver forældrene muligheden for selv at være den konstante, nærværende, opmærksomme voksne i barnets liv, der kan skabe vedvarende tætte og trygge relationer til barnet. Dermed generobrer forældrene muligheden for at give deres barn det, som deres forældreinstinkter byder dem. En sådan beslutning har dog konsekvenser for karriere og økonomi, og den fordrer politisk opbakning og handlekraft. Bogen giver en stemme til de hjemmepassende forældre. Og med udgangspunkt heri, forskningen om små børns udvikling og kvaliteten i danske dagtilbud præsenteres nogle konkrete forslag til, hvordan vi kan ændre vilkårene for de yngste børn og deres familier. Ole Henrik Hansen er praktikeren, der blev professor i småbørnspædagogik. Han forsker blandt andet i pædagogiske betingelser for de afgørende relationer mellem voksne og børn og mellem børnene i dagtilbud.

  • af Voltaire Lumiere
    332,95 kr.

    Microsoft OneDrive For Beginners: The Complete Step-By-Step User Guide To Mastering Microsoft OneDrive For File Storage, Sharing & Syncing, Data Archival And File Management (Computer/Tech) Cloud storage is offered by Microsoft OneDrive. You may collaborate on documents, share files, and sync files to your PC using OneDrive. OneDrive can be purchased alone or as a part of the Microsoft 365, Office 365, and SharePoint services. Your private space on OneDrive is where you may arrange your files and folders. OneDrive is private, as opposed to SharePoint, which functions more as a collaborative site for collaboration. With OneDrive, you can save your files conveniently and securely and access them from any device. It also gives you the opportunity to collaborate with others on the same file, whether or not they are part of the same organization. All you have to do is provide permission to the other party, and then you may all work at the same time on the same file. There is currently nothing that can compete with Microsoft OneDrive as one of the greatest and most trustworthy storage options. The majority of OneDrive's sophisticated capabilities are accessible to all license types, unlike the majority of other cloud storage providers. Your subscription type has no bearing on how you use OneDrive. Smaller businesses can use standard features right out of the box and customize advanced features to suit their specific needs thanks to the variety of subscription plans available. In general, having this capability on your computer is a really helpful and vital workplace tool.You will learn everything there is to know about OneDrive in this guidebook. The following is a summary of what you will learn from reading this book:- How to use all of your devices to access your data.- How to distribute information both inside and outside of your company.- How to collaborate with other Microsoft products using OneDrive.- Apps for Office 365.- How to offer every file the highest level of protection.- Teamwork that is done in real time.- Synchronizing files and discussions.- Restoring Files.- Recycling bin.- OneDrive for work.- Both in transit and at rest, data encryption.- Keys for encryption that the user controls.- SharePoint Server integration hybrid.- Make a document.- Upload data.- Exchange files.- Add files and directories.- Create an account on Microsoft OneDrive.- Backup.- Etc.You may quickly master the use and modification of Microsoft OneDrive by reading this handbook carefully and repeatedly practicing the step-by-step instructions outlined in it. Don't give up if you don't understand something the first time; just go back and reread it again while paying attention to the examples, and you will quickly master it.

  • af Holt C John
    336,95 kr.

    After working to change schools from within-testifying before Congress and addressing audiences around the world about how to make schools better places for children-John Holt founded Growing Without Schooling (GWS) magazine. GWS was published from 1977 to 2001 and is the first magazine devoted to homeschooling and self-directed education. Each issue is a lively exchange among readers and Holt, packed with useful advice, resource recommendations, and all sorts of legal, pedagogical, and parenting ideas from people who pioneered what we now call homeschooling.Volume 3 covers a period when homeschooling was getting more local, national, and international media attention and the growth of the movement comes alive in these pages. Holt's long essay in GWS 32, "Our Legal Situation," addresses this growth and offers surprising advice to those who want to overturn compulsory school laws-don't do it. Parents correspond about letting their homeschooled children try school, other parents write in about a museum run by kids, self-taught musicians, and famous unschoolers, to name a few of the many evergreen topics printed in GWS.John Holt (1923-1985) is the author of How Children Learn and How Children Fail (which have been in print for over 50 years, and together have sold over a million and a half copies) and eight other books about children and learning. His work has been translated into more than 40 languages. Once a leading figure in school reform, John Holt became increasingly interested in how children learn outside of school. The magazine he founded, Growing Without Schooling, reflects his education philosophy, which he called unschooling.

  • af Julie Bogart
    178,95 kr.

    A guide for parents to help children of all ages process the onslaught of unfiltered information in the digital age.Education is not solely about acquiring information and skills across subject areas, but also about understanding how and why we believe what we do. At a time when online media has created a virtual firehose of information and opinions, parents and teachers worry how students will interpret what they read and see. Amid the noise, it has become increasingly important to examine different perspectives with both curiosity and discernment. But how do parents teach these skills to their children? Drawing on more than twenty years’ experience homeschooling and developing curricula, Julie Bogart offers practical tools to help children at every stage of development to grow in their ability to explore the world around them, examine how their loyalties and biases affect their beliefs, and generate fresh insight rather than simply recycling what they’ve been taught. Full of accessible stories and activities for children of all ages, Raising Critical Thinkers helps parents to nurture passionate learners with thoughtful minds and empathetic hearts.

  • af Paul Flint
    272,95 kr.

    How would it be if you got to the exam room totally confident that you would do well no matter what questions were asked? This book provides exam techniques, exam preparation, revision skills and learning methods to smash your exams - guaranteed. Exams are stressful. You spend years at school, studying all sorts of subjects, so that you can go to college and university or get the job, apprenticeship, or career you want. There's the anxiety of the revision and study, the exams themselves, worrying about whether you'll get the right results, and pressure from yourself, parents, friends, teachers. Sometimes you are told not to worry if you don't get the grades you want - more stress! After all those years of studying, it's no wonder you feel stress, because when it comes down to it, everything hinges upon the results of the exams you take. Yet nobody has shown you how to get the best marks. Until now... My aim with this book is to bridge the gap between your dream results and your current reality and make exams exciting ¿ rather than a fearful monster. My vision is to help thousands of students achieve their targets, including you, by learning some simple skills which help you to change what you are doing and get your desired outcome. Some of the skills in here are so simple you won't believe they will work until you put them into practice. These skills are very rarely taught in school because most teachers have never been taught them in teacher training college and they don't have the time. If you learn them and practise them, you can have any result you want. I guarantee it. The book is split into 3 parts: Part 1 - Exam preparation, exam techniques and exam skills where you will have learned to:¿ Read the whole paper first¿ Do the easy questions first¿ Read the full question (RTFQ)¿ Read the full answer (RTFA)¿ Save time on every question¿ Understand the questions¿ Work to the marks required¿ Do as you were asked! The reward will be that you smash your grades. Just this section alone will have you getting higher grades and feeling more confident about exams. Part 2 - Accelerate your learning where you will have: ¿ Extended your attention span¿ Repeated spoken words to yourself ¿ Recorded yourself asking and answering questions ¿ Listened to lyric-free music ¿ Learnt to speed-read ¿ Learnt how to take great notes ¿ Learnt how to learn lists and to use pictures and stories for memory. Part 3 - Revision Skills where you will have learned: ¿ Efficient revision skills ¿ To start your revision by highlighting the specification in red, amber or green ¿ To use exam questions to learn the answers ¿ To work in 6-second bites ¿ To use 6-second brainstorming ¿ To ask yourself questions out loud and record the answers ¿ To reduce the fluff to keywords ¿ To link subjects, topics and keywords to your pictures and stories ¿ How to create a plan ¿ How to train for the exams and learn the answer This is the only study guide to give you a money back guarantee that by following the all the actions your grades will go up. If you want a different result you need to make a change - So click the button and buy it now!!

    137,95 kr.

    Are you looking to foster your child's creativity and unlock their imagination? How to Cultivate Creativity in your Children provides a comprehensive guide to help parents inspire and support their children's creative development. This book is packed with practical strategies, engaging activities, and expert advice to help you create an environment that nurtures your child's natural creativity and encourages their unique artistic expression.In this book, you'll discover:The importance of creativity: Understand why cultivating creativity is crucial for your child's overall development, including enhanced problem-solving skills, self-expression, and critical thinking abilities.Creating a creative-friendly environment: Learn how to set up a home environment that sparks your child's imagination, from designing a dedicated creative space to organizing art supplies and materials.Encouraging creative play: Discover the power of open-ended play and how to provide opportunities for your child to explore, experiment, and engage in imaginative play that stimulates their creativity.Inspiring curiosity and exploration: Uncover strategies to ignite your child's curiosity and encourage them to explore a wide range of interests, from nature and science to literature and the arts.Nurturing a growth mindset: Foster a growth mindset in your child, teaching them to embrace challenges, persevere through setbacks, and develop a positive attitude towards their creative endeavors.Supporting creative expression: Find ways to support your child's creative expression, whether through drawing, painting, writing, music, or other artistic mediums, and learn how to provide constructive feedback and encouragement.Integrating creativity into everyday life: Discover how to infuse creativity into everyday routines and activities, from mealtime and storytelling to problem-solving and family outings.Overcoming creative blocks: Learn strategies to help your child overcome creative blocks and navigate challenges they may encounter along their creative journey.How to Cultivate Creativity in Children is a valuable resource for parents seeking practical guidance on how to foster their child's creativity and provide them with the tools and support they need to thrive artistically. With this book, you'll unlock the door to your child's creative potential and witness the joy and fulfillment that comes from nurturing their imagination. Start cultivating creativity in your child's life today!

  • af Marya P Sherron
    112,95 kr.

    The "Reading Log & Book Journal" was designed as a tool for homeschool parents and teachers to guide students as they read various works. This tool will help readers organize and collect their thoughts as they read. Guided sections include summaries, reflection pages, an elements of story identification page for each book, and fun doodle pages. The "Reading Log & Book Journal" was thoughtfully designed by a former English Language Arts teacher & Homeschooler. a wonderful tool for teachers, parents, or gift for the avid reader in your life.

  • af Hezron A.
    137,95 kr.

    NOT EVERYONE IS YOUR FRIEND along with many other teachable moments to be learned from Bizz and Buzz. Two fun loving flies who are always in search of excitement, sometimes find themselves in sticky situations.

  • af Craig Harrison
    227,95 kr.

    The number of homeschooling households has exploded in recent years as parents have increasingly recognized their children's education is too important to outsource. Contrary to what you've heard, it doesn't take a village to raise tomorrow's leaders-it takes a proactive, involved, and steadfast family. Children flourish best within the structure of the family, which is why families have long been recognized as the building blocks of strong societies and why tyrants throughout history have sought to destroy the family unit. Although parents have commonly allowed the government to educate their children without a second thought, more now question this default position. And with the resources and support networks available today, the barriers to educating your own children have never been lower. In contrast to the ancient Greeks who took children out of the home to teach them in the academy, Hebrew culture viewed education as the responsibility of parents. Parents were tasked with instilling values and passing on an ethical worldview to their children, allowing them to gain wisdom, not just knowledge; to learn to do what is right, not merely what's expedient; to judge truth rather than simply obey authority. This book is about what the author has learned on his journey in home education. It offers his perspective as an engineer and a father and contains a special message for fathers who, like him, have embraced the calling of becoming the full-time educators of their children. It shows any parent, dad or mom, how to provide their children with an exceptional education. Whatever your situation may be, whether you're a mom or dad, whether the primary teacher or a supportive spouse, the approach to education and lessons shared in this book will help you establish your priorities, avoid pitfalls, think through challenges, solve problems, and create a unique home education program in which your child will flourish!

  • af Andrew Toros
    152,95 kr.

    Get the most out of your tween years with this comprehensive guide written just for girls dealing with the challenges of youth. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to grow as a person. It is full of useful tips on how to boost your self-esteem, handle your feelings, and communicate clearly. Learn useful things like how to cook healthy food, handle your money, and take care of yourself. Each chapter gives you life skills, from how to handle your time to how to use technology, so you're ready for the challenges and chances that lie ahead. Take this trip that will change you and help you become the best version of yourself, one page at a time.

  • af Molefi Kete Asante
    312,95 kr.

    Since its first release in 2017, Revolutionary Pedagogy: A Primer for Teachers of Black Children has captivated educators and professionals in the field of education with overwhelming praise, offering both theoretical insights and practical guidance on pedagogy. While its focus is on empowering students of African descent, the principles presented in this book transcend ethnic boundaries and are designed to equip teachers with the tools to create revolutionary pedagogy to all learners. In the Second Edition, Asante:¿ Challenges the existing education system and promotes a commitment to excellence for all students. ¿ Corrects distorted information, and helps educators recognize dysconscious racism. ¿ Provides guidance for educators in urban environments, addressing unique challenges and unlocking the potential of every student. ¿ Explores the pressing issue of urban violence and calls for an educational revolution rooted in cultural identity and personal growth.¿ Shares personal experiences, lesson plans, and ideas to underscore the transformative power of culturally enriched education. ¿ Re-centers dislocated African American students and expand the knowledge of all other students in the classroom. ¿ Inspires educators and educational professionals to reshape education and create a brighter future for all learners.Whether you're an educator seeking innovative approaches to teaching or an educational professional dedicated to promoting inclusivity and empowerment, Revolutionary Pedagogy is an essential resource.

  • af Charlotte M Mason
    297,95 kr.

    Learn From Charlotte Mason's Essential Guide for Homeschooling ChildrenWhen pioneering British educator Charlotte M. Mason (1842-1923) wrote Home Education: Training and Educating Children Under Nine in 1886, the need for such a practical guide for families was paramount. At the time, such holistic homeschooling methods were largely undocumented and parents benefited greatly from the sharing of Mason's knowledge. The book is just as relevant and popular today, as parents and teachers alike continue to employ the Charlotte Mason (CM) method of home schooling for their own children.As one of the earliest leading advocates of parents educating their children at home, Mason was well ahead of her time, particularly in emphasizing that children should be allowed to learn at their own pace and that the role of parents should be to offer generous amounts of encouragement and support in addition to lessons. She also believed in using "Living Books" (high-quality narrative literature that brings subjects alive, offering intellectually stimulating ideas as well as facts), the teaching of positive personal habits, exposure to the arts, journaling, and guided exploration of and immersion in nature. Mason's method provides proven strategies for establishing comfortable home environments that are conducive to successful learning. She regarded education at home as "an atmosphere, a discipline, a life." Home Education collects six in-depth and informative lectures on preliminary considerations, outdoor life, establishing habits, morals, lessons, and conscience. Parents will find this classic book an invaluable resource and will reference it for years to come.

  • af Leslie M Martino
    317,95 kr.

    A parent’s guide to cultivating an unhurried lifestyle and education that help their children thriveIn a culture that prizes productivity, efficiency, and success, it’s easy to feel as though we’re constantly falling short and to lose sight of joy. The homeschool community is not exempt from this pressure, but longtime educator Leslie Martino shows parents how to slow down to recapture the delight and depth that are hallmarks of meaningful learning. In The Joy of Slow, she offers practical guidance on:creating daily rhythms that celebrate the ordinary and make space for spontaneitysupporting children as they explore personal interests and engage in self-directed learningtracking students’ progress in ways that might be overlooked by traditional assessmentsprioritizing connection with other people and the natural world    While parents of young children are more likely to embrace a slow childhood that nurtures wonder and imagination, panic often sets in as kids grow older, and parents worry about preparing them for the world beyond school. These fears are exacerbated by learning challenges, unspoken competition among peers, and standardized assessments. The Joy of Slow offers a much-needed reset, inspiring parents to prioritize the needs of each individual child and to help them find renewed freedom and passion.

  • af Lidia Scotto Di Vetta
    441,95 kr.

    This deeply connecting book beckons us to step outside, inviting us to play, interact and forge profound connections with the natural world. It is a call to immerse ourselves in the embrace of nature and open our eyes and hearts to the boundless gifts it has to share. ¿Following the rhythm of the Australian seasons, each month we invite the wonders of nature into our homes and playtime through the following categories:¿Earth Magic - Plant and animal allies that will guide us in our explorationsIn the Kitchen - Nourishing recipes to create with love and mindful presenceFull Moon - Harnessing the energy of lunar cycles through special activities and celebrationsNature Play - Outdoor adventures and crafts that spark imagination and curiosityStories and Mindfulness - Inspiring tales and mindfulness prompts to instil a sense of presence and gratitude¿Growing with Nature is an experiential journey, created to inspire and empower parents and educators to embrace a way of learning that is timeless, that invites mutual exploration and fun, and where the learning appears invisible at times, but occurs none the less.

  • af Kerridwen Mangala McNamara
    192,95 kr.

    We all worry about our kids learning math. Even if the kids are in school, there's always a concern.Sometimes it's about the kid's concern... sometimes it's about their teacher's concern (parent-teacher or otherwise).But a lot of the time it's about US.It's about our own math-phobias - those 'fears, dislikes, or aversions' that we picked up from our own math experiences and that we inadvertently pass on to our kids. We don't want them to be afraid of math - we know that limits their opportunities and makes their lives harder and costs them more money - but we just can't help it.This book is here to help you deal with your own math-phobias and come to - if not outright enjoy math, to at least appreciate it and be able to convey it to your kids without passing on the fear. Kerridwen Mangala McNamara is NOT a 'math-lover' but she is a math-appreciator and has worked through most of these issues herself.Let her help you along your homeschooling journey and show you how to fight the Fear-of-Math monster so that it no longer intimidates you - or your kids!

  • af Karl Hess
    248,95 - 345,95 kr.

  • af Henry Skirbst
    272,95 kr.

    Physical Science (7th edition) is a student workbook for use at the middle school level. It was written by a science teacher, Henry M. Skirbst, with over 30 years of experience. Over the past decade, it has been improved with the input of many students from his classes. During the pandemic, a YouTube channel was created with video lessons and activities that coincide with each topic in the book; QR Codes to these videos are included. Students and teachers will greatly benefit from this resource designed for daily use during an entire school year.

  • af Carol Laughingsong Carr
    212,95 kr.

    Singer/Songwriter/Author Carol "LaughingSong" Carr's newly released book "Poems and Lyrics for My Children: Vol I" is a charming selection of children's verse and contemporary song offering encouragement for upcoming generations in learning key components of Christian faith.A fun and engaging reading experience for parents, home and Sunday school teachers with children ages 3 - 9Equipping Children with Biblical principles of good manners, love and respect for one another, an account of the Good Shepherd who is, was and is to come and his lineage; the simple plan of salvation; how Jesus helps us in our daily living; the wonders of Creation and the surety of God's promises.

  • af Keri Mae Lamar
    192,95 kr.

    WARNING: THIS BOOK WILL EITHER OFFEND YOU OR LIBERATE YOU. Teaching academics to your child is like teaching your baby how to walk. All you need to do is offer encouragement, opportunity, support when needed, and enticing resources (e.g. a push walker). In other words, it's your job to provide those things, but it's their job to learn and walk when they're ready. It begins with believing your child CAN learn and WANTS to learn, and that you (yes, you) can trust yourself to lead the way.This book provides not only compelling reasons to educate your child at home, but offers age range and educational possibilities in many subjects. It is within the reach of most parents and caregivers to cultivate a lifestyle where learning is enjoyable and relaxed for everyone within the home, and where childhood can be savored while attaining academic goals. About the AuthorKeri Mae Lamar was a public school teacher who witnessed and felt the frustration of a system that did not allow (and could not allow) for unique individuals with their own abilities, curiosities, interests, talents, and potentials. She threw out her training to educate her own children at home within the rhythms and realities of family life.Keri Mae has graduated four of her nine children so far. One is homesteading and raising her own family; one graduated from university Summa cum laude and is currently pursuing a doctorate in chiropractic; another is an avid hiker, adventurer, and sword fighter whose interest lies in Search and Rescue within wooded areas; and the fourth is pursuing music via piano, violin, ukulele and song writing.Still in the trenches, Keri Mae is currently home educating five children ages 6-17, two of whom have Down syndrome.

  • af Charlotte M. Mason
    377,95 kr.

    Learn From Charlotte Mason's Essential Guide for Homeschooling ChildrenWhen pioneering British educator Charlotte M. Mason (1842-1923) wrote Home Education: Training and Educating Children Under Nine in 1886, the need for such a practical guide for families was paramount. At the time, such holistic homeschooling methods were largely undocumented and parents benefited greatly from the sharing of Mason's knowledge. The book is just as relevant and popular today, as parents and teachers alike continue to employ the Charlotte Mason (CM) method of home schooling for their own children.As one of the earliest leading advocates of parents educating their children at home, Mason was well ahead of her time. She emphasized that children should be allowed to learn at their own pace and that the role of parents should be to offer generous amounts of encouragement and support in addition to lessons. She also believed in using "Living Books" (high-quality narrative literature that brings subjects alive, offering intellectually stimulating ideas as well as facts); the teaching of positive personal habits; exposure to the arts; journaling; and guided discovery, including significant exploration of and immersion in nature. Based on a fundamental understanding of young children and their needs, Mason's method provides proven strategies for establishing comfortable home environments that are conducive to successful learning. She regarded education at home as "an atmosphere, a discipline, a life." Though the CM method of teaching is fundamentally based in Christianity, it can be readily adapted to other religious and secular environments.Home Education collects six in-depth and informative lectures on preliminary considerations, outdoor life, establishing habits, morals, lessons, and conscience. Parents will find this classic book an invaluable resource and will reference it for years to come. It is a must-have addition to the library of any contemporary homeschooling family.

  • af Jorge Marin
    222,95 kr.

    Discover a wealth of insights, strategies, and practical tips to create a personalized and engaging learning experience for your child. From understanding legal requirements to tailoring education for special needs and gifted students, this guide covers it all.Embrace the flexibility and creativity of homeschooling while accessing a vast array of resources and support networks. Whether you're a seasoned homeschooler or just starting, this guide is your trusted resource for a successful and fulfilling homeschooling experience. In the chapters you will learn:How to prepare yourself and your children for homeschooling.Which style of homeschooling is right for you?How to create you homeschool space.How to homeschool your preschooler.How to homeschool you elementary student.How to homeschool your junior high and high-schooler.How to plan field trips and other ways to enhance social interactions.It is designed to guide beginner - homeschoolers into professional learning. Various pleasant activities are mentioned so as to make homeschooling more attractive,useful and proves fruitful. But many homeschool parents struggle with feelings of burnout and frustration. If you have ever felt this way, you're not alone! As this guide is for homeschooled students as well as parents.

  • af Rosie Boom
    247,95 kr.

    Heart to Heart with Rosie Boom is a heart-warming and inspiring resource offering encouragement and Biblical wisdom for homeschooling parents.

  • af Carolee Dean
    247,95 kr.

    The Hank the Tank Activity Book is based on Hank the Tank: Animal in the Spotlight from Level 2 of the HOT ROD Series of Decodable Books. The chapter book is needed for many, but not all, of the activities. The Downloadable PDFs that accompany the Activity Book and online Boom Card games explore over 50 different games and activities supporting reading, writing, and speech-language development. Learn how the activities described below fit into the 24 categories of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy. See the introduction to each section to learn how activities connect to the Science of Reading. Use this resource in person or via tele-education. Developed for teachers, dyslexia interventionists, speech-language pathologists, and parent educators, it promotes collaboration between these groups. DECODING & ARTICULATION: Target Word Flashcards explore ck, sh, th, ch, tch, ng, nk, th, wh, and qu. PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS: Work on sound and syllable deletion. Change one sound at a time to create new words. Develop awareness of rhyme, alliteration, rhythm, and stress. COGNITIVE FLEXIBILITY: Sort words by phonological and semantic features. MORPHOLOGY: Explore Suffix ING, Prefix RE, Root TRACT, and bear etymology. VOCABULARY: 15 different activities explore words before, during, and after reading and include strategies for using context clues. Reread the story using the Scavenger Hunts to solve word puzzles. SENTENCE AWARENESS & CONSTRUCTION: Explore helping verbs and learn how verbs can be used as adjectives. Combine short sentences using coordinating conjunctions. Answer questions to build sentences. Judge if sentences are complete or incomplete. PLOT STRUCTURE: Complete a Story Frames storyboard. Use it for story retells and summaries. GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS: Support writing at the sentence, paragraph, and multiple-paragraph level. COMPREHENSION: Use the PAGES Strategy to check for comprehension. Distinguish between the Main Idea and supporting details. Practice answering questions about the book using the RACE format. PARAGRAPH & ESSAY WRITING: Brainstorm paragraphs. Then construct a compare & contrast essay. CREATE: Have fun with creative writing prompts.

  • af Pam Barnhill
    317,95 kr.

    Is there a way to make homeschooling more joyful?Homeschooling is hard. Laundry piles high on the couch, the toddler empties the bookshelves onto the dining room floor, and in the midst of it all, your thirteen-year-old bursts into tears over the writing assignment yet again. You ask yourself, Is this even worth it?Oh mama, it is.Gather: Exploring the Wonder, Wisdom, & Worship of Learning at Home takes you inside the world of nine homeschooling families through the stunning photography of Heather Tully. You will see for yourself that learning by gathering together is the key to efficient homeschooling. Families build relationships, share discoveries, experience joy and wonder, and model lifelong learning.Authors Pam Barnhill of Your Morning Basket and Heather Tully share their own stories along with inspiration, encouragement, and pages of practical advice to help you make whole-family learning viable in your own homeschool.You kept them home so you could enjoy their childhood. Don't miss the chance to share in their education every day.Let's gather.

  • af Carol Laughingsong Carr
    282,95 kr.

    Singer/Songwriter/Author Carol "LaughingSong" Carr's newly released book "Poems and Lyrics for My Children: Vol I" is a charming collection of children's verse and contemporary music written from a Christian perspective; encouragement for upcoming generations to learn key components of Christian faith.A fun and engaging reading experience designed especially for Parents, Grandparents, Home School Co-ops and Sunday school teachers with Children ages 3-9.Equipping Children with Biblical principles of good manners, love and respect for one another, an account of the Good Shepherd who is, was and is to come and his lineage; the simple plan of salvation; how Jesus helps us in our daily living; the wonders of Creation and the surety of God's promises.Companion Music to Poems & Lyrics for My Children:Carol's book is beautifully accentuated by her music album* "Songs to Poems & Lyrics for My Children Vol I"From rollicking reels to bittersweet airs, this companion album to Carol's book is a MUST HAVE interactive experience for lesson-starters, activities & singalongs for parents & children ages 3 -9.The Album* (available on all digital download services worldwide, including your favorite streaming services: iTunes, Spotify, Amazon):4 spoken-word poems by the author10 songs written and performed by the author, (with a little help from her friends).*Recorded & Produced by Darren Skanson at CCM studios, Denver Colorado.Book PLUS music album BUNDLE offered Exclusively on Our Father's House marketplace:Bundle include Carol's book "Poems & Lyrics for My Children Vol I" (Hardback, Paperback or Ebook) + Carol's album "Songs to Poems & Lyrics for My Children Vol I - includes:All 10 original songs by Carol+ 10 Complementary Karaoke instrumentals+ 4 Spoken word poems by the author+ Bonus - Fun & Original Promotional videosPublished by Our Father's House Publishing, Carol "LaughingSong" Carr's new book and music album will encourage upcoming generations in learning key components of faith through vibrant songs and charming poems.

  • af Charlotte Maria Mason
    312,95 - 417,95 kr.

  • af Karen Loutzenhiser
    732,95 kr.

    Middle Ages Arts is an arts program that teaches students the history of art, while students are doing creative art projects. This course covers medieval through Renaissance painting, sculpture, music, stories, and architecture in Europe; Islamic art through the Colonial era; painting and architecture in China and Japan, dance and visual arts of the Pacific Islands; and carvings, paintings, and other visual arts of the American civilizations including the North American tribes, Olmec, Maya, and others. You will learn about paintings, sculptures, theater, architecture, folk arts, and music during this course. This is not a text book; it is a resource book for adult mentors to use with students ages 6 to 18 years.A Pick-and-Choose CurriculumA mentor uses Middle Ages Arts to customize learning to the students. The mentor chooses from among the library book recommendations, video recommendations, and activity ideas presented in the book. Mentors and students learn together as they read, watch, craft, play, and create. To complete the activities, you will need craft supplies, art supplies such as paints, and some household items. This course was designed for multiple ages or abilities of students to learn together in a homeschool or classroom.Nine Month-Long UnitsArt Beginnings includes nine units, one for each month of your school year.Early Medieval ArtIslamic ArtEast Asian ArtsArt of the IslandsLate Medieval ArtMedieval StoriesArt of the AmericasEarly RenaissanceHigh RenaissanceReusableEach unit intentionally contains more information and activities than you will be able to complete. The mentor chooses among the options to design a course just for his or her students. Then, in four years, once the entire Layers of Learning cycle has been completed, you all return to the book and do new activities at a higher level of learning. This course was designed for multiple ages or abilities of students to learn together in a homeschool or classroom and contains activities that will appeal to little ones and to high schoolers, often at the same time.Digital Printable PackA Printable Pack of worksheets, paper crafts, foldables, maps, and activities is included with this book. To retrieve the free Printable Pack, visit the product page at, put the Printable Pack into your cart, and enter the coupon code found inside this book at checkout.

  • af Elizabeth Palmer Peabody
    177,95 kr.

  • af William Jerome Harrison
    337,95 kr.

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